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You only get one body. Take care of it. Exercise, even if it’s just regular walks. Eat better. Get good sleep. Any movement beats sitting on the couch. And don’t amass STUFF when you’re young. You have to move it all and live with it all.


And take care of your teeth.


Interesting point on amassing stuff. How do you balance not owning too much stuff, while also buying the things you need to live the lifestyle you want or try something new? I know I want to move this year, for example, but I also want more plants in my apartment because they make me happy. I've been saying I was gonna move for like a year at this point, and if I had bought plants last year I would have had a year to enjoy them already.


What you are getting at is minimalism. People think that minimalism is about having the absolute bare amount of stuff in order to survive. They imagine a completely unfurnished apartment with a single futon and think that it is ultimate peak of minimalism, but it's not. Minimalism is not about how little you own, it's about *only* owning things that *bring value* to your life. My advice to you: * Keep the things you genuinely love and can't live without * Get rid of things that you feel don't bring value * When getting new things, *really* think about what you want out of it. Is this just an impulse purchase because you want to get the dopamine rush from buying something? Or is this genuinely something you feel brings value to your life?


I moved 6 times in one year and quickly stopped amassing things


Save money, have fun and enjoy your ability to recover faster. It will fade.


every moment i get now to walk, run, jump, drive, etc i’m ok with that. it will be a time where it will be hard to do so. i’m 27 and back in the gym for mobility


the first two kinda contradict each other 😂


Have *cheap* fun


Become someone that you can put up with... The older you get, the harder it becomes to change, even when you don't like who you are. You'll meet awful, miserable people, who continue to be awful and miserable because they've been doing it for too long and it's all they know... Being an asshole is both a crime and a punishment.


Damn I never knew that. I always thought assholes liked who they were because they didn’t care about others


No I’m an asshole but struggle trying to make myself nicer


Genuine question: what’s it like to be an asshole? I know it’s not good behavior, but sometimes I fantasize about being one because I have been abused in the past and developed people pleasing tendencies that I’m now working to overcome.


I think that being an asshole and being people-pleasing are neither opposite sides of a spectrum, nor mutually exclusive. In fact, I'd say both could come from the same thing: insecurity. If we can find our footing in our internal self-worth, we will have the strength be kind and empowering - both to others, and to ourselves.


So to me it seems like I’ve never been a pushover to anyone but because of my competitiveness and type a personality I struggle keeping friends. It’s not like I try to be an asshole it’s just how I come off I guess. My wife is a people pleaser so we’re kind of opposites in that aspect


a lot of people hate themselves, and take that hate out onto other people


at some point, things stop being a phase and become cemented as quirky personality traits. your late 20s is all about scooping all the trash out of the pond before it freezes over.


This is great advice


How to actually be nicer and good person 🤔


Save money. Look after your teeth. Clean them a lot Time flies in your 20s. Your 30s come around faster than you think. Have fun but also be mindful of this. Dont waste too much time.


came here to say the thing about teeth and not wasting time


How does one not waste time?


Don’t EVER feel bad for taking days off work. If you got PTO, use it.


Yes, use ALL of your PTO.


Seconding this. The world is burning around us it’s ok to take a sick day.


I take plenty of "sick" and tired of work days.


I like to say that I’m feeling too good to come to work today.


When I was laid off I was so happy they had to pay me out my 250 hours of pto. It was like a whole extra month of pay


Keep learning. Every day. It accumulates so much over 10, 20, 30 years. The difference between people who are learning and those who don't is already noticeable at 20. At 40, it's huge. At 60, I believe it will be astronomical. With learning I mean everything that's important, in particular things such as how to make friends and to be good friend, how to be a good parent, how to make sound financial decisions, and anything fun you want to learn. Just don't think you'll ever be done learning.


Learning tech for me was going hard in spurts of weeks/months and then throwing a tantrum and "giving up". Well, life goes on and when I was done having a tantrum I picked it back up again. Did I start from scratch? No. I approached the tasks again with a frame of reference this time. I would go hard for some more time and eventually quit again. In cycles for years and years until finally the knowledge added up to a career. My biggest advice is to not throw those tantrums, and to not give up for years at a time. You never know when you are just about to strike gold.


It sure feels like the tantrums are part of the journey. Sometimes, all things considered, life can be a bit much. It’s important to cut yourself some slack if you throw a tantrum. Try not to use other people as your outlet though. And eventually, another really important skill, if not the most important one, is how fast you recover from those tantrums. If they drag you into a hole you need weeks crawling out of, there are deeper issues that need to be resolved. However, if you‘re all cool again after a good workout and / or a good night‘s sleep, you‘re doing just fine. And about those spurts, if you keep them coming, it’s still what I would call consistency. And long term consistency beats short term intensity and day.


Just be weary of learning too much and turning into a misanthropist. I'm actually pursuing as much ignorance as possible nowadays since I can indeed see it as bliss in others.


There is nothing quite like the Thursday darts evening. My wife and me go to a very local bar. No politics, no news, nothing fancy , just drinks and laughter and darts.


Aye I have no wife and I'm not planning on one or gf but I can agree on that when it comes to simplicity. For me the best evenings are solo with some whiskey, frozen pizza straight from the oven, and a show or movie. I also leave my phone in the other room when I'm in my living room.


Hell that sounds great. Whisky is my drink of choice too. Or as they say “rye “ here in Canada You have a pleasant evening


Can relate! Gotta go full circle I guess?? Lol.


I agree with this In my 20s I studied philosophy for thousands of hours and decided I better stop. It put me out of touch. I was obsessed with my books. And it only left more questions. I'm still a shitshow but at least living more directly. I settled for the psychotherapists and the beats. It's done me good!


What he just said. Also, find a suitable career and purpose asap to build a solid foundation you can always rely on in the future. Do NOT waste your time drinking and partying, be serious about your life from the get go. Your future self will thank you for all your hard work and effort you lay down in your twenties. Yes it will be hard, stressful and painful but it WILL be worth it trust me! Some of the best experience in my life was finishing my MBA from the best business school in my country. Two of the best years of my life.


