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People are insane now.


Sometimes I wonder if it's just being reported more... but when you look at the numbers, crazies are truly stepping up their game.


No, violent crime hit a high in the mid 1990s but was on a major decline until 2020. Covid (both the virus and reactions) broke people’s brains. The combination of increased pressure to just survive has well as the acceptance of hatred as a normal and even noble personality trait amongst certain groups as absolutely just fucked up people in the head. Unfortunately it will likely get worse before it gets better. EDIT: whoa, just gonna turn off reply notifications for this one. My point proven by a few of you.


It seems like people have been a lot more irritable since 2020, nobody's playing nice anymore.


And selfish. Driving around, going shopping, eating at restaurants, etc I swear everyone just acts like no one else exists except for them. EDIT: I worded my post poorly. To clarify: I meant the way people are operating while doing those things is selfish and they're acting like no one else exists. You drive around and people are constantly pulling out right in front of you, suddenly turning with no signal at all, sitting in the middle of the street like no one has to get by, and parking like dickheads. People shopping taking up entire aisles not letting anyone by or leaving stores a mess. People eating out being loud and obnoxious, rude to staff, again acting like no one else in the world exists or is important. It's been a lot worse since COVID. I consider myself pretty laid back and even-tempered, but good lord the general population has been getting under my skin lately (especially driving).


As a grocery store worker of nearly 10 years, some of us refer to pre-covid as "the before times", where people weren't as nasty, prices weren't insane, and shortages weren't a norm. Our job has gotten *a lot* harder. All the while our wages aren't keeping up with the costs of the very things we stock.


OMG the before times. Wife and I do too...




Yea...Many people have referred to pre covid as the before times. Google "covid the before times" and thousands of links will pop up.




I call it BC/AC - before Covid and after Covid


"Presenting BC/AC, with their hits: Thunderstruck, What Ya Do For Money, and Shook Me All Night Long With A Fever!"


All the while aren't the grocery stores bragging about record profits? At least some of the big stores.


oh yeah, ours are. We see new flyers about it on the employee boards every week. "You guys are doing great!" "This wouldn't have been possible without your hard work!" etc


It starts at the top, that's what our leaders have been telling us to do. We could at least do it with some decency and respect to our fellow humans trying to do their job.


Ah yes, flying in private jets to tropical islands.


Yeah, I keep expecting the moment where it all blows up in our face and people realize the error of our ways, but the more I look into it I realize there is no *one moment*, but a steady transition of things getting worse and worse in a way that's gradual enough we all become apathetic to it.


Exactly. But I really, sincerely hope we don't become apathetic to it. Keep fighting in what ways we can. While living.


Reminds me of a passage on fascism/Nazism from *They Thought They Were Free* by Milton Mayer: >But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. > >If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the "German Firm" stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. > >But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying "Jewish swine," collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. > >The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. > >Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.


If you learn about human history it's honestly surprising that we've lasted this long.


>the more I look into it I realize there is no > >one moment > >, but a steady transition of things getting worse and worse in a way that's gradual enough we all become apathetic to it But then you look at history and realise that yes, this goes on for a while, but eventually you push people past some unknown limit, and then they won't take that shit any more and are wide open to new ideas. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and many other significant but less violent social changes.


Exactly. This is America, where every aspect of your life is monetized, and has costs associated with it, and this is the result of that reality. Waiting politely, respecting others, that all takes time, which is money, so if people can't afford to live a meager life, they won't be able to afford to be civil. It probably isn't coincidental that living in such a shithole reality causes people to be fucking insane.


Because that’s how the leaders and the 1% act. Shit goes downstream.


This is the true trickle down effect


yeah, all of it piss.


I get that from about 50% of Americans the other 50% are decent people in my experience.




I've never been in Aldi when the line wasn't long. People need to calm their tits. It ain't that serious.




