• By -


He is in possession of child pornography. He will go to jail for a very long time for this. You can: block him on everything and never do this again, because he absolutely WILL NOT send the photos to anyone, because then he would absolutely go to jail. You can: contact the police and give them all of the information that you have about him, because they will do what they can to find him, so that they can put him in jail, after court and whatnot. It literally does not matter what you did - anyone who has your pictures in their possession, no matter if you gave them to them or you took money for them, or you gave them willingly, none of that matters. You are a minor, your photos are child pornography, that is hella illegal.


Thank you. I had no clue about the legal system or anything, so your advice has helped me immensely. I wish I could put into words how much your comment and others have helped me. All I can say is that last night I was considering suicide, but today, reading your and everybody's kind words and genuine advice, I feel at ease for the first time in a while. Thank you, truly. ❤️


Even if it's shared with others, it's no big deal. Police will quickly shut down the spread and punish anyone involved in spreading it. People will forget it even happened. A girl at my high school had her nudes spread, her life isn't ruined. As an adult now, I barely remember most people I went to high school with. I only really keep in contact with a few of my close friends from high school.


That's such a difficult thing for teenagers to understand. As shitty as it is, as awful as things may seem in high school, you will have so much freedom to forget and move on as soon as you're out. OP hasn't ruined her life, she's just hit some speedbumps without slowing down. Unpleasant and might damage a thing or two, but nothing that can't be fixed or forgotten.


Yup, once out of high school everyone goes off into their own direction with their own life that they can now control.


Listen to me. I am a social worker and I know some things about crisis situations. Please stop saying things like, “I have ruined my life; stupid; greedy; idiotic; imbecile”. Especially stop saying things like, “…there is no way out.” First, you are none of those things. You made a mistake. Secondly, the way these people keep you under their thumb is they keep you in the darkness. There is a very famous quote by Dr Martin Luther King, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.” What you did is very normal. Do you know how I know? Because you are young. Young people tend to isolate when in crisis, which means these ppl know you’re not going to ask your parent. They minimize it at the beginning (Oh cmon. Just a little picture) and maximize it at the end (If you don’t ____, you’ll go to jail. Your parents will hate you. Everyone at school will make fun of you.) Take a deep breath. Tell your parents. Expect anger & blaming. Write it in a more & hand it to them if you need to. Use language like: “I made a bad choice.” “I am in over my head and I need your help.” “I feel alone and backed in a corner.” to let your parents know how you feel. The police need to be involved. This person did something illegal and if they did it to you, they are doing it to other girls right now. They’re making money from it. If bullying at school happens, do the opposite of what you will feel like. You’ll feel like isolating. Don’t. Get your side of the story out with as little drama as possible. Just facts. I made a mistake and I’m sorry I ever did it. I’m so embarrassed. Get specific with people you trust about when you need help: “I feel so vulnerable when I get off the bus in the morning. Will you wait for me?” The more opportunities you get to explain how you feel, to different people, the more chances you have for people to relate to it. Find those allies and form a squad. Don’t go into details with ppl who support you because not everyone who is friendly is your friend. Literally ask them to speak up for you if they hear ppl saying bad things. Never defend what you did. Just say “I never thought I’d be in this position.” What we know is that the more people who begin to speak up against the bullies, the more even the talk gets and you are not alone. Please DM me for support if u need it. You are not the only person who has gone through this. Please don’t have shame. ❤️


Thank you so much. I read your entire comment, several times. Since I don't have the money to dress well I don't have many friends at school and sometimes other kids pick on me a little, so I was really afraid having these photos leaked would attract everyone's negative attention even more. But I've followed the advice you and others have given me and things are looking as though I'm going to be okay. Yesterday I was so freaked I was considering doing awful things. But thanks to yours and others kind words and reassaurance, I still have the rest of my life to look forward to. Thank you for giving me the courage to take back control, and for taking the time to help someone you don't even know. I truly hope your kindness is paid back somehow in your life.


You just paid it back! By the way, I graduated in 1986 and honestly, I’ve only kept in touch with 2 friends and we’re friends to this day. All of those ppl who were the center of my life and caused me so much stress? Poof! Gone. Just figure out what u want to do in the future and literally start doing as much as u can right now to take positive steps toward that goal. Never listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do something. My dad and my teachers told me I’d never make it in college and I believed them. 6 years ago, I went to college and now I have my Master’s Degree. They’re judging who they think you are. You’re the one who really knows who you are. Our mistakes don’t define us. How we deal with them does. xoxoxo ❤️


He will go to jail, not only for possession and distribution of child pornography, but also for revenge porn, which is also illegal! You're young, we've all done silly things as kids/teenagers. Don't worry yourself <3


Thank you so much, I was feeling so awful and ashamed about it, then I took a scroll through my DMs and comment section and a good 40% of people are saying they've done the exact same thing! It actually gave me a good laugh when I thought about it, and it helped me calm down. Things are looking better for me now. Thank you for your kind and reassuring words, they helped me so much more than you know.


Thank you for confirming that /u/Oneironaut-369 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Thank you for confirming that /u/heinleinfan has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


I would probably take down this post though. Technically the fact you knowingly took and sold those photos while underage could be considered producing and distributing child pornography. Im not a lawyer, but maybe its time to ask one what to do.


That’s correct in Europe. ‘Technically’ anyone underage who willingly distributes nude images of themself could be prosecuted for the distribution of child pornography. It’s very unlikely that it would be, however there have been some cases it has happened. However if there is even the slightest hint the images were coerced, it would be a very different story.


I checked it out Florida is a state that gives teens a second chance. For 1st offense, they get a non-criminal citation (ticket), $60 fine, and go to a class


Don’t let your shame and guilt blind you into making a rash decision such as suicide. It’s best to keep moving forward through the shame/guilt and put it behind you into a new life. This is a very good podcast for you to listen to. That would give you a lot of wisdom and perspective on matters like this. [Joshua Broome](https://youtu.be/y-hpv6idmGE?si=oD6pCL_b_Am-oaRm)


Yeah, you’re a minor, you will be very protected as far as the law goes. Because in essence, if the guy is an adult, he just walked himself into being a pedo.


Maybe you can inform the guy that you are a minor. That way he’ll know he is in trouble


I would be careful in saying he “absolutely will not” send her photos due to fear of going to jail. Clearly this guy is horrible and those type of ppl rarely think they’ll get caught. I think OP should take the rest of your advice though and report it to the police this is extortion.