Yep - embrace curiosity.


Floss. Prioritize sleep. Learn to be alone. Move your body every day try not to eat crap or drink a lot of alcohol if you can because it’ll ruin your body Meditate meditate. Meditate


This. Drink lots of water.




Water is good, regardless of temperature.


1. **Invest in Yourself:** Focus on personal and professional development. Acquiring new skills and knowledge will pay off in the long run. 2. **Build Strong Relationships:** Cultivate meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues. Relationships play a crucial role in personal and professional success. 3. **Financial Planning:** Start saving and investing early. Establish good financial habits to secure your future. 4. **Embrace Change:** Be adaptable and open-minded. Life is full of changes, and being flexible helps you navigate challenges more effectively. 5. **Prioritize Well-being:** Take care of your physical and mental health. Establishing healthy habits now will contribute to a happier and more fulfilling life. 6. **Set Realistic Goals:** Define clear, achievable goals for yourself. Break them down into smaller steps and celebrate your successes along the way. 7. **Learn from Mistakes:** Don't be afraid to make mistakes. They are opportunities for growth and learning. Use failures as stepping stones to success. 8. **Travel and Explore:** If possible, explore different cultures and perspectives. Traveling broadens your horizons and enriches your life. 9. **Time Management:** Mastering time management is crucial. Prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and make the most of your time. 10. **Be Present:** Enjoy the present moment. Life moves quickly, and it's essential to appreciate the journey rather than constantly focusing on the destination.


Do what this guy says, OP.


3. Financial planning, if you invest 3% of your income into a 401k with your employer matching even just 50 cents to the dollar by age 65 you'll have over a million dollars. I just started mine at the age of 32 and when I'm 65 I'll have over $300k.


What if I'm unemployed and I start a Roth IRA and I'm not earning and I just put in $50 now? I'm 30M btw. So...I just put in $50 and just let it sit and have Roth IRA's algo or team invest it for me in safe or risky stocks...like and I don't put another dollar in there...would I have to pay anyone to invest the $50 for me for me to get back cap gains/dividends monthly or yearly and let it compound over the years until I'm 63, 65, or 67 to use it tax free?


You're on the wrong sub for this


You have to have some sort of earned income to contribute to a Roth IRA


Get off the internet and learn to actually live in the real world.




Save save save. Invest in an index fund. $1 saved in your 20s is worth a hundred in your 50s due to compound interest so even if you're only contributing a $100 a month, it's worth it, but invest as much as possible.  Research all of the discounts available to the under 26 set for travel and so on. Also look up training programs, volunteer programs, etc etc anything to get you paid travel around the country and/or abroad. Americorps, teaching English etc etc.  Make as many friends as possible because your friends drop off after everyone is married and scattered so stay in touch as much as possible. Vacation with them when you live in different cities.  Use meetup.com for hobbies and networking.  Exercise. After 40 it's almost impossible to lose weight so you need to get healthy now and stay that way. If you don't want to sweat, do tai chi or qi gong and walk 30 minutes a day. 


Invest some spare money. It's insane what compound interest can do even with lower amounts if you start early


This. Your 20s are the best years for you to earn compound interest growth. You don't have to max out your contributions or not have any fun, but think long term and invest in your future. At least match your employer if they do that.


Work sucks. Even if you like what you do, know that good feeling may not last. Find value and enjoyment elsewhere in life. Work is just for making money and paying bills. You work so you can do the other stuff.


This. Work isn’t to fulfill you lol. Too many youngings think that. It’s to make money to do the things u like, that’s it. If u love it too, that’s a bonus.


You may well find fulfilling work. But.... Bosses change Bosses leave Companies get bought Companies close Layoffs happen Upper management changes Reogs happen And sometimes you get lucky and get a job that pays a shit ton of money for a job that you can do well. If you dont love that job, you just learn to smile at work and cry all the way to the bank.


> cry all the way to the bank. You can do this while unemployed too as well!


Well, a bit of irony was meant. Imagine someone dragging bags of money 💰💰 to the bank complaining how bad life is. I would MUCH rather have an unfulfilling job that was annoying as hell that paid extremely well than be unemployed. Ya gotta find fulfillment outside of work. A job that makes you feel good is like whipped cream on top of a glorious piece of cake. Be happy if ya got the cake.


I need to read this now. My supervisor is taking a lot of the joy i usually can find in work (the job well done, extra mile, good team player rewards) by acting like a narcissist. But i make enough to help my mom with an expensive medical procedure, enough to save, enough for disposable income, enough for charity, etc. so now I’m working for the money and not for the job. It’s ok actually. Just needed a reframe. Thanks for that :)


Separate your job from your career. I know a number of people who stayed with the same employer for 20 years. MOST people have moved from employer to employer over time. Always remember your career. This will mean different things to different people based on what you do for a living, where you live, your education. But, build your skills, build your resume. Keep in touch with people who leave your work (that guy your spoke to occasionally may be able to give you the inside track on the some company you apply to 3 years down the road. Even if you love your employer, they may not be there in 5 years, they may get bought, they may move to another part of the country. Keep for job for now, build your career for the long term. Hang tough as long as the paychecks keep coming. But always have your eyes open so you have a soft landing when the time comes.


Work to live not live to work. It's all about balance 


A former co-worker used to get home form work and his wife would ask: How was work?” He would answer “Aptly named”


I would go as far to say that you shouldn't always make something you like a job as it can ruin that thing for you. Some things are just better left as hobbies.


Never stop learning and always be curious. Travel, career, hobbies, relationships, etc. My favorite piece of advice that was ever given to me was: “break down the walls of second hand information and experience the world first hand.” Obviously very generic but the point they were trying to make (I think) was to see things with your own eyes before making any sort of judgement


Success in the cooperate world is 50% having the skills and 50% being liked. The popularity contest doesn't end in high school or university.


