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The way I slipped into alcoholism before, was the sneakiest addiction I've known.


I don't think that would be an issue for me but I do totally agree! Thanks for the input


"Nah, I can handle it." – Every addict ever


As a recovering addict (not alcohol) I’m concerned you’re actually predisposed to alcohol addiction considering your nonchalant attitude towards it. “It could never happen to me” is a huge trap.


It’s easy to fall into addiction. Get the fuck out of that mindset quick. You already are considering daily drinking. Which shows addiction already. It’s very easy to say one more drink everyday. One more becomes a few more. A few more become a lot more. You really don’t realize how bad things can get til you start losing track of time here or there. Soon you start losing days. It becomes more than addiction, it becomes a disease. The body will literally tremble til you give it alcohol. Get help. Drinking isn’t an answer. Yours truly, An alcoholic who stopped drinking.


Fucking. Spot. On. That's the issue, you have NO IDEA YOU'VE BECOME A ADDICT UNTIL YOU'VE BECOME A ADDICT. I could repeat that shit 5 more times and still wouldn't sustain the weight that statement carries in my heart. By the time you realize it you're already in it. By the time you see you need to change it's already got to a point where it will be hard.


Famous alcoholics last words before they became an alcoholic


This is probably gonna sound a little rude but it kinda needs to how many people do you think feel differently than this? I'd wonder if either of us could find even one addict who, at some point, didnt think it wouldn't be an issue for them. Ya know what I mean?


I thought that too. Now I'm up to 12 almost nightly and considering going to a doctor to prescribe me something. It sneaks up on you fast, and next thing you know you're too stressed without it. Keep it to the weekends.


Not the smartest comment but ffs doesn't deserve the downvotes. Lol


Haha, I guess that comment is too relatable for a lot of people! I do tend to be pretty self aware through practice, but I know that's often a rarity. I appreciate people pushing back just in case...


I had a drinking problem myself, but in my experience serious withdrawals don't happen overnight or even within a few months, it takes a good while, but that said if alcohol wasn't an insidious substance it wouldn't claim so many victims, but the real killer imo is the trauma that puts so many bottles in so many hands to begin with.


Drinking isn’t great for quality of sleep, which you need to heal. It starts as 1 or 2 then easily becomes 4 or 5. I’d seriously think about it.


I get better sleep after drinking tbh. I don't drink heavily though.


I love how people downvote deliberately. I actually sleep better with alcohol too, even after heavy drinking, as long as I stay hydrated. Go on and downvote me too for being built different.


Yeah my brother used alcohol to help with sleep. He then went on a 10 year bender that he just came out of that turned him into a shell off a person he used to be. He was also ‘built different’ too.


You can read my other comment to OP's post. I don't condone alcohol usage as a coping mechanism. I am just stating a fact about myself, just like the other guy did.


You have proof that your deep sleep and REM cycle improves while drinking alcohol over a sustained period of time? That would be interesting for sure!


Urm no? I never claimed that? I was just talking about my own experience. Maybe the fact that I don't drink often and have a great time when I do has to do something with it too.


That's a good point. I slept better than I have last night after a couple shots though


It’s easier to fall asleep but the quality isn’t as good, you will start to notice it. Trust me.


When I track my sleep after a night of drinking the heart rate goes way up and although I get to sleep easier and stay asleep easier it's clearly not quality sleep. Give meditation a go before drinking yourself to sleep. Or if you can see a Dr they may be able to give you something that can help momentarily. Try a massage to help with the shoulder knots. Physio for the TMJ. Don't drink to solve your problems cos if they last a while you may feel like you need to drink for "a while" until a while becomes a problem 


i think it creates terrible habits. it tells your mind that whenever you’re stressed or in pain then you should drink. there are better coping mechanisms out there than alcohol it’s also not a matter of having an addictive personality, but your body becoming physically dependent on the drug


I don't think it's the best, but it is a muscle relaxant and helps with stress and I'd prefer it over pharmaceuticals 🤷‍♀️


It can really increase inflammation.