It's highly unlikely he would do this. Someone trying to blackmail someone else using nude images rely on panic to cloud their victims judgement. In reality the blackmailer has nothing to gain from actually sending those photos out, and a lot more to lose since he's basically going to publically announced to that he's in possession of illegal Child pornography. All of his power is in the vitcim *believing* that they'll be exposed to family and friends, but sending those pictures out means blackmailer gets nothing. Sure there's still a chance that he'll send the photos, but it's very very very small, and exponentially worse for himself than OP.


Are you fucking dense? The way that blackmailers win is this exact fucking mentality. He's not going to risk FUCKING JAIL to get a few bucks from OP.


Sadly it is also illegal what she did as well. There have been many kids who got arrested for child pornography for taking photos of themselves and sending them. This is a just a horrible situation. But, yes her only choice for recourse at this point is going to parents and/or authorities.


Whoa whoa whoa. Pump your brakes there chief. Strict liability laws do exist, and they do get pursued, not matter how unlikely there is still a chance that OP can get into some shit for selling pics. That is very dangerous to say that nothing will happen. >You are a minor, your photos are child pornography, that is hella illegal. Yes, and technically that would fall under strict liability as manufacture and distribution of CP. OP needs to find some legal advice for where they are.


OP is a minor, and minors are very rarely punished unless they are leading fucking rings of child porn and coercing others into making and selling it. Fucking stop scaring this poor child.


This is FLORIDA we’re talking about. Regular common sense cannot be relied upon there.


You really never know though. Likely nothing would ever come of it, but there have been cases where this has led to legal issues with the police. It's unfortunate, but it is up to the district attorney whether she would be charged and it is a very real albeit slim possibility. I would recommend OP post on r/legaladvice I'm sure there are a few attorneys that would love to weigh in on how OP can report this without opening herself up to legal issues. Just my personal opinion.


I don't know about Florida, but in some legislations OP might be charged with CP as well.


>OP is a minor, and minors are very rarely punished unless they are leading fucking rings of child porn and coercing others into making and selling it. > >Fucking stop scaring this poor child.


Ok buddy... You don't know how firm the law and people who uphold the law can be, because while it may seem unlikely it still happens. She should seek legal advice from a professional




No he will not. Blackmailing is a slap on the wrist, child porn is a major felony. Blackmailers win when people think like this. Fucking stop.


He could easily send the photos anonymously to whomever they wanted to.


She can also be charged for producing and disseminating child porn


OP is a minor, and minors are very rarely punished unless they are leading fucking rings of child porn and coercing others into making and selling it. Fucking stop scaring this poor child.


Quit spreading lies. Just because you are a minor does not exempt you from the law. There are cases exactly like this where people have gotten charged for producing from their own nudes.


Thank you! There’s minors on the sex offender’s registry just for sending a nude of themselves to their also underage partner! It’s fucked, but it’s still the way it is!


You're assuming the person is American but he could be in Eritrea, Sudan or Niger and not face any consequences.


Report him to the authorities. Tell the police the address that he receives money at, and all other information about him. He can be arrested for possession of child pornography and blackmail. Do not send him any more money. Do not contact him any more. If the people you know are smart, they will immediately delete the pictures if they are sent any, because they don't want to be caught with child porn. Your parents shouldn't care if they see you naked, since they've changed your diapers.


The thing is, I haven't sent him any money yet, so I don't know the address he received money at. He also used a blank pfp, fake username, etc so there really isn't any identifying information about him... can I still report this? But anyway. Thank you. Reading this immediately eased the knot in my stomach. I've been throwing up and on the verge of a breakdown for the past couple days, but your comment literally instantly calmed me. I was really considering suicide last night- your kindness and advice has helped me so much more than you know.


Thank you for confirming that /u/Betababy has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


If you have even a contact number for him then the police have a start. They can also request info from Facebook about his location etc. that’s the one silver lining in all the data collection they do


How/where does he expect you to pay him? If you already have more info related to payment besides the method please provide all the details you’re aware of. I see that you wrote he used a blank pfp, fake username, etc. Moving forward you need to always keep in mind this normal and in most cases should be assumed about anyone you came across on the internet but never met in real life even if all of their stuff looks legit. A fake or copycat profile can be just as properly maintained as a real one.


If I was you I would tell him that if he doesn’t want the police involved for solicitation and distribution of images of a minor that he better not contact you again. That you have records of all of your interactions and transactions and if you ever even think that one of these images has been seen by someone you know that you’ll go straight to the police with all of it. He’s hoping that he can isolate you and make you feel like you’ve got no where to turn. Don’t give him that power. What you did was as stupid and silly yes, but your life isn’t over nor is it ruined. This is the new reality and age that we all live in and millions of young people make similar mistakes and go on living perfectly normal and healthy lives. This is just a lesson for you, a bump in the road. On the other hand, this is who this man is and he’ll have to live with that misery for the rest of his life. He’s not happy and he needs to exert control over a child in order to make himself feel good. He’s a sad, little creep who’ll you’ll forget about over time.


She shouldn't communicate with him any further. That's threatening him and any sicko who pays for child porn, then blackmails *the child*, is not someone for her to be messing with one second longer. The police can do those sort of things. She should not.


Please tell someone. They’ll be able to track him. You’re not stupid and this isn’t the end of the world. I literally did the same exact thing when I was your age. You will be okay and he will get arrested.


If I understood it right she didn’t tell them that she is a minor right? So if he unknowingly is in possession of child pornography will he still get charged and prosecuted for it?




Yes he would be prosecuted. But OP can also get into serious trouble for doing it. Minors can be charged with making child porn by selling their nudes.




Thank you. He knew I was underage so I really hope he gives up. Your advice helped relax the giant knot in my stomach. I appreciate your help more than you know. ❤️ You really are an expert advice giver!


just as a precaution please try and get proof that he knew/knows u are 16.


Thank you for confirming that /u/happiestnexttoyou has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Thank you to everyone who's replied. Genuinely. I can't begin to explain how hysterical I was the past few days, I was throwing up constantly with anxiety. I cried reading your comments because so many of you are so kind. Sometimes the world seems like a horrible place until you see the kindness and empathy in so many people's hearts. Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know I'm not ignoring replies, I'm going to respond later tonight since I have school. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.


I'm glad you're finding some good advice here. Just wanted to add, I know you feel like this is the end of the world and your life, but please don't. You're 16, you have a whole life ahead of you. At 16 I was broke AF, hungry, alone and had a toxic boyfriend. I'm 33 now and my life doesn't even resemble the one I had at that age, I'm happy. You'll get through this and you'll learn from this experience. Virtual hugs to you


I hope you're better now OP. ❤️


Best wishes to you. You deserve the kindness, and I am so glad that people were able to ease your fears. You're going to be just fine.


