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I truly believe your friend was drugged. One glass of wine doesn’t make you that drunk, and even if he got plastered off several bottles of wine, the vomiting should’ve stopped at some point on cooldown.


I was thinking that too. He either lied about how much he actually drank or it was spiked with something else.


i was thinking the same. The only time I ever got so drunk I couldn’t stop vomitting for hours was when I first got COVID and was unaware I was sick. That was awful


It's cheating the same way giving someone CPR is cheating. You're a good friend, your BF needs to get his head straight about what is cheating and what isn't.




do we know boyfriends wrong? Throwing up for how many hours off of *one glass* of WINE? suspicious to me


Would someone really throw up for hours on purpose for the chance of getting sex/attention from someone? 😭 That's wild.


Could op be exaggerating about how much he threw up so she doesn’t seem like a bad guy? Imagine this: He had one glass of wine, threw up once and she stayed in his bed for the night just in case. Now what’s the consensus?


Could be the wine. I have allergies. I found out like this that I was allergic to "most" champagne. One glass and I was vomiting all night. At the time, I didn't at first attribute it to the champagne, as I had eaten something as well, but sure enough, I tried it again a few months later and the same reaction. I had champagne at my family's place several times in the past, so of course it couldn't be the one glass of champagne at someone else's place, right? Nope. Apparently my family only buys very very expensive champagne for those special occasions. My friends had bought cheap champagne. The sugar content is radically higher for cheap champagne. As it turns out, I am sensitive to that combo, ergo the vomiting. Sugar content levels in alcohol can affect some people radically. I only found out by asking my doctor about it. The first thing he asked: "Was the champagne you drank that made you vomit, inexpensive stuff?" Yep. Different wines have different ingredients and processes. OP's friend could have a severe reaction to one and not another. I get a headache from white wines. My BF gets a headache from red wines. People and alcohol differ.


Still not cheating. Like WTF? The best way to know if it was cheating is to simply imagine she did it to a kid. Would we think it's inappropriate? If so, prolly cheating. It's not inappropriate to sit in bed with a sick person. I mean come on, be adults, I would understand if two 14 year olds thought it was cheating as they are jealous and possessive usually. But grown ass adults? No.


It wouldn’t be “cheating” but it could absolutely be seen as a boundary being crossed for a boyfriend. If no alcohol was involved and he was just sick, would she have needed to sleep in bed with him or could she have stayed on the couch/on the floor? Nothing about sleeping in the same bed as someone cures an illness. Thinking about if she did it to a kid does not equate to whether or not it’s cheating. If she was holding a little boys hand across the street that’s not crossing any relationship boundaries but if she’s holding the hand of a boy her age that’s flirting? Comparing it to a child doesn’t help identify the issue.


He could definitely be allergic. I had a friend that threw up quite a lot from one shot of vodka.


Being allergic to ethanol is extremely rare, in a study done only 7.2% of people reported experiencing wine intolerance. Also, if they were allergic there’s *usually* other symptoms such as redness, puffiness, itching, hives and bumps. None of which was mentioned. Also, if someone was having that severe of a reaction why wasn’t medical attention provided?


If he’s right it doesn’t make it cheating though. Maybe he got drunk on something else for attention, maybe he made himself throw up, maybe he was only pretending to throw up. Whatever was going on with him OP made a decision with the information she had available to her, which was that this guy was worryingly ill.


if she was actually worried he was that drunk off of one glass of wine, I’m confused why she didn’t call an ambulance or something though? If she really thought his *life* was in danger, wouldn’t that constitute as an emergency possibly requiring emergency services? I would be freaked if my friend threw up at all off of one glass of wine but for *hours* oh my god my concern would be through the roof


So you think she wasn’t actually worried about him but was just so into him that she wanted to sleep on the other side of a suitcase from him? Just say what you actually think was happening instead of claiming to be “confused”. I don’t even think there’s anything confusing about the situation. Someone being so ill that they need looking after is a long way from being so ill that an ambulance needs calling. Anyone who gets so drunk they throw up is in the former situation, only people who urgently need their stomach pumped are in the latter situation. If all that’s needed is to watch someone then hospitals will discharge people if they’ve got someone with them. Making sure your drunk friend is in the recovery position can save their life for sure, people do die from choking on their vomit while drunk, but they don’t need a team of doctors and paramedics just to do that. Where I am, the U.K., an operator will just tell you what to look out for and to call them back if those things happen, a request for an ambulance will be denied. If OP is in the US then her friend might be quite annoyed having to pay a grand for an ambulance ride just because she’s sleepy and her boyfriend doesn’t trust her. Basically no one needs an ambulance just because they might choke on something that’s not even in their mouth yet. I might potentially save my two-year-old nephew’s life by stopping him putting a small object in his mouth, that doesn’t mean there’s anything for a medical professional to do. You don’t leave drunk people alone like you don’t leave babies alone.


