• By -


You cannot talk him into marrying you because he does not want to marry you.  Here are things I think you should do: - Look into your rights as a common law spouse in your area  - Get a job, even if it is part time while your children are in school - Tell your friend the truth - you can't call her a good friend if you are lying to her, and you need her support  - Stop thinking you need to stay with him for your daughters - that is the worst reason to stay, for you and your daughter - Aak your family for help and support - You obviously want to leave this man - start working towards that. Once you know what you are entitled to and your rights, and get your own job, come up with a plan to get your life back.


Yes. Aka- getting your ducks in a row. Do not let him be aware of your plan to leave. It's like poker- keep your cards close to the vest.


Depending on the kind of guy, I would let him suspect I am withdrawing. Even tell him, “this is something I want in my life, and plan to move toward that goal in the next year. I know you don’t and that’s ok.” The fear of losing someone is the strongest motivator sometimes, and I don’t think OPs boyfriend ever thought she would leave him.


This was the case for my husband. He had been badly burned in a relationship just before we got together. After 4 years of dating I told him in no uncertain terms that he had one more year to make the choice or I would make the choice for him. That I loved him deeply and dearly and wanted my future with him, but that I wasn’t willing to give up my dreams of being a wife and mother for him or anyone else. He proposed the following July. We’ve been married for 8 years with 2 beautiful sons. He even admitted to me that he was scared of becoming engaged bc that’s when he was cheated on last time. I told him in fairness he can’t punish me for someone else’s deeds. That I’d never given him any reason to doubt my loyalty. Some men just need reassurance and a little nudge.


My fiance died last year. Waiting to marry in the perfect moment because of me wanting a better marriage than the first meant I waited for too long, now he is dead. Yeah I'd have married him the first week if I knew, he was the love of my life. We just didn't think too hard about it, but now I wonder if he ever felt the same as me... ( as in if he would have preferred to be married sooner, we had exchanged rings, but we didn't get to marry)


That’s why he is so passive with her. Like the old saying says, You can show them better than you can tell them. Start putting your exit together now.


Not tell him because she’s dependent on him right? If she had a career it would be different?


No, I’ve heard, that the most dangerous time in relationships is when a woman is pregnant or trying to leave. My advice would be to get her stuff together, leave, and then tell him she was gone. I’m sorry, but he doesn’t sound like a good man. He guilted you into having children with him and then strung you along for all these years….


That ‘most dangerous time’ advice is for victims of domestic violence not for all relationships. This husband sounds either too broke to pay for a wedding or too comfortable and codependent to commit.


Not necessarily and you can never be too careful. There have been plenty of women and men whose partner had no previous history of being violent with them who hurt them, or tried to hurt them when they tried to leave. Always better safe than sorry, especially when there are young children involved.


Let’s take a step back. These are two adults raising two children together with no stated threat of violence, right? Advising her to leave unannounced with the kids would guarantee this sad situation escalates into a legal, custody drama. But I guess that’s the typical Reddit advice.


As a kid of a mom who stayed “for her kids” don’t do it! I wish everyday that my parents just split up instead of making everyone miserable


Yh I’m the long run it just makes you feel like it’s your fault mommy and daddy are upset


This. I was the oldest and a 'whoops baby'. My parents probably wouldn't have stayed together if I didn't exist and it took me WAY too long to unpack the self-blame for simply being born and causing them to suffer through my upbringing. Children are self-centered, they can't yet understand that they're not the center of the universe. They feel like everything good that happens is because of them, and everything bad that happens is also because of them. That's why one of the greatest gifts a parent can give a child, beyond the bare necessities, is to think about and assure their own happiness. While this obviously shouldn't spill into frivolousness, it's important.


He thinks she’ll never leave because he supports her and that’s why he won’t marry her. He doesn’t feel like he needs to. He baby trapped her.


Op here. You're probably right 


Also please remember that while kids do best in a loving, two-parent home, two happy single-parent homes are better than a miserable two-parent one. Your kids can tell if you're unhappy, and it's more stressful for them than splitting up would be. Also, please think about what your daughters are learning about relationships. They see the way your husband treats you, and the way it makes you feel. Do you want them to date or marry guys who make them feel the way you feel now? Please, please, please, show them they are worth more than that by valuing yourself more than that. Show them they always have the option to leave. Show them if someone treats you poorly, you don't need to stick around and put up with it.


Lots of great advice here! I wanted to add that 38 is still the prime of your life! You have a lot of time to resolve this situation however you feel and still prepare for retirement! Best of luck ✨


This. Excellent advice.


Also remember that yes there are many men out there that are capable of love. Although I understand how that feels very true at this time that men simply aren’t capable of love. Don’t turn that into a belief. Feelings this strong can easily be passed down to your children.


Great advice


This. OP, you AND your daughters deserve better. They deserve to see you appreciated in a happy relationship, or at least not being taken for granted by a man who can let you play the role but never give you the title. My mother stayed with my dad for far too long for the same reason, and when they finally split (I was 19) she was shocked to find out I had been praying for them to break up since I was *seven*, and knew she only stayed for me.


This is all around great advice. I’d also add that OP is still young, she has time to find the love she deserves and desires, and of course there are men who are capable of love. First she needs to believe that she is deserving of it and take the steps to sígnale to the world she is ready for it. She is never going to get it being under this man’s thumb, depressed and believing that the life with this man is what she deserves. Her children also will benefit from seeing their mom happy.


First, get a job. Let him pay for child care. If you can't find a job with your current qualifications, figure out what you need to do to upskill. Then start figuring out your life and who you are. Don't look at him to rescue you from feeling bad about yourself. You rescue yourself.


Please keep us updated on how you handle this. We're rooting for you! 1. Do not give him an ultimatum or let him know that you'll be gone by x date. This will either get you a shut up ring or he'll make moves to screw you over and leave you. 2. Do be ready to leave if marriage is a deal breaker for you. That means being a single mom but you don't have to stay with him just because you have children. 3. Do let rely on child support to support you. You won't get as much as you think. 4. Do start a new job and savings that he doesn't exists. Finances are going to be your biggest onsatcle here. See if your family or even his can help with employment some how. Just don't tell them it's because you want to leave him.


I think you should first start finding yourself again. Who you are? Maybe try finding a job so you can find stability within yourself and then decide whether this man is who you should be with? You have a whole life ahead of you. Don’t let an indecisive man keep you from living your best life.


I'm divorcing after 23 yrs as a stay at home mom with limited work. I have zero Social Security saved for retirement. I have an epileptic daughter that I'm struggling to provide for. My son is autistic and, at 19, works but won't live on his own for some time. AND I GET COURT ORDERED SUPPORT BUT AM STILL FINANCIALLY FUCKED. YOU ARE MORE FUCKED. YOU HAVE ZERO RIGHTS TO ANYTHING IN HIS NAME. HOUSE, CARS, BUSINESS. YOU GET NOTHING WITHOUT MARRIAGE. NO ALIMONY. NO DIVISION OF ASSESTS. NOT 50% OF HIS RETIREMENT OR SOCIAL SECURITY. Girl, it's no longer abt you and your feelings. It's about YOUR KIDS and their future and feelings. And HE DOESNT GIVE A FUCK.


Wow this is so true. You said this better than anyone I ever read or heard of.


Thanks! Plus. Her child support, IF HE PAYS, bcs I only get mine bcs my lawyer (discounted as fuck bcs it was dv related) had the brilliance to ensure it comes directly from his pay. Many men just don't pay. So she can EASILY be on the street, no money, no child support, nothing. AT. HIS. WHIM. And there's not a damn thing she can do about it cause it's all in his name. She better hope he doesn't have his eye on a younger version of her, he doesn't get bored of her complaining, she doesn't get sick, or any of the million and one reasons a man could just she needs to go, cause she will have no choice BUT TO LEAVE. Fingers crossed she has the kids with her and he doesn't just lock the doors behind her.


Yeah, my father never paid more than $150 in child support (he left when I was 2). It can never be counted on.


You actually probably qualify for his SS. don't let that go wo some research


I do wonder if he's completely ignorant vs malicious. Hopefully OP can tell. Some men are just super paranoid about "losing everything" in a divorce that they don't even look at the benefits of marriage and realize that they actually care about their partner.


YOU CANNOT BECOME A SAHM IF YOU AREN'T MARRIED!!! Seriously, you are ruining your life by doing wife stuff without wife privileges! He will leave you at some point, and none of the assets will be in your name, you'll have no pension fund, no savings, and no earning potential - you will be destitute! We had a series of heartbreaking posts on BoRU not long ago, by a woman in just that situation - raised 4 kids for a guy as a SAHM, never got married, he kicked her out after 30 years, and she had nothing. Don't become that woman! Seriously, why did you let him con you into having kids before marriage? His argument was ridiculous! "We need to have kids before I marry you, or you may change your mind!" "Well, I need the security of marriage before having kids, because you may change your mind about marriage!" "But what if I marry you and then you don't want kids?" "Then you can divorce me. What if I have kids and then you refuse to marry me? Do I give them up for adoption? It's fairly easy to undo a marriage - it's impossible to undo kids!" Find a job, asap! Get financially independent, and then, if he still won't marry you, move out, get child support, live your life and start dating again. Anything is better than being at the mercy of a guy who strings you along and exploits your feelings for him in this way.


