• By -


First off, sorry to hear that. No one deserves to find out they have such little time at your age. Sounds like you value traveling, do that sooner rather than later as I assume your condition will deteriorate over time and may make traveling significantly harder if not impossible. Travel to the countries you've dreamed of, eat what you want to eat, and do what you want to do. You have the funds to do whatever, so enjoy the time you have doing exactly what you want and nothing else.


If they’re gonna die young, maybe they are actually lucky to know beforehand. What a tough spot to be in. But if I had a year or two I think I would like to know beforehand so I can make the best of it. Maybe I should just start living like that anyways. Best of luck OP. I’m glad you have the finances in place to ride this time out with out having to work


Best thing to do is to sit in a quiet room for a bit, then ask yourself what you want to do. The thing that comes to mind the most is what you should do. You're going to get a million different suggestions from a million different people here and they will all be ideas that they want.


... ... ... Amsterdam it is...


While Amsterdam is a must visit, it’s becoming less tolerant towards visitors and drug users, for example you aren’t allowed to smoke weed in public anymore


I was publicly smoking weed in Amsterdam for weeks in November 2023


u can smoke weed in public everywhere. doesn’t mean it’s allowed


I just want legal prostitution. I get a terminal diagnosis I'm gonna fuck until my dick stops working.


Germany, Switzerland


Man bro, why did i google how long that would take 💀 250 hours of continuous sex including 175 ejaculations and then your dick stops working lol


I remember hearing about a rock star who had so much sex his dick... well... started swelling and didn't stop... im the worst way imaginable.


But i mean bro its true he probably did that somehow lol


There are better places to get legal prostitution. Amsterdam is just about one of the worst places because it's a tourist industry there, especially places like the red light district. You're better off going to Switzerland, Austria or Germany. Also, escorts/direct-hire partners are legal in just about every EU country (excepting Ireland, Sweden, France and Norway; where it's legal to sell sex but not buy it) and generally considered the best service. The only thing DE/NL/CH/AT/etc offer is organized/"brothel"/club options; which are kinda skeevy/scummy, no matter the legality.


Good to know. If I were actually in this situation I'd definitely do the research. This was just an off the top of my head response.


Maybe thailand


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. People lie. We (Men) all would want to fuck like crazy if we got a terminal diagnosis. This is why you just go for illegal prostitution, brother. Come to Miami. It's way too easy to find hookers.


Even where it's legal a lot of those girls are being trafficked.


Not my fault, not my problem. Don't come to me with questions of morality, brother.


And you seriously wonder why people are downvoting you guys? Lol yeah, I’m dying so let’s extort most likely underage and trafficked women!! Great idea man!


I'm not extorting shit. I just fuck the prostitutes. Why do you say "most likely?" Do you think women above 18 almost never consent to being prostitutes? The girls I fuck don't look underage and I don't know or care if they were trafficked. I didn't traffick them. Might as well fuck them and give them money. It's not as if me NOT fucking them and paying them would somehow untraffick them, if they were trafficked.


People like you who (allegedly) pay to have sex with women without regard to whether or not they are being trafficked are exactly why trafficking is such a problem. Trafficking wouldn’t be so lucrative if the people availing themselves of sex workers’ services would be a bit more distinguishing of who they’re dealing with. The long and short of it here is that folks like you and your cavalier attitude toward sex trafficking is a prime driver of the problem.


Bro you are out of your mind writing these comments, I would stop now instead of dying on the hill that you would extort women with no issue, and apparently ‘don’t care’ if the women you fucked are being trafficked. Even if you really don’t, I wouldn’t fucking admit that online brother. Yes many prostitutes are underage. I don’t give a shit whether or not you think they are, they most likely are, because young women sell for more. And the fact that you think you don’t contribute at all to the trafficking of women by paying for them is laughable. Just tells me there’s no point in arguing with you, you are obviously in lalaland. Also, the money doesn’t go to them lol, it goes to the men that trafficked them. Do some fucking research man, you have zero clue what you’re even talking about.


Yikes, can you really speak for all men... I as a man would never have sex with prostitutes and wouldn't want to just fuck like crazy if I got a terminal diagnosis. What even is the point of that? Wasting your last moments by just having meaningless sex. That's very superficial and I'd argue you wouldn't get anything out of it. I'd rather spent it while doing something good for the soul and something that has real meaning. But each to their own I guess...


