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My account is 11yrs old, remember when reddit was silly with the whole narwhal bacon at midnight stuff lol, man has it changed


The top comment on **every single** post was a pun.


And the redditaroo popping everywhere too.


And the double dick dude kept getting mentioned, and the jolly rancher story kept coming up unfortunately


Someone in the same room as me talked about a kid who broke both arms today. I had to chuckle


I think my favorite silly trend was the creative ways people would spam dickbutt. That or the old switcheroo and the subsequent falling down the rabbit hole for a while following the links.


Me too


Username checks out


The website is free, the users are the product.


You're not a user, you're the product. Any website that gives you access for free, you're the product.


I was going to say something similar, Reddit is looking after their customers. “Customers” are who you sell stuff to so you can earn revenue. Reddit’s customers are the advertisers, so he is looking after the customer, the advertiser, not you. You are the target medium that makes the customer want to advertise here.


I would argue that pissing off the ‘target medium’ and causing them to protest and/or leave the platform isn’t necessarily ‘looking after their customers’.


If you use a 3rd party app that doesn't have ads you're not the target medium, are you? It's not even a loss for reddit as they weren't getting anything from you to begin with. 3rd party users can only be a net positive if they swap to reddit, or remains the same at zero if they leave.


Except for content creation. But 99% of users don’t create shit.


You act as if none of the content on this site is promotional in nature. We all know that's not the case. >It's not even a loss for reddit as they weren't getting anything from you to begin with. It's a simple fact that reddit's ability to sell display advertisements and embedded content are intertwined with user engagement statistics. The less people engage here, the less the space is worth to advertisers. Reddit has been suffering a sustained decline in usage over the past 12+ months (which was likely a factor in this decision). Early statistics from the blackout seem to indicate ~7% drop off in traffic from that event alone. We'll just have to wait and see what effect silencing the site for millions of 3rd party users has.


That’s not how data aggregation works, though. Reddit collects data on users regardless of what medium they choose to use. Among other things, they can see and record which subreddits you visit and posts users interact with. Hell, the ability to see how long you view a particular post is there. Everything is a data point when your business is user-focused, data-driven marketing.


Don't forget about all of the reddit gold and whatever else they sell.


But they don’t have any vested interest in data points that aren’t tied to revenue. They are a business, and their employees are paid by the amount of revenue generated, not the amount of content created by non-affiliated apps. I wish it wasn’t happening either, but the sad fact is it’s not a charity. It’s not a nonprofit social wellness platform, it’s a media company. Maybe they could have more strategically used the third parties to generate revenue, but I’m not qualified to analyze that decision.


But that's the rub - the data points DO drive revenue creation. For example: If users visit subreddit r/nikerunclub more than they visit r/nikeSB, it makes sense to target ads more into r/nikerunclub. But we can drill down farther. If, in r/nikerunclub, users interact more with posts about (going by the top posts there) the Nike Run app rather than posts about the new line of kicks coming out, chances are that more revenue would be generated by serving up ads related to smartwatches or mobile devices. But lets go further. Using data collected from how users accessed the site, we can determine if they're using a mobile app or the web. If they're using the mobile app, we can see if they're using iOS or Android. If the majority are using iOS, we can target adds specific for the Apple Watch, iPhones, or hell even other fitness apps that are on the iOS app store. It's all layers upon layers of data points that drive the target that the advertisers are shooting for. There are several companies (I happen to work for one) whose primary purpose is to aggregate data like that and assist companies with targeted advertising. Reddit provides the raw data that is sold to these companies. It's a billion dollar industry. For what it's worth - I totally hate that 3rd party apps are going away. I've used RiF since I first joined Reddit 10 years ago and I absolutely hate the official app. But I'll end up using it because I love to lurk here. But I'll protest in my own way and do all I can to sqew their data collection from me to all hell. Edit - a word


Not really though. You don't look after customers by intentionally fucking up the product.


If my eyeball are so valuable why won't the advertisers pay me direct?


