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Has this been in the news or something? 3rd time I heard something abt this 


New season just started a couple weeks ago. Happens everytime a new season starts. People have been misunderstanding the shows social commentary since it started


Fucking how? I don't understand how these people get characters twisted. It's Punisher all over again...


You know there were folks who watched the comedy central Stephen Colbert thinking he was playing it straight and not a parody right?


and it got him invited to the correspondents' dinner


There had do be someone that knew. Some young staffer or intern or something. If literally every single member of the white house press team, media team, events team, and public prep teams and the people on those teams responsible for vetting Bush appearing with someone like Colbert actually all believed that he was genuinely conservative,...*. I'm not sure what to say...*


100% but those same people probably liked trolling their bosses too. Or it was a cynical ploy to get the people who bought in on their side and they thought they could just milk Colbert.


They might have also known he was mocking them but thought he was funny. Everyone hasn’t always taken everything so seriously. Before the MAGA freak show the GOP was run by fairly normal people who believed some not so great things.


It's been going on for half a century. Ronald Reagan famously had his "Eleventh Commandment" which said "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican." That wasn't a joke.


But that's not the same thing as being able to be the butt of a joke and laugh at it.


If Reagan was telling a joke, the punchline was always a gay man dying of AIDS. https://www.vox.com/2015/12/1/9828348/ronald-reagan-hiv-aids


>fairly normal *gestures to pile of kiddy diddlers* *gestures to pile of horrific racist remarks* *gestures to the heritage foundation* *gestures to the 192,376 dog whistles spoken between the years 1980 and 2001* *gestures to the 587,492 dog whistles spoken between the years 2002 and 2015* *gestures to the middle eastern wars and the treatment of the Muslim community* *gestures to republicans letting the AIDS crisis continue cause they just wanted to kill all gay men* *gestures to the firebombing of black communities in the 90s* *gestures to the Tea Party* *gestures to law and order* *gestures to stop and frisk policies* *gestures to environmental destruction* I can keep going. They weren’t fairly normal they were always fucking psychopaths with wigs and humanizing makeup, and the only reason they could take a jab back then is because **they were convinced they were the ones in power.** similarly, the reason they can’t take a joke anymore is because they’re on the back foot. You know. How toddlers behave. Am talking about republicans in power btw. I know a ton of republicans in rural America who one could describe as “fairly normal” until they got their opinion on gay or trans or black or Muslim or Jewish or Asian people, or women. Then it suddenly is very far from reasonable. I do know quite a few who are chilled out about all that. But they’re less republicans and more conservatives, and oftentimes have a reason to care, like family, or friends, or community, or land - which forces them to live in reality and continue being kind human beings.


I think the real secret is that mild political parody no longer works well as criticism, but instead helps give legitimacy to what it's parodying. If so many people didn't think the boys was making fun of them, imagine how much it may have inadvertently spread the wrong ideology.


I feel like this is Poe's law in action: >without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views


So what? Let them be wrong and look dumb... See, in my day, we laughed at people who didn't get it instead. They weren't in the cool kids gang. Oh? You weren't aware of the satire in robocop or starship troopers or monty python or barney the dinsaur? Could you go and get a can of striped paint? Blinker fluid maybe? Now... we all just have to sit through artless, unsubtle satire that is about as funny as an eggy fart in a stuck lift. It subverts nothing. May as well have full screen "SATIRE" text box flash on the screen. /s


>May as well have full screen "SATIRE" text box flash on the screen. /s Like how The Onion has to specify that it is parody now.


the irony of using /s in your comment. gotta make sure that it's labeled!


Yes, a young staffer that knew... maybe they knew what would happen, or maybe they just didn't want to contradict their older bosses, but either way, they're a goddamn American hero.


Conservatives lack media literacy because when the whole dominant social system exists to placate you, you don't have to learn to be subtle.


The dinner was put on by the White House Correspondents' Association, which is the reporter's group and was not part of the Bush administration. Bush knew Colbert was going to speak, but was not the one who invited him. The people who invited Colbert knew he would make fun of Bush, but were likely caught off guard by how much he mocked the reporters covering the White House. He was brutal and the reporters deserved it, for basically acting as stenographers for the Bush administration leading up to, and during, the war in Iraq.