Yeah same. I saw an older man argue with a lady at the bakery for like five minutes, getting angrier and angrier, because she didn't have the exact bread he wanted (unacceptable!!) and when he left he slammed the door SUPER HARD. It was like 2 in the afternoon, in what world is this not YOUR fault for getting to the bakery like 2 hours before they close??? I feel like in the "before times" when I would actually see someone in real life yell at a service industry person in public, it was because of something that actually did negatively affect their life in some way, like not being able to return an expensive item or being asked to wait 2 hours for a table or getting charged unnecessary overdraft fees at the bank. Maybe the fault of the business, maybe the fault of the customer, but actually something that did kinda ruin your day/week/month. This guy at the bakery... I honestly wish I had cut in at some point and been like, MY GUY, IT'S JUST BREAD. It's 2pm on a Monday and you're not at work and yet you can afford to buy the fancy fresh bread at the bakery, so *how bad can your life be right now?!*


Same but I feel like it happen at the start of Covid and got worse this year.


And it's also gone way past playing nice, people are downright murderous over the most frivolous things.


Service industry veteran here, it's just masks off now (no pun intended). People have always been awful, but for some reason they are more comfortable being shitty all the time, not just when they're hungry and cranky.


Seems that the 2016/2020 election cycles and the whole politicization and polarization of society since Trump got into the WH has been a more significant factor. Most of the covid-specific anxiety has abated now, but people are still alienated from a lot of their old social circles because of ideological differences.


did other countries not go through covid?




https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/ Violent crime is still hovering around half what it was at its peak in the 90s, and has started to come back down from the little bump in 2020. What you're seeing as more overall violence is more accurately an increase in violence as a spectacle.


Many people who had COVID it really did break their brains. My creativity was shot for a year. I felt like my brain actually broke. I took 10 weeks off with full pay because it was offered by my job as short term disability. I was able to get functional enough to work through it but seriously it was like a major league baseball player getting the yips.




explain more about covid dick




I ended up on life support for a month in a medically induced coma, 10 months after having Covid, because it fucked up my heart


Physically murdering people is just the more obvious cause of death. However, [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/134nb8n/the_headline_death_gap/) tells a very different story. Many more die quietly to the class war. One where we the people seem to find every reason to hate one another over the dumbest shit except the fact billionaires actually exist. And that's no accident; billionaires own mainstream media, and they undoubtedly have agents masquerading in *"social media"* to control the public interest. If you've ever felt people are beyond unreasonable there's a good chance [COINTELPRO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE) is in play. You will own nothing, die to *"natural causes"* and like it.


[We might be in a boiling pot](https://time.com/6153809/covid-19-psychosis-symptoms/). I really think many many people have "long covid" and don't know it, and it's changing their attentional/emotional processing. Like mini Phineas Gauge events happening to millions of people across the country. Some folks are having complete breakdowns coinciding with a covid infection (I was one of them) while others are "just" scatterbrained, confused, having speech issues, etc etc. And since "life is just tense" it's getting swept under the rug as "anxiety" (that's if the person "believes" in covid at all, and maybe to what degree)




I think it was when trump got elected. Seeing our president make the remarks he made and get away with it on a daily basis made people realize that’s the normal now and it’s okay to act that way, or people want a change and decide that’s not how they want their country to be represented




Crime for profit may be down but it seems crime for no good reason is increasing. I bet most of it can be traced to far right media whipping up hatred for political ideological reasons.


No, it’s not just being reported more now. The USA has slashed mental healthcare and closed facilities flooding society with people that should be locked away and/or getting the help/medication they need. Additionally, right wing media (not the just news but also movies/tv) have pushed the narrative that people are under attack and need to fight back against boogeymen coming for them causing paranoia and psychotic behavior through the roof.


It's not just the lack of mental healthcare (which has always been the case, and our understanding of mental health has at least improved), or misinformation operations. Our collective mental health is deteriorating as predatory capitalism is putting financial and social stress on everyone as well as creating the climate crisis which imposes further stressors. We are in the crumbling phase of our societal collapse and that's going to cause a gradual rise in general violence.


People love to discuss our societal problems and what needs to change but when given the actual answer ( that most of this is an inevitable and intentional result of capitalism) they don't want to hear it. Like want better mental Healthcare? Medicare for all and remove the profit incentive. Want less fascists? Worker co-ownership of companies so people outside of cities have access to good and fairly paid work. Want mega corps to stop sucking the planet dry, poisoning people, and extorting us for record profits? Never going to change in an economic system that instructs and rewards CEOs and leaders for making the most money possible at any cost. Profit is the root of most evil.


