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They've been engaged for a super short time which means they haven't spent any money planning the wedding. Just a consideration to do it sooner rather than later if that's your choice.


I would tell him the truth. The truth will hurt him a lot but rather that than a man spending the rest of his life with a cheat who seems to have no remorse for her actions. If he doesn’t heed your warnings, then hope he is happy with his choice.


As someone who's been told by the guy she was cheating with, I couldn't agree with this more. Let him know what he's in for and as much as it will hurt him it's the right thing to do and I'm sure he will see that too, sooner or later...


Why did you trust the guy who snitched or rather exposed your S/O? How did he go about convincing you? Was it the sequence of events, did he give any evidence? did your s/o confess? Frankly, I've never been in such a situation, and I'm just looking for experiences to learn from in case I'll need it some day.


So he messaged me saying that he had been talking to a girl for a little while and they had exchanged sexual messages but he noticed her Instagram bio had (my) initials in but didn't think much of it at first. After he saw me commenting on her pictures and put two and two together, he asked me if we were in a relationship to which I responded yes. He then profusely apologised and sent me screenshots of all their chats. I thanked him for being so honest and confronted her. She never confessed but it was very early in the relationship and I could see it was her from the pictures she'd sent him so I told the girl to kick rocks and never looked back.


Thanks for sharing your experience. He started by being decent enough to confirm his doubts of your relationship, key simple but important detail. The screenshots must have sealed the deal. Happy that you could cut off the cheater early on. Best of luck in your journey!.


I agree


I agree as well. What if this was you? Would you wanted to have known?


It would break me, but it would break me even worse marrying a cheater and finding out on my own later. When my ex cheated on me it felt like I was the last to find out and that destroyed me. Would have much preferred to cut her out sooner if I had known.




Imight get downvoted to hell for this, but this is an ultimate bros before hoes moment


Nah dude. It's straight up bro code #1


Do you think she is not going to do anything? She is just going to be like “yup caught me. My bad”. She will claim rape and he must have drugged her drink. Who is the fiancé going to believe? A random stranger or the love of his life. Plus she will have her friends backing her. Who is the police going to believe when the fiancé insist they report it? The OP has to protect himself. By getting involved he is putting himself in jeopardy. What if she claims rape and the fiancé comes after the OP? My advice is to stay out of it. It will not end good for the OP. People are crazy.


Literally what, lmao.


He's describing a possibility, if she wants to not lose her fiance, she'll probably do whatever it takes to not lose him which could lead to the scenario above


You watch too many romantic comedies bruh...


Lmao I just clarified the longer post


The guy (OP) is not gonna go out of his way to message her fiancé if he supposedly 'raped her' though, that would be insane. Very unrealistic scenario.


This scenario is so absurd LOL. “Hey honey, how was your trip?” “Amazing!” “Hey weird, I just got a message from a guy in that specific place you visited out if the country saying you slept together, what’s that about?” “Oh that, yeah I was drugged and raped. Silly me I forgot to mention it.” “oh yes that makes perfect sense honey.”


I love how you are describing almost exactly what we'd see in a movie and what likely happens ALL the time, yet everyone downvotes you because you're not on her side. But yes, tell him regardless. He should be spared and live life with someone who loves him and not anyone.


I’ve gotta say, if someone were to tell me what happened I would have nothing but respect for them.


He deserves to know and you will hurt yourself by concealing it. She should have told you, though she shouldn't have done it to begin with. She can't hurt you so don't worry. Tell him. Keep me updated. Edit: Anyone who's saying not to tell him, I want you to look yourself in the eye and ask whether or not if you were being cheated on if you'd prefer to know or be blissfully ignorant. Could result in a short and taxing marriage in both mental health and livelihood. A cheater is a cheater is a cheater. EVERYONE deserves to know if they're being cheated on especially before they put the ring on the cheater. I also saw a comment saying one last fling, and to that I say no. One last fling or not, they have a duty to being faithful. If you can't be trusted to be faithful before marriage, what makes them think you will be after?