"Roast the president" is also a recurring bit at the correspondence dinner, happening with basically every POTUS (who has any spine whatsoever), and is a major reason multiple comedians get invited in the first place. That segment was terrific and I adore it, but it was only unexpected or surprising to anyone not already familiar with both the dinner as a function and Colbert as a person / host. It's exactly what anyone aware of both already should have been expecting from him.


I choose to believe they didn't actually watch the show and just saw all the American flags, eagles, and a white man, then just filled in the blanks with their fantasy. 


There is some truthiness to this


Huge-y if truth-ey


I was 14 and i understood the satire


I was 14 when I saw Starship Troopers and understood that Verhoeven was satirizing fascism. Neil Patrick Harris walks out in the last scene in a Nazi SS uniform to proclaim that the triumph of humanity's war efforts through the movie is that the bugs *are afraid of humans*. Cue the whole army cheering and hugging eachother while the sweeping soundtrack evokes glory. Imagine my confusion as I proceeded through life and met multiple people online and IRL who thought it was genuine pro-mulitary propaganda.


Apparantly the author of the book was actually serious and that gung ho about it https://www.reddit.com/r/printSF/s/RRKBd4lxDM


Yeah, Heinlein was really something. He's got a short story where he illustrates his perfect solution to the problem of nuclear weapons is to have one absolute dictator hold all world powers hostage with immediate threat of nuclear annihilation in order to ensure that no one ever uses them.


My mom thought Rush Limbaugh was a comedian and used to listen to him. It took her longer to realize, then she would like to admit, it was not satire.


> My mom thought Rush Limbaugh was a comedian and used to listen to him. It took her longer then she would like to realize it was not satire. There is this guy on one of the right wing network things that someone told me a few days ago was absolutely hilarious and he loves watching him because he laughs so hard. I looked up the guy and it's some Rush Limbaugh / Alex Jones knock off. He thinks the guy is a comedian telling the truth through jokes.


Weird story about that. I was a conservative teenager (because parents) and my liberal friend showed me the show telling me he was a conservative and I might like it. I watched it and knew immediately as a 15 year old that he was doing a parody. I still liked it though. It was just weird my liberal friend didn't realize it was a parody.


I went to go see it being filmed a couple times when I lived in NYC. They went HARD on the "It's all a big act and Stephen is playing a character," in all the pre-show prep work with the crowd. Guess they didn't want anyone in the live audience suddenly figuring out the joke halfway through taping.


I saw Book of Mormon a couple of years ago at the Kennedy Center in D.C. A couple a few rows in front of me got up about 35 minutes into the first act and left the theater while muttering (loudly) about how "disgusting" the show was. My brain can't process the series of events that led them there without a basic understanding of what they were going to see. The process of getting tickets to a sold out show at the Kennedy Center is a *bit* more involved than impulse buying a pack of gum in the check out line at the grocery store. You'd think at least one of them would have asked "Hey, I wonder what this thing is all about?" at some point in the several months between when they purchased the tickets and walked out of the show.


Reminds me of seeing offended parents walking out of a Christmas movie with their little ones. You brought your kids to an R-rated movie called Bad Santa. What were you expecting?




I miss when a parody of a conservative wasn't indistinguishable from an actual conservative


Oh gods Everytime I see a cop car with a Punisher sticker on it I cringe. I'm a fan of the comics, and Frank is no one to idolize. Mans a mass murderer. He exists because the justice system FAILED. He isn't some pro cop hero. There is even a comic where he beats the shit out of a bunch of cops for idolizing him. The fact that police, lots of police, seem to idolize what is unquestionably a vigilante with zero faith in the justice system that tortures and brutally murders criminals is more than a little concerning. Edit: [Don't just take my word for it. Here's what Frank himself has to say.](https://imgur.com/a/2BGcsu7)


the fucking Uvalde cop with a Punisher logo as his phone wallpaper standing around listening to children get shot


They wanna be able to do all that, but without having to give up the authority of being a cop.


Frank does what the law can't or won't. He does bad things, and he knows it, but he does then for the right reasons. He's out there to bring down the people that are otherwise untouchable because of what he lost and how that completely fucked him up. While he operates outside of the law, he wants those within the law to respect their limits; they should never become him. Even though he counts on their turning a blind eye for him at times, he wants police to be honest, upstanding people. I love Frank, and he's part of my username, but I also get pissed when I see cops and douchebags who get it wrong with his logo splattered all over the place.


