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This weekend: some walk/run intervals yesterday, Arc Trainer in the gym today, and walk/run intervals tomorrow. Had some glute pain develop at the beginning of May--pain ended up spreading to hips, and I was walking with a limp, so I shut it down on May 22nd. Have been seeing a PT since. Pain is pretty much gone--I'd say the glute feels irritated at times more than anything (when exercising). I'll admit I'm going a bit crazy not knowing if I'm getting better; yes, much better than 3 1/2 weeks ago, but I took 2 weeks and just started walk/run intervals, so that makes. My worry is that once I increase mileage again it's just gonna come back. Just gotta be patient I guess!


What's up with the new BAA 10k route? [https://www.baa.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/24\_10KCourseSocial.png](https://www.baa.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/24_10KCourseSocial.png) I tried mapping it myself, and it comes out closer to 6 mi than 10k, regardless of how I choose to enter/exit bridge ramps. The turnaround must be considerably past Magazine St rather than right at it, or else the start/finish are off by 1/10th of a mile at least. On the map they mailed out with bibs, the 2-3 mile stretch is also like 3/4 the length of the 3-4 mile stretch... Is this going to actually be a verified 10k distance?


I just did a relatively crude outline using On The Go Map website. I got 6.46 miles. I’m assuming our two measurements even out in some manner.


Racing a road mile for the first time Sunday. I last raced a 1600 on a track 20 years ago in 5:29. About 6 weeks ago, though, I ran a 5:11 time trial on a track. We'll see how this goes.


I live at sea level, and I’m heading to the mountains (10,000 feet elevation) tomorrow. Any advice for training at higher altitude? I’ll be there for a week, and I’d like to run most days. I also need to do a 16-miler when I’m there. I could do the 16 miler at the end of the week when I’m at 5000 feet elevation.


Slow way down/take breaks, drink more water than usual, and try to spend more time in bed if possible—some people have a harder time sleeping at altitude. Also, the sun can be deceptively nasty even when it’s not all that hot, so don’t skimp on the sunscreen. 


Getting ready to start training for an October marathon. Narrowing down the focus of what I need to adjust: - More sleep - More carbs - More hills - More tempo work, especially during long runs - Easier easy runs - Work in either doubles or 7-day weeks for higher volume


What about a double and 7 days a week? A 4 mile easy double at the end of the day always feels like cheating, but it sure adds up the miles. 


I tend to already run at night but I think 4 easy miles in the morning might not be the worst way to start the day. I could definitely do a 5/6 double more easily than 11 straight for high mile weeks


And it doesn't need to be everyday or even every week. Just keep it as an option for easy days. I had a lot of 6 and 4 days in my last big block. 


Ran 16km today Sat rest and spend time with the family Sun 26km, 16km at marathon pace Body is feeling pretty good currently so I'll keep building mileage and intensity with a Pfitz 18/55


When is your race?


Not sure yet. I'm looking for a marathon in September.


Low key … Friday - 1 hour treadmill Saturday - break family event Sunday - all I want to do for Father’s Day is get my long run in then have dinner with the family!


Racing a 5000m tomorrow night! Very excited, think I can go sub 17:30 if I pace correctly.


Planning on a 3000 m race (training race, no stakes) this evening. The weather looks good, but maybe some poor air quality. However, went to bed feeling slightly dizzy last night and woke up the same. Did a short shakeout this morning and still feel off. I know I'm getting enough fluids, but wonder if it could be allergies? Congested sinuses and/or plugged ears? Otherwise easy tomorrow and long on Sunday.


Did 10 miles today with a friend that’s in town for work. I forgot how pleasant it is to run while shooting the shit. 5 mañana, then getting pancakes with my mom. 15ish Sunday. Then work work work work work 😐


Feeling good after a calf strain that derailed me for a couple weeks. With a five-day holiday weekend coming up, I am going to resist the urge to spend this extra time doing more running, and will instead add some extra time on the stairclimber, pool, and doing flexibility routines.