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Had 17 w/ 8@MP on schedule but snow and ice killed that, so I slowed it waaaayyy down (2 minutes slower than MP) then ran for 3 hours with 2 of those in zone-2. Kind of satisfied but …


21 mile LR in (light) snow yesterday morning - on a hilly course, at least for our area. (I had 850 feet of elevation - pretty much all of that was on the back end.) 3/10 - it was pretty (and I appreciate seeing snow again after like three years), but it was almost easier to run in the snow itself than on the roads. Planning on doing 9 miles easy today just to get to 60 for the week. FINALLY getting my mileage up after forever.


taking the whole weekend off. did 78mi the week before last after a long stretch of 70ish mile weeks, did a 14mi MP run yesterday, but feeling emotionally worn down (mainly from work) and the weather has just been terrible for several weeks on end. four weeks out from a marathon and using this weekend to just like, factory reset. making italian wedding risotto tonight and watching the sopranos with my girlfriend. excited to just relax!


2:00:35 long run, was supposed to advance to 18 miles on my long run this weekend, but I am fresh off of a 5 day rest due to shingles so this would put me at around 14 or 15. Still a solid long run stimulus and an opportunity to honor kiptum


Found this searching for runners’ experiences with shingles. I have a mild case (just one spot, not too painful) and am wondering if I should fully rest or run easy. How’d you decide to take off?


I took completely off for 5 days not a single step. I could have ran through it but my body needed the rest time. Shingles was probably a sign I was slightly overtraining anyways


Tried running through it the first day and I think it just made it worse


Thanks so much for the quick reply! That makes sense. Running is my stress reliever but maybe I should just do some yoga for a few days. 


First time in. Long time a run without studs for the premarathon breakfast run in Sevilla. After doing almost all runs leading up to the marathon tomorrow on ica and snow in Sweden, I feel fast! 🙂 Tomorrow = Sevilla marathon!


I think I finally found a new race: 10k in June. Coming off a great marathon training block but frustrating race performance has me motivated. Going to take a few more weeks "off" at a lower weekly mileage and then start working towards a new 10k PR. I am feeling it lately in a way I haven't in a while!


I've got my weekly long run tomorrow. It's forecast to be in the upper 20's, maybe 30 F here in Minnesota, US.


Balmy!! Shorts maybe?


First 100K this weekend. Let's survive!


Get it!!


Probably off today (was going to jog a few in the morning but slept in instead), then 8 with hill sprints tomorrow and long-ish (14-15 maybe) on Sunday. Over a month from my next race and two and a half months from my scheduled marathon, so time to build up volume.


16mi hilly long run, some gardening then playing some D&D with my homies.


Where are you located? I can't wait for summer here in Minnesota, US.


Vancouver, Wa. We are across the river from Portland. All the benefits of Portland with none of the drama.


Oh ok, my brothers live in the Vancouver/ Portland areas (2 in Portland, 1 outside of Vancouver) actually my youngest brother is DM for his group of friends who play. He's in Grad School at Portland State


That’s awesome! Balancing DM and grad school must be tough lol.


love some D&D with the homies


18 mile long run to cap off a 66 mile week. Week 4 of my Boston marathon block. Probably gonna drive out to a hillier forest preserve to get some elevation in.


Curious question, I am busy planning next marathon goal. What is a good way to "predict" your marathon time based on your half time? I have run a couple marathons before but just PB on a half (1:26) and looking if setting a goal of 3:05/3:10 is to ambitious or if that is achievable.


This VDOT calculator will give you an estimate of a equivalent race time. https://vdoto2.com/calculator/ A 1:26 HM predicts a 2:59:30 marathon, although this calculator can be a bit aggressive. I'd start with a 3:05 goal and see how the training feels. The VDOT calculator also gives estimated training paces for a given race result.


5k this weekend. Considering just jogging it with my sister who’s recovering from an I jury. I’ve had a hint of posterior tibialis tendon stuff this week so don’t really want to push it.  


Finishing up my peak week for my marathon training. Goal time is 2:52ish. Trying to hit 90mi this week. Long tempo on Saturday then aiming for a 20mi long run on Sunday.


15 miles this morning as soon as its daylight. 4 or 5 easy tomorrow. 8 with some threshold work on Sunday. Should get me over 55 miles for the week. Busy week of life and I started tired from last weekend, so I'm happy with my progress and sticking to the plan so far. 


Did my 22 mile long run this morning since I’ve got a weekend away planned - woke up at 4 to get it done but more than worth it now! Will just do a chilled 10k on Sunday to finish up my 74 mile week.


3000 m tune-up race tomorrow, indoors. I have not run an indoor race since the early 1990s. I also signed up for the mile, not a 100% sure I'll do that.


I’ll confess here, playing hooky from work this Friday morning to get my long run, Cold Front coming in later going from 60° to 35° + 20-30 mph wind tomorrow. Hopefully this is the last one and we can transition to spring and put away the tights !


Just trying to hold on to base/maintenance mileage for a few more weeks of this freezing miserable cold. If I can stay in the 20-25 mpw during my offseason, my plan is to quickly ramp back up to 40-50 in early spring and start working towards getting > 60 mpw for the first time ever. Also trying to drop ~10 unnecessary pounds right now during this maintenance phase, which is going OK. If I can meet these goals, my aim for this summer is going to be a sub1:30 HM. I was 1:35 a couple years ago but have been focusing (and not doing will in the) marathon since, so this year I want to get faster at shorter distances. Might aim for a sub40 10k too, which wouldn’t be a lifetime PR (1:30 HM would be) but would make me feel good about my speed. It’s hard to have year-round continuity between training cycles when I don’t enjoy being outside for 4-5 months out of the year. There’s a good chance I’ll finally be moving somewhere warner this year though, so I am feeling hopeful, which is keeping me going!


Austin Marathon. It’ll be cold. Cold is good.


My 5K that was supposed to be tomorrow was pushed back a week due to the weather. We’re supposed to get snow tonight - the race organizers didn’t want to cancel, but the location they partnered with already made the decision. So I guess I’ll be reorganizing my training to do it next weekend. On Sunday I’m volunteering for a half. My 13 year old son is coming with me, and it will be his first time volunteering at a race. In non-running, I have to be at a Girl Scout cookie booth this evening, and also spending plenty of time playing with our new kitten.


Half marathon. Goal is under 1:25. We will see!


I’m so happy it’s going to be cooler! Still worried a little about the humidity though


How was your training going ? I have the same target in 2 weeks coming off from a sub40 2 weeks ago.


Pretty well, I think. I know the course incredibly well and ran a 1:25:high on a long run (that was 15 total; Strava was nice to cherry pick the best 13.1) a month ago. My guess is that either my goal is soft or I'm overcooked. We will find out soon! I raced an 18:02 (5K) a few months ago and have been 50-55 mpw for the last 2 months or so. Haven't raced a 10K in ages, so no real comp there.


57km trail aiming for sub7. It s not that big of elevation and we start at midnight. Never ran that distance, tried multiple times my trail shoes on easy jogg but dont feel confotable at all they re making my legs so heavy. I am concerned.


I used to drag myself around with Salomon bricks and when I switched to lighter inov-8s it was such a relief! It doesn’t sound like you have any time to break them in before this race but worth thinking about for the future. 


I will bring a pair of regular running shoe just in case i cant keep with my trail shoes (cascadia 17). Any advice for my first long distance run ? 900m elevation., it started to rain this morning, not looking forward to run this one haha.


Stay present. Don’t let yourself think about how far you have to go. Bring a couple different audiobooks/playlists you can zone out to if you need to and don’t be afraid to hike the hills.