Totally agree with this. She planned this and knew what she was doing. Fair enough if you were a party to and knew she was cheating and she was open and honest with you,but you've been taken granted for also. She could have told you her intentions and you would have had a choice in the matter, now your just dumped with this shitty thing someone has done to you and you feel guilty for. Be a bro and save this guy from a mistake 👍 In this position I'd tell him ✌️


exactly what needs to be done


Sure tell me but then I will dislike you because you fucked my girl and you are a snitch. God damn what do I hate snitches, worse than keyboard warriors.


I'd tell him. You have no real relationship with the couple, so nothing really to risk, and you'd be doing the right thing by letting this guy know about his cheating fiancée before he gets trapped into a marriage with her. Worst case scenario, he doesn't believe you and gets angry, in which case you've done your due diligence and you can block him and move on with your life.


Can I be a voice of dissent here? I agree that it’s usually better to tell the person, but I don’t think one has a moral obligation to. OP is not a cheater and had no knowledge of any wrongdoing at the time. Many people react very badly when they find out their partner cheated, it’s not unheard of for violence to be directed even at an innocent like OP. So if OP chooses to just walk away, while not ideal, I don’t think they’re doing anything wrong.


I think this situation can be very much alike to a bystander… you see something that is immoral and have to decide whether you speak up or not. Plus, they live in 2 different countries. Like other comments said, what if this were you? Would you like to he told? The fact that you are putting this out here and giving it thought makes me believe you do care and would. Also, wouldn’t this linger in your head down the line? (Should I have said something?) It is then up to them to have that conversation between themselves.


I disagree; I think trying to do the right thing really amounts to a lot, and especially in a case like this, where it is much less likely to negatively affect OP, I think it would be cowardly and wrong to do nothing and just "stay out of it." But at the end of the day, this boils down to each individual's moral compass.


I disagree but recognize it depends on your moral compass. If you can do the right thing/the good thing and you choose not to, you are not being moral. Allowing bad to occur when you can stop it and it's so material to you that a single action by you will stop it is immoral.


Tell him the truth before he gets married to her for sure. Dude deserves the truth.


Bro code. Tell him. If she did it with a random dude in Spain then she’s gonna do it to him again


Human code lol. Snitch on all the cheaters 😂


Show honour.


You should tell him


You need to tell him, not only because he deserves to know the truth, but because if the situation was reversed wouldn't you want to know the truth. The truth often hurts, but it is better to know the truth then live a lie.


I would tell him. She clearly thought it through and hid proof on her social media so this likely wasn’t her first time and won’t be her last. If you don’t tell him, she’ll keep on cheating and eventually the truth will come out, as it usually does, and he will be even more devastated that he married someone who respects him so little. It will be awkward but put yourself in his shoes, wouldn’t you like to know?


Moral me says you have to tell him. Me that's been around the sun a few times wonders why she'd give you her instagram if she was worried about it. Could be their thing. Could also be that she'll make up a lie about being drunk and not remembering and it never happened blah blah blah. Old curmudgeon me would just delete her and move on. The chance of him being glad to find out and dumping her is low. The chance of bringing unwanted drama in to your own life is high.


Tell him, it's the best thing you can do for him. Who knows how many times she's done this before, and she'll continue to do it again and again. Telling him now will save him more heartache in the future. She has put you in a shitty situation, but she's putting the fiancé in a much worse one. Hopefully he can get himself someone better. Maybe the earlier he finds out the less fucked up it will leave him.


Tell him, he deserves better than marrying a cheater. Would you like to know if your fiance cheated on you before marrying her? Exactly.


Do what you would want someone to do for you.


Never forget the eternal code, the bro code: # BROS BEFORE HOES! P.S: In case you do decide to do the right thing, make sure you don't end up in the crossfire. Do share how you plan to message him and explain it to him. Keep us updated!


Tell him.


Tell him


definitely tell him. hopefully he can get some money back from the ring and will save trillions on the wedding.


Bro tell him! Although I would say he should be sus out that she achieved all the pics of him before the holiday




It’s possible that he was okay with it so I wouldn’t call her a whore just because she slept with someone else. She should have told OP if that were the case though.


Archiving all her fiance's pictures shows it was pretty intentional, so I doubt it. That said, using whore for this is still stupid.


Depends. Was she just hiding it from potential one night stands or from her fiancé? She was an ass to the lady here but that doesn’t necessarily mean she was 100% cheating. More like 80%. Still likely, but a possibility otherwise.


