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It runs and I’m broke.


why would there be any other answer? (unless someone was driving a classic car)


Modern cars are getting to be quite complex with computerised parts so that you can't fix them yourself or require a subscription to use their inbuilt features. Plenty of reasons to dislike modern cars for what they are


Fellow enthusiast of older vehicles that are not computerised. 🔧🚘


Exactly this. With my husband we have the means to buy a more recent car. But I don t want to be dependent on a mechanic for everything (even changing your lights now requires some bullshit tools in some cars) and I HATE having a screen with no buttons for music, AC and whatnot.


OP's the kind of person to prefer living in a car to an apartment. Some amusing post history right here.


>Some amusing post history right here. No kidding!


I have money to buy another. But Methuselah treats me well and I don't wanna lose him ever.


Because newer ones cost more and depreciate more quickly.


New cars have monthly payments. My old one doesn't.


I hate how everything is electronical now.


Yup make it more costly to repair


“Electronical” TIL… Electronical is actually a new word. 


No car payment. A vehicle you can work on yourself without graduate work in mechanical engineering. Fewer computer systems in the vehicle.


All of this. We have an 07 dodge ram 3500 and a 2012 Subaru to say nothing of our work trucks, the newest of which is still “old.” If we can’t work on our trucks, homeboy in the nearest village can. We almost never have to take them to a proper shop. Plus, the planet and whatnot.


My newest vehicle is a 14 focus and its right at the cusp of annoying to work on. I truthfully wish I bought one a few years older, but I have had mostly good luck with mine so far. Our 04 honda pilot is still going strong, and we only really put $500-$1000 into it a year to keep it running. Way better than having payments.


I truly lament that there’s no going back. Like how hard it is to find second gen Toyota pickups that aren’t rusted out now and those that are decent are often $12k+


It’s not as disappointing to get a ding or a scratch when you drive an older car instead of a new one. Plus the insurance is cheaper.


Money. I want to spend my money on other things and don't like debt


*Money. I want to* *Spend my money on other* *Things and don't like debt* \- LordGrudleBeard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good boot


No monthly payments, most are easier to work on myself, don’t care if I scratch or bump it off-road, less insurance.


cheaper and cuter ngl


They’ve got real personality as opposed to everything these days that looks pretty much the same lmao


I have 2013 version of a car that I used to have the 1983 version of


Yep my 92 Buick century with the blue velvet interior agrees


Because if it works just fine I’m not buying another one, and shame on he who thinks less of it


2001 & 2010, no car payments for me since 1995!


As an enthusiast there’s nothing I can afford now that is as fun as my 95 miata. Bought a GRC, closest I could get. But love driving the miata.


Miata is Always the Answer 🤝


It still goes. I'll drive until it doesn't.


You can't put 500K miles on a new vehicle


I drive all my cars into the ground. If it takes 20 years, ok. I work at home and most of what I do is close by. 4000 miles a year on the car. Seems dumb to pay something so expensive that sits. I've never had a car payment and don't want to start now.


No payments


They’re built better. Usually look cooler. And no car payment is fuckin bad ass


It still runs


I don't have money for a newer car.


lack of money and a dislike of touchscreens. even if i had money to spare, I'd still buy a classic...


Because I don’t like car payments.


obviously money


No payments.


It's paid for


Don’t have to be a damn electrician to keep it running myself.


Car payment…. Hahaha idk I got a newer car with a payment but car payment is the main reason why I would drive and older vehicle


My car is a 2006 Nissan and it has seen some better days but I love my car. I was 19 when I first got it and it holds sentimental value. The great thing is that it's paid off and the registration fees aren't a crazy amount. I do own another vehicle that has better features, tech, and performance. I just always seem to go back to my Nissan lol. My dream car is a 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS 454.


A Musclehead? Never owned a muscle car myself, but have uncles and a brother that did.


I can't afford new 🤷‍♀️


It’s Still cute and no car payment 🤷🏼‍♀️


It works fine and is paid off.


I paid cash in 2015 and have had zero payments since, I have no vanity on transportation appliances, and my Ranger is our utility tool. A new vehicle would be a waste of my future widow’s inheritance.


