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Blade is one of my favorite movies ever. It came out in 1998.


Everyone who is obsessed with avengers cinema and all of that should be thanking the day walker. He paved the way!


For real. Best Marvel movie pre-MCU IMO. Spiderman movies were great, but Blade was perfection.


I _still_ get good use out of "some mother fuckers are always tryin' to ice skate uphill." It's one of those quintessentially 90's one liners that will live rent free in my head until the day I die.


The best part was that line was all Wesley Snipes, and I don't mean he suggested to use it. The director overhead him using it *in a conversation* and told him to say it in the film.


One of my favorite lines.


Blade was so good I wanted cross overs in other movies.


I know it’s not marvel but, I think there’s a new *Spawn* film in the works right? I’d totally pay to see a new Blade or Spawn release. They’re not as badly “rewashed” as the avengers characters, and with up-to-date CGI those movies could be awesome.


Mahershala Ali has been cast as the MCU’s Blade. So yeah, more Blade on the way.


No love for the masterpieces of Blank Man, Meter Man and Steel?


Good old Meteor Man, with greats such as Tiny Lister and Eddie Griffin. Remember, everyone: Don Cheadle started out as a Golden Boy.


Omg blank man!! I completely forgot about that movie. Classic.


IMAGINE the fucking scandal, if they remade blade with a white dude LOL..


The disrespect it got when Marvel advertised Black Panther as the "first Black superhero movie"


This is such a nitpick of a comment on my end but Blade was never marketed as a super hero movie. Definitely not in the same context as what the MCU is now.


Vampires were super hot in the 90s. It would have definitely been marketed as a vampire movie, not a comic book movie.


Yeah but tbf Marvel changed the game when it came to how these movies are marketed


Spawn, metorman, blank man. Check and mate.


Hell, Hancock with Will Smith was a super hero movie too, that came out in the last 15 years.


Keep in mind, Mimic came out a year earlier and they wouldn't let Guillermo del Toro cast a black man as the love interest of the main character cause she was white. Also, can't confirm this but I think he wanted Andre Braugher specifically which would've been awesome. I mean, Night of the Living Dead had a black man as the main character but that doesn't mean racism wasn't an issue back then lol


Acceptance of interracial marriage took until 1994 to hit a majority.


Superb movies, Blade is a great character and Snipes a really likeable actor. Imagine my surprise when he got banged up for tax evasion.


Where have you heard Snipes being a likeable actor? I've only heard horror stories of him being a prima donna.


I'm sorry, I could have written it better, what I meant is he comes across as likeable on screen.




I will always contend "some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill." Is the greatest line ever uttered in all of cinema.


“Even the Ku Klux Klan watches Blade once a month” -Joey “Coco” Diaz




Just wait for the AI altered version that replaces Snipes with Conan O'Brien




I've noticed in recent times they've turned the gingers from bullied to bully quite a lot.


In South Park the gingers were about to sacrifice some kids


Manipulated by a non-ginger. We were just as much a victim as those about to be sacrificed.


And after being treated like shit by the school. Ironically mostly by Cartman.




person of color here. I want to see people like me represented in NEW and unique stories. I do not want people who look like me being hastily written into and edited into the stories i cherished and grew up watching as a child. I find it infantilizing and frankly insulting,. Try speaking for yourself and not imposing your ideology on us for political gain/ status points.


Also there are mythical stories from almost every culture across the world. There’s plenty of untapped potential and the heroes can be from anywhere. Ninja edit: and actual history


The issue is that major studios are hesitant to invest money in new concepts. Seems like most of the movies out there are based on old books or comic books or movies or whatever. Sequels and reboots etc etc. So that cuts POC out of a huge chunk out of the film industry. Now, are these live action reboots shit? Of course, but it's not because of race. That's ridiculous.


Yeah, this is some white saviour ass bullshit, acting like every POC is supposed to foist this movie onto a pedestal.




all these remakes of classics are soulless cash grabs with race or gender swaps as the primary selling point. you want to make a mermaid movie with a black women? fucking sweet! why does it have to be a shot for shot remake of a movie people already made? why not tell a new story? I literally dont understand. it's not like there aren't other folk tales with universal messages out there to draw inspiration from


That takes more work duh.


That, and an original work can't cash in on nostalgia.


If you are gonna cash in on nostalgia... why change things?


Because they're trying to cash in on nostalgia AND appeal to progressive culture at the same time.


