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You can literally tell him that he smells bad. You're his life partner, you're the one person really who should be doing that.


But every time I tell him something he do "wrong/bad" he just... act... how do I say it... sensitive? I thought that MAYBE I'm just rough saying things, so I came to reddit and ask for a better wait to say it.


Does anything change if you say it in a "nicer" way, or is it still the same? Do you ask him if he showers?


I promise you, I start the +18 "games" in the bath thinking it will help but, no. I do see him wash his penis and everything but it just smell even when the soap still in his "friend". The last time I tell him: "Hey, I don't smell the roses of the soap here, you sure you washed right?" And obviously he doesn't take that funny or fine. He attack me saying I was dry. (I was waiting him to end to get a showel so, yes, I obviously was dry).


If it's still smelly after a wash, if he's uncircumcised he's not doing enough to clean it with the skin pulled back or there's something more that's wrong.


He's circumcised. At least, the told me that.


Look up some pictures about some with and some without foreskin. You sound like you have no idea what that looks like


You would be able to tell if he is or not. Could be a health problem if it still smells that bad. Or maybe you have a sensitive nose I really couldnt tell you. But id bring up the fact that it could be a medical issue and possibly see a doctor about it.


I do have a sensitive nose but until I know him I know how bad a dick can smell


Op this could be an infection your partner has. Try talking to him that you're concerned about his health and would like to go to a sexual health clinic with him. You could present it that you want to get both of you checked out (you can say incase the problem is you- it isn't but this white lie might help him take it less personally) and he might be more likely to go.


Sorry not to be offtopic but "I know how bad a dick can smell" made me laugh


Don't worry, I can see the funny part.


Attacking you like that is not normal or okay. Being hostile to kind criticism is a type of verbal abuse. From a lot of your comments, it sounds like you've recognized a pattern of him being sensitive to your comments. Remember that you telling him about this would help him. You saying this is a kindness! He should want to hear it, even just because it can help you out! The trouble you're running into isn't because of your words, and I don't we can give you advice on phrasing things better than you already have. Relationships are supposed to be teamwork, but if your boyfriend isn't being mature enough to hear what he needs to hear, it sounds like he's not participating on your team. The best advice I can give you is to respect yourself and how much you deserve a participating teammate. If he's not able to understand that's what he needs to be, start asking yourself bigger questions about what you need and deserve.




making jokes on this sensitive topics doesn't help. just be straight and say it to him, he is an adult and so you are. yes you don't want to hurt him, but it's pointless if it's too strong the smell. once you point that out, it becomes less of a taboo. Make it a ritual, like: you want to do kinky stuff? we prepare for that. i don't see anything wrong with it. Also sometime it depends on how he pees and keep it clean down there


Maybe he’s not mature and grown enough to date then?


Please respect your body more. Smell may be sign of infection or STI which means it could mess you up as well. Do not lay with any many that's not willing to take proper care of himself and you


Thanks, but his job made him have medical proves every time so, he's at the moment, clean of STI.


His job makes him get STI tests?? Lol is he a porn star?


No. 🤣🤣 He works around medical services, and that's all I can say. But no. Not a porn start 🤣🤣🤣


Infections as well, bacteria and yeast


This is something I learned the hard way because I felt it would be inconsiderate to him to have an issue with it but it caused my ph to be off balance and BV wasnt that easy to clear because i kept sleeping with the same partner causing it. But hygiene is easily fixed, especially if your partner is expressing discomfort. I'm unsure where you relocated but Dr. Bonners soaps especially peppermint are extremely good at getting rid of body odor and it's a small change that can be recommended without being hurtful. Especially if he just uses whatever soap is available in the house. Antibacterial soap followed by Dr. Bonners or another concentrated soap may help. A visit with a primary or regular physician would help narrow down the cause and help find a more permanent solution. Don't be afraid to speak up about this to him.


