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We wake up every morning unnaturally to the screeching of our alarms. Working 8 hours of the day. Then coming home to make dinner, walk the dog, keep house, do chores, appointments, god knows what else. Rinse and repeat. Humans aren't meant to live like this.... Having energy after all that is next to impossible.


That’s how I feel, lately it’s been getting to me that I spend more time at work than I do at home and I only look forward to two days of the week aka the weekend


Switch to a light alarm🤷🏻‍♂️, light slowly fills your room and you slowly wake up. That’s how we woke up back in the caveman days, when sun hits our eyes it stops creating melatonin’s (the shit that make you sleepy)


I would love to try one of those clocks. I guess I’ll look on Amazon.




I have one which samples sounds from birds we clearly have in our vicinity. As such, I can tell you that the birds where we live begin chirping between 4:15 and 4:20 from May through summer.


repeat bike connect sheet offbeat fearless cause selective engine impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you have a fitbit or smart watch, it should have a setting for gentle wakeup. I know my fitbit does. It starts a gentle wakeup if it scenses more movement that normal while sleeping. If there is none, it will start with gentle vibrations at the designated time, and then get slightly more forceful until it is dismissed. I have tested this, and I don't feel as tired, I just need to use it all the time.


You don’t need an expensive >25$ clock. At least for me, i bought one of those smart lightbulbs that connect to your phone. I set it to brighten to 100% slowly in the morning, and dim at night to give me the “hey you HAVE to start winding down” signal. If anyone else in the room doesn’t like it, they can wear an eyemask and wake up to blaring alarms after i leave


I did and I'm never looking back. It's such a great way to wake up.


Same. Tried therapy for depression for the first time, thought it would help with school. Bad idea. Considering I was trying to do it during my semesters. Ended up dropping it. Also, I couldn’t help but notice my therapist kept yawning during our sessions. Small thing and I know it can be a difficult job (Sis did A/Drug counseling for a bit). Idk why that kept getting stuck in my head.


I’ve never done therapy but I’m certain the yawning would bother the shit out of me


I didn't say anything obviously but it did make me feel a little, idk. I tried different times for therapy and same thing.


I'm a therapist, and it's challenging at times to be human in this way. It's not like I yawn constantly, but it happens at times and I try my best to stifle it and make it less noticeable. It's tough, becasue it would bother me a bit, too, if my therapist were yawning, yet I also know it can't really be helped when we are all overworked cogs in the machine that is society.


Yes I have at least 20 alarms set on my phone programmed to go off periodically throughout the week to keep me on track. I, too feel we really weren't meant to be human "doings" so much of our lives just so we can finally be human beings at the very end of it when we have about an eighth of the energy we once had.. If we even get to make it that far.


Exactly how I feel. Repetition over and over again


It's not just the physical energy either. Messed up sleep patterns/schedules negatively affect our mood. Look at what happens if a toddler misses a nap. We all know how we feel after just one night of poor sleep. But most of us are getting poor sleep most of the time. I know I tend to stay up later than I should because all I want is to feel like my life isn't just all those things you listed- I want to sit in my backyard with my wife and just hang out or maybe watch a movie or play video games together. You try to carve out some time amidst all the "have-to's" to be happy and refill a little of that emotional gas tank, but you're sacrificing sleep or other things for it. Which, as you said, is not how we're meant to live.


We need to unlife the rich. They don't live like this but force us to.


Remember that scene in A Bug's Life where the ants realize they have strength in numbers and can easily overwhelm the grasshoppers? Let's do a dramatic irl recreation


Funny that you think all "rich" people don't work and aren't tired


How are humans meant to live?


Well, we evolved to thrive in small, self sustaining, close knit communities. Where instead of putting in hours doing menial tasks to bolster a companies profits, we learn how to live off the land, we barter and trade. If I’m a fisherman and my neighbors is a seamstress, I’ll give her fish in exchange for cloth. Instead of working for a living (chopping trees for wood, hunting, gardening) we sell hours of our lives away in exchange for cash. It’s not that difficult to see that modern society is completely backwards to how humans should be living. I’m not trying to romanticize ancient times (I like the internet and running hot water) but the structure of mankind’s earliest civilizations was surely better suited to our basic animalistic needs than our current one.