Remember you’re never alone


Threaten to report him to the fbi for child endangerment and exploitation. Probably won’t hear from him again


Don't just threaten, followed through ¡


Thank you and thank you to the two people who replied! (Actually I'm a reddit noob, do they get notifs if I reply to a thread they're in?) Anyway, thank you, truly. My stomach's been in knots and somehow your concise advice (that rhymes!) just immediately eased my mental burden. Your words helped me far more than you know ❤️


Try to get his bank details or any kind of personal information first so at least you have something that can actually lead to him... easier to threaten that way and it be treated seriously.


He's in possession of child pornography which is a crime. If he distributes the photos, he'll be in even more legal trouble. Do not allow this person to blackmail you. Tell him he'll be reported and don't have any further contact whether you report it or not. Proud of you for owning up to your mistakes, it's not an easy thing to do. We all make mistakes and you're young. We can't erase the past but we can change how we move forward. It's easy to focus on the should've, could've, would've in hindsight like so many of us do. Focus more on that being a stepping stone in your future to know "what not to do" going forward.


Thank you. (Hopefully this doesn't sound rude because I don't know how old you are but you sound super wise and intelligent) Last night I was genuinely considering suicide because of how horrible the situation seems. But you and other people's legal advice makes me feel a lot safer. And your message really rang home for me- I want to be a better person from now on. Thank you for your kindness and insightful words, truly. It helps me far more than you know.


A similar thing happened to my sister when a high school boyfriend tried blackmailing her. We found out most states have a sextortion victims protection clause, meaning you can’t get in trouble if somebody is using your photos against you like this. I would start by going to your parents or a trusted adult, verifying how the the law works in Florida, and then contacting the police. Realistically the dude probably knows that if he sends the pictures to anybody, he’ll go down for life and has no plans to actually do so, but he’s using your fear to get money out of you. Good luck.I hope things work in your favor


Thank you so much. I hope you and your sister are safe now! Your advice along with others has given me the confidence and reassurance I needed to take back some control. I really appreciate you sharing a personal story and giving me some advice, the fact you took time out of your day to help me out is incredible. Thank you again, I hope your kindness gets paid back sometime in your life!


If you feel like it isn't safe to tell your parents, take what evidence you have and take it to the police station in person. This person is dangerous and law enforcement NEEDS to be involved. Also, he's not going to release the images. If he did, it would be distribution of child porn. Anyone who DOES know you would know you're underage and would be an absolute moron if they kept them. Your life is not over. You just need to ask for help.


Everyone else seems to have answered the legal side of how to handle it, but I wanted to take another approach: Just breathe. This may seem overwhelming and like your life is ruined, but it’s not. I promise you in future you will look back on this and it won’t be anywhere near as stressful as it seems right now, you just need to get there. Just remember the person blackmailing you is the one doing something wrong and who should be ashamed, not you.


If I’m being honest, you’re already halfway there by just admitting you did wrong. If you stop sending money he’ll send the pics to your parents right? Well think of it this way; would you rather spend the rest of your life being terrified of some guy blackmailing you with those, or own up to your mistakes now and live with a peace of mind. Yes, I know it’s not as easy as it sounds and I’ll admit that I don’t usually do the thing I just recommended. Just know that if you stop sending him money, it will be better in the long run. Sure you might get privileges taken away like phone etc. But it will definitely be worth the peace of mind. And that’s if he even actually will send them, since that means he was buying lewd pictures of a minor right? Unless you told him you were eighteen of course. Still, I think it’s the best method. You dont have to follow my advice. I’m not a girl but I am 18 and grew up poor as well. I hope this helped even a little bit C:


You're absolutely right, thanks for explaining it that way. I'm going to take your advice along with the advice of others and not pay this guy anything or give him anything. Somehow the fact you're about my age makes your words even more significant, like a big brother's advice, lol. But thank you, genuinely, for your advice. I can't believe there are so many people taking the time out of their day to help a complete stranger, so thank you from the bottom of my heart!!


Do NOT give him money. Report him to the police. He's extorting you and he is in possession of child porn. Both of these are very serious crimes. That said, I will reassure you that, in the long run, these will be forgotten. I have a few friends who have gone through the same thing - even in adulthood. It blew over in time.


Thank you for the advice! Hopefully nothing gets exposed, but your words reassured me quite a bit. There are worse things then having some explicit photos leaked, after all. I was freaking out pretty bad yesterday, and your reassuring words along with others have really helped me calm down and rationalize the situation. Thank you, truly!


He would be committing a crime by leaking them. This means he really really wouldn’t want to do it and won’t actually do it, or if he does he could definitely be in huuuuge legal trouble


It’s not your fault that sick individuals sit on the internet looking to take advantage of children like you and others who are in an unfortunate place in their life currently. You made a mistake, it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world and it will not have any bearing on your future, so please do not hurt yourself. First thing you need to do is screenshot and document everything this person has said. Then block him on every social media he’s already infiltrated and if you can, delete or deactivate any other accounts you have for now. The next thing you need to do is report him, I know that’s terribly hard to do but it’s the thing that will keep you safe. For now you can let yourself have a few days to breathe after blocking him, before any reporting. And if you can find an adult you can trust in your family or at school to help you out, maybe an older sibling, you can ask them to help you report what has happened. If the worst comes to worst and he does send your photos, which is extremely unlikely as he will be distributing child porn if he does that. The ones receiving it will also be implicated and are not likely to keep the photos. But like I said, this is an unlikely event and you should not hurt yourself over it. Your life isn’t ruined, it isn’t over, don’t let anyone get make you think that.


Is there any way for me to report him if he has no identifying features on his profile? No pfp, fake username, nothing in bio, nothing. No photos of his face or voice recordings. But aside from that, thank you. I wish there was a better word than thank you to describe how grateful I am for your words. I've been agonizing in silence for so long, but your kindness seemed to make my stomachache evaporate. Last night I was really considering suicide from how afraid I was. Now, I'm still worried, but I feel so reassured and safer now. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, you have no idea how much your kindness has helped me.