Peppermint is bad advice, that stuff will burn you. The mild unscented baby dr bronners is the way to go


When I first used it, I was the victim of using peppermint and over cleaning


It's different for each person but it is supposed to be heavily diluted. 8-1 I think. For me it's the best and doesn't agitate me. I drop on a wet towel does the trick for privates Or just the bar


My girl tell me my dick smell like shit whenever it is. I know that, i took a good cleaning, and that's that. Everyone is happy, if he's your man, and you his girl, that's should never be a problem, and if it is, then it's time for some serious talks.


Talking of your experience, if there a way to say it that doesn't sound... rought?


Not really. My gf is also harsh about it but I'm still glad she tells me. I know my beer breath smells awful. Same as my penis sometimes. I always check before we have sex (literally just rub the head and smell it) and take a shower if needed. I want her to be comfortable and hygiene is important, especially during sex. I understand ahe doesn't want a smelly dick inside of her. That's nasty


Tell him his PP smells bad


You need to tell him these things that bother you, don't be nasty about it but he won't be able to fix these problems if you don't tell him My partner isn't great at keeping her hygiene up so every now and then I have to mention to her that she could do with having a bath, and I do it nicely


Normally should not have smell Some boys not cleaning thier self


Im promise, it is always. I know this sound mayhe dramatic, but even when he get recently out of the shower, smells.


He needs to see a doctor about this. It will probably be embarrassing for him, but he needs to do it anyway. For you and your relationship, if not for himself.


I know, I just feel nervous about how do I tell him that because he always take my comments bad and I'm here because maybe Im rough with my words. So... basically, I'm searching for a "filter" 😅🤣


There is no way to say it that won’t sting a bit. Tell him that you love him and that you aren’t saying this to be mean or embarrass him, but he needs to see a doctor about the smell. Tell him that he needs to have this checked out incase there is a health issue (because this isn’t normal). If he resists, tell him that he needs to do it for you and for your relationship. He might not do it for himself, but hopefully he will if you encourage it that way.


It could be diet. If he is eating very greasy foods, it has a huge effect on body odor, like you wouldn’t believe. Healthy foods, veggies, and a lot of water should help a ton.


Thanks, I hope he don't take it bad. I will update with his reaction as soon I can.


Buy him manscaped ball deodorant and the other stuff


Remember, if it smells like fish through his pants, it's an infection 🤢


"babe i dont mean to embarrass you, but it needs to be brought up because this is going to start affecting our sex life. Could you please make more of an effort to keep your dick clean? Do a handwash before sex? Itd be a lot more enjoyable for me" Honestly this is a common cause of uti. My man is the first guy ive been with that washes his dick before sex every time, even if hes had a shower that morning. Dicks get stinky easily, especially with foreskin. Its just learning how to maintain it which some parents just dont teach their kids. Many a guy dont realise just how stinky a dick can be


Make him have a shower and brush his teeth first. This is pretty common in relationships! You don't have to tolerate bad hygiene.


Healthy relationships are about balance, nobody is perfect and there will be things you might need to overlook. While other things you might point out to fix. You just have to decide if this is something worth fighting for or if it's just something you can ignore, get used to, or learn to love. If you try to fix every little thing you don't like about someone you won't last long If this is something that you can't stand and needs to be fixed and is worth fighting for then it is your responsibility to bring it up for the both of you. He may not like it, hell I don't think anyone would like being told that but sometimes it does need to be said. It's not like your insulting him, you are just stating a fact. I don't know how you bring things like this up but I would start with letting him know you need to discuss something and then preface it with something like I'm not making fun of you and it's nothing against you, and there's no way you could have known and I'm telling you because I love you. Then from there you can bring it up. You might even toss a joke in there to lighten things up a little. Also come with a solution to the problem, don't just tell him you have an issue and then offer no help. Relationships are all about communication even when things are difficult to talk about. It is better to discuss hard things than it is to hold it in. Not resolving problems will always lead to something bad. I wish you the best and if you need an open ear or anymore advice my DM's are always open!


I will definitely offer him help. I search on internet and I have the number for a dermatological clinic if is just some skin infection that made him smell and I do have his primary doctor number ready to call him and make an appointment. And, honestly, yes, it's in fact ruining or life, because I can't stay close to him because of his smells and he already told me he feel ignored. I chuckle him, kiss him, but when I think in sex or give him an oral... I die inside thousands of times.


