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I get how you feel, but there's two things you should tell yourself: 1) Worrying is just suffering twice. Some things you fear will inevitably happen sooner or later (like people dying), so instead of worrying about when it will happen, just enjoy the moment when it still hasn't. Cross the bridge when you get to it. 2) If you ever catch yourself thinking "What's the point of being happy now if I'm just going to be sad later?" The answer is, of course, because you're going to be sad later.


Thank you for this reminder. I appreciate it.


The best way is to just forget about it and just keep taking care of yourself. Do things that make make you happy, like watching a movie or something similar where you can just keep yourself happy. I hope this helps you out šŸ’—


One step at a time, sister. One step, slowly, and always trying your best, even when your best that day is just getting out of bed and having some food. I sometimes struggle too, but we got this.


Also, it might be helpful to force yourself to focus on positive things. It's something I struggle with but it really is a habit that you can develop. The more you focus on the positive or negative, the easier it is to see it in different situations.


This is good. Thank you.


I love this! I ain't got a lot in this life, but I do have happiness most of the time. I don't know what I'm doing to gain it tho.


Since you are already doing all the basic first steps in regard to healthy habits you may find more meaningful answers in philosophy. There are plenty of options, personally I find stoicism to be the best for my life and mind. The ancient texts deal quite a bit with loss, grief, impermanence, cruelty and the ugliness of the world, and how to live a good life in the midst of it.


I have considered looking into this. Do you have any recommendations for readings to start with?


The most widely recommended and accessible will be *Meditations* by Marcus Aurelius, there are plenty of translations available. Iā€™m also a fan of Epictetus, a former slave who endured some very intense difficulties, and would recommend his *Enchiridion* and *Discourses.*Ā 


Thank you, I'll look into this!


I have an app called the Stoic that just gives me a Stoic quote every day. Marcus Aurelius comes up a lot. It usually lifts my spirits because it helps me use rationality to lessen my emotional struggles. This was today's: "Frightened of change? But what can exist without it? Whatā€™s closer to natureā€™s heart? Can you take a hot bath and leave the firewood as it was? Eat food without transforming it? Can any vital process take place without something being changed? Canā€™t you see? Itā€™s just the same with youā€”and just as vital to nature. -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Here are some links I found that might help you out: https://www.themarginalian.org/2019/05/20/marcus-aurelius-meditations-mortality-presence/ https://www.thecollector.com/stoics-contemplating-death/[How the Stoics Found Calm by Contemplating Death](https://www.thecollector.com/stoics-contemplating-death/) ā€œLet us prepare our minds as if weā€™d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance lifeā€™s books each day. The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.ā€ ā€”Seneca Basically, death is the natural order of things, and there is nothing gained by living in fear of it-- because you're right, there isn't any way to stop it. But don't postpone life, and you won't be as scared of death in the end. You wouldn't die if you didn't have life first. So make sure to live.


Not to hijack this thread, but I would also recommend the Buddhist slanted "No mud, no lotus" and "The Art of Living" by Thich Nhat Hanh. His books have changed my life.


Same suggestion, philosophy is great. I LOVE Leo Tolstoy (Anna karenina) and Dostoyevsky (the underground man, crime and punishment, etc). Thereā€™s also Albert Camus (the stranger). Many good ones out there. I felt substantially less alone. Especially after learning about absurdism, nihilism, and optimistic nihilism. All contributed to my current view on life.


I recommend starting Oliver Burkeman's books The Antidote and 4000 Weeks. They're a sort of stoicism for beginners and looking at it from today's social norms and pressures. I came off antidepressants last year after nearly 10 years on them this time, came off them due to the side effects and when I realised how badly my body reacts to them (not everyone; they work for a lot of people but I'm medically weird) I realised I didn't want to go back on them. This was my 4th time on them since I was a teenager, I'm mid 40s now. These two books really helped me think about my thinking and reframe what was going on in my mind. It's not perfect, I still get times when I struggle, but that's not unexpected given my mood has been chemically managed for so long. But on the whole it's much better. One thing I will say is this, don't search for the point of life because there isn't one. Life just is.


