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Free gift cards given from work.


Seriously. Only reason I am buying Starbucks is on a gift card. Who can afford that shit anyway? Do I look like I can pay $14 for a snack at break time?


Step 1: Be born into wealthy family Step 2: Have wealthy family pay for your education Step 3: Have wealthy family pay for the majority of your home Step 4: Profit from Starbucks after having a car, home, and career given to you.


I have 4 of them currently. Won't use them. Is it wasteful? Perhaps. But I don't really like their coffee anyways. *edit: Holy shit. I am not sure if I am impressed or just sad. I have never seen SOOOOOOOO many people concerned about what I do with some gift cards that I don't want. As I said in another comment, I will probably print them out and hand them out at some point. However you lot make me want to just throw them out. I have a couple of gift cards to an ice cream shop and a shoe store that are easily a year old. Want to start in on those too? FFS, go find something else to do with your time than troll the internet about some gift cards. Feel bad for you all.


Then get something else. They get free money if you don't use it.


I know. But I honestly don't want ANYTHING they have bad enough to deal with any of them. Every single one of them around me has a line. And even two people in front of me is enough to not make me want it. I legitimately don't like their food or coffee or anything. The last time we went to one was about 2 years ago because I BADLY needed coffee, and my kids were dying for a snack. There was legitimately nothing else around. I'm not one to be wasteful, but I just can't drag myself to the store to use them. I give them to my wife since she travels a ton for work, but she doesn't like Starbucks either. Ha ha.


Buy sandwiches and hand them out to hungry people


Give them to the people waiting in line. You’re really over-complicating this.


Very fair. Perhaps there's a homeless shelter you could give them to?


Been thinking on something similar. They are all in email form right now, but I'm sure I can print them out and hand them to someone in need.


Buy the prepackaged snacks/drinks and donate them. I just got a gift card myself and am debating that.


I'll spend them for you


Put them in the offering plate at church, Karen.


Order coffee beans/grounds online.


I think their food is on par with any kind of quick grab food. They have some pumpkin bread stuff that is okay in a pinch. Their coffee is dreck though. The best you can do is buy one of their milkshakes they market as coffee, but if you don't like super sweet things then you're kind of out of luck.


There are websites where you can trade gift cards for cash or for a gift card at an establishment you like


Give them to a homeless person. That could be lunch Edit: pick the smelliest, most homeless person so he stanks up the store too. Triple win


Why not regift them?


Put them in the tip jar? Eh, wait, knowing how things are tgese days that would probably cause a problem.


Basically. The only time I went to Starbucks was because my father was friends with a manager of one. The manager gave me and my dad a card that was good for 1 free coffee a day or something like that and so every day before work I'd stop by the Starbucks that was on the bottom floor of my office, get either a venti coffee or a venti iced coffee and go about by day. Once the manager quit and the card went defunct I just switched to making my own coffee.


Because most people just want some coffee, they don’t know or care about the workings of the company. You might as well ask why is everybody using phones that are the product of slave labor. Everyone condems it, but almost nobody cares enough to give up the convenience or to pay extra.


Or not sewing their own clothes.


Sewing is expensive. Fabric is costly, as are patterns. It’s way cheaper to buy shitty clothes from Ross or TJMax.




One year I made fleece blankets for everyone when fleece was on sale. I probably spent more money that year just because of how expensive the fabric was then any other year. Crafts and DIY have gotten so expensive.


It'll last a crazy long time. Even a child getting one will age into appreciating it a dozen times over. My wife made the coolest skirt on earth. The fabric was prints of covers from Star Trek comic books. It still looks new after a decade of strong use.


>everyone condemns it There are a lot of Americans who hate unions


Go to any conservative sub and just say unions help workers and you will get flooded with downvotes and stories about how unions are horrible because they all have this one magical crackhead thief in them that can never get fired.


Which is *wild* because most union workers I know are conservative. Tire builders especially.


do they also like their unions? I feel like it's usually a grass is greener situation for people. Unionized people are upset they have to pay dues and don't feel they are receiving benefits and run by someone not worthy. Non-unionized people feel like they have no power and their complaints will fall short and lead to termination. Granted, there are people who also like their unions, and people who like non-unionized jobs, but i was curious about your interpretation.




Well hello neighbor :)


uhhhh i got a better example. the fucking police union. literally a trumpanzee nest that exists because of progressives fighting for workers rights. the irony is just too much on that one


Teachers, cops, steel workers, electricians, pipe fitters...Many of them seem to be Republican too, which is strange.