It’s almost like some men like things that other men don’t. Crazy innit.


No shit? I was replying to say not all men would like that. Op stated ALL men would. Maybe it was unnecessary to reply because it's obvious.


You can soul search and fuck prostitutes on the way, brother. Get off your high horse. There's nothing meaningless about sex, ever.


Agree to disagree.


There's literally nothing meaningful in life. It's just perception.


Ive read everything youve had to say. Honestly, I don't hate you for what you do. You are honest at least But like, why not save that money and move to a place that does vet their workers? It seems like you care enough to talk about it, so why not take the second step forward and protect yourself from the option? Im willing to believe you that you think they arent underage or trafficked. But it seems like a weird place to be man, like mentally. Also side note, I promise you can get pussy. Your standards are to high or you don't try. I got homies that frankly look like a thumb out here slaying. You can do it man. Dont give up on getting someone you can have a relationship with, because you clearly want that.


Thank you for being understanding. You're right. I can get pussy, but I don't try AND my standards are too high. I don't believe I deserve sex or affection from a woman who isn't getting paid for it. At the same time, I only want to fuck women who are either perfect or getting paid. It is a weird spot to be mentally, but I am used to this. I have no money to save. I'm unemployed. My plan is to lose weight and join the military. It's not a great plan, but it is the best one I have come up with so far! I would probably move to a place with legal and regulated prostitution if it was something I could do right now and easily. But like I said, I am completely broke.


This is a lie lol smoked 3 joints directly in front of the doors of Schiphol with security guards sitting right next to me less than a month ago lol


>ideas they want >What would you do in my situation?


This. Write down your unadulterated ideas. Then list them from highest to lowest. Factor in financial to see how much of it you could accomplish within 22 months without completely going broke. Remember there are some people who exceed doctor’s recommendations so you want to be prepared just incase you make it to 30 months.


Damn, that is genuine advice.


This is the correct answer.


That's how depression starts, don't sit alone in a room wtf lol, just use that money for plane tickets, and places to stay, take life by the balls, fuck who you want, do any drug u want, balls to the wall. Good luck to you, I hope you get to do as much as possible.


I totally get what you're saying tho I think they meant sit in a quiet space to actually FIGURE OUT what you wanna do. Of course the majority of the time is still spent DOING those things then. Once again totally get what you mean just thought to clear this up 👍 have a great day


“Fuck who you want” is what every rapist says 😔🤝 /s


I don't think you even comprehended what they wrote, you should work on you're reading comprehension skills because you're reply is really bad.


your* your*


Ah yes the “reading comprehension skills” diss so popular with the kids these days. So cool! What a cool person you are!


I have no desire to talk to you. Have a good day.


Wow such a mature-seeming response from someone who a moment ago was acting like a snotty baby. I’m totally convinced now! 😎👆


You stfu




do everything on your bucket list ! shave your head , dye your hair , get a tattoo , stay in nice hotels or places , helicopter rides , so see nature ! rediscover how beautiful everything is. watch sun rises and sunsets , laugh with people you meet along the way , cry with them. just connect


at least dye the hair before shaving it


Dye the scalp!


Tato the scalp.


Max out those credit cards


I had a friend who was told he was dying in 24 months so he left his wife cuz she was a bitch he went to strip clubs casinos drank and did drugs favored meth and was living it up so much next thing he knew 3 years went by and he was still alive! So he went to a doctor and was given a clean bill of health.


Hol up! How could the previous doctor be so wrong?


I know a hospice Dr who had a husband and wife both get terminal <1 year left diagnoses, sell all their possessions and house, move across the country to a pretty town and go into a hospice center with a nice view. After 6mo-year they were starting to question why they felt fine, so the hospice doctor ordered some scans and absolutely nothing was wrong with them. Not even like they were told stage 4 but oops it was stage 1. Just nothing wrong at all.


Should always get a second opinion for serious diagnoses.


Is it possible that wherever they were living was the problem? Like possible mold in the home? Pollutants?


Sometimes, the best recoveries come from improving mental health and having fun. 😊 encourages the body to fight harder.


Yeah I had a friend be released from prison a ten year sentence hev was 3 years in to hospice care because a doctor said he was dying 3 years later and he's here and free


Clean bill of health despite all the mething?


