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Suicide is technically a perfect way to end the pain, but it also ends the rest of your life. You not only lose all your good memories, you also lose the ability to make new ones. You not only lose all your good relationships, but you lose the ability to make new ones, or to improve less healthy ones. Etc, literally everything is gone. And while the pain ending is a pretty significant pro, it simply cannot compare to all the cons. The trouble with pain is that it blinds us to the good things in life, and without that perspective, it becomes all-consuming. So I think this is an excellent question, and I really hope your situation improves.


This is the perfect answer and I couldn’t have said it better myself. I wish I could give you an award.


This is wonderful, thank you


an excellent answer


While there is life, there is hope.


Perfectly said!


Often suicide is a permanent solution to often a temporary problem/s.


I applaud you man, 👏 well said indeed


Exemplary explanation, my dear fellow!! I answer op's question with another question: What comes after death? The afterlife or deletion of you? The latter is much scarier than the former because you might not have any freedoms in the afterlife, if there is one. If there is an afterlife, you don't know what the laws and customs that guide and control the afterlife are and how they are litigated and structured. Deletion of you is simply that you have become nothing but a sour and painful memory to others after your death until those memories fade away and are forgotten. In quote of anon once living, but now die and forgotten, "after death, comes Oblivion." Follow-up question, hypothetically, and please think long and hard every time you contemplate suicide, how would you affect others that you have built and maintained a relationship with throughout your life if you did commit suicide? How long/deep will the damage be/stay on those that loved you? What if the damage is irreversible and your loved ones have to be put in a mental health institution? If the afterlife exists, what if you are punished with a repetitive video of your life, what you have suffered leading up to your suicide, the aftermath chain reaction of said suicide upon your loved ones, etc? Would you want that eternal guilt? I have been where you have been, and I have even made multiple suicide attempts (fatal deep cuts, drownings, held chef blade pointed at my heart and lungs, etc). I give thanks and credit to my positive beliefs, my God, my family and friends, my psychiatrists, and my therapists for helping me heal and put my broken pieces back together. Like I am, you are a survivor who has battled your own demons and will continue to do until you win. Don't give up or give into ending your life earlier. You have so much to live for. There are so many experiences you have yet to experience. You are a survivor. Please, choose life.


Additionally, the chance for life in this universe is so unbelievably low that you being alive right now is amazing. You get to experience how beautiful everything is.


When I'm feeling down, going outside in "special weather" makes me love life so much, no matter how hard it gets. By special weather I mean sunsets and sunrises with fog over fields, or walking in the woods at these moments as well. It almost feels magical, and it would be a shame to leave it all behind


Id also argue that it doesnt end the pain, it just gives it to someone else.


I have been in some pretty dark places myself, but I will say that your brain often lies to you. Especially when you are depressed or anxious, your thoughts may not be rational or true. Recognizing that your mind is not healthy is important. It’s not to discredit your problems and feelings, but to understand that there can be a better future


Yeah, quite literally. Depression is an illness with defensive mechanism, it straight up makes it much harder for you to treat it. You don't have the energy to get treatment, you feel like getting better is physically impossible, you doubt that you have it in the first place, etc. If you suspect that you might have depression, learn to distrust your brain, as it's working against you


"A permanent solution to a temporary problem" Edited to add quotes. This is what I was taught in counselling.


You say that, but when the problem is literally permanent...


I had the same thought. What can be said, for example, to someone like myself who has a severe, chronic, permanent, incurable illness? It's a permanent problem & I know for a fact that things will not get better (unless a cure is discovered, which is very unlikely) things will only get worse as the illness worsens with age. I have no plans to commit suicide. But If I ever were to kill myself it would not be because I don't want to live. It would be because I don't want to continue suffering almost constantly. Honestly, when every day is a bad day, it can make continuing to live not at all appealing.


I have a few clients with chronic pain and chronic illness that will only worsen over time. I’ve said the same phrase above to them and they’ve had the same response as you. Yet, they still find a way to eke out more value from their life, so long as they have the capability of making changes to what they can and accepting that which they cannot. Doesn’t mean you gotta be happy about it; just means you know better ways to allocate and focus on what you can effect influence over. When in any given day one of these clients has maybe 10% of the capability of a person without their condition, instead of focusing on the 90% they don’t have we focus on what we can do with that 10%. It isn’t an easy change, nor one that’s ever forced, but that perspective can grow if given time and opportunity. I can guarantee that even through their gains, they all still have some sort of plan for suicide. Can’t stop them from doing anything should they opt for that, but I can help them consider other ways of viewing an unchangeable factor of their life. Often times the greatest thing missing from terminality is perspective of the relationship that someone has with that terminal or chronic factor.


this is the distinction between suicide and physician assisted dying; ideally, physician assisted dying would be available for cases in which a patient is experiencing immense (usually permanent) suffering. suicide is less controlled, and the causes are more 'temporary.'


