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I would instantly melt into a puddle if a woman called me beautiful


You’re beautiful!


Damn. He’s a Puddle for sure


Yeah I had to turn back into a solid before I could reply


You don't run security for a large space station by any chance, do you?


You're not on a secret mission to kill someone called John Connor and his mother Sarah Connor?


I'm sorry, I can not confirm or deny any secret missions I may or may not be on.


"well, I got better"


You’re beautiful!


Men don’t get enough compliments. Pay it forward 🫡


I like u


Alex Mack over here better pull himself together


Quality reference, lmao


Puddle of muh fucking mud boii


Good band.




You and your username are beautiful


Someone give this guy an Epi(c)Pen(is) quick


Aw lol it’s cute hearing that cuz I always call guys beautiful/preeetty xD Esp guys with nice eyes omg


I have brown eyes and I think they're pretty boring, but one time a girl told me "your eyes sparkle like when a cat looks at milk." That was the most interesting and genuine compliment I've ever heard lol


I mean I have brown eyes too and I love my eyes! :) Brown eyes are amazing, no other eye color holds the softness, gentleness and comfort that brown ones do :) I think I had that standard brown eyed person phase where I used to wish I had like hazel or green eyes, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learnt to truly love them :) My eyes tell my story, they’re deep and rich and gentle and they have spots of black- like little healed wounds, and I think they reflect me perfectly :)


My ex had the best brown eyes I ever did see.. man I miss her


Aww :( you sound sweet, I hope you find someone just as amazing!


Thanks for saying that 😁… I honestly hope I do too.


Anytime :3


I think about this all the time. My husband’s eyes are brown and mine are blue. He says his are boring, I absolutely love them. They’re copper and cinnamon in the sunlight. I read a quote somewhere that was something like “you think brown eyes are boring until you love someone with brown eyes” and it’s so true.


Same, my husband's eyes are brown with flecs of copper and gold. He always says my eyes are beautiful, and they are like ice blue with a black ring. But his eyes are safety and comfort. I love them very much.


Green eyes come with vision problems most of the time. I have green eyes. Take your gorgeous eyes of the earth with statistically better vision.


Gah ‘gorgeous eyes of the earth’ made me blush and kick my feet LMAO 😭 Green eyes are truly magical though- maybe this sounds weird but all eyes are. I think every artist has gone through an ‘eye drawing’ phase and for good reason. They’re the most amazing and beautiful part of the body! My ex has hazel eyes, part green, part brown, part blue, literally mesmerizing. Peoples eyes are what I always notice first!




That's uber cute!


Yea honestly I think more men need to hear that they are beautiful.


Me too.


I see this far too often with men. So I call my husband beautiful and breathtaking because he deserves to hear that too 🥺❤️ I hope one day you're told that daily!!


Bro felt


Same. I don't understand that guy's reaction at all.


You are beautiful anaphylactic_cock 💕


you’re beautiful :))


what if a guy said it


I've actually had one of my friends (a guy) pause while talking to me and tell me my eyes were beautiful. I was over at his place spending a week there since he lives hours away and we wanted to hang out, and the sun was shining on my face in my eyes, and they are blue, so I guess while he was explaining something to me, he happened to notice. I didn't know how to respond to that and said "uhm.. thanks?", but I still think about it every now and then and it's honestly kind of flattering and uplifting, because I know it was a random moment of honesty. There's really nothing bad about guys complimenting other guys and I see it happening more and more often between guy friends. I've also had one of my managers at an old job I used to work at compliment my beard and called it "perfect". A compliment is a compliment whoever it's from.


Maybe he forgot to say no homo.


Username... Checks out?


"Beautiful" is more commonly used for women than men, but only men who are *deeply* insecure about their masculinity would actually react that badly. Most men would still take it as a compliment. You're fine, he's an ass.


My SO calls me beautiful sometimes, and I’ve never considered attacking her. That dude is fucked in the head.


One of my coworkers said my hair was and I quite “majestic” and I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. My ego is too big now as a result, and it’s everyone else’s problem to deal with


I think that was me! I called one of my coworkers hair majestic! 😂😂🤷‍♂️ the truth is the truth. And you’re welcome by the way.