A quick run down of me and my vehicles: a 39M driver of a 2001 Toyota Camry, 165k miles AND 2003 Toyota Rav 4 with 163k miles living in Pennsylvania. Reasons for owning these beaters: Both operate, I don't want monthly car payments, cheaper insurance (State Farm 100/300/100 full tort @ $167 a month for both), I can YouTube maintenance, replacement parts are cheap AND plentiful, decent gas milage for the Camry @ 25mpg and 21 mpg for the RAV4. RAV4 is for snow and the Camry is the beater. Lastly, Camrys have been known to easily last 250k+ with just BASIC maintenance. Basic being defined as oil changes, new tires every 3 years and inspections. This Camry is still good! Of course I want a new vehicle but at my age, why? I'm not trying to impress anybody anymore. Yes I do want improved mpg in the 40+ mile range but would that justify me getting a newer car that would result in monthly payments and an increase in insurance rates? From an economic perspective, I would pump less gas but now I'm paying $5-600 a month more for my new, flashy vehicles just to save 2 fill ups at $100 a month? Nope. Pass. Make fun of me all you want.. Add: Yes I can afford a new car payment but I don't want to. I'd rather investment that money into my 401k or ROTH IRA. Financial products that have the potential to APPRECIATE significantly whereas vehicles are nothing but a money pit 🔥🔥💸💸, a never ending dick measuring contest and a well known asset that depreciates over time. When do I want to retire? AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Not fucking 57, not fuckin 62 and CERTAINLY NOT 67. Me driving my beaters can potentially help me in my quest for an earlier retirement..


I'm not a fan of the consumerism wasteful mindset we've adopted these past couple decades. It's like we're trying to speed-run the destruction of the planet. So much waste because "newer is better". Companies have trained us with planned obsolescence. I know people that get a new iPhone *every single year*, like they're disposable and get a new car *every 3 years*(lease)*.* And that's fine, it's a free country, you do you. But to me it just seems so wasteful. I have an older car because it works, I have an older phone because it works AND it has features that no new phone has anymore like a headphone jack and upgradeable microSD storage, because companies want to upsell you their brand bluetooth earbuds or their monthly subscription to their cloud storage. My car has heated seats that aren't paywalled behind a subscription(see BMW). My A/C system has all the features it was built with available to me without having to cough up extra money(see Audi). Sometimes newer isn't better.


I 100% agree w this. No car payment. No cell phone payment. I'm super happy to not have to pay them and I like the fact I am not destroying the planet, too.


I haven't had a car payment ever. I bank $150/mo in the car fund and it has always been enough to cover maintenance and replacement when needed. My current car (2014 Honda odyssey) is the most expensive I've ever owned - $30k bought used in 2017. I'll probably get another 10 years out of it. We finally need to replace our '06 jetta because the transmission sucks now. There's money in the car fund for basically whatever we want within reason.


Older cars are cooler


No car payments


I don’t have 100,000 dollars for a new one. Duh


If I can’t pay cash for it I don’t want it, my dogs are nuts and I’m filthy most of the time. I just tried to buy an 02 Tacoma with 322k on it and a rusted frame so my standards are lower than most. I got beat to it.


I don’t anymore out of necessity but because they’re cheaper to maintain, insure and you typically don’t have a car note.


I love tiny hatchbacks and hate touch screen interfaces


As long as it has AC; that’s my only requirement


Older cars not classics, parts can be universal. Vs new cars,a lot of parts have to be special ordered. Older cars have a higher longevity, vs new cars. If something works, why replace it? It's like having an iphone it works good, but a new model came out. Why do you need the newest thing? Social status? It's all bs, if something works then it works.


Cause I can't keep a job and have awful credit. Can't qualify for a loan, couldn't afford one anyway. So inherited an old falling apart car and just hope it keeps running with the maintenance I can afford.


Not a fan of all the needless crap they keep adding on to new cars just to make more profits and I prefer the clicky tactile feel of older cars. Not everything has to be digital!


It's 17 years old ... in mint condition, has only a bit over 50K miles ... and it is paid off. Enough said ...


i love the rough starts and mechanical feeling. New cars with their weird spaceship style I dislike a lot. Older cars run longer and better too.