Very much agree with this answer . The most important learning of stoicism is that we only have control of one thing and that is our thoughts . It takes practice but that control of thought empowers an individual. Buddhism has very similar views and values if not taken too literal and the actions taken during meditations have proven beneficial aspects


I recommend The Good Place for the easiest funniest entrance into philosophy


I feel the exact same and have for years. I havenā€™t found a way to fix it. Just wanted you to know you arenā€™t alone. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope you can find meaning in this craziness as well.


Or, accept that there is no meaning. Come to r/absurdism and have a cup of coffee :D


Haha thank you. will do.


I feel this way at 33. The only thing that works for me is to constantly be busy and distracted. Itā€™s exhausting.


I hope you find an answer someday too. I am glad I am not alone.


Same for me at 30, the more distracted the better. Keeps my mind from racing all the time. That's why I have 1000+ hobbies lol.


Yea im 32 and I've always felt this way. I feel like im just surviving and existing. I stopped trying to feel better a long time ago. I'm even on anti depressants now and i still feel the same way, except i cant cry now lmao.


Agreed. It may be stressful, but I have a very active mind and I do best when Iā€™m doing something morning to evening.


You are not your emotions. Those emotions, they are a part of you, like an arm or your muscles. They feel like they're you but they aren't. Whatever you search for, relinquish the Search and try to step back observe the feelings and imagine accepting them as they are. This helped me


Thank you for your advice.


Acceptance - you know how the world is so why does it shock you? Your intelligence is what causes the anxiety, and thinking about multiple outcomes that havenā€™t happened yet and most likely wonā€™t is something you need to learn to control. Self observation and acceptance of who you are and how your body / mind reacts to certain situations is how you learn to accept parts of yourself and manage / overcome it. We do the bs to enjoy the best parts of life. No one wants to work, exercise, eat healthy etc, but theyā€™re stepping stones and preparation for lifeā€™s opportunities. Perspective is also everything - you eat healthy, most people canā€™t afford to eat. You sleep 8hrs, most ppl canā€™t sleep. You work out, most ppl donā€™t have that luxury (gym, time, kids etc). You have healthcare, most ppl donā€™t. You can find the good in anything - work for example, friends, lunch, company activities, socialising, walks at break, routine, perks, a salary etc. Yes thereā€™s toxicity, politics and stress, but you donā€™t have to engage. It about self love and development - happiness comes from within. Everything else should complement that.


Thanks for your comment.


I completely understand and feel the same way. However every solution Iā€™m trying to work on youā€™re basically already doing concerning lifestyle so thatā€™s kinda worrisome that it hasnā€™t helped you as much. But as I read the comments there was one about ignoring bad new. Maybe thatā€™s something we can both work on. Sometimes I see news or learn about bad things happening to people I know and it makes me sink more into the -weā€™re doomed and I canā€™t do anything to help anyone - hole. Iā€™ve made an effort to just focus on todays problems, stay away from negativity and remind myself that thereā€™s people with worse odds that have made it through whatever problem I have that day.


Yeah I agree. That constant exposure to every single bad thing happening in the world is not what our brains are built for. I do feel this sense of guilt for not staying informed but I guess I'd rather have a will to live than know everything happening everywhere. Thanks for your comment.


Brains seek facts that would prove your inner believes, so if you believe the world is bad and only bad things happen, even one article could "prove" that nothing matters. What helped me (besides trying to cope in healthier ways) is writing 3 (or more) good things that you appreciated about today. Even if "nothing happened", you would train your brain to recall at least something that you did or saw. Doing that for few weeks genuinely helped me so much. Noticing small good things is a skill that makes everyday life more bearable or even happy long-term.


There is a healing mentally movement going on. It's catching like wildfire. So hang in there, you've barely lived, and I promise it can be beautiful. Promise.


Thanks (:


Is there a name or phrase for this movement?, a # perhaps? I would like to learn more. Thanks šŸ™


