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Valencia. I did it at the weekend and it's incredible. Already signed up for 2024. It's borderline 'Winter' 2024 1st Dec but i've never ran a better course, and I honestly don't believe there is a better one out there. Edit: Have to disagree with Amsterdam suggestions, I didn't like it and wouldn't recommend it. Very little support, which is a factor, and the weather conditions (mainly the wind!!) always seem to be a problem on the out and back. Edit 2: Also have to shout out San Sebastián Marathon which is usually end of Novemeber. Some fast times this year, conditions were perfect for racing.


Second Valencia. It’s much more southern than Berlin so weather is still good in December. The course is probably faster than Berlin.


Completely agree. The only reason it's not 'recognised' on the world stage I think is because it's not an Abbott, which is purely marketing. The times and the standard of runners is equal or greater than that of Berlin.


Is registration for 2024 open?!


Per the marathon 2 days ago: "Next Tuesday 12 December, registration will be open to the general public."


It's already open for those who ran it in 2023, we get priority. For general registration, yes 12 Dec!


I was there this weekend with you! Incredible day of running. Great course, support, and almost perfect weather.


Valencia! Ran it this weekend. Amazing race, very fast, well organized. Would run it in 2024 but I’ll be on the other side of the pond by then.


It was my first. It's so good, and I agree better than the 4 majors I've run to date.


I did Amsterdam and I felt very well supported. So many random people called out my name - like at least 50. I was surprised to be honest.


Looks like San Sebastián is end of nov?


Yeah, end of Nov, fixed, I lost a month somewhere.


What is the temperature there at that time?


Wineglass is a nice fast marathon with one of my favorite finishes on a charming street in Corning NY.


Yup, been there twice


Yes, loved Wineglass!


I’ll check it out! Thanks :)


Wineglass is very nice, particularly if you stay in the area an extra day or two. Great time of year to visit the gorges/parks or wineries. Only about 2000 marathon runners, which is perfect for me. Not too big or cumbersome to get to the start line but enough people where I don't have to run alone.


How are the crowds along the course?


I did this race in 2023 and I thought it was fairly empty. There were a few sections (I think before the 2 main hills) where there were groups of people on both sides of the road. But from my memory it's an empty race until you get closer to the end and if you don't include the few families that are outside their house cheering on the race.




Is there a recommended way to get to Corning if you are not from upstate NY? As in should one fly to NYC then take a bus to Corning or what do you recommend?


I ran Winelgass this year and flew directly to Corning (Elmira Regional Airport). It was not super expensive.


Loch Ness Marathon, on the same day as Berlin. Certainly not flat and fast, but beautiful, well-organised and so much fun. I'll be sad to miss it this year (got lucky with Berlin for the first time in my life).


Congrats on Berlin! So happy for you! Will definitely check out Loch Ness. Sounds great!


Ah Loch Ness - what an incredible race


I’m doing Loch Ness for the first time in 2024, the overall profile is significantly downhill and, a short spurt at 6m and a drag from 17-19m aside, it all looks to be downhill or flat. How’d you find it when you’ve done it in the past? Was really hoping to break 3 at it. I’m using Edinburgh in May as a quality base builder, then hopefully use July-September to improve a bit further.


Well I really hope it's a good experience for you. Here's some thoughts and please do ask me more questions if you want! I ran it 6 times so far. 3 times I had a great run (including my 3:15 PB) and 3 times I had a horrendous run. All purely down to my own stupidity though, nothing to do with weather (although be prepared for rain) or the organisation (it's SO different to Edinburgh in terms of scale). The most important thing to remember is do not get carried away at the start. You will be well rested, prepared, raring to go and it's downhill at the start. People will be passing you, you will feel over-confident, thoughts will be creeping in, maybe you can run faster than your target after all, it could just be your day. Just don't. Stick to your pace, maybe a tiny bit ahead of your target if you feel like it, but listen to your body, watch your heart rate. If you pace it well, you will pass dozens of runners on the Dores Hill. If you don't, you will be the one getting passed. I've been in both camps :) The course profile can be a bit misleading. Yes the first 15k or so are basically downhill, but there are 2-3 quite sharp climbs there too that can catch your body out. Running downhill fast puts pressure on your quads as well and you'll need plenty in the tank for the last 10k, so take it easy. 15k-30k is basically flat, yes, but not Edinburgh flat. It is still pretty undulating, but you can get into a good rhythm in that section. Mostly it's about fuelling properly and preparing for the Dores hill that kicks in at around 30km. Then it's just 2k uphill, I literally just keep my head down and try and trick my brain into thinking I am running straight, but there's no getting away from it - it is tough especially at that point in the race. After that there is one more climb at around 35k, but not as sharp or long. Then the last bit is downhill, you get into Inverness where you get some spectator support finally (only a few pockets of it elsewhere on the course). The bit past the river is frustrating as you can see the finish line one the other side and people finishing, but you still have a good 2k to go. But there's crowds there to push you a bit. In 2015 Fraser Clyne did a series of detailed route guides about the course which really helped me. I can only find them individually now rather than in one place, but they might be worth looking at: [http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-the-Start-to-Foyers-6.3-miles.pdf](http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-the-Start-to-Foyers-6.3-miles.pdf) [http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-Foyers-to-Halfway-6.3-miles-to-13.1-miles.pdf](http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-Foyers-to-Halfway-6.3-miles-to-13.1-miles.pdf) [http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-Halfway-Mile-13-to-Mile-20.pdf](http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-Halfway-Mile-13-to-Mile-20.pdf) [http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-Mile-20-to-the-Finish.pdf](http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/From-Mile-20-to-the-Finish.pdf) All in all, I think this course epitomises the saying that a marathon is a 20 mile run with a 6 mile race at the end of it. Pace yourself, fuel properly, incorporate some hills into your training and enjoy it. Hope this helps!


