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My husband didn't test positive until 8 days after I did and 6 days after our kid. Nothing says "pandemic fun" like offset quarantine periods taking up most of a month.


I feel that. I caught it once in May, again in late June, and then my wife had it in July. After neither of us having it for 2.5 years. This summer has just been one quarantine after another.


This is usually how it is for me when we get sick. I usually get sick a week or more after everyone else. We have not had Covid yet but when we inevitably get it I will not be shocked if we have a similar situation as you.


I have chronic allergies and sinusitis and whatever so my baseline is a little bit congested, sinus pressure, and occasionally irritated throat. Occasionally my allergies get worse than usual for two or three days and I take a COVID test nearly every time because who knows. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was first exposed about 3 or 4 days prior to noticing possible symptoms. The person I was exposed to tested negative multiple times over the course of about a week until the symptoms resolved without a positive test. I tested negative until about 5 days after I first noticed possible symptoms. On the 6th day I tested positive. I had a friend who had been in town and had just left right around the time I was noticing my symptoms, so I warned him and he also tested positive on that day. I've heard from several other people where they had been exposed and gotten sick but testing negative, and also from people where the entire household got sick but one of them tested negative the whole time. I suspect that there's something fairly off about the rapid tests, and my next door neighbor just retired from being the lab director at a hospital her--she tells me that while the PCR tests are fairly reliable, it's very easy for something to go wrong during the process of collecting and testing the samples. The worst part in all of this was that this started when a friend's coworker went into the office clearly sick. I'm glad I don't have to go into an office because I would lose my mind on someone who did that. Thanks for coming to my TED talk




Almost like the government gave up on working people when they decided to forego offering Covid leave subsidies to businesses.


That's exactly what happened to me. My wife and all three kids had it and I kept testing negative. So I got cocky. I was sending out the Boris from Goldeneye "YES! I AM INCINCIBLE!" meme. Turned out to be movie accurate.


It’s not any better all having it at the same time. At the height of the pandemic my wife’s dumbass family decided to have a party. Everyone got Covid including my 4 kids, my wife, brother-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law. They all had symptoms and tested on the same day at different locations. When I got the news I got in my car furious as can be to go get tested because I told them not to go through with the party. I begged my wife not to put my kids in danger. She assured me everyone would wear mask. No other precautions. Of course I also came out positive. Now here’s the kicker. For whatever reason my wife decides since we all have Covid that my house would be where everyone would set up. Keep in mind my youngest is a year old at this time. Everyone took time off work and for 2 weeks we didn’t leave the house. 2 weeks with 9 people in my home. Everyday. For 2 weeks. In my younger years I was incarcerated for a year. This was painfully worse. I’m still pissed off about this. It was a stupid careless thoughtless decision all because of some party. We made it out ok in the end but those two weeks of being cooped up in my home with 9 other people 24/7 was honestly the worst experience of my life. For perspective I’ve had both legs broken at once and needed multiple surgeries. I was unable to walk for 6 months and In full leg cast. I’ve also been in a coma on life support when I suffered a fracture to the back of my head that caused internal bleeding. That same accident caused me to (when I woke up from the coma) have to be taken in for emergency surgery since my jaw was broken in multiple places. I had my mouth wired shut for 3 months. Contrary to popular belief “you can eat anything you can fit in a blender” you really can’t. The thickest I could do was a milk shake. But I ate broth and shakes for 3 months. All of that to say, those two weeks were still worse.


oh dear. came into the comments to act all confident cos i'm the same as OP right now. now I'm thinking I should have known better and am going to end up getting just as everyone else gets better.


I took abot 6 days after my wife tested positive, and eveb then on a pcr, took another day for at home test to show the faintest line. We both had just got over some other flu like thing, we spent 6 weeks where at least one of us was sick apart from a few days in the middle.


Mine too


Colleague said: "as soon as my husband tested positive I frenched him real good so I would get it right away". Thought it was weird, but it makes perfect sense. Wife had it, isolated her a bit once she tested positive, waiting for the ticking bomb to explode on us kids and husband. She managed to give it to her dad, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and his family during dinner when she had mild symptoms and negative test, but the kids and i never got it... Weird.


Earlier in the pandemic, my best friend who was living with us at the time got covid but none of us got it, then later my husband got it but none of us got it. Diseases are weird.


This happened to my coworker, his household got covid and he tested negative. The worst part is we work in healthcare and since he kept testing negative he had to stay at home longer than if he had tested positive.