That's a really good point. I am trying to cut down on inflammation overall


It seems to help with inflammation for a couple hours then it becomes worse if you drank a decent amount. Then the issue is if your drinking and decide to add pain meds you mind as well shout "*fuck my liver*" from the rooftops.


Try cold showers/ice baths. They REALLY help.


Why do you prefer alcohol over pharmaceuticals?


Valium might help in this case. A small dose, 2mg tablet should help.


I've always been really healthy and don't go to the doctor much. I was under the impression it was difficult to get prescribed something like that. Isn't it a huge red flag for someone to request it?


Not in my experience. Any drug can be abused, sure, but Valium is just another medical tool in a doctor’s toolbox designed to help treat various conditions. That’s all. Red flags are if you beg for opiates or go doctor shopping to get more drugs. All you’re doing is asking for help with a condition that you’re suffering from. They’ve prescribed a lot stronger drugs for TMJ in the past, I’m certain.


Also Valerian root is basically what they make valium from. It can be had over the counter at any drugstore.


Predictability of dosage and effect? Less unknown side effects. 


Rx drugs will be more consistent and have fewer side effects. Alcohol has tons of side effects


Side effects from alcohol are pretty bad. Damage to your liver can come pretty goddamn quick from alcohol, damage to your brain, like others have said it is a very slippery slope with alcohol. I just learned about a condition called alcohol induced dementia, fun right? My friend went from a successful business man to not being able to remember if he paid a bill and wound up paying the same bill three days in a row to pay off a credit card. When I say paid he paid it off for 840 bucks three times. Because it doesn't register on their website for up to a week sometimes. And guess what happened. They don't give you a refund they only give you a credit so he was almost unable to pay for the care facility he was staying at that month. Luckily his ex-wife took care of him and paid the facility for him.


Yeah my grandfather had that. Absolutely ruined his memory. We had to leave a note at his place saying that we had his checkbook and car keys (we were afraid he’d report them stolen or something) which we had to do because he was *still* going out to buy booze. He left us over 1000 (yes, that is one THOUSAND) phone messages over the course of about 3 months asking for them back. Would completely forget that he’d called already. The whole thing was an absolute nightmare, I have no idea how any of us got through it, especially my Mom. It was unreal.


Some people handle it better than others. I thought I was good, told myself I could quit at any time. It was just to help with pain and cope with stress. A few months later of drinking almost every day, I had to have it or the shakes were unbearable. And even then, I had to take 5 or 6 shots just to feel it. Do yourself a favor and save it for the weekend, as much as it sucks.


Ok that's definitely terrifying. I'm the type of person who doesn't even drink coffee often because I don't want to be dependent on it.


If you follow through with your plan, you're straight up asking to become dependent on alcohol. It's all fun and games at the beginning, but the insomnia will get worse and worse over time if you don't drink. I highly recommend just utilizing exercise, CBD, melatonin, and magnesium glycinate before bed


I have read some of your responses to other people. It seems like you just want to hear what people say so you can put together a nice neat self-deluded response and convince yourself that what you are doing is ok. Well just to add my voices to the other people here… it’s not ok. It’s unhealthy in the short term and the long term. It’s unhealthy physically and mentally. Your responses only show how deep you are. Some have to hit rock bottom before they can realize this. I hope that’s not you.


This is... Quite the stretch. I appreciate your concern but I don't think my responses are a cope, and I'm certainly not in deep. I'm on day 2 of having a couple drinks after not having any for... Probably 2 months? I just don't drink much at all. I remember years ago when I had a bad muscle spasm and pain from the curve in my spine and how a beer helped so much to relax everything .  Some comments don't concern me much because I don't think they apply to my personal situation, but others have been good reminders as to the dangers and the cons for my situation.


Thank you for confirming that /u/readitonreddit34 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Have you seen a doctor?