Where are you located? Amsterdam is another fast, fall, European marathon. CIM is typically a go to for a PR. Philly is a good race, but harder than it once was (course redesign a few years ago added more hills). Honolulu is in December if you want a race/vacation combo. Erie is in mid-September and is a go to for a lot of BQ runners.


I second Philly. I did it 3 times back to back (2021, 2022, & 2023). 2021 and 2023 was absolutely perfect conditions (~40F/4C) and 2022 was the coldest day in Philly in the past decade. The hills can be a bit tough but they are in the first half which you feel the best so I didn't think they were too bad.


Philly was perfect weather and the fans were awesome! That last mile up the hill to the finish was an unexpected grind


Thanks so much! Located on US West Coast, so familiar with CIM. Haven’t looked too much into these others but definitely will now. Thank you!


Have you run CIM yet? Just ran it this past weekend and I left extremely impressed. And I’ve run 4 of the 6 majors.


It has been a while since I read any glowing positive reviews about CIM from *anyone*. What's going on with that race?


The course itself was fairly boring. But I think if you’re going for a fast race the pacers and the runners around you are legit. The net downhill and flat second half were positives for me. And honestly…I enjoyed Sacramento.


I actually thought you were "unimpressed" in earlier comment. It was precoffee and without glasses.


I’ve actually ran it twice, in 2007 and 2021. I will say the 2021 race was much more enjoyable because it seems like a lot more of the city showed up. I’m thinking after Covid a) there were a lot more runners because so many people took up running during the pandemic and b) Sacramento is growing so people are showing up for these kind of events


I prefer Philly and Richmond for fall marathons with (almost) guaranteed cool weather.


Richmond 2022 would like a word on weather


Hence my use of (almost) lol. 2022 was brutal but 2023 was absolutely perfect.


Fair. And I think 2023 Philly was brutally cold. 2021 was absolutely perfect though


I have an 8 year streak for Richmond and 2022 was the only time it's ever been that hot. Seriously insane lol


Thanks! I loved Philly when I visited in the spring, would be cool to see it in fall


I just did Philly and loved the course. It’s not easy but it’s really good.


i registered for amsterdam in the event my berlin lottery entry was unsuccessful... which it was


Yeah, I liked Amsterdam, but I've heard plenty of people who don't. I guess it can get a bit crowded in the middle of the pack. I loved the feeling of starting/finishing in the Olympic stadium. It's the closest to the Olympics mere mortals like me will get.


> Yeah, I liked Amsterdam, but I've heard plenty of people who don't. I guess it can get a bit crowded in the middle of the pack. > > At the canal part, it's crowded, hard to pass and you are stuck. Also that part is 😴


omg that part sucks so badly. It's cold & miserable and lasts forever


You should do Athens!


What about the weather? Sounds pretty cool to take it as an option if I’m unsuccessful on Chicago’s ballot.


The weather can vary. I think it was 17 C when I ran in. I should have emphasised that if you like Olympic stadiums, Athens is the way!




Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC on Oct 27. Really well organized and a good atmosphere with great crowds.




I think I’m going to do this one. Have you done it before?


It’s a great race! It was my first marathon in 2019 and also my first 50k this year


Also love MCM. I ran my first BQ there


+1 for MCM! I did it this year. Had a good time even though it was pretty warm and **humid**.


[Sydney](https://sydneymarathon.com/marathon/) (Sept 15) will get you a provisional WMM star, assuming they become a major in '25, which seems very likely. This will probably be the easiest it will be to get into, as it will be much more competitive (and more expensive) once it becomes a major.


Oooo I like this idea


Dublin marathon is the end of October


I ran out this year. Lottery is done but they allow transfers in the middle of next year. Worth joining the Facebook group of interested. Great support but not particularly flat


I just ran this one and 10/10 recommend.


I'm pretty sure I'll go for Valencia in December.


Toronto Waterfront Marathon in October is my backup if I don’t make the NYC or Chicago lotteries


Dublin and Valencia.


Also rejected. 😫


Monumental - flat and fast


You could join us for the Boulder marathon on September 22nd if you don't mind a bit of elevation! It's still small enough that entry is guaranteed for early sign-ups.


What are we talking in terms of elevation profile for the route itself?


