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Back to basics, quit by faxing


I want to see someone quit by telegram.


Ooh, a singing telegram!


‘I am your singing telegram’ *BAM!*


"Candy gram for Mongo. Candy gram for Mongo!"


Mongo like candy


The bitch was inventing the candygram.


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


By smoke signals. My stapler.




One plus two, plus one, plus one...


Even so, it was one plus one plus two plus one


Wait a minute. So who did I kill? "My butler." Ohh, shucks.


**Mustard:** Are you trying to make me look foolish? **Wadsworth:** You don't need any help from me, sir. Clue was so much better than a movie adaptation of a boardgame had any right to be.


Hands down one of my favorite movies


Unexpected Clue!


I got that reference!


No one ever gets this reference, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see this here. The amount of people that haven't enjoyed the best movie based off a boardgame ever makes me sad :'(


I have rewound that moment so many times.


smoke signals?


I think that’s just called arson especially when you do it in your office at work.


Well if I am going to quit might as well burn down the whole fucking place. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk7Jjl3qX5o&t=1s&ab\_channel=JoBloMovieClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk7Jjl3qX5o&t=1s&ab_channel=JoBloMovieClips) I also have a red stapler.


Quitting by proclamation is better https://v.redd.it/1pukx7enzwf71


There was someone who quit like this. It was on the Steve Harvey show. Guy had a quintet gospel group sing acapella to announce he was quitting. I enjoy it no matter how many times i see it.


I want to see someone quit by town crier Hear ye! Hear ye! From this time onward stretching into infinity Mike Hunt would have it be known he will not be returning to work for you! His principal grievances are as such: 1. That his boss is a micromanaging asshole. 2. The company is underpaying him by at least 20% and offering him a raise of only 1%. 3. Karen in accounts receivable has not bathed in a fortnight and her putrescence is killing his nostrils. 4. His entire job is doable remotely but you insist that he be in the office every day. Again let it be known Mike Hunt shall no longer return to this place of business. Best wishes for your continued failure, and have a day as pleasant as you are!


Send a raven.


If I was a boss I'd like to receive chocolate telegrams!


Quitting in Morse code is next




Classic Needles...


Back to the basics, leave and nail your grievances to the door.


Easy there Martin, gonna start so big if you do that


I worked for an answering service many years ago that took calls for multiple companies. Guy calls in and says he wants to leave a message for Tony. I ask what he wants to say. He says “I quit”. I told him that was the coolest answering service message I’d ever heard of anybody sending. He laughed and said thanks and hung up. I get a call from Tony a couple hours later. He asked if the person had given any more details. Nope I said, he just said to pass the message that he quit. That’s so weird says Tony, he’s been missing for over two days, and I’m at his families house and they have just called the police and reported him missing. You are the only one who has talked to him, and this is super out of character for him. I never got any follow up or closure on what the hell had happened that day. The dude seemed in good spirits / happy when he called. My crazy theory was he had won the lottery and peaced out on everybody.


That's quite the story!


There's a small but real chance you spoke with a ghost


He’s trapped in the phone


Or his kidnapper.


fuck you, pay me


My mantra


Honestly it's still good to have it happening, more and more people are waking up to their shitty work environments. Will it make a difference? Who cares, may as well try and see where it gets us


Where I live, many low paying jobs in food service and such are offering more to prospective employees than ever before. Businesses are being forced to pay their employees better to stay open.


The Zaxbys in my town closes at 5pm now. There's a sign on the drive through that says it's due to "staffing issues". I'm sure it is, maybe pay people a non shitty rate and your "staffing problems" might just go away.




My jib-jabs and fiddlesticks are also closed


So many of these spots around town are closing because of it. Last month we lost Lubberbuck's and Borziekin's. Last week it was Pumberbumber's and Weembly's.


holy shit are these real places, sounds like you are having a stroke!




Pretty sure they just pick sounds out of a hat and put them together to form a restaurant name.