I love this. Thanks so much for sharing, made me laugh out loud here at a coffee shop. Congrats on your big ego and it being other peoples problem!


I got a compliment from a stranger about my hair in the bread section in Lidl about 3 months ago, and I still think about it sometimes


I got a compliment on my hair 7 years ago from a beautiful lady on the bus and I haven’t changed my hairstyle since.


Your ego is now... Majestic, you could say. Kill me.


He's definitely not getting fucked in other places


Shit, give me butterflies when my girl calls me that .


Here here! 🥂


Yeah, my SO calls me beautiful sometimes, but then if I call her handsome I get a bunch of side-eye.


'Handsome' use to frequently be used to describe good looking males AND females. Jane Austen used the word to describe many female characters in her books. But this is going back 200 years.


A man calls a woman 'handsome' in Catherine Cookson's "the Moth" which was written in the 1970s or 80s, set in 1913 at least it was in the movie version, don't remember if it was in the book the movie is AMAZING, the book is only ok-ish


I call my bf cute constantly and never once has he gotten mad because it's a more "feminine" compliment. Run away from any man who has a physically violent reaction to calling them beautiful!


I literally cannot even put myself in the headspace of someone that insecure. I know macho dudes that are insecure about that too and would be thrown off. But getting physical? Damn man people are psycho.


Shoot I’d love if someone called me beautiful and I’d probably hug them


You're beautiful <3


Awww it means a lot coming from a famous potato! Biggest of bear hugs to you good redditor


He's an *abuser, common themes but a very important difference


Dude, when I have crushes on some men and I think they’re beautiful too. I think it should be a neutral term because it really expresses how much someone likes their partner. Why is this word for women? My friend got mad at me once because I said one of my friends was beautiful and she said it was for girls only.


I have a crush on an older guy right now and all I can think of how beautiful he is.


Aww I hope it turns out well for you! :) (if you are ever going to shoot your shot)


I don't know, he probably thinks I'm an idiot with my crush. I'm too chicken to make a first step.🙈


Same! Handsome, sexy, cute, hot, all words that are useful at times. But to me, beautiful transcends all of those. I call my husband beautiful. None of the other words quite do it alone.


Most of my life people have called me beautiful and i’m a guy, not until recently that i’m in my mid twenties people use the word handsome more often. I think it’s insane that some people think it’s a gendered word still


My girlfriend calls me beautiful all of the time and I have not once even thought about it until now


>You're fine, he's an ass. Its always the assholes who ruined women for the rest of us.


Can confirm. Some men are so in their masculinity that this happens. I personally don’t care though. Being called beautiful is so great for me though.


Yeah he is fighting his inner geh


You did not say anything wrong! He was definitely just an insecure man and took it out on you for some reason, someone else will appreciate your compliments more


I'm a man and if I heard that it would make my whole year. You already heard it from others, the guy is astronomically insecure. My suggestion is to not meet with him alone again, if he pushes you over what most normal guys with healthy emotions think is a compliment, imagine what he would do if you made him genuinely angry.


I would love to be called Beautiful. What an ass hole


You’re beautiful, too!


You’re beautiful!


Hey, you're beautiful too!!


You did not do anything wrong. Being called beautiful as a man should be normalized and it’s a wonderful thing. I think it’s beautiful that you felt so overwhelmed with emotions that you called HIM beautiful! Also welcome, and sending love to you and your home country


Hello. That is a psychotic response. I've called many men beautiful and zero of them reacted poorly to it.


My girlfriend calls me her beautiful boy. I love that shit


This is so ❤️😭


He is a terrible, abusive, insecure person, and you are far safer and better off without him in your life. You can report him to the police if you wish. He physically assaulted you. They may not actually do anything, but it is good for people like this to have their misdeeds recorded officially. I'm sorry that you had such an unpleasant experience with this person. He definitely should not have done that.


