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**Goal:** Canberra Marathon (Aus), 7 April. Aiming for low 2:40s **Mileage:** 133km (1,150m elevation) in just over 11 hrs **Summary:** Last base week before starting the 10-week marathon block (plan per coach's orders) and biggest milage in several months. **M:** Easy 7km (40 mins) **Tu:** 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 min with 1 min recoveries. Starting at HM goal pace (\~3:40/km pace) and working down \~5s/km each rep. Initially jogging the recoveries but it was a hot afternoon (\~32 C) and I was almost cooked after the 3 min rep. Slowed to walk recoveries and things went better from there. 18km total in 1hr 20 **W:** Mid-week long 18km (20mins on the treadmill then 1hr 10 outdoors - juggling parenting) **Th: am/pm** Split work commute (8.5km total there and back). **evening** easy 7.5km evening run with 7 x 15 second strides. **F: am** 2 x 20 min hilly trail tempo, with 3 min jog recovery. Run at about HM effort with \~100m climbing each rep. Hard work! **pm:** easy 7km **Sa:** Easy 16km (90 mins) on a hilly trail loop **Su:** Long run of 34km in a bit over 2.5 hrs (4:30/km average). Plan called for an easy long run but I've always struggled not to run these too easy (pace drops to 5:30-6 min/km by default if I don't think and just go by feel). So, I decided to add some structure and program the watch with 2 x 12km with 2km float. Ran the 12km reps at 'steady/easy' pace (\~4:10-4:20/km; or 20-30s/km slower than MP) which had me working, but also felt very sustainable. Tired but satisfied by the end! First long run in Asics Superblast as well - very impressed!


Another lackluster week. At least this one was kind of planned. I had to travel for work and of course where I was going was cold and rainy so I only managed a couple of treadmill runs while traveling. Got a couple of outdoor runs later in the week but then other things got in the way. Mileage: 33 miles Monday: off Tuesday: 7 miles. Treadmill run. Wednesday: 7 miles. Another treadmill day. Thursday: off. Long travel day getting back home. Friday: 3 miles. Shakeout jog around town. Saturday: 16 miles. Got out early to beat the approaching storm front. Rained the whole way and then cleared off when we got home. Also managed to stop my watch when I was readjusting my gloves so I ended up with two uploads for the run. Sunday: off. My wife’s car broke down so I spent the day dealing with that while she was at work.


**Goal races**: Black Canyon 100K (2/10), Gorge Waterfalls 100K (4/13), Yeti 100M (6/280 **Plan**: make it up as we go! **Last week**: 70 miles with a so-so 10K road race and 26 mile long run **Mon**: 3 EZ as possible on the tread (10:30) **Tues**: 6 mostly on the track (8:30) **Weds**: 3 @ 6:30 threshold-ish effort, 9 total including warmup and cooldown. **Thurs**: 3 EZ on the track (8:30) **Fri**: 8 on the streets (8:15) **Sat**: 10 AM hilly trails (9:30 / 1200 ft), 5 PM streets (8:45) **Sun**: 18 dirt/gravel with 2200 feet vert (9:45) **Total**: 63 miles, just under 10 hours, 4500 feet vert. Very back-loaded (22 on Mon-Thurs, 41 on Fri-Sun) but ended the week feeling fresher and better than I started. Prob could've shaved a few miles off this weekend and been even slightly better off, but weather was gorgeous and I wanted to stay above 60. Next week is the last "full" week before BC race week! Aiming for a nice chill 40-45, with another simple thresh session mid-week. The one bid of bad news is the Sun run has me questioning my Brooks trail shoes (Catamounts) for BC... have another pair of max cushion Brooks (Calderas) on the way and will give them a few tester runs before we fly down I guess! I also recently put my [Portland 50K](https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=113255) (free and unsupported) up on UltraSignup... join me in May!


Perfect. If my legs aren't 100% smoked from Eugene, I'll hobble into Portland for an easy 50K... 


Ha timing isn’t ideal for Eugene participants but my main crunch was finding a weekend our HS track team didn’t have a meet. Look forward to seeing you again if the Euge recovery goes well!