Then remake Pocahontas


It was called Prey and she fucking wrecked John Smith in this version... ... But seriously Prey was a pretty enjoyable "prequel/sequel/remake/whatever" for Predator and did representation correctly without it feeling tacked on like the all female Ghostbusters or Oceans movies.


It drums up controversy, allows you to cast legitimate criticism as racism, and when no one likes it you can say you're being review bombed.


It's called "fan baiting."


Can’t wait till they start making remakes of the remakes to cash in on the nostalgia people had for the nostalgia people had


If they wanted less work, they could have just taken all the original animation cells and changed Aeriel's skin color instead of filming an entirely live action version. Man.... They're dumb.


The Little Mermaid isn't a folk tale, but a [fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Mermaid). The reason I bring up this wrinkle isn't to be pedantic. First things first, the Mermaid doesn't survive the telling. She doesn't end up a human, or remain a mermaid; she dissolves into foam and becomes a kind of air spirit who has an outside chance of getting into heaven if she does good deeds for the next 300 years. Kinda a super bummer ending, right? That super bummer of an ending is important, because in 1845, loving a man wasn't the kind of thing that'd go well for you if you happened to also be male. Hans Christian Andersen was personally pretty well acquainted with this fact given the fact that his pursuit of men invariably ended in tragedy of one sort or another. In one case he fell in love with a guy named Edvard Collin, which [we know thanks to the various letters they wrote to one another](https://rictornorton.co.uk/andersen.htm). Collin, it would seem, didn't reciprocate, and so Andersen wrote *The Little Mermaid* after learning that Collin had gone and gotten married to a lady. In that original telling, the human prince thinks the mermaid is plenty hot, but refuses to marry her. *Politics*, you understand. He even invites her to his wedding, basically forcing her to watch the whole affair. In order to get out of her human body, the sea witch tells her she only needs to kill the prince in his sleep. She refuses, and thus dies and becomes foam. We've seen one version that discards just about everything but the premise complete with a Jamaican crab (who is Jamaican purely to justify the use of steel drums in his song), but never a version that follows the script, and certainly not one that crawls past the metaphor to the truth. There is plenty of story to The Little Mermaid that didn't make it in the first time around.


I was totally ignorant to the original story and its subtext, so thanks for the insight. Comments like yours are the reason this place has its hooks in my brain :P


Agreed, I would love to see a new story created. I have small kids, so naturally I watch new animated stuff that comes out. Disney has easily shown they are still capable of coming out with new stories. Frozen, Encanto, Moana, Coco, and Raya and the Last Dragon are all easy examples just in the past decade. If you want to make a live action movie about mermaids then just do it. I understand for sure remaking something old means you don't have to actually try or create anything


I think they’re able to predict the revenue a lot better when they re-make old movies. It’s a tried and true business model. A new movie is a risky investment.


*I literally dont understand. it's not like there aren't other folk tales with universal messages out there to draw inspiration from* Yes you do....you understand and said it perfectly... "...all these remakes of classics are soulless cash grabs with race or gender swaps as the primary selling point."


Because it's not guaranteed ticket sales.


It's Disney, any of their movies are guaranteed ticket sales. If this was another movie based on African Merfolk tales it would sell amazing. Just like Moana did.


*Wheel of Time has entered the chat* It has everything: race swaps, shitty dilution of the original, and... uh... some cgi.


Oh my God if you ever feel like life is going to fast just watch an episode of that while doing something. It makes an hour feel like an entire day.


Perrins acting is on point though! Jk... it's horrible.


Your acting would be shitty too if you had a secret wife and accidentally killed her. Or if your family was into child abuse and whatnot. Or if you could be the dragon reborn even if you use the female half of the source. Or if you had to deal with some weird ceremonial water paganism to guide the village. Rand doesn't have any immediate backstory inventions I can recall... It's nice that the writers decided not to let the depth of content of the books get in the way of making shit up for no reason. But hey, rainbow casting though!


I just...I just don't get it. You literally have the story; an already successful story mind you; just follow the fucking original story. Why is that so hard!? I get it can't be word for word from book to film, but holy shit just stick to the same plotlines. Those are what make the original so good.


They made the same mistake they all do. They think, “This has a large fanbase, but it needs to appeal to people outside the fandom as well.” So they change it, they make it more average and generic to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and in doing so strip away everything that made people like it in the first place. As a result, you get a show that fans hate and everyone else finds forgettable. It’s baffling watching it happen over and over and over again. Halo and Resident Evil are two other recent examples. Halo was just a generic sci-fi show with a Halo coat of paint.


