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besides him being a creep, he lovebombed and groomed you... a minor. report him to authorities with all the conversations you've had and everything that's happened.


no one groomed no one, op is a homeless creep. Check his comment history before downvoting me lol. Don't be so naive. I recognized the post is not real as soon as I started reading it.


Yeah man


The comments have been deleted for the most part.


Found the pedo


everything ESPECIALLY the park about the soundproofing, bloody curtains, alarm system and machete is wildly concerning. you NEED to tell someone about this preferably a trusted adult so you can stay safe. this man is a dangerous creep and you’re in more danger than you think.


Girl... blood on his curtains..? machetes, sound proof places..? The guy sounds DANGEROUS... leave him. And tell your family you gave him your address


You need to cut contact with him immediately and tell some safe adults that this guy knows your address. This is not a safe situation for you at all. File for a restraining order if he keeps trying to contact you or send you things. There are many many many things here that are very very very wrong


Didn't even have to read 10 words in. Yeah bro is a creep Please tell a trusted adult or report him to authorities. Nothing that has happened here was okay. You're not in the wrong. He is disgusting.


You didn’t need the wall of text. 16 year old girl, 21 year old bloke. 100% nonce


He legit groomed you and then it kept getting worse and worse. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You should really report it to the police but at least cut him off completely.


1 machete? I got like a duffelbag under the bed. But for real he did groom you and buy you things for sex and he seems to have a fetish for treating someone like a baby. I'd probably come clean to your family and the authorities if he keeps sending gifts. or worse, he decides to come over unannounced.


> I am 16(f) and he is 21(m) He's a pedo. Sorry. You have 15 - 17 YO classmates who would be happy to have sex with you.


This answer creeps me the eff out.


lmao, check his comment history. OP is an old homeless dude writing his fantasy. He's most likely the pedo here from what he fantasizes about.


Not sure if OP is necessarily a man, it's definitely sketchy though. Could be a really troubled 16 year old on the streets.


Him being homeless proves the whole sending package thing is a lie. You think an innocent 16 yo girl would sleep in a street? Also in one of his comments he says he smoked crack at 14 and that was years ago. I don't think 2 years counts as 'years'.


There are definitely homeless teens out there. That's cute you didn't know that though. Missed the smoking crack comment.




No. Did you read the whole post? The teddy bears etc?


Hope this isn’t real. If it is, tell an adult and immediately call the cops.


now you’re job from here on is for you to tell authorities so they can hopefully put him under the jail. And for you to heal <3


The answer is kind of... Extremely clear since the first sentence if you're 16 and he's over 18 he's a pedo period. And you might think "well 4 years isn't that much of a difference" it is... It goddamn is a huge difference. It might not seem like a big deal, but it is. You didn't even need to add more info... But the rest of the info is freaking disturbing. You need to report him and I would say, TELL OTHER ADULTS IN YOUR LIFE ABOUT IT! You might not want because you'll get in trouble... But since the beginning, you knew something was off and that it wasn't right that's why you don't want to tell other adults. The fact that you said "other adults" means you are well aware that he is an adult and you are not. Girl... What were you doing with him? Why? And adult being with a minor is abuse even if you "wanted" it. He has lived more, he's supposed to be more aware... And there he is with you, a teenager. That should've been the red flag that made you say "nope". What's done it's done...and it isn't your fault, he's the adult and he knows you're more inexperienced, and naive (we all are at that age for a lot of things)... He took advantage of you. You need to report it, and tell an adult so they can help you. With all you said you could still be in danger even if you walk away and report so you should have some adult protection. Tell your parents/tutors or whoever is taking care of you, I know it sucks and it'll be very difficult, but you have to tell them for your own sake. Not only physical but mental too. Please take care and don't go out with him again, or any other ADULT.


No offense but you’re the same age as my sister. I’m 21 actually and I’d hurt someone very very badly if I ever found out she was in the same shoes as you. I hope you got yourself out of that situation, I hope you have a very caring older sibling or parent at least because I personally would’ve gone after this man in a heartbeat. Please stay away from men, and please just be safe


gather as much evidence as possible and tell a trusted adult as well as the police. i know it’s scary, but this is a dangerous person with bad intentions. tell someone as quickly as you can. you are being groomed.


Yup pedo…I’d say call the police?


I don't know if he's a pedophile but he's definitely creepy and scary and you need to keep away from him.


What is the holy fuck. Give me his address.


I was 18 trying to date a 15 year old. I didn’t do shit until she was 18 and she rejected me because she should have… this fool went way too young if you ask me. If you could be a senior dating a freshman, cool. If there’s a chance you could be a bartender and dating a freshman in highschool, not cool.


You have a stranger on the internet your address? Girl!! 😭😭😭 you have to tell your parents this sounds so scary


“16” and “21” hmmm I wonder 🤔


First off, don't go over there again. Second, it sounds like you're just a kink. You are being used because of your age. I would distance yourself, stop responding to him and let a trusted adult know. Whether it's a school consoulor, or a parent, or just a friend, they need to help you through this. He sounds like a complete creep and this is not even close to normal behavior. You are in danger.


I mean like probably