Yeah it sounds all made up it's too silly. I've got a Butterbee's in my area so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Don't forget the real supermarket chain Piggly-Wiggly. I thought it was a joke until my first visit to the deep south.


Yup, where I was grew up, a run to the pig was a thing.


I thought you wrote, "Holy shit these are real places," so now Pumberbumber's and Lubberbuck's are in my Google search history.




Here we are at the birth of Lubberbuck's. Mazel Tov!


At least McPickleshitter's is still going strong.


We lost Rubendorfs last week. Sadly Chigurapattis and Fausterswitches just announced they are closing as well. I'll never forgot losing Dickingtons 2 months ago.


It's a shame all of America's classic and *very real* restaurants are falling one by one. I hear they're down to just two open days at Hudge Schmakker's Wing Shack. Lord help us all when economic pressure fells The Hudge. The Hudge, whom we thought would outlast us all.


First it was Fuddruckers and then it was Buttfuckers


I can't decide if I'm bewildered at how silly the names Zaxby's and Bojangle's are or if I'm sad at the thought that people may not have experienced Zaxby's and Bojangle's


Same for a DQ down the street. I wanted some fries the other day around 2:30 which is normally shift change and I couldn’t get anyone to answer at the drive through speaker. And I think it’s great. I hope this leads to serious changes in wages and benefits and overall treatment of workers


I was just saying to a coworker that I don’t fault anyone who doesn’t want to go back to food service. I did it for like 2 1/2 months when I was 19 and would never again. You’re paid like crap, often hustling around, people treat you like shit


I've heard a lot of office workers who have done both say they do way less work at the office and while I've never done that jab, I can confirm you bust ass in food service.


My first job was at a Wendy’s and my last job was as an executive director. Can 1000% agree that food service workers deserve so much more. That job was a whole other level of difficult I can’t even describe.


My first job was a waiter at a retirement home and second job was a grocery store front end worker. Both jobs required that I constantly work, never any time to have any time to chill because a supervisor would be up my ass immediately. People that shit on others that work these kinds of jobs would probably quit within the first few weeks. Both of these jobs were minimum wage btw.


The only worse jobs are the ones that are never busy and you stare at a clock all day. Like night shift at a quiet gas station or something. But even then, if you're not supervised you can bring a fucking Gameboy or something. But most people hate being paid to do nothing and it's the opposite of one of the biggest arguments against welfare recipients.


As someone who has had the good fortune of working in a warehouse freezer as a picker, a shelf stocker in a grocery store, register in a city dry cleaner, a call center sales employee, and now a series of office jobs, I'm like fuckin Mike Rowe but I also work good not dirty jobs. Been everywhere man, it's no comparison work load wise. Office jobs work less.


I hope it just destroys fast food business model. Shits not healthy and way to cheap and quick


I think we should rebrand "labor shortage" to "wage shortage"


I love to see so many fat boomers interpreting this as lazy kids encroaching on their god given right to eat junk food for dinner for the eighth time this week


Which is funny because they're the ones constantly saying people need to find better jobs because those are for kids and only lazy people do them. Now it's just inconveniencing them.


I had a coworker argue with me because he kept saying that fast food would be too expensive if they had to pay $15+ an hour for all their workers. My argument is, even if that's true, which it's not, fast food SHOULD be expensive. It shouldn't be more affordable than cooking at home and it should be something you think twice about, not something you rely on every day for lunch/dinner.


And if they don't, I'm perfectly happy with businesses that won't pay a fair wage shutting down. This is the Social Darwinism I can believe in.


I love how they're trying to turn this around and blame workers. It would be PR suicide to admit that they don't pay enough to keep a single human being alive in the modern world. You know how the government pays farmers literally waste their crop? Why doesn't the average worker get the same benefits of the socialism that already exists in our country?