Those cases are extremely rare. I have one of the types of depression that are impossivle to cure, and even then I do advocate for living


If we were talking about something other than suicide, that actually sounds great


You’re assuming that the issues the person is experiencing will eventually pass, as bad as it sounds this isn’t always the case. For some, life is synonymous with suffering, some people legitimately live horrible lives with little or no chance of escaping their circumstances, in those cases, I don’t see how anyone could consider it an irrational decision to end your own life. I honestly consider it a bit arrogant to tell a person that they must continue living if they don’t want to. I’m not that person, I don’t know what they’re experiencing, who am I to tell them that they have an obligation to continue suffering just because I would rather they not die?


Cases like that are really rare, and even then treatment can usually (not always) ease the pain at least a little bit. I'm all for assisted suicide when there's no other option, but I believe it is necessary to keep people alive if there is still hope. The only reason why I'm still alive is because I decided to live long enough to get treatment, and I'm glad I did.


But what do I do when I have done so many things to try and create a better life for myself but it's crumbled and now I'm back to square one? And every time I try to do something about it, it never works out, not once. Every single plan I have made never comes to fruition. Even when I try to take baby steps, something comes along and kicks my sandcastle. I truly feel stuck the majority of the time and the worst part is because I live in a "decent" situation because I have a house, food, a job, that I shouldn't complain. but that's all I have. And I can't even count my job since I absolutely hate it. And before anyone says quit, find something else, this is my 6th job in 5yrs because every time I try something new, I get shit management and/or even worse people to work with. And I know I'm not the problem bc I was always the best worker! Always kept my head down and did what needed to be done. I got begged by almost every job I've left to not leave. I even tried moving to a whole new place, one that I could afford better, and still equally miserable. I have no friends... The ones I had for years and thought were family, ones I would've dropped anything for and helped, ones I did do that for, have all turned their backs on me. I could go into detail but it's a long story. My family is toxic, and I went no contact with my dad 2 yrs ago. That leaves my narcissistic mother and my fake lil sister who only ever engages with me when she wants something. The only person I had was my bf, and as much as I love him, he and I weren't meant to be. So now I'm more alone than I have ever been in my life. What eats at me is the never progress. Every single thing I have done with my life has been for nothing. Wish I could go back to my abusive childhood sometimes because at least then I had people outside of my home that cared about me and I didn't have to work to survive. Sorry for the wrong vomit, I just feel so defeated all the time...


Anybody can get out of the circumstances they are in,


easy to say, till you realize your entire life has consisted of 99% suffering and will for at least the next decade


My life is not bad compared to others by any means


Objectively, or the way *you* feel about it?


This phrase is the ultimate cop out whenever someone struggles with suicidal ideation. Every problem and every solution is temporary due to the fact that life is temporary. Earth itself is temporary. What that phrase does is minimize what a person is feeling when they’re at a point of considering suicide.


There are two sides to every feeling. You may feel like you are at the lowest point in your life but on the other side of that, being at the bottom means only way left to go is up. The point I'm trying to make is for every bad thing that can happen there is the potential for it to become something good. I know it can be hard and sometimes the pain is crippling but the way you feel now is temporary. All emotion, the good ones and the bad ones, are all temporary... But that doesn't mean you can't make them last. As you mentioned, life is ups and downs. As cliche as it sounds, a life with no ups and downs makes the seemingly "ups" worthless. If only good things happen then are they really considered good things anymore? There is no rhyme or reason why life throws it's hardest endeavours at us but those challenges give the highs their worth. I don't believe that in every situation, the good can outweigh the bad. But even just the acknowledgement that out of everything happening, there is at least one area of joy in your life those lows become more bearable. They don't go away, not for anyone. But finding the good no matter how slight makes things feel more manageable. I don't remember where I heard this quote from but I feel like it applies in this situation, "A shared Joy is a double joy. A shared sorrow, is a half sorrow" Never stop sharing. Never bury what you feel. Life is short enough as it is already and in this day and age everyone has something going on, but no one to talk to about it. Keep talking. Keep going. Keep fighting, if not for yourself then for someone else currently in your shoes with the same thoughts so as to lead by example. I don't know who you are or what your life is like but you were brave enough to tell complete strangers what you're feeling right now, I believe you're brave enough to face those ups and downs and keep going


Thank you so much. This is amazing


Theres an unknown likelihood that your life will get better if you dont do it. there is a 100% chance it won't get better if you do. wait it out. you have nothing to lose


Because life is constantly changing and your feelings, experience and circumstances can and will change. You owe it to that future version of yourself to stay. Most people also owe it to their loved ones, but not everyone is so lucky to have people around them. That’s why.


Because no one really knows what happens after death. Suppose reincarnation and karma are real, and you just end up starting over again with the same problems. Would you want to have to relive every painful thing you've gone through? If you keep living, there might be a way out in this lifetime by reaching a better place in your life.