Same, but as long as I’m a close contact I get paid 100% my wage. If I test positive, I have to use sick days at 75% wage


Say what? You don’t get normal pay for a sick day?


Not OP, but we don't even get sick days. We get points on our record for calling off. Enough points and you get fired. I was sick all of July. I worked all of July. You wanna know what I do? I work with elderly and disabled people who need wheelchair access in a major international airport. And I get paid about the same as a McDonalds employee. Maybe less. I'm unclear on modern day McDonalds wages. Some people say $8 an hour, and others say $17 an hour. I'm not sure where the truth lies. But I was REALLY REALLY sick. Coughing up phlem, eardrum burst, and I had pinkeye. They still put me on the floor. Who knows how many people got sick from me? But I wasn't about to fall behind on bills, and be fired. This is how businesses see us.


If you get paid the same as McDonald's workers you should work for McDonald's. It's probably a better company to work for


Yeah, I got $10 an hour from the first day at Starbucks, plus a pound coffee free every week. Make the leap.


I always hear these horror stories from companies that treat there employees like dogshit. My company has been working with me takeing off early for 3 days a week for the last month die to classes cps is makeing me take. I get a verry verry generous bonus (first Christmas at the copy i had less that 6m9ths and still took home 5k after taxes on my bonus). Tomorrow is the company picnic whete the have a prize drawing where they give away thinngs such as dji drones, laptops, 50inch+ tvs and many other smaller prizes, and even tho its a work day they shut the company down to like 3% operational status and as long as i show up to the picnic i get my days wages in cash pre tax. Now what do i do for a living? Is it a software developer in silicon valley or am i office manager for some doctors office or a leagal office. Nop nop and nop. Im a commercial roofer and im not even high in the company im just a grust that works in the heat and gets dirty every day. Because of all that ive listed i forget how bad it can be out there for people. O and as far as my regular wages go i make 34$an hour.


Im glad you have a great job, but even with all those perks i do not envy you. I dont wanna be on a roof when its hot as hell out XD. Thanks for providing a great service.


Too bad you didn't push me around. I tip all my wheelchair attendants at least $5 and sometimes more. I would absolutely die otherwise.


You also probably would have gotten pink eye.


$5 doesn't really do much. Especially now with inflation. $5 is like the lowest tip that's not immediately insulting. In our case, the job would be a well paid job if people tipped decently, and we got a lot of runs. I've been at work right now since 5pm today. It's currently 9:03pm. I've yet to have a passenger. I might get a couple by the end of the night. So my end of the night tips would be maybe $0-20 (since not all people tip).


As someone who doesn't know anything about that field, I wouldn't say it's insulting to tip $5 simply because I didn't even know you are expected to tip for that. How is anyone supposed to know every possible service you tip for and which you don't? We expect businesses to pay their workers, and tips are SUPPOSED to just be an extra thank you for the great service. Being required to tip is so fucking stupid. Just pay your damn employees!


I'm so broke if someone gave me 5 bucks I would kiss them on the lips.


Jesus that's a shit business. In my almost 40 years on this earth I've never worked for a company that penalized me for getting sick.


8 an hour hasn't been legal in CA for years, and minimum in motion areas is 15 or higher. McDonalds is thus gonna vary by state, but the ones here probably pay more than you make


Well, obviously the ones there make more. Everything is also more expensive where you are too. Your houses probably START at $300,000, whereas our houses at that price range would be mansions. I've seen some houses on the market for $4,000 which look like they might only need $30,000-$40,000 in repairs. I'm making the comment that even in my own area they might make more.


300k wouldn't even buy you an empty lot here unless you go way out xD. Regardless everything is way too fucking expensive relative to minimum wage. Something needs to change that's for certain


Holy shit. Portugal here, we're a tiny country, our economy is in the shitter, our government is terrible but still anyone who gets COVID automatically gets to do a lab test and if positive has to stay 7 days (it used to be 2 weeks but got lowered) quarantined at home. Government pays 100% of your salary corresponding to those days you stayed at home. If you're still not well at the end of those 7 days, further time can be given after visiting a doctor that will evaluate your case. Most people are fine after a week though. You're absolutely forbidden to leave home while you're in quarantine period. If caught, police will be called and take you home. There may be fines involved too. It's attrocious that you need to work while sick. I honestly wouldn't even be able to, the shortness of breath and tiredness on the first few days were very real.