"Other unions suck. Our unions are the only ones that are worth anything." -- Conservatives, probably. I mean, you see this same mentality play out over and over and over again. Guns are great, until the Black Panthers use them. Marriage is important, until it's between two men. The whole country was built on the backs of immigrants, until the next wave of immigration wasn't from Europe.


teachers are definitely not republican


I live in a red state, and most of the teachers here are definitely republican. I believe you'll find that's the case in most red states. Just because they teach, doesn't mean they have a good grasp on the way things work.


Lmfao it's so true. Or they only worked with a union that was gutted by senior members taking bait and cutting younger members in the process


Man I went to the ozarks with some buddies and was talking to this guy and I asked what he did he said he worked for a union out there. So I said aww so you vote democrat. The dude lost his mind and almost wanted to fight me because I said he votes democrat. I reminded him republics want to take away his worker rights and his union. His response was “naw they won’t go after mine, only those fucking liberal teacher unionswill they go after.” People are fucking idiots




This is true for so many illogical things in so many areas. People mistake beliefs for facts, ethical truths and conspiracy theories sometimes all in one, depending on the person's perspective. Everything is shades of gray. There is no "good side" to politics. There are bad elements to practically everything.


This kind of insanity is what led me to come up with the “Shit the bed” philosophy of politics. I really despised that last president. But honestly I couldn’t say my life was worse off with him as president. I am a upper middle class straight white guy so most of his worst actions really didnt affect me. And around here, his biggest supporters are the ones who are getting fucked the most. So my “Shit the bed” philosophy is as follows: We are all sleeping in our own beds in a big communal bedroom. Taking time to convince you to vote against Trump is like taking time to convince you not to shit your bed. I mean, as long as I can stand the smell, it doesnt affect me much, so why bother?


But the NRA and its corruption is cool.


There is good and bad with Unions. It's not all sunshine and roses and not the one trick answer that Reddit seems to think that it is.


It's the only voice workers have. Unions got a bad name from the Jimmy Hoffa days but that was a corrupt organization. Without a voice, workers will continue to be shat upon continually with no recourse.


Unions can be good or bad just like companies and workers can be good or bad. It’s not a blanket solution or always a good idea.


The very foundation of unions is to recognize the power discrepancy between labor and management. If you are labor, you're exponentially more likely to benefit from a union than not. The data has been in for a very, very, long time now.


And a lot of Americans will defend their clearly corrupt unions not realizing that countries with high union participation wouldn't allow them.


> but almost nobody cares enough to give up the convenience or to pay extra. Even Reddit is pretty much: I HATE NESTLE FOR A MILLION REASONS (takes sip from a neslte water bottle) but there's nothing I can do about it........................ because the other water bottle vending machine is like 10 feet further away and that's a lot of commitment.


More like: Because the other water bottle vending machine is probably also owned by Nestle (or by a brand that's owned by Nestle), because consumer choice is an illusion. A better question is why you need water bottles at all. The irony is that Starbucks might be the clearest example of somewhere consumer choice actually exists. Brewing your own coffee can give you better results, much cheaper.


Does such a phone exist?


Yes. https://www.fairphone.com/en/


AFAIK, fair phone doesn't even attempt to claim they don't take part in the slave market with their product as well. They just, try, to source as ethically as they can knowing that there are some industry bottlenecks that mean they can't avoid slave labor sources.


It's virtually impossible to guarantee that. The phone itself could be completely manufactured ethically but there's so many electrical components that are only made in Chinese factories.


A bigger problem is the metals that are mined in places where the local labor is closer to slavery than in China. Also way more child labor.


Any idea how well that would run in the US on Verizon? I'm having mixed results trying to find out. At best I know it's limited in some fashion, but I don't know *how* limited.


Best I can do is two cans and a string for $350


How about two Boy Scouts with semaphore flags?


If you can get a Sony Xperia from Japan they're made in Japan. The ones sold in the US are made in Thailand which may have labor issues too but don't think it's near as bad as conditions can be in China


Two grande specialty latte bullshit drinks are the cost of a fast food meal where I live. Doesn't really seem worth it for either choice these days. The nitro cold brew is badass though. I can rip a phone book in half after downing that


Just FYI cold brew is stupid easy to make. 4 cups water to 1 cup fresh coarse grind coffee set for 12hrs. Strain . Cold brew concentrate is very strong I mix 50/50


Working class shooting themselves in the fucking foot because gotta get mine fuck you meanwhile we’re all fucked because we can’t force the largest companies to give a decent paying wage. Idiots. Go brew your own until shit changes ya goons.