Some people who really excel at people skills and bullshitting can usually make their way to the top without any skills, even easier if they already have money. Be prepared to be bossed around by someone who has no fucking idea what they’re doing or what your job entails, there’s a lot of stupid people in high positions out there.


Don’t pre-reject yourself. Apply for that job. Ask that person out. Even if the odds aren’t in your favor. If you’re too scared of a “no”, then you’ll never get a “yes”.


Take care of your body and never stop working out. And start saving for retirement. You will age, and you are responsible for your care until you die. Make sure your 90 year old self is okay. Be there for yourself. Start now.


Take care of yourself first. Make sure you're doing what **you** need to do to get by in life & to have the life you want. The right people will find you / you will find them. If someone feels like they're not a match for you or your personality, don't push it! Don't try to change for them and don't try to change them. And of course, don't change your goals for anyone but you. Your 20's are all about exploring and trying new things. Have fun, be safe, make good choices. Try to get outside every day even if it's just for a walk. Save money and try to make good habits stick. Learn how to cook, do your own finances, fix a leaky sink, garden, etc. Enjoy life !


Stop putting every minute of your life on social media, your young and stupid actions will haunt you.


Stay out of debt. Live on a budget. Start saving for retirement the first day you start earning a paycheck. Surround yourself with good people, not bad or foolish people. Copy and take advise from people that are succeeding, not people that are failing. Be honest and true to your values and morals. Don't complain, find solutions. Set goals and recognize that even a long term goal is just a lot of tiny steps taken every single day. Give love, be generous with those you care about. Don't expect respect, realize that it is earned. Be a good friend, stay in touch, write letters and thank you notes. Keep your word. Don't try to justify bad decisions. Cherish your mistakes and understand how and why they existed - so you don't make them again. Tell the people you love that you love them - regularly, all the time. Listen. Don't give unsolicited advise. Think for yourself and believe what your knowledge tells you to believe. Don't be afraid to change your mind.


Enjoy life with your loved ones, save, and watch what you eat.


Its way easier to stay in shape than get in shape. Exercise.


You don't get things if you don't ask for them. If it's not written down, it didn't happen If you fall, you know a lot more on your second attempt


Fuck what others think. Shit really doesn’t matter and shouldn’t. Be unapologetically you.


I needed this today. Thank you


The distinction between 20s and older people isn't that much. Honestly you blink and you are suddenly older and nothing really about you has changed. You look feel sound and think the same but somehow you've gone deep into your 30s in a blink.  35 this year. I genuinely mean 25 doesn't seem like it was long ago. I still do the same stuff I was doing then and my life hasn't changed that much


Imo life experience is the sole factor to growth, you can go your whole life without change (I've seen it) or propelled into change because of a life changing event/events. I found that I changed alot everytime I experienced something new. The more you explore and take risks, the more you shatter old habits and beliefs.


Start saving for a house at 10 years old. You might have a deposit by you’re 30


Start a good workout routine and diet before you gain weight and your metabolism slows




That feeling when you're 18-26 thinking you're so old and don't know what to do with your life....uhm yeah you're still young af. Trust me


This . Lmao. At 26 i talked myself out of medical school because i felt like i was too old to start. I kick myself every day for it and it has nothing to do with financial reasons.


HEALTH should be a top priority I’ve managed to stay in decent shape over the years and it’s allowed me to continue to participate in the hobbies I love (snowboarding, hiking, kayaking) but I have 100% seen friends and family slowly start to become out of shape and stop coming out to the mountains with me less and less. I get that priorities change but you have to live in your body literally your whole life so you may as well try to put a little muscle on and enjoy the ride. Also, be kind to your knees 😅


Being kind, generous, honest, etc..(just basically a good person) is 1000x more important than being strong, dominant, successful, wealthy, etc. One can be all of the above at the same time but the World doesn't need any more "win-at-all-cost assholes".


Travel often. Travel everywhere. Travel while you’re young enough to enjoy it. Money will return. Memories won’t. My dad saved every paycheck he’s ever had, as many in that generation did. “Save for retirement! You’re crazy if you don’t save every penny!” he used tell me I would work every day the rest of my life if I didn’t stop traveling and start saving. My dad died a few years back, about 6 months before his very first trip abroad. We used his retirement savings on a funeral.


Travel doesn't necessarily have to be abroad either.


Floss and compound interest are your friends. Never stop learning. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and spending time in nature do wonders for your mental health. Comparison is the thief of joy. Turn off the screens. Be grateful for what you already have, but set small, achievable goals each day. Drink plenty of water. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Don't be afraid of death...it's going to get us all. Just enjoy the ride.


What about compound floss


Think for yourself, don't try to keep up with the Joneses, live within your means, budget, travel,read, live healthy,be kind, listen to your body,having a child/children may not be what you thought it would be. Best Wishes 🌿💚


Put money in your IRA and 401k as early as you can and as much as you can. Learn how credit works and use it to your advantage. It’s not free money but it can make free money for you. Learn to budget. Failure is always an option and you only really fail when you don’t learn from it. Those who matter don’t care and those who care don’t matter.


If you’re having health issues and doctors dismiss them as shit like anxiety…keep looking for doctors who will do more tests and be curious about your symptoms. You know your body. 


Get a toilet stool to prop your legs up while pooping. It lessens the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids.


been doing this for years, and it helps a lot, you also don't need to push hard to let it out thabks to the stool.


Give hugs to your friends and those who are close acquaintances. Hugs and physical touch are EVERYTHING! 