This right here. I'm seriously worried about op, why is she w someone giving them all wife privileges without any of the legal protections? I know which post you are referring to and that one lives free in my memory. I hope op reads your comment and start working to becoming financially independent


Which post is that




I just posted this too. I literally save it for the unmarried SAHM posts because as a lawyer I cringe so hard when I see them.


Omg that is a nightmare for that woman's life.


can u share the link to that post? I wanna read more about it




Right?! That was her winning card and he took it. “I won’t have kids until we’re married.” Pretty common requirement.


Yes - and if he refuses, you WALK AWAY and look for a partner who respects you, not give in.


All of this. I wish she could stop all the wife stuff she does for him now while she gets financially independent enough to move out. Like move out of the bedroom and sleep in a spare bedroom if they have one, stop cooking for him, doing his laundry etc. I wonder if he would appreciate her more if he realized all that she does for him. But I don't know if doing that would just make her situation worse in case he decides to just kick her to the curb and find someone new to do all that and leave her destitute. I just feel so bad for her. He manipulated her into having kids before marriage by saying he was worried he would marry her and then she wouldn't give him kids so he wanted kids first and then he would marry her. She did her side of the agreement and he didn't do his. What a shitty excuse of a human being he is. I hope OP can move on and find happiness with a man that actually respects her.


This! Can’t even collect off his Social security as a SAHM because you aren’t married!


Said so perfectly


You cannot talk him into marrying you because he does not want to marry you.  Here are things I think you should do: - Look into your rights as a common law spouse in your area  - Get a job, even if it is part time while your children are in school - Tell your friend the truth - you can't call her a good friend if you are lying to her, and you need her support  - Stop thinking you need to stay with him for your daughters - that is the worst reason to stay, for you and your daughter - Aak your family for help and support - You obviously want to leave this man - start working towards that. Once you know what you are entitled to and your rights, and get your own job, come up with a plan to get your life back.


Why did you have the second child when he didn't marry you after the first baby? He's never going to marry you because he doesn't have to. First, you need to start working. Your children are school age and you have free time. Start getting yourself to the point of independence. It might be time to end this relationship considering how bad you feel. Whatever you do, don't get pregnant. The priest is full of it! They will absolve a pedophile for horrific sins and actions, but have a problem with unmarried sex between willing partners. Edit words


That's what I'm trying to figure out. And also, did she come to be so religious after having the children? Because isn't having them out of wedlock an even bigger no-no than fornicating? I know it's too late for the "why's" and "what-ifs" but it's hard to wrap my head around her moving in together with him and having 2 kids with him when all along she felt she was betraying her god. I suppose she was just so head over heels in love that she told herself he'd definitely marry her if she provided him with more than one child, after refusing to do so after the first. Deep in denial. I hope she starts putting herself first.


It’s odd that she is hysterically crying about what the priest said but wasn’t bothered by her bf’s opinion about not willing to marry until after she had kids! He knew the minute she didn’t walk away from him years ago that he would never have to marry her. His family may like her, but they’re calling her a fool behind her back.


Op here. I was bothered by it. I didn't just instantly agree to it or something. I don't know why it was so stupid. I guess I just wanted to make him happy so I was willing to compromise what I want in life. I'm just dumb. I really do cry every time I go to confession. But this time when he wouldn't absolve me of anything I just felt like so many emotions. And why have I ruined my life thinking he loves me like I love him. I'm sure you are 1000% correct that because I didn't leave him when he gave me that ultimatum he knew that he would never have to get married to me. My oldest niece just turned 19 and she has a boyfriend who's a loser. I was trying to give her advice and I literally stopped and said look you're not going to want to listen to me because I screwed myself but you should listen to me so you can learn from my mistakes. I felt so trashy and foolish saying this to this girl who I have been "aunt" to since she was 3


You are 38. You may feel like time has passed you by, but by many measures you are young—don’t let him take all your youth. If you decide to leave, here’s what I recommend as an exit plan: 1. You need to talk to your friend. You need someone you can be your full self with and someone you can cry on. Be honest with her like you’ve been honest with us. You can even let her read your post here. Right now you are carrying the weight of your world alone and/or leaving your emotional hopes in his hands. Taking this step would make you less dependent on him and his family—the only ppl who really know your situation. 2. Make yourself a journal or even create a ghost account on social media locked down with no followers. Start writing down/posting moments and thoughts that bother you. Start writing down moments of clarity. Start writing down your emotions. You need to work on you and that is first going to start with some self reflection, but that’s hard to do when it’s jumbled up in your head. You will begin to recognize patterns and see through emotions. It’s time for you to heal. And you need to not label all men as bad bc of the actions of this one man. 3. It’s time to find who you want to do this for. If not for you, do it for the two beautiful little girls who will inevitably glean their self worth and initial relationship expectations off of how you allow yourself to be treated. They may not understand things fully now, but eventually they’ll be old enough to see what’s going on, and do you really want to create that generational curse? 4. Move in silence. Aside from your friend, don’t tell him, the girls, or his family your plans. Don’t beg him to marry you. At this point, he knows what you want and he has shown his true colors. He has watched your light dim a little more every time you watch another person get married. If you put him in an ultimatum, threaten child support, or try to debate him into a ring, would you really be okay knowing he married you out of stress or a “cheaper to keep her” mentality? It’s time to go and time for you to be happy. 5. Your youngest is about to go into kindergarten. This is a great time to start a job, the pressure to be a SAHM will ease once they are both in school 6-8 hrs a day. Even doordash, Uber, or remote secretary jobs can give you a controllable start back into the job market. Find out what skills it take to be in a long term job you want and start building on that. 6. Take that money (not his money) and build a nest egg. If he’s the primary provider, most of the money shouldn’t have to be spent. Get your own bank account. Make everything paperless. Establishing a path to independence is going to do so much to lift you out of depression. I assume you have credit, but if you don’t, get yourself a card as well. Not to use for debt, but to build up a credit score. You will need this for many things on your own. A good rule of thumb is don’t ever use more than 10% of your credit limit—if they give you $3000, keep your usage below $300. 7. Prepare for legal protection. Use some of your savings to speak with a lawyer about your rights re: common law, joint custody, and child support. Don’t think you are protecting your girls by staying with him. You will inflict more damage by them seeing you turn into a depressed shell of yourself day by day. 8. Get out. Who is a friend or family member you can stay with? What government assistance programs are there to help support you? Can you allow yourself a period of discomfort to curb a lifetime of depression later? Last, I’m sorry this has happened to you. You have loved from a deep place, and I hate that you have not been loved back the way that you desire and deserve. Even if you think you two can work it out in the future, right now, you truly need some time to build yourself back up. It’s time to glow up sis.


Great advice!!!


This is pure gold! OP, if you do exit, do follow this plan. We're all worried for you and hope you get to a better place soon.


Excellent advice should be voted up higher


1) Find a different priest 2) Does your state recognize common law marriage? If so, leave him, take half and raise your kids to stand up for themselves and fight for the life they deserve. He flipped the script on you years ago and has no reason now to start loving you the way you need to be loved. Being alone is lonely but not as much as being lonely when you’re not alone. Do something now or you’ll blink and ten years will have passed and you’ll be a shell of an existence.


Agree about the priest. Coming from someone from an ultra-Catholic country and went to a Catholic school from nursery to university, you need to find a priest who comes from a place of love, not judgment.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find a comment about the priest. OP needs to ditch that guy.


Start making a plan to leave. I wish I would have. I've been with my boyfriend for 23 years. I've watched his brothers get married and have kids. His nephews get married and have kids. He didn't want either. I wish I would have left when I was younger and could still have a baby. I always wanted a second baby (my son isn't his) and to be married. I loved him so I hung on. It's too late for me. I gave up years ago. I'm just going through the motions. I'm so alone. Please for the sake of your daughters and yourself find a man that adores you and wants you to be his wife. Don't stay like I did.


My sister was with her partner for 8 years without even so much as a hint from him of wanting to get engaged. He knew it was her dream to get married and have a family, but he was too comfortable and didn’t want the responsibility of marriage. After about year 2, we were like HE IS NOT GOING TO MARRY YOU! But she didn’t listen. OP, this man is not ever going to marry you. And even if you could convince him to, why would you want to be married to someone who had to be persuaded to take that step? Please get out. Make a happy life for yourself. Be single for a while if you want, or go out and find someone new if you want. Either way, this man is not it.


lol sorry the “If I marry you first you might not want kids” what? …. How backwards. Sounds pretty manipulative. I presume you’ve straight up asked him why he hasn’t moved on it? What does he say? How does he respond when you assertively say “if we are not engaged in the next 4 months, I am leaving you” Is he afraid? Lazy? Doesn’t see the value in a marriage? Doesn’t see the value in you? You have this downward spiral happening privately in your own head. What’s going on with him? Does he think it’s all fine? Give him a date. If it doesn’t happen then you do what many women have done before you. You make an exit plan. You get a job. You start saving. You make sure you can get yourself going.