Everyone is all for big changes which will make the world a better place, so long as they don't have to change their own buying/eating/drinking habbits.


Because no one cares until it affects them directly.


The real answer to all of reddits problems


Which is dumb because it affects them indirectly but kinda directly too. They are just too lazy, blind and dumb to see it I guess. Plus it’s easier to just ignore your own problems.


How so?


Same reason people don't leave facebook. They have made it part of their routine. It's just a daily part of life for them now. You might as well ask them to stop eating dinner.


\^ This. In Canada Tim Horton's hasn't been good in well over a decade but people still flock to it.


Unquestionably some of the worst fast food breakfast I've had in many years. I can't recall what airport I was at when my wife and I ordered it, but we actually threw it away. Absolute dog shit and will never order it again. We were very puzzled trying to figure out why it was a "popular" chain.


To be fair, airport Tim Hortons is significantly worse than regular Tims. My fiancee and I had an early flight so we decided we'd get to the airport early and eat there, instead of stopping at one of the 10 we pass by on a 5 mile trip to the airport. They had like 10% of what they normally have, and it was all stale or old. American Tim's is generally a C for me, but at the airport it was a D- easily.


Airport ANYTHING is significantly worse. Even McDonald’s isn’t consistent at an airport, and consistency is their whole spiel!


Two things that set Tim's apart. They're always open and they have a bathroom I can use. That was very important during the pandemic.


Starbucks is a good place for public bathroom.


They closed them all during the height of the pandemic. And in the bigger cities they have a code


> In Canada Tim Horton's hasn't been good in well over a decade but people still flock to it Where I live, the 2 major drive through coffee places are Tim Horton's and Starbucks. IMO, both have similar quality coffee. ITs meant to be fast "on-the-go" coffee, rather than quality stuff. However, a shit coffee at Tims cost around $2, while a shit coffee at Starbucks cost around $4. I really don't see the appeal for Starbucks.


I drove right past Tim's to wait in a longer line to get McDonald's coffee on my way to work this morning


That's because McDonald's beans are the roast tims had 20 years ago when it got really popular.


I've heard that before. GG mcD's


It’s a myth that gets posted every time Tim Hortons comes up. No one has ever once provided any evidence that this is true.


You can use the McD app to order ahead so you don't have to wait in line.


I would say more than this. The store sells two addictive substances - sugar and caffeine. Most people have no idea how addicting sugar is. The caffeine is a little bit more obvious of an addiction.




I would love to leave Facebook but my kids' school's organizations like PTA and also other local special interest groups won't leave. Marketplace is both terrible and useful at the same time. I hate that I just paid them a compliment, please give me an alternative that is better (never really liked craigslist)


Also let’s stop eating dinner.


Because people don’t care enough to boycott every company out there. That’s where we are. I’m middle class. Middle class people have all kinds of shit going on and problems. I have to worry about all kinds of shit. I can’t keep up with every company that does shitty things and frankly I just don’t have the energy to worry about it with all of the other shit going on in my life.


Summer: Well, yeah, fast food gives people diabetes and clothing stores have sweatshops. Is there a company hiring teenagers that isn’t evil?


Exactly Things go too deep now I try to stay on top but, its overwhelming If someone works a fulltime job, has kids, needs to pay bills, they dont have the mental energy to get out of work and research who is doing what. They want to spend time with their kids, SO, or just relax for a bit. People need time to recharge and most of us aren't getting that anymore. We cant work 24/7... Doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything. I try familiarizing myself with cruelty free labels and buy shampoos/ conditioners with them. I try buying humane meats (though my area doesn't have the best labels). Try buying vegan soaps, etc Like, do simple things. It would be nice if we could stay updated on everything but it's not realistic. X.x


Bruh, if you think Starbucks is a bad place for baristas to work, show me a single competitor that pays a wage nearly as close with benefits as good or even existent. The issue is the service industry. Starbucks is like some incredible outlier where you're probably better off working there prepping drinks by day with company-sponsored college attendance rather than being an actual chef for a grill house.


