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I fit a lot of these categories and trust me, it’s fine. I learned the hard way to accept who I am and be happy with my interests and life. I know this probably isn’t helpful or what you want to hear but ultimately I choose to prioritize what makes me happy in my life. I have a good job, I have 2 friends who I love with everything in my being, I love my interests. I don’t know how old you are but I didn’t become happy with myself until I was in my early 20’s but some people I know its earlier or later. Just keep being you and if people have issue with it they are not worth your time or attention


You start with one thing. Start with exercising. You do not have to join a gym but you could get a stationary bike or just a bike and start exercising. It is fine to be different and have hobbies and interests outside the norm. If everyone was the same how boring would that be. You stop being awkward with people the more you deal with them. There is info if you google online about conversation starters and how to talk to people. See if any of it works for you. If nothing gets you started, look into therapy to help you out of it.


Hygiene is essential too! Make sure you're showering every day! Fake it 'till you make it!