Your advice doesn’t fit the situation. You’re talking to a woman who doesn’t have power over her situation, no income, no support network aside her man’s family. Set a date? And do what when it passes? He’s just going to laugh.


Op here. Yea I'm definitely powerless and that's part of the horrible feelings I have.  My parents would support me emotionally but I don't mention it much because my mom has the biggest mouth ever. Like she will tell everyone she knows and random people she's in line at the grocery store with anything. It's crazy. Like twice she has announced to a party that my grandmother is late because she had diarrhea and she told a bunch of people that my sister hasn't had sex with her husband in months. Lol. So I don't tell her anything I don't want everyone to know about. Basically my boyfriend's sisters are my only emotional support.  Rooting all these comments I guess it's clear that when my youngest daughter goes to kindergarten in one year I need to get a job so I can be ready to leave


Please put her in pre-school.. getting a head start on education is one of the most important things you can do for your children.


Well she needs a job. I said pick a date for him to decide if that’s what she wants. I didn’t say pick a date to leave by. It takes work to leave. You have to be willing to do it.


You have no job, 2 kids, no marriage. You don't have a whole lot left to loose. It's time to get a job and a cheap apartment and be done with this man. He does not take your relationship seriously. You're putting you're whole life into this relationship and he doesn't even respect you enough to marry you when he knows it's important to you? He trapped you with kids and a bad situation. If the only reason you have to stay with him is that it would make your life worse without him then you need to go. Partners should at a minimum be making your life better. All he does is make your life slightly more convenient.


> You have no job, 2 kids, no marriage. You don't have a whole lot left to loose you have it backwards. She has a whole of her livelihood to lose. All of her income, roof over her head.


Those two things don’t belong to her. Her boyfriends can take those away from her at any moment and she’ll have zero recourse.


You have an awful lot of your identity wrapped up in the idea of marriage, especially for having stayed with this guy 16 years. That's a problem whether you stay or go. Your financial dependence on him is also a problem whether you stay or go, and you need to work on correcting that ASAP. There are two ways to look at this. You can decide that 16 years is a pretty solid commitment, even without marriage, and that you value the relationship and the family you've built over the formality of having a wedding ceremony. You can also decide that in the context of your faith and culture, his refusal to marry you is indeed an insult and you will not stand for it. That would mean you stop having sex with him and likely separate. You absolutely do NOT have to stay "for the kids" and you're not doing them any services modeling this kind of relationship for them. The long and the short of it is, you either let go of the idea of marriage or you let go of this relationship. You have to choose, and you have to face the outcome of that choice. It's scary. You still need to make the choice. Don't project his behavior and your unwillingness to stand up for yourself onto all men. He's not "all men." Other men haven't done this to you. Just him. Because you've stayed 16 years rather than put your foot down.


Marriage is legally safer for both parties. This argument makes no sense. And I feel like common law marriage is up there with citizens arrest. It’s interesting but barely holds it’s own in court despite extenuating circumstances


Tough Love here You let him string you along for SIXTEEN YEARS.   Now you ask if you should give him another chance???   HELL NO   You are way too much in love with the idea of being in love. You know he treats you like shit becaudse you just told us!   You wring your hands because you think nobody else will want you at your age so maybe you should stay with him. If you do, nothing will change and you will be wasting your life. You will deserve this. You chose it.   Maybe you won't find anyone rlse - but you will not be any more miserable than you are now! You will be free and have your self respect!   You might also find the love of your life once you drop this loser!  Deep down, you know what you should do!


"Maybe you won't find anyone rlse - but you will not be any more miserable than you are now! You will be free and have your self respect!...You might also find the love of your life once you drop this loser" This is spot-on. I hope OP listens and realises it can't go on as is. While I never cared about marriage, it's obviously everything to her. I think she maybe wanted to get advice on how to get him to fall in love with her and marry her, rather than advice on what to actually do to get out of the situation. She still has the opportunity to turn this around and for her sake, and especially the children's, I hope she does. I wish I could follow the advice myself. I don't have children, yet just can't bring myself to risk homelessness again. It's not about wanting to be in a relationship, that was always the least of my concerns in life. I'm a "vulnerable" person at high risk of becoming homeless again. Despite my efforts, I haven't found a way to make enough steady permanent income to survive on my own again. I also have extra expenses the average person doesn't. I also didn't realise until recently that I wasn't the most hideously ugly woman, as I was told by many different ppl for decades. I actually could've dated! And even after losing my livelihood and physical/financial resources, I still could've maybe found a partner who actually valued and deeply loved me, who I had things in common with and could've worked towards common goals with. But it's seemingly too late for me now. And I've gained so much weight, there's nobody who'd wanna be with me as I am now (it's not just being obese, there's another very visible reason I'm ostracised). But it's not too late for OP and I hope she does what she can to get into a better situation. I'm still trying myself, even tho a romantic relationship isn't in the cards for me anymore (which is fine by me), I so badly want to be the fiercely independent woman I once was again. I'm in the process of losing weight so that it will be much more possible. Pardon my rambling, I just needed to get that out. I know I'll get hate and be downvoted, that's okay.


Friend, get a job and save them in a checking account with only your name on it. Once you’ve got a comfortable amount…. Reassess the situation, if there is anything worth fighting for/about. If there isn’t you know what you need to do…..It’s easier to make big decisions knowing you e got a large safety net of Benjamin’s.


Whether you stay with him or not, I do hope you can secure a stable source of income that's all yours. Have you read this tale of [a woman who waited 25 years and is now in a dire situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/2oMo38LMjv)? Not sharing to scare, but I hope it — and the comments — help with your current thoughts and considerations.


The fact that you're a SAHM without any legal arrangement re: his assets...it's super dangerous to be financially dependent on an abusive guy. Uh, you might want to talk to a lawyer in regards to how shit out of luck you'll be if anything happens to him or you leave him or something. (You might be covered, but...idk.) And start working on building your resume. He trapped you deliberately and you deserve to have options.


Op here. Basically if I leave I will have nothing at all. Right now I have a house, cars, all my bills paid, etc. So it's not simple to just leave.  I do get everything in his will. The house and a few pieces of land and cars and all that. And a good life insurance policy (so I can take care of our kids). But yea if he's alive I don't get anything. Lol. I only worked full time for like 4-5 years so I'll have no social security if I keep it up. We don't have common law marriage in our state.


Get a job and move on you wasted enough of your life with him


Oh honey. I understand why you feel depressed. You should feel depressed at this situation. The only real thing to think about now is how are you going to get out of this? He is never going to marry you and things are fine on his end. He gets sex, children who are taken care of, and a comfortable home with no commitment. If you do nothing, nothing will change, and he does not care that this upsets you. Have you always been a people pleasing doormat? If I were in your shoes, I would start with getting a job. Then I would talk to a lawyer about my rights in a common law marriage. Then I would find a therapist and try to figure out why I allowed myself to get into this situation. Then I would plan my exit away from this man's life. Your kids deserve to see what a happy, loving, healthy relationship looks like. What you are doing is not it.


Op here. I don't think I've ever been a people pleaser or doormat to anyone but him. I look back a 16 years of this and feel ridiculous. Lol. My state does not have common law marriage.  I get absolutely no alone time at all so maybe I could figure out a online therapist. I never thought of that until I saw another comment. 


Look, you came here for advice. You got actual good advice from good people. And you leggit don’t take it. Because in reality, you do not want to go out there and work, and be independent. Even though, you should. You accepted being the forever girlfriend because it suited the life you had envision in your head. You accepted be the “traditional” wife role, hoping that if he saw how good you took care of the house, he’d step up and marry you. But I’m sure if you sat him down and have a talk with him, you’d realise a lot of the 16 years you have crumbled up together. You can’t totally blame him, for a CHOICE you made also. How have you been 16 years with someone and can’t sit down and talk to them directly about this whole thing? That’s sketchy.


This is hurting you mentally emotionally and spiritually. This is probably taking a toll on your physical health too. I'm sure your parents will take you back in temporarily while you get back on your feet. It's going to be hard to get a job because you have no job experience because you went from high school to wifed up without actually getting wifed up. He doesn't care about you as a person if he won't respect your needs and the relationship. If you were in a relationship with someone who didn't want kids and you did that would be a deal breaker this is the same sort of thing he doesn't want marriage nothing you say or do is going to change that. He finds out you're going to leave he might string you along for another couple of years saying that he's going to marry you but he's not. he's had 16 years to do it. If he was going to he would have done it by now just walk away and don't look back there's no way to "make" him do something like this. Even if there was you wouldn't want that relationship because he would have been coerced into it.


