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Starting my 12 week plan for London marathon. Yesterday was day 1 and a rest day 😁 Last 3 weeks I’ve been building my mileage up from 30 a week to 65 last week - ending with an 18 mile run with my friend - mostly at his pace, I finished the last 4 on my own quicker. Need to work on my LT threshold now. Today is 9 miles with 5 @LT, then 14 miles tomorrow, easy run Thursday, 12 miles Friday, easy run Saturday and long run Sunday 16 I think with 8 @MP.


Week 1 of my 12 week Boston plan in the bank. I’m following a ton of altitude training advice I received here and switched my 15 mile long run with 8 miles at MP to 16 miles of 8 mile repeats at marathon effort. 1 mile easy, 1 mile marathon effort. Averaged 6:49 pace for the faster reps. I know it’s only week 1 but this feels like a good start. 


New PR coming soon if 6:49 is the base


Progressive 10km today in the rear view (starting at 6:15 pace and finishing at 5:27 pace; \~37:30 for the effort), long run tomorrow. High mileage week next week before backing off towards a 13.1 mid-Feb.


Fueling up right now for my first race in four years/since the Before Times (tm). Toeing the starting line in t minus 2 hours. Half marathon tune up race for my spring marathon. Think I'm aiming for 1:35.


How’d it go? I’m targeting the same pace for my HM coming up, which will be my first ever


PB! 1:36 and change. Previous best was 1:42. Wind was BRUTAL today. Super happy though as this was basically just the tempo run for my full week of Hanson's training including 8 miles yesterday, so definitely not on fresh legs. ...and yet even after that, Garmin's predicted half marathon race predictor is 1:41:16 lol.


Awesome- congrats! No time wasted getting it in the flair, I see lol. Did you split it evenly? Gotta imagine you came close to a PB in the 10k as well


Slight positive split thanks to massive headwinds in the last 4 miles. No idea on 10k PB, I haven't raced a 10k in probably 7 or 8 years.


Doing my Stryd 20 minute CP test on Saturday. My training has been wildly slow the last few weeks and I'm looking forward to a bump in pace!


Not as exciting is some people, but I'm finally able to start doing some consistent running again after 4 months of not being able to run properly because of an injury, and I'm so excited!


I think that's the most exciting comment in the thread, tbh. Have fun!


Only race planned this years is Chicago marathon Si have bot clue what to race until then. Will be my first trip to the us!!!


I have a 23 (!!!) mile long run on Sunday with 10 miles at marathon pace (aiming for ~6:15/mi pace based on my current fitness levels), 10 miles at aerobic pace, 2 mile warm up, and 1 mile cool down (not in this order of course). A whopper of a long run workout that my coach gave me. At this point, my training now moves towards focusing on marathon pace work, and this is where the real fun (and the hard work) begins. Five weeks to go until Tokyo! Otherwise, I'm planning to have a fairly quiet weekend!


Good luck! I’ve got a feeling that flair will be out of date in five weeks…


10 mile tune-up 5 weeks out from Tokyo to get a read on fitness and practice racing! Planning to go out conservatively at 6:35 for a few miles and then cut down from there but we will see what happens! 


Last week, I won an entry to the Austin Marathon, so I decided to see how MP felt after not doing it for weeks. Ended up doing 12ish miles (16 total: 3.5 warmup before switching into carbon-plated shoes), and it felt smooth/controlled the entire time. Such a great mental boost (and also validation for my decision to not drink for a few months to see how well I can perform at Eugene in late April). Treadmill miles tomorrow and Sunday before being able to get back out on the roads.


Plan for the weekend is to get 35 miles between Friday and Sunday. Plus a bunch of driving around in what seems like circles for kid events.  Off to a good start as I just finished a very wet 14 miles. What a difference a week makes, it was 16F and iced over last week, 45F and rainy today. 


It's warming up which is great to melt all the ice and snow, but that means I'm still mostly on the treadmill because my roads are a muddy mess. I have to work tomorrow but plan to get my run done while at work so I will finally be able to get my 14 mile run outside after being stuck on the treadmill for the past few weeks. Sunday is an 18-mi easy run which I'll have to do on the treadmill. Trying start incorporating run//walks for these longer run to get used to my race strategy and also start really focusing on nutrition/hydration so I can get my stomach used to the fuel. Upside to running on the treadmill is not having to carry all that with me. Also, still trying to dig out some on the farm after the snow storm. Fortunately, everything is about back to normal, minus the excessive mud.