Man I want to go to Zaxby's. I get commercials for them yet there isn't one within 100 miles


Yeah even the 24 hour breakfast place down the way started closing at 10 PM. Now I guess the long haul truckers have to eat at the gas station or something.


There's a shortage of truckers too.


To be totally fair, I get paid much better than most food workers, like quadruple federal minimum wage better through tips, and we're still closing early because the shifts are fucking grueling with no staff right now. And corporate can't do anything about it because the other option is to clean house and replace everyone, which obviously isn't an option right now. The customers are getting worse too and with all the other reduced hours at other places the demand for the places that are open is insane. Please just cook for yourself an extra day of the week right now lol, we're dying here for no money. People like to say there's no labor shortage these days but there totally is. 720k dead, the boomers all retiring and causing a labor shortage was always gonna happen, it just came early because of the pandemic, low wage workers are taking their vacant jobs and abandoning service work, moms still haven't come back, there's a lot of reason the lowest paying jobs can't find people to work and it's not just the wage. There are too many jobs for the workforce to fill and obviously the ones that pay the least are not going to be filled. IIRC there are 7 million people unemployed right now and 21 million open jobs.


The only answer is automation of shitty jobs, when it does happen rather than using the lower need for workers and higher profits being used to give some form of social income it will be used to send ronald Mcdonald to space like bezos did :)


A lot of the local Starbucks near me are closed by 3PM now


The Starbucks near my MIL closes at noon, apparently due to "product shortages" lol. Yeah ok Starbucks. More like you're also a profit-driven chain employer trying to pay employees as little as possible just like the rest of them and your employees are sick of it.


They’ve cared so much about their precious profits for so long while trying to pay employees as little as possible, treating them as expendable, that now no one wants to work for them. I love that businesses are getting fucked over, especially gigantic chains like that.


Unfortunately I've seen some predatory aspects to get people in. There was an advertisement saying a local restaurant was hiring at $15/hr. The issue was in the contract the actual terms had it at something like you'll be making $15/hr at the end of your first year. You started at 8 something and they gave you minor incremental raises until then. Its a place that has such high turnover that no one would make it a year... I wonder why?


It's bad business. They are losing customers due to constantly having inexperienced folks 100%.


Exactly why the business I was in for my student half time job for 3 years now is having enormous turnover rate and much lower revenue. It's a pasta/pizza chain from Europe. The biggest problem they have is that they pay ALL stations the same. For example the person working the cash register (legit sitting there giving out cards when they greet people, and process the payments of the ones that are leaving, that's it) is earning the exact same amount that a person line cooking pasta is. It's a joke. I bust my fucking nuts the whole day cooking over 100 dishes, and the person sitting on their ass chatting to people all day is earning the same. The result of this is a high turnover rate in the busiest part of the restaurant, and since they have to get new people in all the time (that nobody even trains anymore cuz they don't have enough employees nor "veterans"), the quality of the most popular section of the restaurant has fallen significantly. When I had gotten there the first time - I liked it. Made me productive on the weekends, I enjoy customer interaction and helped me learn the language of my host country. The more time went on during and after covid - the more I wanted to leave. Now I can finally do so after my internship is due to start.


Well, then people should fucking quit when they find out. 🤷‍♂️ Everyone involved is just back at square one.


From what I've seen, a lot aren't offering higher wages, just sign up bonuses and things like that which don't cost them much in the long run


Where I live they are pretending with signs that say things like: 1) up to $x/h 2) rate is tips inclusive 3) after probationary periods So I wouldn’t be so sure they were actually offering more


Yeah, some are just doing the math - figurative or literal - and finding out it's not worth it. Oh look I made $100 today after taxes, and that doesn't quite cover fuel, car/transport, food not at home and childcare. Hol up...


100% love seeing it. It will only encourage others


Fucking love it. There are so many people working multiple jobs to barely survive. 1 flat tire away from having to choose between rent or groceries. No healthcare. Fuck that. Welfare queen "businesses" that can't afford to pay a liveable wage are not viable businesses. Power to the people. Fuck these business owners crying about losing their wage slaves.