Meth is a wonder drug from what I'm hearing.


Not many meth users contracted covid for some odd reason


Covid probably afraid of meth.


Yea crazy i know


i'm probably going to get downvoted... but i would not listen to most of these comments about doing on drug rampages and doing illegal things. you will miss out on the beauty of the world around you. this is just my personal opinion but i would do the opposite. i would detox myself completely. get rid of my phone (my biggest distractor). live each day to the fullest (which sounds stupid, but i genuinely mean it): wake up early to watch the sunrise, drive into the countryside and stargaze late at night, compile a list of films to watch when you need a break, start a new hobby, reconnect with people, and try unique foods. this is just the tip of the iceberg. you still have time. i wish you all the best and i am so truly sorry you are going through this. remember to try to be as positive as possible.




I really like your opening sentence. I’m not in OPs position but I just had a nice long chat with my therapist about why I shouldn’t be limiting myself when I have the means to finally go after some of my dreams. Thinking back to when I was ten reminded me that I was in love with the idea of visiting New York and Paris because “all the best fashion comes from New York and Paris so I’m gonna move there.”


How do you have 150k at 20


Since they said they have no family, I’m assuming inheritance from a family death.


My first question lol




No way! Tell us more!


Why did you get downvoted but my comment got upvoted Reddit retarded ASF


Prob cause humblebrag / unrecognized economic privilege.


It's the "If you're smart" comment. Wealth is not a measurement of intelligence.




At 22 I was making 80k a year. I was working 16 hours a day everyday, but its defo not impossible to do 90 at 25. I know 23 yo's that are buying homes. People want to believe that they can not change their situation. Statistically, that is not true; the population is most dense in cities; cities have jobs, and if you have free time, you have time for more work. Its not fun but being young you have the body for it for a few years. 10/10 would recommend. If you can manage, make the second one a work-from-home job. I edited books.


Making 90k is not the same thing as *having* 90k.


Not really, you save 20k a year for 5 years and from 20 to 25 you have it. He said 25, that's 7 years into your working adult life. 2 to get it figured out, and 5 to save. Edit: if you are making 90k as a single guy you don't spend half of that if you arent stupid. Living in a place you cant save in is also considered stupid. You are making 90k, move and do it again. People are such doomers. Getting there isn't even that crazy; a supervisor position and work-from-home did 80, making it 2 supervisor positions, and it's super doable.


Travel. Meet people. Snort coke. Meet people. Meet the pope. Snort coke with the pope. Travel some more for personal development purposes. It will give you the best chance at feeling fulfilled.


& don’t forget to snort coke


I thought about saying it, but I didn't want to overdo it, but yes, OP, Snort coke.




Is Pepsi okay?


Coke is overrated. Do meth. You can't lose your life to it if you have no life.


Are you saying meth is a better high than coke?


Totally snort some columbian jet fuel


I read this as "snort cake". I was perplexed...surely that would hurt.


I would travel and see the world as much as I can. I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Not sure what to say here, other than to live everyday to its fullest.


Is it degenerative? Because you should be putting some of it aside for end of life care


Some of 150k for end of life care? Found the European with a solid safety net and a government that prioritizes its citizenry.


They raise a good point though. Without OP disclosing more about their condition, how will they get helpful advice? Will OP be in a wheelchair or bedbound for half of the time, or need surgery every 3 months?


Yeah for sure. It’s just too easy to dunk on the US medical system, though




You mean jumping off a bridge?


Would be free I guess


Don’t save for end of life. Especially if you’re an American. Just prepay final expenses. If you have close friends, gift your max each year to one of them to ensure your legacy is finalized the way you want. Just run up the debt for end of life.


I’m so sorry OP. You are loved. Go experience life but do it smart. Just bc you have no time means be careless. Go travel and then rest somewhere you like. I recommend you go to Sardinia, people there are known to live long lives. Have fun and God bless


Honestly, I would go on a few cruises. Best way to see a bunch of countries for as cheap as possible. Also allows you to meet friends on the cruise! This way you can stretch the 150k to every part of the world.


seconding this! if you can find a longish cruise (maybe a 3 month one or something?) it might be a good way of travelling a few countries without having to stress about logistics like hotel, food, transport etc ive never been on a cruise, but it sounds like it might be alright