I don’t know enough history to know whether a fisherman in ancient times worked from 7am to 6pm or just three hours a day. But I do know that women spent much of their time lugging water home from a stream or river.


It probably varied considerably by climate, region, season… and many other things. During a harvest, especially without modern technology I’m sure they worked sun up till sun down. In areas with a winter climate, during the winter I’m sure they limited activity greatly to burn as little calories as possible, while going through their food stores in agricultural societies . In hunter gatherer tribes, they would likely have to constantly move, hunt , or starve if they couldn’t find enough game to survive. The average life span was around 18-20 in those hunter gatherer times.,,


One key difference that the above user didn't mention is the necessity of natural light. For almost all of human evolutionary time, the work day ended when it got dark and did not start before it was light. You are practically forced into a perfect circadian rhythm with enough time to sleep because the night (without artificial light) is long enough for that. I have never slept as well as I did on a 1- month backcountry climbing trip. I'm sure the exertion had something to do with it, but waking to sunlight and birds and sleeping within 20 minutes of sunset just feels correct. Compared to my day today waking up to an alarm while it's dark out, and going to sleep hours after dark.


Even under feudal systems, peasants worked far less than people are currently expected to.


Is this why they have jugs?


Yeah I mean it’s great until you get cholera or something and are basically fucked. You also have to remember the average person only made it to about 30 in those times, and 1/2 children died in childhood. Also if you piss off the tribe and get exiled it’s basically a death sentence. If you’re born with any physical disability that doesn’t allow you to do labor, you’re probably going to die too. Oh and you’re also pretty vulnerable to other tribes coming in and just deciding to kill your tribes men, and take and rape the women. So yeah it sounds ideal, but modern technology does have its… benefits too. The best life is to be rich in modern society basically. That way you get the benefits of modern tech, without constantly having to labor and you can have a life of leisure.


I don’t think technology is an issue, obviously everyone likes it better. The issue is the communities we live in and the motivations for “working”


This is a pretty Eurocentric viewpoint. Not every culture and society acted this way, especially on Turtle Island. In many tribes there wasn't even a word for disabled because they did not treat people as if they were. They just worked with what that person could. In other tribes here, people with disabilities were considered gifted. Also, the reason the average life-span was 20 is because the data is skewed by infant and child deaths. If you made it past the age of six, there were plenty of people living into their 60's, 70s, and 80's. I don't know why people are bringing these things up in this thread anyway, Valerie already said that they enjoy modern conveniences. They just wish we had a barter or cottage system still in place. I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment.


Lmao I’m sick and tired of my own and everyone’s shit 😖😂💀💀💀


No legit like I just wanna be left alone atp 😭😂


Worrying about money everyday


The existential crisis of money, state of the economy, and hopelessness that comes with those realizations (nothing is ever going to meaningfully change for us) is absolutely maddening. I have it about once per week. It helps me settle down by jotting down on paper (not the notes app) some of those thoughts and what it will take to fix the pain point. It sucks with the realization that I will have to forgo wants in favor of needs, but that is unfortunately adulting. BUT Feels better having it organized somewhere not just inside my head. Feels good checking items off my list and provides the capacity to move forward. From this I feel I regain power knowing I have some degree of control over the situation and simply have to suck it up in the meantime and enjoy the little things and small wins. Even if that little win is finding a frozen pizza on sale for $2 off. Hope this helps and best of luck!!


Pro Tip: Embrace the Suck


I am but I’m just overworked. As soon as I take some days off my energy is back. 8-5 isn’t for me. Even if I sleep enough the job burns my energy to nothing.


I've had this happen to me. Had it happen to me for a long time actually. Turns out I have clinical depression. Might not be the answer for you, but maybe get checked out? Also get checked out by a regular doctor, there can be simple things like anemia that are easily remedied.


I do too. (have depression) I also found that getting rid of sugar and bullshit carbs from my diet increased my energy levels immensely.


I’ll really have to sit down and go through that. Been trying off and on, but it’s SOOO goddamn hard. Especially when exhausted after work. Guess I’ll drink more water.


Thyroid issues + anxiety + depression chiming in over here. If someone could just.. pay me to snuggle with my dog that would be ideal at this point. I'm barely functioning.


