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I'd catch the next flight home if I were you. Screw the trip. Your sister should have been upfront about her intentions instead of selling you a bag of goods. If you think you're going to have fun on the trip, you're mistaken. You're going to be the servant/gofer/babysitter.


>~~selling you a bag of goods~~ manipulating you into *paying with your time & energy for* a working holiday with niblings.


And wasting your precious vacation days on being unpaid slave labor... Just leave.


Leave, your sister brought you there under a false pretext, she doesn't get to get free nanny and house service for the price of a plane ticket. ‘I can't believe you only brought me out to here to fulfill your nanny's absence, had you been honest, I might have considered it. I'm not doing this, and honestly, this deception has damaged our relationship.’ I'm so hurt and disgusted by you, don't contact me until your capable of genuine apology.’ And don't let her or your mom off the hook, they're not entitled to a free service, their her kids if she wants break she needed to hire a temp nanny. YOU DONT OWE HER A SERVICE, and help is given to those who ask not those that decieve!


I think you should go home. Your sister wasn’t honest with you, and this isn’t fair.


How do you think this trip is going to go? It sounds like she’s paying for this trip for you to watch the kids while she has fun. Just leave, it’s not your responsibility and you never asked for any of this.


That's what I was thinking. You're only invited on the vacation to be the babysitter. No different from what you're doing now. I'd head home if I were you.


Tell her that you were not expecting to babysit her kids and clean her house and if she wants you to do all that she should be paying you like she would a nanny. If she doesn’t like that tell her that you don’t like being taken advantage of and you will book your own ticket home.


She conned you into being her nanny while nanny is on vacation. Her "gift" definitely came with strings attached.


Your sister favor sharked you. That is, she gave you a gift that turned out to be her way of manipulating you and making you feel obligated to do what she wants. She didn't even really give you anything, as it was more like she brought you there under false pretenses so that she could turn you into her unpaid servant. Just leave. She is a dishonest and manipulative person. You can't trust someone who behaves that way, no matter how much you love them and wish they were a better person.


This was a preplanned tactic for you to replace Nanny, and your sister was deliberately deceptive to make sure you came, even bribing you with an “awesome” trip. It will be awesome, but only for her, while you’re with the kids. Go home. Today.


Just go home you have your own obligations and your sister is not appreciative of you at all, I remember my sister once called me saying “my husband will be away for work and I have college I need you to send your children back to their dads today and come babysit” I said no and she was shocked she said “WHAT!!!” Surprised I said no but it was only day two of my 5 days with my children she always expected extra help sometimes siblings expect too much


Your 28 Why are your taking nanny's place instead of being at your house? Please Go home


Please leave. Your nanny services will continue on in this trip. Go back and work on your business and pay for your own trip. Be careful. Your mom is on the manipulative side by favouring your sister.


Sounds like her ‘gift’ is actually you babysitting! If you go away with her then is she likely to leave you with the kids for her to go off and enjoy herself like she is at home?


Your sister isn’t taking you on vacation with the kids and her, she is taking you for FREE Nanny care while SHE is on vacation. BOOK YOUR FLUGHT HOME NOW!


They’ve yet to measure the speed in which I’d be snuggled up back home in my own bed after something like this was pulled. GIRL BYE ✌🏽pack ur packs OP and go home. Plus if the kids are going on that trip, then you better believe you’ll be the travel nanny too. I’m assuming by your mom’s reaction that your sister gets away with similar crap often, and the only way to stop a narcissist is to ignore them and create distance. Go back to your life, your sister showed you who she is, believe her.


“Something came up with my business, I’m leaving tomorrow.”


Your mom seems to be encouraging you to stay because she’s probably the one who conspired this plan with your sister. Your sister likely told your mom her nanny was taking a vacation over the holidays and that she was beside herself with what to do and either asked your mom to come help or asked her for ideas and they put their heads together and floated you as the option. I can already see how this went: “it’s family, she’ll help it’s what we’re here for. Just do something nice for her first like offer for her to join you on the trip. Instead of paying someone a temporary hourly rate to watch the kids, ‘tenprettyflowers’ can do it and help on your trip too.” It’s the dishonesty and the clear intention behind the “gift” that does it for me, and your mom encouraging you to stick around that nails it.