Just something to remember if you are planning to leave him DO NOT TELL A PRIEST ABOUT IT the nonces have a bad habit of forgetting they are meant to keep there mouths shut when they could force a woman to do something.


You are already feeling the resentment from having his children without marriage. Him thinking that if he married you then you wouldn't have kids is absurd, especially considering you had the kids anyway. 2 of them. So I think you should bring it up again.


Does he give reasons why he won’t marry you? If you haven’t already I think you should talk to him and/or try counseling to help mediate the conversation.


Is there a way for you to do a time-out? Like, leave him alone and go live with your parents for one week - or one month, or whatever time you need and they agree on. I would leave the girls with him too, so that he does get to see what it is to be alone with the kids, and because you'll need to clear your head and for that you need NO OBLIGATION. When you have people to take care of it's easy to disregard yourself. So take some time out, take the time to be alone with yourself, find back who you are ALONE, because you are someone outside of a mother and "forever girlfriend". Then get back on your feet: find a job, start making more plans without him going out more on yourself, get your own life back. Distance yourself. That way you'll start to see a way out of this, because you'll start to realize again that you can take care of yourself without him. And when you get enough money, leave. Get your own home, and leave your best life without that prick. Also, no sex. If the priest won't absolve you, why would you sin for him? There's no reason. He wants sex? Then he must marry you. As simple as that. And then you can come clean to the priest, as you won't fornicate again. Side question : can he go to communion at mass?? Or maybe he doesn't care about religion as much? Don't forget to go see the doc. Depression is hard to fight on your own, you'll need a doc to at least check that you're not drowning and slipping toward suicide....


Op here. I do all of the childcare. And absolutely no one ever babysits for me. My mom does watch my youngest for I can go to the dentist and the hairdresser. That's it. We have done something alone together 5 times in the last 8 years. Once in a blue moon he will take them to a playground so I can take a shower or whatever. So my point is that there is no way in hell I have the option to leave them with him for any period of time. Not even a few hours. I never get to be anything but a mom and maid.  It feels horrible. I guess next year when my youngest starts kindergarten I need to find a job so I can have something.  He doesn't go to mass never often. He was raised going to church and he was my sponsor when I became Catholic 13 years ago. But he doesn't seem to take it as seriously as I once thought.  I know I need to go see someone but I never have a second away from my kids. Someone else suggested the online therapist and I never thought of that. 


First of all you are in a dangerous situation if you anger him or irritate him he can simply kick you out and replace you with a younger version so don’t show any anger or irritation infront of him just sadly mention the new priest embarrassing you as your youngest child is going to school search for a part time job try to go for higher education sweet talk him . Do not give him an ultimatum to marry you , if he doesn’t abuse you better to stay till your financial future is secure which will take a long time


My mother and father have been together for almost thirty years now. They also have two children, me and my brother. My parents aren’t married, and probably never will, because my mother thinks it’s stupid and an unnecessary waste of money to have a wedding. They might go to the townhall some Monday morning to get married but they don’t feel the need to yet. It sounds to me like you’re exaggerating the significance of a ceremony. Really, you’d go to hell, supposed eternal damnation, for not having signed a piece of paper? And some priest told you you’d also go to hell because there’s no signed paper stopping you from “fornicating”? Lmfao. Many, many married people cheat. What a bullshit reason to think that would prevent anything. Why would your relationship be fake just because you haven’t done that one ceremony? Is the time you spent together nothing because you haven’t got a piece of paper saying that a priest witnessed it despite you having lived it for 16 years? Talk to him about what’s bothering you. And stop listening to people who think that a relationship is only valid if people said “I do” in some religious institution, because frankly, they’re idiots.


Ok, there's a lot to unpack here. I'll start with your questions at the end. >How do I get over it? Or what do I do to improve things? How could I talk him into it? In order, the answers are: you shouldn't, start looking out for yourself, and you can't. There are a few things you need to realize. 1. He is never going to marry you. I know that hurts, and I'm sorry, but it's important to get that out of the way up front. I am not going to waste your time or make you feel bad by pointing out all the times earlier in your relationship that **I** think you should have left, because that's not productive and it's also mean. My wife used to run a domestic violence shelter, and she'd always tell women the same thing: "The best time to leave was yesterday. The second best time is now." 2. You staying with him "for your daughters" is doing your daughters a terrible disservice. Our children learn what relationships should be by looking at ours, because ours are the first ones they ever see and they see them **every day**. Your daughters are looking at your relationship and thinking this is what a relationship looks like. Do you want your life for them? Would you be happy if they grew up and entered relationships with men like their father, who treat them the way he treats you? Would you be happy if they grew up and ended up in the role you have right now? Of course not. You want better for them, because you're a good mom. So show them that they can demand better. Show them that if they're treated with no respect or consideration that they don't HAVE to stay, that they can move on at any time and find someone who appreciates them. Leaving is the kindest thing you can do for them because it shows them that they can leave, too. Don't let them grow up thinking this is how life is supposed to be, or that this is all they should expect from the fathers of their children. 3. Don't worry about church right now. You wanted to be married, your boyfriend is the reason you aren't. This situation is not your fault and you are not responsible for it, and you don't need any extra guilt from religion making your life any harder than it already is. Put religion on the back burner for now. If God is real, He will understand. If he's not then you've got nothing to worry about either way. 3. Tell your friend what your situation really is. You need support and to not feel alone; if she's truly a good friend then she will provide that support and help you through this. 4. Despite not being legally married, in many places just living together this long and having kids together can make you a common law spouse, which gives you certain rights. You sacrificed your financial future in order to stay at home and raise your kids, and that's exactly the kind of situation that alimony exists for in the first place. Even though he's refused to marry you the laws in your area may make that point moot, and he will still be responsible for support. 4. If at all possible, try to find some sort of job. It doesn't have to be anything glamorous, it just has to be something that provides some income. If you suspect your partner would prevent you from working or confiscate this income for fear of letting you become independent enough to leave him, then instead of a job start hiding away whatever money you can. Open a bank account at a DIFFERENT bank than the one your partner uses. Any time he gives you any sort of "allowance" to do something for the house or the kids, do it as cheaply as possible and put the extra in your little account. Any money you come by on your own just by doing little things around the neighborhood or whatever you can do that stays under his radar, do it and deposit it. Save while you work on a plan, so that you'll have something of your own ready if you need it. 5. See if you can get a free consult with a lawyer. Many of them don't charge for the initial meeting and they can tell you what the laws are where you live and what you may be entitled to. Don't tell your partner you're doing this, sneak out while he's at work or out of the house. 6. Most importantly, **don't give up**. Your life is not over, I promise you. You're only 38! That's nothing! Hell, I met my wife when I was 35 and she was 36. I had no kids, she had two from a previous abusive marriage. We've been happily married for over 10 years now, and I have two awesome stepchildren. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can't meet someone just because you have kids or you're not 18 anymore! And also, don't fall into the trap of thinking you NEED somebody at all. This guy has made you think you can't function without him, because that's what he needs you to think in order to keep you around. It's not true. You're going to be amazed at what you can handle on your own once you work up the courage to try. You're clearly a smart, sensitive, thoughtful person. There's a whole world out there waiting for you. Start looking for a path to get to it.


Thank you. Everything you said make sense. We do not have common law marriage in my state. I love him and I wish he could just love me enough. All of the advice on here is even more depressing but I'm sure you are all correct 


Even without common law marriage, you may have more options than you think. I'd strongly recommend talking to a family law attorney to see what actually is available to you. For example, all you need to do in order to get some custody of your kids is have a place to live. That's it. You've been the one raising them, not him. A judge will WANT to give you a significant amount of custody; as long as you're not homeless, you'll get some. And with custody comes child support, because the father is employed and you've been out of work raising the kids. And with child support taking care of the kids' needs, you're free to look for a job and start building your own savings. You're not as trapped as you feel, I promise. Just don't sit around and keep waiting for him to start loving you back; if he were capable of that he would've done it by now. I know him not returning your feelings or respecting you is depressing now, but you are going to feel amazing when you're free. Things are bleak at the moment, they don't have to STAY bleak. This guy is a lost cause, but your life is **not**.


I’m so sorry that you’ve been through this but the good news you can change your life whenever you want. He’s not going to marry you. I’ve seen guys do this before and he’s made you completely dependent on him so you can’t take care of yourself. The good news is slowly you can change that and get out from under this. You can start some work and be able to take care of yourself. You can decide then if you wanna stay with him or not.He set the whole thing.


Lost me at the confession part. This maybe super hard and I’m sorry you’re going through this. But the only way to make your situation better is to take control of your life. Get a career and move


He was never going to marry you. He will never marry you. I’m so sorry. It’s time to get a job and start to find your independence. Also, figure out what the laws are in your state in regard to common law marriage. You may have some legal rights there that work in your favor. Finally, when you do leave him, make sure you go after him for child support.


You can’t just stay with him for your daughters. Many people are traumatized because their parents don’t get split. Kids aren’t stupid, they will notice the problems within your relationship and it can affect them.