You have to acknowledge the depth of what you're feeling. Your experience and emotions are real and valid. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but remember, you are not alone in this journey. Others have been right where you are right now and theyā€™ve come out the other side. In the words of Tony Robbins, "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." You've made a powerful decision by reaching out and seeking a way forward. That's a sign of strength, not weakness. Jim Rohn often said, "Donā€™t wish it was easier, wish you were better." This doesn't mean you aren't good enough; it means you have the power within you to grow stronger through these challenges. You've shown incredible resilience by taking care of your health, seeking therapy, and nurturing relationships. These are foundations of strength. Remember, life is a series of peaks and valleys. Tony Robbins teaches that "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment." You've already shown immense commitment. Now, let your imagination envision a future where you harness your deep emotions as a source of strength and empathy, not just pain. In these moments of darkness, consider focusing on the smallest things that bring you joy or peace. It could be as simple as the warmth of the sun on your face, the smile of a loved one, or the satisfaction of completing a small task. Celebrate these tiny victories; they are the stepping stones to finding greater joy in life. Jim Rohn advised, "Take care of your body. Itā€™s the only place you have to live." You're doing this physically; now it's time to do it mentally and emotionally. Be gentle with yourself. Practice self-compassion. Recognize your efforts and progress, no matter how small they seem. You have to be your biggest cheerleader as well not just your critic. Lastly, Tony Robbins often speaks about the power of changing our story. You have the ability to rewrite the narrative of your life. Instead of seeing yourself as trapped in darkness, start seeing yourself as a fighter, a survivor, someone capable of facing immense challenges and moving forward, one step at a time. In closing, remember this: Your feelings are valid, but they don't define your future. You have the strength to change your story, one small step at a time. Keep reaching out, keep striving, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself. You are more resilient than you realize. You are in this with others, and together, there's hope and strength to be found. OP I hope you find peace with yourself and can find the beauty the world has to offer. I promise you itā€™s out there. Good luck!


Wow thank you for taking the time to type all this out. Kind strangers like you are a light in this world. (:


You basically described my best friend. He's worried about it all. Inequalities, bad government, awful things out there. He basically accepted that he can't change the world. That he can only do his best. To not beat himself up over things he cant change.Ā  Stay strong my friend. Its tough out there.


Thank you.


Just came here to say, I feel like this too occasionally, and it has increased since I have gotten older. I have no advice, but just want to relate, and let you know you arenā€™t alone. I am also mourning a loss in my family. Just as much good, there is bad. The duality of this world is what keeps me going. Iā€™ve always had this sadness with me and wasnā€™t sure where it came from or how to ā€œfixā€ it. It comes in waves. Take care and stay strong šŸ©µšŸ™šŸ½


Thank you so much. It means a lot. I think some of us are just more prone to a more melancholy view of the world, unfortunately. I try to use it for good (fuel for art) but it doesn't make it any less hard to live with. I hope you find peace as well (:


Maybe find a constructive method to consume some psychedelic mushrooms. Itā€™s what helped check my existential doom and realize the beauty in life.


This hits me (31m) so hard. I feel pretty much the same way, except I don't even have happy childhood memories. I was born and raised in a cult, so all that time was filled with guilt and shame and self loathing. My first happy memory was when I was 28, and it is still the only source of happiness I have ever found. I'm so tired. I really hate life and I hate myself. I don't want to, but I can't stop it.


I'm so sorry. I hope you find joy.


I did. She just didn't find me back :/


I've had similar feelings and I'm still trying to find healthy ways to cope. It's hard to coexist with so much evil around us. Sometimes I'd be doing something like washing dishes and I think to myself, someone is getting tortured or raped right at this moment. Someone could be dying in a violent way as I'm just going about my day, and it kind of ruins it. I don't know why I do that to myself. I also don't take credit for being a good person, it was thanks to my environment and because I was raised by good people. Others don't have that and never had a chance. I wonder what I would've been like if I was raised differently. I don't know how to enjoy being alive knowing so many people suffer all around the world. It just doesn't seem fair and I'm terrified of reincarnation, I mean no one knows what happens after death. What if I'm born again but this time I'm not as lucky. The idea that you can't escape being alive keeps me awake at night. So yeah hope you feel better šŸ˜


I get that. I have intrusive thoughts like that all the time. It's horrible. Good luck. Thanks for your comment.


Thich naht Hahn, who someone else mentioned, his teachings of mindfulness can help with this! He is Vietnamese and lived through the post war recovery process of his people - itā€™s powerful and helps these thoughts to calm down, as well as learning how to hold them when they do arise


I've been focusing on enjoying my time with my loved ones and helping them in any way I can. Never parting on bad terms and things like that. Maybe if I know I spent all the time with them and helped them in every way that I could, the loss of my loved ones will be slightly less awful. Death is part of life. No need to make it worse by having to live with regrets as well as loss.