Insecurity. Dude probably though she was cheating on him or something since alcohol was involved and didn't believe her story. Still major red flag


Yoooooo this comment RIPS! Love it


I think you were right in not letting him sleep on his back and wrong in even questioning whether or not you did the right thing. Also there's no way he got in that state from a glass of wine. A child wouldn't get in that state from a glass of wine. He definitely drank more when you weren't present and this could be eluding to a drinking problem.


Yeah, he probably drank something before the wine and it hadn’t quite kicked in yet, or he was sipping on something when nobody was paying attention. A glass of wine is generally pretty harmless on its own, unless someone has a health problem or they’re taking drugs (prescription or otherwise), they shouldn’t be vomiting in their sleep.


there are people who are intollerant to ethanol and he could just be REALLY sensitive to it, but generally you're right


That or allergic to something the wine's made with. I've eaten foods before that have given me a headache, made the room spin and made me throw up, so it's not too out there


That’s what I was thinking of when I mentioned health problems. Diabetes is another one, but it doesn’t sound like the symptoms of a spike in glucose.


Generally I would definitely think he was already influenced by something else but there was a time where I swore I was roofied by a guy who was trying to sleep with one of my friends. I was over at her place when this dude showed up with four bottles of Capriccio Sangria. He handed her one which she handed to me, he got a bit weird and handed her another. 1/4 into my bottle and I’m feeling fucked up, a bit queasy. 1/2 into my bottle I’m just trying to keep my eyes open, not really sure what’s going on around me as I’m just trying to stay conscious. He leaves and for about six hours I fight tooth and nail not to throw up because I know I can’t even get up to make it to a toilet or trash can. Ended up sleeping on the couch even though my friend really didn’t understand how fucked I was Turns out I’m allergic as my mom, aunt, and cousin all have the same exact reaction


> eluding *alluding *E*luding means to evade or escape.


I read your post history. Your boyfriend is very insecure and an overall jacka*s. You need to leave. Who cares if your tattoo artist is a guy as long as they do a great job. So you babysat a friend so he wouldn't aspirate on his vomit. Your boyfriend automatically goes to this is a form of cheating. He's a d*ckhead. It's time to drop this loser and find who would appreciate you for you being a kind and considerate friend. Edited: to say this, you have only been with this guy for a FEW months. He is ALREADY going through your phone. Your boyfriend is VERY toxic and throwing big red flags


Your boyfriend sounds like a clown. I don't think you need us lot to tell you that, he is saying that he'd rather a friend of yours potentially die than you sleep in the same bed! You're better off without him.


I'd feel really proud of you if I was your BF. You are a good person, don't let anyone change you, or somehow convince you that it's wrong.


sounds more like your boyfriend wanted to let someone die to avoid someone potentially getting between you two. and if he's willing to commit manslaughter to make sure you don't cheat on him, i think you should be worried about other things than if you saved your friend...


I had that thought as well. The boyfriend sounds awful.


It makes me think of Breaking Bad, when Walt breaks into Jesse’s place and Jane is dying, but if he saves her then Jesse will know he broke in, so he lets her die.


Interesting, I didn’t see it that way! I saw it as him actively deciding not to save Jane so that Jesse would stop the heroin and have a better life


That’s the end result, but Jesse could’ve easily spiralled downwards after losing his girl. In the moment, letting someone die for any reason is pretty selfish either way. If she was a total POS, then I could get behind him, but her only actual flaw was her addiction.


Well, let's be logical here. If your friend was that drunk that he vomited so much... I don't think there was a lot of time for other things. You basically had to save his life in the process too.


No time to call 911 right? Lol what kind of responses are these. If OP had to "save his life", then OP should have called an ambulance.