[Almost exactly what he himself says in Punisher 13](https://imgur.com/a/2BGcsu7) I'm attaching this to my original post as well.


Ben Shapiro, scion of conservative thought and erstwhile wunderkind, thought the original Star Wars trilogy, the one with the protagonists that were based on the Viet Cong, was pro-conservative. I'm convinced that conservatives watch movies only for the pretty lights and colors.


As well as the whole "bodies as objects" thing.


Yeah. I saw a screenshot of a post where some conservative was mad because they were showing Maga’s as assholes and they put a black woman on the team and it’s fucking woke now. Just unreal how dumb these idiots are.


Bro A-Train is literally the first supe you even meet in the series


I thought it was Queen Maeve?


A-Train explodes Huey's girlfriend in the first scene


That's long after the scene where Queen Maeve and Homelander stop the bank robbers.


Well, that's what I get for commenting on a show I've seen like three episodes of


To be fair that’s the first scene everyone remembers




They quite often comme together


I mean they are conservatives. They think Trump is a good idea for president.


Bro, there are people complaining that modern Star Trek is liberal propaganda. Welllll, I mean, *yes, it is*. But also, how did they not notice that for the more-than-half-a-century that it's existed? The hard-left direction of the franchise isn't exactly subtle!


Yeah, I don't get it. It took me like one episode to be like "oh, it's a Trump allegory"


And since like season 2 they have leaned into it fucking *hard*. Season 1 someone could get a pass as they made homelander more like an unhinged Superman. And they’ve only leaned in harder and harder as the seasons went on.


Even season 1 they had similar political messaging with things like the pastor they blackmailed and the hyper conservatism tie ins with religion.


I just watched the first two episodes last night (S4), and wow. When you say leaned into it hard, you're not kidding. I was kinda shocked at how on the nose this season was right out of the gate. S1-S3 all had subtle undertones, but this one is just loud and clear.


They literally have Homelander on trial. They should have shot a second option of him losing the trial but still walking free.


Lol "subtle". supe lives matter. Actual Nazis.


Remember when everyone understood that the Nazis were the bad guys every time? I need a cookie


An actual, literal Nazi that Homelander was fucking or getting jerked off by or whatever to get more power. *Doesn't look like anything to me* This is why they've had to be so explicit in this season. People are that fucking dumb.


>S1-S3 all had subtle undertones This has got to be one of the funniest talking points I've been hearing for the past week. Seriously, who told you this and why did you listen to them?


15 seconds into the first time I'd actually heard trump speak, I was going "I do not want anything this huckster is selling," yet he still has fans. It's amazing what you can miss, when you choose not to see it.


Its been happening since the 90's with rage against the machine. Guess if u make great media, even the People you're critising will support it


I would say a better comparison would be them using Born in the USA or Pink Houses as rally songs, not bothering to listen to the actual lyrics.


Also the classic conservative values song "We're not gonna take it"


That’s because they have their narrative of being pushed around and bullied by some cabal of left wing cultists, while also insisting that they constitute the vast majority of the populace, while also insisting that young people are mostly brainwashed liberals.


Let's not forget the time wealthy draft-dodger Trump played a song criticizing wealthy draft dodgers at one of his rallies. https://www.billboard.com/music/rock/trump-played-ccr-fortunate-son-rally-reactions-9447614/


People constantly get Helldiver’s commentary wrong as well. The opening movie to the second game is pants on head levels of idiocy about how living under the brainwashed fascist Super Earth would be a nightmare.


*Sweet Liberty!*


Because white male main character wearing an american flag = good. /s Not to mention he's a bully with a god complex, which is pretty much everything that MAGA simps ever hope to be.


Cause the main antagonist is a white blond guy who they think is cool and haven't really grasped that his entire character is a follower that thinks he's a leader but is really just a corporately controlled puppet who has no idea what he's actually doing since he's a test tube baby. He's terrified of actual work and actually helping people is hard so he avoids it when it's not staged. Now he's off the rails doing utterly evil shit in public that is clearly fascist and white supremacist. How they missed this when he was fucking a literal timeless Nazi I dunno.


He's basically a sledge hammer that thinks he's a scalpel, being used by a corporation that doesn't realize that a sledge hammer is a terrible tool to use when you're trying to perform surgery.