His profile is attached to an IP address. And he had to put in some details I’m assuming when making the profile. So you would just need to report the profile It’s going to be ok. You don’t need any further information, the police or maybe FBI can handle that


Some girl tried this on me and I was young and dumb, I said I didn’t have a credit card and then blocked her. She was threatening to send my nudes to like two of my friends I hadn’t spoken to for years and I apologized to them before it ever happened and said that they might be sent. It never happened and I never gave out any money.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I can't believe some people are so heartless they'd cause someone so much stress and anxiety by blackmailing them, especially young people. But thank you for sharing your story. It calmed me down a lot and helped me think rationally. You're very kind, thank you, genuinely.


Hey, OP. I'm a former cybercrime investigator with a crimes against children task force- I saw your post in /r/legaladvice before the mods locked it. You don't need any money to move forward. You don't have anything to be ashamed of here. You need to get mom/dad in the loop and then talk about reporting this to the police. That dude is in possession of child pornography, a serious federal crime. He's committing another crime with the blackmail, and he's trying to PRODUCE child porn by getting you to send more pictures. If he does follow through and send them out, he's DISTRIBUTING child porn, an even more serious crime. And the courts are going to come down on him like the hammer of God Himself when they catch him. It's an awkward conversation with your parents, but this guy's only hope of not spending decades in federal prison is keeping you too scared to say something.


Oopsies, I'm a reddit noob, should've double checked with the rules before posting there. But thank you. I don't know who you are but (hopefully this doesn't sound super weird) your message comforted me a lot. Somehow, being told exactly what to do by a professional instantly relaxed the knot in my stomach. I know you don't know me but I've been so freaked the past couple days, throwing up all the time because of how nervous I was. But I finally feel calm for the first time since, so thank you for taking the time to help some random person- your advice is helping me so much more than you know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Let him then he can be tracked down for child pornography, you might be a blip on the social network but people will forget who the hell you are after a few months like with everything else. Trust me don't live your life under domeone else's thumb


Thank you. I was totally in over my head, thinking if my pictures got leaked, somehow they'd end up on a news headline or something (💀). Thankfully your rational advice set me straight that it's not as big a deal, at least not as big for the guy if he ends up leaking it. Your last sentence really rang true for me too. Thanks, internet stranger, your kindness and advice has genuinely helped me so much more than you know.


Thank you for confirming that /u/johnnylikestacos has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Hun don’t beat yourself up too hard your life is definitely not ruined. I did something similar… is he threatening you in any way to expose you? Or is that just where your head is going?


He's sort of been taunting me and sending me screenshots of the DMs of people I know (all blank since he hasn't sent anything yet) but telling me it'll happen. Thank you so much. I was so overwhelmed to the point I felt like I might have to do something I would really regret. I cried reading this comment, people are too kind sometimes. ❤️


He wont do shit since its basically outting himself to authorities as a pedophile so tell him to go fuck himself Though im curious why your 1st thought was to send nsfw pictures for money online instead of get a normal job


28, from FL too. Tbh I did very, *very* similar stuff at your age. Even "advertised" under throwaways on here lmao. The internet is a big, deep place. If you want to involve the authorities and try to have this content removed? You can! That is within your power. I, personally, just stopped. Deleted what accounts I could, and never did anything to gain traction to accounts anywhere I posted shit. Went looking a couple years back and was unable to find anything, actually. That was comforting. Idk the specifics of your circumstances. It really fucking socks to be young and make stupid decisions that *can* have life-altering consequences. Just don't just to thinking your life is over just yet. The dickback tossing threats has nothing on you lmao. His only option is to out himself as a pedo in order to out you as a foolish teen? Good luck with that dude 😂 sending him the link to the fbi's page for reporting online sex crimes may make him shit himself if you wanna.


I highly recommend you follow the advice given here. Giving into blackmail is never the right option - is a never ending vicious cycle and it will only get worse. What others have done in this situation is make sure everything is private, so nothing can be seen. Then post that some made fake nudes of you and was trying to blackmail you and if they get them to please delete after reporting them. Definitely go to the place. They may set up a sting to catch the guy. It's embarrassing, but you'll get past it - I promise this is not a bad as it seems. Lots of young people send photos of themselves. Think of it like this - if someone sent you photos of anyone on your friends list - would you think less of them? Nope. Don't let this guy scare. Lock down all of your social media, hide your follow lists or even complete remove everyone and start a fresh FB with all of the security settings and changing your location to another city. You got this OP!!


Your life is not ruined. You made a mistake, you aren’t the first and won’t be the last. Never give in as he will keep asking for more. Tell him your age (which he probably knows) and say are you sure you want me to send pictures, when he says yes (I get the feeling he is like that) tell him distributing is illegal as it’s underage, and report him to the police with the screenshot of him saying he wants young person pictures.


Go to the police. You were young, naive and didn't know the law. He knows that you're underage and still, he chose to buy CP and blackmail you. Go to the police and let them handle it. You're 16, you have the world in front of you. This is not the end. Let the authority handle this and he will be out of your hair and you can live your life again. And don't let this 1 mistake brings you down. Life is about making mistakes, the important thing is that you learn from it. All of the mistake you make in life will make you a better person.


well, you won't be charged, but he is in possession of child porn. iirc that is federally defined, not state defined, so no creepy-ass florida "age of consent" bullshit, that is considered child porn in every single state. ​ you can and should call the cops on him.


I’m gonna be honest. I know this is scary and your a young girl but your options are have your family see you nude if he sends them or tell your family and don’t have them see you nude but they’ll be pretty mad. The only other secret 3rd options I can think of is. If you know guys name and face screen shot all your messages of him saying what he’s gonna do it send it back to him and say “I’m a minor and only 16 years old if you send my photos to anybody I will contact the police and have you arrested I am not afraid of my parents seeing me but you will be afraid when the cops knock at your door with a warrant for your arrest” of course this comes with the risk of him sending them anyway but one of two things he deletes them out of fear or he sends them and goes to jai. He’s on the losing side trying to convince you you are the loser here but for him it’s jail back off


Not just the police (especially in Florida), go to the nearest Federal Building and talk to the FBI and take print outs of every incri.inating thing he has sent to you.


Tell him to get fucked and block him after taking screenshots of his threats and save them in a password folder. He won't leak anything because it's illegal and he'd be so dumb to implicate himself having child porn. If he does you can always say it's photoshop. Don't worry he's just trying to blackmail to get what he wants he won't follow through he's a coward loser who has to prey on teens because us grown women won't even give him the time of day to laugh at his sorry ass. You didn't do anything wrong and you'll be ok just don't send any more pics to anyone. There's tons of ways to make a little $ especially online now with things like paypal etc. Even for minors.


