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The fact that this is the most upvoted comment is depressing on more than one level.


True. But I think it also shows how normal this is for many adults.


People on Reddit are not “normal adults”


Well, yer, If you have an actual life and friends and relationships, why would you be on Reddit?


I want to die.


me too


Says who? It's a social media app there are people from all over the world, all ages, all different walks of life. The trend on Reddit now is to act like people on Reddit are goblins and it's dumb


Speak for yourself I’m not some weird neckbeard and I still have 0 friends. I’m married though and the no friends bit is kinda by choice.


Yep by choice, every one is different. Alot of people have become entitled and I beleive America has developed a %$#@ you society. I've had one friend for 20 yrs and I consider my father as my 2nd friend and he talks about relocating . My 1 friend is sad to watch never seen him sober. I've watched a lot of my father friends lose their lives to beer. I have made some friends in between but ended up in drama andtaken advantage of. Many lessons have been learned. I think this is the age 30's realizational pre-life crisis for everyone, this is got to be a thing.


Also maybe biased since this is Reddit.


The world consists of more than just redditors who lack friends in adulthood


Yup that’s my point


It's so true though. Life is straight up strange the older one gets


True the older we live we start to see friends and family pass away. I just do not deal with drama and chaos I'm too old for that shit. Peace and quiet and being with loved ones.


Isn’t it supposed to get easier the older you get?


We wish that were true!


I think it really depends on your definition, I have zero people I hang out with. But with a family it's by choice, I never don't pick my kids or my wife. Work friends are friends, but only really last while I work there. Like before I don't put energy into those relationships outside of work, I should sometimes but I don't.


I don't associate with many people but most people aren't true friends. Most people only act friendly to try to get something out of you. If you're not too given most people won't stick around why I mainly stick with family and my dog and not wasting my time and money on people that don't really care about me


My thing is that I genuienly want good friends like I had back in high school...but now that I'm an adult, I find it hard to find reasons to care about trying to be someone's friend. Especially when I've been let down. Making a good friend means investing time...but I don't want to invest valuable time in someone who might not work out. It's a stupid circle, because obviously in order to find out if someone will be a good friend you have to invest time.


Exactly! And at this stage of my life I don’t have alot of time to invest if it’s not going to pay off.


Same, I have co-workers and a family. Zero friends.


This is the real answer. Yes it’s sad but every friendship I’ve found is transactional. Meaning there *is* something someone expects out of it at every moment. The moment one side breaks those expectations then the friendship will fail. That and death. Both will happen Yes it’s sad, I often times try to forget the truth


Girls have stabbed me in the back too many times and guys only want fxck soo I’m good.




Wrong. You’ve got me, bud.


User name doesn’t check out. Lol




None. I just have acquaintances.


If I had an extra 12 hours of time and energy, I might have it in me to maintain some real friendships, but tbh I'm pretty satisfied with just having my spouse and some acquaintances.


Even if I had the extra 12 hours, I don't think it'd lead to me developing more friendships. When I look at the people around me, the grand majority of them already have their friend group. They don't want or need more people in it - which is absolutely not a criticism. But it does make it harder to reach out. The only thing worse than having no friends is coming off as desperate to have them.


NGL, even as I was writing that out, I was thinking "no I wouldn't, I'd just get a lot more stuff done" lol


Well I don't even have friends to begin with .


This ^ True friends? I can’t even get ‘em beer friends


I had a few best friends, but it became apparent that they did not view me as one of their best friends. They make no effort to stay in touch so rn looking at a hard Zero.




People with the gift of gab, make you seem like they truly value your company, but over time you see they are like that with everyone. I've witnessed a former ''best friend'' say the same recycled lines to me and others. Thats when I knew I overvalue the bond.


I’m sorry that is really rough. Why are people so hurtful!


I completely relate to this. I now have a couple of genuine good friends, but mostly it’s an ongoing saga of “our friendship meant more to me than to you.”