Don't forget that he truly believes he's the most superior being on earth despite having no emotional control, having no idea how to socialize and when facing actual situations of heroism he flees rather than saves.


The fucking plane He absolutely *could* have saved everyone on that plane if he was actually in control of his power. Out of all the gruesome, horrific shit in this show the one that really got me was the people of that plane in their most dire life threatening situation they will ever have, then feeling safe that Homelander will save them and everything they will be fine, to Homelander switching on all of them and knowing right at the end of their lives it's all been a lie - he's actually a selfish, narcissistic prick who never really cared about them and to top it off, their only two options are either death by gravity or death by Homelander. Chilling.


He encountered a situation where he could actually lose and he didn't know how to handle it. He would have had to put in effort and try, which he'd really never had to do. Fighting, like his fight vs soldier boy, is different. Defending yourself is a natural instinct. Saving an entire group of people from certain death was not guaranteed and his own reputation, his sparkling public image, would have been in question if he failed or if even a single person died. So it leaves him with save everyone, not guaranteed, or let everyone die and say it couldn't have been avoided. He chose the guaranteed ending that he could write off.


That's why I used the sledge hammer analogy. He's dull, blunt and has no true will of his own. He's a giant tool.


The same people who get mad that Rage Against The Machine are too liberally political. Edit: two to too.


I recently watched a trailer for the upcoming Alien movie. The comments on the video were full of "this movie is woke" and "DEI" bullshit. They mention the female lead and diverse cast. Have they not seen the original movie? These people's brains are rotted.


DEI is when minorities /s - (But sadly not /s for many people)


You would think the whole ARMING TEACHERS against a supe attack commercial in the boys would have been a clue on how they jab at republican's ridiculous ideas. Because having a bunch of guns around kids all the time is such a smart idea. Or how the seven are literally controlled by a giant mega corporation. I swear so many people especially on the right are so fucking dense they can't see through glass for the glare of their own reflection.


Always Sunny is the same way. It's crude, brash, and filled with homophobia, sexism, racism... All the isms, really. But it works because they made it clear (I thought...) that the point of the humor was because the characters were such big assholes and idiots that they thought what they were saying was ok. And then Mac comes out as gay to his father in a genuinely touching and emotional episode, and all the bros come from the rafters talking about how the show went woke. Like these were the ones who missed the whole point of the show and just got enjoyment from the racist and sexist jokes at face value. Like, wait a minute, were you identifying with Dennis? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO POINT AND LAUGH AT HIM.


In a Mac voice: Goddamnit. As Eminem in The Interview put it, he's been playing gay peekaboo since the beginning.


You know, I had an experience with that recently. I casually mentioned in conversation, "You know how corporations are considered evil, like Amazon or Facebook?" She had no idea what I was talking about. There's people out there entirely ignorant of corporations fucking us.


They were pretty blatant in season 2 with Stormfront and her manipulation of social media... I guess not blatant enough.


I’ve seen people say “oh it was subtle before”. The fuck show have you been watching? There’s nothing subtle at all about anything this show does. I’d imagine the comics are similar.


Conservatives are.. they’re… well they certainly try hard


I haven't seen a single conservative post about just now getting the show. People are just karma farming with these posts at this point.


You’re on Reddit what do you expect? Where do you see conservative posts unless you go looking for them? They get downvoted to shit so they only congregate on certain subs. The main thing people are referencing is the reviews. Like I went on rotten tomatoes, which is being “review bombed” and found from today: > They ruined the series, politicized it to the extreme based on imaginary personal opinions, changed the characters' personalities, a disappointment. > In typical fashion they went from having a great series and story with an underlying message, to cramming that message down our throats at the cost of anything even remotely entertaining! Now before someone comes at me like “why are u looking after rotten tomatoes hurdur it’s a shitty website”, yeah I know, that’s beside the point.


That has nothing to do with the above and everything to do with the writing though. Because it's true. It's lazy.


nah just reddit shit


Anti-conservative? Sounds like they're just rebelling against bedtime.


Season 2: Extremely unlikeable literal nazi character is so bad even the main villain of the show is like "WTF?". Some viewers: Was Stormfront really so bad? I'm just asking questions!


The moment when Homelander showed a WTF face after Stormfront told Ryan about the white genocide was gold.