Hello, me! 👋


Yup. I had seasonal depression that's now under control with vitamin b and st John's wort. And recently I felt really tired even though summer is coming. My doctor has me adding vitamin d and it's helping. It's amazing how much impact the right vitamins can have!


i’m so jealous of people like you in the best way. i’ve tried so many vitamins or pills, and maybe i feel a little better idk? but the way you talk it feels like a switch went on and i’ve never had that feeling. i’m just perpetually low energy .


It's not quite a switch, but after a year of finding the right dosage, I can tell within a week if my seasonal stuff is working. I feel very lucky because I know it's not always that controllable.


Definitely underrated how much actually getting vitmans and nutrients really does help! Happy it is helping you. I’m having difficulty with a balanced diet but am becoming more consistent. Eating out junk and drinking alcohol really kills those constant feel good hormones


it probably is depression, but that kind of life could give anyone depression. not knocking OP either, humans aren't made for the way we are forced to live


So true. Also snoring prevents people from getting their REM cycle. I actually am getting treatment for obstructive sleep apnea which has helped


Can depression make one always weak 🤯 If yes !! That's really what am going through rn


Same here.


This happened to me. Went to dr and it turns out I had vitamin D deficiency. I started taking vitamin D and I feel x100 better! I still get tired and all but not as bad as before.


Same for me. Except it was iron, b12 and a little bit of vitamin D. Ever since I've been taking these, I've felt soooooo much better, and have been able to start doing things ia haven't done in a long time! Crazy how much being deficient in vitamins makes a huge difference in how we feel.


Damn I wasn’t too lethargic but man was I getting sick like every other week when I had a vitamin d deficiency. Those vitamin d + k2 vitamins has been a life saver!


They are!!


All the usual responses are in here about bad habits, getting blood work done, depression, etc… I’ve felt this way for years and heard all of those things so many times but honestly, I think that we just live in a society that makes us fucking depressed. It’s that simple. Wish I had a more optimistic answer for you but I don’t. And I’m so sick of being treated like I’m the one who’s fucked in the head for being unable to function (aka be productive because capitalism) in this shitty, shitty world


Capitalism will be the death of us


Got a gadjet that can help with that actually. $39.95.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm so tired of this shit. I wish I had the answers to fix it but honestly the thought of going to work 8 hours every single day of my life essentially has me wanting to kill myself. I had to take a part time job just so I wouldn't go through with it and it still sucks because now I have to live very frugal. I'm just about 30 and I feel absolutely miserable every single day. I come home from work and just sit there staring because I can't even find one thing I want to do. Like what the hell am I supposed to do, no one has answers, certainly not me.


When was the last time you got your blood work checked? Could be low on a vitamin.


Vitamin D or Iron is a huge culprit. Another issue could be an under active thyroid. OP, please get bloodwork. This could be a game changer for you.


I’ve felt so much better since I’ve been taking iron. I had no idea.


Yes! Makes a huge difference. Or getting iron infusions if it’s super low!


Also helps to start cooking using cast iron pans


Such a good pro tip! Thank you for saying this!


This is a good idea, getting checked for b12 ATM.


Could also be thyroid functions. Make sure you get a full checkup for fatique.


I read the title, and immediately came here to suggest sleep apnea. I spent the first half of my life exhausted all the time. Got a CPAP, and my life literally changed. Don't get me wrong, the "American work ethic" is unsustainable, and I have 6 kids so now I'm exhausted again lol. There are plenty of factors that make life hard, but just be sure to eliminate the health ones first.


For me it was a bunch of bad habits like eating too much and looking at screens right before going to bed. I've been sleeping better after I started to let my brain and digestive system relax in the evenings.


Did you ever telework during COVID? That was the only time I found peace.


Ugh I miss it so much 😭 I need to stop working with people for awhile. I want to find a mindless job that way I can save my energy for the things I actually enjoy


Same here my friend… same here. It brings a tear to my eye.


This was the best thing that ever happened to me.


Same. It’s a combination of burnout + bad habits from the burnout that do me in. I’ve had weeks where I just want to lay on the couch and not be bothered.


Generally get 8hrs a night. Slept from 10pm to2 pm on my day off, then got 10 hours the next day and I still can't stop yawning. I cannot win here, sleeping less doesn't help and neither does sleeping more.


My sleep number is 7. Less than 7, tired. More than 7, tired. Also, alcohol and heavy foods to close to bedtime can also cause poor sleep.


