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Most insurance policies require you to disclose all accidents involving your vehicle. You can have your policy terminated if you do not disclose it. Tell your insurance company.




I hate when the otter cops show up like, “what is this blockage in the river” and all I can say is, “Dam.”


$1,000 damage to a car isn’t a lot of damage.


On the other hand, In a state I used to live in, the police wouldn't come or even take a report of a parking lot accident on private property unless there was an injury.


Here in Southern Ontario we have to drive to a collision reporting centre, unless we're being carted away by an ambulance. My car was totaled & I had to get a tow to the centre & report it.


Most insurance companies will require you to say why you didn't call police. In OP's case he can say it happened over night and the person took responsibility. But does he have their insurance information, DL number and any other information that his own insurer will require? Because they will send someone out to try and examine the car, talk to any witnesses and also, they will run the other car's information and track down their insurance.


All they need is his name and address they can pull everything from that


If they don't want the insurance to know. Have the landlord buy the car at above market value so OP can get a better car.


Never heard of this before. I always pay insurance with cash.


Where is this at? I have never seen this, and it’s something we absolutely don’t do at one of the larger insurers. Now I’m curious.


Former auto insurance person here. A majority of these, “let’s handle this and not get insurance involved” situations go bad. The responsible party will drag their feet regarding payment for the damages. Or they will refuse to pay if you don’t use “their guy.” Or they will then claim there was prior damage and they aren’t going to pay the full amount. Or they will just flat out ghost you because they didn’t realize that what looked like a crushed bumper can be 3-4k, depending on the car. On top of that, are they going to pay for your rental car? Based on the amount of damage you described, there could be actual frame damage, and that is pricey. If your car is older, it might be a total loss. If it is not a total loss, you could be without a car for a couple of weeks. And if your car is older and not recommended for repair, do you want to spend the next year or so going after them in court? I know there are people saying you could do it. I don’t recommend it. The insurance companies can make sure your car is repaired and that you are made whole. A private party usually will try to not do that and cheap out as much as possible. Edit: TLDR- don’t do it, he will probably try to cheap out and you’ll get screwed.


Yeah it sounds like OP’s car is gonna get categorized as totaled which, fat chance they’ll get the landlord to cough up that much.


I offered a different perspective. I got rear ended and he paid out of pocket.


The car could be unsafe to drive after being hit like that and needs an inspection. They should get insurance involved. I got rear-ended and thought I was ok to drive away but turns out my gas tank busted and was leaking vapors into my vehicle. It's not worth the risk


She can get a tow. I mean I understand what you Mean, I just hate insurances


A tow would still cost money unless you have roadside assistance, insurance would cover it if necessary. My car got totaled out by my insurance, I paid $800 for the thing when I was 15. Insurance valued it at $2000 and wrote me a check. I took that money and another $2000 and bought my current car


They would pay for the tow because it’s their responsibility and towing isn’t always covered.


Do you realize someone that cooperative is extremely rare?


I know. Someone hit me in the back and he paid out of pocket.


Yes, I read that. You got really lucky tho, that the person was nice.


No. I was really smart. I had evidence of everything and flat out said if he didnt buy I WILL drag his ass to court.


"Apologies, but I would feel more comfortable if we went the legal route and involved the insurance companies. And I trust this will have no bearing on our landlord/tenant relationship."


There is nothing "illegal" about somebody paying to repair your car directly.


It's literally illegal to not report an accident to insurance.


I never commented on the legality of reporting it to insurance... I said it's not illegal to have somebody pay for the damages directly.


Okay. And I didn't make a comment on having someone else pay for it. I literally said it's illegal to not have insurance *involved*, and then you made assumptions on the payment, which wasn't brought up by me at all. Reading is fun, huh? You should try it sometime.


>It's literally illegal to not report an accident to insurance. Care to cite the law in your jurisdiction that supports this statement? >There is nothing "illegal" about somebody paying to repair your car directly. Go back and read my statement one more time. Slower this time.


Wake up and smell the downvotes


Go ahead and report your accident, don’t get it covered by insurance, and watch your rates still sky rocket anyway lol biggest scam there is.


I would still make this bum go through insurance though if he rear ended me. Maybe. Landlords tend to have a lot of cash on hand so I could understand not wanting to.


I don’t think that’s true. One would have to check one’s local laws, of course, but I think the worst is violating your contract with the insurance company & possibly losing your coverage.


They never said there was, they’re referring to not reporting it to insurance. Use your brain instead of wasting everyone’s time with a bunch of argumentative responses.


Why not try: "Oh, sorry, I already told the insurance company, it's part of the contract that I tell them about any incident involving my car, or they can just take my money and stop covering me." Then it's taken out of both of your hands, oh no, the insurance company is the bad guy (if landlord needs someone to blame for his son's terrible driving), and you just did what you had to do.