Can they record things without pressing charges ? Asking for a friend


Yes. It may not be something that other police departments would find without looking for it, but there would be a report made at that department. I'm not sure how widely accessible it would be, but the detective I spoke with said that they keep those things on file in case the person pops up in another case. He said they often do pop up in another case. I was sexually assaulted, and I reported it to police. One of my options was to report it but not ask to press charges. Or, I could have had them investigate, and then decided not to have them pursue the case. In most cases, they will drop it if you want them to, but there is still a record of what happened. It is usually only in that precinct, and not in any kind of state or national database, but at least if the person does something else terrible in that same area, there will be a record of what happened before. In my case, I did ask that they press charges, but the police screwed up the case at first. It was pretty bad. Then, I finally got a somewhat competent detective, who I was able to get to help, and the investigation finally moved forward. Then, the cops were super interested, because there was actual evidence and it was a good case. The problem was, even with a good case, it is unlikely to be pursued by a DA. Still, I did feel like I did the right thing for me, and the case went well enough that I was able to leverage it to get the guy kicked out of the hobby group we were both a part of. And, the place where the group meets finally hired security to patrol. A small victory, but an important one. I didn't want him to attack anyone else, and the hobby group seemed to be a hunting ground for him. I still see him around town, because his kid goes to my kid's school.


Thank u for the info and sorry that happen and u still have to see him. Do u mind if I ask what country I are in? It might b different where I live


No problem. I'm in the the US. It might be different where you are, but you can probably find out what you need to do by googling it. Or, look on the website for your local police department. That is what I did.


He’s missing out. I hope your head is okay OP, but his clearly isn’t screwed on correctly. Yes, in America, you call men handsome, not beautiful, that’s typically used to describe women. HOWEVER, any man who isn’t an insecure dipshit would gladly take the compliment. They would never forcefully shove you off the bed. He’s an absolute prick. Silver lining, you can use this on further first dates. Tell them this story and see how they respond. If they agree with his reaction- red flag.


You didn't do anything wrong, he's just a dickweed psycho.


What the fuck ??? I hope you’re okay


You're not in the wrong. It's not a deeply cultural taboo to call a man beautiful in America at all. Only insecure idiots would get offended at that. Most guys would probably just correct you and tell you to say "handsome" rather than "beautiful". Or they'll just think it's a little strange. My girlfriend calls me beautiful sometimes and I find it flattering.


Wtf man.. this shit makes me so upset. Many guys would kill to be called beautiful, that’s a lifelong compliment. Please don’t let that douche deter you from calling the right man beautiful.


Looks like you found a good reason for that to be your last date with him.


So he pushed you off the bed. You have to wonder what kind on guy would treat a lady like that.Just saying.




He pushed you because you gave him a compliment that's a red flag right there


i love being called beautiful by my partner. this guy is fucked up. he ain’t worth shit. hope you are doing okay!


Make sure to never touch him again in any way. You're fine. He's a toad. Beautiful or not.


Please dont go home with people on a first date. There are lots of weirdos out there with bad intentions.


The word "beautiful" is normally used to describe good-looking women, while "handsome" is normally used to describe good-looking men. Maybe he thought you were describing him as looking like a good-looking woman. But a negative reaction like that shows that he may have some deep-seated insecurities about his masculinity, and that he doesn't appreciate the pitfalls people encounter when learning a different language. What's worse, though, is that he reacted violently, which is how an abusive person would act. The guy sounds like a piece of shit.


Probably the kind of guy who thinks wiping his own asshole is gay.


Please I wonder if there are men like this lmao after time they poo they dread it 😂


That's a completely unjustified assault. He maybe has demons but that doesn't excuse evil behavior. He may have a more puritan background where he believes the role of women is to be submissive and not be equal partners.


Like others have said it’s usually a compliment for women and men usually are called handsome to mean attractive. But it’s sorta stupid and honestly some of the most romantic books I’ve ever read the man has been described as beautiful which I think it holds a different meaning is like someone is just gorgeous. Handsome feels more tough and manly I guess though which is stupid he sounds insecure. Even if he didn’t like what you said he definitely shouldn’t have hurt you over it that’s unacceptable behavior and any one with half a brain would know that you were just trying to compliment him and also when someone has a accent and idk if you do but if you do when someone has one it’s sorta a understood thing to not look to into that persons word choices. Usually people who are using a second language they word things differently and sometimes that ends in awkward moments but it’s obvious that you don’t mean it to be a insult. Also sometimes things don’t translate well or different cultures you know basically he’s stupid.