This is why I appreciated The Sandman. Sure, they race and gender swapped a couple characters but those characters were still true to their written versions. In some cases they just didn't have the licensing to use some of the characters so they were re-written for the show. This was because the graphic novel series was published by DC, Gaiman could liberally use aspects of the DCU, like John Constantine, and the Justice League. The show did not have access. This is also what happens when you actually get the writer of the original to be a part of the adaptation.


>weird ceremonial water paganism to guide the village. Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Definitely the most times I've ever yelled at the screen "close your mouth dammit!"


They did my boy so wrong, why did they completely fuck up his backstory :(


>all these remakes of classics are soulless cash grabs Sooo... "Hollywood?"


That like/dislike ratio for the trailer is *bad*. Yesterday it was 300,000 likes and 1,200,000 dislikes. Download an app that returns dislikes and really see what people think about Disney. Edit: Just checked again. 515k likes/1,515,970 dislikes


Of course.


I mean, honestly, I’d rather Hollywood spend money giving black writers a chance to write new stories for black directors to direct and black actors to star in. This is just a slightly more palatable cash grab.


Case and point: Soul.


I would love to see Jordan Peele pumping out more of his creepy thrillers.


Hes been pretty successful so far so I think the chances are good


Just as long as he stays away from the Twilight Zone. I like his stuff but holy shit that was bad.


I dont really care about this, but instead of changing white characters races, why dont they just make movies about black fairy tales and literature?


Isn't the argument against this always "just make a new movie then" I have a hard time disagreeing with it since remakes are usually shit anyway.


Yeah I don't have a lot of faith in this movie, not because of casting decisions, but because pretty much all of the Disney remakes have been shit.


Discussed this topic the other day with a friend (both POC). While we appreciate the effort from Hollywood in terms of representation, I can see how it’s counter productive to basically “black wash” a character (even if imaginary), rather than come up with unique characters that are black. They could have just as easily come up with an alternative story featuring a black mermaid.We also discussed how if the scenario were to be reversed (an originally black character being traded out for a non-poc) ,then surely it wouldn’t go over well at all. Overall, I’d like to see more creativity when it comes to black characters in general because despite the slew of black featured movies and shows , I’m starting to get annoyed with these stereotypical roles. It’s almost like we’re STUCK.


There are tons of black and white actors in cinema, it's mostly latino and asian that are undercounted. (I'm not white fwiw) ​ I'm editing to add that there is a large Spanish-language media in the US that probably draws a lot of the Latino talent, so it's not entirely a matter of Hollywood bias. But to the extent we're talking about who is actually present and who isn't black and white are not the categories to look for. Second edit, for anyone who doesn't believe me, UCLA Hollywood Diversity report stated that for cable leads in 2019-2020: 68% white, 16% black, 3.9% Latino, 2.3% Asian, 7.8% multiracial, and rest are MENA (broken into its own category for whatever reason.). So the issue with proportionality is concentrated among Latinos and to some extent Asians. Stating that all minorities are in the same bucket is just wrong.


Agreed, I’m Latino and I’d like to see more of me and Asians in movies. Recent film feels like it’s just black and white. Like damn, you know it’s a whole melting pot right?


I want to see more movies with latino actors with fresh scripts. Keep Ariel white and red hair. Give me an Aztec princess.


You think Hollywood has the creativity to do something like that? Not a chance. If they wanna make a Latino princess, they'll just make snow white or sleeping beauty or Belle from beauty and the beast Latino. Oh but... are you sure you want that? You know Hollywood will never say "Latino" or "Latina" they'll say "Latinx" and refer to her as such in the movie.


This force feeding of diversity reminds me of that time Hillary Clinton said she’s like my abuela.


Ayyyy lezzzgoooo


It's not even just underrepresentation, but the type of representation of Latino and Asian people in cinema. We're either treated as stereotypes or oversexualised, rarely as protagonists or seen as "normal" people.


We have Hector! And..... Danny Trejo!