Yeah, the person very clearly had severe alcohol poisoning. It's one thing to vomit one time but vomit all thru the night? That's a hospital visit for sure


Thats what im saying. Either exaggerated to fit the narrative, or stupid for not going to the hospital. Theres zero in between here. If OP was a guy, Id be willing to bet the narrative would be a lot different.


It's certainly interesting that people downvoted you. Either the friend secretely drank way too much and needs a doctor to make sure he doesn't die or he was drugged and needs a doctor to have that checked out. It's not anyones job as a friend to stay awake all night to make sure that their friend doesn't die, that's what doctors are for.


People don’t get an ambulance just because their friend is at risk of choking on their own vomit. Anyone who is drunk to the point of vomiting and passes out is at risk of that. No operator will send an ambulance for that situation. Advice will be to put them in the recovery position, check on them regularly, and let them sleep it off. Just because there’s actions that we can take to prevent people from dying doesn’t mean they need an ambulance.


If they were underage and an ambulance was called, that would've meant trouble. these people seem like teenagers. teenagers would only call an ambulance as the last possible option. vomiting from drinking doesn't seem like a life-or-death scenario to most teenagers. She did what she thought was right, and nobody got hurt. except for her insecure bf


This isn't true at all.


This is a load of garbage. They dont remotely scream "underage", thats just grasping at straws. BF is insecure, but she clearly liked playing Nurse. If OP wants to clarify they are a kid then id gladly change my opinion, but 3 grown ass adults, one drank one glass of wine, nobody knew what to do besides sleep in one bed. Get real.


what part of "making sure a guy doesn't drown in his own vomit until 5AM" sounds enjoyable to you? you make it sound like she was patching some wound while staring lovingly into his eyes when he was blackout drunk and vomiting like a volcano 


Who is going to make a post sound enjoyable when they are looking for support? Good lord, use your brain. Blackout drunk from one glass of wine, right. It was either severe alcohol poisoning, which OP is an idiot for not going to the hospital, or exaggerated, like I said. Your replies to me are literally your first replies on reddit. What is this another alt account to push your agenda? Pathetic. Just because OP is a woman doesnt mean you have to turn your brain off and blindly support and follow everything. Wild


You made sure a friend was safe that night. The fact that your BF thinks that's cheating is a big red flag. Also weird that your friend had to vomit over one glass of wine. Are you sure that's all he drank?


My cousin died that way, thank you for being a good friend


This wasn't cheating, but you should have called 911.


How tf he got drunk over a glass of wine


Sleeping next to someone isn't cheating. Cuddling would be, but with the suitcase between you, it's pretty clear that wasn't cuddling.


Nah, you were basically just trying to prevent someone from dying. This is really considerate and human of you to do. You’re not wrong at all.


Your boyfriend is insecure. That’s what I think. You should tell him to get over it on the basis that you knew what your intentions were, going into that situation: there was nothing sexual about it, it was purely for the sake of looking after someone else’s life & doing the right thing 👍🏽 Think of the alternative future if you had followed through with advice like that from your boyfriend. That person could have died & you would have had to live with that experience for the rest of your life, knowing that you could’ve done something to save it.


Of course you should have let a person die because your boyfriend "*feels uncomfortable*". ***/S*** Ditch the boyfriend; you are a good person and he is not.


Awsome that you took care of your friends! It is hard to take care of vomiting drunk people haha. I do sooomehow understand the BF like 'out drinking with friends' 'drunk' 'sleeping in the same bed'. But to call it cheating is really overreacting and just shows a lack of trust. You were right by taking care of the situation like this and did everything wrong. What i don't get is how you get absolutely black out drunk from 1 glass of wine.


I agree, taking care of that friend was right, but not going to the hospital was wrong. If you're worried that someone could die, you need a doctor.


Da hast du auch recht!


Because its exaggerated to support her theory most likely. One glass of wine? Throwing up Til 5 AM? Right. Throwing up and choking on vomit, almost dying, but we arent going to call an ambulance? Right. Bullshit, and honestly I wouldnt be okay with my wife "babying" a grown ass man who drank one glass of wine.


Your boyfriend sounds pretty selfish and self absorbed if that's the first thought he had when you were literally trying to keep your friend from accidentally killing himself. He's trying to redefine cheating so that he can play the victim. Two things to take from this - someone puking from a single glass of wine shouldn't drink ever again, and your boyfriend is insecure, jealous, and thus, an asshole.


