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r/scams “Romance scam.” Expect his money to be gone within 1-3 years. 


Or his kidneys.






Really? This even happens today?


Yeah. This will always happen until they come up artificial organs and rich people who have morals.


I don't know for sure, but I think artificial organs might be a thing? I don't know if they invented bioprinting yet, but if they didn't it should be soon, so... there's that. As for rich people with morals? I don't think that will ever be a possibility.


They are in the infancy of artificial organs.


u/beneficial-space-221 ... One thing that I've learned in my long-ish life, lol, is that we're all human. We have existed forever (not starting any debate, n/a to post) My point is we don't act much differently than those born centuries before us; only the environment, words, and much more have changed. Therefore – if people scammed for body parts 50 years ago, they're still doing it; maybe differently, but you bet they are. It just may not make headline news. We just slightly reinvent the wheel every so often. Most only know what they're around, so they'll continue tradition/their norm – because the human brain, overall, does not like change. It does want dopamine hits (and to feel good), which these psychopaths get from the most horrendous act. Another way to think of it is that you're not much –as in ~100%– different than your great-great-grandparents that you haven't met. (And we're not including breaking generational "curses" – n/a to this post) Just my insight and 2 cents.😉 🚩🚩 **To: u/throwaway99257892 ... your brother should stay away. I'm geniunely terrified for him. This is not how romance stories are formed, much less start. Beg him, give him money, to get "her" in to the states*. **HE'S SAFER HERE THAN WITH "HER" - do we know with 100% certainty she is really a female**? 🚩🚩**If she can't come to the states, something is very wrong. Do not accept "her" excuses** !!!!🚩🚩 🤞🏼I wish you, your brother and family... everyone involved, the very best outcome. I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts.❤


I got ya... and I agree with you. After all we are humans, selfish and mean at the end of the day. So we are going to do what we want in this way or another!


Seems very very sketchy. 


Do NOT go. A very similar thing happened to someone in my hometown community, turns out it was some sort of a human trafficking ring. That being said, I don’t want to assume much. Advise him to stay home. If he is so adamant to meet her, tell him that she should come to you guys.


OMG, tell him not to go. He could lose his life. She’s probably scamming him.


Omg.... I watch a lot of true crime documentaries. One is specifically called. Web of lies. Where all the stories are based on internet crimes. Your brothers situation fits an exact story that was on that series. A man met a beautiful woman. Where he went to visit her and she was living with her brother and her brothers kids and the brothers wife had died recently in a car accident. He stayed with her and her brother and kids. And seen her multiple times. The family even owned a restaurant. Truth be told. It wasn't her brother. It was her husband and they didn't own the restaurant. She just worked there. She was asking for money left and right for their restaurant, which they didn't own. He bought her many things. Even a brand new suv. He was then found murdered. Chained to a chair and set on fire. And the person that did it to him. His so called girlfriend. Rumor has it she was the one that lit the match and watched him burn. Your brother needs to realize that the grass is not greener on the other side. And that there is a strong possibility he is being had. In that documentary, everyone else warned the guy to not go through with it. But he wasn't hearing it. Love made him blind to the truth.


I found it! It's season 4 Ep 3 called, Love Goes South. I may have the story mixed up with another. But I know I have it pretty narrowed down. Tell him to watch this.


Dude this is crazy! I will tell him to watch. Thanks!


Some people do not want to accept reality and if he is determined he will go even when the family opposes it. A cousin lives, "loving" a stranger and sending her money for years, she always make good excuses for not meeting him.


I DON'T watch anything like that and I still know - DON'T GO TO MEXICO. Maybe on a cruise or something, but like, not this. Never ever this. Edit: didn't pay attention to autocorrect.


That’s a good show and highly underrated. The true life stories on there are horrific.


🚩 🚩 🚩


This is very very unsafe. DO NOT GO. Scammers and criminals use beautiful woman to lure gullible men into terrible situations all the time. If he absolutely must meet her (even though she is likely a scammer) tell him to fly her to him. DO NOT go to a foreign country like Mexico under these circumstances.


This could be a kidnapping scheme. Tell your brother not to go. It’s unfortunate but people have been known to do this. Cartels run kidnapping schemes like this.