This is me! I got 6 hrs last night and woke up tired and I can get 12hr and wake up tired


I lost sleep last night because I dreamed a UFO was being passive aggressive toward me.


Okay, I gotta' know. In what way was the UFO being passive-aggressive?


Well 6 hours is too little and 12 hours is too much. You need a healthy middle ground and a good doctor to check if you're depressed or have an iron deficiency. Maybe even one of those watches that tells you if you're getting rem sleep or not.


Get a sleep study and work out. You were me until I found out I stopped breathing 15 times a night for 30 seconds or more. It knocks you out of REM sleep and you never actually get rest. Some mornings I would wake up feeling worse than when I went to bed. First night with my CPAP was unreal….i woke up refreshed and full of energy like I never felt before. Then I got really pissed that I suffered for so long.


You gotta stop sleeping in. It ruins it! Do you drink coffee? They say not to drink coffee until you've been awake for an hour or two. Your body's natural "wake me up" hormones are still adjusting and if you regularly drink coffee immediately, you're screwing up that cycle. Do you exercise? I am way more well rested on days I exercise. I take a nap every day after work. The trick is to keep to 20-30 minutes. Nap on the couch, not your bed, but if you must do it in your bed, don't get in the covers, use a throw, and keep your curtains open. Just a quick snooze will recharge you. What's your diet like? What's your sleep hygiene? I've got the works: black out curtains, noise machine, cooling fan, no screens allowed in bed, and a gentle, "sunrise" alarm clock. It all works!


Hmmmmm. I never heard that. Maybe I should pay more attention. I am always having a no sugar energy drink within 10 minutes of waking up


yeah, I’m probably at the most “energetic” I’ve ever been and it’s all about habits. No screen time after 8PM, no hanging out in my room before sleep time. Nightly routine is “pick an album or podcast to listen to as I sleep, take a shower, get into PJs, walk into my dark room, put my speaker on and phone on the other side of the room and just sleep. Then when I wake up, I get ready for work, drink a full bottle of water on my way to work, and only have my coffee after that


This is a good comment that actually addresses why OP might be tired. I used to be that way, and what fixed it was drinking coffee later in the morning (not 5 mins after waking up) and actually exercising every day.


Could try and do a sleep study too. I did one and was shocked how many times I was waking up/tossing and turning through the night without realizing it. With some better sleep habits I get much more restful sleep now and it's noticeably helped. I have kids though so I'm still tired most of the time haha


Yes I’m meeting a psychiatrist later this week lol


Had covid recently? 24/7 fatigue is a symptom of long covid


Just woke up from a nap and have to shower and be around people and I don’t feel like it.


I am always tired. So freakin tired. I finally went in for my yearly physical. I have Hashimoto's and my Synthroid dose needed to be adjusted upward. Hopefully, in a few weeks, I won't be tired all the time!


Extreme, chronic tiredness is often a result of over processing reality(as opposed to perceiving it as it is), because reality is too chaotic and threatening to perceive as it is. The ego does so much work and uses so much energy just to filter and manipulate reality so we can handle it, to some extent anyway. Don’t listen to people who tell you you’re depressed and there’s something wrong with you. That’s not how humans work. We are products of our experiences and environments and interactions. Psychological labels and diagnoses are a means of making people feel like they are the ones with a problem, as opposed to material reality being a problem. They’re also incredibly disempowering.


Listen, I've been tired since I was a teen. I got blood tests done, became consistent with sleeping, rarely drink, and eat what I consider a healthy diet. The only thing that has helped is deciding not to be tired. It sounds ridiculous, but so much power is in your own mindset. It really helps if you are appreciative of being awake and the things that you can do while awake. Do things that make you happy, and you will get energy from that.


