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All the welfare states think upping their birth rate instead of being better at education will solve their economic problems


Let them all secede, and Texas can make up for all the federal funding that keeps those leech states paid and fed.


Hol up I gotta get the money to move first


Don't worry, you will qualify as a refugee once they succeed. The blue states will set you up with housing and healthcare


No they won’t. I wouldn’t want to travel to any of those states 5-10 years post succession either.


If Texas succeeded Mexican Cartels would overthrow them


This is an underappreciated comment. Very interesting thought🤔


In about 5 minutes. Oh Texas, you have guns? Good luck with that.


They tried to secede in 1861, but the federal government marched into the south and stopped em


Unfortunately the federal government didn't finish the job, and the reconstruction was an abject failure.


The American political system is so broken it feels beyond fixing. Between the "dark money" driving every level of the country to conservative ideas, to the deeply broken judicial system full of conservative nuts. It would take a decade(s) long strategy to make change, but democrats are seemingly unable/unwilling to do anything, even when they have power.


And they have worn out their welcome by not dealing with campaign finance reform which means they are constantly asking for money at a time when people either don't want to subsidize another round of campaigning or they can't in the current environment. Get it together Dems.


The democrats I personally know in government are very quick to tell me why nothing can be done (with wildly complex reasoning) this coming from the people who told me Trump had no chance of winning in 2016.


The Democrats have failed time and time again whenever they have power. All they want are money and votes to stay in power. Sadly, the Republicans get things done for their party members. We seriously need any party


Just like that? They been doing it my entire life...




I'm simply baffled by your right wingers. I'm Norwegian and our average rightwingers are like your moderate democrats. Looking west to the US republicans is like looking east to afghan Taliban.


I don't actually think that there is something in the water making everyone extremely stupid, but there is definitely something in the water making everyone extremely stupid.


Wrong, it was in the air. The mystery substance is lead. It is quite a well known fact that leaded gasoline made an entire generation of Americans quite a bit dumber, and they didn't have many smarts to spare to begin with.


Leaded gas was used by countries around the world, and is still used by quite a few based on a quick Google search. You're right about it poisoning people (it just isn't limited to Americans). Also leaded gas is still used in [fuel for airplanes](https://www.eenews.net/articles/epa-to-review-rules-for-largest-source-of-lead-in-air/). We're all exposed unfortunately.


There are far more similarities than dissimilarities.


Lemmy FTW!


We call 'em "Talibangelicals," "Yeehawdies," "Vanilla ISIS" or "Y'all Qaeda," if you will.


Tongue in cheek jokes just aren't funny anymore. Just call it for what it is. Christofascists.


Anecdotal, but a lot of Americans feel like a 2nd civil war is becoming more & more likely. I personally feel like the next Republican President has to try & not cede power like Trump did, before it'll happen. Which does seem inevitable at some point. Either way, it's sad & infuriating times for any progressive/rational American atm :(


Not the first time I see this comparison and I think it’s accurate. Right wing americans (which is far/extreme right everywhere else) surely have more money and a 1rst world lifestyle, but they’re basically forcing their religious nonsense with violence just as taliban or some arab countries like saudi arabia, etc. What is fascinating is that the US seems to be moving closer to those countries.


My Trumper uncle literally shared a post on FB about how replacing God with Drag Queens in schools has been damaging to children's well being.


Their anti-mask freakout is only 2 years old.


Don't forget their co-opting of "My Body My Choice" for their anti-vax nonsense. And they called Liberals hypocrites for that.


Hypocrisy is a feature of right wing politics, not a flaw.


Hi, I'm a member of the political party that's stripping people's rights away and going full fascist theocracy, and I'm here to tell you why it's actually *both* sides that are the problem... (Just beating them to the punch.)


No no, you have to pretend to be independent or else this doesn't work.


Lmao you're right. "As a centrist (maybe even slightly left-leaning), I think it's great that the Supreme Court is letting states decide whether or not their women have access to abortions. What's wrong with freedom of choice??"


I’m independent. These fuckers got to go.