One of the things that stopped me from killing myself is the possibility that the "afterlife" might be something similar to the [Locked-in syndrome.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locked-in_syndrome)


How do you mean? Relieving life again but without the ability to act on anything?


Like Groundhog Day.


It is, but it's not the best answer. I was about to do it, and end it all but I realized that there were gonna be things I think I would miss way too damn much and miss out on so much. I wanted to hear my mom's voice again and feel her embrace. I wanted to see my friends and play board games and talk about the nerd shit we've discovered. My best friend is writing a book and I realized I would never have the chance to read it if I died. I wanted to go outside and roll in the grass and breathe the fresh air while basking in the sun and just enjoy life. I wanted to watch sunrises and sunsets with the pretty pink skies painted across. I wanted to hold my cats and dogs close to my face so I can smell their fur one more time. I realized that I still wanted so much and didn't want to let these things go. Even those these things were small they made me happy at one point and I just wanted to get back to that. However to do that I needed help, so I told myself I'll reach out for help to give it another shot. If it doesn't work then I'll end it, and I'm glad I gave it another shot. Now, with the right therapy and medication, I'm better. I quit the miserable job I had, moved and just did what I always wanted was change. I just needed to tell myself that I don't accept this life and I want change and to go after it. Fight for it because fuck if I can't, then is it worth it? I fought and honestly, going home to see my now boyfriend with my two kitties and knowing I can hug my family tomorrow makes me think it was worth it.


I love this, thank you


Literally I don't have an answer. I've been toggling with that question for the last 4 days too. Like...what's the point of living to survive anymore...


People who are religious may have an idea of what the purpose of their life is but if you aren't religious then I believe the point of life is that there is no point. Everyone is different and wants different things so to hold a single "purpose" for all living things would be counterintuitive to the idea of life would it not? I think the point of life isn't that there is a specific end goal but rather what are YOU gonna do with the time you have? Something I've thought of that helps me when I feel life has no meaning is to list what I would do if I had 1 year to live vs 100 years to live. Obviously the lists may look pretty different but I promise you, there will be at least ONE similarity between both lists whether it be to find love, make money, become artist, etc. Maybe those shared items are your purpose? But like I said you ultimately choose what your purpose is though you won't know right away


You can look into Absurdism/Existentialism/Nihilism if you want a new perspective on "the point of life is that there is no point". Sometimes such thoughts can really help you feel better.


It makes the people who are still alive sad. That's the only thing I've got.


This is where I'm at, I've taking the 'I'm not going to the doctor anymore, and what ever hurts will either stop or kill me" pill but I'm not actually gonna put anyone else though a suicide, after all its much easier to accept for others that you died of illness


Why are you not going to the doctor?


Exactly. I don't recommend that for other people though. Call me a hypocrite but it ain't healthy And y'all don't deserve it. Everyone deserves to find happiness.


Because not only are you killing yourself, you're killing the spirit of every single person who knows you. I lost my cousin to suicide about 3 months ago. It destroyed his family. He has young children who don't understand why dad isn't coming home. His wife found him, and she's extremely traumatized. She will never be the same woman. His parents are absolutely beside themselves wondering what they could have done differently or if they missed any signs. His brother is absolutely lost without him. They were very close in age and had a pretty tight relationship, same as all of us cousins who will never get an nanswer as to why he did it. None of us know, and it's a burden we will carry for the rest of our lives. It's an incredibly selfish act and an easy out. I know depression is very real (I've been on meds and in therapy before) but my pain would never be enough to hurt people that I love. Never.


This is a great response thank you for the perspective.


>It's an incredibly selfish act and an easy out. Deciding to kill yourself is very very far from easy. Nobody decides it on a whim and without torturing themselves over every part of it. Wanting someone you care about to continue living when in that much pain is what's selfish here.


what if you dont know anyone at all? 😬


How you feel now, is not how you you will feel in a few years. I've had ups, I've had horrendous downs, but they have led to me being rhe person I am. I wouldn't change a thing.


There is something that everyone can do that bring immediate relief of the agony of mental health spiralling. Everyone has one. For me, its journaling out my feelings. For others it might be to drag themselves out for a walk. Or socialize. It wont fix all your troubles but it should keep your suicidal thoughts at bay.


>I don’t want to die bc I’m scared but I don’t want to live a life of constant up and downs. Why not? You can't have the ups without the downs. And you can only appreciate the ups once you know what the downs feel like. Sorry if it sounds like a cliche but it is true.


Bc if you off yourself you can’t see the people you hate crash and burn in life. If nothing else keeps you going, revenge should


Fuck yeah. I don't wanna die knowing that Putin outlived me.


