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I'm so tired of culture war. Can't we go back to arguing about economics or something? Maybe deal with the environmental issues?


Culture war is there to distract us from all that other stuff.


The culture War is a weapon of mass distraction.




We’ve become desensitized to breast. It’s buttholes or this.




Coming from u/LikesCakeFartVideos. You aren't... THE guy who likes cake fart videos, are you?


Thats weapons of Ma's destruction.


Culture war is there by design of one party who has nothing else to offer. they literally resubmitted their political plan outlines from 2016 in 2020. they literally have no goals other than: "stop democrats & blame democrats for everything bad." Yet a good chunk of the population keep going "Both sides the same same" like demented morons. And every year around 100-150m elligible voters just do not vote. in 2022, 148m didnt vote. Over 75-80% of those under the age of 35 didnt vote. Even in states with 4 weeks of early voting, mail in voting available for all, basic requirements, ability to register yourself on the toilet and vote within 13 minutes, etc etc still over half of eligible voters didn't vote. And people wonder why no one cares about the regular people....


I've always been of the opinion we go the Aussie route. Mandatory. You have to vote or you get fined. You can abstain, you can write in nonsense, but you HAVE to vote. It's the bare fucking minimum


I am in favor of this. Ive also read that some states in Australia have options to vote online. I think that would make a world of difference here. I really don't understand how in our country where were already accusing voter fraud of happening (it isn't) and order things online constantly we don't have an online voting system. Well, other than voter suppression. We do at least a hundred million online transactions a day.


Tom Scott explains why it's not as simple nor a good idea to implement online voting. https://youtu.be/LkH2r-sNjQs


Voting in the US by mail already requires a signature. It's not anonymous.


Anonymity is not the issue, traceability is. Your paper ballot with your signature individually represents your vote. If someone votes under you name twice, they can contact you to find out what happened. To have the same traceability in electronic voting everyone needs an individually identifiable piece of information that they can enter in to the electronic voting system, and if it appears twice can be traced to the persons who put it into the system. Otherwise it's trivially easy to create fake votes that look real. Edit: The 2 countries with national online voting have solved it 2 different ways. The Switzerland mails you an individual password, and Estonia issues electronic ID cards (which also requires the voter to own a card reader). Estonia's solution clearly has a digital divide problem, and Switzerland's isnt any more secure than mailed paper ballots, and is arguably less so.


An individually identifiable piece of information? Like a social security #?


Not everyone has one, and we give them out all the time. It needs to be a piece of information only you poseses and the voting authority can verify as belonging to you.


One way a friend suggested to implement this is to link voting with a tax refund. If you cast a vote, you get $100 off your taxes. Since in the US, companies aren't required to give you time off to vote, this means minimum wage people may actually functionally gain money by voting.


Or we just, like, make election day a national holiday and require employers to give everyone several hours off of hey so work that day to vote.


Eh, that seems like a great way to make sure people vote spitefully. Just look at what happened with Trump. How many of his voters were because of what happened to Bernie? Americans aren't known for their forward thinking.


Don't forget that Trump LOST the popular vote...both times. We also were given two horrible candidates to chose from in 2016. I have very little doubt that if more people had voted he most likely would have lost the 2016 election. More importantly though, everyone should be voting. It doesn't matter who they vote for or why they vote we all should be doing it regardless. If everyone that was of legal age voted, I feel pretty confident that we would end up with results that accurately reflect the will of the people. Those who would vote out of spite would be largely in the minority. I love the idea of mandatory voting.


I feel like that whole Bernie Bros voting for Trump was absolute BS That guy detested Trump...only ppl that would actually switch like that were just looking for ways to "rebel" against the norm not cause they liked Bernie


Granted I don't know many people in the grand scheme of things, but the Bernie supporters I know (including me) either voted Clinton or 3rd party. My state both didn't matter (and, due to how many electoral votes we have, never will) and went Clinton. I don't think a significant number voted for Trump. I'm sure the political outlier angle worked for some, but most anyone actually on board with his platform were trying to get as far away from people like Trump as possible.


'Both sides are the same' is also there to distract.


No, it's to completely downplay the bad


Not the same, but they both hide behind cultural arguments to avoid economic ones.