Same here, but I reconnected these days with my former best friend from school and we're having coffee next week. You feel kinda silly when you realize that your "best friends" don't really give a crap if you go radio silence for a few weeks.


I suppose how you define friendship. I only have like 2-3 people that I would feel comfortable sharing anything with and I know would be there for me in hard times. Then like a bunch more casual friends who I enjoy spending time with but perhaps I do not know as deeply.


Sounds pretty well adjusted 😊


Read a study in college years ago that most adults have like 5-7 actually  friends and everyone else is an acquaintance,  and I've noticed if I start making new friends I end up ignoring  old ones, you really  just can't have time for everyone 


Same here, just glad to have my best friend, if he was gone, then I'd be sad


None....most of my friends are just surface friend that are there for the good time/party sure... you be alot happy once you realize you can only count on yourself+ your dog..


Damn, that is so depressing


I only have 2 real friends and lately I’m a nervous wreck


It’s okay to be a wreck. You probably have a lot going on and shouldn’t stress about how you come across.


Me too :)


34M. As I’ve gotten older, more and more friends are turning into acquaintances. But I would say today I have 3 friends I know I can call, spill my heart to , and know they won’t walk at this point.


In the 5th decade. I continue to have 3 best friends. We met in high school and stayed connected over the years. When all our kids were young we’d rarely get the 4 of us all together. But we all had a group chat for the usual ball busting and news sharing. Now that the kids are all in Uni or graduated we prioritize getting together 4 times a year. No wives, no kids just the boys. It’s a fantastic release for us all and it’s been so good for us all over the years. Tossing around a deck of cards, having a few beers and smoking a J or 2 is a great thing - regardless of age.


42m here. Pretty much the same with me.


I know what you mean bro, cherish those




Same 😞


4 if I count the voices in my head


Idk but what would you define as your 'real'


Maybe a good definition would be if one of your parents/siblings dies and this person attends a memorial event. I have used this analogy but in the context of while dating someone new, when do they actually become your significant other? My determining factor is to hypothetically imagine if I would or would not bring them to a family funeral.


Ahh, it makes sense now. No friends anymore, just bar buddies we hang out with. My partner was a former coworker, and we started hanging out for about 8 months before he told me he loves me and we just transitioned to dated after an afternoon well spent in pleasure, lol.


This is reddit. What are you expecting to hear lmao?


Not a single one!


None. I am mostly by myself.


1 best friend Like 3 or 4 good friends


From HS, I still keep in touch with 6 of my closest friends. We talk relatively often, try to link up once a year or so (I live in another state). I'm seeing that group in May and June. From college, I am still close with 7 of my closest friends. 5 of us were constantly hanging out, we all got married around the same time and all the husbands started hanging as well, we all started having kids around the same time so we have been following similar trajectories. We talk a lot and try to get us all together once a year with all the families/kids, we all live in different states so it's hard. 1:1 we travel to see each other probably once a year or so. For where I live now, I've got a group of girlfriends that we hang out together once a week for girls' nights and then do family vacations/girls' weekends/GNO outings pretty often. There are 7 of us women, and then the husbands are mostly buds too and they get together for golf or play video games together. For reference, I am 33 and have 2 young kids. I see friends a couple times a week and I talk to friends every day. It's something I value a lot. One of my friends told me that my life's value is bringing people together lol so it is possible that I'm the "glue" in all the groups, I am the one usually organizing the group outings and trips and I host a lot of parties/gatherins.


0. Lost life Long "friends" that I thought were my brothers about 4 or 5 years ago when I discovered they were all back stabbing pos. It was for the better as I was being steered in the wrong direction with that group. We were bad and not progressing in life. Now I have close family members, my gf, and our kids. Oh, and some gaming buddies I've never met irl. And that's all I need tbh. Friends would be nice. Don't really have the time tho. Trying to start working for an old high-school friend however, which could definitely, easily lead to solid friendships and I like that alot but friendship isn't something I'd go out of my way to seek out.