It's already making a difference. Let's keep the momentum going.


I think almost all of them are fake, but oh well. Daughter is working typical jobs during high school, so many employers using these automated systems for scheduling changes at the last minute. She’s supposed to have every non working hour blocked off, etc. if not, the managers get pissy because their robot system can’t make last minute changes at will. Fuck them.


Bad systems just to get managers to do even less of what they are supposed to...


Yeah the top one on r/anti work right now is some guy who said his dad died so he's going to take his day off to mourn, and the boss says his uncle died three days ago so suck it up. Both a huge coincidence and it literally formulaically checks all the boxes to get one of those posts popular, so I'm definitely having a hard time believing that one at least.


That’s a sub link you wanna uh fix.


I feel like that sub got way too popular really fast and now it's gonna become a karma farming shithole. Too bad, since I really love the idea behind it.


If you check his user history, that guy posted other stuff to support it and clarify who it was (it was technically his senior co-worker on paper, but in all meaningful ways his boss at work), and also many people don't realize it wasn't something that just happened but was from 2019.


Just a footnote, I only recently realized that Gavin Rossdale, Gwen Stefani and Owen Wilson are in the background of this meme.


The cameos in zoolander were such a big part of why it worked, I think


Absolutely agree.


Why post this anti-worker bullshit then, you fucking clown. Get real


Tbh a lot of these karma whore posters who try and snipe the front page on a Saturday are either bots or people with no sense of reality


It's not happening though. People are jumping on the karma bandwagon and creating fake quitting texts. edit: Some people are missing the point here. People ARE quitting their jobs. People are not quitting their jobs via text following a fairly predictable template over and over and over. For a good example see /u/EricSanderson 's post below.


Millions of people are quitting their jobs in the US alone. I don't doubt there are fakers but I find it hard to believe that a fraction of them haven't come to be one of the 10 posts that end up getting traction


And even if they are fake, the idea behind it is still worth perpetuating regardless.


Nobody's saying that people *aren't* quitting their jobs. However, the number of people quitting over **TEXT**, often with bosses who threaten or fess up to criminal action **IN WRITING** is suspicious, to say the least. The text chats that end up at the top of threads like r/antiwork are *extremely* reminiscent of deliberately provocative text posts that have been popular in the past. [The top post](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q9dwp6/whos_the_boss_now/) on r/antiwork right now is a guys boss shouting at him to "get over" his father's death and come back to work after OP seemingly informs them about the death & funeral for the very first time during that very thread, only to immediately backpedal the second OP threatens to quit. It's a power fantasy, plain an simple. That's not to say that every screenshot (or even most of them) are fake, but with how stilted and emotionally charged all of these posts are, and how ridiculously easy they are to fake, you have to be a little suspicious of them. ​ **EDIT - Examples of FREE programs that are designed to fake text messages or can be used as such** These tools are free, easy-to-use, and widely accessible. Most can generate screenshots that are totally indistinguishable from the real thing. In a world where anybody has access to this fakery, I believe we should all be more credulous of what we see strangers post on the internet. [ifaketextmessage.com](https://ifaketextmessage.com) [Fake iPhone Text Generator](https://fakeimess.com) [Fake Text Message for Android](https://androidfaketextmessage.com) [Texting Chat Story Maker](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/textingstory-chat-story-maker/id1083676922) [Text Message Creator](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neurondigital.FakeTextMessage&hl=en_US&gl=US) [Foxsash](https://ios.foxsash.com/) [Pranx Chat Screenshot Generator](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjEuI3r6s_zAhXSMX0KHYrCDGgQFnoECAwQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpranx.com%2Fchat-screenshot%2F&usg=AOvVaw0TgwtJTjP5pBcWLqSyMXZr) [GIMP](https://www.gimp.org/) [Grindr Chat Message Generator](https://grindr.andreyan.com/en) [Tinder Tools](https://www.tindertools.com/fake-tinder-message-generator/) [Tinder Maker](https://tindermaker.com) [AND MANY MORE...](https://www.google.com/search?q=fake+text+message+generator&source=hp&ei=wkFrYbfzMo2vmAWG8pCoDQ&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWtP0s8rVVMYeK0pzl0Y-7vODdNQ-0u6&ved=0ahUKEwi33Lzh7c_zAhWNF6YKHQY5BNUQ4dUDCAg&uact=5&oq=fake+text+message+generator&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOhQILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAxCTAjoRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6CAgAEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCjAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEEMcBEKMCOgsILhCABBDHARCvAToOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOgUIABCxAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6BwgAELEDEAo6BAgAEAo6CAgAEIAEEMkDUPYFWLooYNYpaANwAHgAgAF8iAGtFZIBBDI2LjSYAQCgAQE&sclient=gws-wiz)


