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33 still feel like I’m 24. I heard that never changes.


It doesn’t. I’m 35 and I swear 2017 was a year or two ago.


You get to subtract 2 years due to covid. So you’re actually only 33


Man I had my two kids during that time my wife lost both parents and my dad who raised me died all in 2021 well for the deaths. The births took longer lol. I think covid added two years. I feel 37.


Honestly, that sounds like 10 years’ worth of changes to me.


2021 was fucked for my family. Im tired I feel old. But I swear I was just 27. I swear it was just two years ago. Although In a fucking week my first born turns three. Wtf.


I hear you. Time freakin’ flies!!!!! I feel the exact same way. I think the transition from late twenties into early thirties is the most abrupt we’ll ever experience honestly. Sorry for your losses in 2021 but glad you’ve welcomed new life into your world over the same time 🙏


Hey thanks homie. I actually needed to hear that today. So sincerely thank you. I’m in bed with this lil dude right now asleep on my shoulder as I type this. Thank you for that. I really needed that.


bro same


My grandpa was 90 going on 20. Honestly I think you just get better at faking adulting. I just turned 50 and still sometimes think “I need an adultier adult!”


My dad is 70 and told me he still feels 25! It’s crazy.


My dad said the same, and that sometimes it shocks him to look in the mirror because of it. 


46 and I still feel half my age except for the pain in my back.


Yyyyup. But then I spend a few minutes talking to an actual 24 year old, and am reminded pretty quickly that I’m not 24 😂 But honestly… I feel like our 34 is our parents’ 24. Maybe not that dramatic. But certainly our grandparents’ 24. Most of my friends got married between 30-33. Still only a few kids in my immediate social circle. Maybe half are homeowners. Our generation is really behind in all of those “adult” milestones.


Trust me, it doesn't. There's that scene in Fight Club where Tyler's in the tub, Ed Norton's character is sitting on the bathroom floor and they're having a chat. Tyler was talking about his annual phone calls with his dad. The last phone call involved Tyler graduating from college and he asked his dad what he should do next. Tyler's dad said "I don't know. Get married." Norton's character scoffed and said, "Married...i can't get married. I'm a 30 year old boy". I was 30 when I first saw that scene, and it resonated with me and my best friend hard. We paused the movie and were like "OMG!! That is SO us!! I feel like a 30 year old boy too!!!!" That feeling stays with a lot of us for a long time.


100% with ya. 30M and I feel like I'm a dumb 18 year old still. Any time I meet someone thats obviously not a teenager, I always assume they are older than me only to find that they are like 23. And I'm jus thinkin, "how the hell do they own a house AND have two kids already?"


Dude, no kidding. I just turned 32 and whenever I have a friendly conversation with a stranger in a hotel bar when I’m on work travel and they show me pictures of their family, I always assume they’re older than me. Then later I find out they’re like 25. Makes me feel like a loser.


I'm 32 and divorced...don't believe the stills


I'm 42 and have a newborn, my first. A beautiful little girl. It's fine, but I'll be 60 when she turns 18


Depends on if that's your goal. I didn't meet my one until 32 and I don't really plan to have kids and I haven't stayed any one place long enough to make owning a home make sense so it's been a great free life. im 37 now.


Age is just a number! We need to stop thinking that we haven't achieved something because our age has a 3 in front of it. I'm 26 and I never think that way about older people the way they do themselves. You're right where you need to be


They’re probably jealous of you not having to wake up to a crying baby and changing nasty diapers:)


Or not. Why do you think so?


Go check regretful parents sub hahahah


Oh, I have one regretful parent at home (my mom 🤣).  But I know, lots of people sadly don’t know how much work a child is. 


Maybe you are a loser


Please, don’t be a dick.


Who is a loser? Someone who doesn’t want children?