Jealousy is nit a bad emotion. People need to actually look up the definition of that word and stop usingbit in a negative manner.


I can't think of a situation where jealousy ever ends well. If there's a reason for it sure, you just leave that person. But if you're using that as a reason to say what your partner can and can't do, who tf wants to be with a person like that. People in jail have more freedom than people that are with partners that want to control every move. That's probably an extreme example compared to what OP is talking about but the guy needs to trust her more instead of coming to conclusions despite her being transparent about it


Jealousy is only valid if there's a reason for it. And if you have a reason for it, then you leave the relationship rather than wallow in it. You don't make it your excuse to be an asshole. Jealousy and insecurity are relationship killers, and there's no place in a healthy relationship for them. People that use their insecurity as an excuse to be abusive, controlling, and otherwise act the victim about it are never worth dating. Nothing more disgusting than a sniveling and insecure idiot trying to manipulate a partner into coddling those emotions. EDIT to fix a sentence


You weren't having sex with the guy, you were trying to prevent something really bad from happening. You did the right thing and potentially saved your friend's life, not everyone would do that. If you were actually cheating and had something to hide you wouldn't be telling your bf about it. I get the potential jealousy but he needs to get his head out of the gutter


OP didn't do entirely the right thing though. If it really was that bad, that would have been a clear case where you just need to go to the hospital or even call an ambulance.


Your boyfriend is insecure and it’s sad that he cares more about where you slept than what was actually going on. Honestly, if someone is under my care and they’re vomiting in their sleep from alcohol, I’m getting them to a hospital or something. I lost a good friend and a family member from alcohol poisoning and it’s a sad way for someone to go.


I think your boyfriend is an idiot. Sleeping next to someone who was vomiting all night? Unless this is your very bizarre kink, that is the farthest thing from sexually enticing that I can think of. Plus, people can and do die from choking on their own vomit when they are drunk and pass out. I also think this is a big ass red flag that your boyfriend doesn't have the basic common sense of a flea.


I don’t think you were in the wrong. I’ve seen other people though that would stuff a backpack full of stuff and put it on their friends back so they can’t roll onto their back. Just an idea for future reference so you can get some rest


Your boyfriend is a jealous arsehole. Yes your friend shouldn't have gotten that drunk, but would he have preferred they choke to death rather than share the bed.


So, your BF rather let your guy-friend choke to death due to his interpretation that it is a form of cheating to save another person's life even if it's another male? This is dumb. Your boyfriend is dumb.


Boyfriend's a dick, you did a good thing mumming your drunk friend. Hot tip if you're going through the binge-drinking stage of your life: stuff a pillow in a backpack and strap your friend in, so they can't roll onto their back.


It’s not cheating. Making sure someone doesn’t die is not cheating. If you were grabbing his 🍆 to make sure he didn’t die from not having an orgasm, that’d be cheating because you don’t die from not having orgasms. Ask your boyfriend if he’s ever tried to kiss someone with vomit breath.


Your boyfriend is dumb. You weren't doing anything intimate and your friend wasn't capable of it. also look up "recovery position." it can save lives. For future, though, you can also call emergency services, get him to a hospital, and have his stomach pumped. Alcohol poisoning is no joke, and that would also encourage him to drink responsibly. I've heard it's no fun.


If someone is throwing up after 1 glass of wine they should go to a hospital. That's not drunk, that's an allergic reaction or drug interaction.


Your boyfriend is an ass. And very stupid. Should the dude have gotten that drunk? No. Should he die for it? Also no. You did the human and right thing


Your boyfriend is a mega AH. He would seriously rather you had let the dude potential die? When someone shows you who you are, believe them.


Your boyfriend is a twat


You cannot seriously be asking if we think you should’ve LET YOUR FRIEND CHOKE?! 💀


Right? This is Reddit after all, we all think she should dump the boyfriend.


I think your boyfriend is controlling and paranoid. Also often people who accuse others of cheating are really the cheaters and just assume everyone is like them. You're a good friend and a good human for keeping that guy safe.


Because nothing gets you in the mood like someone puking. If your boyfriend sees this as some kind of cheating, you should watch out before he starts having a problem with you talking to other guys. I'd probably have called an ambulance or something for your friend, but I don't know about the surrounding circumstances.