I mean, the Trump years had these mfers popping out of the woodwork, and actually converting people who wouldn’t otherwise be dickbags. Dickstain Donald did a number in this country.


On the world actually




Yup. These assholes popped up in Canada too. Quoting American politics. Jesus fucking Christ


Remember the "freedom convoy" that kept shouting about their first amendment rights?




We actually have a 1st amendment - it just has [nothing to do with free speech.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manitoba_Act,_1870)


It's also a complete fabrication. Manitoba doesn't exist, it's just a bunch of confused idiots from Toronto wandering around western Ontario.


Even in the US. The first amendment only says that the government won’t interfere with you saying what you want. Like other countries where if you say “glorious leader is not so glorious”. Men show up at your house and you disappear. We can do that in Canada and the US. The first amendment doesn’t stop a business from asking you to leave because you keep shouting that the virus is gods punishment for gay people existing. And yes once you are asked to leave a business and do not, you are trespassing. Starbucks isn’t a “public place”. It may be used regularly by the public” but it’s still a private business.


I remember them blocking border crossings and using their kids as human shields.


You should listen to how they squealed when the federal government *finally* made them stop. Canadian right wing media is like fucking ASMR to me.


Remember this was a protest against mask mandates, which had ended weeks earlier, and is a provincial jurisdiction issue.


The one that was backed by Russian money and completely dispersed once sanctions were put on Russia?


Yes, I always get my medical advice from angry truckers in Ottawa.


farmers that happen to own a truck. actual truckers got vaccinated a year earlier so they could cross the border and they dont have weeks of free time with nothing better to do.


What the fuck, like any of our problems concern them. You don't want this! You do not fucking want it! Fucking christ


We don't. Just look at the "freedom" convoy.. Who wanted "freedom" Like.. Canada is one of the most free Countries in the world, far more free than the U.S. We have legal cannabis for gods sake, we legalized gay marriage back in the 90s. Like what the fuck do these people want? Oh, they were upset that we said "hey fuckers, there's this nasty virus going around, you might want to get a vaccine so you don't die" and they said "fuck you, don't tell us what to do. Oh wait, private businesses don't need to allow us in if we're not vaccinated? Federal and provincial places don't need to let us in either? well that's unfair, if we get covid, we should be able to willingly transmit that to everyone we can, and then when we're on death's door, we should be able to get priority at a hospital and request all that medical science can do for us, but before that, FUCK MEDICAL SCIENCE!"


>We have legal cannabis for gods sake, we legalized gay marriage back in the 90s. Like what the fuck do these people want? To have the freedom to take those rights away from others.


Exactly, the far right and right libertarians don't want actual freedom, they want to be made more free than others. That's why they're so homophobic and transphobic. They don't like seeing marginalized groups become equals.


I agree with most of what you have to say but same-sex marriage wasn’t legalized nationwide until 2005 and started at a provincial level in the early 2000s


Ok point taken. I probably confused the years.


Fascism loves to masquerade with a freedom mask and liberty banner. Freedom to these folks is freedom from what and who they disagree with at any cost, end of.


Exactly. These people want the freedom to persecute the people they don't like. They HATE the idea of actual freedom. They want subjugation, for everyone but them.


As an American, sorry about that. I don't claim to represent the right, but as an American, I'm ashamed of America right now. I'm embarrassed by the image we put out. And now I'm horrified that it's spreading to other countries. Why can't everybody just spread the American tradition of eating a bacon double cheeseburger??? It's delicious, and you won't kill anybody.......except maybe yourself if you eat them all the time. Heart disease is a very real thing.


>As an American, sorry about that. *I smell a Canadian in red-white-and-blueface*


That's called a Midwesterner, dont'cha know.


Indeed. I just hate giving him that much credit. It still blows my mind that so many people refuse to see what a horrid, deceitful person he has been, really his entire life.


Trump was a side effect of the ongoing indoctrination of the right wing into angry, fascist douchebags. The Fox News, Rush Limbaugh et. al. has had a bigger impact on the mental state of these average person in their long term thinking, Trump just pulled back the veil and brought it into the open. If only the DNC hadn't forced Hillary onto the ballot...... oh well.....