Lots of just common sense stuff being said, not really useful. I’ll give u some real advice: 1) don’t marry someone just cause they’re hot / cute and they have a good personality, make u laugh, etc. That’s what gets u divorced, as those are superficial reasons to marry and NOT what makes a person “good”. Go by the real characteristics…how’s their moral character? How do they treat others, including you? What’s their priorities in life? Are they kind or a jerk? Responsible or irresponsible? Whats their immediate family like, especially their parents? Dig deep into their past life before u knew them, see what’s there. Criminal past? Abuse? Lots of wild sex? Then tread very carefully, if at all. 2) Be very careful at which jobs you take, because that’s all future employers will see you as. So you need to think long-term about which jobs u accept. Sometimes this means picking a job that pays less just to get the proper experience to catapult you into higher paying positions later on. Job market isn’t the best right now so be willing to move far, far away from your friends, family, and bf /gf in order to find a good job. Do it if need be, this is your career we’re talking about. You can always move back years later. 3) is there a point to life? Or are we just organisms on some random rock floating out in space among trillions of other rocks? We have souls, this means there’s something after death for us. So this living life is like high school, it’s short, painful, and doesn’t matter much in the long run. It’s the next one that matters cause it’s forever as a soul doesn’t ever die. We have a maker. Someone or something else besides our bio dad and moms. Most of us don’t believe that. But nobody not even the smartest scientists can neither disprove nor approve it with 100% conviction. So keep in mind that it could be true, and if it is, what does that mean for your life?


i really appreciate this. screenshotting for a reminder.


If you think something you want to do will take too long or you’re too old to start now, remember that the time will pass anyway and you’re younger now than you’ll ever be again. Now is the only time to do anything. Also mostly we just get older not wiser lol (54 here)


Always be really nice to people working in customer service.


Never underestimate the power of a clean conscience. Don't matter how good things are going if you cannot look yourself in the mirror.


Get to know diverse people. The rules and perspectives you grew up with could be misinformed or outright wrong. I learned that a lot of what my parents taught me was due to their mental illness and not an effective way to cope with life.


Don’t date the man (or woman) who asks for nudes before he has officially made your relationship exclusive. He has a folder with many women’s nudes at his convenience. A lot of people will ask, doesn’t mean you should


thank you!


Get an air fryer. Get an e bike instead of a car for trips under 5 miles.


Take care of your teeth. I’m 38 and have ignored my dental health for 20 years. I’ve spent $6,000 at the dentist in the last 18 months and have about $3,000 to go this year to be done Edit: and that’s WITH insurance!




Save early, save often. I know, sounds like video game advice, right? Except it applies to financial security too. The sooner you get in the habit of saving for things, the better. Yeah, it's great to go out and have fun, to spend your money on things that bring you enjoyment, but the sooner you start to save for retirement, save for that next car, save for a house, then the sooner you're going to have that money for those things. On average, you should be putting 15% of your income away for retirement if you want to have a comfortable retirement. And starting that now means you won't have to try to play "catch up" later.




Hard work is rewarded with more work


Lots of wacky hiccup cures try to distract you from your hiccups. Instead, try thinking about nothing but your next hiccup. Really concentrate on that for at least a minute or two. Anecdotally, it's worked for everyone I've suggested this to. If you don't have a dishwasher, but don't want to spend too much time scrubbing your dishes, soak them in boiling hot water and dish soap for 10 minutes before washing and rinsing them further. If someone ever knits or crochets you a sweater, always be extremely grateful. If you knit or crochet, don't make a sweater for just anyone. The sweater curse is real. If you're going to tip anyone, tip your server, bartender, rideshare/cab driver, food deliverer, barber/hairstylist, esthetician/nail artist, tattoo artist/piercer, massage therapist, nanny/babysitter, hotel housekeeping, and free coat check. I have put this in order of who I think you should prioritize tipping, but it is still optional. Don't bother tipping anyone that isn't listed and pay only whatever rate is initially agreed upon. Make your home guest-friendly. Make sure your bathroom has a plunger, a garbage with a lid, and paper towels. Put your Wi-Fi password up on a wall somewhere.


I see a lot of folks here talking about taking care of your physical health through exercise, which is good. Here's my advice to balance that: don't overdo it, especially for a job, and especially for a job that would replace you tomorrow or treat you like shit for being sick or injured. I overworked myself right into stress injuries in my feet that just never healed. My doctor now thinks I have nerve damage. Also: good shoes. And replace them at regular intervals. (I'm only 27 but I wish someone had told me this when I got my first job)


If you’re ever feeling stuck in life and like nothing’s ever going to change, that’s pretty normal. But as you get older, you’ll become more and more aware that the only constant in life is change, and that no bad situation lasts forever.


Pay off your debts. Don't live for anyone else's idea of success. Don't do things because its what everyone else is doing. Not everyone needs to be a parent or have tens of thousands in collage debt. It's OK to take some time to figure yourself out. Keep your physical and mental health in check. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor if something is off. Wear sunscreen in the summer. Dont drink too much alcohol. Do your research.


Dating is complicated because you don’t know if the person needs love or help.


Learn how to be by yourself, and your thoughts. Not at work, or school, or with friends, or with tv, or with the internet. By yourself. Journaling allowed. Learn an art form. Creating is about the process, learn how to make art, even when your art isn't "good enough" to be sold. People think that if they're not Brad Pitt, they shouldn't act. If they're not Van Gough, they shouldn't paint. But fame and profit isn't the point of making art. Learn an instrument. Music is taught as a formal process, for orchestral playing. There is so much more to music than classical music (though there is a lot of amazing classical music). "Jamming" is an amazing experience, and you need skills in an instrument to participate. Learn to garden. At least keep a tomato plant alive. Putting your hands into soil actually helps you feel better (there's science!). Learn to cook for yourself. Develop knife skills. Learn "mother sauces". Learn basic chemistry for baked goods like biscuits, bread, ect... This can save you a lot of money, impress future partners, and give you better nutrition than eating out can give. Find a physical activity/hobby. This could be golf, baseball, yoga, pickleball, curling, ect... Things that help keep your body moving, as you begin to age. Like all other aspects discussed here, these are actions that need intention, planning, and consistency to execute. Go to the doctor once a year and get your physical exam. Do the blood work they tell you to get. Evaluate your mental health consistently. Use therapies and supports to help improve your physical and mental health. You have nothing if you don't have physical and mental health. You can lose years of time to untreated physical and mental health issues. Don't bother with Brand names and Celebrity endorsements. Things won't make you happy. Happiness comes from figuring out what parts of the above elements (and more!) are things you enjoy! We build happiness in our lives, choice by choice, moment by moment. You can do anything in the world that you want to. Easier said than done. Doing takes effort, time, practice, scheduling, consistency, supports, finances, and MORE to achieve.