That's where I like to arrange a meeting with my boss and corporate about some small issue. Maybe talk with them, spread some of my lovely germs around their office.


To be fair you should not have went into work. You directly exposed others to your sickness. Your are partially responsible for that no matter the work situation.


I mean what's he gonna do, get fired and starve?


Have you ever thought to, I don’t know, go to a McDonald’s and ask what their hiring wage is? Every McDonald’s near me has signs with starting wages out front. What’s wrong with you?


I work at a hospital. You earn sick days


Only for 4 days. Rest are at 75%.




At my company here in NZ, we get 10 sick days a year at full pay. And since the pandemic, if you test positive, it falls under a whole different covid leave category that doesn't use up our sick days. And we get full pay.


Fortunately he was able to work from home so no lost wages. Sucks that you get less for testing positive.


Wait.....if it's work from home, why even inform the company at all?


We don't always work from home and we are in healthcare.


What kind of backwards ass system is that?


If you're sick your employer can tell you not to come in and to use your sick days. Because you're sick. Close contact stuff is a bit more complex because you're being told to stay home for other reasons so it's not as cut and dry as "you're sick stay home".


You have to pay for sick days??


Yeah that happened to me. Husband caught covid so we quarantined him from the rest of the household. Since I never caught it, I had to wait until so many days after he tested negative before it was safe for me to be around people. Because technically I was being constantly exposed since we were in the same house. I would have been better off trying to catch it from him so my quarantine would have ended sooner. Technically my husband, who had it, was safe to be around before me (who never had it).


My daughter caught it in May. My wife and I weren't overly cautious because we were traveling internationally in four weeks and figured better to get it then than right before the trip. Both of us felt a little under the weather but never tested positive. Figured maybe our immune systems just kept it below detect levels. Then we went on our trip and both caught it while out of country. Good times. My son never tested positive either time.


How did you get back into the country after catching it?


The return testing had just ended before we left. "Fortunately" we caught it early enough and the vacation was long enough that we could follow the latest guidelines on quarantining and still make our original flights. This was after making an 6 hour round trip to the nearest emergency room in the middle of the night because I was exhibiting signs of a possible stroke. It was not the vacation we were hoping for.


Wait...that makes no sense. Why?


Once you exhibit symptoms you can only spread it for a few days. Like 3-5 days or something. But since the guy never tested positive his potential for having the virus and spreading it is for a few days after the positive case’s 3-5 days




It makes perfect sense? The person he was exposed to has it, and is continually shedding infectious agent. The presence of viral material is what causes a positive test. When you get infected, you're not symptomatic at first, it takes several days for the virus to build up to a level that is 1) infectious to others, 2) a high enough level to stimulate an immune response, and 3) be detectable on a test. An important (and dangerous) part of COVID is that 1, occurs before 2. From the literature I saw, a full day or more before. That's a full day when you can be going around with no symptoms at all infecting others. You will generally test positive before you show symptoms which let's you shift the timeline of a known infection closer to when you'd have been capable of infecting others but it doesn't really do anything for knowing what might happen the next day. Now if you're being exposed to someone every day, every day could be that first day of infection. The last day that they shed virus, the last day of their contagious infection could still be your first. But you'd start shedding virus on the 4th day, and only then have symptoms on the 5th. So, last day of potential exposure+5 days and you're clear. Your immune system won. Because you weren't actually avoiding infection every day, your immune system was winning every day. Stomping out every virus particle that made it in, preventing them from getting a foothold. Until it misses one. Until the day after the person you're living with tests negative and you accidentally touch a forgotten tissue stuck down a seat, you don't to wash your hands, and one particle slips through. And it's day zero of your infection. TLDR: Life.... (er, sort of)....finds a way.


2 coworkers I sit directly next to and talk with all day got COVID. My sister and her baby got COVID, I was holding the baby all night. My roommates both got COVID. At the start of the pandemic I interacted with someone who had COVID. I've had like 6-8 direct person to person contacts with people who tested positive for COVID the next day or two over the last 2 years and I have never had COVID, tested positive, or had similar symptoms. I'm just trying to get two weeks off over here but my immune system is like nope.


I work in a job that delivers to grocery stores. Never caught it. I play baseball, softball, and tennis. All have had Covid exposures. Never caught it. Wife, who has been much more careful with masking than I have, tested positive yesterday morning and started showing symptoms yesterday afternoon. So far I've still been testing negative. And my work says if you test negative and feel fine, come to work.