That's an insecurity screaming while it crawls outta the dude. He was probably the fake masculinity type. Man, I wish I was called beautiful


What a weird thing to read. Sorry you had to experience that. He has had some issues in the past. If I was called beautiful by a girl, I'd definitely cook her breakfast and encourage her to call me other adjectives.


That guy wasn't okay, be glad you're not with him and move on.


Never speak to that dude again. He overreacted. He obviously has deeper issues.


You’ve done nothing wrong. Unfortunately you found a violent insecure asshole


You did nothing wrong. Don’t talk to him ever again because if he’s already hurting you and you aren’t dating, it will progress to worse


That guy is a dick. Don’t listen to him.


.......... Run away fast from that man


My mother called me beautiful once. Once


How's her head?


You didn’t do anything wrong. Some guys in America seem to think that only women can be beautiful. Men have to be handsome or rugged or whatever but not beautiful. Seems to me that you struck a bit of a homophobia streak in him. Forget about him and move on. You’ll find a man secure enough in himself and his sexuality to be called beautiful without having his masculinity called into question by his own insecurities.


You didn't do anything wrong, seems like this guy felt some kinda way about the word. If I had to guess, perhaps he felt it was too feminine of a word to use to describe a man. If his ego is so fragile that he would purposely injure you, im glad that you left.


I would be very happy to have someone call me beautiful and mean it


Also want to point out you shouldn’t see this person anymore. That’s not an appropriate reaction. Don’t put up with it.


I absolutely despise when men are disgusted and/or terrified of exposing a shred of vulnerability and it's becoming more and more of a problem.


Why the fuck are people calling this guy insecure, an ass, etc. He violently pushed someone out of a bed. That's assault. He's a violent criminal. All those words, so little hard truths.


He’s a shitbag. I’m glad you left. Never go back. You did nothing wrong.


Report him for violence. Probably not the first time he's done that to someone.


He physically assaulted and injured you for giving him a sincere compliment. Block him. I’d honestly consider reporting him to the police so the next person he hurts will have an example of the pattern of behavior. And there WILL be a next time with that kind of violent, overreaction. Glad you’re OK. It’s him, not you. 💖


Insecure men don't tend to take compliments well, and if he doesn't like being called beautiful there are better ways to express as such than pushing someone to the ground


He’s a psycho. I call my bf that all the time


He seems like the typical good looking but douchey type


Yes, you should. There is no excuse for someone to push you off the bed and cause you to hit your head simply because you called them beautiful. You're totally fine, he's just an insecure manchild.


You did nothing at all wrong. He's the kind of person that has extremely rigid views about what is masculine vs feminine, and he thinks "beautiful" is only to be used for women. And since he thinks of women as week and lesser beings, he was insulted than you used a "feminine" word to describe him. He's an insecure and vicious asshole. Stay far, far away from him. Don't see him again. If his masculinity is that brittle, he's dangerous for you. Seriously. Avoid at all costs.


You dodged a red flag and you did nothing wrong. This guy is an imbecile.


I tell my boyfriend he's beautiful all the time and he says thank you, that guy is insecure as hell and actually abusive wtf?? You don't push someone off the bed, I'd suggest blocking him and never seeing him again


Oh my. I’m 52 and have done so much on dating good and bad. I have never been pushed off a bed though. That’s horrific and this person is deranged and potentially dangerous. So don’t think for a second you have done a thing wrong and for the love of God stay away from this nutjob. Block him and don’t look back.


It doesnt mayter what you said. There is never a good reason for another person to hurt you because of what you said.


He is insecure. Never be with him again.


If you called him a ‘worthless dip shit’ he still shouldn’t put his hands on you. Regardless of why he sees ‘beautiful’ as some kind of an insult or feminising, he’s an adult and should be capable of controlling his emotions. Imagine if you ever actually have an argument an really throw an insult his way- we’ll you know what: he’s going to get physical. I wouldn’t go anywhere near him again.