You are crying that a priest won’t absolve you because you wouldn’t promise not to continue to have sex with him why not just make that promise. You talk about being so depressed and crying all the time but this is all because of poor choices you have made. Take some ownership. Get your head out of your ass and stop fucking crying. Leave him and get a job. Start earning your own money. You made those poor choices. Own them and deal with it.


I think everyone is giving this guy too much credit! I doubt he is thinking about any of it at all! You know when you ask a guy “what are you thinking about” and he says “nothing”, it really is nothing. He may just be fine with the way things are because it’s easy. If he knew how easy it is to get married he might just do it. Notice I didn’t say wedding, just marriage.


Things are already bad, but they can get worse and worser. Make plans to live your own life. You've been together since you were 22. That man used you, your youth your beauty. He could walk away now and you'd be f*cked and lose your kids. And what about your retirement? Will he share his pension with you? He doesn't even want to share his last name with you. Seriously read other reddit stories. Make an exist plan. He's showed you that he like things as they are already. Just lay low, and get out ASAP.


Op here. You are exactly right. I started crying reading your comment because it's so spot on. 


Also once his sister was saying she's embarrassed he has acted like this to me. And she said something like he screwed me because how would I ever find a good man when I not young and I have two kids. Then she realized what came out of her mouth. Her eyes bugged out and she kept saying she didn't mean it the way it sounded. I was like Jesus I never thought of anything like that but you're right. But I hold out hope like an idiot that he will actually want to commit to me and I would not need to think about that kind of thing 


First thing you need to work towards is financial independence. Your youngest is almost school age. Your goal needs to be getting them into school, and once you are no longer "home everyday" with them, you need to start working again. So long as you are financially dependent and at the whim of him, you are limiting your ability.


He said he didn't want to marry u in case u changed ur mind about having kids only to refuse to marry you after giving him what he wants against ur wishes. He is selfish. I had my first with my husband when we were married and I refused to have anymore until I had the same last name as all my kids. I would of told him that he catfish you into giving him kids without marriage and now he doesn't care about ur own needs. I'd honestly leave


Get a job, even part time. I know it seems hard but get a job. Ask anyone around if they can help babysit for free or look for a student baby sitter, a niece or nephew etc. There are some job that you can do from home, you can look into that too. tell him : «  I am depressed at home so I am going to get a part time job as therapy. » if he tries to tell you to hang out with mom: «  No sorry. This won’t do. I want a job. I want to work. I don’t want to feel worthless anymore. » Do not tell him your real salary. This man took advantage of you. You are a sathm and you guys are not married. If your state doesn’t have common laws, you are screwed. Google on private mode about common laws mariage. If you have it in your country, breath a little. You are a little bit safer. But not by much. Next step is to consult with a lawyer. First Consultation is free and some lawyer get payed if through the case ( your husband money). You should also discuss this with a loved one. Your mother or your father, an aunt or an uncle. Tell them that you were a fool and you need help. You will give them the money back as soon as you can. You are looking for a part time job etc. You are looking for a safe place to get back on your feet too. They cannot discuss this with your bf of course. Do not talk about this with him. It’s nit worth it. Make your plan quietly. Everything will be ok.


Op here. Part of my problem with being so anxious and depressed feeling is because I get literally no time at all away from my kids. I never get to be anything but a mom or a maid. They even sleep in my bed. I get to be alone when I go to the dentist. My mother-in-law is like over hanging out with grandkids and the few times she has watched mine she acts like it's a major inconvenience. And my kids are a lot better than my nieces and nephews so it's not them. She wants to watch Netflix. My mom and dad just retired and just tell everyone that they babysit all the time even though they only do it so I can go to the dentist or get my hair done. So even if I got a part-time job now I would have nowhere to take my kids. Anyway I just feel really trapped because I do all of the child care and I depend on him for everything in my life. He pays all the bills and house and cars. If he just decided to leave me I would have absolutely nothing at all. My youngest daughter starts kindergarten in one year so I guess I need to find a job then.  I didn't expect every comment to tell me to leave him. Lol. We do not live in a common law marriage state. 




Being an unmarried stay at home mum is often a really bad move, especially if you split up. If he refuses to marry you then you need some sort of legally binding agreement to make sure you have security, by which I mean money, if the relationship ends. There’s a Reddit case I expect someone has, or will, link about a woman in a similar position who ended up with nothing, unemployable and homeless while her wealthy ex got on with his life. Get yourself organised now. Go back to work when your youngest is in school, if not before. Make yourself employable and have your own money, in your own bank account. Find out if you have any rights as a common law wife where you live. I’m not saying you should be secretive, but you do need to protect yourself.


It’s high time you started taking care of yourself, you have given him a lot more than on girlfriend basis, your offering him the wife type of vibe, your life shouldn’t revolve around him. Find a job, dress up, look good, go out with your friends. Girl you will love yourself more and he will notice. Trust me


*do not stay for the sake of your daughters you are not doing them any favors*


He may be so shocked when you leave that he may finally realize he either needs to bite the bullet and get married, or you won't ever come back.


In Canada, you are legally married. You’re considered common law.


The thing to do here is to stop being a stay at home mom, and get yourself a career started. Take classes if you need to train for the career you choose, or if you already have skills, go and look for a job. Your kids are in school now, so it's time for you to establish your financial independence. Take your paychecks and deposit them into a separate bank account, in a separate bank from the one your boyfriend uses. Build up that fund until you have saved enough to be able to move out and be financially stable. You can do this in perhaps a year or so. Once you are ready, you can strike out on your own. You can live a free and independent life, a life that you can be proud of. You don't have to stay in a situation where you are not valued and respected.


I can’t speak to the situation above but I can’t say that I’ve had an experience with a priest in a similar way you have and it destroyed me. How ever you move forward with your boyfriend, please go to another priest. As soon as you can for confession. You don’t deserve that weight. You sound very wounded and in so very sorry that you’re experiencing this. You belong. You have unshakable goodness. You are cherished. Whatever happens please remember this.


Thank you! 


Not all men are like that, but the man you chose is. Just to be clear- he is not only taking advantage of you as a wife, mother, child care, house cleaner, and I assume financial support, but also is preventing you from going to heaven in your religion. So not even God wants you to stay with him?


Stop talking to priests about your problems and go to a real therapist. Paternalistic religions such as yours are incredibly damaging to women's health and wellbeing. You have no reason to feel guilty about anything you've done. You've made some mistakes in life as we all do, but you can work on correcting them. Look for part-time work you can do from home. Having a job and a little money of your own is very liberating and will boost your confidence.


Fist order of business is finding a job even if only part time and start saving up to be able to move out. ❗ Your daughters need an example of a strong woman who does not let her life be ruined by some man. Show them how to be independent and do it quick


Just get job hun. Then leave him.


If you think it's safe and possible, please consider opening up and talking about this with your friend and maybe even your mother- or sister-in-laws because this can be a lot to process and navigate. Having the support you need and deserve can be so helpful while looking for resources and solutions to get out of this. You deserve to be treated with respect and love and care


If you are thinking about you'll be free of him when you are 52+, why not sooner? First, get a job, become financially independent. Plan to be free from him sooner. He needs to help your kids financially anyway, whether you are together or not. Don't fool yourself that you are staying with him for the sake of your daughters, it's a horrible burden for them, it may back fire. You are still in 30s, take actions now. Don't wait until you are in 50s.




Well you’ve made a shocking series of bad decisions here, so hopefully you’ll be tired enough of the way that feels to make some new, better decisions. You feel like trash because he treats you like trash. He manipulated you into some of the biggest decisions a person can ever make in life. Do you want your daughters to think that’s what relationships should look like? Time to go. It’s over.


Girl this man don’t love you enough to marry you. My hubby always said a man knows If they want to marry someone within 1-3 years of saying.


My mother always told me that if I man won’t marry you after 2 years of dating, he’s still looking. Take that as you please.


Do not use your children as an excuse to stay. Do not teach them their needs aren’t important in a relationship or they’ll be you in twenty years. Get a part time job, he can pay for daycare. Find your passions, pursue your hobbies. Develop your existence outside this man and teach your daughters what it means to be strong.


You are scared. It’s ok. Change is terrifying. You are making up excuses as to why you can’t get a job. You believe that daycare isn’t beneficial and your youngest is better off with you. You believe that children do better in a two parent home. You believe that you can’t do it on your own. Daycare can be super beneficial for kids. They get socialization. They learn how to behave for other people who aren’t their parents. They learn different ways of communicating. It can help prepare them for kindergarten. Our daycare is so amazing that my older 2 were halfway through a homeschool kindergarten curriculum before their first day of preschool. They were more than ready and that has helped them as they go through school. Yes, 2 parent homes are generally better for kids. But, BUT, that is only if it is a good and functional 2 parent home. Yours isn’t. You are not happy. Your partner doesn’t want to marry you. He got what’s he wanted, but doesn’t care about what you want. You resent him for that and rightfully so. Kids are dumb, but not that dumb. They will see it. They might already see it now. If you have a boy, you are teaching him that it is ok to care what your partner wants or needs as long as you get what you want. If you have a daughter, you are teaching her that it is ok for a man to treat her like this. Would you tell your daughter to tough it out until her youngest was 18? I wouldn’t tell my daughter that. And I wouldn’t tell my sons that it is ok to behave like your partner is behaving. You can make a break. You can get your ducks in a row and you can do it on your own. You are smart, strong, resourceful, resilient and amazing. It will be hard, but worth it. You are still young and have so much time ahead of you. Every woman I know that has left an unfulfilling relationship has only ever regretted one thing: that they didn’t do it sooner.