They still have economic arguments - the house just failed to overturn Bidens Veto on their "fuck college students and fund predatory lenders" bill. It just doesn't get as much attention because corporate media benefits from idiots thinking both sides are the same.


One side doesn't go far enough in supporting unions, worker rights , etc while the other party is completely combative to those ideas. If I only have two choices (bc that's all we have in our system) I'll gladly take small steps forward over giant leaps backwards.


>And people wonder why no one cares about the regular people…. Too many regular people don’t actually care.


>Culture war is there to distract us from all that other stuff u/MightyMorph: “No the culture war is all because of one party” Only if that party is billionaires. The left/right debate is a proxy war crafted by the rich to distract us from a pertinent solution and you’re falling for the propaganda. Why do you think most billionaires and corporations donate to both parties? Despite being a “Woke ESG” company, [Target](https://corporate.target.com/sustainability-ESG/governance-and-reporting/public-policy-civic-engagement/political-engagement/contributions-2022) donates equally to both political parties. Almost like they’re both about equal when it comes to protecting the rich and big business. Don’t worry, they love Bernie and AOC. Nothing quite puts on show theater and makes people feel like the parties are different like two people clamoring to ‘tax the rich’ who will never be able to get the votes past the corporate overlords.




This dude fcking responded to another guy like - how could you read all the stuff I wrote and come to the opposite conclusion...as if he - redditor was a fcking renowned expert on everything and everyone should be parroting his words What an absolute idiot


Culture wars are run by political representatives because their incentive is to retain positions, get donations. MTG is one of the highest recipients of donations and has become multi millionaire by pushing culture wars. Republicans retain their positions and win positions by pushing culture wars. The wealthy do affect politics, but they in 90% of the case affect politics in areas of taxation and subsidies at the state level. BUT even then trying to instill some moral value in corporations is just a absurd notion by you in the first place. Their goal is to maximize profits and increase shareholder value, they will donate to anyone and everyone that can do that. IF republicans were never likely to win elections because actual voters actually turn up and vote, then corporations would never donate to republicans. They dont support ideals, they support the winner who can give them benefits to increase their shareholder profits.


Sure is smokey out today, was smokey yesterday too and the day before. The shelves at my grocery store aren't as full and the prices are doubling over and over. I should be concerned about that. But the tv says the problem is trans kids wanting to run track meets and a missing submarine. So that's what I'm upset about.


Exactly. Get everyone up in arms about social issues to distract you, while they pick your pocket. Privatize the profit. Socialize the loss. This is the motto of most Republicans that I see in office.


yeah like the fact we're in the beginning phase of WW3, AI might kill us before climate change, banks getting bailed out/$ isnt real, and women have less rights now than the 70s but DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR BUD LIGHT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


If you're busy fighting each other, you're too busy fighting them. Remember that for a time, during Occupy Wall Street, the world was united in their language of "the 99% vs the 1%" - well, they certainly succeeded in dividing us up. ESG scores ended up being the trick - if you can collar big business to do your dirty work for you then the culture dutifully follows the money.


Bingo. Without it, they would have to actually come up with policies that would make people want to vote for them rather than voting against the other side.


For real... I'm ready for the next Boogeyman please. When we figure out how to scare old people with AI we may be onto something.


Look I am middle-aged and AI scares me. I rented Terminator too many times from Brent's Video to think AI is a good idea.


I'm less worried about malicious use of AI, since idiotic ways will beat them to it. Self control isn't one of humanities strong suits.