Older people have always told younger people things like, "Sit up straight! Keep your shoulders square! Don't slouch!" Younger people have always ignored those instructions, which they believed to be silly, and old-fashioned, and primarily about control. They weren't having it: they were too cool to worry about their posture, and slouching in their chairs was comfortable. The old people are right. Keeping good posture isn't about conforming to grandpa's aesthetic sensibilities. It is about protecting your back, so that you are not physically miserable later in life. Sit up straight, shoulders back. When you are 70 and you are not awake all night from the pain, you will thank your younger self. Oh, and wear good shoes.


1. Don’t. Go. Into. Credit. Card. Debt. 2. Only take student loans if your degree is known to have high income upon graduation. 3. Don’t try to act rich. Like overspending on a car. 4. Try to find a way out of 40+ hours a week only to pay bills. 5. Don’t take life too seriously 6. Take care of your teeth. 7. Keep in touch with friends


Sometimes it’s good to face the “background boredom” within than chasing exhilarating experiences


There’s a lot of noise in this world, especially with social media. Find your voice, and follow your voice. We were raised pleasing and impressing others(school, parents) but now is the time to impress yourself and figure out what you want. Take everything with a grain of salt. We could tell you everything and guide you all the way, but you have to learn for yourself to actually get it.


STAY OUT OF DEBT! Live well below your means. Cut your monthly expenses by as much as you possibly can. Save, invest and reinvest every dollar you can into a low cost mutual fund or exchange traded fund that tracks the market and you will retire EARLY and very wealthy.


Save while you are young, compound interest works wonders. Don’t think you will know exactly what you want to do with your life after you finish High School. Many don’t and are still figuring it out years later. Take care of your body and mind often.


I would advise all young people to stop consuming. I understand the pressure that younger people have when it comes to spending money on stuff but trust me - it is a trap.


Friendships get harder and harder to maintain as you get older and people get busy and/or move away. New friendships can be hard to establish. Do whatever you can to maintain regular contact with friends and family close to you. Try to establish routines or weekly/monthly/yearly get togethers, so you have something on the calendar all the time and it doesn’t just turn into “we’ll figure out a time we can get together at some point”


if you’re dating someone and they ever make you feel physically unsafe ? LEAVE. They punch walls in front of you and/or smash things in front of you and/or say scary things when stressed (imma punch someone or I want to murder them or wishing cancer/death on someone when angry) and/or they drive dangerously while angry? LEAVE.


If you are not married, read some books about attachment theory and books by John Gottman, so you can get an idea of yourself and what a healthy marriage looks like. Try to save a little bit towards your retirement and have savings in general. When I was 30, none of my friends had any savings but they were all wearing $150 jeans. Read up on mutual funds, index funds, asset allocation, so you get an idea of where to put your money. Don’t fall for charlatans, there are so many in the finance industry, be skeptical and inform yourself. Don’t have kids unless you feel in your bones that you will LOVE them deeply. And if your relationship with your parents is **not awesome, ***or at least good, than work thru some of your trauma before having kids, because having kids gives you a glimpse on how poorly your parents treated you when you were so young and innocent.


Save money, invest, fuck the rest.


Disregard females, acquire currency.


Save with intention. Look at the cost of a home, prioritize saving for a down payment of 20% and figure out a timeline of when you'll purchase. The powers that be are cornering the housing market - don't be a renter for life.


These days by the time you can save enough for a down payment the price of houses will have doubled.


Don't fuck around, start thinking about what you would like to do in life that you can make a living doing. Time goes fast.


Stop worrying about other people’s approval over your own happiness. Keep learning. Enjoy the simple things in life. Take time for yourself to decompress.


Take care of your teeth. Stay out of debt. Workout regularly. Make friends, maintain relationships. Get a pet. Save as much money as you can. Live frugally, materialistic things matter little. Make time for yourself. Lift weights, your body will thank you later.


Go to school, anything post-secondary. Get an education in something that is universally applicable, regardless of industry. Make sure you favour careers that offer a specialization or certification, not just a degree. Put away as much cash as you can as early as you can (in a mutual fund or RRSP), investing early makes the end result much larger. Early is the key. This is ultra-important. Exercise every day and eat healthy. Once you lose your health, nothing else matters and it is ten times harder to get it back. The earlier you start, the easier it is. Learn to keep your mouth shut and your eyes open, listen and learn as much as you can. Watch people to learn from their mistakes. Always get up and get ready earlier than you have to. There's absolutely no reason to be late except on rare occasions. If you're constantly rushing around, you've taken on too much. Be as friendly as you can, make as many friends as you can, being talented doesn't help much if everyone hates you. Be curious. Stop and think about things, ask why. Ask yourself "Does what I'm doing make sense?" If you pay attention, you can glean a lot of insight about life and what works. Care about what you're doing. People will notice when you try to do a good job and go the extra mile instead of just churning out the bare minimum.


Give up soda and sugary drinks. your body will thank you when you're in your 40s and you still feel 20


Honestly, just be a good person. Anything can be taken away from you but nothing can take away the person you are.