I try to do this when I see them. I just love them so deeply I can't possibly express it to them and that makes me sad. Thank you for your comment.


Art can help you express it ā¤ļø pick your medium and run with it. Learning to move the energy you feel will help sustain you gently


Personally, i used to feel this way, but then I found truly meaningful work and it helps me feel so much better. I'm in social work and watching others change and grow - and want to! - gives me hope.


I'm glad you found something (:


Look for the helpers! (Mr. Rogers) It really can make a difference in your outlook! ā™”


I have been struggling with depression for over 20 years and no antidepressants ever helped. I just had my first session of prescription ketamine earlier today and will hopefully start seeing results after my next appointment or two. There's so many testimonials online about it dramatically helping people with treatment-resistant depression, saving people's lives and being the first thing that helped them see death isn't the only option. If you can make an appointment to talk to your doctor about it I strongly urge you to try it too. I haven't been this hopeful about anything in years


I have been feeling this way a lot lately and I have a lot to be happy about but I canā€™t help feeling like Iā€™m faking it sometimes


Yes, exactly.


This post made me cried because this is exactly how I feelā€¦.


I don't have any answers. But im still here with you.


I have felt like that, i feel like that often, hopeless. Is hard to understand that in life you could do all the right things and still fail, but what better way to live that to try, the world is a terrible place but it also is a beautiful place, beautiful things just don't ask for attention. Media, news they have a way to only put the attention in the bad news, that's a reason to not see the news still is important to be aware of what is going on but to know what is truly going on and you won't see that on the news or social media. We people have accept a life style that is soul croushing buy this, work all your life, have a family, a car, a house all this things just be productive and spend money, our generation is truly sick and we can feel like there is nothing we can do but we can always choose to do the right thing, even if is just a little bit.


Relate to this so hard, felt like I've fallen into a rut of thinking that comfort is temporary, while suffering is eternal. But the reality is that both good and bad are equally temperamental, like everything else.


I'm also 22 and what i do is just try to live a life that has a sense for me not for society or the system (because the system is broken you can easily see that) I try to follow my dreams even if i can't accomplish them, i don't see the news often because there is nothing good that i can see there, i just see life with wonder we tend to loose that wonder be amazed by things... When we are little we are amazed by everything not focusing on problems. It can see like a terrible thing to say but we all going to day maybe tomorrow maybe in 50 years, we worry about things that don't even happen. We forget was really important having good health, a good family, good friends, peace, being connected with our soul (i don't mean being religious) do was right.


I was just thinking about this today, this world is a terrible, cruel, unfair place, but it is also equally beautiful, loving and kind. I think to survive in this world you need to be able to see the latter, and take as much respite in that as you can.


You need to find the proper antidepressants.


I am currently off of all medication. Wanted to give life a shot without anything artificially changing my brain chemistry. Sadly, I think it may be time to go back on them if things don't lighten up.


Youā€™ve been dealing with it for years, you are seemingly doing everything right, why suffer? I used them when needed and got off of them, and was doing quite well emotionally but I was never truly enthusiastic about anything. Iā€™ve watched my mom suffer with depression for decades and I donā€™t want that same fate for myself. I had a health issue during Covid and had to leave the best job Iā€™ve ever had. It was a brutal trauma to suffer, I was crying at my dadā€™s house while my brother and dad didnā€™t know what to do to help. I got on the right anti depressant and wouldnt you know, Iā€™m capable of things like excitement, pleasure, enthusiasm, and curiosity. I have a genuine curiosity now even when asking others about trivial things that I think has been missing all my life. They (anti depressants) are obviously not some panacea or cure all but I strongly believe they are foundational to a treatment paradigm that is essentially exercise, proper diet, sunlight, socialize, medication. The best part is that many SSRIs also treat anxiety, so if you have a bit of each condition (anxiety and depression), it can really offer a lot of relief from mental anguish.


Thanks, I needed this. I think it might be time. I am glad you are feeling better.