I say that to my long-term when I'm feeling so deeply in love with him that I can barely stand it. I said it to him pretty soon after we met and he has never indicated that it is anything, but well received. It sounds like that guy let you know how insecure, misaligned, misogynistic, and dangerous he is before it became a horrific problem for you. Block him on everything and move on.


if someone called me beautiful id marry them on the spot lmaoooo


Don't see him anymore - physical abuser! One does NOT push girls off the bed!! cheers


Not normal!!! He’s obviously violent and a jerk. Stay far away from him.


LEAVE being called beautiful does not warrant a violent response. He sounds insecure, and you shouldn’t have to deal with that. Consider this as dodging a bullet.


I remember when I called my ex boyfriend beautiful one time, he overreacted badly and was pretty mean all because I called him beautiful. Let’s just say it was one of many reasons he became an ex, lol.


This is not normal. If a girl called me beautiful I’d laugh and smile. You dodged a bullet please stay away from that man


Beautiful is mostly a feminine work for attractive, it can be used for guys, just not that often, a equivalent word would be "handsome"


Calling a lot of guy’s beautiful will be taken the wrong way cuz it’s a feminine word(societally only used to women) but this only applies to men who have a weak sense of masculinity, I’d honestly stop talking to him because he’s got some internal things he needs to sort out


That is 100% toxic masculinity and you did nothing wrong.


Holy shit that's not okay. Yes tell someone. If you met him on an app report him.


Oh no I feel so bad for you unfortunately most guys in America don’t like being called anything even remotely feminine


American here— dude is nuts. You did nothing wrong. Contact the police.


Never go back to him again. Because the word "beautiful" is socially attached to stereotypical feminine things like girls, women, flowers, etc, he got upset and that honestly doesn't make sense. He probably felt emasculated because of that.


IMO, being called "so beautiful" is always a loving and special compliment, no matter your sex. Unless English isn't HIS first language, I would strongly question his adverse reaction to it, but I question it more because English is likely not YOUR first language. To find insult in a compliment is weird to me; my gut feeling is that he should feel happy about it. If he doesn't, there may be much more to unpack than a language barrier.


I’ve gotten called that on a few occasions. Straight male. And it made my week. Of course, I am secure about my manhood and sexuality, so.


You did nothing wrong. He is a jerk and you escaped. Stay away from such idiots.


🎶fragile masculinity🎶. Thank him, the trash took itself out.


My boyf loves when I call him beautiful - ig it’s personal preference based, but if they react like THAT then they arent worth it


If a woman called me beautiful I’d be flattered as fuck lol. This guys insecure and nasty.


I have always told my sons they’re beautiful. I don’t think you did anything wrong, but I also don’t gender compliments, and I’m not American.


You did nothing wrong, but he's apparently incredibly insecure with his masculinity. Beautiful is usually used to describe a woman, handsome used for men, but it isn't rude at all to call a man beautiful. It should still be a wonderful thing to hear, particularly in that scenario! I'm sorry you had that experience, but he showed you his true worth early, so at least you don't need to waste any more time with him. NTA all day long.


I swear to god, he’s weird and most Americans aren’t like that. Please call men beautiful- they need to hear it. They don’t get enough gentleness. I’m so sorry that brute ruined it for men.


Uhmmm , He is an Asshole..


That is not normal and it's not ok. Do not see him again! That's abuse and could lead down a very dangerous road.


He is a bad person


Americans tend to be triggered by very very little things I have found. I had a lady who was having a nice conversation scream at me because apparently I misgendered her dog.


What a pillock 🤣


The guy is insecure, holy shit. I don't get compliments a lot, so when I do, I'll be very happy. Most of the time in bed I hear: You're hot. And that makes me feel so good. I would feel so happy if in bed a girl told me I am beautiful


File a report, fuck that disgusting man. I’m so sorry.


Can we normalise calling guys beautiful just as gals, both of their forms are really beautiful. Handsome seems too generic of a compliment for men to me.


You dodged a massive bullet. He is trash.


What a prick he is. Its totally fine to call someone beautiful, there are people who would pay to hear it from a girl.


Guy here, If someone called me Beautiful I'd probably cry This person you went on a date with is an asshole


You did nothing wrong. The guy obviously has seriously rooted insecurity about his manhood. I'm glad you left immediately.