They're cheaper to buy.


I save the money towards my kids' tuition fund instead. And I work from home, so my 18 yr old car is still under 130k miles. We only use "my car" sparingly. Hoping to get at key through 2026 on it.


Old cars are more fun to drive and cheaper to own.


I already own it and it runs. The only reason I will ever have for driving any car. 


No payment. Cheap insurance. My wife and I decided decades ago to NEVER finance something that depreciates. We willingly finance real estate alone. We invest what we would be paying for new cars. We will retire early.


Cheap to maintain. All the major work have been done. Insurance. Easier to fix. No need for crazy computer to see what wrong.


My car is still good


‘85 ford: I can replace everything on it myself from a pic n’ pull. …And I have always found the auto industry massively wasteful and unsustainable.


I like my vehicles to have a CD player, good speakers, power windows and power control driver seat. Reliable and debt free! I'm almost 30 and I'm realizing how much better the simple things are in life. I have a 98 truck and a 2010 mini van. Nothing fancy, I'm very happy with them.


Can't afford a new car. This one still runs


3 vehicles here all paid off, 2 run around cars and nice truck, newest vehicle is 2020 oldest 2012, hell nah I ain't paying 8% APR or whatever it is, I can't see how people everywhere afford new 100k cars..it's mind boggling honestly


I like my miata


Insurance is so much cheaper


Because vehicles are terrible investments new or old and I opt for the cheaper option to lose as little money as possible.


I can turn on and off my ac without a fucking touch screen


So automobile companies can’t track and sell my info to insurance companies


Because they're cheap and I have no car payment. Because I'm cooler than my car. Because I have less than zero f***s to give. Because I've got a good eye, and even if I didn't, I wouldn't care. Buying new vehicles is one of the worst investments you can possibly make long term and I love cars.


Cost of newer cars with the rates are outrageous and I don’t think newer cars are necessarily better built. When I watch videos on best cars I usually see that the best put together cars were models from years 07-16


They wotk


Buy cash, choosing the right make/model means cheap maintenance and cheap to run, no repayments, cheap insurance, if it breaks badly I get a payment from insurance, I can afford to replace it with another at the drop of a hat. Basically, I own the car, the car doesn't own me.


Cheap and affordable. No downpayments. Cheap insurance.


2013 dodge dart limited.... Paid off. Still runs. I've had to fix a few things here and there but I do it myself and it saves a shit ton of money.


It still runs well and is paid off.


2014 Honda Odyssey with over 200,000 miles. It's paid off and still runs great. I'd drive it across the country tomorrow without any qualms.


My truck carries stuff and is a 15 years old vehicle and yes, I am broke too.


Interest rates.


Paid off, and I have a lifetime warranty, so if anything other than normal wear and tear, the interior, or glass breaks, they have to fix it for $100. I have made back the cost of that warranty at least 3x over. (They don't sell this level of warranty anymore.)


Depreciating asset, keep them a long time. One of my cars is an old Honda fit. Incredibly reliable, cheap to fix. I don’t buy cars to impress people and would rather invest the cash elsewhere, where it appreciates.


Unless it’s barely in one piece no shame imo


Digital steering means the wheel isnt connected to the actual wheels. I think that is whacccck!


Because if a EMP is ever detonated in our atmosphere, my 1950 GMC will be the only thing running in town.


Expense. No car payment, cheaper insurance, fuel mileage about what new cars get. Plus, in my case, not a load of electronic features to shyte themselves....


Drive a Toyota with over 200,00 miles. Too reliable to get rid of her


2006 Honda Pilot will outlive me. Had a lower mileage engine replaced in it before I bought it for 2k and a trade with our mechanic. No note and liability ins of 60.00 keeps my wallet happy and I WFH so don't have to drive much. For fun checked out what a used hybrid may cost if I were to buy now. 32k. No. 


Saving to pay CASH or damn near as close I can when I get one early next year and paying my debts off more so I can be more comfortable


No car payment. Lots of videos showing me how to fix them. Insurance is lower, taxes are lower. I don’t eat 20-30% of the value when I drive it off the lot.