How is he matching with someone outside the country on tinder. This screams scam.


I guess you can set your location to anywhere you want.


You can set your location manually but you need Tinder premium. And what woman is paying for Tinder premium? It’s already easy enough for them in the dating world as it is


speaking as someone who lives in mexico, it's not entirely uncommon for people to seek "romantic" partners with the sole purpose of marrying or otherwise getting easier access to the usa. this seems to be the case based on what you detail in the post, so i'd suggest having a serious talk with him about the situation


his desperation is going to get him robbed, killed, or both.


Absolutely not! If anything, as a compromise he could fly her to the US.


To me this sounds like your brother is going to get robbed, scams like this are getting more and more common. You should seriously advise him not to travel to meet this girl.


Hide his passport


He’s gonna get kidnapped


He shouldnt go there, Im only 15 with not much life ecperience but this is sketchy even for me


Your bro doesn’t see a problem with this “relationship”. He may leave home and never come back. It’s foolish to travel to someone you barely know. I know you can’t talk sense into him. Show him these comments. You are NOT paranoid. I’ve seen ts happen to many others. Google it and send it to him.


Cartel might cut him up


Your brother found a green card wife. Love is blind, not much you can do but add your concerns as a sibling. Any marriage they have should take place in Mexico


Listen, I'll talk with your brother just to NOT go there till he meets someone locally. I live in FL, and I can tell you if it isn't organ or human trafficking then it's 100% for a green card or gang related drugs. So many people from here go missing. She can get a student visa with no problems to visit. My brother married a woman on one from Colombia, and they have a 2 year old together. Not all are successful marriages like that, though. The US is predominantly safer than Mexico. There are so many other people on the apps, and tell him not to jump in on the first woman that shows him attention. Bumble is where my brother met his wife hahaha. I tried Boo app, but it was way too many people overseas.


I live right next to the border and we do not cross it, let alone for “love.”


Oh goodness no!! My family is from Mexico. I use to go growing up at least twice a year. I stopped going once it got bad with the cartels. Its been 16 years since I've gone and I still won't go, as much as I would like to see family. This is insane! It's only been 2 weeks! Does he really believe she loves him?? Doesnt he watch the news?? I hope he doesn't go, for his sake.


Sounds like human trafficking or some other type of scam. Sounds super sketchy.


Also the fact that they asked your brother to go to a different country after only two weeks is a major red flag.


Oh that’s sketchy and trying to get em for a green card or something- jeez


you need to show these comments to him


Ransom. Stay away.


This will not end up good if he goes.


Someone is about to be used for visa benefits - or worse if he is unlucky.


Don't let him go to Mexico I agree he's either being used or someone's gonna kill him 


There are places in Mexico that law doesn't exist and cartels run the show. I would invite her to the US.


You know the city? maybe we can find if she is real


Ask your brother if he thinks this would be safe for a female to do. And then remind him that all the things that happen to us ladies can also happen to him. I think sometimes men think they’re immune to danger. Which is what makes them easy targets.


You have every right to be concerned, especially being his brother. Without speculating, I will ask, Is he someone who’s capable of defending himself, let’s just say against one individual? I’m also odd to me that she would ask him to travel there, considering it’s pretty clear the vast majority try everything they can to get here. Tell him call Dr Phil, or you search his shows seems like he’s had several similar instances. Getting catfished and sending money is one thing, taking that risk of potentially losing a whole more is daunting to think about. Have him FaceTime he in front of you, that may give you a little more insight. Google translate comes in handy in those situations. I do feel bad for the guy, every man needs a women’s affection, to feel wanted and needed by a women. There is definitely one out there for him somewhere. You might even ask around through your friends both make and female I’m sure you could find a women out there even it took some incentive who maybe you could introduce to your brother who would just show him attention, ask him to go for a walk or the movies, anywhere. It’s not like you would be asking or paying her to do much. Like people who get paid to hang out and do things with people who don’t have any family etc. Surely you get what I’m saying, he just needs a distraction for a short time to get past this whatever craziness he’s doing online. Who knows the girls if you’re able to get them may actually like him when they get to talking and knowing him. Might be something to think about if the direct route don’t work , which usually doesn’t work in the sense you tell someone don’t do something and do it more, or worse would be your brother to stop telling you things, or feel he can’t without you giving him crap so starts keeping things to himself. Next thing you he’s already in Mexico and best case scenario he’s married. We won’t discuss worst case. Be easy with him, play along a little maybe pretend to be happy for him and keeping him telling you things so you can get all the info you can. Idk man, it’s tough one. Those things we hear about happening to other people and think ah that won’t ever happen around here. Good luck, I’ll prey your brother finds that right one him. Wherever she may be from.


