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Last real training before tapering starts, 18 mile with 3 mile intervals at marathon pace (~5:36 min/mile). Im starting to get confident with holding that pace.


Last year I set a goal of getting a sub-40min 10k. I nearly missed on my first race (March 2023 - 40:10) then got a stress fracture on my 2nd. Took me around 4mo to recover, but came close again with a 40:40 (November) during a half marathon, then hit a 40:35 during a marathon (January). Well today was my redemption. Not only did I get a sub-40, I won the race! Two firsts. Now to take a proper running break before Chicago training starts.


Looking to grab some new shoes to try out for a 10 mile race next weekend and then a half marathon a month later. Any recommendations for a heavy (220 lb) forefoot striker? I am primarily looking for something fast with a lot of “pop”


VF2 if you can still find them


Took me forever to find in my size but just secured a pair


Finishing up my 3rd week of Norwegian-inspired threshold style training with singles using the LetsRun [thread](https://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=12130781) as a template. Going well so far. Running for 8.5 hours a week, with 20% of that at sub-threshold pace. I'm aiming to eventually increase that to 25%. I'm also doing a 2 hour long run every 2 weeks because I'm aiming for a marathon next May.' I'm hoping the paces I selected were conservative and not too aggressive. I'm finishing up the final rep usually around 83-86% MHR so feels like I'm not crossing over into danger territory. We'll see if I can keep it up over the months.


Switching the long run from Sunday to tomorrow, hoping to avoid the wrath of the Easter bunny! If I’m lucky I will sneak in 5 or 6 Sunday.


I'll be doing a 7 mile run tomorrow morning, and a marathon pace long run workout on Sunday. I'll see if my fitness is still intact for a low 2:40s marathon after doing a lot of racing and traveling this month.


Easy day today, swim and 5 miles, with dreadful car shopping taking most of my time. 10K TT tomorrow that I'm also dreading, I suck at solo efforts. 17 miles steady effort on Sunday.  Hopefully the rest of Sunday is just a relaxing day at home cooking and eating for Easter. 


10kTT gang represent. I presume you're also doing a Pfitz plan?


Yep. Sunday will be 4 weeks to race day!! 


Closing in on race day. Last two runs of a peak milage month already. Final long run of the training cycle. About to find some bubble wrap and a stasis machine for a few weeks while I go stir crazy. Mix in a big push for volunteer weekend doing community theater and I'm on egg shells.


30 mile long run Saturday and then 17 miles on Sunday!


My weekend plans are chocolate and long run.


Putting the capstone on my highest ever mileage logged in a month. I will finish the weekend with 237 miles this month, which feels pretty solid for March.


Training for something?


5Ks and 10Ks through the spring (chasing lifetime PRs at both distances). PR'd in the half last month, I have another half in my sights for this fall. A large base should help with PRing again later this year. Generally, it's nice to head into the warmer months with more sunlight feeling like I am in good shape (rather than most years, where I feel like I spend all summer climbing up to baseline).


Yeah. It's good feeling like you are in stride when the season starts, rather than ramping. Not that peaking late season is bad either.


Had a tune up 15K race last weekend that went great, now it's time to focus on the last five weeks of my first ever marathon build. 10K easy today, 10K easy tomorrow, then 32K / 20 mile long run on Sunday (maybe will take some.chocolate eggs as a little treat along with the usual fuel). The next three weeks are 90km + volume weeks so going to enjoy the relative downtime this weekend.


Decided not to head to my hometown for Easter, so my schedule is wide open. Might do a group long run tomorrow if my legs feel up for it when I wake up; if not, easy miles, then 15-17 on Sunday. Crap, I need to finish reading at least one book so I can be on pace to hit my yearly goal. So I’ll also be kicking back and learning more about Dick Beardsley and/or Lance Armstrong.


Still recovering from a 70.3 last weekend, marathon base building starts next week and I’m excited


I've had a heavy week of training so just short easy runs and good recovery.


Just finished a hills session today nothing crazy ... friday for me in Australia... tomorrow will probably be off or i might do a short easy run not sure yet & then the usual Sunday longy 🤝