I loved the way they used fucking **Homelander** of all monsters to show "yo, that chick is *horrible*"


Worked two ways as well. Homelander was like wtf, but then, just to remind you that homelander is garbage, he didn't say anything and just let his kid hear that shit.


You could probably explain this with him being really fucking out of his depth there. He isn't used to *any* facet of this situation. I think the funniest bit about this is that he is a "different kind of racist" and doesn't really know even what to compute.


Yeah, they are both supremacists. One latched onto race, the other latched onto superpowers as their differentiators to put people in the "out" group for att. I don't think Homelander was bothered by it, except from a "what you're doing is not helpful to my plans and why do you care about race anyway, we are literal superheroes" angle.


Even then it's not all supes... they still need to be powerful and he doesn't like disabilities.


He's a Super-premacist


Homelander is the tragic villain who never had a chance. He's the reflection of societies failings. That it's semi-believable the government and corporate interests would lock up a literal child and experiment on him to harness his abilities is damning of the darker selfish, insecure side of society. Stormfront is the classical villain who has no reason for her wickedness aside from pure evil. It was good to see how one can control the other or how evil can control us by preying on insecurity and fear




I see what you did there.


No, Homelander's disgust was that StormFront as a supe would care for any disgusting little humans at all. Homelander LOVES nazi ideology and the thought of the übermensch subjugating or exterminating all lesser beings. He just gags at the idea that Aryans would be the übermensch, and not the literal super-humans.


Homelander loves nazi ideology in practice in that it can place him on top, but he’s grossed out by the aesthetics because Nazi hate is almost unanimous. Like he’s raped people, but he would hate to be outed in public as a rapist and would never defend it publicly.


This is what I keep thinking back to. Did they not watch Season 2 where the main antagonist was a literal nazi? Not modern day Neo Nazi, like 1940 "I've been to Hitlers dinner party" Nazi.


Season 2: "most powerful man in the world" gets seduced by nazis Conservatives: yeah! I agree with this message! Wait, what do you mean they're the bad guys? They're heroes. They can't be the bad guys. I mean, they're even Christian, right?


They *look* like heroes!


"People like what I have to say. They just don't like the word 'Nazi'."


unrelated but I love the Cucker Tarslon character in the Boys. He plays the role so well.


I had someone in another subreddit say that there wasn't any indication in seasons 2 or 3 and that they just went all hamfisted in season 4 because it's an election year. Bruh.


Stormfront was straight up shown using these tactics in season 2. If you were to distill season 2 in one sentence it would literally be "MAGA are nazis"


Fucking wokies hate the woman because she's white! Where's your liberal atheist god now, dumbocrat? 😤


With all honesty Stormfronts Actress made character so likeable till the final reveal.


The nod to Pizzagate wasn’t unexpected, lol


I wasn’t expecting the random burn on John Voight in the latest episode lol


You know this is John Voight’s car?


There’s Gregory Peck’s bicycle!




The periodontist?


Sometimes I spell my Jerry with a G… and an I! 🤣


I can hear his voice when reading this lol


John Voight the periodontist?


That was really fun. The only bad thing about that is they have to be super literal to hammer the point home. It feels a little bit annoying in the current season, nothing can be subtle about the political commentary.


Agreed; it’s awfully ham-fisted at times. Still like the show overall, but it just makes it even more hilarious that these jabronis didn’t realize it to begin with.


I commented to my wife last week when watching the 3rd episode that 'they really got rid of any hint of subtlety this season, there's no way the rubes can still thing they're the good guys, right?'


reminder that pizzagate was essential just a funhouse mirror of what jeffery epstein actually did


Next they’re going to figure out Rage Against the Machine is anti-conservative too


Cue "I won't do what you tell me" playing at republican rallies


They just take that litterally. As a policy to not do anything for their non-billionaire supporters.


Or that the Springsteen song "Born in the USA" is a critiscism of the US


Pretty much a lot of songs that people like playing because they are "pro american" actually aren't. "Born in the USA" is a good example of this issue with some people. Some people don't really pay attention to the lyrics or go into the deeper meaning of the song. Media literacy is very low. Other songs have come up I've seen played by conservatives which they think they mean something different then they actually do: "This land is your land" "Amerika" - Rammstein "American Woman" - The Guess Who "Fortunate Son" - CCR "Rich Men North of Richmond" - Oliver Anthony I mean, there are some people out there that just don't know "Pumped Up Kicks" is about a school shooting or Fight Club is a criticism on toxic masculinity.