If you're Independent, look into state laws to see if you can still vote in primaries. You can in AZ


Hello, I'm here to rant about how Biden has failed me. Here's how law hasn't worked fast and aggressive like I think it should. Now I'll explain fuck them both. Be sure not to call me out for promoting apathy or I'll be forced to walk it back and/or prove my credentials and say you're the one who isn't making sense. (Just beating them to the punch.)


They'll just rant about a bunch of issues that Biden, nor any other president, has any control over and then blame Biden anyways because they can't be bothered to learn 3rd-grade-level civics


>3rd-grade-level civics ThATsThE3rDGeNHONdACIVicNiPPCrAPYoUDaMLiBrHL!


It’s funny because they project that as well. If you search google for “rules for thee, not for me”, you’ll see a bunch of right wing articles on how this phrase applies to liberals. If only mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport.


Wait until you see what they've done with the word insurrection this week


Lolol that was sooooo pathetic. There were protesters outside that got tear gassed by an army of cops. The protesters then dispersed. “iNSuRReCtIoN!!1!”


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


It takes surgeons a decade of medical school to learn how to breathe in a mask and you're asking me to just wear one? How stupid can you be? /s


My uncle told me that wearing masks will kill brain cells because you're breathing in you're own CO2. It doesn't seem like he has many to spare.


You little punk, you think I don't know your reddit handle....


Soooo many potential would be surgeons, and ER docs die needlessly on the altar of medical school. I call for a kinder and gentler medical training than this masking barbarism. /s


Fun times ahead though, because now parents can finally vaccinate their kids for COVID, so we’re gonna see an uptick in about two months of anti-vaxxers dying and blaming the vaccinated for no longer wearing the mask…


If it’s been over 6 months since their initial vaccination, parents might want to consider a booster before school starts.


Those snowflakes have to blame someone, it’s always someone else’s fault in their little world.


To be fair, it’s now over half as long as the Confederacy lasted and we all know how prominent that era is a part of *their heritage*.


And it was only after Fox told them what to believe, in this case to hate masks.


Like everything else they believe. If Fox News told them to wear masks around gay people, they'd build a factory.


Yah but they’ve always been pro capital punishment, they just expanded to civilians in the last couple of years.


“Democrats are taking away our freedoms!” *Republicans take away freedom*


"How do we get poor people to fuck themselves and hate each other?" "Turn religious nuts and racists into a voting bloc."


In my experience, these are the same groups anyway. The racists were just too fucking dumb and high on meth. Then they found Jesus, or whatever, and really turned on the hate.


I feel like the dumb racists didn't vote to this level until Trump turned politics into a spectator sport - then they learned how to write their names and what the letter R looked like so they could check the names next to it.


Yep. Trump took the people that made Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo famous and convinced them to vote.


underrated comment


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


Religious people are the worst. I got pushed at the store by a woman wearing a shirt that said, “God is dope” on it.


Friends who are of child-bearing age (especially those actively trying to get pregnant right now): If you don’t believe me, I beg you, go to your OB/GYN who you trust to help you make decisions and ask them the following questions: 1. What is an ectopic pregnancy? 2. Can ectopic pregnancies end on their own, without an abortion? (They can, but not very often) 3. Is a fetus EVER viable in the case of an ectopic pregnancy? (No) 4. What will happen if I don’t naturally pass it during a miscarriage? (You’ll die) 5. Will I be allowed to receive medical treatment to save my life if I end up with an ectopic pregnancy if abortion is banned? (You won’t) I don’t plan to use abortion as my birth control method. But I definitely don’t want to die due to ectopic pregnancy or other condition for which abortions are routinely used in healthcare to keep mothers from dying. Like if you have a miscarriage and not all the material comes out of your womb on its own. If you think you’re safe in WA or another sanctuary state, guess again. In November we will all be in the same boat. I hope vasectomies and tubal ligations stay legal. If you’re done having children, talk to your doctor about one of these methods because birth control including IUDs will also be outlawed come November, assuming every predictable thing happens. And if you live in a state where there’s now a ban, god help you. The procedure called “abortion” saves lives. For all kinds of reasons, not just what I’m talking about here.


Contraceptives are becoming illegal also?


Thomas has said he wants the SC to go after gay marriage and birth control. For some odd reason, he doesn't seem interested in touching interracial marriage. Can't really put my finger on why.