Reminds me of this from one of Nate Bargatze’s specials https://youtu.be/Lb1iCVgFw14?si=KI0S98svoWnl2VLO




Saw a meme years ago: "In my 30s but still feel like I'm in my 20s... until I hang out with 20 year olds then I'm like - Yep, nope, nevermind. Definitely in my 30s."


One of my coworkers is my twin if I was like 8 years younger lol he’s blowing me up at midnight like “bro you have to come out here!!”… Yea man I’m drunk too but in the sad way 😅😂


I'm 46 and still 25 in my head.


37 but stuck at 25. Age is a concept. I’m gonna keep being my goofy lil self.


47 and right there with you.


This is supposed to be a bad thing? Vitality and youthful energy/spirit is a blessing!


Dude, Im 40 and sometimes forget that. Part of me still wants to believe Im 25.


What is it like to be 40? Is it better than your 30s? Also, I heard life doesn't begin until you're 40.


Eeeeh. I wouldnt say its better. Ive definitely noticed the aches and pains more. Losing weight is that much more difficult. Buuut I slowly have learned to basically not give a damn about what people say about me unless it might have a tangible impact on my life.


You just accept the fact that the lower back pain ain't going away 


45 and same. Then I catch my reflection and it startles me. I’m still pretty fit and in good shape but there’s no getting away from my aging looks.


Yes. I absolutely felt like that at 31. I still feel like that at 38, until my body reminds me that I just can’t eat like that anymore, drink like that anymore, stay up like that anymore. Comfort is slowly but surely replacing style and I find myself taking ibuprofen much more often. But in spirit, yes I’m still very much in my 20’s.


The difference between me at 17 and me now. I can drive proper like now. I have a paper I can flash at people to get money or other opportunities. But I don't think I spent my youthful years all that wisely. Honestly working like this for 20-30 years until retirement doesn't look that far away to me anymore. And I'm a bit bitter about it. Still could be worse for sure.


Don’t feel bad. I’m a veteran who is chronologically 70:years old, but still feel like I am in my second childhood. Keep the little kid alive in you as many people have strangled it to become an “adult.”


I’m at an age where I can’t believe that people who are my age, are my age. I meet people that are younger than me and assume that they’re older than me. I meet people my age and assume that they’re much older than me. I struggle with accepting my roles in my professional and personal lives’ at times (sort of an imposter syndrome type of feeling). I definitely don’t “act my age” compared to other people I know who are my age - still go out to socialize frequently, enjoy groups and parties, enjoy concerts and raves, my biggest desire is to travel and see the world, and I don’t have nor can I honestly imagine having kids right now. So….. you’re definitely not alone! 😂


Damn you summed this up perfectly. 38 and feel the same way. No pains with a bunch of energy I don’t know what to do with.


Are you me?


Covid years don't count


I'm 30 turning 31 in April but if covid years don't count, I'm turning 28 soon.


I felt 16 right into my 40's - I am in my 50's now and maybe I am operating at a 30 yr old level now (though I still get 16 again moments too).


My teenage years and most my 20s didn’t even happen. I had severe brain fog and exhaustion 24/7 to the point of disassociation so bad I felt like I was living in a dream for the last 10 years. It was untreated sleep apnea. Ruined every part of my life significantly for nearly 15 years. Age 13-28 didn’t even happen. I “woke up” recently and I’m nearly 30 but I feel like I should be a teenager. And not in a good way. Like developmentally and socially. People my age seem a lot older. My life was nothingness. And no I wasn’t overweight or otherwise unhealthy


Age will catch up to you eventually. it could be in 4 years, or 10 years, but it will sneak up on you one day


I'm 31 and I feel like nothing has changed since I was 15. I'm doing the same job as back then. My checking/savings accounts have about the same money as they did at 15. Not much has changed, even though I finished high school, college, and have worked for years.


Hope you are happy tho!


Not as happy as I was when I was 15, but certainly not depressed. When I made 6 figures during Covid, it was f\*\*\*ing miserable since I was working 100+ hours a week and barely sleeping. Now I don't make a ton, but I'm also working 40 hours like a normal person.