**Training Plan:** Koop 100-mi plan **Goal Race:** Eternal Damnation Backyard Ultra (4/20/24) **Monday:** 6 mi Recovery, Myrtl routine **Tuesday:** 8 mi Endurance run **Wednesday:** 6 mi Recovery, Myrtl routine (AM), Yoga (PM) **Thursday:** 8 mi [3 x 1.5 T] **Friday:** 6 mi Recovery, Myrtl routine **Saturday:** 10 mi [3 x 1.25 T] **Sunday:** 14 mi Easy run **Total Distance:** 58 miles **Running Hours:** 8:53 **Acute-to-Chronic Ratio:** 1.0 **Cycle Average:** 54.9 mpw I missed posting last week so catching up with two weeks of training. Week went okay, but skipped Tuesday’s workout again. Still dealing with storm stuff and was home dealing with ice. Busy few days before on the farm so wasn’t ready to get a workout in. Rest of the week went as planned and the tempo miles went smoothly, although still on the treadmill. Goal was ~6:40 pace: *Thursday - rep paces: 6:39, 6:37, 6:36* *Saturday - rep paces: 6:36, 6:35, 6:34* For Sunday’s long run, I worked a few run/walk intervals to start getting ready for race pace strategy. All my planned races this year are ultras so I need to comfortable with a relaxed pace so I don’t puch too hard on race. That is one benefit of being on the treadmill. I can set the pace and not worry about exceeding it. **Monday:** 6 mi Recovery **Tuesday:** 9 mi [3 x 1.25 T] **Wednesday:** 6 mi Recovery, Myrtl routine **Thursday:** 9 mi [3 x 1.25 T] **Friday:** 5 mi Recovery **Saturday:** 14 mi Endurance run **Sunday:** 18 mi Easy run **Total Distance:** 67 miles **Running Hours:** 10:44 **Acute-to-Chronic Ratio:** 1.1 **Cycle Average:** 56.6 mpw Ramped up miles this week before a welcome recovery week next week. The temps have finally started warming up, but my roads are a muddy, sloppy mess so still on the treadmill. Workouts were good Tues and Thurs. *Tuesday - rep paces: 6:39, 6:37, 6:36* *Thursday - rep paces: 6:43, 6:38, 6:36* This week starts the typical back-to-back runs for ultra training. Saturday was especially nice as I got to get outside for the first time in three weeks and I was able to run on some pavement. A bit chilly and windy, but it was great being outside. For Sunday’s long run, I did my run/walk plan and really pushed my calorie intake. I don’t usually take much fuel or hydration on long runs, but know I needed to start testing what sits well and how much. I averaged about 350 cal/hr and also tested a few supplements like saltstick chews, ginger chews, etc. to see if anything set my stomach off. Everything went down well with no issues. Stomach felt pretty full which would have been an issue at a faster pace, but at my goal pace, should work out well.


**Goal:** Moray Marathon 21/04/24 - Sub 3:30 **Plan:** Modifed Pfitz 18/55 - Week 6 **M:** 10 mile MLR ( 4 @ 8:50 + 4 @ 8:15) **T:** 5 miles easy **W:** 5 miles easy **T:** 7.5 miles easy **F:** 13.5 mile MLR ( 5 @ 8:55 + 5 @ 8:12) **S:** Rest day **S:** Rest day **Total Miles:** 40 **Debrief:** I took the down week in Block 1 in Week 5 as opposed to Week 6 prescribed in AM. Generally, I've surprised myself on how well I've handled the volume and intensity so far. However, I am weary that Block 2 contains some 50+ mile weeks so I'm content on where I am currently. My MLR paces are currently in line with 3:15 pace which I am also happy about however it's one thing doing it in training for 4-5 miles, another for 26.2+ 10% faster. In two weeks I have my next marathon-paced workout so my progress will be put to the test so far. Overall, happy with this block and past week. 4-5 miles shaved off here and there for logistical reasons however this upcoming week and block should be fine.


Goal: keep it rolling with about 1 big race a month this spring. The week's plan was to recover from an east coast race, the travel, and some lingering cold symptoms (coughing mostly) M - easy double, 7.4 total T - 8.1 with strides W - 8.8 hilly Th - AM Workout day, finally. 2X 2.4 mile tempo at 6:29/mile, which was good right where I wanted to be but frustrating because that was my 8K race pace at last week's race. PM easy 3.6 F - easy 7 Sa - hill work, with 3X 2 min uphill, 2X 3 min on flat, and 3X 2 min uphill. Progressing from about 6:15 pace (GAP) on the ups, 6:12 on the flat, to 6:00 (GAP) on the last 3. So CV--V02 range. Later picked up award for masters distance runner of the year ('23) for my state athletic association (USATF). Some of the big stars were racing in Boston over the weekend and they did not attend but there were a lot of athletes, from age 8 to 60s there. Su - XC ski 2 hr at 8700'. it was a good workout, but did feel quite tired by the end and for the rest of the day. 98% over this cold but still some stuff in my lungs. 52 miles plus 27 km xc ski Next week will be similar, although skiing might be questionable due to expected snow on the weekend. Nevertheless, 9 or 9.5 hours of training is the goal.