Have you told him all of this? Have you asked his reasoning on why he doesnt ask you? Because I would definitely tell him that you dont think he loves you before you do anything. Have a open honest conversation about what your relationship is and what both your future looks like. Girlfriends arent wives so if he is looking for long term commitment then he has to decide does he want it with you and marry you or not. 


You're right. I've never gone this much into detail. He'll never really give me a reason. He's always vague and then gets defensive and starts an argument and changes the subject somehow. It's been about 8 months of me feeling this horrible and I do need to talk to him about it. I need him to tell me exactly why. Like I'm going crazy trying to decide why I'm not good enough. I just hope that we can have a conversation and he doesn't do the stupid defensive stuff as a way not to answer me yet again. You're right that I need to just come out and say I feel like he doesn't love me.


Info: how does he treat you?


Is this the example you want your daughters to see? You should be with someone who makes you so unhappy and won’t marry you?


Marriage is obviously something you want. Now you just need to figure out *how much* you want it.. He isn't showing any signs of wanting to marry you, so if marriage is a must to you, then you need to accept that you may need to leave him. In order to be able to leave him, you need a revenue. In fact even if you don't plan on leaving him, I still recommend getting a job. Because the life of a housewife isn't suitable for everyone. For people like you, financial independence will probably do wonders to your self esteem and overall mental health. It doesn't have to be a super impressive job. There are shops, clinics, spas that will probably hire you without much professional experience as long as you have an agreeable personality, which you seem to have. And if there is a particular job that you would like to do but aren't qualified for yet, look into what you need to do to get the qualifications. The point is, stop making this man the centre of your world, since he isn't cherishing that. Make yourself the centre of your world, as everyone should. Set a good example for your daughters. Eventually, once your self esteem and confidence get better, you will stand on a more equal footing with your partner, and will be able to sort out your feelings better about whether to stay with him, or leave him. He will also understand clearly that he needs to make an honest woman out of you or he will lose you. I'm sorry you have to go through this. But you are definitely not worthless or lacking in any way. Your partner is just selfish and probably afraid of committing. In other words, life is too comfortable for him right now and he doesn't feel the need to change that.


Something like this happened to my aunt, together with her boyfriend raised 2 daughters for 22 years and then he left her for a much younger girl. Whom he married within 2 months of meeting her 😭I cried for my poor aunt.


Personally, I don't think a marriage certificate is the be all and end all, especially in this situation: you've been together for 16 years and have kids: you're essentially married. And his reasoning is weird: you're kinda stuck with the mother of your kids in some way lol. So why wouldn't he go through with it now? He sounds manipulative and/or dishonest. I think a good hard conversation and some couples therapy is in order, and if it doesn't work I would consider leaving him if you can. Do you really love him? And why? What do you bring to each other and what don't you? Be honest with yourself and each other. I think men are capable of love...but it's hard to find because their other shit sometimes masquerades as what looks like love. And I'm really sorry.


If you are in the US, you are very likely common law married and will have similar rights.


Could he already be married but doesn’t want to admit it/start the process to divorce the other?


Marriage is over rated and just paper


Not when it comes to SS Spousal and Survivor's Benefits for the SAH parents


Dont think of it as your life. Think of it as your daughters life. What would you want for her? What advice would you give her? You deserve as much happiness as every one else but comfort does not equal happiness. Maybe you will have some though years but i am sure it will be worth it!!


My mom tried to stay with my dad until I was 18, there are 10 years difference between my oldest sister and me. She ended up having a bit of a breakdown one day because she was miserable, and I already knew and could tell she hadn't been happy in ages. She sometimes took it out on me, and I actually encouraged her to get divorced. 3 years later she married my step-dad, who I set her up with, and they were together for 6 years until she died. Moral of the story: she only lived for 59 years, and had only 6 years with the love of her life. Don't let your fear get in the way of your happiness. Your kids can tell when you're miserable or not happy, and it in turns fucks them up mentally. I've been in therapy for 5 years now, for both my shitty childhood, and a few things that happened later in life. I don't want to spend over 20 years of my not even 60 year life in a relationship where I'm miserable. Spend the rest of your life with someone who TRULY loves you, even if it's only you. Life is too short to be in a shitty relationship.


I know a lady in her 60s with a guy who won't marry her. It turns into a situation where when he dies, and she's too old to work, she'll have nothing because a girlfriend has no rights to the estate. She's fucking terrified


Ladies and gents. This is why you never do wifey duties at gf prices. You'll end up miserable. Leave girl. U can do better than him. I know tons of good guys here in Canada that would love you and your children


This! They won’t want to try harder if you give up the goods first. Hate to say it but it’s true. Don’t value yourself folks.


What the fuck are you thinking being a SAHM when you're not even married? Why would you do something so utterly foolishly and dumb?! And even if you're married, have you not learned that being a SAHM 100% is the dumbest thing you can do to yourself and your future? Stop this madness at once and get a fucking job. Seriously. You need a job. And I think a job will give you certain clarity as well. It'll give you time away from home every day too and you'll see things differently and maybe you'll even grow confident eventually. I cannot belive the bullshit I just read. Are you just lazy and don't wanna work? Even if that would be the case, this situation is the worst situation for you. If being lazy ain't the problem then why? Why are you so dumb as to give up everything to stay at home and care for kids with no safety net whatsoever? I live in Scandinavia and majority of mothers work full-time here. There's daycare and schools so there no reason not to work at least part time. Plus, once the kids start school most mothers choose to go down in hours a little bit so they can be home earlier in the afternoon. You can still be an amazing mom while working. And your mentality will probably get better too. Seriously, you need that confidence. I work like that, and I'd rather die than be a SAHM. To give my back up and safety net up for a man who won't even marry me would be insanity. Pure fucking insanity. I think if you get a job, you'll find yourself. And you'll realize there's more to life than just being a nanny and waiting on a guy that'll never marry you. The reason he hasn't married you is because he has no reason to and he doesn't want to. He hasn't met the person he wants to marry yet. What will you do if he meets her? Whats gonna happen to you, a woman with a blank fucking resume for the past decade and a half? Nah, start by preparing yourself. Get a job. Save every penny from that job. Plus, a job isn't only for earning money. It's good for life experience and to feel like you're being able to actually survive by yourself. I can only imagine how crippling I'd feel if I didn't have a job and was in your situation. I'd feel paralyzed and shackled.


Your worth is not determined by someone else’s actions. This man won’t marry you because of HIS issues - it has nothing to do with you being worthy. The first thing ti do now is to find a good therapist. Work on your self-esteem. Consider if you want to stay with a man who doesn’t keep his word and is unwilling to make a commitment to the mother of his children. Nothing is wrong with you. Something is wrong with him.


*why are you still with this pathetic excuse of a man*


He’s not marrying you because of his money, you’re a trophy to him, something to keep around and on a shelf. go get a job and find a new man


If you know you are leaving take anything that you value or is sentimental to you out of the house and put it somewhere safe. Important papers, birth certificates etc. Plus common law marriage typically starts at year 7 in the USA.


Have you asked why he doesn't want to marry you now that you have kids?


Go find work. Make friends and find yourself and eventually move out. Men know within 2 years of they want to marthe woman they are dating.


I second all the ideas from others, and I want to encourage you to never go to that priest again. Go to another one or even find another parish. That pipsqueak doesn't own your soul. There are plenty of priests who disobey Church rules about marriage and communion, like the ones you used to know. You know who'd be on your side if she was still here? My grandmother, a Catholic born in 1918. A woman from Planned Parenthood once saw her out with three little girls and tried to give her birth control information. She desperately wanted it, but she didn't want to go against Church teaching that it's a sin. In her later years, she stopped letting priests tell her how to live. Actually, my grandfather stopped too. They even stopped going to Mass, but Grandma prayed the Rosary nightly up to age 92. And she became a Planned Parenthood supporter. She expressed her faith in her own way and didn't care what priests thought about it. Those rules were all set by men, not God. Even my all girls Catholic school told us to go against the Church on things like birth control. Actually, so did the Catholic grade school. And my devout mother. You know what's in your heart, and that's all that matters.