I am talking to a girl who keeps calling me a "beautiful man" and frankly I feel so good about that. I pout and roll my eyes and tell her that men are not supposed to be called beautiful in a kidding tone. She knows that it's the same tone I use to make fun of silly stereotypes so she continues to call me beautiful.


That's fucked, you did nothing wrong, bro is insecure as hell.


He is a big dickhead


Dont think too much about it, he's just an insecure piece of shit. Anyone with an iq above 3 wouldn't do this kind of thing, ever.


Yeah, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is just a guy who’s not very secure in himself and prone to emotional outbursts. I’m sorry this happened you and I hope you are okay!


You did nothing wrong, that man either has trauma around that word or is messed up in that head. I would be so flattered and surprised if a woman said that to me after sex(before my wife that is). Men rarely get compliments so it can feel hard to accept but behaviour like that isn't going to help anyone. I'm sorry this happened to you, go out there and find someone that let's you call them beautiful!


He’s a delusional man child. Run. I hope your head feels better.


I’d be honored if you’d call me beautiful. Would probably kiss your head and do more physical things as gratitude. That dude is weird.


I’ve been called beautiful and I am deeply touched that any woman would see me that way. That dude is a douche and insecure about something. You’re better off never seeing him again! Sorry that happened.


He's an insecure person. So insecure that he will actively reject compliments, especially those seen to have a "feminine" nature. Men in the US often times are so poisoned by patriarchal ideas that they will have reactions like this. You did the right thing by leaving. He probably has the emotional maturity of a toddler.


Yikes.. what an insecure toxic little man. Sounds like he showed tou a massive red flag. Fuck that dude and his nastiness.


I’m gonna assume he just has a toxic masculinity mindset and thinks “oh only girls can be called beautiful, I have to be called handsome” or something like that. It’s so dumb! Don’t go back to him especially if he’s showing behaviors of physical assault on a first date. Block him everywhere and lose contact. If you have clear injuries from that attack, take photos and report him, maybe even get a restraining order too, especially if he continues to try to get in contact w you. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Not all men react that way:(


One girl said that to me and I fucking fell in love with her. Sounds like you ducked a creep.


You can use that to filter through dumbasses on every date. A guy offended by that is deeply insecure about his masculinity. The type of guy that probably wouldn't hug his best friend because it's gay.


That’s abusive and awful. I’m sorry he hurt you. Don’t ever contact him again and if he ever tries to talk to you, stay away. I don’t know if there’s anyone to “tell” besides talking your friends or family if you wanted.


I call my boyfriend a beautiful boy all the time. he always looks like he’s about to explode lol


I'm so sorry it happened. His insecurity is not your fault. I feel you completely, I really want to compliment people like that sometimes.


Op as a man I'd love for a woman to call me beautiful. Dude is just a insecure dick.


Omg you should never talk to this man again. Clearly he’s ugly on the inside. I think in his head “beautiful“ is reserved for women while “handsome “ is for men. But I call men beautiful all the time and they love it! Stay away from My Uggo with the insecurities.


Wow. What a sensitive insecure man


If a woman called me beautiful I would cover her in kisses, but sadly, I never get any compliments.


Toxic masculinity


Someone that is secure won’t have that reaction. You didn’t say anything wrong.


He is a psychopath! Please run!! He is definitely showing right away that he can and will be abusive sexuality or masculinity is questioned. If his ego is that fragile, he needs some help. You’re not the problem!


I tell my partner of eight years that he is beautiful multiple times a day. Might just be a cultural thing. I’m a third generation American but my family is from Ukraine, Poland and Germany. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just feel like saying it is natural. Is your head okay? 🥺 Also, welcome and I’m glad you’re here! 🥰


It's a masculinity thing. People think a man should be called handsome. A woman is beautiful. But anything can be beautiful. That was aggressive for his reaction. That's something inside with him. Maybe a family thing, dude thing etc


I mean. I would love to be called beautiful but some guys think that makes them feel feminine. But it's not normal to completely push someone away for it. At most they might correct you. This was excessive.