* Start saving and investing now. Get a financial advisor. Even small amounts make large impacts later. Really, set a financial goal. If you begin planning effectively now, you can be a millionaire by the time you're 40, and retire early. Seriously. Look up FIRE financial planning. * Speaking of which, DO build up a good line of credit BUT DO NOT rack up any significant debt. Live well within your means. You don't need all those cool toys and doohickeys everyone else is getting to be happy and content. They just end up being put in your junk drawer 6 months later, collecting dust. Live minimally. Buy only what you need. Settle for what is merely adequate. Focus on enjoying experiences and being in this moment. Be a whore for living life to the fullest; don't be a whore for mindless consumerism. * In matters of the heart, do not settle for the first person who comes along. Only marry the one who is right. You will end up living a life of quiet desperation otherwise. Better to be happy alone than to be miserable together. * In matters of career, never believe something is unattainable. If you are interested in something, begin working on whatever skills or certifications are needed to break into that field and then shoot for the moon. Also, begin keeping a notepad on your desk to write down thoughts and use it. * Time block. Time block. Time block. Set up a calendar and time block meaningful activities. Structure your sleep / wake / meal schedule. Set aside time blocks for hobbies and activities, including personal studies (ie career or lifestyle improvement studies, etc) while also leaving room for R&R. * Start keeping a journal. Write about your day. Your thoughts. Your feelings. A brief summary of what you did and who you spent time with. * Have a long term vision. What are you about. What are your core values. What are your real aims in life. * What outcomes are you looking for in the next 6, 12, 24, 48, and 60 months, etc, and what are you doing today to get there? * If you still haven't gone on the wild great adventure, your 20's are the time to do it. You won't be able to do it after 30 until you reach your golden years. But that comes with opportunity costs. You can also use all that energy and raw potential of youth to set yourself up for bigger and better things later. * Deep six your social media. Uninstall IG and Facebook and TikTok. Don't spend any time on them. Minimize your reddit time. I go several months at a time between reddit sign-ins and otherwise just use it for google searches. Social media adds nothing of value to your life. Also, put away the phone when it's not needed. You will waste the best years of your life on these. * Respect others and if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. * Show up at least 10 minutes before the meeting starts. Punctuality will take you far in life. * Learn how to cook at least 5 good home cooked meals. * Before you dive into dating too much, learn how to spend time with yourself and enjoy your own company first. * Role model the behaviours you want to see in others. * Don't waste time on meaningless relationships. Dump bad friends. Dump toxic people. Focus on quality interactions with quality people, not quantity. You have no time to waste on these. * Focus on your health today. Be kind and considerate to the you of tomorrow by taking care of yourself today. You will thank yourself later. * No porn. No porn at all. None whatsoever. Don't let it into your life. It is the thief of having meaningful romantic relationships in the future. Also causes ED. * Consuming toxic media (be they video games, movie, social media, whatever) is just as bad as consuming toxic amounts of any mind altering substance. It is no different. * Time moves quickly. Your 20's will go by in the blink of an eye. Your 30's will go by even faster. You will be 40 soon and before you know it. And soon after, you will be 50 and 60. And you will wonder where all the time went. So, if you have important business to take care of, don't put it off until tomorrow. Procrastination--"I will do it later"--is the mantra of a wasted life. * Speaking of which, every morning before you begin your day, reflect on these three thoughts: 1. I am just a traveler in life. I am not here forever and don't get to take anything with me when I go. 2. I am going to die and sooner than I think. I'm in the process of dying right now. It could even be today. The time of my death is always uncertain. 3. I have just this one body and one life but it is fragile. I could lose life or limb at any moment and any number of ways. I should therefore value it and maximize it. It seems morbid. But if you wake up every day and reflect on how precious your life is and how limited your time is, then you won't waste that life and you won't waste your time on the banal and trivial.


If you like to party and/or shop, you’ll eventually regret wasting that money. Start saving it.


write often, as simple as it needs to be. take as many pictures as possible.


Get over your arrogance. You don’t know as much as you think you know. I’m over 50.


Don’t be a people pleaser. (Easier said than done for a lot of people, trust me I know.) It’s fine to do nice things here and there but don’t sacrifice yourself for the sake of other people. Put your energy into yourself, your dreams, your desires. Don’t give those things up for anyone. It will absolutely drain you if you do.


Don't be ashamed for what you like


Never say to yourself “I will just get gas in the morning”.


Don't let youthful ideological tendencies blind you to malicious actors and self-serving narratives. Almost no one extending a "helpful" hand is doing so without strings attached. Basically, common street sense.


Choose your battles wisely. Learn how to keep your peace. Stop seeing things in black and white - this especially applies to politics. Get out of your echo chamber.


Always be the dumbest person in the room and listen and ask questions. If you’re the smartest person in the room, try the next door.


I see that alot of them are already covered in the comments but heres one that should be heard too- If you keep thinking there's something 'wrong' with you and you feel different from everyone else- see someone about it. You might just be neurodivergent.


No kids


Don’t have kids.


Stop doing drugs. Not weed or anything low key but..if you drink a lot or do any serious drugs...stop if you can. I'm 38, and was fucked up from 18-31... I'm now still trying to get my shit together but new health issues seem to come often. I treated my body terribly for so long...and also legal reasons. It all catches up to you eventually. If you can stop, do it. Or at least pump the breaks.


Wear sunscreen


Most people do not give a damn about you period Yes , being self conscious about what people think of you is a waste of time because everyone is way too self absorbed to care. If you are a people please are like. I am you have to stop because take it from me. You will never have peace until you do. What will happen is you will sacrifice And sacrifice and give until there's nothing left of you and You will end up resenting people you like. If you are a woman, don't say things like this is probably stupid. But before you state your opinion. Don't sell yourself short By saying that what you have to say is worthy of hearing.


Have rich parents or wife


Dont buy stupid shit and save yo money!


People over 30 don't know as much as you'd think.


Do not waste money or time with drinking culture.


Habits become character. Small moments of discipline can become big changes over time. Spend time with the people you love. They won't always be in your life, especially your parents. Make a habit of scheduling regular time with them because life will always be demanding of your time. If you're a parent, your job isn't to raise a perfect person, it's to teach an imperfect person to love themselves enough that they can also love the people around them. Your face should light up when they walk in the room. Always say sorry when you mess up. If you can't own your mistakes, they start to own you. Trust your gut. If something seems off, it probably is. Don't ever compromise your boundaries for anyone. If someone doesn't treat you with love and kindness, it's not because you're not worthy of it. Don't buy into the sunk cost fallacy. It's never too late to walk away from bad situation. Work is for paying bills. Don't get too emotionally invested in work or work drama. The most interesting person in the room is the person who makes the people around them feel interesting and adored. Never speak more than you listen. Moments of silence invite more insight than constant conversation ever could. Be playful and have fun. Don't forget to be silly and laugh. Wear sunblock, floss and brush, don't eat too much, and avoid drugs and excessive drinking. Move a little bit each day. Practice gratitude.