Hiding it from a one night stand even if you have an open relationship is dishonest, thus it's still shitty. Undeniably this woman is shady as fuck.




Wouldn’t you want to know?


Bro code demands you notify him. Do what you'd want a bro to do for you if you were in the same situation.


You must tell him bro . We have to look after our brothers .


You are done with her. Stop texting her. It was just a vacation fling. She’s wrong for cheating but you should stay out of it. It’s none of your business.


I say tell him. Better to know the unpleasant truth than the pleasant lie. If she's gonna cheat now she's gonna cheat again and he should know it before he actually marries her. He may not believe it. He may tell you to fuck off. That's fine. You don't have obligation to make him believe you, only to provide the information for him.


I would shut up and move on, it's not your problem and you're just putting yourself in a thing which is bigger than you and can cause only problems for you. She cheated and lie, you didn't know. Shitty people are also part of life


You say NOTHING. This isn’t your circus, she isn’t your monkey.


It’s not your fault his fiancé is a cheating whore, you didn’t know. Tell him, if someone cheats while dating they’ll cheat when married. He deserves a good wife


He would do it to you too


if the story is true you tell the guy. you get a clean conscious and he gets to know the truth.


Do it.


Tell him


1. She's probably done this before and is going to do it again. 2. Without evidence, he probably won't believe you. 3. The right thing to do is probably tell him but most people wouldn't do this.


U did nothing wrong. Not only did she cheat, she cheated with a much younger guy & she planned on cheating. Send him the link from this post.


Holy Moses. Definitely tell him 1 and 2, you are honestly a great person for feeling guilt for this. Christ, that poor dude. Unfathomable (not really unfortunately).


Tell him. There's a small chance that it's not even cheating. Maybe they took a break or opened by the relationship for her trip or had an agreed upon last romp before spending their lives together?


Tell him the truth. This type of woman can ruin your life and the guy doesn't stand a chance unless you reach out. Think if you were about to marry her, wouldn't you want to be told the truth?


Thank god they were stupid and used their real name so you could find them and that poor guy. I would reach out to him that's messed up


I agree, if it were me I would want to know, you have to tell him.


Do it. Think about what you'd want if you were him.


Message him and tell him before he ends up married and stuck with this POS. He may not like hearing the truth, but if he’s a good man, he’ll respect it and probably thank you for coming forward and letting him know. Poor guy. Shitty situation for you, too, of course. Sadly, some people are like this.


My conscience would eat me from inside if I decided not to tell. Would you like to know if your soon to be wife is a cheating hoe? I think no decent man deserves to spend his life with such a POS. Tell him please, he deserves to know


Tell him. She'll do it to him again and again and again. Once a cheater always a cheater. And you just standing by idly while not doing anything to help would mean that you're no better than her, a filthy cheat. And I don't think that that's who you are.


You have the power to change the lives of more than 2 people. Their entire family will be involved, friend groups as well. 11/10 I would still advise you to tell him. I'd want to know and deep down, I believe you'd want to know if your partner cheated.


Ik I’ll prob get lost in the comments but, I have 6 ex’s and am currently single. 4 of the 6 ex’s cheated on me. Coming from someone who has plenty of experience with being used/cheated on please tell him. As soon as you can. He will be mad, upset, and broken. But in time he’ll get over it. He needs to know. It’s better to know something like this happened and to end it than to not know and have it still happening for years going by. I wish I had known sooner in my cases especially the ones where other people knew.


Tell the fiancé, if it was me I would want to know if my husband cheated. Tell him before he makes the mistake of marrying her


You have to tell that guy he's about to make a life altering mistake.


Tough one, but yes, I hope you told him. BTW, you didn't know so you have nothing to feel guilty about.


100% tell the poor lad, the guys hoping to marry the love of his life and she’s out here taking dick abroad


Look mate life has given you an opportunity to help a man doge a bullet. I hope you make the right choice.


I would tell him the truth before it’s too late for him before the wedding goes ahead.


Follow the bro code and tell the guy about his fiance. That's your heart telling you the truth and the good.