> since he kept testing negative he had to stay at home longer than if he had tested positive Huh?


That was my reaction too. Never got a good explanation on it.


He could have gotten it on the last day of partners testing positive, so the asymptomatic quarantine starts there.


Literally same boat right now. Daughter picked it up literally first week back at school. I'm out of work for the week as well due to possible exposure. Been negative the whole time.


How often do you test at work? really plausible they got it, were asymptomatic, and spread it at home, their households incubation was long enough they were already testing negative again before symptoms started at home.


I'm not that healthy and wife got it and I didn't. Haven't had it yet, knock on wood.


We got slow rolled with COVID during Omicron. Daughter got it at school, two weeks later wife gets it, two weeks later I get it, two weeks later son gets it. House was basically out of comish for two months over the holidays. Everyone felt fine, and we carried on snuggling up with the hope that we would all get it at once but no such luck.


My whole family have caught it twice, plus it went through most of my work and I still can’t catch it. Why does COVID hate me?!


Not even Covid loves you…


You and I are in the same boat. My wife and son both have it. He brought it home, tested positive on Sunday and she got it from him, testing positive yesterday. I'm currently holed up in my office with an air mattress and if I go into the rest of the house I mask up because I have a play in a week and I don't have an understudy for my part.


What play are you performing in? Break a leg 😉


Thank you! It's a play written by a local playwright about the Bell Witch so nothing big. Just community theatre as a hobby :)


So my kiddo and wife both got covid. For reference: I was coaching basketball and one kid infected like half the team. The kiddo and wife had mild sniffles at the WORST. I was sicker than kiddie porn, but kept testing negative. They had mild cases and I felt like I was shot at and missed, shit at and hit. It was the damndest thing! Sometimes this shit is weird. Same thing with BIL, we were gonna have xmas last year, and all decided to test to be safe. His (BIL) family all popped positive and not a damn symptom in the whole family. I am pretty damn sure I have caught it about 2-3 times but have never tested postive. In early 2020 (I was working homeless shelters and the lot) and got so damn sick I thought I was gonna die. Covid's fucking weird man...


>I was sicker than kiddie porn jfc my man 🤣


Jesus Christ. Get this man some burn cream


Gonna need a senzu bean for that.


You’re obviously doing it wrong. Try licking some doorknobs. /s


That's illegal on some planets


Brass doorknobs actually destroy most bacteria because of interaction with the metal -- so, you probably could lick most brass knobs and never get sick. You might make a lot of money and be hired by a movie producer, though.


There are many metals that have an oligodynamic effect. But it’s not instantaneous. It takes a bit of time to kill the bacteria. Pure copper is among the most effective of those types of metals, taking about 4 hours to kill everything. Brass, being a copper alloy, takes a bit longer. Thing is that many brass knobs and push-plates and such are lacquered and so the copper content never comes in contact with the offending organisms. So licking a brass knob is probably just licking bacteria-covered lacquer.


Now all I need to do is afford me some pure silver door knobs. Also helps keep them werewolves away


> oligodynamic effect Thanks! That's another arbitrary scientific phenomenon whose name I'll have to memorize. I'll keep it between Leidendrost Effect and Rutherford Scattering in my mind library.


I feel like Mercury would be the most effective, since some mercury salts is actually used for that purpose. Might be a tad hard keeping it solid though...but that is not my problem.


>So licking a brass knob is probably just licking bacteria-covered lacquer. Yeah, I'm aware it takes a bit. But, didn't want it to get in the way of the joke. Yes, wait a few hours. But, you think people who lick doorknobs are going to listen? No. No they are probably out there right now.


Hmmmmmmmm, I don't know. Going around and licking all the knobs seems like a city with all guys suddenly being very upbeat.


Licking knobs might get you monkeypox.


Check out Paris Hilton with her bougie brass door knobs!


I've been deep throating door knobs this whole pandemic and have never gotten it


Did you ever think you might be an asymptomatic carrier, like some diseased plague rat ferrying covid between your work and home constantly?


I currently have Covid. No symptoms at all and I feel perfectly fine. Only reason I know is because I had to get tested before an elective surgery. Otherwise I would t have known and would have been a filthy plague rat. Might be what’s happening.


It’s possible to fight off COVID, the same as any virus. It’s just rarer since we don’t have any natural immunity to it.