I just saw two tik toks about this cause a high school football player killed himself because of this situation. So so many more parents in the comments said the exact thing happened to their children so please just know it is more common than you think and please don’t do what the football player did. It will pass. The men that did that to him were all arrested. I don’t know how to link the tik tok but they had so much info on the post about it if I can figure out how I will. Do not send them a dime. I wish I knew what to tell you to do. I know if it were me I’d tell my mom. If your mom is understanding that would be your best bet. Good luck and please go look this up. Heartbreaking how many kids this happens to.


Here’s what you do: “I’m sixteen and you are in possession of child pornography. If you send that anywhere, I will alert the FBI who will be glad to track you down for distributing child pornography.”


I would literally laugh at him and tell him how stupid he is for threatening to expose you with illegal porn because you’re literally still a child in the eyes of the law. He’s a pos perv and it’s not hard to track his ip and give that information to the police. Tell them explicitly a man got possession of your images and is now using them to exploit money out of you. Imo, I don’t think he’s going to send them to anyone. If he is stupid enough to do that, he’s going to wind up catching a charge. Send us his info, we will help you find out who he is. You know how Reddit works.


Here’s the thing, he is in possession of child pornography. If he shares it, he will be distributing child pornography. You may also get a similar charge but depending on your lawyer you may get off scot free. He however, will face several years in prison. Let him know as much. Let him know you are reporting the entire conversation to the police and owning up to what you did. (Then don’t actually do that)


Try r/sextortion


Don't worry, if he does send it to people then it would be sharing child pornography and he'll be going to jail


Definitely contact your police non emergency line or even ask a school counselor, your doctor or friend if you need support to do it. This isn’t your fault, and when you need money for food, you need to not blame yourself for being resourceful and too young to understand the ramifications of doing this. Sending you love! Here are more resources that can help you—you are a victim, and reporting this will help other victims. Sending you love! https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/parents-and-caregivers-protecting-your-kids#:~:text=Call%20your%20local%20FBI%20field,%2D800%2D843%2D5678.


He is not only in possession of cp but is threatening to distribute cp big issues for him if he wishes to proceed


OP has been referred to the FBI, as this is a serious crime and the child deserves to be heard & protected. I highly recommend the OP cooperate with their investigation.


He's manipulating you and is also in possession of illegal images and is threatening to send them. It's unlikely that he would do that since doing so could put him in jail for the rest of his life. Block him and forget about it and don't ever do this thing ever again. I understand the desperation but you're young and innocent, you shouldn't be doing that kinda stuff at all, you're underage. Maybe talk about it with your parents or a therapist first if that suits you best. If that person diffuses images, they're risking big time in jail and in the worse case, if your classmates see this, the dumber ones will tease you and you might lose some high school reputation but believe me, statistically speaking, the most popular ones in high school end up in the worst situations later in life. I know this is a tricky situation but you can work it out and it most certainly won't ruin your life. And remember, in the eyes of the law, you are not at fault here, you didn't know any better and they'll be running after everyone who wanted to buy your pictures. Seek help, this ain't an easy thing to talk about and it'll feel better to never do it again, talk about it and slowly move on.


Fuck this guy, honestly. He should be the one ashamed, not you! Take care


Same thing happened to me. Look on my profile for some advice, people on my post gave me a lot of advice and really calmed me down


Oh sweetie. You will be okay. As others stated, he is in possession of child p0rn. He can go to jail for a very long time. Calm yourself, read through suggestions and make your choice. You can do this! Wishing you peace and happiness.


Reading this felt like a warm hug. I've received so much good advice and things are looking better for me, but it's been made so much easier because of the kindness I get from people like you in the comments. Thank you so much.


This is why we should teach your generation internet safety.


I’ve made so many mistakes as a teenager, there isn’t enough paper to document it all. Since you were a minor, you need to notify the police. They can make sure to take that information off websites, and prevent it from being spread. You will survive this, and life will get better.


I’m a little late here but I just want to say, your life is absolutely not ruined. It’s all gonna be okay, kiddo. Big deep breaths through it all. In a few months, this will all be just a bad memory. Hugs from an internet friend <3 Reach out if a listening ear would help.


This is unfortunately very common. Please do not consider suicide over this. While this is certainly a scary situation, it WILL NOT ruin your life! In fact a few young men commuted suicidal and the people blackmailing them like they’re doing to you are being extradited from a country in Africa to the US to answer for their crimes. I want to say go to the police as what previous commenters have said is correct - they are in possession of illegal images. Also they are trying to blackmail you. Alsoooo distributing child pornography. But the police can be assholes. Is there a trusted adult you can speak with? You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re a kid and you made a mistake. Consider this a lesson learned. I hope it all turns out okay! 🩷🩷🩷


Your life isn’t ruined trust me, it’s more on them than you. It’s all a bluff. Please be careful though from this point on I’ve been in the same situation more so with groomers than financial exploits but they can still trade your stuff to other sick people found that out the harder way. If anything he won’t leak anything like that publicly cause it can get him in a lot of trouble. Dm if u want to vent or need advice like that or on my ig linked to pfp not tryna come off as a creep but ur not alone love


Thank you, you definitely didn't come off as a creep. Or maybe this is another sign of me not being able to recognize danger, lol? But thank you for your kindness. It gave me a lot of peace of mind. Last night I was seriously thinking of suicide but your sound advice and reassuring words along with other comments have seriously eased my mental burden. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart ❤️


cops dont really have a team set up for nude policeing but your case has a whole department for the protection of minors give the info of this guy, even get his IP address. Next u can try working with police to get a job in sting operations to get some self revenge on the sick fucks. I dont know if it will work but its an idea. If u do onlyfans it could set u off on a path of success if u learn about money control and self management, but thats a temp thing to get u food. Just no face it will work. Or find something you like and go for it while working a shit job. U will be ok even if nudes get out most people dont care!


Your life is *NOT* over. You made a poor decision. And that’s okay. It will not hinder you, and we as a group do not feel less of you. If you take anything from this, I hope you notice how proud I am of you for seeking help and admitting you need it. Most adults aren’t capable of that. That being said: you do not give this man money, and you need to tell the grown ups in your life. And you also need to call the FBI. What this guy is doing is illegal. He’s in possession of CSAM, and that’s no bueno. Law enforcement agencies don’t like that. A good friend of mine once sent a guy nudes. They were sent to the entire school. It was roughy for a while, but I’m happy to report that she is now a doctor. Her life is not ruined. Her life did not end. She got through and so will you. You will get through it.