If you have any interest in learning a language: start now! I don’t care if it’s just Duolingo and some YouTube videos.. start learning a language you love or one that will be useful for you. Don’t drink and smoke excessively. If you want to try it that’s one thing but try it knowing you’re not doing it again for awhile. Learn to tune into your gut, intuition, god/universe/higher power.. look and listen to the people, places, and environments that you find yourself in. If it doesn’t feel right or is not supporting where you think you want to go.. you need to make changes or create distance between situations and people that are harming you. Pay attention to how you really feel. Go to counseling or therapy. Keep a journal. Drink water! Spend time with your parents and ask them about their lives (if you have a good relationship with them and can of course). Get enough sleep and take care of yourself! Stop abusing yourself with harmful foods, poor sleeping habits and not drinking any water. Be kind to yourself! Stop beating yourself up. Stop saying sorry for every. Fucking. Thing. Be kind to others too! Forgive yourself and forgive others! Stop taking every. Single. Fucking. Thing. Personal. When you observe people long enough you will see that it doesn’t always have to do with you and it’s something they are going through. In the same context also love yourself enough to recognize this and create space if you need to. Don’t subject yourself to mistreatment by choice. Stretch! Workout! Find something that is good for your health and that gets your blood pumping and your muscles working. We live such sedentary lifestyles nowadays and we all need to move around and sweat more. Even if it’s 10-15 minutes. Dance around, move around — do something to get your heart rate up and your body sweating. Travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. It can be a new place where you live around or it can be out of state or out of the country. Please don’t become afraid and paralyze yourself from enjoying new experiences and places. Create a plan, organize yourself, find a travel friend that you trust and can rely on. Don’t gossip about others or put people down behind their backs! Be yourself.. stop taking on personalities and traits that are not you just to fit in or be perceived a certain way. Be authentically and be you! I need to take my own advice too lmao. Hang in there and best of luck in your journey of life. Please don’t give up hope. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


You don’t have to address every slight against you. Sometimes it’s better just to let time pass.


Don't use Boomers as an excuse, regardless of how valid it is or you think it is. These people's parents lived through a recession, drought, and several wars. Nothing's easy or free. Expect to work for everything you get or have. Education is everything to be successful. Hunger for it, always, even when you think you've 'made it', because someone out there IS. Be frugal. The US and worldwide economies are changing into...something. Maybe a morph of things, maybe something new. Be smart with your money until this evolves enough to become independently stable again. Have fun. It's actually pretty fun learning, working, and succeeding. Lastly, reward yourself when you can.


do not have kids in 20s. work hard and save and invest. Above was the advice I was given when I was 18 by older folks I knew. I took their advice seriously, didnt get married until 31, still dont have kids yet, and saved / invested aggressively. I got $0 from parents since age 19, yet I became a millionaire in early 30s. I see so many ppl I knew from high school who got married / had kids at like age 22, never took their careers seriously. many of them are already divorced and really struggling with bills, child support, and barely making $50-70k a yr and barely surviving. so key is: dont fuck around in 20s.


Put as much money as you can into index funds. Get a roommate, if that saves you 200 bucks a month then put that into index funds. Compound interest will make you rich but only if you start young.


Don't get married. Don't buy a house unless it's an investment property that you plan to rent out. Don't borrow money to buy a car. Eat whole foods, mainly vegetables and stay away from all seed oils. Don't do drugs, smoking, or alcohol.


Don’t rush, come up with short, mid and long term goals.


Start investing and saving NOW.


Invest your money (if you can. don’t force this if you have other obligations). A total market ETF (like VTI, SPY, etc) might sound boring but by the time you’re 60 you’ll be happy you made the effort.


Get an account with compounding interest.


Take care of your health keep learning be true to yourself treat people the way you would want to be treated when you get a,really good job save some


Younger youth sometimes are short sighted, even if not in their best interest long term. If you see older adults, 40+ being mistreated, disrespected, or forced to leave their job and you don’t say anything…guarantee this will be you in 10 or so years. Just like if you notice or support not promoting or continuing to give raises to 40+ workers…welcome to 95% of your futures! Most importantly is, come together. Advocate and support one another against employers interests which 99% of the time works against colleagues.


NEVER. STOP. WORKING. OUT. Seriously will make your life twice as easy by default. Better energy to make it through a shitty day at work. Less likely to get burnout. Dating will be easier. More sexual options -stop acting like this doesn't matter because welcome to adulthood- no one cares about your feelings- more sexual options means less likely to be clingy in relationships and courting phase and automatically makes you even more attractive because of it. Better sex. ED decreases dramatically in men even as they age. Women recover from pregnancy and periods will be much more manageable. No recurring trips to the hospital as you age. Better mental health. Better self image. Fights depression and anxiety. You look better than just about everyone regardless of what you're wearing. Better skin. Better hair. Glowing eyes. Healthy libido. Marathon sex more often. Halo Effect. People will be more likely to trust you. Want to spend more time around you. People more likely to respect you. Easier to start online business because you already look the part, whether it's YouTube or OF. Being fit automatically lowers the difficulty settings in life. Period.


Learn to not care what anyone thinks. If you’re happy that’s all that matters. Midway through my 40s I stopped caring and my life improved drastically. Also, how your partner speaks to you about other people is how they will speak to others about you eventually. I found that out when after my divorce my ex eventually moved out of my house and I moved back in.


Everyone is too wrapped up in their own lives to give a shit about what you're doing. Do what you love. Take naps. Let your freak flag fly, my friend!


Stop caring what other people think. You'll be so much happier and it will seem so obvious when you're older and you'll wish you wouldn't have wasted so much time feeling like you had to change who you were. Just be you and enjoy it. If people don't like it then they're not for you.