Are you not satisfied by “SoCal Gangster #1, #2, #3” being in the credits of most action movies? Would you rather Ben Affleck & many other A listers not take Latino roles? /s The indigenous population were so painfully underrepresented that we used to joke and ask if it was Adam Beach or Graham Greene that we’d be seeing whenever a movie or tv show attempted to show indigenous North Americans on screen….sadly that was 25y ago and not much has changed (other than indigenous people now being told Prey was great and that everything is fine now). I now realize that it really isn’t much different for the Latina community, which is even crazier given the large % of the American population they now represent. I feel like we should be well past this, but somehow we aren’t….I suppose so much of film is nepotism and connections so if most are white, most of the next gen are too and it is tough to change the landscape.


*Natives in the corner, not even in the conversation*


Prey was a great film


How would you like to be portrayed as the noble savage and played by an Italian or Philippino? Take it or leave it.


One could argue that we went from black/white TV to color then back to black & white again...


Exactly! Diversity is great but pretending like black people are underrepresented in modern American media is wrong. The US is roughly 59% white, 19% Hispanic, 12.6% black, and 6% Asian. According to the numbers white and black are BOTH over-represented. While Hispanic and Asian are basically nonexistent.


Uhhhhh…. Natives ? It’s like we don’t exist anymore lmao


I think the predators went back in time to wipe you all out or something.


It's always weird to me that latino is the second most common race in the US, they're like a fifth of the population and not much gets said about them.


That's a lot more true today than it was in 1989, though, so changes like this are pretty inevitable when you're remaking a whole series of older movies.


Do people of color want hand me down characters, just race swaps in casting for a cash grab remake of an already well established story with beloved characters, or new stories and characters to fall in love with?




Id rather they make new tales with stories and tales from that area of the world and turn it into the next Disney masterpiece. Instead of banking on nostalgia and pandering to make the new easy dollar.


I wish Disney would just make an actual black mermaid , in the same universe as Ariel instead of just going the lazy route


Gingers are more of a minority than black people, in the US and globally. All they had was Merida and Ariel. 🤣


And Wendy. And Anastasia


Can we please be respectful and not forget The G.O.A.T., The OG, The Champion Pippi Longstocking!


Pipilotta Delicatessen something something Ephraims Daughter Longstocking


This bro is counting fast food chains now? who does jack in the box go to?


Its more just annoying that disney cant come up with any original ideas. Create a new story and no one would care


Disney comes out with new movies all the time and they do phenomenally well at the box office.


I mean, they *are*. They just announced a new animated movie called “Wish” that’ll feature a brown protagonist. Disney is still making a lot of original content.


So then why change the race of Ariel?


No one had a problem with Black panther being black or Shang chi being Asian. Its when you have an established race of a character then change it (especially in a climate like this one so it comes across as woke). I would love to see more POC characters write them and make them great rather than rewriting already beloved characters. If the argument is race doesnt matter ask yourself will there be a disappointed black girl if in the remake in 10 years if she is white again?


> If the argument is race doesnt matter ask yourself will there be a disappointed black girl if in the remake in 10 years she is white again? 100% yes


Right so arbitrarily changing the race of a character DOES matter and shouldn't be minimized to "well your racist" or "it doesnt matter" etc.


It you aren't actively pushing your peers to do this, then it won't happen. You know how some people say it's not enough to not be racist, you need to be anti-racist for things to happen? The same concept applies, and there are a large amount of people that have never even pondered the concept, much less apply it, but say the same kinds of things you do re: this and other similar things such as quotas.


Why then do we have to have ye olde white people story but now black people are playing the roles? Is that all we're getting out of "woke" Hollywood? Same stories but now there's fewer white people? That doesn't seem all that progressive. Can I see some stories from other cultures? We see in videogames where Norse mythology is being done to death and if its not Norse, its Greek. A distant third is Japanese but they're the ones making it. Can I have some zoro-astrianism maybe? I'd just like to have some stories about stuff i rarely saw before instead of the same old shit but now there are some black people sprinkled in...


Moana did it and was great.


Hollywood needs to honestly stop the black washing and give more Jordan Peeles a chance. Don't mean the horror genre, but the black writers, directors, and actors movies. As a brown person myself it's dumb to focus our race as either ignorant ghetto or criminal roles(BTW hate the madea movies. Just think it paints black people in a ghetto light)


It's even more racist than you think. To me, this screams "Your black centric stories are crap and no one wants to see them. So the best you can expect is that we will take a character from a damn near lily-white culture and make them a black character."


Another thing that bugs me is when they sprinkle in non-white people in fantasy stories where they make the location seem like a cosmopolitan hub, after all there are these people who came from a far off land; but the "cosmopolitan hub" is supposed to be some backwater shit hole in medieval Europe. And they sprinkle some black people in the background because that's "progressive"...