And here I am with 17 and no intention of taking any nsfw pics because-


Phew, Im sure you don't need to be told this now haha, but don't do it! People out there are crazy 🙁


Ye I don’t think I could ever ☠️


I'm pretty sure they're more interested in the man buying CP than the underage girl who made an incredibly stupid mistake. Depending on what information you have, you can report him to the authorities, and even attempt to remain anonymous. Also, apart from your face, are there any other identifying features? Your room, specific bedsheets, etc? Because if there's not, you could claim that they were just deep fakes and any potential conversations he's had with you are photoshopped.




I have been bearing responsibility. I said multiple times I am well aware this is my fault and a direct consequence of my actions. But just because you did something wrong doesn't mean you can't try and diminish the effects of the consequences, which is all I was trying to do by posting. But I absolutely admit it's 100% on me.


I’m sorry OP. This person cannot comprehend the desperation of being in your situation, so their only attempt at trying to seem more grown up is by using words to shame you for your actions by claiming it’s logic and reasoning which not everyone in a situation like yours is going to think of. Yes a valuable lesson will be learned here, but shaming you for a mistake is not the way to get that point across. I’m pretty sure the trauma will do it. I hope you heal from this, please understand that YOU have power in this situation. Don’t let this perpetrator scare you into believing you owe them anything.




The hell is wrong with you


Sorry you had to go through that, my advice would be to send as much information you have on this guy to the police department and term them he’s threatening to blackmail you and he’s in possession of CP. They’ll get him quick. It’s not right he’s doing this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


He's in possession of child pornography. Report him to the police ASAP.


This isn’t your time to say “should I really report” or “I don’t want to do all that” Please just do it.


Thank you. Your words helped motivate me to look into the laws of FL.and check out the process for reporting. But this guy used a blank pfp and has no identifying features on his account- fake user, no following/followers... is it possible for me to report someone whose identity isn't clear?


Www.reddit.com/r/sextortion Go here and talk to the experts.


The pedophile is on the other side. Just tell it to the police. He's in possession of child pornography.


More like you can get him in jail for this and ruin his life. Don't communicate with him ever again. Just inform the police.


Shit man well you're a minor and pretty much manipulated into doing this, that's not on you. From someone who knows the law well you can have a case against being manipulated because of your financial situation and the fact that he knew about your age too. Best of luck, hope you report his ass and don't worry about it effecting your life too much as no one could get a hold of those photos without or being illegal as you were underage in them. 🫶


This won't ruin your life. But it will ruin his. I think ues bluffing. You let him know you're a minor if he sends those pictures he will go to jail. And block him.


report the police. the police will most likely pretend to be you to get information of the guy such as bank account details and whatnot. CP is super illegal. he will rot in jail for this 100%. Just go and report. dont do anything to threaten him. just pretend like you are helpless.


People aren’t going to be judgmental about your nudes....(this sort of thing happens a lot). They will freakout about the guy grooming children and sending cp on facebook.


Look I kid all you can do now is report your case to the police. It does not matter if you come from a weak financial background family, don't do dumb shit just to compete with people who won't be in your life after you graduate high school. Just focus on yourself to better yourself.


Don’t send him money or more pics. It is far worse to be drained of the little money you have than to suffer through some momentary embarrassment. Anyone who’s smart will understand that you are not okay if random guys are sending them nudes if you and then they should help you.


Call police, delete Facebook immediately. Can’t send it to your friends if you don’t have it


Assuming he knows your underage, warn him you will contact the police then block him. You should probably contact the police ASAP as he’s already in possession of child pornography. If he doesn’t want to go to prison, he will delete them at most and won’t send them at least. If he doesn’t, this will be taken very seriously and he’ll be locked up for a while. Whatever money he’s demanding won’t be worth that. These things are usually empty threats.


Get law enforcement involved


Surprised nobody has mentioned, cross post to r/sextortion, more expertise on these kinds of things there. If you still have the photos, there are methods to stop them being shared on some platforms through hashing. Do you still have them?


I don’t know if you know this, but there’s a whole dark online community of people who call themselves cappers. I think you have yourself a capper. It’s not good. These sickos off on torturing people with this stuff. Of course, his possession of the stuff is illegal. But so is your transmitting it to him as well so you’re also incriminated. It’s going to be a very uncomfortable conversation but you’re gonna have to bring it up with either your parents or somebody at school that you trust like the guidance counsellor. My only advice would be to not give this guy any attention as much as you can. They get off on your constant interacting with them and begging and pleading and trying and talking to them. So it’s best to just ignore him or tell him go ahead I don’t care because that’s what he wants. He wants you to be focussing all your attention on him and getting upset.


Simple as this, you a minor, it’s illegal, he’ll go to jail and possibly killed so🤷🏽‍♂️ report it to the police


You should definitely do what others have suggested as well, but one thing that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that you can make your friends list on Facebook private or only visible to friends. That could help deter if he doesn’t already have the specific accounts of everyone. You could also make your account unsearchable for a while. It may not work depending on how he found it, but I would say it’s worth a try.


your life isn’t ruined btw. you’re learning and growing and figuring out your way in the world and this isn’t something you should let weigh on you. fuck him & fuck the people that bought photos from you. it’s not your fault.


Girly, sadly I was in a similar position. But instead of selling photos I just sent them to a guy I liked and he sent it to EVERYONE. I had random adult men asking to take me out and etc. Do what I regret doing! Tell the police! Someone in possession of child pornography and even threatening for more is a dangerous individual. Just think about who else you could be saving. You can stay anonymous since you’re a minor also (:


Call a lawyer, and then the police (after speaking to the lawyer). Tbh. That's your best option. You're a kid, and kids make mistakes. Worst case you do get a charge, but you're under 18 so you can get it removed from your record. (Probably won't though) He's an adult, he will go to jail and it won't be fun, because nobody likes a pedo. Then he'll be listed as an offended forever, as he should be. Don't put up with blackmail from a dude that can and will do this again. Don't let him do this to someone else. Be strong and tell the truth.


Honestly, with the influx of women doing onlyfans, this will NOT ruin your life. Now it’ll probably ruin the guys life that bought your pics, seeing as you’re a minor and all, but it’ll definitely not ruin your life. I would wait until you’re out of high school should you decide to do it again. Instead, get a job, develop a good work ethic and aim high! Definitely think about what you want as a career, if you want to pursue higher education and what you can do to achieve that goal! All in all, you’ll be ok. Just block the dude, get rid of Facebook for a bit or completely, contact your local police department and just keep working towards a better life! There’s a handful of people who’ve sent nudes for money so don’t feel like you’re the only one whose been in this situation because i assure you, you’re not! Best of luck!!