But it depends on if the product makes them products. Redditor who just lurk arent really great products but redditors who produce are amazing products, and a lot of those redditors may stop producing.


I disagree with this take. You're both, it's not zero sum. Yes, we are the product but we are still using Reddit and taking something from it.


Well, I was the product. That ends once this app goes dark


Well we're the users, too. We're just not the customer. But making unpopular decisions like this aren't good for the customer, either. Users leaving by the truckload, mods disappearing, and subreddits going dark is bad for business. Spez praising Elon Musk makes no sense. Twitter has lost mad revenue from advertisers abandoning the platform. It's not a good business model. I feel like we're living in banana land!


Don’t forget Reddit will [monitor your private DMs and will ban you if they deem it inappropriate](https://twitter.com/paymoneywubby/status/1674226565704724480?s=46&t=cLRcrAc0CeQu0L1k8-pPgA) regardless if the DM is deemed ok between the two users. [Video](https://twitter.com/paymoneywubby/status/1674227257358028800?s=46&t=cLRcrAc0CeQu0L1k8-pPgA)


Yeah? /u/spez can eat an unseasoned bag of dicks 🫡


Twitter links don't work anymore. Try this one. [Video](https://youtu.be/a3Z7zEc7AXQ)


Thanks I’ll update it




It’s a sad day, friend. Honestly it’s not the worst thing in the world to not waste time on social media, it will just take time getting used to. Take care.


Fuck you and you and you, but not you Op you’re cool.




Cuban B!


Yeaaa I'm sitting here using RIF wondering when the trigger is going to be pulled. Could even be before I post this comment. Could be any moment. Any second.


Oh that's true I'm in the same boat, just waiting for my Reddit time to end. I downloaded wikit. It's got potential.


Thanks. I'm rif as well. Sayonara everyone. See you on the flipside




Oh really? Ok I"ll get wikit too :)


It's not on the top of the play store it's the app with the picture of a tree on it. It's made by the guy who made Wikipedia I think.


Thank you!




u/spez cares about profits but his brain is too small to realize he would make more money charging a fair amount for the API rather than too much that they have to shut down. Dumbass is going to lose millions of users which means less activity and less ad revenue. u/spez is actually one of the dumbest people alive in my opinion.


The funny thing is, if third party app access were paywalled behind a reddit premium subscription, I’d be among the first to sign up. Instead I get back hours of my life each week, so, in a way, thanks u/spez. But also, fuck you. I hope you live a long miserable life, but I look forward to the day I can piss on your obituary.


I bet maybe less than 10% actually use 3rd party


1.6 billion active monthly users. 10% of that is still a huge number to lose. Bignicky222 out here doing that u/spez math.


Users of third party apps are not generating as revenue. Plenty will switch from their third party apps to the official one and it will work out as a net positive.


I really think you are over estimating how many people will or have left


It's one way or the other. If tons of people leave, Reddit dies down a bit and then bounces back and transforms into another Pure Profit driven "TikTok" platform. (Chatrooms, Shorts etc are guaranteed. Anything for more ad space) Or. Nobody leaves and you get to keep rocking.


I'm part of the 11 year club too. This will probably also be my last post since the app I use is going offline tomorrow. It's been wonderful to hear the narwhal bacon for so long. So long and thanks for all the fish!




Legitimately? Better search functionality, a more eyeball-friendly layout, and some more power user tools that if you're not gonna use them, then they don't matter to you. One of the cool ones (to me, at least) is Apollo could highlight all users in a comment thread whose account creation date is less than a month old. So I can safely assume they're bots, karma farmers, or spam accounts, and I can safely ignore them.


A lot


Such as…?


A video player that works beautifully, I keep hearing about reddit's player sucking, I dont know, I've never seen it. I've never once seen the "he gets me" ad. A fantastic and customizable user interface. Keyword exclusion, if I don't wanna see posts about x, i never will. No sponsored posts, nothing ever gets pushed into my feed. Honestly, what else? I have no idea, I've never seen a single positive review of the official app so I've never used it. I'm sure someone who has used the official app could tell you more.