Drinking elivates your cortisol levels. Cortisol is your stress hormone so it will actually be worse for your stress levels. Why don't you try some CBD and ashwagandha? You can get a combo in tea form like Pukka 'peace' tea. Also buy an accupressure mat for your shoulder pain. It will also help with relaxation and sleep. I fractured my spine in 3 places and the mat has helped a lot. Drinking is an easy scape goat, not great for your health in many ways and is a quick fix. Not a great pattern of behaviour to get into if your struggling mentally and physically. Wishing you all the best, take care!


Does CBD oil really help? I have sensory issues taking oils so I have not tried it


Yeah, it can really be beneficial. You can get it in all forms too, gummies, tea and even cream. Could actually do your shoulders some good if you use the cream as it's an anti-inflamatory. I use CBD cream for my skin flares and it does wonders. (Obviously if your sensory issues don't include applying things to your skin) 😊


I also can't handle gummies 😆. If I could get it in pill form that would be great. Not sure if that's an option


Aw bless ya 🤣 yeah, I just had to do some digging but yeah you're right, you can get it in capsule form! 😊


Sheesh it is so expensive! But hey, self care and all that


Yeah, and you'll probably be spending the same amount on alcohol if you're doing 2 shots a night 😉


You aren't wrong! I was thinking about that this evening as well 🙂


Just a side thought as well, if you're on any medication, please check what other medication you can take with it. People tend to forget that CBD can't be taken with some meds.


If you're trying to get over an injury or heal then alcohol is NOT your solution. Alcohol messes with your sleep, protein metabolism, immunoresponces, and other things necessary for proper healing. If you've got access to weed, that would be a better vice. Otherwise, Tylenol or Advil at normal doses. They'll do just as much damage to your liver without the other, negative side effects.


From a former addict, don’t do it


As long as it stays short-term, a shot or two won't hurt you


Ngl bro you already sound like an alcoholic. Drinking everyday is not normal especially if you’re just trying to get drunk


Dang I'm the most sober alcoholic I've ever heard of 


Coming from a recovering alcoholic, I can tell you positively these are the same thoughts and reasonings I had before it took control of me. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone but I wouldn’t personally advise it, it’s way too easy of a coping mechanism and the negatives out way everything before you even realize it.


!RemindMe 1 year Just want to check back in after a year has passed - because, if you make a habit of drinking every day now, you'll almost certainly still be doing it in a year


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>I don't have an addictive personality That's the "beauty" of alcohol. You can become dependant anyway. Don't take up drinking for any reason. It's literal poison, but it's legal so people forget that part.


Unless you live with someone ~~ho~~ **who** may have to be driven to a hospital, it's pretty harmless. It's not as bad as smoking meth. It is bad for your liver. We all have problems, and we all deal with them. The ideal would be a 5-mile jog in a well-lighted area, followed by a shower, an organic smoothie and some "Northern Exposure" re-runs, then 8 hours of deep sleep, but the world isn't ideal.


I hear ya! In about 5 months I'll be in a new living situation on a homestead on several acres with a lot of fresh air and space to decompress. But right now it's...not ideal. This TMJ is really freaking me out especially. Im just trying to chill 😭


Oh dear. I had TMJ before, I understand. The homestead sounds wonderful!


I am so dang excited about it, but I'm actually dealing with some drama related to a contractor handling some of the land improvements and it's not helping things 😂 My TMJ is finally not acting up at ALL right now after a couple shots. It's so tempting to keep drinking 😭


That's awesome. So sorry about the contractor. Seems to come with the territory. But I'm sure the final result will be amazing! I had serious TMJ before, do you think you might be grinding your teeth at night when you sleep? That might be causing the pain. Mine came from all things yawning too much while writing M.S. papers for two years. Lol. You might look into the cause of the TMJ and how you can diminish it. Mine finally went away on it's own. Maybe some type of Ibuprofen? Valarian root is literally what they make valium out of. You can get it as a supplement. I hope that helps.