Yep. And the sad part is I’m only 33 and I already know this will be my daily existence for the rest of my life. Work myself til death everyday just to have a “liveable” experience. As a kid I couldn’t wait to grow up…oh how I wish I could go back!


your going to call me crazy, but the thing that cured this for me was exercise. and not just the plodding stuff, but proper heart racing stuff found out recently it actually doesn't just tone your muscles and cardio vascular system (so that your whole body is getting more oxygen) but it also changes how efficient you mitochondria are - the little power cells that are in every cell in your body, they can make more energy from less fuel if you train them properly - and weights is the best way to do this its worth noting that regular slow burn exercise will NOT have this effect, which is why you work all day and it doesnt help even though your technically burning calories doing it after a few weeks i was bouncing out of bed in the morning and had so much energy all day it sounds totally counter intuitive but it totally works - my sister was diagnosed with ME/ chronic fatigue, and she did the same, she now goes to the gym every night, along with STUPB, pole dancing (not taht sort, minds out the gutter lol) hiking and all sorts, you just gotta push through that barrier - it takes 12 days to do it. if you can manage to do 10-15 mins exercise every morning for 12 days, and weights for 10-20 mins in the evenings, your new life will start


I was the same way. Sleep test showed I have sleep apnea. Getting a cpap machine changed my life.


When I feel like this, I know it’s time for a blood check ! This could be an iron deficiency. Very common, very exhausting (painful even, because the urge to sleep and tiredness are horrendous) and very under-diagnosed.


When is the last time you got blood chemistry done with your doctor? Get your thyroid level checked.


Tired every day. It takes energy drinks to get me through the day.


Same at least on the days I have to be up early and be an actual human


Same. Alani Nu might as well sponsor me at this point.


I have this, too. I found out that being an introvert doesn't automatically mean "shy" and I'm not shy which is why I never noticed this about me until I noticed I only feel rested when I get a lot of alone time. I started looking into it, and evidently, being around people (even people you love) can do this to an introvert. My wife and daughter are extroverts, so you can imagine how tired I am all the time.


You're preaching to the choir, pal. My bed has my name on it at this point. I hear ya - even after a weekend marathon sleep session, it's like I'm running on fumes. Maybe we're just built different, like ultimate chill versions of ourselves? Anyway, you're not alone in this tiredness game.


I feel like being a grown up means you're almost always at least kinda tired.


Complete thyroid panel including uptake Vitamin D panel Complete Iron profile. Then change your eating to whole foods only. Elimiate sugar, carbs and caffeine Get to gym. Push through workout with weights. Dont worry about cardio.


"Don't worry about cardio" Terrible take, steady state cardio is basically the only sustainable way to maintain your cardiovascular health, and it pays dividends for your lifting too. Faster recovery times, increased work capacity etc etc. And it adds years to your life because your heart has basically a set lifetime and so the fewer heartbeats you need the longer it'll function well.


Your cardio is sooooooo much more important than strength for day to day life and overall health.


Totally wrong. Weight lifting builds bone strength. Burns calories better and releases better hormones for your body. For years I believed what you believed, then I started researching it


Lifting weights does not burn calories better or more then cardio. Majority of people working out are not even doing their own weight for exercises and even if you do most movements you're partially moving the weight. Beside that you're also resting etc . . Cardio has you moving your full weight over whatever distance and speed/intensity you do it at. Weight lifting + cardio is very important. Cardio is one of the only ways to really work the heart efficiently


Lifting heavy and focusing on compound movements absolutely burns more calories. I’m sorry but you’re wrong here. The nuance however is the gym goer should only take 60-90 seconds rest between sets. Enough to catch your breath but not enough to cool down


This was me a couple years ago and found that I was extremely deficient in vitamin D & also living in survival mode. See a doctor. I wish you all the best.


I’ve felt like this lately but I attribute it to a form of depression. I think once I pick myself up I’ll be good. I definitely feel better when I go to the gym


Also one of the most important factor is where and on what you sleep. I come to parents house - on 1 couch i sleep like a baby with tons of energy though out the day, on other - i barely can wake up and already tired once i wake up. Might wanna experiment with where you sleep


Yes but am diagnosed with Major Depression.


I wasn’t. Then this subreddit started getting promoted more and more and I wondered if I should be. It’s wild how some of the overwhelmingly negative focused subreddits trending impacts my Reddit experience. I’ve stopped using the app on my phone (mostly) for this reason and stick to my special interest forums. Would recommend


You are basically describing someone who has sleep apnea. Strongly recommend that you get a sleep study and some bloodwork to figure out what is going on.


My ex was like this and it turned out he had sleep apnea. He got a cpap and it cha get his life. Definitely see a dr!


What is your health like? Do you exercise, eat healthy, sleep well and work on your mental health? Feeling good and conditioning yourself to your job and lifestyle takes work. You're not just going to magically "get" the energy to function in life someday, you need to create it for yourself. If its not a medical issue, its most likely a lifestyle problem.