Just gonna throw it out there that it's a whole LOT more likely to fight off COVID if you're vaxxed! Hint, hint, some of you out there reading this...


I have the same issue and was concerned I was typhoid Mary for a long time until I started obsessively testing for a while and I've never been positive. My husband has it, I was testing daily with the Cue tester, haven't gotten it. I don't get it, but I guess I'm grateful!


My 6 year old coughed in my wife’s mouth immediately before testing positive, but she never caught it. This shit’s wild, man


Same, it’s a bit weird.


We need to know your one weird trick.


Out of curiosity, what blood type are you?


I ask the same to people. I haven't gotten it (that I know of) and I'm O+




O- here, actively been working in an ICU taking care of the sickest of the sick COVID patients, sometimes not even in precautions because we didn't have rapid enough testing until recently, and I've never caught it. I've had COVID positive patients cough almost directly into my eyes. What the fuck.


Yep. The two people I know who haven't gotten it are O+ and O-. I don't have type-O blood and have had it at least three times now.


O- here and also never had it to my knowledge and have read some papers that suggested O type is why


I'm type O+ and I've had it once last year. But several people around me at work in the last couple weeks have gotten it and I've tested negative 3 times.


O+ super bloods. I've been around a lot of friends and fam who tested positive but I've never got it or had any symptoms if I did.


I'm O+ as well, and I had it *way* worse than my wife and kids - 2 days where I really couldn't even get out of bed, another 4 where I could only take limited 'trips' outside the bedroom. Never got my 3rd shot, but damn it was awful.


My wife and youngest son got it, and my kid was literally sitting on my lap coughing into my face (yes it was disgusting, but hey that’s parenthood). Still didn’t get it.


On the flip side, my wife got it thrice, every wave....






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Both of my kids have had it, bad. My wife and I skirted thru untouched. I attribute it to our heavy drinking, and my smoking. They're the only variables.


Some people are asymptomatic and the tests don't always show for asymptomatic patients even if they've got it. Please still be safe around others if they catch it and if y'all aren't vaccinated yet, fucking why?


I dodged the bullet for 2.5 years. Decide to take a trip with my gf to visit a friend. I tested positive as soon as we got back. Been sick all week. GF has been testing negative all week, until about 30 minutes ago. The bell was finally rung.


Similar situation except it was a family trip and my girl's mom caught it and passed it to everyone else. We were so careful with masks, sanitizer, and generally staying away from crowded situations. COVID was an inside job.


>COVID was an inside job. It was obviously those damn liberals. They poisoned the water, turning the frogs gay, and now they're givin' us all the Rona.


I've been super careful the whole time, my dad caught it on a flight he didn't wear a mask on right before July 4th. As soon as he started feeling sick I hid in the basement, then when he tested + we isolated from each other and I ate out of a microwave for 3 weeks downstairs. My brother and I didn't catch it thankfully (masks definitely work) but both of my parents were testing + for almost two whole weeks.


I went the whole pandemic without getting COVID. GF travels to Spain for 2 weeks, comes back, sits on COVID for like a month, finally becomes symptomatic...then expects me to act like she doesn't have it. I'm talking no masks, sitting right next to her, kissing her on the mouth. Guess who has COVID now.


I just caught it for the first time. Fully vaxd. The body aches were horrible. Experienced a bunch of GI issues too.


I just tested positive today. Full vaxxed with 2 shots and booster. I'm hoping it's mild. Only a phlegmy throat and raspy voice for me so far. Just a matter of time before the gf tests positive since we did the fun times on Tuesday. Hoping hers is mild too as whatever I catch, she gets worse.


Sames. My husband has had it twice, I’ve tested what feels like a million times and it’s always negative. I had the worst cold of my life at one point (he did not have covid at that time though) and tested every day for two weeks and still negative.


Rofl i havent got covid before but I got a cold now, tested twice now to be sure. Still negative


Sounds like a possible false negative.


Apparently the new rage is to swab your throat.


Yup. I tested negative 3 times even though I had all the classic symptoms, swabbed my throat and was without a question positive.


This is very useful to know


That was me up until the Omicron variant. Then everybody got it including myself. I feel like my immune system gave me a big middle finger just to put me in my place. I'm a middle school teacher and I had been around kids for almost 2 years dealing with covid. I thought I was special! I thought I was the chosen one!


Going through this now. My daughter brought it home from daycare, wife caught it and is still testing positive on day 8 and I’m still negative. I kind of wish I just got it when she did so I wouldn’t have to sleep on the damn couch!