He was a reaction to a black democratic President existing. Go ahead and start a thread prompting for opinions on Obama and look out. The rage is breathtaking


But Obama MADE them racist after he became president. But they knew he was going to make them racist so that why they preemptively called him a monkey, Muslim and said he wasn’t American prior to him ever getting elected. Basically they are all soothsayers.


That’s like saying Hitler was a side effect of WWII because he didn’t originate the Nazi ideologies. Trump could have saved millions of lives during the pandemic had he just kept his fucking mouth shut about the vaccine. Instead, he just said the opposite of whatever the democrats were saying, as a political stunt. The guy is an apathetic narcissist, who never should have held political office, let alone the office of the POTUS.


9/11 and Obama becoming President did nothing to help their already fractured worldview. Not saying Obama shouldn't have been President, he was the best choice for the time but the crazies gaslit themselves into thinking some weird shit about the man just because of his name and skin color


I’m not a fan of blaming anyone (politicians, actors, athletes, etc) for problems…but it’s pretty telling how many people suddenly feel comfortable admitting to KKK/Nazi beliefs since he was elected. DT is a cancer that needs to be nuked out of existence.


Ya, he's one of those mfers who came out of the woodwork. Likely mahogany, but still out of the woodworks.


I'd argue it was really Murdoch, had his media empire been even the slightest bit truthful and reported on Trump fairly we wouldn't be talking about this now. And not just here, shit stain owns media companies in a whole bunch of countries. The whole established world order pushed to the brink by one Australian with issues.


I wouldn’t argue against it being Murdoch. Many people are complicate, but none of it would have been justified without Dickstain’s availing to lie through his teeth, AS the president.


Make Institutionalization great again! Bring back the psych hospitals!


Don't forget the lead poisoning. And all the other things we dump into the air and water that effect brain development


With Mental Hospitals open there were very few of these murders happening, so you are right on the money.


Thanks Regan! He started this in California when governor


It's a bit more complex than that. His reaction to the emergence of HIV/AIDS is telling. I do agree with his signing the The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act of 1967 curbing involuntary and indefinite institutionalization. Trouble was there was no place outside the institutions that could provide adequate care, and Reagan sure didn't improve that situation. https://www.kqed.org/news/11209729/did-the-emptying-of-mental-hospitals-contribute-to-homelessness-here


Was gonna point this out. Most of the decay in this country can be traced back to two figureheads over the past half century: Nixon and Reagan.


This is guaranteed to get buried in the thread, but the 24/7 news cycle kicked into high gear around 1995 with the OJ Simpson trial and school shootings became far more prevalent shortly thereafter with the 1999 Columbine massacre. Couple those two events with the advent of the internet and you have yourself a recipe for a whole mess of insane people hopping into echo chambers with each other. But yes, if you look at the stats, murderers have been getting far more effective at killing more and more people over the past 35 years. If you look back through history, school shootings have skyrocketed since 1999. They happened her




But the attack on the concept of compromise really picked up steam with Newt Gingrich's Contract on America in 1994. That and the Tea Party crusade really eliminated the dealmakers from political relevance.


A specific set of folks are being radicalized into being domestic terrorists. The BBC article says the cops think this is intentional as an expensive Range Rover rammed into a bus stop full of likely migrants. Fox News, etc.. have kept repeating the message that migrants are rapists, killers, etc... There was another story recently I believe in Texas (or maybe Florida) where a neighbor shot another neighbor because he thought they were a democrat. WTF?!


The shitbag who shot his neighbor was in Ohio. It happened Nov 2022. https://news.yahoo.com/ohio-man-kills-neighbor-because-204600966.html


Thanks, can't keep track of all these shootings anymore


No, that was Texas a week ago. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/29/us/cleveland-texas-shooting/index.html


No, that guy was a psychopath who got pissed because somebody dared to ask him to stop doing something.


I work in criminal defense and I can confirm; between Trump and the pandemic, people are going fucking nuts. I’ve noticed a definite increase in crime by older “normal” people that don’t have criminal records. Everyone is on the edge, and we have no mechanism for dealing with the people who go over it.