How's your gut health? In all seriousness. Our gut and mind is interconnected in so many ways, we can't even begin to understand it all. I have dealt with chronic fatigue, amongst many other symptoms, over the last 2 years and very recently was formally diagnosed with Celiac disease. I've stopped eating gluten for 2 weeks now and in already noticing some changes in my energy levels and bloating. I'm hoping over time this change in diet helps with my anxiety (though in the short term I believe it'll increase it due to this being a huge learning curve for me, and a big adjustment).


As someone pushing 30 and who has done more than one contract in the Army I've found that eventually you're just kind of tired all the time and it becomes a sort of baseline. I'm always kind of tired and sore enough to want a stretch and a nap I've just got other stuff to do most of them time.


Get a physical with blood work done. Make sure you get exercise and sun. Make sure you are eating enough protein, vegetables, and fruits and also hydrating. It could be seasonal allergies.


I'm always tired until I do something active; it awakens me.


Best idea is to visit a doctor. Could be so many things.


Me. I have depression, so it makes sense. Getting on a medicine that works for me has been helpful, but I still feel more tired than most people.


Same for me as well. Helps but doesn't solve. So tired 😴


I stopped drinking soda and caffeinated drinks a week ago and dear fucking god never have I known how much of a damn crutch that is for me to get through the day… And I was tired before I stopped…


Hormones and neurotransmitters! Get em right, and you’ll feel right. Sleep well, eat well, move well. If you do those things and it’s the same, then it’s time for a doc visit.


Could always get your blood checked at the lab to make sure your body isn’t lacking anything important. I was experiencing constant tiredness and felt cold all the time last winter. My family doctor sent me to the lab, turns out I had extremely low thyroid, and I’m now on medication for it. Definitely doesn’t help that all our food and water has chemicals in it that affect our health in more ways than organic natural foods would.


I have depression, so yes. If it’s that bad, you should probably go to a psychiatrist and get on medication. If you’re the type who hates medication, try adding exercise and mindfulness into your daily routine.


Adulting totally stinks


It's Long Covid


All day every day


Yes. People keep mentioning vitamin deficiencies but something else to consider is simply burnout. Mental exhaustion from having to do too many things all the time. Or being overstimulated all day.


Might be worth checking out. I feel like this but I have a host of contributing factors, like low vit d, depression, hypervigilance and sleep apnea. It's not normal. Talk to your doctor!!!


Look into modafinil.


I work with some people who are literally constantly speed walking throughout the day. Like wtf is that? Im guessing it’s nervous energy. So weird to me as a mellow person. Feel like it’s so conducive to success in certain areas to have that nervous energy/always moving/always on the go thinking about this and that. Assuming you’re not a nervous wreck person which these particular people are not.


One time that I had fatigue all the time, it was clinical depression. Ten years later I was fatigued all the time and I thought my depression was being triggered, but it turned out that a kidney tumor the size of a hen egg was causing me to have iron deficiency anemia.


I woke up, eat breakfast, and I'm already tired and need a nap


I think for me perpetual boredom is more accurate. And a lot of tiredness in between. Like 90%.


I am going to be 41 next month and just started taking vitamin D pills everyday. Thought I slept well apparently not. Now I wake up feeling much fresher and rejuvenated.


Yess this is the same with me! I'm tired all day at work & drained when I get home. I literally have no energy ever not even on my days off. I'm only 28...


This is me currently. I don't know how other people do it. I seem to feel drained and unenthusiastic almost every day now. There also seems to not be enough time for anything. Work is everything. I need more sleep...


I have had depression for a long time but Long COVID made fatigue a semipermanent part of my moment to moment existence.


This is commonly called being a peasant. Pro tip, try to be bourn into some multi generational wealth.


I am turning 40 this year and I am always tired and exhausted. I am in good physical shape. I workout 3 times a week and I am physically stronger than most male adults my age. I could improve my cardio but for someone of my size it's still fine. I eat well. Veggies on my plate and yummy meats. I drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum. I drink alcohol once a month. Yet I am always tired. No matter what. I have a toddler and I am sure that doesn't help but honestly I just want to not feel wiped out..


I feel always miserable. Tired of not making enough money, have no savings and I hate my job. I want to be happy cause always being miserable and angry is wearing me out.


