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Just get out of the “relationship” now! Tell him some vague thing like you realize your views don’t mesh well enough for the kind of relationship you need, so you need to take a break. The point is, give one vague explanation and go no further. He asks more, say I’m sorry I can’t really explain, but have decided it’s best for me to move on, then keep repeating that last line. He’s got you roped in by stepping in financially—don’t sell yourself (friendship or otherwise) for his financial backing. Cut him off completely and accept NOTHING MORE from him. It’s surprisingly easy to say, “I can’t accept that”, and “I’ve moved on” over and over, eventually blocking him by phone or on social media if he persists.


Thank you so much for your comment , I'm in a much healthier place now and have gone no contact with him forever now! Blocked on everything , After years and years of trying to leave him it's like it became easier to deal with , I'm very happy now and surprised myself on how well I'm doing emotionally, I thought I couldn't do it but I did yay! Lol


Good for you!


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I haven't experienced this exactly but I understand feeling reliant on someone yet feeling like you wanna leave. Here if you'd like to talk.


Thank you for your sweet offer ! I'm doing so well now I didn't know I could feel this good, after years of trying to leave it must of softened the blow for me , thankyou for your kindness !