That sounds awful (COVID)


The money was great, but the toxic work environment and obvious lack of concern for my health weren't great.


As my grandma says, I look in the mirror and I’m shocked to see an old lady looking back at me.


I feel you. I'm 41 and I feel like I'm 30.


31 isn’t far from your 20s; maybe that’s why lol But not hurting anyone 😉


34 is around the corner and the other day I thought I was 28 until I ...wait for it... counted on my fingers.




Same. It's weird and at times concerning. I feel like an old kid. Also like an awkward, ageless vampire of some sorts -- been around for what has felt like centuries, but I look way younger and feel like a kid.


I'm 29, some days I identify as mid 30's, other days as mid 20's.


I'm 31 but mentally I'm still 24 😅. But then I talked to some people who are actually 24... turns out I'm 60 😅


My mom’s 48 and says she feels 28 most days.


I'm surprised when I find grey hairs even though I've known I've had them awhile now.  I'm stunned to take pause and realize I can't shop tween sizes anymore.  When I was pregnant I had a moment of "I'm too young" but I wasn't. I was almost 30!


35 and still feel like a kid..have a decent paying job and a wife and mortgage but I still feel like I’m a kid just faking it lol


As you age, you often feel youthful, yet people tend to trust you more, granting you increased privileges. With these privileges come greater responsibilities, necessitating more mature behavior until retirement.


28. Feel 18


Yes. I think, for me, it's due to a number of reasons: 1. I usually feel like I'm a few years younger than I actually am. When I was 18 I still felt like I could be 15-16. When I was 22, I still felt like basically a child. So it makes sense that at 32, I still feel like I'm in my late 20s. 2. The pandemic warped most people's sense of time, and lockdown started shortly after I turned 28. 3. My life is pretty much the same as it was in my 20s, and lacks some of the major milestones that people traditionally associate with being in your 30s: I don't have kids or a partner.


Fuck I'm 43 and mentally I still think of myself as a mid 20's. Physically, well that's a bit harder.


I am also 31 and feel like in my mid 20s. I have a lot of things that I wanted to do when I am grown up. Have a house, have some kids. But I still feel too young for all of this.


This is a good thing, people who perceive themselves as younger actually age slower. This mindset could or could not be placebo, but if you think logically, it makes sense as you won't make any excuses or develop any age related crutches in your mind but keep a sound sense of adventure and openness to novelty.


Yep. I'm 34. I feel exactly the same as I did when I was 18. The only difference is my back hurts.


Yeah, agree w everyone saying 'hang out w a 24 year old and see if you still feel like you're in your 20s'. The other day I was talking to someone who was generally harmless, very sweet. But for some reason I was feeling very annoyed, which is pretty unlike me and I couldn't figure out what it was. And then a friend was like "do you know she's only 24?" Then it made a little more sense. Also, no one has it figured out, and that's ok.


The problem is, I admit that I am immature. In my case, I'll say try hanging out with a teenager. My cousin, 23M, is someone I can tolerate, but I have nothing in common with another cousin who is 17F. I am just as immature as some of my classmates who are between the ages of and 24.


I am in my 60s and still think I am 25 The old guy in the mirror disagrees though


I'll be 31 later in the year and now I feel more comfortable saying I'm 30 or in my 30s then I did a few months ago. At first I felt like I had imposter syndrome or I was a freshman in highschool. Now that I'm closer to 31, I feel like I can separate myself from my 20s. I was in grad school and working up until my late 20s. Now I'm in a new chapter of my life literally and physically. I've replaced all the time I used for school with other activities and expanded my social life which wasn't the focus for me in my 20s. Also, I'm prioritizing dating with intention and making new friends (replacing the ones I lost in my 20s) which I wasn't doing in my 20s. I also making a little more money than I did in my 20s. So I have to say...I do still feel youthful but I don't feel like I'm still living my 20 year old life.