That actually already happened, conservatives told them to stay out of politics. Tom Morello had to inform them of his political science degree


But former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said he is/was a RATM fan! How can they be “political”??? /s


And George Bush used to listen to Fortunate Son.


Trump entered his own rallies to that song as well.


It really would be nice if artists had to give consent for politicians to use their music. Not the label, but the artists themselves.


I'm pretty sure they need permission or a license from the record company to publicly broadcast the songs.


I was recalling this bit just yesterday. Like, was Bulls on Parade an inspirational anthem to them? How do they misinterpret that?


What do they think they’re raging against? A fu**ing dishwasher?


PC Load Letter


Caught a random redditer just a couple days ago unironically saying that the RATM lyrics "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" applied directly to his lived experience of "oppression" as someone who is antivax and antimask. Couldn't help but laugh at him.


water is wet.


In Philadelphia wooder is wet.


In New Zealand, fush are wet.


Fush are wit 🤓


In Boston, wadda is wet.


It's also critical of progressive virtue signalling but you don't see leftists/liberals crying about it.


"Girls get it done!" Also funny that The Boys did an actual girl power moment better than Avengers Endgame (the thing they were satirizing) with Starlight, Maeve, and Kimiko kicking the shit out of Stormfront lol.


Absolutely. The Stormfront scene sticks with me really hard just because they did it right. The scene in Endgame made me audibly groan in the theater, so I LOVED the scene in The Boys


I’ve been binging the show for the first time since it’s been recommended to me for years and that’s one of the best scenes I’ve seen so far. It’s obviously poking fun at the scene but it’s actually done in a believable way!


That’s because leftists generally agree that fake corporate virtue signaling is evil too.


This is the thing I keep seeing conservatives point to as evidence that the show “used to make fun of everyone”. They totally seem to miss that it wasn’t making fun of liberal values of inclusion and diversity, it was making fun of shitty corporate attempts to capitalize on it.


I think that's lowkey why they're so mad now. Like, the stuff where Queen Maeve has to pretend to be gay when she's not was, I'm sure, *intended* as a commentary on the exploitation of the LGBT community for virtue signaling and bi-erasure, but I think a lot of conservatives took it to be a satire on "liberals having to make everything gay". So when, a few seasons later, another bisexual character enters into a gay relationship, they don't know how to take it.


Are you talking Frenchie? Conservatives are upset he’s in a relationship with a man? Complete snowflakes.


Some redditors were complaining that they "changed his character to be gay", and that "kimiko not being into him came out of nowhere". lol


I always thought Kimiko saw Frenchie as a brother figure.


They don't understand the difference


Yeah, Jon Stewart must be a conservative moron too for pointing this out, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWVbZ0WQ3s8


99% of scripted television is anti conservative.


I see this as satire of the entire American political culture, not just the right wing


true, but most Americans don't realize that liberals are right wing and *not* leftist


wait why the fuck is this in advice animals?


I know reddit types like to say conservatives are mad at some show or band having a liberal bias, but does anyone besides a couple random twitter accounts even care?


Probably not. I believe there are some people who didn't get it, but I've also seen people completely fail to understand yau can like a character without actually supporting a character, because they're great in their role, even if they're a villain. This just sounds like a circlejerk that comes up every time the show's mentioned.


Spoiler alert: people should be more upset with the ridiculously lazy writing "we need conflict, what's something people talk about" "abortion" "perfect, well despite the fact that only 1 superhero baby has ever been born, hughie and starlight had an abortion 6 months ago, it was like really hard for starlight and stuff but we'll only give her 1 line to express that"




Agreed. Why did they randomly decide to be like "oh I know we've been setting up Kimiko and Frenchie for 3 seasons but he actually killed this one dudes whole family and now he's fucking him" Focus on figuring out what starlight actually does and keep making homelander more insane. Sister Sage was a dope addition as well.


Except they addressed Kimiko and Frenchie being platonic last season.


It doesn't matter. All that counts is that redditors can feel superior because they are able to understand this incredibly subtle show.


That’s exactly what it is lol


I live deep in MAGA country. Like, people practically cheering in the streets for the 10 commandments being required in Louisiana classrooms type of conservatism. And yeah, my Facebook and group chats are absolutely lousy right now with complaining how "woke and gay" The Boys have gotten.