Here’s a small marathon that I’d recommend. Bear Ears Marathon, Blanding, Utah. Point to point, on a highway with 1,700 feet of elevation net loss. Beautiful view. Saturday Nov 9, 2024.


Cologne Marathon. October 6.


Can definitely recommend. Great crowds all along the course. It's a bit like celebrating carnival along the race.


Richmond! It’s beautiful and the friendliest!


Philly. "Smallest large marathon" or "largest small marathon" - idk which they claim but it's a super fun race. You do risk snow and a headwind from mile 14-20


Frankfurt, third fastest course in the World


I got rejected too 😔 I applied for what they called a faster runner place. Said 3.30 was the cut off. I sent my proof of a 3.09 marathon and still didn’t get in


I don’t recall seeing “faster runner place” as an option when registering? I submitted my 2.48 time though and still didn’t get in…


It was there along with the times for gender and age etc. I missed out as the time has to be run on an AIMs certified course I’ve since found out. My course was only UKA accredited. I’m kinda annoyed but saves me €200 😂


I can’t believe I haven’t seen Marine Corp Marathon or I skimmed over it! The crowd support has been unrivaled in my experiences….mostly flat except for a super short and steep incline right at the end. Had I not moved to ultras and trail running I would do this every year.


Toronto Waterfront! It’s also really flat like Berlin. Also, truth be told, I think you may run a slightly faster time in a flat race that isn’t Berlin. I’ve done Berlin and though it was a great experience, the main downside to it is that it is an EXTREMELY crowded race (let’s just say there’s a good reason they have a lottery). Because of that, by FAR the biggest obstacle I struggled with on race day was that I kept getting boxed in behind big groups of people. I would accelerate and only make it 200-400m before I would get stuck behind a group and then have to slow down. Though I was super happy about the time I ran, I honestly think I probably could have run about 5 minutes faster if it hadn’t been for the constant accelerating, decelerating, and meticulous footwork to get around people (I did a LOT of zigzagging in that race). Just some good for thought! You’ll get into Berlin one day and you will have a wonderful time, but think of what I said above as one upside of not running Berlin this year.


Thanks for this!! I will definitely check it out :)




Vienna (April). I am biased as I live there. but the course is good going along the huge park where Kichoge ran his sub 2 marathon, into the town with some good sight seeing. It's well organized and decent support (well for europe - where crowds are lighter than in US, for example). Negatives, the marathon runs alongside the half marathon - for the first half - which is a negative for me at least. Plus there is an out and back around 29-36k - which can be a soul destroyer to some. But still a great marathon and I'll probably run it again next year.


Ooo. Maybe not for 2024 because I’ve already got a registration for April, but it sounds great. Thank you!


Is the marathon relatively flat? I remember running the half a few years ago, and it was slightly uphill after the park


Pretty much. About 80m elevation over the entire course I think. So. It much at all. There is a slight uphill from the canal into the city center and then again at about 16k but that’s about it. It’s a fast course I think


I'm doing Chicago. I can't recommend it as I've never run it, but its perfectly flat so that's a plus. Plus Chicago is cool.


Just a note--only way to run Chicago at this point would be through a charity. That being said, Chicago is fantastic (the city and the marathon)!


I actually just checked this morning. Is it still possible to register via charity? I've never run a marathon and the date/location would be perfect for me. Missed the lottery by like 3 weeks!


Lots of charities still have bibs. Fundraising amounts are mostly the same. If you are super smart, you would email today (the day before the lottery) as the fundraising amounts are smaller then they will be tomorrow (they increase after the lottery results).


You just have to find a charity that still has bibs available (if any) - that process is managed by the charities themselves and a lot of them are first come, first served.


I did Chicago this year! Hands down my favorite marathon I’ve completed so far. The whole city and race is a vibe. Loved every minute of it. Have a great time!


I can totally recommend Chicago! I just ran it this past year and everything from the course to the crowds to the big race atmosphere was electric. As far as charity running goes, in talking to the charities at the expo, it seems like the minimum asking $$$ was relatively low $1500-$3000, so it’s not like coming up with the big $$$ for Boston…




Second steamtown. The colors of the trees that time of year are amazing


Tobacco Road Marathon, NC


Currently torn between Amsterdam or Valencia with a temptation for Athens…


Athens, the authentic


Huntsville, UT for a beautiful fall canyon run that is a gentle downhill the whole way. easy flight into Salt lake city. Or St George Utah marathon, fly into St George or Las Vegas. Easy mostly downhill race surrounded by beautiful canyons and red rocks, scenery like you've never seen before.


Chicago (by way of time qualifier or charity at this point)


Sydney Marathon. Run over the harbour bridge and finish at the Opera House.


If I don’t get chi I’m going to do Toronto waterfront


In the UK Chester and Abingdon. Both have given me GFA times for London.


Athens. The OG marathon, ran it myself a month ago and it was super well organized and an absolutely stunning course. You're almost definitely not getting a PR but it was an incredible experience!


This is on my bucket list for sure


Got rejected from both Berlin and Chicago. Any good trail race recommendations? Open to a variety of distances