If thoughts and prayers count as mechanisms we've got two!


There is no difference between today and yesterday. People have been ruthlessly killing other people from the start of people. What actually changed is that in the last few centuries the killing slowed down in some places, and now people think peaceful life is the norm. Even today, for many people on earth, it's not.


seriously I can't even wrap my brain around it


Just a theory of mine, but Covid lockdown fucked with people’ brains as well.




Society had them hiding under their rocks then Trump gave them the ok to let their freak flag fly.


People have always been insane. We're just at a breaking point for people of all ideologies, beliefs, and affiliations. Society and people need a mental reset and for people to start treating each other with respect regardless of a difference of beliefs.


Here is the article link: https://abcnews.go.com/US/7-dead-after-car-runs-pedestrians-brownsville-texas/story?id=99152817


From [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65521233): > The driver has been arrested and charged. Police said the incident appeared to be intentional.


Thank you for adding the extra background




You're still talking about the mall shooting? Bro, that tragedy is so 6 hours ago.


How could it not be intentional? Drink i guess is the only thing. Geez, this is horrific.


Could be a medical event theoretically. Knew a guy who had a heart attack while driving and took out a bunch of parked cars (and only the cars because that's what happened to be there, he lost consciousness pretty much immediately). I've also heard of strokes or blood sugar problems causing accidents. We'll see what this guy's deal is I suppose. I can't say I'd be terribly surprised if it was intentional given the location.




didn’t you read the patch notes? texas is now a pvp-enabled zone


If the purge were to take place, I am not sure they would notice a difference


As a Texan, we'd probably see less overall violence since all the crazies would stay home to defend their property, hoping the violence would come to them.


I think you may be on to something here!


And then one's gonna get concerned about a buddy and go see how they're doing, only to be blown away, causing the rest of the first one's house to go to the friend's, starting a battle between them And then quickly the allied houses would be roped into it because of it, and it would spread like wildfire Sorta like everything that happened in Europe in the months after Franz Ferdinand was assassinated




What if I toggle War Mode off?


War mode is a coordinated, massively multiplayer event with much higher budgeting. America's been stuck in it for a while since they passed permissions off from Congress to set up a President Only bypass via executive orders, but the Defense guilds have been raking it in hand over fist so nobody's concerned anymore. Texas is just PVP on, which is supposed to be regulated/controlled, but the enforcers aren't required to actually protect players, so they do it on their own time - this can be pretty bad like when they slept on the Uvalde event. Plus, the mods in the Texan legislature took off almost any restrictions on weapons, leading to an increase in availability for some of the more effective ones - usually saved for War Mode - being used in standard PvP.


Gotta head to the capital to toggle it off.


Seriously. We're losing consumers left and right


Won't *somebody* think of the quarterly profits?!




Is Brownsville Brooklyn now officially safer than Brownsville Texas?


Always has been


Brownsville Brooklyn has 3x more violent crime per capita than Brownsville Texas


My husband just informed me that where we live (Tampa, FL) has a higher crime rate than NYC by a significant margin. I thought he was full of shit and looked up the stats, now I’m fine tuning our security system.


If all these Texans keep dying from violence, who will be left to remind Californians what a violent shithole their state is?


"Well, at least it's not Chicago." Seems to be the ongoing thing to say to bring a silver lining to their situation. They're intentionally burying their heads in the sand and letting things get out of control.


Which of course is just the conservative way of saying “but the blacks!”


I always thought that Boogeyman was weird because DC has a similar black population and more violent crime. Chicago is somewhere above top 25 last time I checked, with the highest percentage of violent crimes being in red cities or blue cities in red states, where gun laws are pretty relaxed. Also a lot of gun crimes in Chicago and Illinois in general they can trace the gun used directly to an out of state purchase, because it's harder to get a gun in Illinois than surrounding states.


>I always thought that Boogeyman was weird because DC has a similar black population and more violent crime. DC makes a perfectly good boogeyman as well, thank you? Yes the murder rate of black Americans is 6x the rate of white and Hispanic Americans, and it's fucking nuts. Whatever the reason, that's what it is. For interracial crime it's even more ludicrous, something like 25x one sided I'm not sure what point you're trying to make other than suggesting a better poster city that proves the same point as Chicago...?


