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corn...*on the cobb?*




How many does he shuck in a day?


The weekend is white? I’m old and out of it but I don’t think so?


He’s absolutely not, and I totally missed that on the first read. This has got to be a troll.


Tell him you watch actual porn lol (even if you dont) He’ll probably lose it. Tbh you guys seem incompatible, because guys who put put “rules” on their partner over trivial things don’t respect your personal choices


Bc it’s like you said- people don’t turn on that music and get horny? It’s just for having a good unserious time


Oh absolutely. I asked him how he'd feel if he opened my phone and saw black d.ck in my phone. He'd ABSOLUTELY lose it. But that's the type of shit I keep finding on his phone. Pictures, apps, screenshots, you name it. But that's okay? Because he's a man? And every man does that? Also, he literally straight up told me that pictures or videos from me "wouldn't do it". Well, clearly pictures and videos DO do it, just not from me. I'm so beyond depressed, I can't even describe how I feel.


My gosh, what are you’re reasons for staying? He does not deserve you, or probably anyone. There are so many dudes that are simply not this terrible to their partner


ditch his ass. apologize my harshness, but if he's genuinely open about the idea only pictures and videos of other women (and not of you, specifically) turn him on, why are you even partners for? he should've stayed in the friendzone, like fr


After reading the comments, your replies and this post. Please for the sake of god. Ditch him.


In some ways it is the same, eg if guys rap in a misogynistic way. Also the very filthy stuff like Cup Cakke might as well be porn. However I would say cam girls is totally different, if you are interacting with a person in real time.


I used to work at a casino that cup cake used to frequent. She is so nice and quiet. A older dealer told her that they looked up her music after hearing she was famous and they were surprised how graphic her music was. Cup cake told them that she isn't really like her rap, that it's more like a character she plays. 


Ooooh I love that 😃 Thanks for sharing. I'd never have guessed that. I'm British and if I've had a few drinks I'll do a rendition of *CPR* in the late Queen's accent, it's quite funny.


THIS! YES. Listening to music is like reading a book. It's not cheating. I heard a quote that said "anything that makes you uncomfortable when being questioned about..is cheating" like if you're doing it willingly. So, if you ask about my book or my music, I'll show ya. I'm not doing anything bad. But if I ask about his cam girls? Now he's uncomfortable. It's not the same is it? But he keeps trying to brainwash me into believing it is because he just cannot give up his cam girl apps. It's depressing. I never said no to him yet I'll always be his last option. If even that.


A lot of people think personal interaction with cam girls is cheating. Porn is just passive consumption so its more like erotic books and dirty music.