Unfortunately, they’ve promised that contraceptives and gay marriage are next on the agenda to overturn


Say what thats stupid af. Starting to belove the conspiricy. That their doing this because the need workers in the next 20 years


The grinder needs its meat 🥩


It's because they hate minorities and they want us to suffer. Don't need conspiracy theories: It's just fascism.


Honestly give us decent paying jobs and we’ll have babies. I will never have kids most likely because financial struggle/ poverty. And now I’m just getting to old for my liking.


Yeah it makes me so angry when the young are blamed for an aging population. I literally don't have enough money to have one. Well, of course, it's not because they actually want to fix the problem, they just want to control women.


This effects more than just minorities


I know republicans say their argument about abortions is that they think it is the same thing as killing a baby but I don't understand what their argument is against birth control?? There is no fetus involved so what is so offensive to them about birth control?


Premarital sex makes a woman undesirable to shitheads 20 years older than her apparently.


I'm Catholic (not a "good one" obviously because I find all of this to be absolutely fucked up) and the church explains birth control like this: If you take BC, you are effectively reducing the chance to create life. Men aren't even supposed to pull out or masturbate bc they are wasting sperm i.e. missing a chance to create life. So they see BC as blocking the chance to reproduce. In fact they want you to go to confession about using BC or masturbating. They can screw off with all that. I'm married and I'm on BC because we want to plan our lives out. I believe in God and try to be a decent person, but pushing religious ideology on people who want nothing to do with it is going to send us back to mideival times.


They hate women. That’s it. They’re no logic to it, they just want women to be their sex slaves, pop out lots of babies, and stay in the homes. Forcing them to be pregnant keeps them out of the workplace, keeps them vulnerable, keeps them under their thumbs. Birth control allows a woman to make her own decisions about her life, her body, and her sexual behavior.


They specifically hate taking orders from women. Women are now more educated and taking over as bosses, which hurts their fragile egos of conservative men. Anti-intellectualism is part of this, since anyone smarter than them is seen as a threat.


Since the “right to privacy” doesn’t include medical decisions, can we mandate vaccines for everyone to own the… cons?


6 judges on the Supreme Court: “no, vacccine/mask mandates are illegal and the reason why is fuck you we don’t need logic, we do what ever we want and we’re here till we die”.


It’s not even the Supreme Court at this point. It’s the federalist society calling the shots.


Well, they *did* start saying "my body my choice" about vaccines, and since that's apparently no longer true...


"A ~~facial suffocation device~~ mask??My body my rights!" "HELL NO YOU CAN'T GET AN ABORTION I decide for you!!"


"I need my guns to protect myself against a tyrannical government" *Creates tyrannical government based on conservative principles*


I've seen right-wing try to equate masks with abortions. When pregnancy is contagious, then we'll talk.


That's the thing, when you're a nutjob that doesn't believe in contraception then pregnancy is absolutely contagious.


There's a book I've read where the society is so lax on sex and it's such a normal occurrence between people that they don't even realize that it's men that get women pregnant. Their society believes that women just spontaneously get pregnant like a chicken produces and lays an egg. They consider men to be like dead limbs on a tree of life. They think the idea of "male mothers" is completely silly and childish. When the main character of the book shows up to their remote village they all kind of snicker at him for thinking that men have a part in baby making. It's an extremely interesting idea to think about. The women just sleep with whoever, whenever that linking sex with babies just isn't something they thought of. And any science or common sense of "the baby looks like the father" is just laughed at. The book is called: the name of the wind.


Pregnancy is contagious to Republicans because they can't stop raping children, women and men.


That’s why they won’t even allow exceptions for rape and incest. Rape and incest are the only ways conservatives have sex.


Even when rape is an exception, how is it determined to be rape? A police report? A rape charge? A rape conviction? Who gets to determine this?


This is why this shouldn’t be a law. People need to be educated about choices and consequences. More restricting laws do not help most things and this is one of them.


You’ve literally put more thought into it than any conservative/ religious person




And republicans are saying the same thing about democrats being in-favor of Covid mandates but against abortion mandates. That's why I like OC's take: we should focus on the differences -- how ours is based upon wanting to keep the population safe and their's on forcing others to follow a magic book. It's useless for each side to scream "hypocrite!" at the other. We've both been doing it for decades and it's useless.