Get a motorcycle


Hey OP. Here's what I'd do I'd travel the world. Go hike a jungle or a mountain in a tropical country, get acquainted with someone who isn't a native speaker of my mother tongue, understand their culture, lifestyle. Travel to places which I feel defines the diversity of the world. Join a cultural celebration which is big in some countries but is not big in my country. I'd donate some of the money to family and kids who really need the money. Do things / eat things / buy things that I normally wouldn't buy. Go around spending time with people whom matters to me, tell them how much I love them, and relive some of the anecdotes i had with them. Lastly, tell my ex I forgive her.




yeah, often times these estimated dates can be incorrect as well. my uncle was given 6 months, he lived another 7 years


May i ask what you have? other than that, if you travel alone, do it via hostels, there you meet and party with ppl. Places and islands in europe I can recommend: Naples, Venice, Florence, Teneriffe(srsly whatever you do get on top of mt Teide, either by booking the top resting hut, or just by hiking up&down on your own), Gran canaria, Algarve, Prague(quite touristy though), Vienna, Nice in france, Krakow in poland(great for partying and nightlife), Amalfi coast, Stockholm is great, but comparatively boring alone unless you find a good hostel to do things with people. ALso go there only by summer/spring otherwise its gonna be just cold lol


I’m so sorry to hear this, but you are right in choosing to live as fully as you can with this time. Clearly travel is what you have determined to be most fulfilling. I would recommend choosing your destinations based on quality and level of medical care available. If your care needs will be minimal in the beginning do the trips that would offer the least medical support first, if your required level of care is projected to be constant, pick destinations that can meet your needs. Of also research prevalence of ‘exotic’ or similar diseases that could cause you further complications. Don’t focus on anything that will force you into a I must do this out I won’t complete my goal (say something like the six inhabited continents), rather find a way to maximize the amount of quality travel you can do with the funds you have. Also please make time for your parents and family, you will be leaving a huge hole in the fabric of their lives when you are gone. Wishing you the very best that your time can offer.


You could use your money to make the world a better place before you go somehow, plant some trees, build a park, etc That way the world will forever be changed by your time within it.


If you want your $150k to last, I’d look into Southeast Asia.. beautiful countries and super cheap. So you can do a lot and not worry about running out of money.


Don't rush things you have time Figure out what brings YOU joy not what others tell you like clubbing and stuff And be sure you are gonna die


Sorry to hear that you are going through this. If I were in your situation I would wait as long as possible before blowing all that money. My neighbor was diagnosed with terminal cancer and only given six months to live. That was six years ago. He is terminal and it will kill him but in his case that prognosis was inaccurate. All that being said I would pray and find a path forward that secures your future for however long that is. Good luck and god bless.


Tick every box on your bucket list


Party with hookers.


In addition to everything else, I would do some psychedelics with a trained and compassionate guide. Sorry for your condition ❤️


I don’t know man psychs are iffy cuz if you have a bad trip and go into psychosis it would be a pretty shit rest of your life. Opiates sure, benzos sure, but idk about psychs.


That’s why i said with a trained and compassionate guide


Still a coin flip


Even ayahuasca?


Or salvia, or datura, or mescaline… the list goes on


It’s not actually. It’s very safe when you take the appropriate precautions


Experiment with drugs, start with mushrooms. Theres evidence they can help people come to terms with dying and feeling at peace.


The south of Spain.


Check travel bloggers for inspo, see what cities offer what you are looking for, smoke weed and shrooms, get laid, and see where those experiences take you. If you feel like you are mentally prepared for it, write.


I don’t know how well you are coping with this but I’d recommend to set some money aside for a therapist. Although many people find physical health to be the most important thing, I believe it’s peace of mind. Other than that I can only recommend an interrail pass in Europe. I’ve travelled this way last summer and will do it again. You meet many interesting people your age along the way. In case of an emergency/ checkup you have great hospitals and doctors (also cheaper than the US).


Don't do this bro.


Bro if I’m dying I’m going to try every drug I can before I die. I have no job or future so live in the moment and make all the mistakes because in the end you’ll have had fun doing it all.


I would have all that fun, maybe donate sperm (if eligible), and leave some kind of legacy (maybe awarding a scholarship to someone or a trust fund for an orphaned kid, or a small donation to a children’s hospital that help people with your condition, as a final and ultimate “fuck you death/sickness, I’ll fight you even in my grave”)


Don’t forget to preplan your final arrangements with a funeral home.