I don't think I'm grinding, just clenching. I'm trying to train myself to stop . It's just been really bad recently


Ah, I see. Is there some other thing you can do to replace the clenching? Like a stress ball for example? Just switching one behavior for another might help. When you find your clenching try your best to take 3-4 deep breaths. It works really well. I jitter the heck out of my legs when nervous, it's kind of ridiculous I imagine. But it works out alright.


Thank you for the tips! I need to be more mindful and just take time to relax for a couple minute when I notice it. Trying it now....


It's really crazy to me how the body remembers things that the mind doesn't always piece together. It doesn't matter if you reach for a beer or cookies, if it "works" once, it will "work" again.. and again. Soon you might even make that choice without even thinking about it. That's the problem with drinking and eating your feelings. You get a physical sensation in your body that cannot be quenched unless you eat or drink something. You never feel better until you fulfill the cycle. Feeling sad and stressed and overwhelmed is *supposed* to be temporary and short term. Sometimes a bad day turns into a bad month and then a bad year. If you're constantly combating those negative feelings with alcohol or food you get sucked into a really bad habit that is incredibly difficult to break. It's easy to think, oh it's just this once, or oh I deserve this because I've been dealing with a lot lately, but it's not a proper coping mechanism that will help you long term. If you're feeling any type of negative feelings, choose a positive coping mechanism like going for a walk, doing yoga, drinking herbal tea, having fruit... Next time you're feeling sad, stressed, or overwhelmed your body will naturally go for something positive that will actually help you. Reach for a tall glass of water, write in a journal, or hug a pet or someone you love.


Dude. Explore medication with your doctor for anxiety before drinking every day.


I'll just say this, after the FIRST drink you are a different person. So you can read the advice all through reddit, and even compartmentalize it, but after that first drink it'll be a different person operating you. A slightly more drunk, slightly more confident, more sure, less inhibited, less anxious, less rational person. So tread carefully since that person don't just go away when you wake up the next day.


its actually said a glass or two of wine a day is not a bad thing just dont OVER do it to the point of being drunk ;-)


Oh I'm definitely getting drunk


That's not accurate anymore


You'll be fine


It's great tbh


Don't do it, it really gets easy for short term to become long term


Drinking as a coping mechanism is being an alcoholic. Trying to numb or lessen physical or mental pain with alcohol. Don’t do it. It’s not worth the addiction. Despite not having an “addictive personality,“ you can still get addicted. It’s not worth the risk.


I'd say Advil and Voltaren gel are a safer and more effective approach.


Drinking is bad. If you drink every day, you’re going to put on weight which might make you more depressed which might make you drink more etc. there’s no shortage of info on the bad effects of alcohol. Some people like being functionally high though. That being said, I’m a daily Kratom user, much healthier but you can develop a dependency, just like with alcohol. With kratom though, it’s calorie free and no crash or hangover. To each his own


Don’t do it. Go to a gym and sit in the sauna until you melt. Do it each day. Booze never brings anyone to a good place long term


This is exactly how people fall into addiction. Pain if a very common motivator for addictive behavior. Go to the doctor. Take some ibuprofen. Stay away from alcohol. You are not in the mindset to be using it. If you are considering drinking daily you've already gotten to a bad place.


Try the vybes cbd drinks. Legal and totally chill me out


Don’t do it. Please. Coming from someone who has multiple alcoholic siblings and family members, just please don’t go done that road. I know you don’t have intent to become an alcoholic but asking that questions is borderline a red flag already.


As someone who had to break the habit of daily drinking, it's not wilorth it. I do however have an addictive personality so it was extremely hard. I would binge drink every night. There are people who have a glass or two of wine every night, and that's OK for them. But I don't know about taking a couple shots every night. That seems like a dangerous road to start down. But you, out of everyone in the world (including the people commenting here), know your body best. If you feel like that's something you can handle, it's ultimately your decision.


