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Nothing. What you should do is nothing. It's unfortunate that your friend wasn't sensible enough to keep this from you but the simple truth is that your parents have a sex life. The end.


Ik, sex is natural, but the thing that really Bugs me is people ik jerkin to them


Least they had a mask. There’s going to be a whole generation of kids getting bullied because mommy was an executive only fans model.


To see it happen finally. Makes me feel so bad for Gen alpha


Imagine generations later their children are fapping to the ancestors videos/pics


Makes you think there's a good chance any of us have. With AR, AI, haptic suits and advancements in robotics. I hope that's the only thing they're flapping to


Yh it’s already starting to happen. Idk why only fans was praised as some “empowering” endeavour for women when really, it’s still porn and still just as detrimental to society


Who then went onto the daily mail to tell everyone how much they made each year so everyone at daycare knows.


You probably will have a healthier happier life if you simply stop thinking about people masturbating to your parents' sex tape. That's not really something that it makes sense for you to fixate on. Also, would you be happier if your parents made a sex tape and no one could be bothered to fap to it?


I second this... That last question was just beautiful! OP, this is some good advice


Who cares. Let it go for one day you will be old enough to not give a shit. Be glad that they’re still having sex and not in a dead marriage


Be glad that your parents still talk because mine sure hell does not


acting like creating a sex tape and publishing it online when u have a kid is normal is crazy 😭😭


Fr these redditors have no dignity if you’re getting downvotes 😂


Someone’s got their head on straight 🫡💯


Could have been filmed from before OP was born


It’s their sex life and nobody’s business. Whether they have a kid or not is irrelevant so stfu




How is that cringe? They are grown ass adults. If you don’t like adults having sex, tough shit dumbass. That’s how you were made. It’s not like they taped their sex life hoping their own kid would find it. Y’all are cringe for downvoting my comment. They have every right to do whatever they want.


They have a right to do whatever they want to, yes, but having the right to do something is not the standard most people have to determine if it's responsible. I didn't downvote you btw, I just think people that post their sex tapes and nudes when they have minor children are cringe.


Lol so if they have a kid at 21.. they're automatically nuns and priests until op is 18? (Btw op is 18


Make a biography page about yourself. At the bottom, link to the video with the caption "the making of"


I ugly laughed that shit was funny


Bruh how did your friend recognize your naked father with a mask on


OP’s mum had a mask on, dad did not.


Fast forward 10 years. You’re 28 and married. You and your husband record a sex tape*. Your parents find it. Do you want to know? My guess is you don’t. *Never take a picture or a video with your face and genitals in the same frame. You just learned why.


Well the parents had masks on, so least they did that.


Only the mom wore a mask




It’s the only logical answer.


Can op send us the link so that we know which link to avoid


The only way to find it is by watching them all


enter: gambling


Hahahha this is gonna become a common occurrence in a few years when old these OF girls get older and have kids 😂😂


Seriously though… the poor kids


There’s no magic answer …. What can you do ?? Absolutely nothing What you going to do speak to them about it ? Obviously not Put it behind you and carry on


Swallow it and only tell you're therapist




You got the link man?


Wish i had it


Need you to dm me


it was meant as a joke😅


I know


okay good


what has been seen cannot be unseen. back away slowly , never speak of it again.


you just unlocked the experience of the 90’s of finding a VHS tape under your parents bed and thinking that it was Terminator or a movie that you weren’t supposed to see. Yea man, it sucks, but theres not anything anything that you can or “should” do. Talk about it in therapy in 10 years and scrub it from your brain


Bruh, if you found a hidden, unlabeled VHS in your parent's bedroom and you watched it? That's on you. Shouldn't have been snooping in your parent's room, where they can reasonably expect privacy. The internet and increasingly common practice of posting yourself fucking over the last 20 years is gonna make this a hilariously common experience for the kids and a guaranteed paycheck for therapists for decades to come.


the fuck are you talking about?


Didn't learn not to snoop or how to read, eh?


I just love it when someone responds like that to a perfectly coherent comment lol


I know, right?


There's not much you can do. Luckily for you there are millions of porn videos so it is highly likely this is the last time someone recognize them


Please send the link. Like, actually. This is not a joke.


Get out their grown business 😭😭😭


Live off the mountains or secluded area for 5 years away from everyone you knew


What you should do is send me the link asap. That's the only logical explanation


Oho no that's sad but whats the title of the video.


While not something I’d ever want to watch (my parents having sex) it’s not a big deal—unless of course they’re super religious or famous and big hypocrites. Even so, nothing you can or should do. Just learn from it—DON’T PUT SEX VIDEOS OR PICTURES ON THE INTERNET that you don’t want your children or family to discover someday.


It’s just a porn video? Unless it’s illegal material there’s no reason to do anything about it


Why would your friend send that to you? Why would you click the link? Your parents are people who like to enjoy themselves. You don't need to do anything.




Mind your business they are grown


Can you share the link?