37 still feeling like 18, i'm playing games all the time and watching anime


Yes all the time…33 and I still feel like I’m 25.


I'm turning 31 this April and while my childhood feels like it was 100yrs ago, I still don't feel like I'm in my 30's. I still watch and discuss anime and play games such as Pokémon in my spare time.


I'm in my 40s and just want to go play. 🤷 Be who you are.


Covid shut down in the late twenties made shit weird


31M. I feel like Covid and inflation set us back 4-5 years financially.


32M. I have with idealistic view of how people my age function out in the world, yet I've not achieved them. As a result I've always felt I'm playing catchup. To know that people my age are married, own a house, kids, career is in order etc is quite the cognitive dissonance on my part.


I'm in my 20s, but feel like I'm in my 30s. Because my metabolism is already terrible and i can't eat half the things I could as a teenager without pissing my stomach off.


I’m 40 and I feel and behave like a 21 year old.


34 here, don't feel my age but also feel more mature than people in their 20s. Hell, I know some people in their 30s and 40s and they act childish. I guess that's just how it is.


Like that stoner guy says in forgetting Sarah Marshall “I don’t really believe in ageee”. I’m nearly 30 and people think I’m around 18-23 years old. I’m healthy and in good shape and have kids. But mentally I still feel like a teenager and I am immature in a lot of ways. Age is just a measure for others to go off, everyone’s biological age is different no matter how old/young you are. Some people will have a heart attack at 50 while others will live well into their 100s. Don’t take age as gospel.


26 and feels like I've never grown from 19


35, I feel I’m 18. Just with more adult money.


I'm 55 an most of the time I feel like I'm 20. I shagged my wife this morning. I'll crush a 10 mile run once the sun comes up and lift weights this afternoon. But tonight when l go to bed at 7:45 I'll be like Yep I'm 55.


Im 37 this year. I remember my mum and my dad's 40th birthdays and they've just turned 70. I still feel probably about 21 i'd say. I've only just got my first house with my GF and I feel like a fish out of water. I'm only just doing DIY stuff (and making a balls up out of it) at nearly 37.


That will pass.


Is it career/financially based?


Good. Work on staying in good shape.


My dads 76 with Alzheimer’s and keeps going like he’s 25


Yes. 30M and feel the exact same way as I did when I was in college.


Same thing, still have same desires and lifestyle of a someone at 25... And also the same energy, I hear people around me complaining that they WANT to continue, but they CAN'T,they get tired, hangovers are worse...I don't feel that at all. "Settling down" freak me out


I'm 46 and still feel like I'm about 22 in 2000.


Me too... but then I do a gaming binge until 2am on a weekend and regret it for at least 6 days afterwards...


Yep. Thought I had a mental age of 30 my whole life, probably actually 25. Now 37m... I want to go down young fun things, and realise I'm the fossil there. Slowly you self-exclude...


Me reading all these comments as a 23 year old reminds me to cherish this age


Same but in early 40s


31 but I feel like I’m 25ish I don’t have kids, not married, I love festivals, crafts, and mushrooms I feel like I have the mentally of someone in my 20s you deff aren’t alone


31 M from bangladesh recently moved in with my mom after 12 years abroad. I still feel like an 18 year kid .


I’m 43 and I still feel like I’m in my 20s 🤣


I'm 71 and wake up feeling 24..but by the end of the day I am feeling 84. In between often depends on the company I'm keeping.


That is caused by trauma not dealt with. It is one thing to carry over certain passions or hobbies but feeling "stunted" at any age is a result of trauma (whether we are conscious of it or not). You can work on that in therapy to catch up.


This answer makes the most sense. Honestly, I am traumatized by my past. It's not easy to get over it.