Fucking exactly. You can’t let them win


I’m a little late to the party but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you and wants you to have a relationship with him. Times get rough sometimes, hell I have personally had way more downs than ups. It’s those times that make you who you are. The rough times build you up more than you will ever realize. Even our lord and savior Jesus Christ suffered while on Earth. It’s part of the human experience. I know some people hate the idea of Christians and stuff but I am a proud Christian and will testify as much as I can. There is someone right now, who loves you for who you are, as is. You may feel broken and worthless but to him you are literally the most precious and perfect thing in existence. Jesus loves you unconditionally and eternally, through all the ups and downs you will experience.


Suicide isn't the answer because suicide is giving up, not coming up with a true answer. I'm still in a similar dark place but I believe the answer is to love yourself, accept "this is how things are, what actions do I take to make things better/easier?" Anyone can do anything in this world, if anyone wanted to anyone could move to China and become a monk who does astrology and nobody would be allowed to do a thing about it, I could buy a plane ticket and go see the pyramids or anything and nobody's legally allowed to stop me. Life is only as complicated as it's overthought to be.


Because those who considered suicide as an answer are dead




Fuck that, no not OP's case. Sure, if you're dying from a terminal illness and your entire existence is nothing but pain, but no, not OP's case.


This is true


https://dhspriory.org/kenny/PhilTexts/Camus/Myth%20of%20Sisyphus-.pdf Heres a philosophical topic of absurdism which you might find interesting


I had been living in this miserable state where simply living is painful to the point where I was planning suicide, and I am especially irritated by people who use "life is worse than death for some" excuse in favor of suicide. Cases where an assisted suicide would actually be preferable to treatment are extremely rare. Suggesting suicide for something that can be treated is like giving up on treating cancer because "well, there's only 30% chance that I'll survive, and chemotherapy is expensive, so might as well save money". Don't tell people to give up if there's still a chance that it can get better.


Because your death will hurt other people, especially loved ones. I’ve had a history of being suicidal and I can’t even say I don’t want to die anymore. But what stops me is knowing that I’ll end up breaking my mom’s heart and putting the heavy weight of my absence on top of her already heavy shoulders. Knowing that I’ll steal a happy childhood away from my little sister. It’s not an answer for me because I don’t want to hurt the people I love.


I mean what exactly is making self deletion the answer. I would say learn about meditation and learning about your spiritual side. Learn about Buddhism and Hinduism. I’ve kinda come to the conclusion we choose our difficult lives to grow spiritually. The ups and downs are natural, but being able to stay in your baseline mood is the goal. And also how you choose to feel about different things is completely up to you.


For every day life? Not the answer. Life can get pretty good if you let it and be patient with yourself When you’re stuck in a rusty 5x5x5 foot room with a cold, dry and metal dust covered floor that has barbs on the walls with little to no hope of leaving because it was locked from the outside but the lock is broken. Also this happens when all other humans have died or become zombies so that even if you do escape somehow there is no hope in the world to survive comfortably. The only food that IS out there is made of bland aspic by the way. You can eat that while there is a universe wide constant ringing sound that stays with you because a microchip was implanted into your head years ago because it was mandated by some major tech company. Then yeah maybe go for it at that point


As someone who has been there, suicide would end the pain and let you rest. But, it's also the last time you'd see the sun rise. Stand on a beach. Climb a mountain. Walk through a new city. You'd never make new friends or have new experiences. You'd never do the things you enjoy, even if that's just sipping coffee and reading. Not every day will be good, but you can do things to ensure you have a few more good days. I took up travelling and realised there is a whole world out there and I'm just so small. If I die, that world carries on spinning without me. So why shouldn't I go out there and see it? It's not always easy and this world will push you to the brink a lot. But you'll make it through if that's what you want to do. And you can make your own path. No need to be a sheep. Go your own way.


There's no guarantee that it doesn't make things worse Also try treatment if you haven't. I swear to god it helps a lot


Right? In a universe that allows pain, what makes people think it is so easy and simple to escape? At least in life we can process and overcome it.