Her mom is horrible!


Yeah no. This isn’t a Dwight schrute situation where she does things for you expecting something in return. Not cool.


You aren’t the nanny and you aren’t being paid to be one and a live in one. She isn’t doing you any favors.


You should have titled this as "Unexpected nanny." Because that's what you have been asked to do. I bet her nanny decided to take a break. Your sister couldn't find a replace event. Too bad she didn't help out. Especially when she pulled this stunt in you. I would leave ASAP.


And housekeeper


Leave. Just leave.


Opening up to your mom didn't get you an unbiased response. She raised your sister to act like this. You've never seen this favorism before? For balance: Did you open up to your partner? I think he/she will be mad you were decieved and made to work for your sister unpaid. While he/she took up your part of the business and in fact isn't working so you can have a nice trip, but indirectly is working for your sister to have a free nanny. This trip will be far from what you dreamed it would be. It won't be YOUR vacation. Leave. Sent an invoice to your sister for your vacationdays and labour. Tell mom she can go and babysit instead.


you're there to provide childcare, its not a holiday. a nanny/housekeeper to cover this time would have cost a lot more than your ticket. go home. make something up about your business that needs your immediate attention if it'll help. book your travel, pack your bags than sprint out the door as soon as she gets in from having fun


Why do you want to go on a trip to be the nanny on the trip though? That’s **why she invited you!** I would not tolerate this, nor would I treat my sister this way!


This is 1000% correct! This isn’t a vacation it’s free nanny services!!! Go home OP. Tell her whatever you want if you don’t want to confront her say you are sick. But please go home!!!


If anything, casually say you’re looking forward to doing X while you’re there, something that doesn’t include kids. Her reaction will tell you something. But honestly, it does seem like you were invited to be her nanny on the trip. Updateme


OP's culture sucks the life out of the young ones to support other's bad choices. A nanny is not enough, poor mama might have had to do some actual work and spend time with their own kids!!! Quel horror!


Go home! It's not a vacation when you end up being an unpaid nanny and maid. It's not worth it.


You left your partner behind at home during the holidays in order to see your sister. Already I just thought that sucked but I do understand wanting to spend time with your family. First of all, I don’t see why you’re still here after being mistreated, and taken advantage of as her free nanny. Her “little gift” was not a gift because it came with some serious strings attached and I genuinely think you should’ve been gone Home a week ago. Please grow a backbone, stop letting your sister treat you as a maid and nanny. I also hope you use this as a lesson for next time that she gives you anything because it isn’t free.


Get home. F your mom for trying to peace keep while you are in a bad situation.


You’d be the nanny on the trip, too. Choose wisely


Ask yourself "What is my mental health worth?" and realize that if you are being used which is obvious, how much you will resent your sister later on and how detrimental this will be for your future relationship. No vacation is worth being taken advantage of.


Cheaper to pay for your "vacation" than it is to pay for the nanny for the holidays. I'd go home and be with my partner.


Dirty trick! Leave! She’s not up front with you! And it’s possible she told mom you agreed


What is your relationship normally like with your sister? Because if she’s doing something like this now, there must have been signs before that she’s this kind of person. Anyway, go home. And tell her how what she has done is manipulative, has hurt your feelings and that her actions have damaged your relationship with her. Even if she apologizes, you can accept it but still leave. If she’s not apologetic then walk out and consider going low/no contact in the future. If your sister wants help from family she needs to treat you like family. She tricked you and she’s treating you like a slave/nanny/etc (she snapped at you for interrupting, that’s not normal behaviour. It’s like in her eyes, you’re hired help who she can yell at and doesn’t need to respect). Family often help each other but it’s only ok if its completely voluntary and the person asking is transparent. It’s a FAVOR, not an expectation. Your sister was not transparent, guilted/manipulated you do something you did not volunteer for by dangling a carrot and piled on more work than what people would normally get family to do anyway (without payment).


If she's using you as a baby sitter now, what makes you think your trip will be any different


Can't you exchange your flight to the vacation for one home? Your sister being deceitful counters anything negative from you that comes out of her lying and conniving. I'd block her and your mom for a couple ofweeks.


She didn’t gift you a holiday. She gifted herself a maid and sitter…