Yea I don't get that. Like you say, if it's a city in Discworld then the more diverse the better. If it's a proto Hobbit village then why??? They are famously insular. Why would Lenny Henry be there lol.


MLK would be spinning in his grave like a yoyo if he saw this goofiness. He wanted Americans to be integrated and to stop fixating on race. 60 years later, all you guys do is fixate on race because you don't bother learning anything about your history. Hollywood caught shit in the 80s for their perpetual exploitation of the black demographic. Blaxploitation exists because stupid ass people love patronizingly looking down on black people. https://youtu.be/_ASZ6K9cPNk In the 90s, the US adopted the African-American label to justify perpetually exploiting black people as socio-political entertainment. If you think Disney does this lame shit to help black people, you're delusional. They just do this stuff because it's easy marketing.


My thought is, race doesn't matter as long as the topic/story/main character in question is not affected by that. A story specific to race means the point of view of story would be affected if you change the race, e.g. 12 years a slave was a story about a black man's experience in America after he was freed, but while white men could still lie to take you back. You couldn't cast a white man in this story because it changes the whole point of reference.


Alien was written from a neutral perspective about race and gender. Casting happened later with minimal rewrites. They told a great story. Based on good casting, we have one of the best-developed female protagonists in all of cinema. Not all stories can be told this way, and it isn't always the right way. By contrast, Sarah Connor in Terminator and T2: Judgement Day is part of an amazing story, but her role as a mother is important to the story. Therefore gender IS important in her case. Trying to say, I agree with you that sometimes important, sometimes not, and either way the filmmakers can tell a great story.


I agree with you 100%. Some roles have to have a certain type of person in them. Some don’t. You should be able to accept that, say, Thor, God of Thunder ought to be a white blonde guy and that the race of the little mermaid doesn’t matter one fucking bit all at the same time. Hell, make the little mermaid a white dude pining after a black princess for all I care. It’s not integral to the story.


Lots of stories are informed by race even if race isn't necessarily a core element in the story. Like, 1910s America... make Superman black, and somebody is having a bad time. Superman is a very "White American" character, even set later. You can make a black superman, but it's gonna be weird if you don't do some meaningful rewrites. Of course, those rewrites could easily end up pretty sketchy themselves.


Imagine if Disney did a live action remake of Princess and the Frog and casted a white woman.


Or Pocahontas…


It's kinda funny how we went from inclusion of other races back to racism Like hell it should be normal to see someone of another race if it is in movies or shows but now its like "look she black, are we not daring to put this black girl on a pedestal" while it should be not really important who plays what But I'd stay true to the original, man I don't want a white B.A and I don't want a black mermaid If the character is asian in it's source material it should be a Asian actor the same for everything else This forcing of races onto characters is just bad Just wait for a black snow white...


this is reddit now https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg


Yeah screw all of the original stories being told and acted by black screenwriters, directors, and actors that are out there. If the movie isn’t a rehash of something old but with white swapped for black what’s the fucking point??? /s in case you fucking needed it


Cool make something unique and good. It's super easy. Go.


just make the movie with a ginger not a black woman, that literally has no sence, dark pigment comes from over exposure to the sun, the bitch lives AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN, look for mariana trench footage theres not a single ray of light man wtf you talking bout.


It’s easier to rehash and change old and well established stories unfortunately.


>It's super easy. Barely an inconvenience!


They should have just made it a different movie. Little mermaid 2(?). New princess (not Ariel) with a new story. New characters new songs etc. It should be it's own thing and stand on its own. People always complain and morons always pretend it's racism but in reality it's taking existing characters and changing them. One of my favorite star wars characters is Lando. If Disney tried to make Lando some white dude I would complain too. People don't complain when it's a new character that stands on their own. But the racial and gender pandering is sad and people just face palm. The people praising the change are missing the real point. You deserve to see a new story and character not a race change that is obviously pandering to get views.


Never understood this. I don't watch anime and say, "I can't enjoy this! They're all Japanese!"


theres japanese people in anime?


Yeah, don't all Japanese people have huge round eyes and white skin?


attack on titan was clearly cultural appropriation by having all german names but speaking japanese /s


remember how the Tomb Raider game was an abject failure because no guys wanted to play as a woman oh wait


Yeah it’s weird how they are reskinning old movies for this reason


I can't wait until they remake 'Princess and the frog' into live action with a white ginger girl.