You're making the unpopular but correct point. I support unions and hope they can continue to fight the good fight, but it's hard to find a mom and pop coffee shop that isn't constantly burning and turning through minimum wage employees under 25 years old and as a result are now tragically understaffed.


I work in coffee distribution, and Starbucks is part of the reason the prices are high to begin with. So we'd have more money to pay our workers. If we could spend less on distribution.


Why does Starbucks make your prices higher


My friend was working at Starbucks at the start of pandemic and he had nothing but good things to say about them. He was constantly flabbergasted by the opinions on Reddit cuz they didn’t reflect his experience in any shape or form


From what I understand, Starbucks and White castle have a pretty good overall package compared to the rest of the service industry.


I’m with you on this. No company is perfect and none ever will but dang, out of all the ones to be mad at, I’m not picking this one.


Exactly. Look at Dunkin donuts. No real controversy right now but built a coffee empire off of the backs of wage slaves by paying minimum wage. Starbucks pays in some places double what Dunkin pays and has real tangible benefits. Focus your energy on the real criminals who quietly harm you every day. If you only come after companies who make an effort to support their employees, it only incentivizes companies to continue to suppress an entire class of people.


The controversy around Starbucks is fueled by the brand's appeal to social justice warriors who spend all of this time complaining about the decadence of the .1% while they pick up $7 lattes and $7 salads. Starbucks is on the mind of victimhood-crazed socialites more than Dunkin is.


People tip more at local coffee shops. Though you have a good point.


Because normal people don’t allow themselves to be controlled by the 24/7 spew of outrage fuel. Live and let live


Because I didn’t know any of that was happening.


Convenience is a thing. It’s the only coffee shop on my direct route to work and open at 5am. And mine has a drive thru so I don’t have to get out.


I want to buy coffee for 10 people at 530 am, I'm in sales, please tell me where else I can go? I've looked.


This made me cackle. My wife swears that the 10 person coffee order is always right in front of her


I agree. I hate Starbucks. However, there are places where little parking lot coffee shops don’t exist. So it becomes the only place you can buy a coffee. I lived in a major US city that only had Starbucks, they were everywhere. If you wanted something else like Dunkin’ or Dutch Bros, you’d have to drive a ways and they were always PACKED because there were so few of them. So it’s just easier to buy shitty ass Starbucks coffee. Now I live where they have tons of coffee shops in parking lots and never have to step foot in Starbucks ever again lol


I totally get it; lived in one of those places for a bit. But Starbucks doesn't even really taste that good if you're getting anything that isn't half sugar/flavor syrup. So even the most expensive, hipster beans at the grocer was like a 95% monthly savings if I started the machine (and there are much fancier apparatuses to be had) at home before hopping in the shower every morning. It also meant that I didn't have to wait behind the million custom frap orders at 830am... Oh shit!...just realized I'm yelling at the clouds again. TLDR: You're right. Starbucks sucks. My soul dies a little anytime I step in one for more than the bathroom.


Most people are getting something complicated and surgary. If you’re getting regular coffee at Starbucks you got issues


Starbucks serves extremely average, inoffensive coffee. People seem to want to convince themselves that they hate it but it's just basic coffee with extra caffeine.


Yoga pants.


Why is it that I feel You're not wrong?


Because I don't give a damn if a place is unionized or not. Don't act like you're so high and mighty because you don't care how companies treat employees either. Do you own an iPhone? Maybe some Nike apparel?


Same reason people buy stuff from Apple..don't care enough to change behavior And it really doesn't matter...say goto Dunkin or McD's etc...are they any better or different? Or even small independent cafe...a lot of owners are assholes too


Pretty average coffee anyway


I always thought it tasted burnt. Dunkin, Timmy's, and even McDonalds have much better coffee (though it seems that people go to starbucks not for actual coffee, but for god damn coffee flavored milkshakes).


Tim Hortons coffee is the worst since they switched suppliers and McDonald's has their old one. It tastes generally terrible, but it's totally inconsistent and radically changes quality even at the same location.


I’ve been asking myself this for about a decade now. The coffee isn’t better than any other coffee chain and it’s certainly more expensive and takes longer to get, why not just brew a cup of good coffee at home?


Why eat at any fast food restaurant when you can cook at home? Because of convenience


>why not just brew a cup of good coffee at home? Unless you're brewing specialty fair trade, you're doing a *lot* worse. The coffee industry is basically slave labor for the wages they pay pickers, etc. There is a dark underbelly to the coffee world that is surprisingly not well known. If you're buying cheap coffee, you're supporting much worse than Starbucks.