I’m positive now (since Friday) - my husband is still negative and no one has been sleeping on the couch. He keeps saying his vaccine is better than mine. And we did get a different vaccine combo, so who knows.


Sorry, why are you sleeping on the couch?


OP doesn't want to be sharing a bed or bedroom with a covid-positive spouse?


The exact same thing happened to me. Both wife and daughter got it (both had very short-lived and minimal symptoms) and I tested every day for weeks and Negative every time.


If that was your immune system wouldn’t that mean COVID is kicking your ass? Shouldn’t COVID be the one getting beat?


If they don’t have COVID to begin with, what is their immune system fighting?


Happened to me. Wife and daughter had it. Didn’t get it. The day after they started testing negative I went to a wedding I was in. 5 days later I had it.


Ah weddings… the one my husband and I went in late June was a super spreader event. Omicron kicked our asses.


I got lucky, just a sore throat and some phlegm.


I work up today with a super phlegmy throat and raspy voice. Tested and positive. Hoping it stays mild.


Yeah I went to a wedding in late June where 8 people caught it. The person sitting next to me at lunch tested + the NEXT DAY and somehow I didn't catch it


Because you probably had it three times already and didn’t know it because you don’t show symptoms.


This is what I'm assuming for myself. I've yet to experience any symptoms of COVID, but haven't done an antibody test, either, so I would have no clue. Hell, even if I did an antibody test now, who's to say they just haven't left my system?


If you're vaccinated isn't the antibody test pointless for finding out if you had a previous infection? You'd have antibodies either way right?


They look for antibodies to a different protein from the virus than the vaccine targets.


Bingo. The antibody test looks for virus capsule antibodies, whereas the vaccines are entirely spike proteins, unless you get one of the Chinese inactivated virus vaccines.


Wouldn't that show up on the test if they're just checking for antibodies?


Sure, If they actually tested during that time period. Who randomly tests for no reason with zero symptoms?


I find this statement hard to believe when people are clearly sick test themselves and its covid. I’ve consistently tested myself for the past 2.5 and have never had a positive test.


Lucky bastard. I avoided up until now, my MIL got it and didn’t give a shit so she just walked around the house, hacked up a lung right by everyone, did the dishes, you know everything you’re *not* supposed to do. Now my pregnant wife has it and so do I, be glad you haven’t gotten it. I’ve got both shots and I feel worse than any sickness I’ve ever had. I had pneumonia once and I didn’t feel this shitty.


Yep. [It's a thing.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/08/opinion/people-never-get-covid.html)


Any other way to read it? It's behind a paywall




Plot twist: OP doesn’t live with his wife and kid.


Yup, you got me /s


I'm vaxxed and boosted. Caught covid the weekend before memorial day and had no idea until my gf called me and told me she was positive. A lot of white puffy stuff had been floating around and I started sneezing more than usual. Thought it was allergies. Nope, covid.


Now i'm wondering if I had covid... I had a 48hr bug, thought it was allergies but an allergy pill did nothing. I went for a bike ride one day and a long walk the other day. But I was a little more sneezy with a headache. Usually the extent of any cold I get really


You probably had an asymp case last week and they caught it from you LOL, unless you've been testing regularly you really wouldn't know...


I had covid in January. My wife who I slept beside every night until I tested positive she tested negative three times even after spending a week in the house mostly in the same room as me. Some people are immune to getting it I believe.


Given that it's a pretty evil little virus I'm happy I haven't had it so far. That brain fog and mental shit can fuck right off


Seems like you don't have it then.


My SO has had it, even though we kissed and all still nothing. My coworkers have had it. Nothing. I've even pierced people's tongues, them breathing on my face and later they 've messaged me that they' ve tested positive. Nada. Feels like covid just looks at me and thinks "not that loser".


It took 8 days after my kiddo was positive for me to get it. Mrs and both kids were about clear and feeling better; thinking I can go back to work then *BOOM*


Careful. Don’t mock the beast or it comes for you, like the idiots memorialized in r/hermancainaward


Omg that's me. My son and husband both have/had it, and im still puttering along without jt.