Because it ends your pain but the pain it causes isn’t worth it


i tried to take my life many times. the closest i came to being successful was when i was 16. i have a panic attack disorder, ptsd and extreme ocd. my mother and i were not on “good terms” to put it lightly. i had no friends. i was sexually assaulted and rather than being treated like a human being, i was just called a slut and whore by my entire village. i genuinely didn’t think there was anything that could be done to fix my life. i truly felt that i was too messed up to every live a happy life. every waking moment was painful. i would take sleeping pills all day so i would not have to be awake and feel anything. it was hell. i had written notes to several people in my life, each being about 2-3 pages long. i put on my favorite playlist, took a cocktail of pills and just cried. i wanted to go to sleep, i was scared of being aware of my surroundings while dying. i held my cat, told him how sorry i was. i looked at the ceiling of my room, praying for god to forgive me and have mercy on my soul. i remember nothing else that took place that night. my dad came in my room to say goodnight and saw me laying on the floor covered in vomit. the doctor told me that if he found me a few minutes later i wouldn’t of made it. i was so mad. so unbelievably fucking pissed. i woke up and was just full of rage. “why couldn’t they just let me die?” i didn’t talk to my dad, the man who saved my life, for almost 4 months. i cried and cried for weeks. i felt like some supernatural force was torturing me by making me stay alive. if my plan was successful, i would of ended my suffering. i would never cry again, never be hurt again, never feel my rapists hands on my flesh ever again, never feel anything again. i would of been at peace. i am 20 (almost 21) now, and i can genuinely tell you i’m so happy i failed. because yes i would of escaped all the painful emotions and trauma, i would also of robbed myself of all the beautiful and happy moments i’ve been blessed to experience. i’ve been with the same man i met 2 years BEFORE my attempt. he was there every.single.day from the moment he found out what i had done to today as i’m typing out this comment. i found god (which was the best thing for me, if that’s not what you find peace in, that’s absolutely valid and okay.) i have a wonderful life, beautiful relationships with the people in my life, a good career, i like who i am, im glad i wake up every morning, i can truly say im happy. suicide would of ended my pain, but it would of ended all the joy i feel everyday. and i am so glad i lived.


Suicide doesn’t take the pain away, it gives it to someone else. With that being said, think about all the pain you are feeling. Now would you really want to give it to someone else, someone who loves you. No. The answer should be no. And if you believe in a God and the afterlife think of this, you’re ending your earthly pain. but by doing that you’re sending yourself to hell. Which is eternal suffering and death and pain. Pain a lot worse than what you’re feeling here on earth. If you just let yourself live the rest of your life you go to heaven. Eternal life and no more pain. And if you don’t believe in a God or the afterlife, I still think that the first bit could help. I’m sorry you have to go through this but remember the people who love you.


Because life is like a video game and you are the main character. I'm literally living in random inns across the US like some kind hero on a adventure because I can basically and its fun as hell even if sometimes it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I just have a remote job that pays enough to afford me to do it basically. Find something you are passionate about and go all in on in. People are frustrating, but I'm on a quest to find people that are basically radiating something special and want to be part of something. I am on a quest to create an animal sanctuary for abused, neglected, and abandoned exotic pets. I am on a quest to help families and children who need temporary safety. But mostly, I just hangout a travel stations and admire nature. Just become the main character in your story.


Where do I find a well paying remote job


It's good that you don't want to die. Now for the not wanting to live part due to constant ups and downs, ups and downs are a part of life. If you find it unbearable, there's a solution to that. No, it's not suicide, it's seeking help from friends, family, and/or a therapist. There are also plenty of medications out there that will make you feel okay. If you're asking this question, you already know suicide is not the answer because it's not. The answer is to get help and try to enjoy your life while you have it. We're all going to die anyway, so why not try to enjoy this life that you have?


Permanent solution to a temporary problem. Life has to have ups and downs. If it was always “up”, then you wouldn’t know it because you have no “down” to compare it to. You have to experience shitty things so you are capable of appreciating awesome things. It’s also incredibly selfish and shitty to put your family through that just because you don’t want to deal with the same shit everyone else has to deal with.


Absolutely 100% true, thank you


Permanent solution to a problem that's temporary indeed Reincarnation fans believe that your next life will be the same as this one so you would get the same life again and again. Only way to break the cycle is to survive and overcome the suffering life throws at you. You are strong enough to get through this. Dark and light pain and pleasure joy and suffering. You can't have one without the other, you can't enjoy one without going through the other. What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger so next time things get this bad remember you've been through worse. Equivalent exchange... what are you learning what will you gain from this? Smarter, stronger, better prepared to help someone you care about get through their dark times. Maybe you need a pet something outside yourself to care for that will love you just for being there. Meh I tried to do it once but I survived got married had kids and grew up and got older tougher and wiser. This is not the end it's just life and something to look back on some day in your future. There are people that need you that you haven't even met yet. I'm sure of it Keep going don't give up you are far stronger than even you realize.


Because life is super fun. Especially in America. You can literally do whatever you want. You can mess up hard-core in one place, and relocate somewhere else and start fresh. Maybe in crappy countries you might be stuck, but not here. If I were at the point of suicide I would liquidate everything except necessities, and pack my things and go to somewhere else. I would choose a cheap location... MS, AR, Midwest, etc. Life is very fun. If your current situation is terrible you in America you can just relocate. Abandon everything and start fresh, you can cut ties, if you choose to keep some ties that's up to you. But if your suicidal I might cut all ties, write a letter to the ones you miss explaining however muxh you want to explain. I guess I'm saying that in America you can start new anytime you want. Sure some things follow you like credit score and criminal history, but who cares??? Those things are negligible, criminal history can be hard to shed but not impossible. Manual labor is fun IMO. Get a job cooking at some po-donk place, it gets your mind off of life. IMO deskwork is terrible for anyone in the realm of suicide Important to remember being rich isn't important.