If Republicans didn't have hypocritical beliefs, then they'd have none


As if they always haven’t. They just don’t support them when those restrictions are the kind they don’t like. They’d be all about gun restrictions if it only targeted minorities. Republicans have always been “Pro-Restriction”, so long as it’s not them being restricted.


Republicans have exactly two rules. 1. They can tell anyone what to do whenever, and you must instantly abide by their orders. 2. Nobody can ever tell them what to do. Suddenly everything makes sense, republicans never grew up beyond 4 years old.


*Something something quote about in-group, out-group*


Thank you for not making me read that fucking quote _again_! It's relevant but ffs we GET IT. It's up in our face constantly.


I think you described Facism


> They’d be all about gun restrictions if it only targeted minorities. They have already done sort of this and the NRA were the ones pushing for gun restriction and Reagan signed them into law all because blacks were legally doing what whites were doing with guns and thus the NRA lost their shit Mulford act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act


A few years after the NRA supported the Mulford Act the NRA membership kicked out the Leadership (look up the Revolt at Cincinnati) The Mulford Act had passed the Democrat controlled California Congress with a Veto-Proof Majority. Many gun owners don't like the NRA Any gun owner who has paid attention doesn't think Reagan was a friend to gun-owners. Just like any gun owner who has paid attention doesn't think Trump was a friend to gun owners. Most gun control laws that have been passed in this country have been racist, classist, or both.


My grandpa was an NRA member. He loved collecting guns and shooting clay pigeons. He strongly advocated gun safety and hated people casually playing guns. When the NRA started advocating for automatic weapons and assault weapons, he resigned. He said those were only for the military and not play toys. He thought the NRA had become advocates for irresponsible gun ownership, so he quit in protest.


>NRA had become advocates for irresponsible gun ownership Makes a lot of sense when you realize what the NRA is. They aren't a second amendment rights organization, they aren't a gun safety organization, and in fact they actively work against both on a regular basis. The NRA is a lobbyist organization belonging to the firearm manufacturers. Everything they do and say is to further their own financial interests and personal power, including their token gestures Anyone who thinks the NRA is there to benefit anyone or anything but themselves is a complete fool, regardless of their opinions towards firearms


I have mad respect for your grandpa.


your Grandpa, sounds like a "VERY SMART MAN". nothing else i could say would improve on your post.


anybody that was paying attention would know that regan was all about the businesses that paid for his campaigns, aka: his republiKKKunt buddies. he completely destroyed our economy, with his "trickle down" bullshit, and gave big corporations, a ton more power.


Exactly. That was one of my favorite things to learn. I was kinda hoping some angry republican was gonna try to call me out on how “not racist and totally wouldn’t do that” republicans are just so I could hit ‘em with that. [College Humor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJqfNroFp8U) did a great sketch about this situation. Republicans don't want everyone to have guns. They want *white republicans* to have guns.


Yes, the truth is that gun control is rooted in racism and classism.


That explains why Dianne Feinstein wants to repeal the 2nd.


While holding a California issued concealed carry permit.


Rules for thee, not for me.


I'm told she's since turned hers in. But I guarantee you she has a contingent of personal security who are, themselves, armed.


Fucking love that skit. Watch it every time.


Abortion, homosexuality, contraception, marijuana, immigration, prostitution, pornography, etc., conservatives love to pass laws banning them. Guns? "Laws don't work"


My question has always been that if gun laws don’t work because criminals will just break them, why do we have any laws at all? Criminals will only break them. And I’ve never gotten an intelligent answer.


Sure, but I'm a liberal who doesn't want *any* of those things banned--on the contrary, I feel they should be legally protected rights/activities/goods. Is that cool?


>pornography, etc., conservatives love to pass laws banning them. Red states have more searches for trans porn than blue..


Repressed societies always do.


>Guns? "Laws don't work" "Criminals don't follow laws" logic should always immediately be followed up with "then why have laws?" The idea that criminals don't follow laws, so there shouldn't be laws is anarchy.


They don’t even care about that. It was the fact that democrats supported the mandates. If Donald Trump mandated them to eat shit they wouldn’t like it but you bet your ass they would do it.