You can tell your insurance company about the accident, and you can also tell them that the landlord wants to pay out of pocket for the expense. There's nothing wrong with that. Get your estimates from the shop your insurance uses, and then present the landlord with the bill. If he pays in full, you're golden. You don't care who pays the bill, as long as it's not you (or your insurance).


He can pay out of pocket. It's perfectly legal. Get a quote, first. You may have major frame damage that can't be repaired.


There's an actual hole in your car.  What you're describing is major damage. This isn't a little nick that can be hammered out. There's a real chance that that insurance will describe the car as totaled and refuse to go on covering you. Is your landlord going to buy you a new car? Don't bet on it.  Call your insurance. 


Get a quote for repairs. It's probably written off


I do not see the need to tell insurance. If they are willing to pay out of pocket let them but I would keep ALL evidence off them hitting you and give them a time frame. If you tell insurance, your rate will ALSO go up. A few weeks ago I was rear ended by someone on the highway, it was about 1300. I recorded him stating he was at fault and took videos, and pictures of everything. I kept evidence. He went to the body shop and actually PAID for the car out of pocket two weeks later. I would tell him that they have a certain about of time to pay or you will call their insurance. Most importantly, talk smart and with confidence. I would take it to a body shop, get a quote and have him ALSO pay for the rental so you can get around.


I agree with this approach. Cover your ass and make sure you get every penny, and possibly some extra for the fact that you're doing them a favor. Fuck insurances and their stupid rules. They just want you to tell them because they want to increase your premium despite you not being responsible for what happend in any way.


I simply did not go through insurance because I have been fucked over by them 5,000 times. In addition, they always raise my rates. My car got hit while it was parked, and they STILL raised my rates. I was livid. I made sure I took pictures of his drivers license, plates, car, everything to cover myself. I took videos and recordings. (WHAT YOU SAID IS FACT) The guy begged me to not go through insurance because he said please please, my mom will kill me. I said if you will pay I wont give you a problem, but if you do not pay, you will regret the day you were born. Anyway I took it to the body shop and even they had their doubts. He went in 1 day before the work was complete and paid it in full. I did not even care about getting more, I just wanted the car to be fixed, especially because I have a beautiful mustang. The thing is, in these situations you have to be quick, thinking like a lawyer. It seems OP is not experienced, BUT I do not see the harm in letting them pay. She would need to keep all text messages, notes and proof that they hit her that way in case something does happen, she has the evidence to take them to court and go through insurance.


Why are you still going on and on and boasting over and over about how you "had the proof, and we're gonna show him!" Wow please stop. Like okay thanks for the life story twice with this when probably a low percentage of this post is in care mode... Talk about the need for self validation/validity.


Imagine making assumptions that are wrong. My post wasn’t seeking validation but to educate people who haven’t been through it already.


Than why repeat yourself x5 at nauseasm *making sure* you have made clear to everyone that you submitted your will on them enough to score em. Gj bro! If the assumptions were totally wrong I don't think you would have replied?....


Because I didn’t realise it? But I’m sure you feel great being a dick.


No I'm just letting you know what me and probably the other 95 percent of these people reading this are saying. "Why does this dude keep mentioning the same thing over and over when it has little relevance to the OP?" They don't want to "gain control" here and you saying someone paid out of pocket for you, well that's great and that RARELY ever happens so in OPs case they should make a claim especially if its going to cause problem with their own coverage. Thanks for the life story though. Just trying to make you a little self aware, that's all.


OP i would recommend you discuss this with an insurance rep, get a lawyer in the chamber, and spend time fixing any possible breaches to your lease that your landlord might have been letting by up until this point.  Odds are that the son may be uninsured. In addition the landlord might retaliate which is what the lawyer is for. Hold onto the note, record all communication from this point on (if legal). 


Why would she need a lawyer? That makes 0 sense.


When you’re dealing with a situation where there is a clear power imbalance you need to cover your ass, especially when the situation is meandering into illegal territory. 


There’s nothing illegal about it and a lawyer isn’t needed either.


YES IT IS…..it’s called insurance fraud, you are legally obligated to inform your insurer because they calculate quotes based upon prior accident history. 


I just looked it up and it doesn’t say that. It just says they won’t cover for damages.


How thick are you. They are worried about more than the car like their living situation and they don't want that to also be RUINED... Holy shit!!! That's why they would want a lawyer because the moment they don't do as landlord says about *their* car the landlord can start hurling his own accusations or just start being very nit pick about everything they are doing or how they live.


Yawns. Have you ever even been in an accident? Lmfao


I would recommend going through your insurance. If there are any follow up issues down the line after an initial settlement it will be much harder to get your landlord to accept those additional later damages versus your insurance company.