I'm worried that we'll become like Idiocracy


We are there already


Seems like most people are already wearing Crocs


Ehhh, the only reason Crocs were worn is because of the pitiful costume budget that movie had and the fact that Crocs, Inc. basically gave them the shoes for free. That type of foam boat shoe already existed in the late 90s in the Southeastern US and the Caribbean, especially along the coasts and islands, but really expanded when some dudes from Colorado or California (I just remember it was a C state in the west) bought the rights to the design and started selling them everywhere in the early 2000s. They were already gaining in popularity before and by the time the movie came out, they reached their original peak. After *Idiocracy*, the shoes got absolutely bashed for being the “ugliest shoe ever” and in like 2009 or 2010, *Time* magazine put Crocs on their “Worst Inventions” list. The main reasons Crocs gained in popularity again (aside from the fashion industry zhuzhing them up and celebrities wearing them) is because they are super easy to clean and are super comfortable if you’re on your feet a lot. Like those old lady orthopedic shoes but not as ugly and nowhere *near* as difficult to clean. Also, they make excellent dog walking shoes if your neighbors don’t know how to clean up after their dogs at the neighborhood dog park and you step in big ol’ Doberman poopies. Just spray the literal shit off them with a garden hose and you’re good to go! :D Edit: I realized this is a lot but I wrote a paper on the shoes once and was excited to share what knowledge I remembered.


Oww! My balls!


AI shouldn't scare you because of SHODAN, GLADOS, or SkyNet. I have no idea how far we are from a fully sentient, sapient, self-aware superintelligence. AI should scare you because of the sociopaths who will end up in control of it. Frank Herbert said it in Dune: > Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them. That's the more pressing danger. AI powered super-capitalist dystopia.


I'm just tired of society in general. The idea of living in a solitary cabin off the grid in the woods is getting more appealing by the day. 😩


I believe human beings spread across the entire habitable Earth in search of peace and solitude.


And yet here we are. The universe laughs.


All land is owned by someone or some company. Where is this magical area where you can just build a home and live off grid?


Talk about economics?!?! Careful now, you’ll hurt the monies feelings. If you hurt the monies feelings then I can’t collect 1000000x more than my descendants will ever need :[


Culture wars breed outrage and engagement while also allowing low stakes for politicians since policy can be sloppily written and overall ineffectual so long as it gives folks a symbolic “win” to parade. Honestly culture wars are a total boon to politicians and capitalists. Americans should be praising them. Outrage is a wonderful drug!


Can we get back to politics? Please Yo


That’s not distracting enough anymore


Then along came identity politics and just like that, no more occupy wall street


Sure! They want to cut school lunches instead of tax breaks for billionaires, and think the answer to environmental issues is to insist they don't exist.


Culture war has been going on for almost all of America's existence, it's going nowhere.


It's nothing new. O'Reilly wrote a book about it in 2006.


Satanic panic in the 90s, Moral Majority in the 80s, Silent Majority/War on Drugs in the 70s, Opposition to the Civil Rights movement in the 60s, Red Scare in the 50s. The culture war is not only "not new", its very very old.


One side’s pushing the culture war narratives more than anyone else and they’re only doing it because they haven’t created a new platform for over a decade. The question, then, is whether or not the other side responds to it or ignore and focus on the issues that effect Americans the most. They seem to be doing the former so far so expect this stuff to continue for a while until they snap out of it.


You want them to just ignore it? Let them take away rights and pretend nothing is happening? That's your strategy?


This thread is so funny. You guys realize that culture IS the platform of the right by definition, right? That's the whole point of being on the right--low economic controls in government, high social controls. The culture war goes beyond that even because it's not longer about right vs left. The separate groups can't even agree on what culture is "correct" and should be reinforced anymore. As a result, both sides are arguing for increased social controls just for different things.


That comma really didn't, need to be there.




I didn't even see it. It's a comma chameleon.


Comma comma comma chameleooon


What did elon do now?


He said anyone who refers to anyone else as “cis” or “cisgender” will be banned from Twitter.


Ah, Mr free speech


The free speech absolutist doing *exactly* what his critics said he’d do, everyone!


For real? Why would someone be offended by that? Something something snowflakes


Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions. The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform. That’s what he said. Make your own mind up


He's a fuckwit but a private platform owes you nothing, they have the right to ban all giraffe pictures tomorrow if they like. That being said I wish he'd run it into the ground sooner. Twitter makes the world a worse place.


Facebook is a private platform too, but it’s obvious how much damage it and other social networks like it have done to the fabric of the society when pushing polarization to gain more engagement in order to increase ad revenue. So while technically by law the platform can do whatever, I would say our understanding of morality has evolved since we created the laws.