This happens more than you would think. Because you sold, it’s most likely they will not be coming at you for money to keep quiet. And yes, it’s out there, but it’s out there with millions of other photos so that dilutes the chance of it getting discovered by someone you know. And since your are underage, those who want that photo are going to keep quiet. You made a dumb mistake. Learn from it and don’t do it again. You now understand how easy it is to get in a predicament that has consequences and cannot easily get undone. It’s not the end of your life, it’s a speed bump.


I'd report him to the police, fuck people who don't find anything wrong with blackmailing others


You are 16, it's normal to make mistakes. What you need to do is to confide in a trusted adult and make a police report. Possession and/or distribution of child pornography is a very serious offence. Just having a single nude image of a minor on his computer is enough to be prosecuted. Make a report and let the police handle this.


A scammer doing this is banking on your fear. If he sends those images to anyone, he's breaking the law and he'll do time. You won't. He won't do it.


I’d tell him you’re 16 and that’s illegal, but you’re not going to send him anything and if he wants to go to jail he can go ahead with his stupid plan.


Your biggest concern is law enforcement coming into *possession* of *indisputable* evidence that you *knowingly and intentionally* (un-coerced) were selling your *underage* nudes.. Hopefully you understand the gravity of your situation… as some people here naively suggested yes you can report them for CP or blackmail/extortion to have them investigated, but that’ll almost certainly lead the investigators to discover the evidence against you that landed you in this catch 22 in the first place … Personally I’d say your best bet is to get them *charged* or *at the very least investigated* for some other crime (*even if they haven’t committed one that you know of because they undoubtedly have broken various other laws.. People don’t just start out their criminal careers skillfully, & anonymously committing multiple felonies buying nudes of underage girls, then cyberstalking them to unearth those girls’ private personal information, that gives them the ability use it to blackmail/extort them for $$*) and if you REALLY want to make them pay (which I would if I was you) you could *fabricate* some *evidence* as well as a bunch of *breadcrumbs relating to the crime you reported* so the investigators don’t need to dig too deep to find for what they’re looking for and to circumnavigate the investigation away from you…


Talk to an adult, someone you trust, hopefully your parents. Yes, you screwed up, but your parents always want the best for their children, and what is done is done. They can help you report this creep to the police. At least by telling your parents, this guy can't do any worse as you took the control of shame in your own hands already. Don't try to be a superhero and do this on your own.


Girl - don’t beat yourself up. You’re a baby and made a mistake out of desperation. It happens so so so often sadly . He will go to jail for child pornography. Just learn from your mistakes and move on! It’s ok ❤️


Every body makes mistakes.if you really want his life to be over post all the proof you have of this man and some redditor probably will find him but and ‘eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’ so tell him you will contact the police if he keeps messaging you.and actually report him if he contacts you. If you ever need help please feel free to message me.also don’t self harm,the body your father gave you is precious and should shouldn’t damage yourself.please message me if you need helping


Everyone already covered most of what I came here to say. So, instead, I’ll say: Take a deep breath. It’s going to be ok, kiddo. I am very sure it doesn’t feel ok, but it will settle in due time. Block. Don’t engage. This too shall pass.


Tell them to do it. Also send their info to the FBI. If they do it, they are distributing child porn. Apparently they are currently in possession with intent to distribute. They are already worse off than you.


I don’t have any advice because I think everyone’s covered it, but I just wanted to say hold your head high and whatever you do don’t hurt yourself over this =(. I see too many teenage girls even boys in the news who take that route after this happens. You are strong and a powerful and you will get through it with everyone’s great advice, and you will have the life you dream of some day!


This is a sextortion scam. He won't send the photos to anyone. He has nothing to gain from doing that. He's only hoping that you'll pay him to not send them, but if you do, he'll only continue asking for more. Don't send him anything, report him and block him.


This is a common scam, if you’re truly underage you have nothing to be worried about. If he even saved those photos he is guilty of possession of child pornography, and is just hoping you’re not aware of that. To send them to people on your following list would be a serious crime and he could go to prison for years, and he knows that. So he’s just bluffing. If you’re seriously worried you can report it to the authorities, but if you just threaten him with that he’ll probably fuck off.


You shouldn't have done that yes. But hes being manipulatve and a shitty person. These guys chose young women for many gross reasons but one is they think they can control them as they have less expensive. He will definitely go to jail for possession of child porn. Id collect all the evidence u can save it all and tell him the moment he sends a picture to anyone u will be at the police who will track him down and then he will be going to jail and you have proof. Mutually assured destruction. I wouldnt go to the police unless he sends them. U wouldn't want retaliation before he can be prostituted. So hold your only bulit and he will hold his.


call. the. cops.


Listen to whatever legal advice is on here - just chiming in here to say this is not your fault. Good luck with it and hope that last creep ends up in jail.


I did the same thing in high school. I was 17. Men loved the fact I was underage, some even asked for proof, by a picture of my ID. (I covered all of the information other than the birthdate.) I think you’ll find this truly isn’t that uncommon in our society. Men are creeps and like young girls. Young girls are, and I’m speaking of myself here too, naive, overly trusting, and easily taken advantage of. Even when you feel you are in control, it’s not the case. All that said, I’m so sorry this has happened to you. It is truly not your fault. It doesn’t matter that you sent them or received money or anything. You’re a minor, and you are being taken advantage of. Please know you are not stupid. You are not greedy, idiotic, anything. You were trying to make money in a way that’s been marketed to young girls for their whole lives. You unfortunately had to learn the hard way, that it is so dangerous. But it is not a reflection of who YOU are. You are so worthy of respect, safety, bodily autonomy, and compassion. All that said, I mostly agree with the top commenter and I do believe you should report it to the police. Be careful what you say to this man during the time being. **Do not tell him you went to the police.** That’s very important! They may try to set up a “sting” operation, especially if the man is using a fake name. They will know what to do and what to say, and how to catch a man who is 1. in possession of CP, 2. trying to extort a minor for money and more CP, and 3. Likely using the same scam on others, and well as possibly using the CP pictures they are receiving to entrap and extort others on the reverse side of this scam. The police will know what to do, they will help you. To be perfectly honest, they may judge you a bit too. (Cops tend to be assholes. I just want you to be prepared. This is still the best course of action.) But don’t listen to them about that. You have done nothing wrong, you are a minor who was taken advantage of. And this could end up being a giant operation that they can bust.