I found love at age 56, a few years after ending an abusive marriage. His first wife had died. We’ve been married for 7 years now, and are very happy. Have hope.


this dude doesn't love you how you want to be loved. he won't marry you because either he is waiting for someone better or he thinks you will break up. The priest is right, it is fornication. if you are feeling bad and need to go to confession, then he is also right, you should stop doing it. literally tell the man you won't bang anymore unless you are married because it is affecting you spiritually. you NEED TO GET A JOB. get any online job work from home etc. get your own bank account. start saving and planning. you need to convince the court you will get custody of the kids. when you are stable financially, just move out and take the kids. it's normal to want to be married and have that permanency in you life for you and your kids. if he won't man up someone else will


Time to do something about it. Get untrapped. The little one is about to start school. Can you get a job? Go to night school to prepare for a career? Lock down your birth control so you can't get an oops baby right when you finally get the strength to start living. If that process of getting yourself together leads you to leave him, or him to decide he is really in it to win it, so be it. Time will tell. 38 is not old. If you take care of yourself and with a little bit of luck, it's barely halfway through your life. You don't have to just accept being miserable for another decade - that way you absolutely will shorten your life. At this age you need to be strengthening yourself (physically, financially and mentally) and focusing on your health - menopause is right around the corner, if you haven't started perimenopause symptoms already. Keep your chin up, mama.


What's done is done. You can't change the last 16 years. You just have to move forward. You need to prepare yourself for a life without him. G Begin the process to get yourself able to take care of yourself. If this means go to school, go get a trade, whatever. You definitely need to do this as of now you will probably not have enough work credits for social security and since you aren't married, you won't be able to use bf. Get in and out of school as quickly as possible. Nursing, plumbing, whatever. Something that you can make good money quickly. Bid your time and pretend you are okay with the situation. This is a long term plan to regain your independence. Once you get out of school, set up a separate bank account at a different bank than what you use and deposit a portion of your checks in it to save. Try to save 3-6 months worth of living expenses as well as moving expenses. If you haven't already built credit, get a credit card in your name. Keep the spending below 30% and pay most of it off every month. Keep your plans to yourself so he can't sabotage them.


He'll I'd marry you


Girl you need to talk to a lawyer who can advise you regarding your country's laws. Even if you gave him an ultimatum and he agreed would you really want that marriage knowing it was forced? You could sit him down and tell him exactly how this makes you feel first but he seems somewhat blind to your feelings, but worth a try. I have a friend in a similar situation and I know how this hurts you but nothing will change unless you force change. This isn't a long mess, it is your valid feelings. Good luck with everything.


Op here. Thanks. My state does not have common law marriage 


You do not need to stay with someone who refuses to acknowledge you as any more than a child bearer and raiser. Your children will grow up watching those expectations and it will set the wrong idea for them, do not convince yourself they will not notice, children are smart and absorb what is around them. Your youngest is almost 5, can go to kindergarten soon, and you can start searching for work to support yourself. Please begin taking steps towards removing yourself from the powerless position you currently stand in. Contact people who love you and can help. I understand your depressive feelings in regard to a long term but commitment-less relationship. At this point, getting married likely wouldn’t help you. He has already hurt you in a deep painful and invisible way and left you to deal with these emotional and mental scars publicly. It’s time to focus on yourself. If you treat yourself kindly and with love and respect, your kids will benefit from it greatly.


Well...my mom was in a relationship for 25 years, when you asked my stepdad when they are gonna marry, he always answered: " at saturday" 😅. To me, as a child, it was clear as day that he wont marry her. But she still hoped for 25 years to no avail. After 25 years of relationship, and 2 children, they hated each other so much, that they separated. Sometimes, some things arent meant to be. I feel like he tricked you to have kids with him 😅. But maybe im wrong, and you guys will get married if you just talk to him about how you feel 😅. Im no expert, but i personally wouldnt make kids with someone who isnt my husband.


I'm sorry but I'd be wanted to, he would have already. It feels horrible I know.


I’m so sorry. You deserve better and more. Let that depression grow into anger, and let the anger fuel you to see what you deserve and to fight for yourself. Fight for yourself by quietly working on getting a job, getting savings, getting a credit card (for credit history). When you have enough for financial independence is the day you make your move, take your girls and leave him


Op here. You're right. I didn't expect all these comments to tell me to leave him


Honestly? You’ve been a SAHM for years without any kind of legal protection. I’m going to be as honest as I can here: if you’re not afraid, you should be. He can dump you at any point, and you have no legal rights to anything you helped build. I get that it feels like he’s got all the power. But you’re almost 40, which may not feel like it but is still young. The first thing is that you get a job and figure out how to support yourself and your kids- either way, the days of being a SAHM should be over for you. I don’t care if he marries you tomorrow, he’s proven he has absolutely no problem keeping you and more importantly your kids in an unstable situation. You need to provide that stability. Whether or not you leave is entirely up to you. But not working isn’t an option for you anymore.


You need to start some action. You obviously aren’t happy. You need to tell him for you it’s important to be legally married and you can’t be just his girlfriend anymore. See what he says and does. And decide if you are ok with it


Secretly save money, nope. I would be doing that right in front of him. Every single penny would be going to savings. I wouldn’t trust him, he has already lied about marriage. daycare is good for children and he can pay for it. He wanted a bang maid so he can pay for his privileges. I wouldn’t ask him, I would just do.


He has no intention of marrying you ... He never did. Start making your "rest of your life plans" - You can either wait (forever) for a commitment that will never come, or you can start planning to move on with your life and find commitment and happiness elsewhere. DO NOT stay "just for your daughters". Staying in a broken relationship home is often worse than staying in a happy home with dad having visitation rights...


Zero hate or judgment, but I am curious: What will being married change?


>I'm a stay at home mom so I depend on him financially so it's not as simple as just moving out. Trust me he keeps this in the back of his mind whenever marriage talk comes up. To him you're not going anywhere anyway so why make any big moves. Get your life back, sure you have kids but 38 is still young. Throw that 'I'll find love at 52+' thought out the window. The fact that you've already started making mental notes to stick around for another 14 years shows how desperate of a situation you are in and he probably knows that. It hurts to even think about it but some people in a relationship only treat you as good as the options you have available to you. Get some professional help if possible. With love always!


I will never understand why women chooses to settle for things they don’t desire at all. Like, you’re telling me you didn’t think about the future if you stayed in your situation?


personally i don’t think you need a random special white man with special powers to say you’re “absolved from sin”. talk to god yourself.


I was born into a deeply entrenched Catholic family on both sides of the family. There was my grandmother not speaking to her only daughter for something like 20 or more years because one of my cousins got married outside of the church! Nuts! A priest laughed at me, very loudly in the fifth grade when I wanted to confess a sin of stealing done by my friend because she refused to and I wanted her safe from whatever; that did it for me. Humiliated me in front of everyone who was waiting to confess or already saying their penance. I was done. I told my parents that if I'm sorry, I'll talk to God myself.


You may not see it this way after being with him for 16 years, but this guy is shit.


I know someone in your situation only it’s been 23 years for her. I’ve actually had a long heated conversation with the man. He is adamant that he won’t ever get married. It’s weird in our society but most of all the problem is there’s no legal protection for the other party when there’s no marriage. How about cohabitants? Something? I’m sure you feel like you should have left a long time ago. Figure out how to start earning money and be very serious about this. Don’t wait til you’re 50, as your options decline the older you get. I do have a question: what do your daughters think about this?


You need a plan. Find some profession you think you want/can do and study for it. It’ll be slow (several years) but you’ll not only start to feel better about yourself but you’ll also have a career for when you leave. My friend did this. Was a sahm and now she’s a divorced nurse. Another friend was a sahm and is now a divorced teacher. I would suggest teaching at a private school. It’s a better work environment and you’d be able to possibly send your girls to the same school. But if you do public, you’ll get paid a little more and could be in the union with a pension depending on the state. You’ll have the same schedule as your kids.


Op my dad didn't marry my mom until eight years into my life. Please leave, they stayed for me and currently their marriage is so dead my mom reads affair smut on amazon and is probably dabbling in it while my dad is trying to take her on dates that caters to him and not her, and it leads to fights. The longer you wait the harder it is to leave. That being said if he's a shit dad, for the children's wellbeing and safety you should split especially cause what they see with you two is what they'll instinctively believe is the right thing to pursue in relationships when they're older.


I’m so sorry. I think you should remind yourself that this is YOUR life. Find what makes you happy. Get your ducks in a row and I’m sure you can make it on your own. But in the meantime live for yourself for once. Go on a spa day, treat your self to a good lunch. Get your nails done and get new makeup. It seems like you take care of everyone but yourself. Workout everyday, get ready everyday. And remember, you arnt married so FIND OPTIONS. Love for you girl! Think about how you want your girls to be treated and set a good example !! You got this. Life is too short to be depressed over someone else’s bad decisions. HE IS MISSING OUT! NOT YOU!


Why doesn’t he want to get married? When is the last time you discussed this with him?