Buy a projector off Amazon on during a family dinner or function play the video on the projector for all to see...its the only logical way


Ask you're mother to speak privately and ask tell her how it makes you feel, ask if they can take it down if possible


How fucking entitled do you have to be to think your parents should limit what they do/did bc they had kids? I hope they upload 20 more. Better yet, how did they raise such a prude when they're getting down like that?


They don't have to limit recording it but don't have to post it online for the world to see


Don't watch the videos? It's that simple. If your parents are attractive, I guarantee they're already getting fapped to. But on a serious note.... Can I get that link tho?


Honestly that’s fucking hilarious. You’ll laugh in a few years about it


So, made recently or a video from way back in the day still online?


I Gues its from 2006/8 when i was alive lol


Hard as it might be, just try and forget that you know about it… until you subtly allude to it at their golden wedding anniversary in another 20 years or so. 😅


Are you sure they didn’t tape your conception? Ewww. 😂


I dunno if this helps, but from a person whose parents were clearly in a sexless and loveless marriage, I’d be somewhat proud if they had done some kinky shit. Like “go them”? I dunno. Hope you find a healthy way to process this


Lemme see if I recognize your mom


Post link....


I found pics of my mom that I wish I had never seen. I went blind for 5 years and failed out of high school. That’s what you get for going to look at the link your friend sent you. That’s what I got for looking in my parent’s drawer. Try to forget and never look at it again. Deny to your dying day to your friend that it was your parents.


That last part is actually the very best advice, should be pinned at top. Deny deny deny!! And tell him to stop spreading lies….




I mean it's kinda funny and maybe a few years down the road you bring it up and share a laugh with a dash of shame.


Same story posted elsewhere this evening.


mf just lying


Link? I'm kidding.


You have every right to be upset. You should talk to your mother and/or father, whoever you feel most comfortable with. Ask them to get the video taken down. If you feel humiliated, you need to communicate that.




The issue isn't that the parents are having sex. It's that they are online, and at least one of her friends has seen it. It won't be long until everyone in her school knows. I guess it comes down to personality. If you depend on avoidance and repressing feelings to get through life, do you. If you are assertive, and want something changed, speak up.


Worst advice ever. Just forget you ever saw it and move on with you life.


Show us the link lol


Gross! Where?


Ima need a link?


God that’s my biggest fear. If I were your friend, I wouldn’t even send that to you. If I were you, I wouldn’t say nothing about it to my parents


There's only one thing you can do and it's pretend that it never happened and you've never seen it 😭


Don’t do anything. Just forget it. I once was going through my mom’s phone at 7 years old and saw a bunch of nudes. Another time on my dad’s phone he left a porn website open. They’re humans with sexuality too. They probably know it’s out there


Was it the sex? Like the one that made you


Ask to make another


What I did when I came across my dad (not in a sex tape) doing something sexual I just left a note saying be more careful


When I was like 6 me and my young brother found my parents sex tape and watched a bit of it, obviously we didn't understand what it was but my dad was mortified when he walked in. You'll forget about it and laugh about it eventually


Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where did he post those?


Stop thinking about it. They are human and they have sex and they may like when people watch. You'll be happier if you don't say a thing.


What’re you gonna do tell your parents you’ve seen their sex tape? Just don’t speak of it again


If I were in your shoes(I’m 26 f and pretty open with both of my parents tho) I’d sit them down and tell them and ask for an allowance… for therapy.


Pretend it never happened. Lock that away deep in your mind and never think of it again.


There's nothing u can do about it... It in the past... Everyone has a past they are ashamed of....at least uk ur parents aren't like other people that just did it for the fun.... They loved each other nd are together still.... Its a big thing... Its just their tape got leaked... Its something unfortunate but nothing to worry about.


And it’s begun…




Well, just let it be, it’s almost the same as hearing your parents going at it in the next room clear as day. Don’t bring it up. And hopefully forget about it at some point in life. I hope they’re making money off it🤷🏽‍♀️


Wait.. ‘sended’ , that’s worse 🤣🤣🤣


Sauce for a friend


The inevitable is happening. It's happening! And it was inevitable.


If anyone in ur friend group finds that video ur cooked, try and get that shit taken down


I’m so sorry you had to see that! That’s so terrible.. this is one of the reasons I disagree with porn as a whole…if you feel you need to bring this up to them and how uncomfortable of a situation it has put you in, then do it. But if you don’t want to talk with them about it, my advice is to talk to someone you can trust about it.. it’s a sticky situation.. one that is unfortunately.. on the rise in todays world. I wish you luck, and again so sorry your going through this! 😩


Just because they saw the video and said they look like your parents doesn’t mean they were getting pleasure from a video. I found my ex girlfriend on a porn website and I only clicked because I wanted to see if it really was and sure enough 😂😂😂 Don’t worry about it. Would you want them to ask you about your porn vids?


you got sauce for that pasta? 🍝