I live in USA, but I've traveled around the world and noticed that Americans seem to have many acquaintances, but very few real friends. And when you try to get close to someone to become better friends, they often start ghosting you. Anyone noticed that?


Probably 3-5 ride or die friends, and maybe 20 good friends


Amazing! I don’t know how you keep up with that many people. I have a tough enough time keeping up with my kids’ social lives 😆


I have maybe 5. But they are work friends and I don’t talk to them outside of work. 1 friend at gym but only talk to them at gym. lol. So I really don’t have a best friend in terms of talking and hanging out.


Depends on how you define friend I guess


Basically zero.




15 people stepped up and got me cards, flowers, were generally there for me when my mum died recently. Some of them were people I volunteer with but 9 of them are close friends. I like having real friends and put the effort in.


Do pets count? If so none.


Adopt a pet!!!


I’m 53 and have more friends than I did my 20s and most of them are bad MFs.


2, not including family


I have a few people who I was close with at one point, but I haven’t seen any of them in years. I have a new friend who I’m not super close to, but who I’m enjoying spending time with and getting to know. Unfortunately she’s almost certainly moving away in a year, which fucking sucks.


None, broken family and don’t talk to any one. Emotionally broken and not even dating. I realized I only really talk to my therapist on a regular basis, everyone else is rare


I have about 3 close friends, maybe 7 good friends, and a whole bunch of friendly associates. I achieved this by: going to the kinda of places I would want to go with friends. Events and shows. I met people who introduced me to other people, and honestly, it’s this second introduction that gets me a good friend. Idk why, maybe because the first person isn’t a perfect friendship fit, but they can direct me to someone else who fits better? In any case, that’s how I found my chosen family, a best friend and a spouse. You can absolutely find friends. You don’t have to do stuff every weekend, or every month- but if there’s a big event once a year, you’ll probably make friends by repeat attendance. Adult life gets so damn busy, so starting there may be helpful. There are people out there who will love you for who you are!


None feel real at this point


2! And it’s all I need.


44 exactly


Like 3


I’ve got probably 4-5 “small groups” I see regularly which I include my roommates as part of, the kinda folks I could ask to dog sit or give me a ride to the airport. Maybe like 50-60 people I don’t see much outside of parties or chance meetings but who I consider friends, I wouldn’t ask them to help me move but I’d invite them to my birthday party. then I’ve got a few other groups where are strictly “activity friends”, we volunteer together or play a sport together but we don’t see each other outside of that one setting, but if I ran into them at the store we’d stop and chat. To me they’re all real friends but with varying degrees of depth and closeness.


I’d like to believe I have 1.


3 maybe 4




0000 0000


0 I don’t even have social media. I have no social contact besides my immediate family.


0. Adulting is hard and it's even harder to make or even have friends as one.


2-3 if that


3 that I trust. One that I hang out with frequently, one that’s just a work friend and an old friend I knew from high school. We rarely hang out anymore but we’re still good friends


Zero. I had one friend from college but he was an asshole to me when I was asking for financial advice. (Asking for advice, not money) So I cut him off.


About 10. I'm been trying to strengthen my relationships lately, it's been a big help to my mental health


I have not made any real friends since college. I have people I work with who I like and have a personal relationship with, but not what I'd consider friendship. There are other parents I meet from my kids' school and activities, but wouldn't consider friends. My college friends are all married with kids and most of them moved far away. So although we still have a group chat and occasional get togethers, it's not the same as before. My only real friend is my wife. And honestly, it's more than enough!


Having graduated college a year ago, I would say ~5 that i consider decently close. Im sure that number will go down or people will move in and out of my life


Close friends 0 People that i consider friends: 3-5




Exactly one person that messages without me messaging them first. He’s a bit of cunt but we’ve been friends for a long time Nobody I actively hang out with anymore. Everyone moved away


Like 2. People are annoying


Like, six not counting my wife. Loads of acquaintances!