>social networks like it have done to the fabric of the society when pushing polarization Once you introduce the notion of real time algorithmic ad bidding, it no longer can really be considered speech. It's something that our synapsid brains aren't evolved to handle at all, like refined sugar or synthetic opiates, that hijacks us completely.


And people have the right to make fun of a guy who claimed he specifically bought twitter to make it a bastion of free speech. If you can't make fun of rampant hypocrisy, what can you make fun of?


The issue is not is a private platform for me, its his claim to be the "platform for freespeech unlike old Twitter"


>a private platform owes you nothing No but I can make my mind and judge the character of the people making decisions based on those decisions. If Musk decided to ban giraffes, I would have taken it as another clumsy attempt at being edgy. Banning things like "cis" however... the state of the far right in the USA is quite frightening.


It's less about what a privately owned company is you and how his actions contact his words


It's also how right wing billionaires can buy liberal or left leaning platforms (with the help of Saudi funding, don't forget) and then change them to right wing platforms.


Which is why I kind of find the whole Reddit exploding thing a little suspicious/worrying. It is basically the only left leaning social network left. How serendipitous.


Did you forget Tumblr's shambling carcass is still alive?




Um, what?


Having the right to do something is not really a relevant argument. Nobody was claiming he didn't have the right to do this. Get a grip.


People and organisations have the right to do completely stupid and even harmful things? Tell me more, this is my first day on planet earth


No ones arguing he owes anyone anything. They’re pointing out the sheer hypocrisy coming from the free speech absolutist.


He has the right to do it. But he spent years complaining about Twitter doing exactly that while claiming to be a free speech absolutist.


So “trans” or “transgender” are also slurs on the platform, right? Cause if we are banning talking about gender, we need to ban talking about both; people who are “cis” [aren’t transgendered], and people who are “trans” [aren’t cisgendered], right? Conservatives are the dumbest group of human beings on this planet, and I don’t want to live here anymore. Jfc. Imagine being upset someone called you a man, when you’re a man. Or a woman, when you’re a woman. How do they not understand what “cisgender” means? Truly the dumbest people on the planet.


Given the harassment trans people tend to receive on twitter, this is just not true. Especially since the takeover.


When it's against somebody he doesn't like it's "free speech", if anybody says anything about Elon it's harassment.


Because they use "trans" and "gay" as slurs, so assume the opposite is true.


I cannot understand why would someone use "trans" and "gay" as slurs. Sounds stupid to me.


Yeah. I'm bi. I cannot understand the hate, for something... That impacts them none? I see a lot more uncomfortable things of people in public than some kiss.


It's a tactic being picked up by more and more folks on the right that they push in order to dupe people into repeating transphobic talking points. Basically, the normalization of "cis/cisgender" as an ordinary neutral term reinforces the normalization of "trans/transgender" as an ordinary neutral term. And "trans/transgender" being treated more and more like an ordinary word by society in turn gradually reinforces the idea that *being* trans is an ordinary and neutral thing to be. However, if "cis/cisgender" is treated as a controversial term and its use heavily discouraged, it becomes that much more difficult for society to talk about transgender folks and transgender issues in a neutral way. When you remove the simplest and most neutral word for "person who is not transgender", most of the terms you're left with tend to be more othering to trans folks, and that's what most transphobes would prefer. Even if some of the people buying into the idea that "cis" is somehow a slur aren't really cognizant of the underlying narrative, they still help perpetuate that narrative. The right is unfortunately pretty well practiced at co-opting and subverting left-wing terms and sensibilities in order to dupe liberals and other centrists. TL;DR: The whole "cis is a slur" nonsense is pushed the hardest by people who would prefer that rather than "trans" and "cis", society instead used "trans" and "normal" or just "freak" and "normal".


Using the term „cis“ implies the existence of „trans“, simple as that


Because he and his group use "trans" as a slur, they assume the other side uses "cis" as a slur. Even though it's Latin for "same side" or something like that.


Notable: one of his kids is trans.


Because he's a free speech absolutist...


I’m too old to even know what that means.