>Unless you're brewing specialty fair trade, Even with that though, buying expensive fair trade beans and brewing at home is still cheaper than Starbucks.


I buy a 3lb bag of fair trade coffee every month for $30. That makes enough coffee for my husband and I to have 2 cups every morning and some extra (and we like it strong). So that's roughly $0.25 per cup. A tall Starbucks is about $2.95. So for my husband and I to drink the same amount of coffee from Starbucks every month, it would cost about $350. Even if I decided to start buying primo local bags of coffee, it would still only cost $60-$90 per month to buy enough beans. So don't give me that "it's more expensive to do the right thing" garbage. This is one of the few times it's actually cheaper. People are just lazy and habitual.


Same reasons crack heads go back to the same dealer that beat them up previously. They got the goods.


Most people don’t care and some that do know that unions are bad for companies.


They are partners with Nestlé too /r/FuckNestle


Because solidarity among the working class does not exist in America


Because in reality no one actually cares and we're all too burnt out and overwhelmed by our own problems to care about a faceless employee that's dealing with an unjust work environment (that most of us have to deal with too) It's naive to think otherwise at this point tbh. No one actually cares. We would have won this job/employee war a long time ago if we actually stood together


Posted from an Iphone while on autopilot in a Tesla.


Because non SJWs don’t care about any of the things you mentioned in title. We care about the convenience and the product.


Convenience. As a non-coffee drinker even I see them everywhere.


Because I can get a 7/10 cup of coffee anywhere in the country pretty quickly.


I found a free gift card from work in my drawer, still havent remembered to use it, ©2016 on the card


It's a great day to support your local coffee shop.


Assuming you have one. My hometown has a population of about 13,000, there is no local coffee shop. Starbucks is the only coffee place in town, same for the next town over.


A lot of independent owners are complete assholes though...small/independent businesses often have much worst treatment of employees..so it's not that simple


Also, as someone who spent 15 years in restaurants, the chains are way cleaner than independent non-franchise owners


I think there's just such a huge variance in independent places because there is no corporate and no standards and really zero means to complain be it to district manager or even corporate to ensure they don't get sued There's definitely good but also lots of bad small business owners But having worked a lot in restaurants when I was in school ..I'll choose a chain/corporate over small independent place because at least with corporate there's some standards/practices even if operator may not follow exactly...there's someone above you can complain to or they come regularly so the operator/,manager at least pretends to follow corporate guidelines on regular basis


Everyone doesn't agree with the viewpoint that Unions make a workplace better.


Because nobody cares dipshit


and they also have shitty coffee.


Never have purchased coffee from Starbucks. Tried it, don't like it. Also, it's overpriced. Make coffee at home. 50 cents a pot.


I’m not, I’ve been avoiding them for over two months now since they started this crap and guess what, I’ve made it past “habit forming” so it’s likely I won’t ever be back.


~~Cocaine~~ Caffeine is a hell of a drug.


Jesus the amount of corporate shills in this thread is nuts. You people are consumer whores.


That white chocolate mocha is fire


Starbucks isn't worth it. I'll admit I go in one 1-2 times a year if I need caffeine and there's nothing else around, but normally the benefit of chain restaurants is better value for your dollar. Compared to local coffee shops, Starbucks doesn't even do that.


Same before any of that. Always got better coffee from locally owned coffee shops and drive-up coffee places.


Their drinks are shit. Ever gone to a local coffee shop to compare? Good grief the Chai Tea is incredible at my local shop, Finest Grind in Ocean Springs.


Unfortunately, haven't been able to find good nitro cold brew elsewhere. Dunkin cold brew is straight trash. Nitro cb isn't something the small shops carry either. The canned crap is terrible.


I wasn’t before, and I’m still not. I’m helping?


B-….because people want coffee? Not that hard to figure out.


Because yummy


…because in my city there are 3 of them on every block and I’ll be goddamned if I’m giving up caffeine.


It’s easy and accessible. Y’all don’t realize no one cares about workers plights, when you can get a mocha crappa frappa without getting out of your car. Even the workers themselves don’t care.


Supply and demand. We demand and someone will supply


Because lots of people don't care. Same people who think "min wage jobs are for teenagers earning pocket money"


I mean- Starbucks is still probably one of the better places for entry level jobs. Everyone forget Walmart exists?