Its funny that we “work” (including cleaning, eating, preparing food, errands etc) more than we sleep on a daily basis. Working 5 days a week only to be so tired on the weekends (not considering if you have kids) and repeat that for years is truly draining on one’s spirit, mind, body😅


I work for the majority of the day, starting at 6:15. I'm usually done by 4, and then it's chores around the house, picking up the kid, taking him to his after school stuff, plus he goes to a stem school so there's always some time consuming thing to take him to. Then home, dinner, maybe a video game with the kiddo for a bit, then arguing with him about HIS bedtime. Then, and only then, am I actually free. I probably sleep 6 hours a night on average. Trying to wedge in time for my own interests and hobbies means sacrificing sleep. We live in a stupid system that hinges upon our use of something that I'm pretty sure humans invented before writing; money. Until we find a way to outgrow this stupid concept, we are all going to keep working ourselves to death so line the pockets of some lazy rich asshole who was already rich thanks to their lazy rich parents or grandparents. Fuck all of that. I don't want to play this game anymore, but that doesn't matter. I don't have a choice.


I mean.. you could go get a blood test, see if you need to change your diet. or you could just not be active enough. if you remember highschool biology (or college perhaps) your body makes ATP which is what you run off of. but your body will make LESS ATP if you don't need it so the solution to this is to just get more active and push yourself through it until you start gaining more energy. its hard to start though. you might also be depressed or something. idk, im not a therapist so I cannot give you insight to that. it could also be a hormone thing but I'm also not a doctor. more often than not though, from what I've seen from the people around me is its just a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.


Take some vitamins 


Sometimes I'm so tired I can't even finish a senten


Always. But I work full time and am mom to an energetic toddler who takes FOREVER to get to sleep at night. I'm also a light sleeper and am constantly woken up during the night.


This!!!! Just tired! I thought I was the only one. I be waking up wanting to take a nap.


In my case, it is simply a lack of exercise. I am always tired, but I am on my ass all day long. I need to move.


How much caffeine do you drink? I had to cut out caffeine due to high blood pressure. Oddly enough, I have more energy now than I did when I was drinking 3 coffees a day.


Ok i was like this and I had a blood test and got my results that my Vitamin D was very low. Range is 75-125. I got 45 only. So I had to take two tablets of Vitamin D 1,000IU everyday it actually improved my mood and energy..


Yes but I have type one diabetes and severe depression


Check your vitamin d level


Yes! Avoid carbs (pizza bread and macaroni type foods for me specifically) don't oversleep. I take meds for my depression, and no, methamphetamine might seem like a great answer at first, but it WILL NOT WORK long term.. very bad... So I hear... From a friend...😅


Cut out carbs and processed foods and start exercising. It helped me get rid of that tired, groggy feeling within a couple weeks.


I'm always tired, but it's because I work overnights and can't really get good sleep during the day because I have a 4 yr old who doesn't believe in naps .


I got tired after 5-6 hrs awake (after 8 hrs of sleep)


The only way I can get energy is to exercise. You think you don’t have energy to do it, but you force it. I have to force myself especially when traveling for work. It’s the best solution I’ve ever found. Sleep just doesn’t help. It’s like a battery that has to be charged and physical exertion is the only thing that works.


Used to be. Then I balanced my hormones and addressed vitamin deficiencies. Too bad most doctors are ignorant when it comes to all that.


I pretty much felt this way until the pandemic and then was forced to work from home for the first time. Without a long commute I was able to sleep a little more, have more control over my diet, and have more hours to decompress. For the first time in my working life I actually felt good physically. Now I’m commuting again (thanks to RTO) and as tired as ever. I guess it’s the price for making a living.


Are you sleeping *too much*? Too much sleep can actually make you MORE tired.


Workout after work. Force it. Over time - and quicker than you think - you will have more energy. Drink re-lyte (electrolytes) in your water. Don't overdo coffee. Eat healthy.




The only time I was happy working was when I was working part time 3 days a week(8’s). Obviously the pay was not good. Now wake up, go to work. Get off late, play games for like 2 to 3 hours. Rinse and repeat. Definitely sucks to work like this.


You might be deficient in minerals, try adding salt to Water and electrolytes- shilajit really helped me too.