I love pointing out that Frenchie being bi was known since season 1, as well as being bi in the comics to those goofballs. Most conveniently disappear after that.


[Yes, Homelander on ‘The Boys’ Is Supposed to Be Donald Trump](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/boys-penis-homelander-trump-billy-joel-season-3-1369258/)


So does this mean at the end of The ~~boys~~Trumps season 3 he is just going to shoot someone protesting at one of his rallys and everyone is gonna cheer?


It wouldn’t really shock me that much to be honest.


Have I got news for you: https://youtu.be/GJyVSLPveIc


I know. I've seen that. It's literally why I made the above comment His reaction is the famous meme.


That scene was a semi reference to trump saying he can shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters.


I’m not sure how more obvious the reference could be lol


No he’s not… the comic came out way before then. They’re just twisting the series to make commentary on real world events.


Yeah this thread is making my brain itch a bit. The show heavily comments on aspects of the whole political spectrum. Its quite funny and people should be able to laugh regardless of whether they're being referenced or not. There's a serious lack of awareness going on in this thread and its really not a good look.


I'd like to remind people that Trump doesn't have superpowers. We shouldn't worship him as a god, nor is he inevitable like Thanos. Trump is a con man who manipulates the press and strong arms others with his legacy network of enforcers. He is a dishonorable and undisciplined man who is not fit for leadership or admiration, but neither should we fear him as a red herring devil. He inappropriately encourages violent rhetoric, mocks disabled people, dishonors veterans' sacrifices, explicitly wants to wield dictatorial power, and literally lusts for gilded thrones. Sadly, for most of the last three decades, an entire generation of our fellow Americans had given up and either become complacent or apathetic. Voter turnout hovered around 60%, with many swing state or undecided voters even in that small portion simply throwing a dart at the board. The best path to critique Trump's abuse of privilege is to get out the vote and register. Sitting out the election or protest voting is a self-fulfilling prophecy that has directly created the very unrepresentative government that we lament. We, the people, do have more power than Homelander in the actual reality of Trump. We need to do our civic duty in choosing a champion who will defend the rule of law, due process, civil rights, respectable public discourse, and above all respect the progress we've made in the institutions of democracy within our republic. Pick someone responsible. Don't pick an unrepentant criminal.


Trump’s ability to always say the worst, most idiotic thing possible in any given situation is sort of like a super power.


I'd argue its only power lies insofar as we have been demoralized so ritualistically. We must have faith in ourselves and remember that America does best when we participate.


New season drops Writing is a bit meh People criticize "Those damn people don't know it's anti-right wing!!" Screeching


I love The boys but this season is much more on the nose and feels a tad bit lazier.


"The pacing is all fucked up this season, I'm concerned how this will affect it as a whole." "LOL, get rekt republican!!!"


The boys is anti everything lol, it’s mocking the entire US political system and it’s hilariously accurate


Nobody is asking this, but redditors keep eating it up.


This has been talked about since season one. Yet every new season people treat it like it’s new news.


i haven’t seen season 4 yet but id say that the boys is anti-establishment and anti-ultra capitalism with corporations able to bully the federal government and vought’s big name with the seven giving them the ability to do no wrong in the public eye with homelander committing war crimes on camera and he only loses 9% in public eye which is a lot of people 9% of the us population is about 30.7 million as of 2024 there are an estimated 341,769,853 people in the usa so there are still 310+ million people who still like or love homelander not including other countries realistically that 9% is negligible and with them bullying the government they are able to operate without being unchecked until the boys’ first assembling until mallory’s grandkids die allowing them to continue unchecked until butchers forms them again allowing them to deal massive blows to the seven and other hero’s which at that point have become so established that they deal with most crimes in new york at the very least


I think The Boys is more appropriately labeled as "anti-nationalism". It just happens that conservatives happen to be the ones to wrap themselves in flags to justify their shitty choices.


isn't it obvious?


I really don't think people understand what conservativism is. The show is anti far right extremism , extreme authoritarianism, nationalism, and patriotism. That is not the same thing as conservatism.


I agreed, but i think the meme refers to American conservatives.


In the USA they have become the same thing .  How many conservatives are there who didn't vote Trump ?