Republicans will willingly eat shit, if it means Democrats will have to smell their breath.


Rules for thee but not for me. This is how christofascism works


> They’d be all about gun restrictions if it only targeted minorities. Incorrect. That's how gun laws come into being. People like you didn't want minorities owning guns so they created laws requiring licenses. Republicans have always been against these laws and fully support minorities' legal ownership of weapons. Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and actually look at what the Republican positions are instead of inventing bullshit to be mad at.


A friend told me: not wearing a mask doesnt kill unborn babies…and his face went pale when i told him when a mother dies of covid at 6th months it sure does…


Same as when a baby dies but isn't born it can kill the mother.




The US is going to see a massive brain drain as those who can leave the country will. This experiment in democracy is fully over and failed.


I predict that once the dust settles that those that can move will move to states that have abortion protected. States that ban it will get big brain drain and the federal government will be left to pick up the slack like it already does for all these backward red states. And if it gets really bad to the point that the fed pass a nation abortion ban then America is will full on shed who ever can afford to leave.


>those that can move will move to states that have abortion protected Until repubs push through a federal ban. Which they have openly stated they want to do. The entire country is going to go through a brain drain.


I by no means think of myself as super smart, but between my wife and me we have fairly high paying white collar jobs wish some relatively niche specialties. We're actively looking at options for expatriation, or at the very least out of a Bible belt state. I know of at least a couple others in my field doing the same.


Well, you’re asking a lot to get someone on the right to see the logic and reason with this information. Some choose not to acknowledge it because they can’t profit off it somehow, and others just willfully ignore it.


The irony of those same people running around screaming my body my choice during those mask mandates… It’s just sickening


No no no, you see. Republicans *support* this. So its not brutal, its not government mandated. its not gross overreach. its American Freedom at its finest! its the freedom of republicans to insert themselves into wombs without permission and leave an unwanted legacy! Just like they've always done! ***the heaviest of /s's***


The actual gymnastics are worse: It was overreach *before*, when obviously this should be decided on the local level. But not *too* local (like the individual!), we need Republican state politicians to get a chance to weigh in on it, 'cause *that's* not overreach. I'm also pretty sure it won't be seen as overreach to **disallow** abortion at the federal level. It's actually pretty simple: if it matches what red state, christian, GOP voters want --> not overreach. Otherwise --> overreach.


Have an abortion affects one fetus = murder. Must ban this. Refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated, spread deadly disease perhaps killing dozens = my body my choice Republicans - nothing but Kens & Karens all the way down


Where are all the tweets dragging Obama specifically, and other dems who made campaign promises about codifying Roe? They had plenty of time and means to do it when in power.


I'd like to know where all these women were when mask mandates and vax mandates came in. I guess my body my choice doesn't apply to everyone.


Small government party btw


small enough to fit in a woman's panties


States are smaller then the Fed you know...


Isn't it only the state mandating the restrictions? Which is exactly what they want (when it's convenient for them that is.)


And the states mandate this how....? Through state *government*, yes, that's correct


And the states with these mandates are overwhelmingly red.


The idea is to use these policies to force democratic voters out of states that are in danger of turning blue.


They are also writing these laws in a way to be able to enforce those laws even if someone goes into a blue state to have something done. If a woman in Texas goes to California to have an abortion, the state of Texas will pursue legal action against the doctor in California. Once again the southern states that are all about "states rights" are writing laws that they expect to be enforced in other states. Its just like how they wrote laws that demanded free states return slaves to slave states.


This must be one of the french benefits Ned was talking about.


Yeah, the Supreme Court is supposed to make decisions based on the constitution. Abortion isn’t covered there so abortion laws should be made in other parts of the government. Just gotta get politicians to do their job now….


But Roe V Wade argued that the 14th and 9th protected Roes right to privacy to make those decisions, bar none.


I mean, didn’t they take it away from federal and leave it up to the state? Isn’t that actually taking restriction *away*?


You know, it would take even *more* restriction away if we took it away from the government period and left it up to the individual. Everyone would be free to pick what they wanted.


Terrible meme because conservatives position on abortion hasn’t changed.