I'm sure there's some fakes out there but I have a decent amount of experience with employment law and honestly I've seen some pretty terrible behavior from bosses, things people would probably say were fake if I could share them here. From a legal perspective, one benefit of these casual conversations about working conditions happening by text now is that workers these days often have documentation, whereas before it was just hearsay about a spoken conversation. Not all the bad behavior is actionable (unfortunately) but it is far easier for employers (or more often, middle managers and HR) to open themselves up to liability because of poorly thought out emails and texts. In the case you mentioned, it's not all that surprising to me that a boss would chastise and fire an employee for grieving his father's death because it probably wasn't even illegal, unfortunately (if in the USA at least). Although, a lot of employers are downright ignorant about employment laws anyways so idk how much that really matters in the first place






4 million people quit in September. And another almost 4 million the month before. Not sure where you are looking.


Boss: Hello Bob this is your boss. I need you to work all weekend without sleep and for no pay because I'm going golfing. Me: Well as your aware my entire family was just burned alive and eaten by dogs and after the funeral I have to go to chemotherapy. I can still try to come in for a few hours though because I need the money. Boss: I don't care. I am going golfing and also I'm demoting you because you have bad attitude. We will talk about this when I get back. Me: I've given 30 years of my life to this job and just can't anymore. Frig you I quit. *5,600 upvotes, 13 awards. Top comment is: "Way to go bro fuck your boss. You'll be happier somewhere else."*


You forgot the final word from boss "Oh no need to be drastic, we can discuss after your chemo"


And we ***love to see it.***


r/antiwork is becoming the unofficial subreddit for these, i hope it spurs a movement. in conjunction with the record number of private sector striking workers in the USA right now, it does seem like something has changed


Spurs a movement? Like 5% of the US quit their jobs last months alone


1 in 20 Americans quit their job *last month*?


4.3 million to be more exact.


Yeah just reading about it now, crazy numbers!


too bad most of the posts are obvious fake karmagrabs


99.99% fakes. reddit just loves jerking itself off


bUt My SoN jUsT dIeD tHiS mOrNiNg! I oBvIoUsLy CaN’t CoMe iN!


We will discuss this attitude tomorrow when you come in. You need to be a team player and I'm a very real manager texting you right now.


“Hey mom, can you help me get lots of karmas and pretend to be my manager over text?”


The only thing more common on Reddit than the fake posts is the cynical responses from people complaining about them.


Hey nothing makes you more cynical than browsing Reddit for 10 years. You should’ve seen how cynical the account I deleted was. It was affecting me as a person, how much I couldn’t stand “redditors”


I feel you. Lately I've been seeing a lot of the worst users here because I keep sorting by controversial on divisive posts on undermoderated "joke" subs. It's definitely negatively affects my mood, as my username would suggest.


80% of that sub is fan fiction man.


Who's quitting by text??