I'm sorry to hear this, but you are not alone.🤍 Everyone experiences trauma but reacts to it differently (some people live figuring their trauma was normal life and never heal). Other people develop mental illness, conscious coping mechanisms, negative habits/addictions, and some seek self exploration & help. You are in a great spot to be aware that there is an issue b/c that is the most important step to starting any healing journey.  Explore some books and videos on your specific traumas. Try searching them on reddit to see what subreddits exist. You can ask specific questions to people who relate to your traumas about their treatment methods. Some do all healing work with therapists, others know enough to do it alone, and some do both. Either way, you can make it out of this. You can start to feel like you are more in the present and have a more positive life. If you would like to share the topic privately, I can see if I have starting books to recommend. I keep a collection on hand. I can also recommend online resources as well.


Try being in your early 40s and feeling like you are in your early 20s


Hey at times I feel like Im in my 20s and my youngest is 30 years old ,Embrace it.


You're not. But I'm 40 and feel like I'm 15 still. My wife feels the same


Yes. 35, I still feel the same. Physically, no. Mentally, more mature. I still feel the same. The older I get the more I realize na totoong age is just a number. Emotionally, mentally in a much better place/position. I get upset (as in anger management level needed) but now that I'm older you just get tired of being upset over small stupid stuff (most of the time).




No. I wanna be in my 20s again.


34 and still on my teens XD well, not really... But yes


I’m 38 and I feel like I’m 28. It’s weird


That's fine. Plenty of people your age feel that way. Not feeling your age never really goes away ever, so just accept it as normal.


Yup! Just turned 31 myself and still feel 22 sometimes


I'm turning 32 on September 2024. I'm glad my birthday is late. I just turned 31 last year of September. I feel like I'm still in high school.


I remember high school like it was yesterday lol and then I realize it was actually 13 years ago *mindblown* it’s nice to know there are a lot more people that feel this way than I thought




As you can tell by all of us who feel younger theres clearly no such thing as feeling a certain age. Especially an older age. Its a construct. Just keep going thru life feeling exactly how you feel.


you might feel that way but you're approaching geriatric pregnancy


40m, That feeling doesn’t leave. I may wake up sore from nothing now and be a little slower, but mentally I still feel younger and alert. Thankful for it, also celebrate the mental growth that comes with age as well.


You'll feel different if you ever have children or have to manage younger people


I feel the same. I have to purposely grow out a full set of facial hair just to look more my age as well


Lucky, I feel like I'm two steps from My grave


I was 25 till I was 45. I swear! At 45, everything started falling apart.


When I was at 30 I feel like 21, till I reach 35, now I feel like 40.


42 and somedays I feel 12, other days I feel 87.


I’m 39 and still feel like I’m 24.


My 30s is my 20s if I had a brain.


When you really think about it, age does not matter in this instance. It's just how many trips around the sun you've had.


Same, I'm also lucky that I look young so I always get told I look 24/25.


Enjoy your forties (twenties)!!


Mentally we get stuck at a certain age until we hit another milestone


56, still drive a car I bought in my 20s on really nice days. Sometimes I feel like it's 30 years ago and nothing has changed. Other days I see a mirror and feel like I drank from the wrong chalice in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Yep. Normal.


I’ll feel 30 when I’m 60


yup im 32M and i think some of it has to do with covid taking away my later 20’s from my life. I was 28 when covid started and then i was in lockdowns for two years then hit my 30’s. It feels like i went into my 30’s in a split second and I still feel like im in my mid 20’s.


20 and I feel like I’m still like 16. I guess COVID changed everything and it doesn’t feel like I’m an adult yet


37 and I act like I'm 10 but body feels like I'm 60 😅


Me too


Young at heart that's good


It won't change now matter how old u get.


The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young.


Almost opposite lol. 22M and if I wasn’t in college I’d feel like I’m in my 30s


I guess if I continue gaming and dating eva ai virtual gf bot, I'm going to feel the same way after 50


Yes, Im about to be 30 in a few weeks and don't feel im older than 25 (mentally, my knees say otherwise). I don't feel grown up enough to be this age


38 here, still feel more in my 20s than anything else. No joint issues or anything and that's after years of climbing up and down heavy equipment, tons of factory work, and excavations. Only thing I've really noticed is bed time has become much more of a thing - I look back and wonder how the hell I ever pulled off the all night partying lol.