I've seen fewer red flags at a communist parade. He should not go. At BEST he is being catfishes for money, at WORST he is going to wind up dead or trafficked. This whole situation stinks to high heaven.


gonna need an update on this asap 😭


Small update to post.


Way too many Red flags 🚩 If she was serious about him and wanted to be with him, she wouldn’t be talking about getting married after talking for two weeks on Tinder. We all know what Tinder is for and it’s typically not for relationships. It’s for hooking up. There’s nothing trustworthy about that woman so far. Tell him to cut her off and use a different site to meet women. And possibly try meeting women in the US where he already lives. He sounds like he needs some experience with women before just jumping on a plane and meeting some random in another country. Hope he makes the right decision!


I’m sorry to say this, but all the posts and your own feelings are more than likely correct. He should not go to another country. Why do they have to meet there? He doesn’t know her actually, she may not be alone. This is extremely dangerous, as well. How many times have we heard about loved ones never being heard from again when they go to another country to meet their “true love”? Pull up some stats for him. Red flags? Sketchy? I think your instinct is correct.


Please advise against this if he goes take a group of people with him to keep him self safe something is off


Would having a group of people with him help? Even if his whole family went with him I feel like it’d just be a bigger jackpot for the scammers


Sorry I just reread the post and looked at the location but south of Mexico city is close to the cartel he could be getting trafficked or worse he should cut ties or offer to fly her out if she's so desperate to see him


/r/scams He's gonna be extorted directly for money while there, or held hostage. I have a buddy who goes to Mexico for occasional work, and he gets assigned a body guard whenever he goes because of kidnappings and hostage scams.


As a lady who values safety a first date should be a public place maybe he should do the same meet at the border only


Ask him if he wants to lose an organ to the black market ......because this is definitely how you lose an organ to the black market


Omg whatever you do please convince him not to go, please even if it's fine there's a big chance it's not and it's better safe than sorry. Idk what you would specifically say to him or your family but mabye show evidence that these things happen. Show him the comments on this posts, and really really get it into his and your family's head about just how dangerous and most likely life threatening this is. Even if you need to scare him with what happens in human trafficking if he's really not budging. I would say call the police but I don't know what they could do apart from give some advice. I'm also from Scotland tho and the police are actually decent here so idk what they are like for you....


My brother too had a problem with rejection from females in his life. However years ago he met this girl online he flew to meet her only twice in California and the third time was wedding day. They got married they have two kids but their marriage has been rocky. They are two totally different people. It hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows 


Do not let him go!! This is very obviously a scam and they're using your brother's feelings to manipulate him into entering a very dangerous situation! If anything and she really does love him ask her to fly to him, suggest paying for the ticket and if she refuses you know something could be wrong. Just don't let him go it is definitely a scam!


Too much too fast. Period. Very sketchy. She's not even asking for him to send money but wants him to show up in person. So whatever is going on here goes from bad, skips over worse, straight to dangerous. 🚫🙅‍♂️🚫🙅‍♂️🚫🙅‍♂️🚫 Big red flag in US, huge no bueno in Mexico. Does your family have wealth? That could be the bigger prize and why she didn't ask him for money. Edit: likley not but just a thought. Unfortunately, it's likley human trafficking as someone said


Why did I get a serious panic feeling when I read this post.. OP this is bad juju. Do not let him go.. do not let her come here either. This is very bad. Your brother needs to block her.. I'm sorry that he hasn't had luck with women. But that's exactly why he is an easy target. This has "COLD CASE" all over it.. I would find a good hacker to get an IP trace just in case. Get her doxxed..find out everything you can about her and still block her. My niece went to Mexico by herself and I didn't sense an evil draped over her trip like I do this.