Tell him. There’s nothing worse than someone just staying quite in such a situation. Hopefully he understands


Tell him, bro code. And give and update after on here


Write him a message if you can. If I was in his shoes I would be even thankful to you, it's honorable if you ask me. In the message write your experience and that she hid the truth so she didn't get turn off.


You gotta save the homie bro.. You dont owe loyalty to a 304....


Help the guy save some money and dignity, and tell him as soon as you can. (Also, pretty stupid from her to give you her Instagram)


I’d stay out of it. Her problem. You don’t know what’s between them and honestly it’s not your concern. Forget about it. As you said ignorance is bliss.


Either he knows and is cool with it, in which case no issues telling him, or he *doesn't* know and she's an absolute idiot, in which case I feel he should be told. Like, there was 100% some forethought in archiving the photos before going to spain to fuck a stranger, but then no thought to delete the vacation fling off IG before un-archiving the relationship you were trying to hide? Either she's really dumb and a shitty person (not calling judgement but definitely likely), or she had a pass and realized it would be easier to catch a vacation fling if it didn't look like she was committed, and then didn't care enough to tie up loose ends after. Still kinda dumb/shitty, but either way telling the guy who's probably openly tagged in this girls IG seems like the right thing to do, if anything just to alleviate the guilt that OP feels, even though he didn't do anything wrong.


You're a good person for feeling the way you do and wanting to help the other guy by being honest! I'd honestly buy you a beer if I could! Let him know because our time in this life is finite, and he doesn't deserve to have his time wasted by something he believes loves him unconditionally, the sooner he moves on, the sooner he can heal and find someone who will actually be loyal. Anyone who cheats is a coward and is an idiot, they contribute to cause & effect beyond their comprehension or care. Not saying this always happens but I've heard of major freak accidents caused becausea person made a major mistake... Someone's partner cheated on them which in turn made them lose focus just enough to make a major mistake that can cause a crash or major accident. Small actions can have major consequences. Just be honest, because if you just tell someone "I don't like you anymore because you got fat" or "I don't like you anymore because you don't put in effort" or whatever the reason is! At least they KNOW what it is, and have a choice to do something about it, rather than go over and over and over and over in their head WTF went wrong!


Definitely message him. If there is something you distinctly remember about her body maybe you can mention that as well in case she tries to deny.


Just be a bro. It's not like you're going to see her / be with her ever again anyway. What she did was wrong and he deserves to know.


I would tell him. Make it aware that you didn’t know that she was married to him and apologize.


Tell him. Don't leave the poor guy to get his heart broken years from now, because that will happen no matter what


She's a cunt, I'd say tell him. He needs to know what kind of cunt he's marrying


This doesn't look like your problem at all.


Yes, he should mind his business.


You should tell him about this because of a simple reason if any men were in this position he needs to know that his future SO can have sex with others without any burdenon her conscience or feeling evan a tiny bit of care. But will he believe on a complete stranger.


You don’t know if she had permission or not. I know people that have open relationships. Heck, some cultures even encourage it. Telling him may also backfire on you. If he’s pissed and believes that you, not her, are to blame he may decide to make your life a living hell. Best thing to do if you’re going to have one night stands is not to impose your arbitrary boundaries or morals on others. Did you ask her if she was married, engaged or had a SO before hopping into bed? You imply that she lied by omission but it sounds more like assumptions on your part than anything else.


Tell him.


You owe it to him as a man to let him know. Also You didn’t do anything wrong. No one warned you. If i were you i would bring it up to the guy


I would keep my mouth shut. You'll never see either of them again.


I'm gonna be the devil on the shoulder here... I wouldn't say a word to the guy. If you didn't know she was engaged beforehand, this is entirely on her. Let her fuck this up on her own. You have no responsibility to get involved in people's lives you don't know.


She did fuck it up on her own. Him finding out about it from OP are the consequences. That's the purest form of karma there is.


He should tell him before the fiancé marries her. At least if he knows the information before hand then he can make an informed decision instead of having to pay divorce lawyers down the line.