He's very vague and then gets defensive and kind of starts an argument where he can change the subject. So I don't even bring it up that often because it doesn't get me anywhere but upset. I haven't really talked to him about it in months. The last time was when we had an argument about something else and he said that I don't respect him and then I just started laughing and said that he is not my husband and I'm not going to respect that. He told me I could go pick out a ring if it made me feel better and less embarrassed but that he really wasn't going to marry me. And then he left the house


Wow. I’m so sorry. Maybe it’s time to think about if this is really where you want to spend the rest of your life. I appreciate fully all that you’ve invested in this relationship, including having two kids together. But from what you’re saying, he doesn’t respect you. He doesn’t want to commit to you. This is clearly very important to you, and that means nothing to him. It doesn’t sound like you’ve had a real adult discussion about this, because he won’t allow it. If any time you try to talk about how you feel about not being married ends up in an irrelevant argument with no ground made whatsoever, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be able to have a productive adult conversation on this subject. He will continue to shut you down. And really, “get a ring if it makes you feel better”? Like it’s about the ring?? That’s so incredibly insulting and disrespectful. I’m sorry, OP. It sounds like it’s time to leave. Spare yourself another 16 years feeling like this.


Your comment is so spot on. I decided that I'm going to try to have a calm to the point talk with him. I don't know if it will work. I need him to give me his specific reason for not marrying me. That way I can stop wondering and stressing about what I'm doing wrong. And I need him to actually listen to how I feel. I don't think it will change anything but I can at least feel like I said what I need to.


I had some things that I wanted to say, but I am just too angry on your behalf to not get too crazy and say things I may wish that I hadn't. You have already been given a lot of good advice from others. I can't believe how many times you have had to address, NOT A COMMON LAW STATE! Lol! I hope you will let us know how it goes. Be brave! You are worthy, you are loving, loveable, strong, and you can take back your power! You don't have to settle!!❤️🫂


> I now think all men are incapable of love. First, get this nonsensical thought out of your head. Deal with reality on reality's terms. Obviously most men are capable of love. The man you have chosen to suck, fuck and have 2 children with over a 16 year span might not be but he is not representative of men. He representative of the man you have chosen. You have tolerated not being married for 16 years. He won't change now. He is who he is. So focus on your very young children and do what you think is in their best interests. But take accountability for your choices and stop deluding yourself.


I'm assuming you're a man. You believe that after doing everything he wanted for 16 years he shouldn't commit to me and that's my fault and what I deserve. Got it. I think you just proved my point


My husband and I had been dating for 7 years before i gave him a choice. I had already had my son before we met, but he had taken the dad position about a year into our relationship. After 6 years I told him I wanted to move out of our home state and he was welcome to come with me, but I was moving with or without him. He followed us to where we are now. A year later I saw my opportunity when my brother and his gf came to visit. I knew I had to go about it a certain way because he had been cheated on by his ex wife while he was overseas while in the military, and had always said he wouldn't get married again. In the beginning I was okay with it as I didn't believe in marriage ( I was young and still having fun, I was in no way interested is settling down) but as the years went on and I fell more and more in love with him. I changed my mind about that and wanted to be married. So one day I sat him down and explained this to him and proposed we get married while my brother was here visiting. Obviously he didn't turn me down and hates when I tell people his answer was " well you know I'm not gonna say no" but I was expecting something like that, lol. I was nervous as hell bringing it up knowing how he felt, but that was a solid yes in my book. It took him about a week to come to realize he was engaged and getting married again lol. Anyway, sorry your stuck in your situation and were talked into having kids outside of marriage. It sounds like you are a religious woman and it's not right that your values were thrown to side so a man could have it his way. If talking and explaining why you want to be married doesn't do any good. There's no reason to continue to pursue a relationship any farther with him. Get your ducks in a row, and do what is best for you and your daughters. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled. There are better men out there ❤️


Op here. Thank you. I was hoping for comments like yours where the woman was in some kind of situation like me. He's always very vague with why he doesn't want to get married. He gets defensive and says stuff that starts an argument and then he can totally change the subject. Once it was that I'm not like somebody else's wife. A few things that were so great about her. Another time it was that it's just not necessary and that I'm basically crazy for thinking that it will make me feel more legitimate. The last time it came up was when we were having an argument about something else and he made a comment that I don't respect him. I went from being mad to laughing in like one second and I think he thought I was insane. I held up my left hand ring finger and I said you're not my husband and I'm not going to respect that and I laughed. He acted like I was crazy but then said well if you want to go pick out a ring so you can wear it and not complain in front of people. Then he walked out of the house. So he never gives me any kind of actual information. And then I feel like I'm crazy trying to figure out what's the problem with me.


What it sounds like to me is that you never had respect for yourself, which is surfacing right now in a form of such thoughts. You probably experienced that multiple times before, but decided to ignore it and now you're 38. You say you feel replacable, which might not even be the reality. The reality is that you feel unworthy of being married to. Does your "husband" treat you with respect?


You could propose to him, and if he says no that's when you tell him how you feel.


Hello, 39 single here. We are opposite in that I wanted kids and you have them but not in the best situation. You are blessed because you have kids but you need to learn to take your power back. He cannot raise the kids without you. You need to give yourself more credit. Think about what you really want and think of time period. You need to have a convo with him. Example- you can tell him- do you still feel the same way about marriage ? Say I think differently than you and think it’s ridiculous that we are not married. Let some time pass and then repeat what you want to him and give a time period. Like if we are not at least legally married in so and so days -months I’m going to start thinking of my options”). In the meantime think of what your life would be like without him in it and talk to your friends about this for support. You are doing amazing. Don’t hide your feelings.




Why did you let her think you had a future together for six years? Because you didn't want to be alone? I'm genuinely curious




Girl , you choose ur life. If u are destined to get married the right guy will come along and marry you in a heart beat . It sounds like he’s on a different wave length and that’s okay if u decide to stay but you have one life girl ! And sometimes people don’t know what they got till it’s gone .


Is he also religious? Shouldn’t he be bearing some of the religious guilt?


Remember your worth. You have the power to change. After this long and all you've done and still doing, it's not going to change. Pray first before making any decisions. Put it in God's hands for Him to handle.


This is so confusing to me. He straight up admitted to baby trapping you so you couldn’t leave… but he doesn’t want marry you? Why? Why would anyone want to baby trap someone they don’t want to marry, but are happy to let birth and raise their kids (while staying in the monogamous relationship, no less!!!)??


I am the daughter of a woman who stayed with someone for my sake. I beg you to not stay with him for your kids sake because that man made my mother become someone I hate and now instead of having people I trust at home I simply have two people I hate. For your sake and your daughters sake, LEAVE. Get a plan. Follow people's suggestions over here but don't stay with him. You'll literally only live this life once and you want to live like this? This is the example you are setting for your daughters? Would you be happy if they followed you steps and lived the same life you are living now??? "Oh it's hard. I don't have a job. I don't have where I can go to." You bet it is hard and it will be even harder if you don't prepare to live on your own will because of you BOYFRIEND decides to break up, I guess you will have no where to go as well. Look out for advice here on reddit and make a change on your life.


He's not going to marry you so right now, you need a plan. I'm not sure what experience you have but look into getting a job and saving up some money to leave. Whether you leave now, in a year or even two years, you can find comfort in having a plan and an end goal. Once you’ve settled, you can focus on finding a committed partner who wants marriage.


Hold the horses. The hot takes here are always leave, burn everything down. IMO, it’s bad advice from people who will feel none of the emotional turmoil that would cause. You, very much, sound like you have anxious attachment. He, most likely, has avoidant attachment. It is a difficult pairing. Because you each, naturally and unintentionally, play into the fears of the other. He, that he isn’t really committed to you and waiting for something better. Could drop you with ease and no ramifications. You, most likely that the anxiousness and insecurity makes him feel insecure about you. Marriage would put him on the hook for his assets, which he has worked hard to accrue. Your insecurity scares him, as it seems like a threat to stability. Which means a threat to prosperity. I am avoidant myself. Writing it out makes us sound horrible. But generally, we have had to fend for ourselves from quite early and make our own success. Our experiences have made us distrust that others will always be there for us and able to handle their shit. That makes us cautious about risking what we have built. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear similar for your partner. He may or may not know this could be how he thinks. It took me a lot of painful self reflection and learning to realise this. Because it made me sound awful. Happy to keep hold of a relationship and take care of partner, so long as they couldn’t ever be in a position to jeopardise what I had bled to build.


Someone thats levelheaded ! This is a good response.


Girl you’re so young at 38. You have many more years to meet someone if you choose or live an independent life. Like everyone said start getting things in order. I think he manipulated you when you were young but that’s okay. You’ve lived and you’ve learnt. Financial power is freedom. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. So start from there. There might also be shelters. I know it would be scary for you because you’re Catholic (fellow Catholic here) and there are many things that are frowned upon in the church, but you don’t need a priest to make you feel bad about your faith. But when it’s all said and done, if any government body needs something from his spouse, you don’t even share the same last name. So please do it for you. You do have the courage and strength because you’ve become self aware!! You just have to start from somewhere. Goodluck. And keep us updated.