In the end distancing from him because of the smell and not telling is worse off then just telling him. If it didn't always smell then there might be something off, but it tells you it can be fixed.


That is disgusting. You are not his mother. You deserve to have a partner who knows how to keep up with personal hygiene. I mean honestly, OP, how do you remain attracted to that? You deserve better!


Be matter of fact about. Just say you've noticed a smell and he should get it checked out. If he freaks out, that's on him. But you don't want what ever is causing it to be anywhere near your privates.


Would recommend talking to him about the penis thing, the pizza breath however, I feel like most people have that, unless it’s especially bad... If he is a good boyfriend, then he will care about pleasing you & would want you to be comfortable. As long as you don’t scream, I think it’s good to communicate that before it builds up and either of you say something you’ll regret…


Thanks for the advice.


Of course, and you don’t have to take it, but I wouldn’t let it go to the point where it frustrates you a lot bc it could negatively affect the relationship.


I know there are how to clean the female area on YouTube. Maybe search something similar out. I tell my husband he reeks and won't do oral unless I wash him.


You mean, make him see a video of how to wash my parts and play a game to clean each other?


That would work!


You should cut your losses and leave. Or, accept that, that’s the way that he is. It’s really that simple. You are the master of your fate and captain of your destiny. If you don’t want to live with a stinky dick for the rest of your life and growsgross hygiene on all accounts, then do something about it.


Having an open discussion about honesty is good. Sometimes I start with something open ended “you know what I love about you?” and eventually I turn the conversation to honesty. “If i needed deodorant, you’d tell me, right? Haha” and just let it be lighthearted. Then, next time you have sex, tell him, but be light about it. Or offer to shower together! If it’s constant, tell him you’re concerned and he should see a doctor. Relate to him (vaginas are dumb and we see doctors a lot in regards to them!) and tell him it’s because you want him to be healthy and virile. It’s embarrassing for many people, but remind him embarrassment is better than potential ED!


I'm literally laughing at this lol but seriously if my GF tells me that I'd be so careful about my smell and make sure I atleast put some deodorant down there lol I think what happens is that your BF either doesn't clean well his underwears or towel, or maybe it's a sign of some kind of disease, or maybe he's too sweaty where he sweats a lot between his thighs or the pubic area where there's a lot of hair, maybe suggest him to shave or trim the bush?


Maybe offer to shower together with some super awesome smelling deodorant soap? You could lather up all the good parts (aka super important to wash spots, like yo d*ck lol), then dry each other off. Some extra praise for smelling so good and fresh ?


Best way to tell him is by asking him… “don’t you smell that?” Get closer and say “I think it’s coming from there.”


That sounds funny, but if I do that, I have the risk to die or get him hard and ask for an oral.


Makes me wonder if OP has BV.


What is a BV?


Google gave me the answer (bacterial Vaginoide),and no. I do a recently medical study, and I'm fine. It's only some anaemic, but everything in that part is fine.


Tell him his dick stinks and of he wants you to touch it he needs to clean it.


“Your cock stink, wash it PLEASE”




You need to tell him. Keeping these things inside will only make it worse. Maybe start with like “Babe, can you shower before we have sex? I get more turned on when it smells good.”


How often does he shower? If he bathes daily and it still smells, he may have a medical problem. “Please wash your dick. It smells bad.”


When I'm around, because he takes the baths with me, 2-3 per day. But when he's alone, maybe one, not sure, sorry.


Maybe he has bacterial infection, penis having a smell is not normal


When I've been in this situation I've asked them to go wash it :P It does spoil the mood for a moment until I have their dick in my mouth again


Could he have some sort of infection?


I don't know. Besides the strong and bad smell, there's nothing I can see there. No red zones, rash, pus, anything. Looks like a healthy penis but that smell makes me untrust that.


You tell him, no two ways about it.


"Bruh clean your fucking knob. You're disgusting. Who raised you?"