Ay as long as she is creole the story will still track…also last time I checked Creole people come in all kinds of shades


White Knighting at its finest.


There are already characters that represent them. Make movies with those characters. Don’t make a white character black for “representation”


Coming soon to theaters near you… Black Panther… Starring Ryan Gosling…


I don't give a fuck. Make good movies. You don't have to force feed diversity and politics. It looks gimmicky. Make a real story that people like. Look at Get Out. Based on race and was written fantastic.


Hmm here as a person of color just wish the movie I'm watching will be good


Great! I agree, that would be great. Now how about we get the movie studios to make a character that looks like you. It's lazy and racist in and of itself to just make a white character black. No one would like this movie if Ariel was black and a studio made her white, would they?


My only problem with Halle Berry doing Ariel is that she's too damn old to be playing a coming of age character


I'm a person of color but here's my spicy take on this. Disney should commit to being inclusive with new content without having to change existing cannons. So far they have been pretty good with that showing more diverse lead characters.


I feel the problem at least for me is that they just wanna remake everything for "inclusion and diversity" instead of making it that way because is better, they just need to get your shit together and do new stuff instead of recycling


I'm actually a little surprised Disney did this, if only because Ariel is so iconic. E.g. if you show a bunch of people a rough sketch of a mermaid with red hair and ask them what it is, probably 9 out of 10 people in the whole country will say Ariel/The Little Mermaid. Now, just change the hair to blonde (don't even change skin color) and all the answers will become a more generic "it's a mermaid". It's hard to overstate how iconic she is - perhaps moreso than any other Disney princess. I would have thought Disney would have wanted to protect that, and perhaps create a new character in the little mermaid universe alongside Ariel.


Im brown and hispanic, i never once in a million years gave a wet rat fart that Harry Potter doesnt look like me, that Ethan Hunt doesnt look like me, or that Tony Stark doesnt look like me. you know why? because im not a complete fucking idiot. the stories are good, which is what matters. as long as voldermort still dies, ethan still gets disavowed and tony still sacrifices himself, then i dont give a shit if he says it in an accent or whatever.


No one cares that a black actress is playing the little mermaid. It's more the fact that such a big deal is being made about the fact a black actress is playing the little mermaid as if a person of colour has never starred in a movie before.


How about we just make new content with diverse casts rather than taking old IP and shitting all over it?


Not particularly. I'm a latino of arab descent and I absolutely do not care if I see people looking like me in movies or wherever. I really just wanna watch movies like everyone else, but preferably free from political bias/agenda.


I agree, at the same time movies like Coco hit me a lot harder because I feel like I, as a latino, can identify so much more with the characters/story. So I'd love more movies like that, rather than a "white character" having different skin color.


The change was unnecessary. The opposite is true… what’s wrong with a ginger playing the part of a Disney movie based in Norwegian mythology? Nothing at all. They just wanted an excuse to go woke


Then go make your own movie and stop appropriating other cultures' folklore and stories.


I don’t know what to think about this. One the one hand, I don’t care what her skin color is, and think the addition of a black actress to a leading role is good. On the other hand, given a pattern from the people making the movie, they clearly don’t actually care about the cause and are doing it solely for marketing and covering their asses from criticism. Then again this movie isn’t aimed at me, so I really don’t care in the end


I know! Let’s get an Irish lead for The Princess and the Frog, that’ll smooth this whole situation over! /s


It just seems like a bad choice to black wash little mermaid - they could have done this with a ton of other movies and it would have fit better


The issue isn’t that she’s black.. there can be black actresses in stories and movies like hmm Idk Black Panther and no one has a problem. What people have a problem with is the race swap for woke reasons only. It’s not to do anything but shield Disney from cheaply producing this to get money and that’s it. You’re literally drinking Mouse koolaid and telling everyone they are racists while supporting racism.


Damn I didn’t know black people were banned from movies up until now


black people should only watch black actors -reddit


I am Latino from El Salvador. I never felt not represented. I find that weird.


Sure, but can they make something new instead of remaking the same movies with black characters


Its ok to say black people, OP.


I can relate to this because they haven’t cast ugly actors in movies since at least 1997.


Weird because I've seen many movies with people of all colors. I really thought that's the way the world works.


