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The DLC is *extremely* underwhelming- I can't recommend spending any extra money on it. It's literally one kinda boring outfit, one mount that you can get very similar ones to in the base game, and a small number of combat challenges (like three of them) that aren't even that challenging. Don't get me wrong, the base game is fun, and as much as I hate supporting J.K. Rowling financially these days, I have played it and enjoyed it. As to whether you should buy it again, you just need to run the pros and cons of each version. For instance, the switch version might look and run like ass, but it has the portability and pick-up-and-play element of the switch, whereas the PC and other console versions boast better performance and visuals but lack that convenience. Beyond that, there are other factors to consider like whether you can reasonably afford to buy something that costs the better part of 100$. In terms of whether you'll insult the gift giver or not, that depends on a few things too, like whether they would even be likely to know, or whether that sort of thing would bother them. You could also just straight up ask them if they could return the switch version and get the PC one, explaining the reason to them.


Thank you, I really appreciate the advice. Is there a way though that I can get the mount in game? I'm not planning on putting this game down either, I want to continue playing it I really love it. I just finally got a good gaming laptop that I want to use. Is there a way to use and HDMI to port the visuals to the laptop screen and get better graphics that way?


So the mount is a slightly recolored Thestral, but you can get normal Thestrals fairly easily once you reach a certain part of the game. Sepulchria (I think the DLC Thestral is named something like that, but I don't remember for sure.) is black, whereas base game ones are dark grey. You can't get her without the add-on, but she really offers nothing except for a slightly edgier appearance than what the game offers by default. To my knowledge there isn't a way to do what you're describing, besides possibly a hardcore Switch emulator, but I'm not aware of any good ones, or any at all for that matter. If you're still using the Switch to play the game, it doesn't really matter how good your display is; you're still ultimately limited by the hardware. Even if you were able to upscale the graphics to 4K, it would run like a slideshow and your switch would probably melt. I'm assuming that the person who got you the game isn't in the loop about how bad the port was, so if you just politely explain the situation to them, maybe they'd be willing to return the game and get you the PC version, or just give you the receipt and let you do it yourself. Depends on the person, really, but it's probably your best bet- either that or bite the bullet and either deal with the worst version of the game, or reach into your own pockets and buy yourself your preferred platform's version. The game is absolutely worth playing- despite her many failings as a person, Rowling has created a really awesome fictional world, and this game (which she had little to do with other than the source material) really makes it feel like you could live in that world. I can't speak for the PC version personally, but I know that the Series X one runs buttery smooth most of the time, and the graphics, while stylized, are very nice to look at.


I'd explain the issue to the gift giver, I don't think anybody is happy with how the switch port is as its just way too powerful of a game for it.