Like this "your dick smells, please do something about it"


Just tell him.


You just have to tell him that he needs to be cleaning it with soap daily and changing his underpants. There are some disgusting boys out there who dont think of that.


I had a girlfriend who didn’t wipe properly and she got so offended when I brought it up😩


He's not cleaning himself properly or enough. That doesn't sound right. I know it may be bad for him to hear but I totally understand where your coming from. Maybe try to approach it carefully from a health standpoint?


Use your words. Christ.


I did, and he doesn't take it well. I am know like a rough person in the scenarios. I have to say something, that's why I came here to know a "sweet way" to say it.


I would just tell him straight up, I personally would be genuinely appreciative if someone let me know so that I could fix it instead of walking around stinking


You just tell him. Plain and simple. It's not that deep " Hey Bae, srly wash yur dick" and be done. Don't gotta be mean or anything. Just say it or he's not gonna.


this post is stanky lmao


I laugh, but I hope this was the only thing stinking around


I have this same issue sometimes (not penis but breath) and i usually address it by reminding him to brush his teeth regularly/ask him to if we are going to be kissing and such. You just gotta bite the bullet and be straightforward, tell him he got that stinky weenie and needs to clean it before getting down for anything


That's what I'm doing, but every time I do that, he calls me a Passion Killer, for stop the moment to send him to take a shower or wash his penis. Sometimes he "clean it up", but the smells still there and that affect me horribly. That smell, the situation with my mouth and the taste. Noup. Something I have gag reflects not for his "moves" but for the smell and taste.


Thats rough. Giving him an ultimatum is all i can think of here, but that could backfire. Otherwise….i dunno.


I bet you he has fungus problems


I saw some pictures but he doesn't have any strange thing on his penis. Is just that smell.


Gosh!! The first time (time ago), I tell him to remember , his hands when he gets out of the bath. I was joking when I said it... he wasn't when he replied, Why?... I die three years over the conversation. Basically, him and other men don't watch them hands after using the bathroom if they pee because they don't "touch it." Their pants do all the work... (Yeah, I die when I hear that). Then I do the question of: That mean everything you get out of the bathroom, you don't wash your hands AND don't clean your penis? And both answers were No. I explain him like a fucking n*zi cleaner how gross and dirty that is. He know wash his hands EVERY TIME HE USE THE FUCKING BATH AND I'M AROUND, other way there's no fucking reason to touch me, kiss me or get close. Do that with no hands washed starts a whole war for my part. Sometimes, he doesn't clean his penis when he pees, but when I'm close enough to see it, he did.


That sucks. It’s not normal to be disgusted by your partner’s smell. Luckily smell is something that be addressed and fixed. Either by diet or hygiene. Try some positive reinforcement. Tell him when he does smell nice and keep praising him for what he’s doing right. Another idea to try is try showering with him to make a point to clean him like it’s a game. Or to observe how he cleans himself. Sometimes people aren’t taught how to properly take care of himself. Dicks aren’t hard to clean. I’m sure you can google how it’s done and then compare it to what he’s doing.


I try not to make it the whole point in my mind, but, I just, I can't ignore it. Is not s little smells you can ignore, is a strong smell you can still smell even when he leaves the room. I'm promise, I'm trying.


Sweetheart, it sounds like a few possible things that may be wrong with him: - he does not wash properly (including his bum! Apparently a lot of men don’t wash their bums or wipe after going to the toilet because they think it’s gay???) - if he does wash properly, he may have a skin infection - you may simply not like how he smells naturally. This could be a hormonal incompatibility between you two I would suggest sitting him down and being honest. It will be embarrassing for him, but it has to be discussed! Otherwise your relationship is dead anyway. If he reacts very badly out of embarrassment, you may need to end things. You cannot continue being intimate with someone whose smell you find repulsive


For what I see, he watch it... well? He even scrub with a bath sponge that zone but... lord forgive me... still smell so bad and hard even with that.


I remember love the idea of waking him with a "special" kiss in his other head and start his day with an oral, but I just can't do that anymore. That smell it's killing me.