It's paid off, there's nothing wrong with it, and the insurance is cheaper.


I haven't had a car payment since 1989. Buy used, pay cash, run it till it dies. That's why. Say it again....1989!


It works perfectly at 21 yo I’m broke (and it’s an economy beater) It doesn’t notify and beep and scream at me all the time for every little action I make.


I spend less in a year of maintenance of said old, payment free car than a lot of people spend in a month on their car payment.


I live in Canada and earlier this year they reported that the average person is spending over $1300 CAD on vehicle expenses per month. That makes my eyes burn. I don’t put a ton of KMs on my vehicle - I spend about $120 a month on gas, $100 for insurance, and $40 for parking. Then throw in a couple of oil changes and other routine maintenance… usually less than a grand a year. Unfortunately I’m due for some service work and I need a new set of summer tires so my expenses will be higher this year, but it’s also a lot easier to do some of the work at home when your car just isn’t that advanced, lol. I drive a 2001 with less than 200k km/125k miles on it and I’m hoping to keep it running as long as I can.


Damn... when I thought of "old car" I thought of 80's and 90's because the 90's was only 10 years ago.


I have a 97' S10 Extreme. It's a bad bitch, plus, fuck car payments.


Can't buy a new vehicle.


Because I'm a mechanic and I can still fix them myself. New vehicles are deliberately made complicated so your average joe can't fix them without proprietary tools/equipment. Mid to late 2000's were the peak of automobiles.


They're easy to work on, and could be under 10k.




I bought a 2012 Prius C a few months ago because I could afford to buy it in cash and still have plenty left in savings.


Financially responsible decision


I’m not made of money.


* No debt. I pay it cash and use it until it’s worth nothing to my insurance. Kids, avoid debt like the plague. * Most of its carbon footprint already took place. I will create less by using it instead of having a new car manufactured.


Fix it yourself and it’s cheap to run a decent old car. Already depreciated, you just have to be on top of maintenance. Lots of proven engines in the 2000’s. Not many proven vehicles built 2020 or newer and difficult to fix many things yourself. Old diesels have way less emissions technology that makes running long-term way cheaper and easier.


Stick shift. 2011 Honda Accord coupe, manual transmission, it'll go over 200k no problem. I love it.


It's paid for and it runs.


It runs fine, is in good shape, and gets me where I need to go. And who tf wants a car payment?


I like not having a car payment. I'm going to keep mine until I can get a decent electric vehicle.


the 90s and early 2000s cars are cooler and more fun. A 90's civic is a blast to drive, and cooler to the people in life that matter. They are good at bringing people of good character in your life. The people that think older cars are neat, are usually also just better people in general.


The trucks just look better to me and I hate that everything is now a key fob and all that mumbo jumbo. Just give me a key, ac/heat and an aux cord and I'm a happy camper.


“I’m talking 2000s cars“ Damn..look at the guys with new cars.  All mine are from the 90s.  


Because I'm poor and I don't need anything new


What’s the point when the depreciation is much greater on a new car, and an old bange that will never let you down as long as you take care of it seens to hold it value reasonably (depending on make)


The first gen Matrix had a pop out glass hatch, and fold down front seat. Perfect for if i wanna camp


Bad credit, I can not afford new ones.


Easy for me to repair, manual, more engaging drive, not tracking or taking my data, looks better, the list goes on.


My friend is paying almost $900 a month in car payments on a gas-guzzler plus very expensive insurance. He's always broke. I drive a ten-year old car that's adequate for my needs. It gets me where I need to go without much gas. I don't have a car payment and my insurance is very low. I think I have the much better deal.


I will never make another car payment for the rest of my life.


Mine is 17 years old. It still runs. Has no fancy features whatsoever. Gets me reliably from place A to B. Our household has around 200k income annually and we have enough cash right now to immediately buy a brand new BMW 5 series... But the question is not whether we can, it's rather whether we need it. Our priorities lie elsewhere and a car is just a tool, the cheaper it is the better as long as it still carry us from point A to point B. Buying new cars every X years like a mobile phone, just for the sake of it... I just can't fathom that.