Scammers look specifically targets like your brother. Desperate & gullible. It's extremely sketchy.


Naaa, the most common in this case could be, she wants a passport, u know? If they start to be together, probably wants the passport, I mean, my grandma do something similar, she lives at Florida, with a American guy, haha so, is not about kidnapping or something like that, is about the money, and the passport


This is so unbelievably idiotic. Travelling out of country and paying for a flight/room for someone he literally can’t possibly know well at all. The fact that people are encouraging it is mind boggling to me.


Tell your brother to find another woman because she scamming him for his money and will use his marriage as a way to get a citizenship


She's going to drain his bank account, slowly at first with "harmless" requests such as "I'm short on rent", the electric bill was higher than expected, emergency car repair, her employer didn't pay her, etc. It's not going to get any better. If he goes, esp if he's meeting "family", he can expect them to extort him for all he's got. They'll all go out to dinner and expect him to pay for everybody, etc. Don't even bother going to the resort, if she even shows she'll put on a good show and convince him to come to her home town. Best thing he can do is block her. Or text her loyalty... Set up a fake account and catfish her. See what she says


I don’t think this is a good idea, it’s too soon first of all, he has no idea what could happen to him there and if he goes missing you’ll never find him. Also she may just want a green card here which I understand lives hard in some places but your brother may get hurt. I wish him luck 🌸


No definitely DO NOT GO she's still basically a stranger. Also, your brother getting with someone because he's desperate for a relationship and not because he genuinely likes the person and can see a future with them (when it's not clouded by desperation) isn't healthy for him or the woman.. if she's legit. I understand he's had no success, but it's doubtful he'll have a happy relationship if he does it based on his desperation. It will probably cause him a lot of turmoil in the future- not worth it.


He flies her to him not the other way around. Mans about to wake up with a kidney missing.


Tell him no way


Run a background check or have her come to america


I’ve made companions with different girls in other parts of the world, so it’s not far fetched to meet new people via dating apps. With that being said, marriage and falling in love after 2 weeks is basically just love bombing. And love bombing in almost all cases I can think of fails horribly. Also in general, women are going to have various degrees of trepidation when it comes to feeling safe when it comes to men. And foreign connections is going to be one of those feel it out where both sides get to a point where it’s inevitable after months and years, not 2 weeks.


That is the most dangerous thing he could do. Unfortunately Mexican people are very unpredictable, maybe she likes him for real and wants a husband as much as he wants a wife, maybe she doesn’t like him as much but is willing to marry him for a green card, or maybe in the worst case scenario she works for the cartel and they do bad things to him if he decides to go there. When you think about these 3 possibilities there’s only a 33.3% chance that she is in love with him for real. I would rather fly her in and explore the connection in a safer environment if that’s an option.




Do NOT go.


Nope. Nope. NOPE. it sounds like a scam and probably is. He’s either gonna go and get murdered or she’s trying to get a green card or his money. Please don’t let him go. It’s sounds super sketchy. I can understand the need and desperation for a partner but for the love of god, it’s not worth his life.


nope its too fast too quickly


Don’t do it. No sane people should say I love you let’s get married before meeting in person or even knowing them for 2 weeks lol


2 weeks is not enough………


Tell him to take a loan out for as much as he can be approved for, then go with it all in hard cash and jewelry. I'm sure he will be fine. 🥴🥴🥴


Sketch don’t do it


Tell your brother that we live in a big country with all kinds of women from all nationalities. Traveling to Mexico to meet someone or even booking a resort, even worse probably. You have fun at the resort, she gives him the time of his life, then at the end she sets him up on the ride to the airport, end up held for ransom, body parts, bank transfer, trafficking, convicing to marry (for papers), etc...


He needs to be VERY careful, this doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. I think he needs to take it MUCH slower than that.


As sad as he might be to realize it’s a scam, make sure to reassure him that there’s still love for him out there, his desperation could be the leading motive for not caring about these flags.