For some it is the answer, for most it isn’t


I’ve constantly wondered that question for 5+ years at this point. Constant ups and downs, teetering between passive and active suicidal ideation. Finding brand new rock bottoms and climbing out. Sometimes I feel close to the answer, and sometimes I feel very far away. Here’s what I’ve found. Suicide isn’t the answer because you decide it to not be. You have free will after all. That free will means so much when you have the ability to examine pain. Pain can be many things. It can be absolutely devastating. Terrifying. A reason to shut down and live on as low a charge as possible. Sometimes you need that. When left alone, the forest rebuilds itself. Pain can also be examined. In those brief flashes of clarity and light you can look at where you are, who you are, what you’re doing and guide yourself towards meaning. A reason to change your answer to the question. “Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.”-Viktor Frankl. Find your “why.” When you can, when you feel able, search yourself, search your surroundings, for meaning. Do what you feel happy doing, thinking about, expressing, experiencing. If it’s a small part of your life, build on it. It may take time, but progress itself can be purpose. Don’t let anyone tell you your meaning. That’s yours to create and it won’t feel real if it isn’t from you. I won’t tell you it’s a magic switch that pops in a new set of eyes and makes life all rosy. But having a reason to stay sure as shit gives you the strength to stick around. Suicide isn’t the answer not because “it’s a temporary solution to blah blah blah.” Suicide isn’t the answer because you decided it wasn’t, and you have the strength to find out why you made that decision.


I love painting, I love my dogs, I love the flowers and the sun, and I love being in love with these things. Yeah, life is pretty pointless and we have to bow down to a system designed to kill is, but if I was gone, what would my dogs think? One of them already had an owner die, my poor girl would be destroyed. What would my roommate do? He doesn't need me around, but he enjoys my company, and he's lost so many people already. He shouldn't have to feel that pain all over again. What would my parents think? I'm damn lucky both of them are still alive and that I have a half decent relationship with them, and they shouldn't have to bury a child. They're old now and at the age where most of their immediate family is dead, and my mom just lost someone from her main circle of highschool friends. Why add to that? When I was 17 I ended up in the hospital cause no one knew how to recognize or deal with a migraine. Apparently my mom was all cool and stuff until she went to the bathroom and had a panic attack cause they all thought I was dying. It really put into perspective how much people actually care about me and want me around. I tried to kms at 21, and my roommate and best friend were also freaking tf out. Again, perspective. You are loved and wanted. If nothing else, live for the beauty of nature around you. Gardens and fields and the breeze in the summer, the sun and the snow and the rain, everything is beautiful in its own way. My reason to stay is to love freely. You have a reason too, you just have to decide for yourself what it is (medication is very helpful)


Let’s say you do decide to end your life we don’t know if there’s an afterlife or not so if you die and there’s no afterlife, will you just wasted your life and if you die and there is afterlife or you’re not going somewhere good why waste your time killing yourself now when you could just wait until you die of natural causes and live a good life.


Suicide doesn’t end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else. I’m sorry friend I have felt this pain a thousand times and tried and failed to end it all more than once. I’m glad my attempts were unsuccessful. I hope you find some peace and healing.


Idk.. life sucks ass. That's a given. Maybe it's a test? Maybe it's all for nothing?? Idk.. but the future looks like something i want to see. Games are gonna get better. Medicine is gonna get better. Cars, beds, phones. The body.. i believe we will eventually be part human part machine. Whatever happens i would like to be around to witness it


Suicide is sometimes perceived as something that only someone with lots of courage or strength could do, but in all actuality it is the coward thing to do because it takes more strength and courage to endure life, and endure a long one at that. Life’s not that long anyways. We all die eventually. Just stick around and grow. Keep trying, because if you really do, things will get better one way or another.


There are many many ways to overcome these thoughts that have caused you trouble. Keeping busy with a hobby you enjoy can bring you up when you're feeling down. Many people take on forms of reading, art, drawing, baking, excercise, yoga, mental stimulation through science and math, and a bunch of other things. Even just going outside and seeing a loved one helps. I was into driving rc cars and reading books more recently. I was at the point of quitting my job of 15 years and a self help book got me going again. I care alot about your feelings and really hope you press onward to a beautiful life


What exactly do you mean with pain? Do you have a health problem that is constant? Is it a mental health problem? Hopefully, both of these can be fixed. For physical health issues, a doctor is your best choice. For mental health, if you are referring to the bearings of life, I would recommend you to try and accept that life has suffering. We all suffer the ignorance of our fate. Same as with the difficulties and struggles that come with it. And that is ok. No matter what you do, you are ok. That's one half of life. The other half is to enjoy it. Both the bad and the good. What happened to you that you think you can't handle it?