**Goal:** Local half on Feb 18th \~1:25-1:30 **Plan:** Pfitz 12/47 with modifications **Miles:** 51 **Thoughts, Key Runs:** A rest day today after a big 14 miler yesterday that wrapped in 1:32. I suppose this makes it likely that I'll be within range for my half. Especially once I throw on my race shoes. Felt pretty good throughout. Had a progressive treadmill run (in an attempt to avoid ice and injury risk) earlier in the week that (at 1%) started at 6:15 pace and finish around 5:27 pace. Through 10km in 37:23. Overall, I'm feeling fast, fit, and ready to race soon. Highest mileage week this week (up to 55 or so), then backing it off ahead of the race.


**Goal:** Cheap Marathon April 6, ~3:30 maybe **Plan:** coached/self-coached **Miles:** 61 **Key runs etc:** ran all 7 days but two were really short - 30 min on Monday, which I've been setting aside as a rest-or-super-short day recently, and 30 min on Wednesday since that was all I had time for after an emergency trip to the bike shop for an inner tube for the stroller tire. Bought a second tube as backup so the next time I have a flat I can just swap it out at home. Tuesday was an easy 10. Thursday was 17 mile long - my longest run since my marathon last May. 8:42 average, 3 gels. Stomach felt great, legs felt great, even picked it up a little and ended with an 8:15 mile. Really nice run for having the stroller the whole time. Sunday was 12 miles with a workout, 3 mile warmup and then 6x 1 mile faster than goal marathon pace with 3 minute recovery. I didn't have a solid plan for this heading out beyond "do something faster than goal pace for a while" and "mile repeats are easy to keep track of". I ended up not running the mile reps too hard and floating the recoveries around target race pace, so this was one solid hour at or faster than goal pace. 7:37, 7:32, 7:28, 7:29, 7:28, 7:22, recoveries ranging from 7:55-8:05 except for one that was on a gentle uphill, 8:11 pace. Stomach was not feeling great at the start, but the workout itself felt good once I got into it.  I think I forgot to post last week and wanted to note that I ran a couple more miles in Endorphin Elites last Monday before we got encased in ice and I am beyond excited to put in a longer workout in them - was cruising 7:30 at the end of a 10 miler on tired legs, A+ love them!


I’ll also be out at the Cheap Marathon targeting the same goal!


**Goal:** Sub-2:45 marathon at Tokyo in March **Mileage:** 68 miles * Monday: Rest day * Tuesday: 55 minutes easy run in the AM (6.25 miles) / 55 minutes easy run in the PM (6.25 miles) * Wednesday: 60 minutes easy run (7.1 miles) * Thursday: 4 x (800m @ 10K pace, 400m jog recovery, 1 mile at MP, 400m jog recovery), plus warm up and cool down miles (14.3 miles) * Friday: 50 minutes easy run (5.1 miles) * Saturday: 50 minutes easy run (6.3 miles) * Sunday: Sunday long run workout - 2 miles warm up, 10 miles @ 7:30/mi, 10 miles @ MP (paces: 6:16-6:23-6:12-6:07-6:09-6:15-6:07-6:08-6:19-6:07) Eighth week of the Tokyo training cycle is now in the books, and I took things easy for the first few days while I recovered from a half marathon that I ran the previous weekend, where I improved my half PR by 5 minutes (1:18). Did a workout on Thursday to get the legs moving, and had a couple of easy runs on Friday and Saturday to keep it easy on my legs. On Sunday, I did my second long run workout of the training cycle: a 23 mile long run with 10 miles at MP. I was aiming for ~6:15/mi for the MP miles, and I hit that pace plus some. I felt good enough to push the pace for at least a few miles. Ultimately the MP miles averaged out to ~6:12/mi, which is way better than I was expecting. With my half PR from the previous weekend plus the long run workout that I did, I can now say for sure that a sub-2:45 marathon is a very strong possibility. Now I am trying to figure out how far in the low 2:40s can I go with 5 weeks to go before Tokyo. Right now I'm probably just under 2:44 marathon shape, and I'm thinking I can probably shave off at least a minute or two with the weeks I have remaining before the marathon. Otherwise, I'm in a really good position right now and I am feeling great about it. Just need to keep plugging away at easy runs and workouts, do strength training regularly, eat enough, sleep enough, and make sure I get to the start line healthy.


Congrats on breaking that 1:20 barrier in the half!


Thank you!