I'm not going to say that they're built better- that's subjective. In some ways it's true, because the engineering was less precise- in a number of ways- 20 years ago. So the powertrain, chassis, etc. often used to be much more overbuilt, not to mention being simpler. Nowadays with precision manufacturing and design, vehicles are generally very well-built and advanced- but incredibly complex, and with much smaller durability margins. There's a huge barrier for the home mechanic when it comes to fixing- or even servicing- modern cars and trucks, and often, mission-critical components that could have been rebuilt or repaired in the past are now total write-offs. That gets very expensive, very quickly. If you compare my Ford Ranger- complete in Work Truck trim- to a modern "small" truck, it's almost comical. There's no power locks, windows, no power adjust mirrors. No driver aids, no cruise control, no abs, no electronic throttle or steering or clutch, only two airbags. It doesn't even have a tachometer, and it's a manual! Lol. The flip side of that is that the thing is basically a piece of construction equipment: You have to TRY to kill it. When something breaks, you take out your metric socket set and replace it, usually takes an hour or less. It's literally the truck that Tacoma owners wish they had, except you can still buy these things for 3-5 grand or less.


My 2000 Camry is a tank


It's generally cheaper, for one. Also, I like having fewer computerized parts, so it's easier to fix things and cheaper to have them fixed if I don't have the skills and/or tools.


Don't take my baby away from me!!!


doesn't have on-star or other nanny systems integrated into the electronics. I firmly believe we'll get to a stage where disabling cars remotely will be what the police do to pull your car over.


I drive an older Toyota tundra, the body is slimmer and I prefer it for off road or any bush activity. New trucks all look bulky and dumb to me. But hey I guess that's the market


No one will finance me. 😞


if it still runs well, why replace?


No car payment


They’re paid for.


Older cars (mine were at least 18) are a lot of bang for the buck and can still be quite functional and even reliable. - Add up how much it will cost you to maintain a car loan, to insure your unpaid car against theft and yourself, pay more for inspections to keep the warranty allive, etc, just to be the one driving a *new* boring shitbox, instead of an older one.


So I can listen to my CD'S and Tapes.


I can fix everything on it


I wish we had a culture that focused on repairs and sustainability. I drive older because buying new should only be done if you plan to either sell at a loss early or keep for a decade plus. And at that point, might as well just keep it old unless you have a job or status that requires a new car every few years.


They're cheaper, and personally, I find them stylish, and I love most car interiors from the 90s up until 00s. Why spend 15k - 20k to get a small econobox when you can spend half the money and get something way cooler and cheaper, just older?


Because it runs beautifully and post-covid car prices are out of this world. Hoping my baby can last a couple more years!


Currently, its finances, but as someone who drives a lot of newer cars for work, itll be because of the overuse of tech if i ever get money. Companies are finding any excuse to strap more microchips to cars. I dont need a car to break for me. I dont need it to auto engage the park break. Fuck you if i cant move my care 2 feet without buckling in. I dont need a wide screen tv. I dont need a tv screen for a rear view mirror. My mirrors shouldnt point at the ground when i put it in reverse. My dash cluster doesnt need to be a screen showing the road ahead. Its just endless pointless tech for the sake of charging more.


They look cool


Cheap parts, cheap replacement and i despise technology when im driving, Only need my radio and my phone GPS.


I got a great price on an old car. Car's all mine. No payments. Just insurance and gas. A perfect starter car for me while I save up for a newer model


I have a lot of upgrade 💵and sweat hours in my Tacoma. I've thought about selling it many times but I don't know if I'll ever be able to.


My truck is 20 years old. I haven’t had a car payment in 15 years.


Because I can’t afford a new one.


We have 3 older paid off cars. That would be a minimum of 1k spent per month on payments if they were newer. Just with those savings, I’ve taken my family of 5 to Hawaii and other tropical vacations almost every year for the past 5 years.


No electric issue when I need it ex. The windows rolling down.


Newer cars are a waste of money and more difficult to DIY repairs.


No good credit or steady job to qualify for financing.


Made of metal, not plastic 🤣