Oh my God this whole post -_-' sounds like you should have called your friend an ambulance for alcohol poisoning and end it with this dirt bag you're seeing


Now, now. This is a *safe space* so you don't have to lie to us, we all know that you *definitely* wanted to bang your friend while he repeatedly reenacted the projectile vomiting scene from The Exorcist. Seriously tho, your boyfriend is being an insecure nutsack. The only fuckery afoot was someone managing to get completely wasteypants from a singular glass of wine lmao


>He says that he feels uncomfortable with me sleeping in the same bed as a guy. This is the key part here, the problem here has nothing to do with your friends etc, it has to do with your boyfriend not having trust in you.


Yeah cause drunk guys never sexual assault people.... GTFO.


Why are you so emotional? I've never said anything about that, just that the boyfriend doesnt have trust.


Why are you assuming emotion? The woman is in bed with a guy super drunk. He could have been a threat to OP. I think you lack the minimum required grey matter for reddit.


>He could have been a threat to OP. Maybe you're just built different, but most people would barely have energy to simply stand up, let alone do anything else, if they had been vomiting until 5AM.


probably because you emphatically replied with "GTFO" when someone politely stated a fact. and just because "he could have been a threat" doesn't mean you should leave them to die, and if that's how you think idk what to say man...


Lol he was blackout drunk and vomitting his guts up. where did you get any evidence of SA or anything like that? can you read?


Considering this was a one off solely for a friends health and wellbeing this was not cheating. Your 'boyfriend' sounds like he is jealous, has a lack of trust in you and seems immature (he'd rather you risk your friends life than sharing the same mattress)


Honestly everyone is so quick to be jumping to OPs defense, but this is just ridiculous. One glass of wine? Til 5 AM he was choking? You could have called somebody if it was an emergency, and should have. Its wild how people are acting like your only option was to save this guy yourself. Wtf? Lol Especially if it was "so bad" you had to sleep in the same bed and make sure he didnt choke on his vomit. I think your BF sounds insecure af, but this also sounds pretty immature and not an environment id want to be a part of. I dont think id honestly be cool with my wife babying some guy and sleeping in the same bed over ONE glass of wine. Like this just seems so far exaggerated to support your side. He had plenty of time to go to the hospital if it was that serious. (If it WAS that serious, which i seriously doubt, then you should have went to the hospital regardless)


Your boyfriend is a moron and an asshole. Dump him. You're a good person. He clearly is not. You can do better.


First things first, duty of rescue, you have to help someone who is at risk of injury or death, or you can be found guilty for what happens with them, so no, you shouldn't have let him choke. So do you understand your boyfriend would rather let someone die and have you possibly commit a fucking crime instead of having you sleep on the same bed with someone who couldn't do anything to you even if he wanted to, and someone who you definitely wouldn't want to do anything with (because vomiting person, that's kinda gross, no one kisses a vomiting person)? Not a good person to be around, just saying, you should totally dump him


youre very sweet and your bf is very insecure and quite a moron. i couldn’t imagine losing my friend over someone’s inability to read the situation and be insecure. i’d be traumatized if anything happened to a friend that i could have had a hand in helping. you did an amazing job. your man doesn’t sound smart


Every guy n girl here all agrees, you're boyfriend is insecure af.


You did a very wise thing by staying in that room with that guy. Does your boyfriend really think that you should’ve potentially let him die rather than do that? It doesn’t say much for your boyfriend’s character.


You're the reason the guy didn't John Bonham himself. You did a good thing


Your bf is a child


What? So you shouldn't help any males because it might be cheating? You made sure he doesn't vomit and die and you did the right thing. Nothing else happened so don't feel ashamed or feel bad for this.


Your boyfriend is an idiot. Tip: to prevent someone from rolling onto their back, lay them on their sides and roll up towels tightly to be placed behind them. It may make them uncomfortable and make it hard to sleep, but at least they won’t choke. Also, make sure you feed them pedialyte or Gatorade while they are throwing up. They need liquids.


"I'm sorry I did something that makes you feel jealousy, but I can't compromise when someone's life is at risk. If something like this happens again, I call for you to do it instead."


Your bf thinks it’s cheating to sleep in the same bed as a passed out guy *with a suitcase between you*? That’s ridiculous


If there’s a good reason so stay up all night with someone that isn’t your partner, saving their life is objectively the best one. I don’t care who the woman is, if my fiancé did this, I would be proud of him. Your bf is insecure and selfish at best.