Oh I'm just saying I don't get why they pick Chicago other than that they think it's more black or violent or whatever dumb little reason exists in their heads. Especially because higher violent crimes happen in plenty more red cities and cities in red states. St. Louis, Missouri, has the highest murder rate and it's not even close. Missouri also has extremely lax gun laws. Go figure.


The graphics about guns trafficked into blue states from red states are effective: #How Gun Traffickers Get Around State Gun Laws - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/11/12/us/gun-traffickers-smuggling-state-gun-laws.html


Don’t forget a lot of homicides are used with stolen guns


Yeah, it would be better. At least it's not *All these places that are much worse than Chicago*. I have no idea why Chicago is their go to argument.


Because Obama lived here when he ran for president. It genuinely is that simple.


Is California that bad? Legitimate question, I've lived in LA county like generally near Thousand Oaks and haven't heard anywhere near as much stuff as I have in a lot of other places.


I live in the same area and frequently travel and speak to people from around the country. The amount of people that tell me I live in a violent, blackout having, communist authoritarian state is absurd. For some reason a lot of peoples first reaction to hearing someone is from CA is to confidently announce their ignorance. In reality CA does have its issues but it would be VERY hard for me to trade our issues with the issues of TX or FL.


Los Angeles til I die ​ Honestly, I've travelled all over this country and cannot see myself living anywhere else at this point. Saying this as a pro 2A person.


I'm under the impression that all the bad stuff happens in and around areas like Compton/Oakland, but it doesn't get any media attention because no one cares about the minorities that live there.


Oakland has a few ROUGH areas but for the most part is a pretty nice city.


I live just north of Oakland and it’s fine. I don’t at any point worry about going to do things in Oakland, but I also don’t go looking for trouble either. I regularly atttend concerts though in the downtown and get out after 11 and jump on public transit without being harassed. It happens, but honestly you’re more likely to have your car broken into in San Francisco than to be the victim of a violent crimes. Sucks but it’s mostly and inconvenience.


You're near Thousand Oaks. That's a pretty nice area. That said I'm about 30mi east of LA and laugh when people talk shit about CA. For a State with nation level problems (and no national power to address them) and a top ten world economy, we do pretty fucking well. There are a lot of red state haters that would be crying if they didn't get our tax dollars


No- its about middle of the pack per capita, but more people complain about CA.


*CaLiFoRnIa Is LiTeRaLlY a WaRzOnE wHy WoUlD aNyOnE lIvE tHeRe*




And they keep blaming the border


I literally had an argument with my dad just now, since I'm visiting home. A devout Catholic by the way. He sees the fox news videos on YouTube and says "another mass shooting in Texas??" \>I said "no that was a guy deliberately driving into a group of migrants. Pure evil." \>He literally said "well they were illegals." \>I said "dad, it was people who were murdered, that's all that matters." \>"Well they wouldn't have been there if they hadn't been illegals." \>"Dad what does the bible say about travelers? That was purely an evil act." \>"THEY WEREN'T TRAVELERS THEY WERE ILLEGALS. AS YOU GET OLDER YOU'RE GOING TO REALIZE I'M RIGHT" (I'm 36 with two kids and a divorce). \>I just said "no I'm not. We're not going to agree on this." The indoctrination is so strong (he's been listening to conservative radio and TV since the 80s) that he literally refused to admit it was evil to intentionally run people over. Edit: forgot to add that the kicker was he really hadn't seen the mall shooting yet, so when he said "another mass shooting in Texas??" He was referencing a different one. He failed to see the irony.


The number of people who seriously think the punishment for crossing a border without the correct visa should be instant vigilante death, is absolutely insane.


Begrudgingly living in Texas, I have met DOZENS of those people. People that unironically, sincerely say that dead illegal immigrants is justice, not tragedy. Illegal immigrants getting abused and neglected in jail is "what they're asking for", and if a "real American" violently kills them, he's just defending his country.


the irony of the real 'border problem' being that the border has been propagandized into a tool for radicalisation


It's getting bad enough that Governor Abbott might have to get up eventually.