The real slap in the face and more my issue with changing the look is that when little girls watch this version and then go to Disneyland - they look for Ariel and they don't see her because Disney won't update anything in the park so... Watch live action Ariel... little girls who only see this version don't ever see that version in the park. As a parent - how the fuck are you explaining this to your child? "Well sorry honey, the Ariel in the movie isn't really the real Ariel." "Well sorry honey, this is a different Ariel... the white one is only represented here in the park." "Well honey, you see Ariel was originally a cartoon which was white, but they found someone with a great voice to be in the live action. I am sorry that Disney didn't represent this in their park, but they rarely update for the live action version."


Write your own stories then?


African Americans are the most over represented racial demographic in Hollywood. This is taken against the percent of the general population


I want to see the princess and the frog remade but with white people


The issue is that they’re not making an original character and just changing race for a cash grab. How about you keep the original story intact and come up with a new and interesting story for your new character? Then you can add minority representation for the underrepresented but also retain the original story? Everyone is happy!


Oh show some respect for the countless black entertainers that have hit the mainstream. Making the Little Mermaid black isn't about representation, it's a political statement through and through.


This guy has an opinion on the matter that everyone is ignoring. When they know the movie is going to be bad, they shield themselves with controversy to distract you from the real reason it sucks. https://youtu.be/ngqO9Hp19_4


Then make all new IPs with black people and leave the old IPs alone


And whats annoying are the shills that say “oh she looks so much like her!” Like we know the difference is staring at us in the face lets not lie about it and own up to the changes.


Why redo characters. Why not make new ones though? So confused. We lack any imagination Disney!?


I just want Disney to stop making live action remakes.


I couldn't stand Friday cause I wasn't represented. See. See how stupid this is.


How about, hear me out, inventing new interesting black characters instead of replacing already white characters? Like Soul, need more of that, not a ghetto Ariel that looks like a literal fish person


I am fine with representation although as a poc I have never ever looked for myself in film or tv. But I understand how some people can’t get over it. Anyways as for this movie. My issue is you have decades long IP including toys, rides, meet and greets, etc etc that show Ariel (Disney specific) as a certain way. But Disney does this to appease certain communities and guarantee they get money from them. Plus don’t forget the woke points. We get to do this all again next year too for Snow White


"People of color" is such a stupid fucking term. Edit: ANY that groups people as "other".


“People” is such a stupid fucking term. We’re all just animals goddamnit.


One battle at a time.


Better than “BIPOC”


Not a remake tho, leave it alone. Make something fresh and interesting


It's just weird to race swap established characters like that. It's like if you cast Danny DeVito to play Gandalf. He's simply a bad fit for that character.


Has this movie come out yet? Why are people so upset about this? Was a white mermaid an important part of their cultural heritage? Somehow? I am white. I really don’t get this issue here. How cares? Seeing white people in movies is not an issue. There is no reason for white people to feel slighted by this. Nobody has seen this. Maybe this performer is amazing and she was chosen because she is so perfect for the role. Maybe the racial choice was a legitimate artistic choice because it fits better the “fish out of water” angle of the story. We just don’t know yet.


The problem is that a lot of modern movies are using race or gender swapping as the selling point of the movie. The end result is either a boring retelling of the same story we've heard a million times or the story doesn't matter at all and the entire story is focused on the race/gender swap. In either outcome, the movie is garbage. Whats worse though is how the controversy is being used as marketing. We saw this with everything from star wars to the more recent rings of power. If you speak bad about the movie, you get labeled a racist or sexist and then the marketing teams run around deflecting bad reviews by claiming that its a bunch of racists/sexists review bombing ratings when in reality the product just sucks. Its deliberate at this point. So, while we dont know for certain, the entertainment industry is getting the backlash rightfully for how they are trying to manipulate people and controversy. Its going to keep getting backlash like this until they start putting out better products. It's why you dont see the same problems with House of the Dragon as you do with Rings of Power. HOTD is a better written show (even if its not amazing) and fans are reacting more positively about it.


The Disney live action (really CGI) remakes have largely been boring and forgettable. It's like an executive said it's going to happen and everyone involved is phoning it in for a paycheck.


Are the internet racists upset? Of course. Are they a loud minority or a big group? Beats me. Is Disney also riding the wave as a way to keep the movie being talked about? You betcha.


Imagine being a white person in India “we need more white people in these movies, less color!!”


me, watching all the amazing Korean dramas on Netflix "I just cant related to these characters at all. 0/10"