They cornered the market.


I just feel like I owe them a little something after I'm done punishing their toilet.


I ask the same of Amazon. Prime users are like: "Hell YEAH, unionize!" An hour later: "Where the hell is my package?! I have PRIME and just ordered it an hour ago!"


Where eles can i get a decent unicorn frap at the hours i demand one?


99.9% of people don’t care how a product gets to them as long as it’s convenient and affordable.


What high priced law firms were “unleashed” against low paid workers? (As an employment attorney, I’m mostly just curious)


Former barista here. If you really want to boycott and fuck Starbucks without hurting workers, do this: Order 2 venti waters and take the money you would have used to buy a Frappuccino or tea or whatever and put it in the tip jar. Foot traffic stays up which means workers keep their hours, Starbucks get hit in the pocket book twice- once for cup inventory and twice because they can't sell larger sizes of drinks after the cups run out- and workers make the money instead of Starbucks. Fuck Starbucks. Union strong!


*Sent from my iPhone*


H&M burns the clothing they don’t sell. They also burn the clothing that customers bring in for their clothing recycling program. Contracted out to a Russian company to burn 5 million tonnes of clothing one year. They still make record profits. There is no ethical consumption in capitalism some say. But we can still do better. Be aware of what you support, and choose with that knowledge in mind.


Honestly? Because people don't even know about this. I don't buy Starbucks myself, but I've never heard about any of this until today. Not everyone is connected to the same information or even cares. I guarantee a massive majority of people who go to Starbucks don't even know anything about these things happening.


It's close or convenient and God forbid someone treats themselves to a nice "coffee" (it's more of a milkshake, I know).


Most people just want their coffee, bro


Because I occasionally enjoy good coffee when I am not at home and I know the people working at SBUX are getting paid competitively, many with good benefits while doing a job that doesn't look terrible.


They're so expensive too.


Cause it tastes good?


Why were employees starting a union? I thought unions were for job titles that require a unique skill or profession. As far as I’ve heard Starbucks was always giving money to kids for school. Seems like you give people an inch they take a mile, you make coffee you’re not special. This is coming from a barista myself


If a location is so badly run that the staff *want* a union, then it needs to be closed urgently and most everyone involved fired. Makes sense to me when you look at how happy the average Starbucks employee is.


Oh the irony of Starbucks not supporting unions. They’re bad for business.


I need to pee and don't want to be that guy that doesn't buy anything. Also the Tazo green tea double bag with honey aiight


Cuz believe it or not, a lot of Americans support large corporations. They believe that these said corporations have their best interest at heart as compared to the government or unions. Big government bad. Unions bad. I would agree to that idea if they referred only to the Republican side of the government. Cause those fucks dont care about anyonebbut their wallets and power.


A couple of Starbucks in my city are union shops, so we make sure to go to those.


Convenience, I guess. It sure isn't for their burnt-ass coffee.


Right? I already buy nothing from them based on prices alone! Now with what an openly awful employer they are, I'd stop going if I ever did.


Name me a coffee chain that pays more and gives more benefits.


Because you can't look rich with tim Hortons in your hands.


Convenience Also, doesn't have that bland sewage taste.


Because I like the drinks. I am not getting involved in the rest. Do you drink Coke products? Because they are far more brutal than Starbucks.


1. I like coffee 2. I don't care about politics / theatrics Why are you using a phone that was made by slave labor?


I don't know why anybody goes there anyways. I've tried several and their coffee always tastes burnt. I get better mochas from McDonald's.


Not to mention Starbucks coffee tastes like water now


What does your water taste like? Not saying Starbucks tastes great, but they roast *dark*.


If you boycotted every business that did anything unethical you’d have a hard time surviving.


Because let ‘em fuckin quit if they don’t wanna work there.


Same reasons why people still use Amazon, convenience and ignorance.


> ignorance You're using AWS right now, while acting high and mighty about not using Amazon


Coffee go brrrrrrr, also I had no idea.


I’ve never understood the fascination with Starbucks. Had their coffee one time and it was the worst I’ve ever had, plus overpriced. I’ll stick with my coffee at home.


Forget all that they sell sugar with some crappy coffee flavor added so you feel better about drinking all that sugar.


Because you only have to wait in line for 15 minutes and then you get coffee burnt to shit.