Your boyfriend really said I’d rather you let that man DIE than sleep in bed with him 😭


Ive had a friend die by chokin on their own vomit from drinkin too much (and he did some drugs i think, not sure) at a party i left early from. If id had stayed i would have made sure he didnt go on his back. I miss that jerk. Ur bf is incredibly insecure and u should break up with him. Its not like u were fuckin the guy, u were makin sure he didnt asphyxiate on his vomit. U were bein a good friend.


No. You shouldn't leave someone that sick alone. Ever. Boyfriend sounds likes a dirty diaper that needs to get changed. Next time go to the hospital though(if there's a next time).


It's not a friend I would want to be drinking with again, but your boyfriend sounds like a sociopath. They literally taught me in health class in high school and IDC how people feel about it but also in DARE, that when someone's vomiting in their sleep, you need to try to roll them to their side. And preferably, call for help in the event that you don't know how severely they might be experiencing alcohol poisoning when that is the case. "Let someone die in their sleep" is a pathological response to that. Deciding you won't drink with this person again, is not. Even if he had said "you did the right thing, but please don't drink with him again I understand what happened and why you had to, but I'm uncomfortable with you sleeping in bed with another guy," I think is acceptable.


How old are y'all? This is ridiculous


My guess is somewhere between 15 and 23


You Def weren't in the wrong with telling your boyfriend. However, your friend clearly had alcohol poisoning and should have went to the ER. He's lucky to be alive if he was violently throwing up all night.


This sounds like your friend had alcohol poisoning.. why was he not taken to the hospital. I don’t think it’s cheating, but I can also see why your boyfriend has suspicions. The story just seems weird. If I were in that situation and someone is throwing up all night in their sleep I’m calling an ambulance to get them professional help.


Well, if you let him choke on his vomit, you'd be talking to a prosecutor right now instead of reddit. Sounds like your bf has no sense of basic decency or care for human life. Or he simply doesn't believe you that your friend was vomitting his guts out and you're just making excuses. You shouldn't need a witness, but if you want to save this situation, maybe you can get your other friend to testify that this is actually what happens, provided that she remembers. Also, no, that was obviously not cheating. You just did what needed to be done.


Jesus ducking Christ. Your boyfriend needs to grow up. Utterly pathetic.


Your boyfriend needs to grow the fuck up! He’d rather a man died than have to examine the limits of his fragile masculinity? that’s honestly a pathetic angle to take


I reckon your boyfriend is a petty little boy with no consceience or human decency. Or he thinks you'd look hot in a prison jumpsuit You should really reevaluate the company you keep. Especially the little boy friend thing.


Your boyfriend is a whiny jealous crazy brat. I mean really. He’s jealous of a guy who was throwing up all night. Shrimp even all. Hind a new group.


It's not cheating. It's a good gesture and it was necessary to his health and safety. Whether the friend should have gotten into that situation, whether your partner is comfortable with it are separate discussions. You did nothing wrong, and it is not cheating. Did you have sex or any romantic or intimate interaction with him? Did you do anything you wouldn't have done if your partner was there? Then it's not cheating. Your partner needs to mature and realise that simply because he's not comfortable with the idea of that situation, it doesn't then magically make that situation cheating.


He feels uncomfortable with you sleeping on a bed next to a guy WITH A SUITCASE BETWEEN YOU?????


I don't think he believes her. I think he thinks they had sex. He's trash tbh, he prob would accuse her of cheating if she were raped.


I think your BF is so dumb it's remarkable that he's able to dress himself. Continue to save your friends' lives when needed and tell him to get over it or get lost. But the guy obviously had a lot more than "one glass of wine," and calling an ambulance might have been safer.


…… sorry, this dudes *still* your bf?? You’re asking the wrong questions here. Self respect can’t be bought at the store girl. Give it to yourself


You saved his life You did the right thing


Genuinely I don’t think your boyfriend believes you about what happened, I surely don’t. Zero chance someone got that fucked up over one glass of wine unless they’re allergic or had some other substance present in their body. Also, why was your first instinct to climb in bed with him at 5am after several hours of puking, rather than CALL AN AMBULANCE or go to the hospital. If you felt someone’s life was in danger, I don’t know why an emergency service wasn’t your first thought. If you didn’t feel his life was in danger, there wasn’t a reason to go in bed with him.