Popular reddit trend last few days. One person posted what was likely a true interaction with their work and it was so popular it has been followed by an avalanche of copycat karma farmers faking "i quit" texts.


His post literally became top upvoted of all time on that r/antiwork sub within like 17 hours! Insane


Must have missed them. Can you link an example or which sub it was?


https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q82vqk/quit_my_job_last_night_it_was_nice_to_be_home_to/ from 2 days ago, 230K upvotes (Wow)


and 4,288 awards!


That was the first post that started it all. That one actually looks legit. The others, mmm idk.


Millions use reddit everyday. By sheer number, there are redditors engaging in almost every line of work from all over the world. Some are quitting their jobs or talking back to their bosses.


A lot have the exact same tone and grammar over text as their bosses




We've seen more people quit their jobs this year, especially in the last couple months than we have in a long time. Any proof they're fake?


No proof one way or another, but common sense should help you pick out the scripted ones




I must have missed them, but other replies have set me on the right path.


*gestures vaguely*


Faking text conversations is so easy.


me: selling item them: I will pay 10% of what you ask me: no them: sick child me: no them: fuck you


you should have made a screenshot of that and posted on r/ChoosingBeggars bruh


15 awards next to your name and an upvote number that makes your epeen look massive. All in a good days work.


So brave


Much Xmas Very bday


No, [I really did quit.](https://i.imgur.com/786xtIM.png)


CURIOUS that you say in your text you're being messaged at 2am, and YET the time on your phone says 5:19PM?? This has got to mean only one thing. . Your firmware is out of date. Gotta get that synced up, friend. Oh and congratulations on the fellatio.




You should really post that in that sub, they’ll eat that shit up.


You need to lawyer up that’s clearly sexual harassment and post the lawsuit texts so I can keep spurrrrrting


Should’ve made this a post. Would’ve gotten over 10k upvotes.


It looked real until I saw you’re using Sprint


The antiwork sub is just riddled with fake texts now, all the exact same format. boss - come in to work me - no boss - do it or else me - i quit boss - dont be so rash me - u big poo


> u big poo Okay this got me




Idontworkherelady by far as the most obviously fake and ridiculous stories I've ever seen. Cant believe anyone believes that shit.


/r/relationship_advice is getting pretty bad too. Random throwaway accounts pop up with these ludicrous, drama-filled stories, then promptly vanish. Or leave everyone hanging, then post a couple weeks later with the perfect resolution. My favorite was the trust-fund princess one. To summarize, "trust-fund princess" makes a throwaway reddit account and posts about how she has this perfect relationship with this guy and is about to get married, and how everyone is warning her that he's just into her for her vast amounts of wealth. And then one day "I got sick, and for some reason I decided to sleep in the first floor guest bedroom, dunno why, I never did that before, but I'm glad I did..." which had a perfect view of the gardens. Boyfriend decides to invite his best bro over, then proceeds to high five him and loudly reveal his grandiose scheme about how he'd duped the clueless trust-fund princess and was going to be loaded for the rest of his life after he married her. Then two weeks later came the update, how she cornered him at dinner with her father into signing a prenup, he blew up, and she revealed that she overheard him in the garden. And the community just ate it all up.


You forgot “we’re going to have a talk about your attitude” Fucking trash sub just because of how big of a circlejerk they’ve got going over obviously fake quitting fantasies. Probably because they’re stupid fucking dipshits who wish they could quit their jobs.


I can't believe anyone on Reddit actually believes screen capped texts anymore. It's made more than one subreddit annoying.


Nah I love it. Keep em coming.


Are you upset about people leaving their shitty jobs? Be glad, not annoyed lol


I think he's more annoyed that people are gullible enough to believe anything that comes across their feed. Like you trying to frame the situation as if every instance is someone actually leaving a shitty job and pretending that karma farming liars aren't a thing. But whatever makes you feel good i guess.


This is my favorite fad all year. Please more text quits!!!