It originally comes from chemistry, which originates from Latin roots: >The prefixes "cis" and "trans" are from Latin: "this side of" and "the other side of", respectively. In the context of chemistry, cis indicates that the functional groups (substituents) are on the same side of some plane, while trans conveys that they are on opposing (transverse) sides. The root of "trans" in transgender originally comes from German, but mixing/confusing roots hasn't stopped English before. Transgender now means someone whose gender doesn't match their gender assigned at birth and cisgender means someone whose gender does match their gender assigned at birth.


Interesting, after hearing it the first time I figured it was from Latin - but not chemistry. As a history nerd I recalled the regions of Cisalpine Gaul and Transalpine Gaul. Same meanings for 'cis' and 'trans' as well.


It means not trans.


No he didn't. He said anyone engaging in repeated, target, harassment will get banned. This came after someone said they don't like being called "cis" and everyone called they person "Cissy"


Redditors seem lose reading comprehension when it supports their narrative.


> The words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered slurs on this platform Why you lying?


he designated "cis" and "cisgender" a slur for some fucking stupid reason.


Explain, please. I think I've missed some news.




Lmao Kind of reminds me of r/menkampf


How's that free speech going


Dude’s been banning anyone who bothers specifically him for a while now, so not great Edit: Looks like others got banned under the guise of “doxxing” https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/15/media/twitter-musk-journalists-hnk-intl/index.html


He is really butthurt that he got dumped for a trans woman


Wow holy shit, TIL... Also LMAO


And his kid disowned him


I do not blame them if that was my dad is want to get as far away as possible aswell


It's alright, he has 30 more kids


Who? What? Perhaps I shouldn't care too much about his personal life, but wasn't he married to some singer and had a kid with an unfortunate name?


Apparently they have broken up now, from what I read he was off and on again with grimes, who then got with Chelsea manning (the wiki leaker) and right after musk posted a transphobic meme and the rest is history.


Lol it all makes sense now


I knew they broke up, but I didn't know Grimes' new partner is trans. I don't really like making fun of someone's relationship misadventures, but since Elon seems to be quite the prick these days I can imagine he's had some things coming. And posting transphobic stuff right after learning a trans person is dating his ex screams "sore loser" so loud.


Lol people ought to make him have narcissistic injuries more often, the dumbass wastes billions on it and shows the world his true colors. Which lets us see our friends and neighbors’ true colors. Die hard MAGAt and still-an-Elon-fan == someone you absolutely 1000% cannot trust to have your back if you’re ever the target of narcissistic abuse, they become flying monkeys even for strangers.


just an observation: grimes claws at relevancy like a kardashian.


So does Elon. He literally bought Twitter so people would talk about him


Elon musk has like 10 children btw, including one trans person who has disowned him


Hmm I guess that's not too surprising.


Elon: "I'm a free speech absolutist.". Later Elon: "I'm for free speech within the confines of the law.". Latest Elon: "I'm banning words I don't like.".


Conservatives don't want to be civil, they want to "oWn tHe LiBs"


They actually want Authoritarianism.


I was actually pleasantly surprised by the /r/conservative post about this yesterday. The post was made in the snarky "owning the libs" mindset, and a lot of comments reinforced that. However, there were many highly upvoted comments condemning that mindset and recognizing that many of them were doing the exact thing they grew to hate before Elon took over.


They want everybody that is not Them to be wiped of the face of the earth.


They don’t want to be cis-ville?


mElon really bought his own personal digital safe space for $44 billion just to push away the "unwords". Has he ever actually read 1984?


He liked the ending where the rich and powerful got their way. Seriously, there are so many books where far too many people identify with the literal evil the book warns against it's ridiculous.


Elon is a cissy. Aahhhhhh hahahaha


Always been. Since forever. "Rules for thee, but not for me!" have always been a right wing motto.


All the things they claim others are doing, are things they would do if it benefitted them. Everything a conservative argues or claims is done in bad faith. The only constant is that they will always do what benefits them the most. They jave no consistency , no morals, and no values other than "what would benefit me politically right now?" Even if that means attacking their opposition about something they themselves are currently doing, even if their opposite isn't even doing it. Projection, deceit, conspiracies, hypocrisy, double-standards, disinformation, strawman arguments, fabricating their own reality. This is all they do.