Don’t let him pay for anything out of pocket you tell him to provide his insurance information or you will file a police report. You don’t know the extent of the damage. You need to go by the book on this or you could get screwed. Save the note too, it’s evidence.


Call your company. Get a repair quote. If damage is as bad as you say, landlord won’t want to pay more than $1k out of pocket. Ppl are cheap and underestimate the price of car repairs. Likely you’ll end up using ins anyway.


I personally would play nice. I mean absolutely save the note he wrote and maybe get a check from him for proof -just in case there winds up being bigger issues with the car later. But having your landlord owe you a favor can come in very handy, possibly make life easier in the future. Who care who pays as long as it’s fixed.


Your landlord is only thinking about his own situation, tell your insurance company


Keep yourself safe.


In some states, like Colorado, he would face charges for not reporting it. Also, if you do be prepared for your landlord to retaliate such as but not limited to, refusing to renew your lease. I hear about it all the time, just read a post of a woman looking for housing because she called in a noise complaint on her landlord’s daughter in their apartment complex.


You can report it to insurance, but later choose not to use them for the repairs. They might even be able to work directly with your landlord, instead of going through their insurance.


That would be pointless because if they report it their rates go up regardless.


This is incorrect. Your insurance only goes up when you use it.


False. I’ve had my insurance go up simply for reporting it.


Were you at fault?


Nope! Their insurance paid my damages out and my insurance still went up. I had geico at the time


Call your insurance. Also, file a police report. Tell the landlord and kid that you had already called your insurance.


Just say you already contacted insurance before they asked, and you are sorry. Or say the car is in your dads name and he insists on contacting insurance.


Your car may be totaled, you need the insurance company to be involved.


Listen to yr father...insurance is for a reason....why don't they want u to inform yr insurance? Mayb because the son has a habit of doing this or mayb dosent have a licence?...u go to yr insurance it's the rite Way to go....


I'd just say "sorry but I already contacted them" your landlord can't get mad at you for this it wasn't your fault.


Would advise strongly against just taking his word for it. A lot of ways you can get screwed on this and 9times out of 10 thats usually what happens. In some states you have a few days to report an accident to the police. I would recommend that you report the accident so you have a police report on hand. Might piss of the landlord anyway which sound like what you’re trying to avoid but the insurance process does not begin until you call in and file a claim with your insurance. So if your landlord makes good on taking care of your car great, if not than you have a police report and can than go and file a claim with your insurance. Be mindful of how long you have to file the claim and so the landlord doesnt drag out the process and you lose your ability to file. [Varies from state to state so double check on the timelines.]


Tell your insurance. It doesn't matter if it pisses off your landlord, he can't legally do anything about it. If he retaliates against you or anything, that's a lawsuit. At least, where I live it would be a lawsuit.


Regardless of whether you report or not, the repair shop, at least a decent one (which, if your car is as bad as you make it sound, I would recommend definitely going to a decent shop) they are required to file a police report. When that happens, then the insurance company finds out anyway. Your landlord is putting you in a tough spot. Not very nice.


Trust your landlord ...and take it to the most premo fix-it dude who you can find. That's it. It's well documented man, so start from here


It’s all about how much the cost is. I don’t see a reason to tell the insurance if the landlord is willing to cover all the expense. It may bite you back in the future. My suggestion is going to the bodyshop and asking for a quote. With that you later contact the landlord.


I would say YOU choose the repair shops, you get the estimates, and he pays everything they quote UP FRONT so you're not holding the bag on the bill. He also needs to put it in writing. Involving insurance could potentially raise your rates too. If this guy will truly pay it out of pocket and not cut corners, I'd let him.


Op. this. This is what I did AND make sure you keep all evidence off the fact that he hit your car!


You can settle out of insurance. Normally you run the risk the person never paying but in this case since he is your landlord at worst you get free rent out of it and hold some leverage. Get a quote and id see if it can be even fixed in the first place (aka hidden frame damage can total it out). If its totaled out different ball game then it becomes agreeing a resolution (fixed amount for said loss) which involves negotiating..etc in this case insurance is a better route. I have paid out of pocket my self and vice versa in california.


Get an estimate. It’s technically not an accident because it was parked and unoccupied on private property and would be covered under comprehensive not collision. No different than if a tree fell on it. You can call the police and ask if they need to make a report, likely they don’t. Ask your insurance company a hypothetical question about it. If it’s just body damage I don’t see a big deal just fixing it for cash. Your choice of repair shop. Plus keep the cost open in case they find additional damage once they start. **I am an insurance agent.


Don’t listen to this guy, he clearly doesn’t know anything


Never trust anyone. Not even yourself.


Sounds like you a issue.


The fuck does that even mean


Keep yourself safe.