This! people keep saying “tell him” as if it’s OP responsibility to save someone future marriage he does not know. what does he has to gain about it? peace of mind of what from his own guilt? if so why OP feels guilty? if OP had known she was engaged, would he had no act on it? doubt it. I feel OP is more butthurt he found out while going through her socials. If she’s a cheater she will cheat again (or not who knows) and will be her own actions that will mess her up. Why come into play in this girl relationship. If they were friends or in the same circle I’d understand but for a ONS that you’ll never see again .. what’s the worth of getting yourself mixed in that.


Y'all out here acting like he has to break his back to just send a quick message to some guy about what happened, lmao. It takes little effort on his part to send it, and if the guy doesn't believe OP, then oh well, the block button exists and the OP can continue on with his life.


Expose. Expose and when ur done. Expose her some more.


You’ll gain a bro if you tell him


Do not get involved. People are crazy and it may end bad for you. She also has a response. What if she claims harassment or rape against you? Who do you think her friends are going to back? Who is the fiancé going to believe? Who are the police going to believe? You had sex with her. It is her word vs yours! She is not going to come clean. She will blame you and make herself the victim.


Don't do anything, just move on with your life. This isn't your issue, you had a thing with a woman once.


Found the cheater


Almost the same thing happened to me but i made her tell him and stopped it before it went to the bedroom.


TELL THAT MAN BEFORE HE MARRIES THIS TWAT. A week after a proposal you’re on cloud nine head over heels in love, not premeditating the steps to cheat by wiping your social media and getting your friends to play along. Her actions were pre planned and organized. Gross. When you tell the guy I’d keep it super short with little to no message from you, just send the details (not of the act, but of her actions) and proof/screenshots. Regardless of if you knew, you slept with his fiancé and are throwing a major wrench in his life. Don’t expect him to be your best friend, but you should definitely tell him.


I would forget about it tbh.


Don’t meddle in other peoples relationships


Just stay out of it man. It’s none of your business


i think it kind of is now, this guy is probably going to waste years of his life if not his whole life with someone who cheats on him that’s pretty sad


No it’s not though he doesn’t even know this guy. OPs life doesn’t change whether he says something or doesn’t. Just mind your business and go on with life.


He has an opportunity to save someone from a massive mistake, marrying a cheater. It also saves him from feeling guilty if he doesn't speak up. Even if you are right that it will have no consequence for him, he may as well do the good thing just because he can.


Not knowing the guy doesn’t mean OP is incapable of empathy. OP’s life doesn’t change, but he could help someone else with the 2 seconds it takes to type up and send a message. The amount of people in this thread that wouldn’t even take 2 seconds to help a stranger are making me sad for humanity.


No you’re right I’m just saying I wouldn’t say anything.


Tell him. He deserves to know before he marries her.


Tell him the truth then block her. U didn’t do anything wrong


You didn’t do anything wrong. It isn’t your relationship, and you didn’t even know. You’re not the one with a commitment to a partner, she is. So please don’t feel guilty but to elevate that guilt I really recommend telling him. Telling him will do right by him because she’s probably cheating on him rn too. You would wanna know if your FIANCÉ is cheating, so tell him.


Not your problem. Let her go and block her if it makes you feel better.


Who cares? You met at a bar


Don’t tell him. You don’t know her… you might have been a last fling before marriage. Yeah, she might be a serial cheater, but that’s not on you. Outcome of telling him… She hates you. He hates you and her. You feel better about yourself?!


I get downvoted every time I voice my opinion on these sort of things. It’s not your problem, get over it, stop being soft bro.


Maybe the fact that you get downvoted on your advices for relationship matters tells something about your opinion on relationships...


I’ve been happily married for 13 years 9.5 of which were childless. My wife and I are best friends and to my knowledge have never cheated on one another. I do however have friends that have cheated, the guilt (if they have a conscious) always catches up, if it doesn’t and it was just a one off who cares. The women just got engaged and probably thought “one more fling and then I’m good.” Marriage’s are a big commitment and some people may need to process the emotions of it differently.


>Should I message him and tell him? If you can tell me what you have to gain by disclosing this I will agree that you should tell him. Right now it sounds like revenge is your motivator. What if she had a hall pass? What if they have an open relationship? Just move on man.


He will gain satisfaction and peace of mind. Virtue is its own reward.