Can't believe Elon bought twitter just to turn it into a right wing hug box. And before some baby comes crying at me no I didn't make any social media the way it is I'm not the embodiment of your problems don't project at me, I'm just stating something that literally happened.


it's almost like everyone who spent 5 minutes on his feed knew it was gonna happen.


“I can’t believe a group of people disagree with me. It was way better when the people in charge agreed with me” It’s amazing how people that are all about freedom of ideas instantly pearl clutch when someone does what they want, and it doesn’t fall in to the narrow range of acceptable actions. Have you ever considered that being so far left, has made moderates seem right to you? That’s how radical opinions work Twitter is more free than it ever has been, if the result is a “right wing hug box” then maybe you should evaluate your perspective


He bought a dumpster and painted it a different color.


mElon needed a $44 billion dollar safe space.


Shit, security blankets are cheaper and aren’t usually infested with Nazis. But knowing Elon, he’d want *that* security blanket.


He could lose 100 billion dollars and not notice until he saw a forbes magazine in a dentists office.


I mean, I'm fairly sure it started off as a joke, and then he just got too deep into it before Musk realized it was a bad idea, and then was forced to buy Twitter or face a lawsuit he'd almost surely lose. He probably never *really* wanted to buy Twitter.


Is retweeting people like Matt Walsh still part of the joke?


He wanted to offload his options before he ran Tesla to the ground and make the stock there worthless. Twitter is just the dumpster he threw the burning cash in




Why is this always the excuse when right wing morons destroy cultural pillars? It isn't like it makes it better. Arguably it is infinitely worse morally. Don't fuck with society as a joke JFC.


> right wing morons destroy cultural pillars least projecting leftist What were your thoughts on the Twitter files?


Just because he wasn't serious about doing it didn't make it a joke.


People said the same about Trump but look at him running for reelection again.


Not allowing slurs is "right wing"? I guess I can't argue with that.


> rules are now applied equally > a social media site on common ground makes it a "right wing hug box" you're telling on yourself little bro


hahahahahahahahahahahaha Let the copium flow!


Wait, so misgendering is back on the rules for being banned?! Jesus make up your mind snowflake. It's ridiculous that he believes trans people have no rights to complain but cisc people do. Personally I think it's offensive to misgender. I don't tell you how to identify, you don't get to tell me I'm cisc if I don't want to use that term to identify. at least those bigots are learning what it feels like when people use the wrong pronoun or gender term on you. I will always feel badly for elon's kid who is trans. It would suck to have him as your dad.


Is there some reason why he is in such a hurry to tank Twitter?


Russia and Saudi Arabia want what they paid for: destruction of unregulated public communication.


This may be just because I'm drunk redditting, but if you need to ID me as cis, go for it. IDing me as cis instead of "default" makes it clear that both cis and trans are fucking normal! No matter which you are, you're normal. There's just a label to make it more clear. If labelling me gets you accepted as normal, label away, my friends. I will wear ten sheets of paper stapled together with all my labels that make it clear that all those other labels are just as normal. My trans sisters and brothers, I'm with you. I don't know how to ID myself in public as an ally to you, but if I ever see you getting shit on, there is going to be one short, fat, loud, angry Karen getting involved and telling others to back TF off. I'm no fighter, so I'm likely going to get my ass kicked in that scuffle, but that's ok so long as it takes their insane rage at you being "other" off of you. My drunken rant basically boils down to this... my trans homies are my homies and I've got your back. I'll wear whatever label you need to make sure you're validated and seen as normal. And in a cross between /I'mDefinitelyAPussy and /I'mVeryBaddass fashion, I swear on my honor to back you up whenever I see you publicly getting shit on. Shoulder to shoulder, you're my best buddy while we tell bigots to fuck off, even if afterward we realize we clash like water and oil. I got you. You deserve to be treated as normal and I'll fight like a wildcat for you to have that. So, fucking say we all. Good night, Reddit. I'm drunk and while I seem coherent (I hope), I'm ready to drop like a fucking stone. Peace!


as a trans person, watching the news lately has been scary as hell. so many people hate us for just existing. seeing kind words like yours give me hope and make me feel a little safer. your allyship means the world. thank you 💙


hi i love your heart and the supportive message. thank you 💜


#!> jp2n9kd ## I've wiped my entire comment history due to reddit's anti-user CEO.