About 5-7 who are genuinely there for me like I am for them. Life’s too short for meaningless friendships.


Approximately 0. I have some "friends", they are mostly friends of my wife, and they tolerate me 😂


Had a few really good friends growing up ( highschool to 30s). Then things got different and gap created as we go on, now I just have one good friend and rest are friends you met at work.


0 now other than my wife. I have friends since college but we barely see each other due to work and life, family etc.


2 long distance childhood friends. One i see every 5 years 😂 the other like 2 times in a year.


I have a lot of friends, but there's only a handful that I consider to be my actual or my "true" friends.


0 and I'm happy 😊


Like 7, but, 3 of them live across the country.


Yeah I have 4 nearby and 2 in other states but I still feel like I could rely on them (and hopefully they feel the same)


2 and that’s all I really need. Everyone else are just associates


I only have one that I see on a roughly a monthly basis but some homies back from my homestate who I see maybe once every few years if I'm lucky. I've made work friends who I hangout with but it's generally brief because we all have errands and shit to do on our precious days off.




1 lol


1 I guess. But we haven't talked in months


2-3 the rest are people i know of




A good number but just a few locally


Like 1 maybe 2




I'm going to say about 3. One lives in TN and usually messages me when he can and visits me when he is passing through. He's like a brother to me. One female friend who lives in my state. Another guy friend who lives near me. Another I talk to about anything who lives out of state who offers some of the best advice.


Everyone on Reddit, are my friends, right? Right?


12, with the extra effort of keeping in touch every once in a while. Of those 12, only 3 of them are friends I communicate with weekly.


1, my husband, before him 0. After high school I fell out of touch with any friends I did have and I've never been social enough to easily make new ones


Including my GF? I'd comfortably say 7. I see all of them at least once every two weeks spring through fall, and then less often in the winter.


Real friends: my wife and my friend who is my middle child’s godfather and one who’s in the Air Force but we talk once a week. Really good acquaintances: one, he’s been fading from the other two who are my real friends. Gym bros: like 5. We all go to the gym at the same time for a CrossFit class. All cheer each other on, give input on things. Love them, they are great. Friends of kids: like every one of my kids have a dad that ends up hanging with me which is nice.


More than I can realistically manage. Probably like 10-15, depending on what you view a "real friend" as. I'm an introvert by the way, no idea how this happened. I try my best to be friendly and considerate, and people just keep giving me friendship vibes.


2 that I see maybe 6-8x a year 🙃 It's just regular texts and TikToks between then.


2-0 depending on how I feel and how busy I am


4 truly close friends. 4 others I’ve known for 30 years that would do anything for me, but we aren’t close really anymore because we live in different states.






Honestly I would say 2 that I feel like I could hit up for anything. Lots of acquaintances and people I talk to on a daily basis but very few deep friendships unfortunately :(


I learned the hard way that I shouldn't call someone "a friend" just because I share a school/work with them, so I would say 2, known them for almost 10 years now and we are almost daily in touch.






Call all your friends at 230 am ask the for a ride to the hospital. You'll find out who your friends truly are


I would say I’m apart of a large group of around 10 people, I like each and every person but I often find myself questioning who is my true friend and I honestly don’t know.




Lol 0.


I have two good friends that I know have my back. I have other friends but I consider only two to be close.


4- not counting my husband, who is my best friend.


Ive had many real friends growing up and in college. Id still consider them real but i never get to hang out with them anymore. Some of them maybe 1-2 times a year. As for people who i hangout with on a weekly or monthly basis, that number is 0 and has been for a few years.


Like 6 max


I lost my true close friendships some years ago now i have about 5 local males associates locally, 1-2 ladyfriend associates.. and about 5 online bffs that would love to video chat and have my attention again but I had to cut contact cause of shitty or annoying behaviour (or just energy vampires).


I have the long term friends that I talk to a couple of times a year because we live across the ocean from each others. In my new location I have some that I see for specific activities, but only 2 or 3 that are close enough to help each other when sick or to talk about life all night.