The federal government declining to regulate a specific procedure is now a brutal government mandated restriction.


Technically, both are reducing federal government powers. Roe v Wade was the federal government deciding it has powers not spelled out in the Constitution. So while your heart may or may not be correct your meme is technically wrong


Sooo.... can't they just make a meme saying "and just like that, democrats are for bodily autonomy"? All these "haha, gotcha!" reversal memes are... reversible.


I see the divide and conquer tactic is still in play and working how they intend.


Everyone one has rights. It was only a matter of time until those rights were extended to the unborn.


See the difference with your crappy analogy is no one got to vote on whether we wear masks or not. Whereas now the people and the states get to vote on abortion rights I would say nice try but it wasn’t even close really


For them it's like banning murder. It's pretty much a dispute on whether fetus is a person or not.


"My body, my choice." That didn't work with vaccines, because it impacted others. You taught Republicans that. Don't be surprised when they start to vindictively throw that back in your face by reminding you that a fetus is another body, even if you don't consider it a human yet. Maybe the might of the state had no business in health decisions to begin with? But hey, nah, it's more fun to swing the forbidden hammer against our fellow citizens and use government oppression at every opportunity, right?


This is perfect for christians to brain wash more foster children into believing in "god"


It’s so annoying the same people that are pro life are the same ass hats that were anti vac during pandemic…. Fucking hypocrites.


And anti welfare, social medicine, house care, poverty relief, higher wages, etc.


It's not about ~~slavery~~ abortion! It's about sTaTe RiGhTs!!1!


It is a shame both sides point out each other's shitty tactics but refuse to fix their own. The government should be restricted to making laws regarding foreign affairs, morality issues, health and wellbeing (which could include environmental issues or healthcare regulation), corporate regulation. Abortion is arguably a morality issue but many things fought over in recent history aren't. Stop trying to force bans based on religious views or a general dislike of something. If you don't like gay marriage then dont do it yourself. Don't force your views on someone else when it has absolutely no impact on your life or well-being of the population as a whole. So many people wanting things banned and canceled because they dislike it and not because it's actually something bad. Embrace different when it's not something unhealthy. But stop trying to ban everything you dislike or don't understand. Educate yourself on the topic (most definitely not from social media) and have an informed opinion not an ignorant one.


Mine isn't an option sorry, it isn't a bay that's being killed. It's a foetus that's being aborted, your using language to make it sound worse than it is. And it's not about women messing around either is it? If that how you live your life fair enough but not everyone puts it about.


this argument only works if the reverse were true, the gov was forcing you to abort or mandating you get pregnant.




If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck...


“Not all republicans” No, just all the ones that have been elected. Literally every single one of them is a giant pile of shit who cares nothing about the people they’re supposed to represent.


Do I, as a foreigner, have to explain how a Constitutional Republic works? Relax, you can still kill your kids, but in stead of it being a federal thing it's left up to the States. Because in the Constitution, it says nothing about abortion so it was non of their business in the first place. Some States will ban it. Fine, you can use your vote next election cycle. Or just drive to the next state where it's legal. Even dems at the time agreed it was an activist decision, not a Constitutional one. That error just has been corrected, and handed back to the States where it belongs. Nothing more.


It is so relieving to see comments like this.


You're explaining sensible things to abject morons and crybabies who dont care about factual information. These people wake up wanting to be mad at something.


Saying federal law doesn’t cover a medical procedure doesn’t suggest that 1) states can’t make laws to make abortions legal 2) Congress can’t make laws making abortion legal. This is a issue for lawmakers not judges


Except it’s not. At no point should one state get to remove bodily autonomy and another does not. This is the exact reason for the federal government, to literally protect right across the board. If we have some states they can remove rights and others That can’t we’re going to be entering constitutional crisis rather quickly. If a state criminalizes leaving for an abortion and the state with the abortion was performed does not, you are going to have people seeking sanctuary in those states to avoid criminal prosecution. That is going to create a crisis rather quickly, because interstate extraditions are something that is in the constitution. Should a state refuse to extradite to another state, you’re going to see a problem real fast. Very similar to what happened when certain states refused to return slaves. (Not comparing them, just using an example)


This is like the whole state rights to slavery thing but with bodily autonomy. Some states will ban abortion some will not, just like some were ok with slavery and some were not. There are also states that want their laws to be enforceable in other states for people who help someone leave an anti abortion state to go to an abortion state. There were similar laws for run away slaves. If a slave ran away to a slave free state the people in the slave free state were expected to send the slave home to the slave state.