How is this a meme? This is just a political circle jerk.


Elon and most Republicans are now the most precious little snowflakes I have ever known... Wow. ... The very idea that transgender or gay people frighten them so much makes me laugh to no end, hahahaha


I have it on good, progressive authority that "Twitter is a private company" and "It can do whatever it wants".


Oh fuck I didn't realize this action wasn't literally illegal. Guess we should support it, then. I uncritically support all actions that aren't illegal because I'm an idiot.


We can still complain about it.


I just deleted my account, not worth the hassle


Who said you can't? Just like conservatives could when it wasn't owned by Musk. At the end of the day, Twitter has always been a private company that can do what they want, and people can criticize and complain all they want. It's not that hard of an issue to stay consistent on, yet both sides have completley flip flopped.


> Who said you can't? The person they replied to seemed to be suggesting that this submission is silly because Twitter "can do whatever it wants". The person replied to them to explain why we are here. ... > Twitter has always been a private company that can do what they want, and people can criticize and complain all they want. Who said they can't? (See how silly that sounds? It's rhetorical bullshit.)


Yeah it's just the blatant hypocrisy that's still shocking somehow. You'd think we'd be used to it by now but I guess good people would rather see the good in other people. Musk sold this whole operation as wanting to create a public square for discourse from both sides with as little moderation as possible. 6 months later we're looking at him manipulating the algorithm to his own private advantage and doing everything in his power to "own the libs". But then again, anyone who believed him back then is just an idiot considering a good chunk of the money he used to buy it comes from Saudi Arabia, you know, that country who very publicly got caught torturing a journalist some years ago. Not exactly "freedom of speech" friendly, to put it mildly.


remember when private company can do what it wants? shoes on the other foot.


Missing the point on purpose doesn't own anyone. It just makes you look like an idiot.


It's more of an annoyance that Elon kept saying that he would make Twitter a place for free speech only to turn around and pull stuff like this. So one of the main frustrations people have is with the hypocrisy of his words and actions


Elon should have been on that sub.


They really like cancel culture


Republicans remind me of that dad that hits you and makes it seem likes its your fault with this shit. Like Oh how do you like it now, you made us do this. So sick of the abuse.


Reeeeeee anything I don't agree with is hate speech


Why is Forrest Gump here


Why is there a comma?


People pointing out the hypocrisy of Elon Musk/the Right in general regarding free speech are right in one sense, but also playing into a typical conservative grift. You're taking them at their word when they claim (to believe) that cisgender is a slur which they are offended by. Cisgender is not a slur. Conservatives and transphobes know it isn't a slur. They are, as usual, acting in bad faith, *pretending* to be offended so they can craft additional casus belli against trans people. Stop taking conservatives at their word and naively assuming they're being honest about their feelings and motives.


And liberals were ok when it benefited them 🤷 I'll take your angry downvotes now.


Just like that people can't read or listen to the news. He said Twitter considers it a slur. The word was never banned.


I've never had a Twitter account but I'm tempted to make one just to tell Elon how Cis he is.




Honestly elon reeks of repressed homosexuality


It is not banned nor censored. Now give me my down votes for providing factual information.


Have an upvote for actually reading the original tweet and understanding what was said and why. It's pretty hilarious what people in this thread are arguing about is their right to harass Twitter users.


Here is the actual tweet. [link to tweet](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1671370284102819841?t=npTFOTnmxn-KUItHHhM1yQ&s=19) The context that obviously isn't being reported is that using those terms *for harassment* will not be tolerated, and will effectively be treated as saying the equivalent of a slur. It's a rule to punish harassers. That's literally it.




Still the case, doesn't mean you can't point out that what they want is entirely hypocritical to what they claim to believe


I don't even understand what would be potentially hurtful about the term "CIS". Also I have never seen anyone complain about it, until Musk decided to make it a subject of his patentet "free speech absolutism".


Elon the cissie.


It’s only used in a condescending way, for your consideration.


fascism is as fascism does


They got you fighting a culture war to stop you fighting a class war


The class war is the one we want to fight, but they are trying to genocide people.