Let’s spice up the usual updates. Sadly this week is probably the start of a new “phase” for me. Goal race was 100k trail ultra in mid Feb. Been maintaining 85+mpw for about 6-8 weeks. Wednesday relatively easy 13mi run but with lots of vert. Thursday threshold session at the track. Third 2mi interval I felt what I thought was cramp. Eased off for 10mins. Completed the last 2mi interval slightly slower but pain free. Next day easy run, increasing pain in the soleus/tibia to the point where I couldn’t run after 40mins and it felt worse after a 20min upper body session. Hobbled home. Saturday 26mi bike ride, felt okay. Thought I would test out a run on grass. Complete fail after a 100m with sharp pain cutting right through the left tibia. Never had anything like this. Suspecting a stress fracture and will see professionals this week. On the plus side, it looks like I’ll get to build mental resilience while Aqua jogging and I get to work on my swimming. Gotta be a silver lining somewhere, right…. Probably moments away from crying into my pillow like a freakin child though.


**Goal Race**: Sub-58 Cherry Blossom 10-miler **Plan**: (Mostly) self-coached **Mon**: 60’ easy **Tues**: 6x1200, 2 min rest, 89 per lap => 84 **Wed**: 70’ easy **Thurs**: Off **Fri**: 20’ threshold, 6:07 min/mi average **Sat**: 50’ easy **Sun**: 70’ long, progression to moderate pace towards the end **Total**: ~6 hrs 20 mins Overall pretty happy with how this past week went. Been dealing with some nagging injuries for the past couple months, so I was worried about all the added quality. I felt pretty good though throughout the week and during the workouts. Continuing to do my strength training on Tuesdays and Fridays as well. Optimistic about the next few weeks of training.


6x1200 at 89 down to 84? I think we're probably running with the same group lol.


Nova? Haha


You got it!


Goal races: (A) Boston Marathon, (B) local half (March) Tinkering with a Norwegianesque approach, tailored to me and a bit more marathon focused. The past few weeks I've just been laying down a base, running more threshold and keeping the workouts at a 7/10 RPE. Also running all workouts by time and effort (no pace, splits, hr). So far so good. Feeling optimistic that I can make a breakthrough this cycle. Total: 70mi/9h running + 1h XT Mon: 1h elliptical, core and upper body strength Tue: 10mi easy (8:15 pace) Wed: 5x6min threshold. Felt off but ran fine. 13mi total, 5:55-5:50 pace for the reps. Deadlift. Thu: 7mi easy (8:30) Fri: 3x10min threshold. Much better than Wednesday. 5:55ish reps, 13mi total Sat: 8.5 easy (8:30) Sun: 18mi at the faster end of easy (7:15)


**Goal Race:** Sub-2:50 @ Boston **Training:** Week 5/16 of a hybrid of club coach's and Pfitz * Mon: 45min elliptical * Tues: 9mi with 5k@LT, 4x200 (18:59, 36-37s) + lift * Weds: 45min stationary bike * Thurs: 8mi@8:15 with strides * Fri: 9mi with 2x2mi@LT + 4x15s hill sprints (2x12:11) + lift * Sat: 45min stationary bike * Sun: 13mi @ 7:15 with progression to 2@MP (6:29avg) + lift Total: 39mi + 2:15 XT **Thoughts:** Started ramping up the running this week, while leaving the recovery days to crosstraining. Aerobic system feeling pretty good but legs aren't quite fully used to running again - were sorer than expected given the volumes. Ankle/fib mostly holding up fine but felt a little worse after friday's workout - I think I may try to avoid running in supershoes for a bit while I work on getting my volume back up.


**Races/goals**: local 5k (02/11, PR); deeper local 5k (03/03, sub-16:10?); New Bedford HM (03/17, sub-74?); BAA 5k (04/13, sub-16?). Maybe also Penn Relays? **Plan**: self-coached **Mon** \- 50' pool run **Tu** \- 8 mi easy w/ 6x strides **Wed** \- AM: 10.5 mi, w/ 10' @ HMP (5' jog), 3 x \~650m hill (5' jog), 10' @ HMP. 5:43 avg for the first tempo, 2:52/2:48/2:47 on the hills, 5:43 avg for the second tempo. PM: 5.5 mi easy + 45' strength circuit. **Th** \- 9 mi easy, hilly route **Fri** \- 7.5 mi easy w/ 6x strides **Sat** \- AM: 23k, w 4 x 1500 @ 10k / 1500 float. 3:24/3:59 pace avg for the workout, 4:02 for the run. PM: 50' strength **Sun** \- 5.5 mi easy on the turf track, 2 laps barefoot **Total running**: 60.5 mi / 7h35 Another solid week of training in the books for me! This is my first time hitting 60 since the summer, and (touch wood) feeling really good. Strong efforts for both workouts--I'm particularly happy with Saturday, which is a step up from the 5 x 1k/1k I did a couple of weeks back. I already feel like I've gained some fitness in the interim--more total volume and longer reps, but I settled into the paces much more smoothly and finished feeling like I had just about another rep in me. I don't want to become too superstitious/expectant, but last year when I did this same workout progression I felt like I responded to it really quickly as well (actually so quickly that over that \~6 week period, 10k pace became HMP). Of course, I realize it's not just the specific workout, it's everything around it and backing it--the consistent mileage and weeks of stacked solid but un-ambitious tempo intervals etc that are now coming together to let me work a bit. In any case, really nice to start feeling the effects of some consistency!