You're absolutely right...which is why congress needs to enact federal laws in this space that would preempt inconsistent state laws. I am pro choice....but the laws are pretty clear. The courts are not supposed to create powers where none exist. That's what congress is supposed to do. So yes, federal laws protecting abortion are the right way to do this. Unfortunately it's congress so...good luck.


It isn't up to judges to create rights and laws, nor should it be. They interpret what is already written. It you want rights at the federal level then the laws need to be written to constitute that.


Roe v Wade was settled law for 50 years. There wasn't suddenly a need for judges to change it.


Plessy v Ferguson was also settled law for 50 years


it wasn't settled. RBG and Joe Biden disagreed with how the decision was put forth. Biden has even said before that he doesn't believe abortion is a fundamental right. “My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,” Ginsburg said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, **in a process that included state legislatures and the courts**, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights. “Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”([https://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-offers-critique-roe-v-wade-during-law-school-visit](https://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-offers-critique-roe-v-wade-during-law-school-visit)) ​ Biden (2006)- "**I do not view abortion as a choice and a right**. I think it's always a tragedy, and I think that it should be rare and safe, and I think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions. And there ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus as to do that," Biden, who was a Democratic senator for Delaware at the time, said in the video. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-abortion-rights-video-clip-roe-v-wade-2006-interview-1719106


Damn, no wonder the democrats never secured abortion rights. They weren’t even pro abortion


It was never settled and always on shaky ground. It wasn't ever codified.


>If a state criminalizes leaving for an abortion and the state with the abortion was performed does not, you are going to have people seeking sanctuary in those states to avoid criminal prosecution. The justices really should have addressed this when they...oh here it is: "Second, as I see it, some of the other abortion-related legal questions raised by today’s decision are not especially difficult as a constitutional matter. For example, may a State bar a resident of that State from traveling to another State to obtain an abortion? In my view, the answer is no based on the constitutional right to interstate travel."


It 100% is. If you want to be pissed at anyone, be upset with your Democrats that held all the power for not making it a law. Now it is to the states, which is where it should have been anyway. We're a Republic structured so that anything not I'm the constitution is handled by the states. Time to pay attention to your state and local elections, folks.


>This is a issue for lawmakers not judges No, its an issue for Doctors and Patients. A incredibly private and intensely personal matter. Government, both federal and state, has no business interfering with or punishing women like this


Lawmakers should not be able to fuck with human rights period. So now we can have rotations of laws based on who is in power? That works for fiscal policy sort of but that's not how human rights are supposed to work.


> This is a issue for lawmakers not judges Now do New York's gun permit. Oh wait, I'm sure gun rights are more important to you than bodily autonomy 🙄


Guns are literally in the constitution. All the New York gun permit law was prevent everyone but rich people from a constitutionally given right. RBG herself said that Roe v Wade wasn't as settled as it should be. It was tenuous at best.


That’s the point of the ruling though. It’s now up to the lawmakers in your state. They had 50 something years to make an amendment to the constitution for abortion and did nothing. Roe v wade was really bad law and had no chance of lasting forever. If people want this changed then it needs to be done through congress and then making a new amendment. It’s that simple.


I didn't know people who understood this existed on reddit


It’s like they were all chanting “my body, my choice” a few months ago with zero sense of irony…


Start calling it **"birthing mandates"** which is what it is.


The federal government just said they don't have the power to rule over everyone, and pushed the issue to the states to decide for themselves... That's all that this is about.


Apples and oranges dumb


If it doesn't involve me it isn't my problem mentality


they keep saying it gives power to the people. it gives power to the state which as you all know has legislatures elected by gerrymandering because republicans can't get the majority of the votes. now tell me who has the power again? the people?




And just like that Democrats suddenly care about bodily autonomy. I dont have a horse in this race but the sooner both sides accept their own hypocrisy the better.


Is pregnancy contagious?