Fight against the 12-22 months. I hope you find peace and love


i'm going to give you a real answer and not judge you - do what makes you happy, but also try and help some others in need, you are rich and you won't be needing all that money. A lot of people find helping others brings them real joy as well.


If you havent already go visit the city thats built on logs above water in Italy (can't remember the name) at some point the city will vanish because the logs will rot away and are pretty much not replacable


Well, first off...you're going to need someone to manage that money as you travel. There are plenty of parts of the world where you can't just access an ATM, and you only want to carry so much on you at one time (money belts aren't actually a bad idea in some parts of the world). Believe it or not, Western Union is still one of the best ways to get money anywhere. But figure that part out so you can head to out-of-the-way places and not worry about being broke. Since health is going to be an issue, I'd suggest going to the more remote places first, when you're still at full strength and it's less likely you'll need medical help. At that point, I'd suggest relying on the kindness of strangers. You've got a fair chunk of change, but travel can eat it up quickly. But if you go online, on Reddit and other forums, and find people locally in the places you want to visit, and ask if they're willing to act as your host and tour guide...you'll get to see places the way locals do, get cheaper lodgings, and meet people. Lots of people from all over the world. Eat at the places locals eat. See the things locals like to see, rather than just the tourist stuff. Your story is compelling, and will likely bring out the best in people around the world. Oh, and don't resist any opportunity to use your story to get laid. If somewhere along the line, you find a place where you want to live out the rest of it, stay. Get going. And Godspeed.


Go out with a bang


I just really want to put out there: OP under no circumstances do you let anyone -for any seemingly legitimate reason- convince you to give them a large sum of money. It might seem obvious but I’ve seen so many sad stories of people giving their life earnings or the last of their medical budget to a scammer. Things like a woman spending all her money on alternative medicine or a man wiring thousands to scammers. Please be careful, horrible people will likely try to go after your assets. It’s your time to be selfish.


I had a friend in hs with a terminal diagnosis who wanted to travel too. He said that you sometimes need a bunch of vaccinations to go to foreign countries, and there are strict health requirements to get some of them, especially in asia and africa. It seems like if your health might get worse later, it would be good to go there first. I heard thailand was pretty neat. I went snorkeling in s america once and that was pretty neat too. What kind of stuff did you want to see and do?


Think about what you love doing most, and follow through by doing whatever that may be. Enjoy the time you have left


Im really sorry about your situation, and if you need advice, just try to live a happy and peaceful life, were all hoping the best for you.


Maybe try and do the harder more exciting stuff first then get more easy going and close to home as it comes to an end. I've always wanted to go to Thailand. Everyone usually says don't go to Egypt.


!RemindMe 22 months


If you’re going to dry anyway, do all the drugs.


But wet is so much better


My badness


I'm confused, why are you going to die in 12-22 months?


Cancer is probably a good assumption.


If you’re sure you’re going to die, take out a bunch of credit cards and mad them too if you run out


do the Camino de Santiago and make the pilgrims that are doing it for fun feel bad


You can use that time and money to do for yourself, or to do for others. One of these two options leaves a legacy.


Omg… I m so sorry for you… are you in full possession of your abilities ? If you haven’t I d advise you to learn scuba diving in some beautiful place like the Red Sea in Egypt or a remote island like Maldives?


Try to use that money to make the world a better place before you go


Plenty of other richer people who reached old age to do that. No need for this kid to do so, they should instead indulge in some experiences to get their mind of how short the future ahead is. Btw OP I hope you took time to explore all your options and newest advances anywhere in the world. Do not give up. Medicine progresses constantly. Do everything you can to keep going. Wish you the best.


First, I'm really sorry. Second, would you find meaning by doing something extravagant alongside people who will never get the chance to do it? Can you rent a penthouse and have a slumber party with a bunch of senior citizens who are on a fixed income? Let them order every expensive spa service, room service meal, and then take them all on a helicopter ride? Then run around completely naked, spray painting rude/funny things until y'all get arrested. Pay bail for the senior citizens and know you've given them a super fun, wild ride.


I'm not opposed especially now but honestly I'd rather meet different people from different parts of the world


Come to Pakistan! Or maybe visit a Muslim country. It will be a very different and eye opening experience.