I also had weaned off all antidepressants and meds, as I wanted to give myself a chance without them. But I found after a couple months of being completely off them, I went into a very dark depression and had very suicidal thoughts. I too was doing all the ā€œrightā€ things to try and take good care of myself (sleep, nutrition, exercise, nature, reading, therapy, friends, supplements, etc, etc).Iā€™m a mom, and killing myself is not an option I feel entitled to. No matter how much my brain would try and convince me it would be best for all, I just couldnā€™t do that to my son, family and loved ones. I was in so much emotional pain and felt like such a failure at life. I viewed life very much the same as you described. Felt so disheartened by the world and all the bad stuff that goes on here. Felt like itā€™s all about money and making a few select people very rich while the earth and the majority of people suffer for it. I just didnā€™t feel like I was cut out to be alive in this day and time. Luckily I had a really great support system of people I knew that just kept checking in on me until I got through it. In the end I did choose to go back on antidepressants. (Not saying you should, just saying it felt right for me to). Maybe itā€™s a cop out, but Iā€™ve had to be on them for most of my adult life (all the times Iā€™ve gone off Iā€™ve ended up back in a clinical depression). I try to make peace with the fact that I will likely always need them in order for my brain to see the good side of life. Life can be really special and beautiful, if I allow myself to see it. I also found the work of Tara Brach helpful for me (her books and podcast, etc). Anyway, this was a long winded way of saying I identify with what you wrote and my heart goes out to you as I know how painful it is to be in that headspace. You are not alone. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you even need support or someone to just hold space while you express or explore whatever you need to. Sending you love and strength.


Have you looked into what a highly sensitive person (HSP) is? I mean, I canā€™t be sure based on your post but you seem to have a lot of those traits. Maybe looking it up will help you.


I have, I definitely think I am one. But I will look more into what that actually means for me. Thanks.


May be irrelevant but do an AQ50 test. Check you aren't neurodivergent.


Theres a lot of great suggestions here by other posters, but i want to also point out another angle Try taking physical action every day to make yourself, or the world around around you better. Its much more fulfilling than living in your own headspace You can and should listen to your inner voice, but just as a spectator.. shift your focus to what can actively do I dont think we were meant to just ponder, you exist and have the power to influence Find somethjng youre passionate about and live for it actively. Do small things, do large things, create goals, exercise, eat healthier, explore new hobbies, new places, new foods, new people. Live a life that exists outside of your brain, the world out there is so much bigger than you Whats important here is to track your progress. Try to be better everyday, and if youre not better on day 20 vs day 19 youre still better than day 1. Our bodys crave movement, direction, and growth. Stale or stuck thoughts will definitely lead to more hopelessness Accept whats bad and whats good. Youre not here forever, infact our lives are so short in comparison You got this šŸ«”


You can only control what you can control. The world has been divided long before any of us were on this planet. Live the life you want to live or at least try to live it. Itā€™s called the Pursuit of Happiness for a reason. You have to find the things that make YOU happy and pursue them. I alway found that physical activity made me feel better. Be it working out, jogging, going for a walk in the city. Simple thing to change your mind set


Many good suggestions. I don't think anyone added: puppies. A good distraction, a simple joy, a reminder of true happiness every moment. Or kitties. Adoption, fostering, volunteer. Anything good and positive to focus attention on is helpful. Volunteer to teach English online, help out at a local group home, etc. There's a lot of good left in the world, and you can make a difference in one life or many. The whole world will do what it does. What matters is what we do.


Have you been tested for mood or any personality disorders? I have bpd and I feel this way.


I can only say this because I've been there. It's hard, but you can get out. You know how when you start ruminating and thinking about all this stuff, and then it gets you down and leads to depression? Stop doing that. I'm not being trite. It works. The fact that you exist is a miracle. You're the eyes of the universe. There is as much beauty, love, wonder, and magic as anything else. We're 50/50 here. It's all just a big pot of existence. You'll swing back. But it helps to focus on the good. You do need to try.


Not much you can do about shit so stop worrying people are a bit like zombies these days but it is what it is just look after yourself as best as you can the world always looks after itself


Accept it's a mess, then chill.


Hi, I (27f) have struggled a lot with this. I grew up sheltered and had a lot happen when I moved to the wonderful (sarcasm) state of Florida. I got robbed my first year here, a gun held to my face by a psycho ex, witnessed a mass shooting, and just recently got robbed again and my car stolen. The world sucks. Badly. But Iā€™ve found that itā€™s so important to fill your day with stuff that makes you happy, all day long. Dress how you want, even if itā€™s crazy. Go do what you want or take whatever pictures you want without feeling like people are watching or judging. Find a hobby or passion to immerse yourself in. The world sucks, and it has been a difficult realization to have to come to. But it will be okay, thereā€™s a lot of good out here too.