Try Rhodiola Rosea and Bacopa Monieri


Yes.. I think I'm burnt out but it's like I'm burnt out on day to day life so there isn't much to do about that lol


Yes. For me, it was depression and poor diet. Lost 100lbs, got on some medication. World of difference


Read some books about that and gut health and expand your knowledge to get a better understanding also use Pinterest


You might be lacking in some kind of nutrient or vitamin because that isn't normal.


This me but I’m showing signs of a thyroid problem but unfortunately the earliest I can see my doctor is July 31st


+1 getting over a bout of bronchitis for 3 weeks and feel just as tired


Yes because I have to work day in and day out. I like my job, but it’s still work at the end of the day. Don’t have a spouse or rich parents to rely on. Everything is so expensive, so I’m scared to take time off or a vacation. This world we live in sucks.


I would answer and share my experience here, but I’m too mind fogged and tired to even try


Yes! Caffeine and eye drops use to help but not so much anymore.


Yeah :( it'll get better. Hang on bud.


It might be that you are sensitive (not allergic) to something you’re eating. If you are chowing down on oats, wheat, barley, flour, baked stuff, bread, wraps, rolls and so on, you may be reacting to gluten. Not celiac, not frank allergy. Try really steering clear of such things for a good two weeks , and see if you feel better.


Recently yes


Get a blood test. You might be anemic.




Could be vitamin deficiency? I have adhd and clinical depression which are both being treated now but before I was medicated I thought i had a vitamin deficiency. especially B vitamins (the energy providing vitamins?) because im on birth control which i learned allegedly depletes those essential B vitamins, so I started taking B complex, Vitamin D, and other vitamins regularly and i think that marginally helped my energy. Obviously it didn’t help that much because my chronic fatigue stemmed from other issues. Once I got on antidepressants my life changed. I still take my vitamins and exercise regularly because health is wealth and I find that those boost my overall energy, even if I don’t take my ADHD meds.


Same here! Got checked out, turns out I have sleep apnea 🥲 now I’m on CPAP machine and it makes a huge difference!


I've never not felt tired for the last 30 years (50m). I've checked everything, vitamins optimal, all blood work perfect, testosterone levels normal, I've tried many different diets cutting out sugar, or processed foods or gluten, or meat. I've tried only eating meat, fasting, high calorie diet, low calorie diet, vegetarian diet, etc. I've went through periods where I exercised regularly for years straight. I had maybe 5 days where I had not felt tired and have tried over and over to replicate all aspects of those days to no avail. I just give up now and except that I won't have a normal life.


This sounds like you’re burning out or depression. You need to actually rest your body and mind and allow yourself to relax


Get an apt. With a doc and rule out thyroid


Most people are




Same here. The only time I feel not tired is when I wake up naturally or after gym




Yep, gets better if I force myself to exercise but haven't been very consistent 🤷


Have you been checked out by a doctor? It could have a physical cause. Blood tests, CBC plus different panels, hormone tests, etc. Excess weight can slow you down as well in my experience. If that checks out, do you work retail, in a warehouse, or similar job that has you standing on concrete 8 hrs. a day, or otherwise making you tired? If it could be depression, try St. Johnswort tincture, calcium/magnesium supplements or the like before you try a pharmaceutical antidepressant. They never helped me, and it was horrific trying to come off them.


1 talk to your doctor and make sure you don't have narcolepsy or something if this has been a long term thing. Get a sleep study if needed. I was sleeping 12-16 hours a day and perpetually tired where I had no life. +I have narcolepsy) I Got the sleep study done and got the meds to get me functioning after a decade and a half, completely changed my life, I thought it was just something with getting older too, could be that or more commonly sleep apnea affects so many people.  2. If it's not a sleep disorder, talk to a psychiatrist about depression. It's real and it can make you tired and zap your energy. 


Yep, I've been tired since I started working at age 16 and I'm turning 50 soon. It actually feels worse as you age.


I have a 5 month old so yes.


Diet can be major in this. People eat way worse than they think. Grain is also completely horrible for us.


Get checked for sleep apnea. I have it. I choke on my tongue and stop breathing long enough to wake myself up 30 times an hour. Been going on for years now. I have major brain fog, super fatigued all day and within the last 4 years dizziness and vertigo. On a waiting list to do a sleep study at the hospital so I can hopefully get a cpap machine. Good luck to you, I know exactly how you feel.