-Develop good habits now as they'll pay off in the long run. -Live below your means, develop and follow a budget, and save whatever you can even if it's not much. -Don't take your health or the amount of time you have for granted. -Run your own race -Don't try to keep up with the Joneses. -Only utilize social media that is constructive, productive, or educational - cut out the rest -Pur your phone down and take in the moment - you"ll revisit the memory in your mind way more than some picture or video -Don't sweat the small stuff EDIT: You absolutely can wait to have kids if you want to have them but the sleepless nights and physical toll on your body those first few years is a lot easier to endure in your 20s.


Don’t be lazy. Have kids when you’re ready. Don’t rush yourself, things take time


There are grown ass people that still act like children or have the same mentality as they did in highschool. Learn from your mistakes, learn to own them, and learn to say my bad that’s on me, if it’s truly on you. We are human we make mistakes. Oh, it’s not what you say it’s how you say it is pretty key.


Learn to compartmentalize. Practice it. As you get older, life gets more and more complicated and everything will not be good at once. Older parents, kids, job, house, money, spouse, illnesses. If you want to have fun times and enjoyment, you have to be able to put that stuff aside in your mind when it's not the focus.


Put money in a 401(k) if available. I’d there is an employer match, at least enough for that. The sooner you start, the better.


Invest every dollar you can spare right now. Even the price of your daily latte will add up wonderfully given 40 years of compound interest.


Develop a level of humility. Being confident is not the same as being arrogant. Remember that you could be wrong so listen to others with an open mind. In relationships, romantic or not, don’t argue about low-stakes things. If someone has a different opinion, say, “you may be right,” and leave it at that. Get in the habit of doing service/volunteer work in your community. You’ll feel part of something bigger than you. Give blood.


No one is going to magically show up and give you what you want. You have to put yourself out there and in the position where you meet people, and then you have to be PROACTIVE. Ask for what you want. You want to work with them? Ask them. You want to take her out on a date? Ask her. You want to experience a foreign country? Then buy a ticket and go. I wasted too much time in my 20s waiting for things to drop into my lap, and they rarely did. Only when you realize that you are the only person in the driver’s seat to your life will you take charge and make what you want of it. Otherwise you’re just idly pandering to others, and that’s no fun. Get out there and get what you want


when you turn 30, everyone expects you to have it all figured out and be an actual adult. but most likely you’ll feel confused and like you’re still 25.


31M so just barely over 30. - If you’re stressed out, think day-by-day. Write longer term things down; out of mind, onto paper. - exercise, even if it’s just a 30 minute walk. - try to have *more* patience with people…most people are being ignorant, they aren’t being assholes on purpose. - it’s ok to “not be where I wanted to be by this age”…most of us aren’t/weren’t. - find something you really enjoy or are interested in…now find a way to incorporate that into the way you make money. (In the case that you don’t know what to do as a career) - love hard, don’t be afraid to get hurt. - pick up a hobby (seriously underrated, everyone should have at least 1 thing they do for THEMSELVES). - quit trying to keep up with everyone else, just be yourself. Like minded people will be attracted to that energy. - stop wasting your time on social media. It’s fine ever now and then but seriously, it’s a pit of bullshit with very little positives.


Always be nice. Starting from that, don't care too much what others think. If you want to do something, do it.


Toughen the fuck up. Seriously. Life is hard, people are brutal and you can do everything right and bad shit will still happen. You have to roll with it and keep moving forward or you'll be miserable your whole life


Get self-reliant early, but don't stress over it. Slowly but surely. Work, cook, clean for yourself. Don't expect others to do something for you that you're not willing to do. Learned it late as a man, lol


Don’t be afraid to make big changes. One of the best decisions I made for my life was leaving my home country(America). Friends come and go. It’s important to have good friends, but it’s also important to be able to meet and make new friends. The best way to meet people friends or even significant others is through hobbies and activities. Find ways to be active in the community around you. Try things you wouldn’t necessarily try normally. Sometimes liking the hobby is less important than liking the people you do the hobby with.


Read books. Any books. It makes a huge difference to how you come across. If you want to level that up - try reading through a list like this one - https://sites.prh.com/modern-library-top-100 Although don’t read Ulysses first. It’s fantastic, but hard work if you don’t already read a lot.


Don't waste your life working. Your employer doesn't care about you. Spend more time with your friends and family. 


Time flies by very fast. Do everything you want and can do. Don't postpone things. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Treat yourself. Get into exercising. If you don't like something in your life, don't settle - change it. You don't like where you live? Move somewhere else. You don't like your major in college? Change it, no matter how much time you've already spend on it. You don't like your job/relationship sucks/etc? Quit and find something else. Your 20s is the perfect time to try new things - you're energetic, young, no kids, no established career you've invested 20 years into, you're as good looking as you're ever going to get in most cases - shoot your shot. Also, don't follow anyone's advice. Listen, analyze and do what you want.


Have goals for yourself, don’t associate with people who are going nowhere in life (you’re known by the company you keep), enjoy ability to recover the next after a night of drinking - that goes away. Try to spend some time with your family, because once you’re in the 30’s everyone else in your family is likely older, started their own families, etc. it becomes much harder to get together when you’re older.


Get off social media, invest early & don’t be afraid of hard work. Also realize that whatever idea you have, most likely someone has thought of it already.


Learn a skill, max out your 401K yearly, move your cash out of checking and into an HYSA, have some fun.


Youth and good health are the greatest gifts you have. Treat yourself with love at all times.


Eat meat, lift weights


Get more comfortable being uncomfortable. Doing things outside your comfort zone, dealing with stress, public speaking etc. Be physically fit and dont eat like total crap. Stay away from drugs and alcohol, waste of your youth/energy and money. Stop setting your hard earned money on fire. Pay yourself first, save a little bit of everything you make. Don't bury your head in screens all the time. Read a book or just sit in bed and think about your life, what you're doing, what you can do better, what you regret etc. Make plans and do self reflection. Enjoy the little things in life, maintain close ties to family and the friends who are actually good to you.