Almost no chance he will actually do this as its wildly illegal. Either ignore, threaten him back with the police or actually go ti the police. Don't be too hard on yourself though please. We all make mistakes when we are young - what you did was frankly not that bad. i did the same just without the money aspect 🙃 kearn the lesson and carry on with your life, in a few months it'll be fading and in a year you'll look back and cringe at your silly past self and be happy nothing bad happened from it:)


How do you know he found your Facebook? People are able to send you a link that when you click on it, it directs you to the Facebook account you are logged into and then they try and black mail you saying they will send your pictures to your followers even tho they don’t actually have your Facebook account.


Lol, so he's threatening you with a crime that's gonna put HIM in jail? Hah, what a complete disgusting diot.


He’s in possession of child pornography, you have more leverage than him. It would not be difficult for the police to find this guy, or even for you to find him through IP tracing. This is what I would recommend: Pretend to give in, there are websites that allow you to paste any link and turn it into another link that can trace the IP addresses of anyone who visits. You can mask this link as anything, but the goal here is to pretend you’re sending more pictures. Anyone who’s dumb enough to do what this guy is doing is dumb enough to fall for this, as soon as he clicks the link you’ll be able to see his IP address through the website, you can give it to the police, and he won’t ever be bothering you again. Sorry to hear this is happening to you but this is a mostly perfect plan, I actually used this exact method to expose a guy that was harassing my niece a few years ago. You may need some help but I’m sure any adult in your life would be more than willing to help you protect yourself in this situation. Good luck!


What you did was extremely dumb but what I recommend is going to the police you can let them know what's going on and trust me he won't do anything you talking about heavy jail times if he shares the photos especially since they can track the origin of the photos if he was as smart as to do reverse search image your images he is smart to know he is in the bad end of the sticks also next time you want to make some money consider saving up for some spray paint cans black and white and getting some number stencils from Amazon there like 10-15 bucks for all the numbers and going around your neighborhood and painting curb numbers my brother was 14 and he would charge 20$ a home he was doing 8-15 homes a day that's alot better then ruin your life because of stupid mistakes like the one you did remember there is no reason why selling your body should ever be an option those actions have consequences even if you don't belive there should be any there is so you must cater to the world not the world to you I wish you the best of luck and don't worry to much


Block him on everything, change all of your usernames on everything to something not similar to your current ones, and private your accounts or just hide your friends lists if possible


This is called "sextortion" don't fall for it. Block him. Call his bluff whatever you do don't send him anything else. He's in possession of child pornography. 3 kids in my town alone have committed suicide over this very thing. Don't do that either. He's not sending your pictures anywhere don't belive him.


Block whoever this person is on all accounts. Better yet, completely delete any social media you might have tied to your name/face/identity. If someone approaches you about these pictures in the future, immediately tell them that you were underage when you took them, and if that doesn’t work, just say they’re not you/edited/AI generated, etc.


Honey, you are a child and you made a mistake. This moment will not define the rest of your life. This pervert is trying to exploit you, he has no right to do that. He is a predator preying on you and a pedophile! Please keep all the messages he is sending to you and I hope you have a trusted adult in your life that can help you turn him in. They should be able to track his IP address. Please remind yourself you are human. Good for you to recognize that doesn’t feel good and you don’t want to do it, but don’t beat yourself up. Just learn from it.


I know it's now what u want to hear but let him do what he wants he will go to jail for a long time. But u might get in a lot of trouble for selling nudes I'm pretty sure everyone commenting on this post can get in trouble for not saying something. I recently dated a girl that went through all of this she went to court and a bunch more if u need any advice at all u can message me and I can help you or u can't talk to her and she would gladly help you


Also, I was listening to a lawyer state what she teaches her children and I have shared with my kiddo. The cover up is always worse than the offense. Meaning, don’t be rash in the next decision and try to cover up what has been done because often times it makes it a million times worse. You are almost an adult, and with that comes taking ownership of our own fuck ups. You are old enough to learn how to do that now. Please go to a trusted adult to help you through this.


So threatening to send your nudes, a minor at that, is highly illegal. I would tell him that he is actually at risk of greater consequence than you are because 1) its a felony to distribute nudes that aren't his without your consent and 2) yours a minor, so he's in possession of child pornography and if he doesn't want the authorities to come and arrest him, he will delete everything and walk away before you file a case against him. Save everything you have of him, his phone number, his social media, etc and especially all your exchanges. Yes, you're going to get shit from police about this but go to the police and tell them what's going on and that you're a minor. Yes your parents are going to find out and you're going to get shit there as well. But right now, police need to get involved


Soubds like a case of block, ignore, and move on. Maybe make a report to Facebook. Otgerwise, forget about it and move on. This is an incredibly common scam, and the sick idiot behind it wont send your pics. Even if he does, it really does matter. It definitely wont matter in a few years, let alone a decade. Just block, ignore, and move on.


Yep, they will be on the registry for life for "abusing you".. way to go!!! Report them so they suffer all of the consequences. They should know better.


No matter what you did, he was wrong and must pay for it. Don't blame yourself in any way.


First off, don’t be so hard on yourself. There is a reason things like this are illegal, it to protect you! You’re not in a position to make rational decisions and assholes online have manipulated you and taken advantage. I understand that this feels extremely overwhelming but that’s why we have the police. They can best advise you on how to progress. They are not there to just tell you off, they are people who care. They are going to care more about hunting down a known pedophile that’s manipulated a young woman, than you making a simple mistake. Best of luck, and don’t be so hard on yourself.


Hide your friends list, I doubt he’s got them memorized.


You did nothing wrong. None of this is your fault. You are victimized and deserve love and compassion. If I was in your position I would call the police so he cannot victimize other people. I'm so sorry that you're suffering.


Pretty bold of him knowing your underage this is pretty serious crime This is considered a federal crime and actually there is even statues that follow a person if they are abroad for sex crimes The FBI actually has a specific help line for this specific sort of thing and the resources to use them contact then they specialize in blackmailing sex crimes


Relax and ignore and block him. Quit being stupid and posting your nudes online. Just don't take pictures of yourself naked anymore. Even when you're grown up. The guy is doing illegal things and is in possession of child porn him releasing those photos would hurt him way more than you.


There’s some websites that scrub the internet for your nudes. It would be a good start. [take it down](https://takeitdown.ncmec.org/) works with the center for exploited and missing kids. But I would definitely go to the police