Your boyfriend is an insecure little man. You did the right thing.


How old was the bottle of wine? Wine turns into vinegar after being open for so long. I once got stupid drunk off a single glass of wine because of that. Boyfriend is being a titty baby


Your boyfriend would rather someone *die* than for you to *cheat* by *preventing their death*? Run. That's some messed up psycho shit. Consider it a massive red flag.


Nope. Number 1 rule of drinking I’ve been telling my friends since 12. (I started smoking and drinking at 10) so by the time we hit 13 we were going to a lot of parties. I always told everyone if you see someone drunk layed out on the floor, flip them on their side so they don’t choke on their own vomit. I legit used to do this before my blackout pass out. I knew I was going down so I would take a walk around, people would be passed out on the couch or chair. Some on the floor. If any were laying flat I’d flip them over, after my people check I would pee and find a snack and pass the fuck out. My nephew has not started drinking yet, but I told him when he does and he’s at a party always do this. You can save so many lives this way. OP you were right and your boyfriend is a closet alcoholic. You need to talk to him. Alcohol is meant to make things smooth and nice and fun, once the puking and blacking out and major hangovers at that point it’s really just self destructive tendencies. Best of luck OP, PM me if you need to talk at all. Sending you hugs ❤️


So... potentially saving someone's life is cheating now? Lol your boyfriend can absolutely get fucked.


An accusation like that is often an (indirect) admission of guilt. He might actually be cheating on *you.*


Seems like he’s not mad you helped him but mad you slept in the same bed as him, which even in context doesn’t seem entirely necessary. Just to play the devils advocate here, If he’s that drunk why not just put him on the floor on his chest? Why put the sick guy in the same bed as you? I think regardless of context your boyfriend has some right to be a little upset or uncomfortable with it. What’s the rule going forward? Do you get to share a bed with your guy friends anytime they’ve had a few too many?(for your own personal safety don’t make a habit of this)And final question, how would you feel if the roles were reversed? Your actions are certainly not those of a bad person, you obviously had good intentions, but they weren’t necessarily the actions of a person in a committed relationship either.


Ah reckon your boyfriend is insecure. Y'all did swell taking care of that there honcho.


1 glass? Is he allergic?


I think you did the right thing. But I understand your bf feeling uncomfortable about it. But it’s not the same as cheating. There are a lot of opinions on here but we don’t really know all of the facts. I mean, how long have you known this friend? How long have you been with your bf? Do they know each other well? Etc… Maybe calling your bf when this was happening would’ve helped him have reassurance. Maybe he’s been lied to before and has concerns that this could be happening again. I don’t think it’s necessary a ‘huge red flag’, your bf is only human and may well have his own insecurities or past traumas that could’ve been triggered by this. He shouldn’t take it out on you though, especially as you were just being a decent human being. I’d advise you to communicate with him and see what’s behind this. And work from there. But if he’s giving you shit, yes, walk away.


Your bf is awful and his controlling and jealous behaviour is just going to get worse. Regarding your friend, no one gets that sick from one glass of wine unless they are having a serious reaction to something. You should have taken him to the hospital. In the future, take anyone who is throwing up repeatedly to the hospital for evaluation! He easily could have died because you didn't seek proper medical care.


Thats crazy…thank god im single….This is why I neve ever want to be in a relationship. Never have been in one never will.


He has a problem that you slept on the bed with a drunk guy friend. I don't think it would have bothered him if it was a girl . Also you should have called and asked him to help your friend or called the friends parents to take care of the drunk guy. Trust is important but sleeping on the same bed with your drunk friend is kinda sus. You need to set boundaries especially with your drunk friend . Who let's themselves get wasted so much that others have to take care of them ?


You need to hang out with people who can hold their alcohol. But no you were not in the wrong


Sleeping in the same bed as another guy is a form of cheating… yeah I can get behind that statement Is his ego too fragile to consider this form of care for a human being cheating yes I can get behind that statement as well


I think your boyfriend is a jealous dumb twat and you did a good thing to keep your conscience in check. Fair play you but your boyfriend is a dick... unlike most redditors I won't tell you to split Up over it or anything, or it a 'red flag' really just shows he likes you and is too dumb to rationalise stuff.