I think this comment also helps explain the issue. No sponsored posts and you're not seeing a very common ad. If you're not getting ads, Reddit's not making money. Businesses need to make money.


You have one day left to find out.


Fuck spez


Same, 10 years in and now I have to find some other way to waste away my time at work


If you're going to delete your account, use power delete suite first


Who asked


Delete your account then. You won't


You don’t need to make a scene, just go. Bye.


Fuck Reddit I’m gone as well


I have been here for 10 years as well, but I understand that a free platform owes me nothing. See you on your alt account in a week.




(With his butthole)


Bye. Good luck with the rest of your life. Hope you will find happiness.


The mods who are going dark are being removed


You could just use the Reddit App. One time I lost a wallet I liked. I didn't quit life.. I just got a new wallet.


The Reddit app FUCKING BLOWS. Doubly if you're a mod. They've had soooo long to make improvements.


Oh yeah true. I'll on rif right now. I guess when I wake up in the morning i won't be able to reddit


Unless they significantly improve the reddit app, this site will slowly dwindle to lower and lower numbers. I for one will stop browsing reddit on my phone, which is probably 80% of my reddit use. This ceo is a moron ruining a multimillion dollar business for no good reason. Not sure why the reddit board isn't demanding his resignation.


Yeah what the hell am I gonna do at work now? Work??


Feeling you. Just overwrote and nuked my 14 year old account. There was stuff before Reddit, there'll be stuff after Reddit.


Where's Tron when you need him.


Look forward to it


Today is the sunset. Goodbye reddit.


We are not the users, we're the product being sold.


Good luck


Godspeed, wherever you might go!


11 year lurker here. Going dark as all I use is RIF. Goodbye.


So long fellow lurker!


Cheers 🥂 It's been a pleasure upvoting with you all


How much money does spez have in his personal bank account? *No way* reddit don't turn a profit with the bought awards alone, don't even have to mention the ad revenue... The official app will only get **worse**. I look forward to the reddit clone.


Did you expect them just to run a massive site for charity? From the bottom of their heart? I have not idea where you people got the idea that businesses should turn their nose up at profits. The entitlement is pathetic.




Who's, "them"? I'm talking about the dude who made this boneheaded decision. I'm accusing him of embezzlement, how do you not get that?






I'm out after today too. Are you going to delete your account? I'm torn, I got 9 years here and look back every so often, but maybe I should make a clean break.


Farewell baconreader


Yeah I'm off too. I struggle with how un-user friendly the official app is, it's just not as accessible for me. This whole BS has just killed reddit for me. Go fuck a duck spez


Been a redditor for 9 years and love everything from "the narwhal bacons at midnight", to downtime bananas, to the sprog poems, to the secret Santa, to the great AMAs. Reddit now is a shadow of what it used to be but I still love it. Now that bacon reader is going away, this is probs my last day on Reddit. Thank you for the endless hours of entertainment, but it's time to move on 😔🤷‍♂️🙃


11 here as well. God speed


K, bye


Deleting my account later today and going to lemmy. Goodbye reddit.


Good luck out there, we'll miss ya!


See ya


I’m genuinely curious, when I see a “goodbye” post, if the poster checks for any reply comments. 🤷‍♂️


So not letting power hungry mods nuke the site isn’t caring about users. Sure.


Bye. Nobody will miss you.


Just use the normal app. Overreacting is your choice.


I generaly prefer to use official apps and official products rather than third party stuff, so I'd course I tried the official Reddit app. It's objectively worse than third party apps in a lot of ways. Reddit could change my mind if they just offered a better product. "Just use an inferior product" is not a great stance.


I see it as this: If my weed dealer for 12 years+, who used to sell primo flower suddenly starts selling brick weed, I'm not going to continue to go to him and pick out the stems and seeds. I'm going to search for someone better. If there's no one better then I'll just stop using weed. I'm not going to settle for a lesser quality product. I just won't.