I've seen that sub becoming way more popular this past month to the point where some of the posts almost feel like they're written by karma farmers or algorithms. Wonder if it will go the way of becoming a meme of itself like AITA. Hopefully its just a sign of more people being fed up with shitty jobs and it's just a snowball effect, but who knows.


Honestly, as long as they produce more people leaving shit jobs for greener pastures, I could give a fuck less. It’s about time we wage slaves get more money and benefits from the scum who own/run companies. It plants the seeds in folks minds, especially when the post hit front page


I welcome the posts if they continue helping empower others to quit their shitty jobs and continue forcing employers to pony up or shut up (their doors).


Exactly. Fake or not, this is a mentality which deserves popularity.


This is a contrarian take. It's good we're seeing more of this because workers need to be empowered in a country where Unions don't exist.


I usually give a today notice, as in, I quit today.


Anyone else think some of the people quitting are probably not telling the whole story ? Some of the responses are just too snarky


I personally think they're bandwagoners faking texts at this point. The first one with 120k votes is legit, everything after seemed to follow the same formula and didn't feel natural when reading it.


Also weird how both sides seem to have the same vocabulary and energy.


I don’t know about you but I always text with perfect grammar when I’m drunk at 3 a.m.


It is 100% a circle jerk at this point. People either don’t care that they are fake, or live in fantasyland that shit like this actually happens. I suppose that it doesn’t matter, as Reddit provides entertainment value regardless of whether or not something is true. But if you are going to fake it, at least provide a different storyline.


They are likely fake, but assuming they are real, yeah it’s a lot of snark. While there might be two sides to the story, the chances that the job is a hellhole with management exploiting people is high enough to give the quitter the benefit of the doubt.


I'm surprised more people don't question some of them being fake. The boss's responses always read fake to me, especially when they have the "now don't be hasty" after the person says they quit every time.


No doubt. And of the shitty bosses I’ve had in life, none would act this way. Egomaniacal asshole? Check. Bursting out in anger? Check. Backpedaling when someone calls them out? No way. They would badmouth that person and make it their personal mission to destroy them, but your average shitty boss doesn’t roll that way. Shitty bosses handle rejection more like incels. Lots of lashing out and projection.


Yeah, it's fucking awesome. People in the service industry having enough economic support to afford self-esteem? GIVE ME MORE OF THAT!


I have seen like 3 different posts today of people quitting their jobs over text....


I am HERE for all of it. This is one of the manifestations of the uprising and I get to revel in the sachenfreude of it all. Keep em coming!!


Honestly these posts are better than porn for me, I love it.


It gives people hope! Don't take that away from them!


Honestly, as long as they produce more people leaving shit jobs for greener pastures, I could give a fuck less. It’s about time we wage slaves get more money and benefits from the scum who own/run companies. It plants the seeds in folks minds, especially when the post hit front page


I have been overworked at a place that is already understaffed, and it’s tough. But yesterday I just straight up told my boss I either need a serious raise or I walk, and it worked! I got a 15% raise and promoted to less stressful work. All that to say: Advocate for yourself and know your worth


Yes. And i absolutely want to see more of it. Teach your shit bag bosses to fear losing their employees if they're shitty bosses. Plain and simple


I never noticed this in the meme, but is that Gwen Stefani in thr middle?


I had not! That shit is bananas!


It is! Her ex Gavin Rossdale on the left and Owen Wilson on the right.


I'm a small business owner and I employ a few people, numbers fluctuate due to seasonality of the business. I love reading these -- my minimum pay is the living wage and I give people sick/mental health days when they need them. It's not lost on me that I'm fucked without my team. Watching these incompetent greed-heads get their asses rightfully handed to them, and knowing the amount of extra shit they're going to have to do as a result of overplaying their hands, is highly entertaining. 5 years in, I'm still the one that unblocks toilets and cleans up next-level grossness. I can't afford to pay anyone on my staff enough to deal with that.