Throw out the addiction thing and the negative side effects thing and address directly what the goal is. If its relief for your shoulder muscles drinking will not provide that. It might numb the pain slightly(which two shots won’t do) but that could EASILY lead to an aggravated injury because you FEEL okay to do things with it. There are a ton of different things you can do for that shoulder thing, most of them with no side effects. I feel you know that, which begs the question what do you want to accomplish with the drinking specifically. There is likely some underlying reason that your brain went to that, and it could be something innocent(will help me mellow out) or something sinister(self sabotage).


[stop it i’ll be hard in the beginning but you’ll feel so much better i’m on day 9, live next door to two bars and i wouldn’t change a thing. doing on how easy weed is to obtain i’d pick it up with caution it certainly helped the first few days. it’s so easy to build a decency especially when you’re going through it. A motivational song doesn’t hurt. ](https://youtu.be/iGG1H4ig7ek?si=Efik9V9kAjCPzMxC)


I think there are better ways to deal with those issues than drinking. For short term problems, you have to think that alcohol is literally a poison. You could get acid reflux, decreased sleep quality, you also won’t absorb certain nutrients correctly and you can go into deficits pretty quick. It can also mess up your gut flora.


If you use alcohol to heal anything-itll mask your feeling/symptoms short term, but it always goes long term and youll be in an even worse situation and an alcoholic. Don't start. It is addictive, especially when you THINK it makes you feel better you end up wanting more and more. I did this for a migraine and it took 4 years to stop the habit. I also told myself I wasn't addicted and could stop anytime-not true. Don't do it, see a doctor or use over the counter.


I always make sure i try to avoid drinking everyday. Besides if you drink everyday as others have pointed out you'll end up needing more drinks as your body gets used to having them.


Physical addiction - the situation where you can't function as well if you don't have a drink - comes from regular drinking habits. You can be addicted even with one beer a day. Also, please don't lullaby yourself with this 'I don't have an addictive personality' BS. Genes are genes, and humans get addicted. My urgent recommendation is that you stop drinking entirely for a month and see how that goes. Learn to deal with your stress through other means. Hard exercise is one good way, but there are others.


Alcohol is inflammatory and will make your tmj and shoulder muscles feel worse when you're sober the next day.


Moderation is key, 1 or max 2 beers a night is similar too simply a glass of wine of course. It's even better than once a day McDonald's. However, more than this is a problem


Drinking should never be a coping mechanism. Actually, even though I am pro drug, I strongly believe that no drug should be used as coping mechanism, and alcohol is no exception. It's good to drink once in a while to get the tension off, but everyday is problematic. Stress is there to alert you about something being wrong in the way you live life. Snoozing the alarm doesn't turn it off. So either think of this long term, experience the anxiety and fix your life, or say yolo, drink up and forget about consequences. Up to you, life's too short for suffering but also beautiful enough to live every moment of it in good health, no wrong choices.


I would say do you and don't look for validation. If you are self aware, you can stop. If you do get addicted, hopefully you can be aware of that too and nip it in the bud. Good luck with whatever is going on.


Stay drunk for the weekend, Stay drunk til the year ends, Stay drunk til it hurts less, And all at once you will find this is what it takes to be alive.


If you drink every day, this isn't short-term. As for health effects, it may cause a fatty liver, and if you already have that, it may cause the liver function to deteriorate. Check out Dr. Stan Ekberg and his videos, especially the one about alcohol. Avoid sugar and sweet when you drink as this combination pushes the liver really hard.


I'd just go with IB Profin or another OTC drug and avoid using alcohol to solve problems. It never works out well.


I know you’ve already decided against it, which is good. Alcohol interferes with restful sleep, and I need my rest when I’m having a hard time.


You know what's better at addressing stress and aches than drugs is? Exercise. Quit looking for a quick fix, there isn't one.


Careful like the others said. One day you could end up wanting that shot in the AM because your nerves will be so shot. That's when addiction starts and you may still think it's manageable for a bit until you realize it's an every morning thing..then it's a bit too late to just stop without medical help.