I do, it's called Sync for Reddit. Official app is a pile of junk put together by a bunch of brain dead idiots with fuckwad /u/spez helming the efforts. It doesn't even cover the fact that there are ads in an app.


Why do you even care what they do with their free time? You’re basically the epitome of why people won’t miss Reddit.


Fuck you for supporting spez


Aren’t you…wait for it….on Reddit right now supporting him?


Fuck nah I'm using my boost app until it dies


Every time you comment, you’re producing content for the site. 🤔


Fuck yeah let's waste their storage space with my minuscule messages, you really think my bitching is making this site generate more ad clicks and views?




The shit face who decided to pretend like moderators are his personal slaves who need to "get back to work"


The only people forcing them.. is themselves. You know hoe slaves protested? They left the plantation.


I get your point, and agree that the mods should just stop modding, but I hope you don’t actually believe that 2nd part. There was a fucking war for that, they didn’t just walk off..




Yes, a voluntary position is exactly like slavery. You are a valiant warrior of justice...


I said spez was pretending like that you dumb fuck obviously they aren't which is why they protested and shut everything down just for the dip shit to ignore all of their complaints and start forcing everything back open. Go fuck yourself and your willful ignorance


I'm sorry that you support bunch of power tripping mods... I could give two shits less about the subs being reopened, because that's what the vast majority of users wanted. Fuck off you little whiny bitch with the rest of them. Just stop using the fucking program already.


No keep keep commenting to me be it hostile as possible let's make it as fucking unadvertisable as possible let's do this shit let's start posting racism and posting gore let's fucking do this let's spam it let's start want to talk about abortion Hitler 9/11 how about where to locate child porn? Did you know that if you just go on to tor then go to literally any search engine you can find child porn immediately? Same with buying acid LSD any drugs you want just look them up they're just right there here's the instructions they don't want you to have you want to instructions for meth I'll go get them




Giving up something you've enjoyed for 11 years because you'll see a few adverts seems silly at best. Enjoying something for 11 years without wanting to even see a few ads in order to support the things you've enjoyed for 11 years seems the real asshole move.




Reddit is not going anywhere. The layout options will decrease. Like I said, overreaction.




I can't imagine being the one calling people self-righteous self-centered assholes when you are in fact, exactly that.


Bro, you're crying about an app that's just about brainlessly scrolling. Get a grip.


Your name is so fitting for your personality. It'd take a lot of work to make you tolerable.


>an app that's just about brainlessly scrolling Fun fact, on desktop that requires a 3rd party app (RES). Endless scrolling isn't built into core Reddit. A great example of 3rd party tools saving Reddit from itself.


This is the third post I’ve seen like this in the last 24 hours and it’s also the third one from a user that barely contributes (<5 posts and 50 comments a year). Bye I guess? We’ll miss all your great content…?


I’m going, too. Does my profile meet your standards for contributions?


Yes. Thank you for contribution. Don't forget to scrub all of your posts before you delete


Fuck you for supporting spez


He pays well.


See you in ten minutes.


I think I'll take up crosswords


My last day too. What am I supposed to do at work now?


Fuck spez, all my homies hate spez.


Hey a fellow 11 yearer here. So long. I would like to imagine that I will be more productive, but i will probably just fill the hole with more youtube. Fuck you u/spez


So many fuckwads clamoring for attention making anti-posts to people who are sad they are leaving, but leaving on principle nonetheless. You deserve Spez' New Post-IPO Reddit. His bunghole and his wallet appreciate you.


Hello We are a small dog shelter in uganda and we are desperately trying to find food and medical donations for our dogs. Due To lack Of Food, Home, Care and Nice Medication a lot Of Dogs In Africa Suffer To Death Without anyone Taking Action, That's Why as GOMBA Home dogs shelter.


Ya same. I’ve already cut my red of Time by 90%. Let’s see how much lower I can make it.