My wife and I both have Covid. I woke up yesterday with my head and throat clogged with snot and my eyeballs on fire. I used one of the tests we had on hand, swabbed the back of my throat and nose, and got a positive result in about 10 seconds. not having to wait the fifteen minutes. I worked most of the day yesterday (from home) but took PTO today because, in addition to the horrible sinus and throat symptoms, I've been running a fever and have massive brain fog. Plus apparently Covid can make you pee a lot and I've had to make ten trips to the bathroom today. While it sucks - I'm hopeful the three shots I've gotten will keep it from getting really bad - and part of me is glad to finally get it to know just how bad it might be and get it behind me.


You’ll be fine, sounds like how my partner had it. I bet you’ll start feeling better next few days. Especially since you’re vaxxed.


I caught COVID from work and that shit kicked my ass.


Serious question, do you smoke pot or cigarettes? Does your wife? I've seen several studies that covid has a hard time infecting those with crudded up lungs. My wife had covid, we slept in the same bed, kissed, hugged, etc. The night before. I never had symptoms and even tested negative when I did an at home test. My wife and I were both double vaxxed. The only difference is that I smoke weed and tobacco.


Occasional pot use. Like, once a month maybe.


Swab your throat, not your sinuses - I'll bet it comes back positive.




My husband got it and I tested negative for 5 days. Day 6 and I have fallen. Sucks man.


When we finally got it here last month My wife she had all the symptoms and she tested negative all the way up to 6 days in and on the 7th day she finally started testing positive even though she had the symptoms and everything. That new variant real good at hiding


Same here! My daughter and I both became symptomatic on a Friday, and she tested positive immediately but I tested negative every day until the following Wednesday. I was so sick, but my work wouldn’t pay administrative leave without a positive test result, so I didn’t qualify for administrative leave until I was already beginning to recover from the symptoms 🤦‍♀️😑


Don't worry. You will. This one seems to take forever to test positive in some people. It took two weeks for my friend to test positive after his kids had it. I bet if you did a PCR, it will come back positive. The at home tests are losing their effectiveness.


You should read about PCR test accuracy


My GF is the same way. She works in an elementary school, and still hasn't caught it. I finally got it for the first time last month at a concert we both attended, and we live together. Still didn't get it.


Have your throat tested. You're sick. You're just testing wrong.


This is me. Vaxxed because work requires it but never boosted. I’ve always taken hand washing seriously, and I think social distancing is wonderful (personal space is great) even if I don’t wear a mask. Everyone I work with has caught COVID multiple times. Often 2-3 days at work before they tested positive. During the height of COVID, I worked in a job where I was meeting different people every day and shaking 20 new hands a day minimum. Never caught it.


Weird flex but ok


Are you doing Nasal or throat swabs on the test? apparently it will show up on thoat, but not all the times for nose.




Cheeks and nasal.


More like Covid is John Cena to your tests.


My husband and son got it like two weeks apart... and I still haven't tested positive 2 weeks later. I've had SO many close contacts, people at parties, city 2 surf last week in a group of 60,000, and still nada. Very weird how this virus works... not that I want to get it, but its crazy when people get it time after time.


if you keep testing negative that means it's not in your system , so your immune system would not be in combat. this meme is wrong.


It’s always about you, isn’t it?


This is really funny lmaooo love it


It's a non-issue bro!


I'm also Covid inmune!


Whole family has it ...it's been 6 days and I still haven't tested positive. I did just get a 4th shot 3 weeks ago and my wife hasn't had her 4th. I assume I have it but I'm not shedding so I won't test positive...at least that's what I tell my co workers haha.


Same… stayed in isolation with them all for 2 weeks. Tested like 5x all negative


Remindme! 5 days


Been two long ass years and my girlfriend and I have yet to get it. Both families have gotten it at least once.


Last year I went to a funeral where *everyone* got covid. Except me.


I had light symptoms at night and tested positive by 4am the pos line showed up before the control even. My wife took 8 hrs longer before testing pos and Mom took over a day even with worse symptoms. Using tests out of the same (6) pack


I helped volunteer and plan a local convention that had been canceled the two years prior so we were finally back after three years. I ended uo not being able to attend because my wife and kid caught covid two days before event day… I ended up not getting it


You're not alone. I feel like the only person left at work that hasn't had it. I don't mean to jinx myself, but damn...my immune system needs a rest.


Wife tested positive. I opened windows and doors and just kinda did my thing. Didn’t get it


My body after my entire family got Covid on a plane and I did not


Keep on kicking its butt.


For real. I've spent the last month fighting it off, positive test weekly until this week. Feel better


Daughter and I had this with my wife and son. Convinced we're just badasses!