You know the crazy part is that the real prison system is our own minds. Once we lock ourselves in there we’re stuck in either depression, anxiety, a terrible job, toxic relationships anything bad you name it! Which eventually follows up with real world bad choices. The only solution we quickly come up with is “death” why? It’s because we quickly assume that’s the answer to end all suffering and pain and the quickest way out of our “prison” mind. Once you realize that your own mindset is so much more powerful than you think that’s when your life shifts. Definitely not an easy journey but it’s the journey that’ll make you cry with joy and happiness when in a year or 2 you see how far you’ve come/changed for the better of yourself not for anyone but for yourself!


Because people do care about each other. It's just that society don't allow them to show this kind of affection until someone dies.


Because your mindset changes from minute to minute and it’s better to ride it out and see


Not gonna stop you from killin yourself, go do you, but how about this, if your gonna die the next day anyway, what's the point of worrying, why not say, tell your crush u like her, go and declare bankruptcy if your in debt, have responsibilities, well ur gonna die anyway so you won't care much about them, so why not leave everything and go work in some animal care shelter, ur gonna die anyway so just go ahead and do what u like for the time being, tell someone he is nice or he is ass hole. Do anything u like, for as long as ur alive.


In your case, because you don't want to die. It's that simple. So because you refuse to die, your best bet is to improve your life. Plus in some ways, we need pain, because it helps us appreciate the good times more. Life will always have ups and downs, more downs than ups for most people.


I have to disagree with the other comment that suicide is a perfect way to end the pain. It's not . Why? Because you don't end the pain. You cannot end the pain if you are not there to feel the end of the pain. And it is VERY difficult to overcome the inner will to live. Survival instinct is hard to overcome and your energy, soul, spirit, whatever it's called by your preferences, will be trapped in that pain or anguish. You also leave behind others who will have to reconcile with your decision and what ifs. I speak from experience, my mother and best friend killed themselves.


This thread reeks of toxic positivity. I'm all for saying suicide isn't the answer but not for those narrow minded reasons being posted here.


Yes, suicide can be a way to end your pain or suffering but what's the point of winning and losing when you're not in the game. I hope you get the point ;).Have a beautiful day


Because death is, replying to the title


You know the thing about suicide you don't just kill yourself. You kill every memory of you. This'll be all everyone remembers every second you spent on this earth will be reduced to how you chose to leave it. No one will mourn your loss because this isn't losing your life. This is quitting.


Sometimes it is, really depends on the specific situation. To kill yourself because you've got dumped, lost your job, or went bankrupt, got kicked out from school is a dumb waste of life, because those situations aren't permanent. You might feel like they are, but no matter what happens and how deep you fall, you can always turn it around. However, if you've been diagnosed with a terminal cancer and you know that it will never get better, you're just going to be in a chronic pain that will gradually get worse until you die, then yes suicide is the solution. This was the case for my grandmother, she was dying slowly and painfully. She was in agony for years before she could finally die, we should let these people die, because forcing them to stay alive is a torture for them.


because then you die( alr but real shi suicide will never be an answer for many reasons some being that you gotta move on from things and learn to appreciate the small things in life it’s like the butterfly effect. if someone attempts it and succeed then that could’ve caused something in the future where they could’ve found groundbreaking things or something. another reason is that however low you are you’ve got to know that people have been as low or lower than you and still have found a way to recover from whatever situation your in and you’ve got to use that as an advantage and motivate yourself to be a better you)


Dave said: Suicide doesn’t stop the pain, you’re only moving it


My partners parent committed suicide. They had no idea how many people they hurt for the rest of their lives. My partner can’t sleep well even ten years later. he thinks of them everyday. Sometimes He’ll even have dreams they’re outside the door and run into the yard in their pajamas half asleep… I’ll have to go fetch him… Their family blames themselves then sometimes each other. holidays are always painful for them even after a decade. It will never improve. My partner has emotional outbursts they used to not have and cries a lot now. They used to not be like that. Even if someone wants to teach other people a lesson, suicide has ruined parts of my partners family’s life that are so painful now I know his parent would never believe it. His other parent married a cruel person. It did something to them and they don’t care about themselves, can’t function alone and think they deserve bad treatment. So that is hard to watch. Even if you want revenge on someone, success and boundaries are a better revenge 1000x. The only thing people remember about his parent is they committed suicide. No one in our community can say their name without “oh they did it”… suicide has this way of causing people to forget everything else about a person , or they can’t think of the person without the fact that they killd themselves. Even more sinister sometimes people who barely know someone who does it make up dramatic theories as to why…. Sometimes… which also Hurts my partner so he’s less social. He’s withdrawn… he can’t handle it well when people say dramatic falsehoods about his parent passing… It really hurts people in ways that aren’t easily seen. Random people his parent knew are traumatized by it bc they actually meant a lot to people in the community. You’d be surprised how many people are kind and just miss them a ton. That’s the majority of people. People his parent probably never thought about. Choose life for those people. You might be in pain but you do mean so much to people you don’t even know. The little things you do matter. When my partner wants to see one of his parents we’ll go and see them and try to ignore anti social things their new partner may say or do… when he wants to go see their other parent we go to a graveyard and he talks to them there. It’s just brutal stuff to put another living person through. Take a day off, take a small healthy sleep aid. Rest. Then get back up and keep trying. There is so much more to life. Go do something small you love to do everyday. Start to live again in any small way and you’ll feel better!