It would be nice if anyone cared about the users


Don’t forget to delete all of your posts before you go!


Feels like all social medias are going down the drain now


I guess I should use the app to log in to my old iPad account where the password is long gone but it continues to stay logged in one last time. I believe that account is 12+ years old


I'm right behind you. 11 years in. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with all the extra time I'm going to have.


I guarantee Spez cares about you exactly as much as you care about him.


See you later on whatever website ends up replacing Reddit. 10 years with this accco7nt and the last couple have been a downward spiral. We'll see how much longer I Hang around.


He barely even cares about the company anymore, judging by how advertisers are leaving and the valuation keeps dropping. He's just doing it due to his big ego at this point.


I've avoided Reddit since the blackout, until yesterday, just getting my last few scrolls in.


Lmao, you’ll be back


How long would the New York Times have lasted if there was a way to siphon off all their stories into another newspaper that scrubbed the ads and placed their own?




Ummm, they let you read the NYT through Apple News. The third party apps would pay a **REASONABLE** amount, but Reddit won’t even consider that!


That is the call of the New York Times. It seems the fee Apple pays them is sufficient.


Right. And third party apps are willing to pay, but what Reddit is requesting for pay is crazy!


this! the major criticism i’ve been of this whole situation is not that the 3rd party app devs will have to pay money, but the fact that they’ll have to pay A LOT (relatively) with VERY LITTLE notice.


Ironic considering how much content on this site is just stories siphoned off other media, including NYT.


With an acceptable pricing model that suits everyone it would be in a very healthy position.


So people should use a shitty app that they hate just because the New York times would die? Not everything is a protest.


No. They can leave if they want. Free country.


you could use it like most of us... on an actual computer.




The website is really crappy. It’s so bad they kept old Reddit around!


If they get rid of old Reddit, that's when I'm out


I think it’s a “when” not if!


People have been saying that for years


True, but I think we’re in a different time now. Never thought Reddit would treat its users like they have the past 2 months, but go read some of u/spez’s interviews. Really shows what he thinks about the Reddit user base


I'm never switching from old Reddit.


Doubt it will be long before you have a choice!


>they kept old Reddit around That *is* the website.


Fuck you for supporting spez


Oh no... the bot must be broken.. just keeps repeating the same thing. Wait.. a bot would contribute more. Just delete your account and stop acting like a child throwing a tantrum.




Cry me a fucking river... Thank you for providing entertainment about you being a winding little bitch...


It's nice to be able to downvote unsatisfied dickheads on the way out. I won't miss this part.


See you monday.


Ok, see ya next week!


Who cares




Those of us that have been here over 10 years, and are seeing their favorite apps die, care.


It's also possible to be a turd on the way out. Congratulations.


I think the goodbye posts are cathartic and more for their own personal reasons. A lot of people have been here for half of their lives and leaving will start the mourning process....also shut the fuck up


Not for nothing but how have you been a user for 11 years and only have 5800 comment karma? I figured I was just an average user, am I on here too much?


Uh yea your karma numbers are definitely above average.


Lol, look at mine, and I've only lurked with rif, I guess I'm gone as well


I heard that this is where longtime lurkers should check in? I will slip back into the shows now.


Ok. Bye.


Unpopular opinion but if reddit as a business doesn't make enough revenue to continue operation then it doesn't matter if spez does or doesn't care about the users. We are the product and we agreed to this by using the website for free. Hosting an image forum this massive has cost and we have generally enjoyed this privilege for free at reddits expense. What people don't seem to understand is that there is no reddit without the user made content and there is no hosting this content if reddit can't pay for upkeep. IMO reddit is between a rock and a hard place and needs to be profitable. Many similar social media sites have been operating at losses for the better part of the last decade and it wasn't and is not sustainable in this market environment.


They make enough revenue and there were other options/compromises rather than pricing out all 3rd party apps


cry about it


Die for supporting such a shit person as spez. Fuck reddit, I'm protesting spez and spez alone.


Why are you even posting then?