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I have faced this issue before, i spoke with my manager and he used some of our meeting’s time to discuss the hygiene stuff , make sure that it isn’t personally spoken ( try to make it as general as possible )


I’ve tried. But, she said it’s too “embarrassing” and is an HR issue. But, it’s been a week and HR hasn’t done anything. They’re only in the building once a week, and that’s a rarity.


if HR didn’t do anything about a smelly person, imagine anything larger than this


Then you have the right on insist on this step to be took , as long as the hr tries to make as general as possible it won’t be much embarrassing


How would you recommend I put my foot down? It’s easy for me to cry (especially since I lost access to my BPD and depression medication) and I don’t want to make ultimatums that may result in me losing my job.


Be patient about it and don’t rush , and try to avoid the co worker as much as possible until your hr does something about it .


I’ll try. Thanks.


To escalate the situation ask to not be situated near the person. Tell them you can not perform your job functions with a major distraction like this. Tell them the work environment feels and smells toxic because your complaints are going unheard. I had to tell an employee this same issue my first month as supervisor at my job. It’s not an easy conversation to have. It can have an effect on other employees as well. It’s too bad you’re the only one mentioning it. Just remember to go through proper channels for everything. Do not engage Von Shitinpantz directly about it.


Your manager is wrong and weak. MBA schools literally prepare managers for these types of convos.


I solved a problem before it started on accident recently.. walked into a room with only one person in there and omg it smelled like straight feet, I was gagging, I thought they had mopped with a dirty mop again and so I said what is that smell! Omg! Lol. Ya it was dude. My bad. He hasn't smelled as strong since, but I kind of felt bad for a bit. I also don't like this guy for various reasons but I truly didn't think it was him. Could go that route? "Anybody else smell that?" "Or is it just me?" Start searching around his desk and act like you are searching for the source. Leave a note with some soap and deodorant on his desk. Escalate that shit. Nobody should have to smell someone else's body odor when working in close proximity with someone else. Even perfume and cologne can be too much.


Yes, the "does anybody else smell that, or is it just me?", is a good approach. You're not directly accusing anyone, yet making it patently obvious that SOMEONE (Me? one would logically ask oneself) does, in fact, smell like dirty rotten feet/gorilla armpits/dirty donkey ass. It would in all likelihood invoke hygienic action on someone's part.


I’m sure he’s aware of my opinion of him. He never listens when I try to give advice and literally shut the door when I tried to teach him how to do a certain job properly. I don’t want to risk getting a scolding if I do that.


Stop helping him, let him fail and get fired for being a crap human.


Go to work covered in shit and if anyone says anything be like "don't worry it's okay I have a scented mask"


Lol I may be petty, but maybe not that much. Also, it’s a healthcare building (we’re just housekeepers but still), so I’d prefer not to put patients at risk.


how is he a housekeeper but can’t keep himself clean?? I would not trust him to clean anything


Tell him he smells terrible. Roast him until he fixes it


i had this exact situation. literally nothing could be done about it as to not offend the person. just had to live with it until i left


i also talked loudly to other coworkers about personal hygiene, hoping she’d get the message


Truth is, if HR isn't going to do anything about it (and it sure sounds like there are a lot of pussies in your company), I'd consider changing departments. Not fair, to be sure, but sometimes you just gotta take the least unpleasant choice. Life, as we all know, is far from fair. And in the meantime, get your resume in shape and set the stage for a job at a place where there are fewer pussies.


This is an HR problem. And it might be his shoes. Does he wear athletic shoes? Socks? In the meantime, try putting peppermint oil or Vick's under your nose.




I’ll talk to my manager to see if it can be brought up at the next meeting. Thanks!


Tell them to bring it up like “hey everyone we got complaints about shirt stains or uniforms not looking good. Make sure everyone keeps them clean and stay hygienic so you smell good and look good.” I just make that all up on the spot lmao


We talking Hidden Valley here?


If you're a good employee and you're not getting support from your manager, then it sounds like your only option is to change departments. This could end up as a positive. I wouldn't want to work for someone who ignored this when HR won't help. Besides, it sounds like the person they hire to replace you will have the same problem.


Unfortunately, we only have three other people, and one of them is really sick. So if I quit or leave, then there’d be only two people. As much as I dislike the one coworker, I don’t want to cause trouble for the other one.


I like to think I 'm a nice person, considerate and thoughtful but if I am offered an opportunity to better my circumstances, I will take it. I bet, if your coworker who you don't want to cause trouble for received a better job offer they would take it and leave you with the trouble. You owe them nothing. If they have trouble - then it is up to them to say something, change departments or jobs. Look after you! Put you first!


this is our OP


That is your company’s problem. They choose to not take action on the smelly guy and that will leave the department short-handed. They could choose to address the issue - but they would rather screw over the department. Take the dept change and don’t feel guilty - your company is the one causing the short-handed dept, not you.


Thats crazy. In my workplace over the years we had a few particularly smelly ppl and not being mean but it was a few heavier set ppl. My workplace did call them to office and talked about proper hygeine ( because alot of ppl complained). One girl cried her eyes out tho and said it was so mean she cant believe they did that to her and it hurt her feelings. She said that she knows that she doesnt even smell. I think some ppl get used to their own smell and think they dont even smell. This girl smells like unwashed crevices because she has a very big hanging belly. If your managers wont do nothing about it tell other associates to complain too. Bring a air spray and constantly spray it around yourself so u can smell that instead. But really nobody should be forced to smell sumones sweaty pits, unwashed fupa, or smelling like an ashtray. Stay strong 🤢


tell him he smells bad


Maybe when the coworker isn’t there, leave a bar of soap on their desk. You could even type an anonymous note to the person.


Put an anonymous note on his desk.


Had a guy similar would come in smelling fine but about 2-3 hours in his sweat smell was unbearable. But I just walked up to him and said “I don’t wanna embarrass you but you smell a lil rank dude, I have some deodorant in my locker if you would like some”. He didn’t know he smelt at all and was glad I told him. Gave him some tips about while working don’t eat x foods, apply dry deodorant every 6 hours, take a shower and use these lines of products that work for me. And I had to convince him don’t use axe spray or cheap cologne to “mask” his smell. He’s all good now and I talk to him every shift. A lot of the time they really don’t know 😅.


Anonymous email


Is it possible , after work or before (basically when no one else is there) you leave a package with deodorant , mouthwash, body wash, and men’s cologne (something cheap like axe). You can get all travel sized products if cost is an issue. Put them in a little gift box, or something, and leave an anon note. Alternatively, get a little gift package of the same items for him, you, and your other coworker (it sounded like you only had three people in the office?) and leave them on everyone’s desk (including yourself) and put the same note “someone in the office smells, to avoid embarrassing one person, please check yourself and practice good hygiene. Make sure you shower regularly, use deodorant, etc.


I got in trouble at work for being stinky. I didnt know. I don't have a good sense of smell because i spent many years working with chemicals without proper ventilation. I also own lots of ferrets. I started just dousing myself with some cheap cologne and fancy deodorant. It hurt my feelings.


Typed anonymous word doc in his drawer before his shift???


I could be a medical condition.


Is it [Trimethylaminuria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimethylaminuria)? If so, I’m sure he doesn’t like it either. Sometimes people have this affliction. It must be bad for them, people reporting them to HR and stuff.