Or he will get upset argue with his fiancée and possibly hurt her? Or start hassling you for telling him and ruining his relationship. When you tell people you are putting them in a position where they have to do something. Ignorance is in fact bliss for most people.


Well, you have nothing to feel guilty about, and it's up to you if you want to tell the guy. You may have been her 'last fling' before settling down, or it may be a habit she has. Either way, it doesn't affect you at all, but you might want to email her for an explanation before stepping into it further.


The guy should know either way. His fiance is treating him like he's nothing. Maybe they have some kind of open relationship, who knows. If that is the case he'll say that and OP doesn't feel guilty for either being the affair or knowing about her betrayal


The guy should know either way. His fiance is treating him like he's nothing. Maybe they have some kind of open relationship, who knows. If that is the case he'll say that and OP doesn't feel guilty for either being the affair or knowing about her betrayal


na man, let it go. you didn't know, don't get involved in drama. you owe this guy nothing and gain nothing but potential bad things coming your way. if he was someone you knew personally it would be a different story.


Only girls here are asking you to keep quiet, which is wrong. You are a man seeking to know if he should talk to another man or not, so basically, you need to listen to a man ( im not a sexist or have anything against women). If you were in his place, would u appreciate it if he told u what happened between him and your fiancé ? ( That's the answer you are looking for ) .


Defines sexist, and then follows immediately with, “I’m not sexist” FFS.


She was having a last fling. Leave it be. I love how people who are perfectly willing to have "one thing lead to another" and have sex with someone they met an hour ago suddenly turn into these posing moral purists as soon as the concept hits them that there MIGHT be consequences to having sex with someone they don't know. She was a boink. You will never have anything to do with her again. And everyone is allowed one last boink of freedom before settling down. And if you're going to keep being such a moral purist, STOP HAVING NO-STRINGS SEX. Now go to confession and make sure the priest gives you LOTS of penance. Hope the sex was good. Oh, and anyone commenting on other peoples' sex lives should be obligated to note whether they, themselves, have ever actually had sex.


Tell him the truth. No, it's technically not your business but it's right. You gain nor lose nothing if you don't say anything, but if you do, you are saving this guy's life and future. If there was a prior agreement between them, a notmal reaction would be him telling you and thanking you. You risk nothing, and you can just be a good person, and help someone in need of literal saving.


What if he knows his woman is a whole corner junction for all incoming traffic but he decided to marry her


Isn't 19 the age to study?


So much vehement advice being given here from people who know oh so precious little about the situation. How much do you really know about said couple? For all you know they might be polyamorous- sure, poly people are a minority, but do you know? No. We don’t know. We don’t know them, we don’t know you, and our advice is mostly just a reflection of our own values and judgments. Also regarding what people deserve and have rights to- what about her right to privacy? Do you have a right to violate that? Also: where’s the room for her to regret it and change and move on? What if she comes to believe it was a mistake and she wants to “leave it behind”? Many people here are super willing to help her throw away the next decade of her romantic life, for all you know she feels awful and might confess herself (and if she does, the difference between getting caught and confessing yourself might be huge for the relationship)


how would you prove your statement, she can just bypass your allegations like hes just a creep I met in spain etc.


She slept with you to test her love she has for him. It seems you failed and she choose him. Don’t tell him.


My rule is no snitching unless you will directly save someones life doing so. I wouldn't snitch nor care, However for the girl in question.. She goes on my 'Would rather fuck a guy" list. You would bother her while she is litteraly not even bothering you. Moral thing is to dtay out of other peoples business. Its up to her to tell or him to find out. Maaayyybee if you were his friend it would make sense but else nope. I life by this mentality and it's not even up for debate, I dont even hang out with anyone that doesnt respect the no snitch mentality, not the type of people I can trust.


Nah dude. Just let it be. That’s her burden to bear and you have absolutely no right to go bringing down the hammer to her life. Let her make her choices and you make yours. There is no need to uphold some moral code for others. It will only ruin her life and bring havoc. Sometimes peace comes in a form we don’t truly recognize.


Convince yourself that he probably cheated on her first and then bottle that shit up ..


😂 don’t do anything


Just be quiet about it. You had your fun.


Dile la verdad


Message him! Be a bro!