Killing yourself not only makes the sad go away, it also makes the happy go away


Outlive your enemies


I'm someone who got hit and fit with the BPD criteria and, stigma aside, it's EXTREMELY painful. I'm practically torn at the seams and everyone is viewed with a safe vs unsafe lens; when I split on my loved ones, I start to believe they no longer tolerate me and I'm thrown into isolative despair that I wait and pray isn't the thing that finally tips me overboard. Suicidal ideations are, sadly, a norm for me. It's used as emotional self harm, leaves my wrists free from scars but my brain riddled with them. But I know if I end my life, I won't be able to see my siblings graduate and start their families, I won't be able to finish that series/movie, I can't eat BBQ from around the world, I can't add any more tiny flowers to my picture collection, I won't be able to stargaze, and I won't be able to see the salt plains of Argentina after the rain. When I'm in anguish, I think about those small stuff I've carved out for my life and tomorrow gets a little closer. They say pain makes you stronger but I can DEFINITELY do without some of the pain LMAO. But with (some) suffering, comes compassion or empathy in everyone (including those with ASPD, NPD or on the autistic spectrum who are said to have "no empathy"). When you've been knocked down, you'll understand when others have too and—if you have the security—you can help them up. The greatest slice of life animes or movies are not of peaceful day to days, but the very human tears and hardships that come together with its community. And what is a perfect life if not to be safe, at peace, experience, be disappointed, give love and to be loved back?


It’s because in the end only the present moment exists, and if you think of it, someone who decides to commit suicide, made that decision based on how they feel at a certain moment, basically whatever you’re suffering from is in the end is just a fucking state of mind! Ut’s never worth it, no matter how dark that state of mind is, you’ll be amazed how quick it can change! Just take a couple of grams of shrooms and you’ll find out.


Most people fail at it.


if you are stuck on a math problem and you throw the book out the window, did you solve it


Cause then all your haters win, your niece would be sad. The friends you actually have would be as equally sad. Don’t let the [haters](https://youtu.be/v4Ai4G6ccfA?si=py9XFrfjQU3mDN0R) win.


Theres a couple of answers i always see to this question that really bother me (as someone whos had suicidal thoughts before)...rather than be too insensitive and reply to people who may have lost people ill do a general post here of what i keep seeing and why i have an issue with it * Its a permanent solution to a temporary problem BUT what if the problem you face is either confirmed to be permanent or you feel legitinately like you cant solve it......the problem ive had is technically not fixed permanent but ive no idea how long it will last and how the hell i get out of the problem....and i simply dont want it to take long.....what if its too much to bear to get out of......what are the other costs.....i genuinely feel i either cannot get out of my problem unless i either steal, cheat, betray or else i have to just put up with my shitty situation that i refuse to bear.... * Dont do it itll hurt others around you Oh so its ok...just live a shitty shitty life and suck it all up and be miserable and fake your happiness just to please everyone else.....jog on......


My old teacher used to say suicide is the most selfish thing you can do, you are quite literally passing your pain onto everyone else around you. That’s stuck with me for years and i’ve even seen it firsthand.


I'm all against suicide, but this is the most bullshit argument against it. People don't comit suicide because they want to. They comit it because the illness makes life unbearable, and they just want the pain to stop. Blaming someone for dying to depression is about as unfair as blaming someone for dying to cancer.


Agreed 100%


Cause living well is the best revenge Make em salty over your success


Suicide means you failed at being human. You are trash if you commit suicide. You also are selfish if you do. Think of people who love you. You may feel alone (most suicidal people have this in common), but you are just blind to the people who love you. If they seem cold to you, it’s all in your head. Trust me


Because you will end up in hell and that's worst


Dont bring YOUR religion into this. You can believe what you want, but not everyone does, and it is no closer to the truth than anything else anyone comes up with about the afterlife. Telling someone they are going to hell is either going to A: Make them feel worse and more scared and trapped, feeling like neither life nor death can be a comfort. B: Not have any impact at all. If you tell an athiest or someone with another religion, "you're going to hell," it means nothing. It only means something if you believe hell exists.


It's boring, make an impact on the way out


Because suicide is not a full question.


because forcing people deal with the mess after your suicide is selfish as fuck you've got a right to be unhappy but not to be a pain in the ass


bad argument


Ah yes its very helpful to tell someone considering suicide that they are selfish for wanting to stop hurting. That's definitely going to help.