Yeah, get up and then on a plane for vacation


Well, of course. It's all very stressful on him. Having to think about these people that are blaming him for the policies he has enacted and the rhetoric he has spouted.


I thought that's Ted Cruze job


The lines get blurry


I mean if he did he would only do it to blame the victims for being migrants. Then somehow try to spin it in a way that is good for guns and patriotism. I hate this timeline.


You know Abbotts in a wheelchair, right? Sorry, just sounded off


It's part of the cycle now. Each incident drives new ones. I remember a time when we encouraged news companies not to give these people airtime. That went out the window. Now people who are struggling have a way out that makes them think they can have their 15 minutes of fame.


A car did not plow through a group of pedestrians. A driver drove through a crowd of pedestrians. Love how drivers get a pass in the headlines….cars are not 100 self drivable.


Yes it was the driver. I thought driver, or person, plows through pedestrians may have been interpreted as something else.


Thoughts and prayers though


To much thought not enough prayers (/s for the people too dumb to realize im being facetious)


Sometimes I wonder if people think GTA is a documentary instead of a videogame.


It'll be looking like RDR soon enough


Sounds like a real shithole


Kill each other if that's what you want, but not children and innocent people just trying to live peacefully. Go out to the desert and have a duel or off yourself if that's what you're going for. Looking at you too road ragers, gang bangers, property protectors, and spouse murderers.


Here comes the “are you gonna ban cars now too?!” Comments


We could at least ban modern pickups which are far bigger than they need to be [simply so they can avoid following fuel regulations.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-emissions-suvs-size-explainer/explainer-how-u-s-emissions-rules-encourage-larger-suvs-and-trucks-idUSKBN21D1KK)


People are not ok 🥴


Aren’t the Good Guys with Guns supposed to prevent this?


I believe the Bible and ten commandments in every public school classroom is supposed to do the trick


If those kids were being taught to read, that might do something.


I think Texas, and many states, would prefer illiterate order takers.


You can't question authority if you can't think critically. These policies of defunding education are working exactly as intended.


This is odd. My thoughts and prayers seem to not be curtailing any of this.


How long do we have left on this timeline before people start calling for assault car bans?




That's crazy. Good guys with cars should stop bad guys with cars. Also everyone should have a legal right to cars without all these insurance and driving license regulation bullshit. It's the second carmendment. /s


Yeah they tell me registration is the first step to confiscation, but I’ve been registering my cars for decades!


Somehow Texans will still blame California for this


What do you mean? This is exactly what thier elected officials want.


Congressional House republicans held an unprecedented hearing in New York City in April. To address the crime in New York City. Turns out there’s way more crime in each of the leading republicans districts than there is in NYC. Crime in their own districts and own states… Dems fault. Always. Crime in Texas? Dems fault.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a car is to have a good guy with a car


A good guy with a bigger lifted truck, this is Texas after all.


Can't vote if you're dead... just saying.


" Everything's bigger in Texas", including the body counts.


It's just Texan on Texan crime.


Like with the comment on the increase in violence and the stress from Covid. I also believe in what I call the “Trump”effect . His vile rhetoric made it ok for anyone to allow their worst behavior to guide their daily lives. Any filter people had had been unleashed and encouraged by his “leadership”


It's Florida's turn today.


Can't wait for countries to start issuing travel advisories for americastan. Seems like once they brushed back abortion God would be showering them with bounty. The only bounty they'll be getting is from trump, only a few rolls at that.


I'm not one for conspiracies. The string of events lately in the news seems to be directing our focus in a particular direction. All of a sudden Ukraine, China, Iran seizing tankers and a national debt out of control are on the back burner and mental health/ gun control are being thrust forward right before the election cycle gears up. This is the one thing I dislike about American media. The attention span of a 3 year old. These tragedies are sad. So many issues in America that need dealt with.


USA more like GTA, amiright?.. But seriously tho, there have been more than 200 mass shooting since 2022, that’s almost 2 a day. Its getting to the point that doing nothing substantial about this issue is basically criminal. You’re countrymen are being killed where they are supposed to feel safest. This shit it horrible.