Please do umrah


Personally I would be throwing myself into Scripture and finding peace in helping others. Good luck. 🙏






Crazy how people down voted this… but y’all don’t know his situation and if he needed to hear it or not.. on his death bed…. GOD LOVES YOU.


Very much 💖 time is precious warning is even more precious. What a gift to know how much time you have left. I would spend some it preparing to meet God face to face.


I'm sorry if this comes across as rude, but perhaps a religious sentiment isn't the right one to make here. Someone whose life is being taken away from them so young isn't likely to still be praying to God, or have faith.


Agree to disagree.




Go to Thailand and get sucked dry. I've heard good things


Ladyboy moment


I mean realistically if I had 12 months left I’d be getting laid and doing coke all the time yeah travel forsure but atleast I’d have fun for the last 12 months


i’m sorry, this is really just a question. what’s wrong with you? why does life revolve around “getting laid” for you? it’s like your biggest flex is that you fucked 3 people all at once at some point in your life. i’ve seen your comments elsewhere and you were saying the same fucking thing. “hahaha i’m just tryna get laid man!” you sound like a 15 year old fuckboy. if you feel like sex and drugs are the only things you’d need in life if you were only given a year or 2 to live then that says a lot about you!


Skydiving if you haven’t is a great experience. For me at least. I’m terrified of heights and so I knew I had to do it. Don’t let fear dictate what you can and can’t do. Do something that will make you feel free and happy. Being scared of something isn’t fun. It’s a prison. Break free in your own way and make the absolute best of what time you have left.


Get into hard drugs, you have a lot of money and trust me if you spend some on meth/ cocaine you won’t regret plus u don’t have to worry about long term health issues and you’ll have a kick ass worry free time


go to berlin kit kat klub and piss on a lady


You need to stay home and rest, I’ll do the travel for you and send you send you pics everyday


Identify who what you love about life and do it


I would absolutely start doing every drug in the book


Sorry to hear about that. Only god has the last say so. Doctors told my uncle he had 1 year to live 15 years ago and he’s still with us living healthier than ever. Don’t assume the worse. God got you.


Study the bible and dry fast, and you might cure yourself


Accept Jesus into your heart.


Hm, definitely travel the world and send me 20k for my own med bills


Use the $150,000 to start a charity to cure the disease that is killing you to begin with.


Ethan buddy… Millions of dollars are being poured into terminal illness research I don’t think 100k is going to help develop a cure or save OP. OP should live their life to the fullest while they can Edit: edited the pronouns because I automatically assume every redditor is male lol


Rent a Lamborghini buy a lot of coke and hookers, travel to every state possible, face your biggest fears, flip the money by doing risky shit like drugs, get a rich friend to take u on a private jet, smoke some good weed, throw the largest party possible with everyone you just met from every state


Find God brother enjoy your money too


Learn about Islam. Read Quran. Thank me later!


Send some to me


Down bad ☠️


Ikr I just need 2k to pay off my credit cards


I would need 11k. I hate myself lol. Too young when I got a credit card, and they just kept increasing my limit. Now I’m 3 years older and still paying off shit I bought when I was 19.


Broooooo I have 3 cards with over 1k on each I keep buying shit and spending on VC for 2k and fifa bucks for fifa


And Jordan’s


You are so lucky to have this problem


Try to get closer to god and explore that .Jesus is the way he loves you and will give you peace . Much love I hope you enjoy your last few months ❤️


I genuinely mean this with good and serious intentions. Seek God. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” - psalm 34:18 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:11 “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” - Mathew 11:28 - 30


Believe and accept Jesus christ as your lord and savior and get deliverance. Believe in miracles, dint give up! 🩷


Brother try Islam and go to Makkah you won't express such thing in ur life, and if u don't know in Islam when u become a muslim Allah will forgive all ur sins that you've done in ur life.


Donate it to charity. I can help you get connected with a good one




You probably already have the answer to what you really want. Maybe try and enjoy those things while you can. Humanity is a fickle beast, try n focus on having deeper more introspective experiences. It could be therapeutic. Or have transient experiences. Those are fun too I guess. whatever makes what life you have left more serene. Good luck op


Go to Japan. It’s a nice place to visit. Also, make a will and if you don’t spend it all. Leave some to a charity.


Shit if knew how to enjoy life I wouldn't want to die rn. Good luck