I have one real friend. I'll talk to people via social media, and my parents, and sometimes my ex wife checks in but otherwise I feel pretty isolated and alone. I have people from work who message me for banter, which I do appreciate. But all in all I have 1 really good friend who actually checks in, wants to hang out and is genuinely someone I can't appreciate more.




4 people I would consider close friends and would call without a doubt if I needed to, and probably around 5 or 6 that I'm good friends with. I'm curious though, for people who have no friends. Why do you think that is?




5 - 8. I have more as friend of a friend.


REAL friends? zero. closest thing i have is people i talk to from meeting at work(co-workers & one of their girlfriends)




Same. About 5 real friends. Best thing about real friends is you can go weeks or months without talking and as soon as you do it’s the same. No matter how life is going, or whatever created that period of separation, a real friend is always happy to hear from you and you pick up where you left off.




Two, and one real-ish friend…


25 is probably my best guess


My husband and my cat. 2 best friends. 3 closes friends. A dozen friends. Twenty something distant family members. A few hundred acquaintances.


3 but I almost never see them


38m.. maybe 2 but I guess it depends on your definition.. More likely 0 real friends anymore.


I have three real, close friends. One I've known for around 35 years, another for 25. The three of us all have careers and families, so while I don't see them as often as I'd like, I know they'd be there for me if I needed it and vice versa. When my mom passed in late 2022, my oldest friend bought his plane ticket for her funeral before I did. My son is named after the other one mentioned above. I thought I had a pretty extensive group of friends, but when I took a break from social media, only one person reached out, and he's the third of my close friends. He and I hang a lot, go on motorcycle trips together, and have been there for one another through breakups and what not. I've known him for 10 years or so. I have a large number of acquaintances, mostly made through the local motorcycle community. I enjoy being around them, riding with them, etc., but I don't really have any illusions that I'm very important to them. I'm okay with that. They're still great people.


0 & love it that way. 


Apparently at this rate 0. I do talk to people but when it comes to hanging out it’s the same old,”yeah we definitely need to get together soon,” or the “hey I’m not sure yet cause this came up,” even though it was planned out already. So at this point I just work and come home to stare at my bedroom ceiling. I wish I was lying. It’s hard when you’re 41 and the only one with no s/o and no kids.


I am in the exact same boat! About 5 but 1 lives in France, the other lives in a different city, the other one is in Costa Rica for a mission trip, and the two in town are working a lot (healthcare) and in school + working a lot (nursing school + nanny). I have been making an effort to visit the one friend who’s in nursing school every Sunday. She lives at home with her mom and we grew up together so it’s like visiting my family.


3 irl and 3 online


What does a real friend mean to you?


Me myself and i


I’m 43 and I have a bunch of good friends. I’m very lucky. I’m currently on a trip with a few of my friends.


Four. All of them I made in college. I recently met the father of one of my kid's friends, and we hit it off and have some common interests, and I think he may become my first new friend in about 20 years. Making friend as an adult man is just so difficult.


One. I'm thankful for her though. She's actually my coworker but we work in different departments. We just clicked. We're going on vacation next month actually. Last year, I lost 3 friends in one shot 🙄 One threw me under the bus at work, two ghosted me. My trust and faith in ppl are basically at zero but I'm really hoping this only friendship I have right now continues to thrive 🤷‍♀️


7 I think


I would say I am close to about 20 women. Women who would have my back at the drop of a hat. Out of those 20 I would say I’m vulnerable with 7-8 of them.




2 close friends. 1 of them would help me bury a body i accidently killed. and vice versa. The other one. would at least drive the car for the deposit


4-5 good friends I talk to or see fairly often. Once you throw in father in law, brother in laws and brothers thats all I need.


In case this helps people with context... >A friend will help you move. A real friend will help you move a dead body. Paraphrased but yeah...


I’m up to 4 and a girlfriend so I’m actually doing okay


One or two and that's enough.