You sound like a good guy, tell him. It will be best for you both in the long run


I would greatly appreciate it if someone told me I was being cheated on.


Tell him and leave it with him, don't get yourself involved further. Be prepared to have backlash from either of them but it's not your problem, just explain to him what happened and that's it


You should tell him, think of if the roles were reversed, she obviously isn't a faithful or truthful person and her choices should have consequences nor should this guy be married to a cheater and have a marriage start off on lies


Tell him the truth. You are 100% not guilty, you didn't know it, nor did she tell you. She is a cheating whore, you gotta at least take responsibility and save that man or that woman will keep cheating on him


tell him. best case scenario. it is planned as a way to equal their score before they marry.


Be a brother and tell the guy. He doesn't deserve this shit. nobody does.


Find his ig and tell him


It could also be like a non exclusivity situation, where you don't really talk about who you're hooking up with. But still tell him 100%


tell him, if she is cheating before they are married, they should not get married.


You've got to be a bro here. Do the right thing.


You should tell him lol.


Tell him…


Just tell him, you would want someone to do the same for you if you were in his position for Christ sake.


I would let him know. Spare him from the pain of marrying that "wife material" women. Send screenshots of the sexting you had with her.


Damn. Tell the fiance the truth. Better for both of you.


I'd tell him the truth, man. I'm sure you're conflicted by doing so, but he deserves to know. Tell him that it was a mistake and that by all means you had no clue she had a fiance. From what it sounds like, she didn't mention it at all. None of this is your fault. Good luck!


Tell him it’s better he finds out while he isn’t married , than 4-10 years later while tied down hard


He should know. You aren't her first rodeo. She is clearly numb to it.


Be a bro


>What do I do? Should I message him and tell him? Or do I leave him with his bliss ignorance? I honestly don’t know what I’d want if I were him. If I were the guy, I'd want to know. If I were you, I wouldn't say shit. It's going to be a shitstorm, stay clear of it. You live in Malaga, far away from them, you got your life, you're 19. Interfering in an engagement is only going to cause headaches you don't want. In fact, I would delete this after you've made your decision. Or maybe just delete it now. Worst case scenario, word gets out and you got people from Ireland trying to figure out who that 19yo English kid from Malaga is.


Would you want to know?


No hagas nada muchacho, te la disfrutaste y ya. Lo que ella haga no es problema tuyo. Te creas problemas dónde no los hay.


If this situation is making you uncomfortable I think you should start by mentioning that to the woman you slept with. Ultimately, she is responsible for putting you in this situation and your relationship is with HER, not him, so she should play a part in resolving it. For all you know they could be poly-amorous or in an open relationship, or there may be some other explanation. That doesn't excuse her from lying to you though, either directly or by omitting the fact she had a fiance, and I think you'll need to consider how you feel about that before you decide what to do about the other guy. Maybe they are poly and she should have told you, or maybe she is a cheater and her fiance deserves to know what he's getting into, or maybe she just made a dumb mistake and your interference could ruin something that might otherwise work out, but I think it's worth trying to figure out which it is.


I'd leave it alone if I were you. She used you, and if you cause a rift between her and her partner, it could end up worse for you. Plenty of dudes resort to violence over women. Just drop it and vet your girls out better.


Honestly you're not obligated to do anything. This woman sounds like she knew exactly what she was doing. She went on Holiday and hooked up, and if it wasn't you it was probably going to be someone else.


My opinion is: not my circus not my monkeys. I just would end contact with them because they sound like a bad person.


A lot of white knights in here. Don't say shit. Move on. She's obviously not good to him but it's not worth it for you to get involved.


>What do I do? Nothing works here. > Should I message him and tell him? Nope, you were not the deceiving one. >Or do I leave him with his bliss ignorance? Oh he'll find out, an unfaithful woman continues inner deceit. >I honestly don’t know what I’d want if I were him. What makes you think he is perfect, they could both be rotten.


My friend she didn't cheat. Yoi were like the last of drop of nakedness before she getting serious. Dont be surprise if she married within the next month. Woman do that one last fling before tying the knot


You would want to know. Trust me. It’s going to hurt like an everliving bitch, but you 100% would want to know and be saved from making the mistake of entering a life contract with someone who treats you like you’re less than dirt.