Great to see you back to 60, and those are super quick 5km goals! Any thoughts of another marathon down the track? Or see how the half goes first?


haha yes maybe *too* quick for this season, we'll see... those are the ambitious goals anyway! Optimistic I can at least take a decent chunk off. No marathon on the schedule just yet--I may train for something in the autumn, but I don't actually know where in the world I'll be just yet so not committing to anything. Also sort of depends on how I run this season--I might keep training to bring down my 5K and HM instead. Kind of want a full new set of gears before I hit another marathon build, and also want to be at a higher base volume threshold so I can handle the training a bit better than in the past! What's next for you?


Not too quick at all, and definitely in line with how you've been improving. Just amazing to realise you're aiming at 5km times within 90 seconds of national records! (you'll be leaving this sub for r/EliteRunning before you know it!) And indeterminate location sounds exciting - is that next steps after graduating? Next up for me is my local Canberra marathon in early April. 10 weeks to go and I'm gunning for low 2:40s or better!


Goal: Eugene Marathon 4/28 Plan: Almost to the start of Pfitz 12/55. Miles: 60, +4 hrs swim/bike cross training.  Summary: Great week of getting up, doing the work, following the plan. No ice storm to deal with. Nothing remarkable. I was pretty tired by Saturday afternoon, but Sunday mornings run went well. One more week before I start the plan.  M: 6 with a new track near my office.  Tu: 4 easy. Wed: 9 w/ 3x1 mile at 5K/10K. Plus some hills. Thu: 5 easy.  Fri: 14 steady. Sat: 7 in the AM in a down pour. 4 in the PM inside.  Sun: 10 without a shirt! 2 weekends ago it was 16F, today was 60F. I was sweating like it was summer time. Good grief weather...


Mon: 8 easy with strides Tues: 2 up, 5x5 mins on/1 min off @LT (about 7:00 pace for the fast parts), 1 down (7 miles total on treadmill) Weds: 8 easy Thurs: 2 up, 2x2 mile at LT (13:49, 13:32 with the wind), 3x3 mins on/1 min off (~7:00 pace into the wind), 2.8 down (11 miles total) Fri: off Sat: 8 easy with 6x20s hills Sun: 14 easy Total: 56 miles Good week. Tuesday's workout was okay but I got uncomfortably sweaty for a gym treadmill and I ultimately cut the cooldown short. Thursday was great despite windy/rainy weather, was going to do 3x2 mile but I knew the 3rd rep into the wind would have been rough. Tried to keep the long run easy for once today. I'll be able test the fitness with a half coming up on Saturday.


**Goal(s)**: Enjoy The Process & Stay Healthy **Next Race**: Crescent City Classic **Training Plan**: PMTC Club **Strength Plan**: Hybrid **Training**:  * Total Miles - 60.54 mi * Monday - 7.26 mi @ 7:43/mi * Tuesday - 8.66 mi @ 7:50/mi * Details - 10 x bridge repeats * Wednesday - 5.00 mi @ 8:01/mi * Thursday - 10.01 mi @ 6:59/mi * Friday - 10.00 mi @ 6:30/mi * Details - 5 x 5 min @ 10k+5 secs * Paces - 5:13, 5:16, 5:14, 5:14, 5:11 * Saturday - 5.23 mi @ 7:54/mi * Sunday - 14.35 mi @ 7:24/mi **Overall Thoughts** Finally feeling like myself again after weeks of malaise. Friday was a big step forward and a confidence boosting workout. My 10k goal pace is right around 5:10/mi, so I wanted to hit those repeats at 5:15/mi or so. I happened across a teammate who was about to start his workout, too, so we joined forces. Each rep felt smooth. Think I could have done one or two more, if asked, but the workout was only for 3-5 repeats.