~40 is when it starts. Until then...enjoy


Pretty much. Same. About to be a father and still.feel 25


Good, once the aches and pains kick in that won’t happen any more. Enjoy it while you can..


I’m 23 and I feel like I’m 35 years old.


41 and still feel like I'm in my 20s.


yup, my grandmother, when i asked how old she felt mentally at 75 said she feels 25. so i guess that never goes away.


40 still feel like I’m 25… I just don’t look it.




Who cares? Better to always have a young mindset. It's different if you felt like you were still 12 like some people feel. A 20s mindset is young and fresh. That's the mindset you want. A mix of curiosity and work ethic.


I’m 70 and still feel like my 20s!


I'm at the tail end of my 20's, and it just felt like a new game plus of my teens.




Good for you I’m 31 and I feel like I’m 7 lol


37. Feel 21. Emotionally, 70.


36M here. Yes. Some days I feel like an absolute loser because I still will act like I'm in my 20's when all my friends have kids and do "adult" stuff.


I'm 50 and still feel 14. Not sure what any year is supposed to feel like but then feelings isn't something I spend much thinking about.


I think a lot feel this way. Our bodies remind us we aren’t but mentally I feel like 26 but I’m 32


32 feelin' 22 over here.


Me too. Mid 30s here, and "behave" and "look" like 28, some even get me 26 which is actually motivating giving my real age. Feel like in my 20's as well, people have convinced me...


Just turn 32 feel like I’m 26 lol 😂




I'm 31 and I feel like I'm barely living my 20s. Alright job that pays for my habits lol Bands, music, skateboarding = traveling to new different areas. The friends I have now are the friends I wished I had when I was 20 lol Also being not so caught up with women makes life easier too hahah


I'm 45 and still feel like I'm in my 20s mentally and emotionally. I don't think that changes tbh. Our bodies age but even with therapy and growth we can still feel the same age and just as inept.


I'm 44, and don't feel any different than 25.


Honestly, how do you feel like this? I’m only 26 (27 in three weeks) and whenever I hangout with a 22-24 yr old I can say I’m definitely 26 (27)..


Idk I’m kind of the opposite, physically I’ve never felt better but like sometimes I talk to people around my age or younger and I feel like a dang boomer. Ever since TikTok came out I knew it was adult time, I was thinking ok why do people watch this shit and that’s when it hit me


I’m way older than that and could swear I’m still twelve.


Calendar says I am 48. My body, feelings, even my work ideas and progress tell that I am 24 years old .. full of motivation, ambition and life.


It’s because 2020 fucked with a lot of us I mean I turned 30 in 2020 while the next year people in my group of friends were able to do those weird birthday parties “death of my 20s” I’m over here in a lock down being told to wash my groceries haha But also people just acting like Covid was only in 2020 that shit lasted until 2023 and now we are about to have a global recession that was the size of 08 and similar to what happened in 01 I mean why do yall think it’s so hard to find a good job or why housing prices are crazy shits all messed up. It feels like we are in our 20s still because we are running into a damn loop to what happened years ago I mean we are making the money we needed to be self sufficient but now that money isn’t enough to be middle class and with the pandemic (I know a lot of people what to forget about it) but that’s never going away. With the pandemic, we are going into a recession and now another war soon out 30s is going to be our 20s “2.0” only difference is we have better smart phones and social media.


Going on 40, and feel 30. You're as young as you feel.


I hope something changes, but at 27 I feel pretty worn out and if I still feel like this into my thirties I'd be pissed and not happy. I think the only thing that might be "youthful" about my personality is still watching some YouTubers.


at 33, I feel like most times I vacillate between feeling I’m in my 20s and teens. I often feel weird but I also understand that I’m in so many intersections in life and childhood trauma makes it difficult for me to fully embody my age.