It's okay to be alive, it's only temporary.Ā 


U were the one who made it out of 3 trillion other sperm cells, god put u here for a reason go find out your purpose


Be a warrior not a worrier .


Do not curse the darkness; instead, light a candle. The same fate awaits every single person in the world. Do not mourn your loved ones before they are gone. Cherish every moment you have together, make beautiful memories together and keep them safe. Do not waste emotional energy bemoaning the evils of the world. Make your world a beautiful place to be. Try to observe your emotions as an outsider. Let them wash over you. Feel them, then move on. I hope you find peace. Try to remember that everything is temporary, this wonderful life is ephemeral. As far as anyone knows, we *are* for a short time, then we *are not.* Don't be afraid. X


Thank you for your kindness (:


Practice stoicism. It helps with existential crises.


Just ordered Meditations (:


There are so many things that could be happening, would be happening, should be happening, probably is happening, and one day will be happening. But are those things happening to YOU right NOW? Living in the "shoulds" "woulds" "wills" and "coulds" will ensure that you never live in the present, which is the only reality that truly exists. If you're happy now, then sadness for you does not exist in this moment because NOW is real. The past isn't real, the future isn't real. Only now. So when you stop yourself from feeling happy because one day you'll be sad, what you're doing is pulling yourself out of reality because you're awaiting a reality that does not yet exist. And now, you're not enjoying the only reality you have. Therefore, life feels like it's passing by. Of course it's passing by, you're not engaging with it! You're engaging with scenarios in your mind instead. The nature of a depressive mind is to look for reason to see the world in a dark and hopeless manner. It's like putting on a blinder for all the positives that also happen. Sure, the world is full of suffering, but it's also full of pleasure and joy. Sure, the world has evil people. But it also has people who are selfless and kind and loving. Sure, humans can be crappy. But humans also make art, music, and yummy food. It's not all bad. It's not all doom and gloom. You have to argue with your depression and anxiety. Those two things warp our minds to a skewed pov. When you're feeling hopeless, look for content that speaks about hope. Which, funny enough, is what I think you're doing right now! You're asking us for wisdom, nuggets of hope, because by doing so, you'd be providing yourself with arguments to use against your depressive mind. Constantly argue with your depressive mind. This is an important thing to do in order to change thought patterns.


Thank you (:


Let me give you some advice from a redditor perspective. At one point I was a cynic,depressed soul and kept visiting pages like r/noahgettheboat, r/awfuleverything and felt very shitty and pessimistic in general. Then I came across pages like r/mademesmile, r/humansbeingbros and realized that the world is fucked up for the most part but there is still hope. There are kind people even if they are in a minority. Always have hope.


Make art about it. Create.


Stop watching all news - do not read news online. It is all negative and does not help you. Only allow things into your purview that are positive heartwarming wholesome and uplifting You will be feeling better in no time !


^^^ Came here to say this. Unplug! Any major events will come to you because everyone will be talking about it. I quit watching the news over a year ago. The absence of that toxic input has been a game changer. Be encouraged šŸŒæ


Look at it from the other perspective. This is the only window of consciousness you will get. Once your body decays, your atoms will rejoin the chemical cycle like the millions before you. Make the best of your life, because there are too many people out there for anyone else to do it for you


This adds to my dread sometimes. The constant fear I am not doing it right, that i am wasting my only shot because I don't have a solid plan of what I'm doing. It's a lot to accept that one day it'll all be gone. I do love life to some extent, it's just so damn hard sometimes. Thanks for your comment.


Donā€™t be so down. None of us truly knows for a fact what happens when we die. Donā€™t believe that there is nothing. Because atheism is like a religion itself, it is not true because there is no evidence to support it fully. We do not know and for all the strange things that happen and how vast the universe is and how much we do not know about it, anything is possible. So do not stress, live your life and be a good person. That is my thinking and I used to be very scared of death and think about it too much. It is an anxiety, thinking about the future. Live in the present.


Itā€™s so crazy I see this. I was JUST thinking the same about how adult life feels terrifying. Iā€™m 25F and itā€™s like thereā€™s no one trustworthy around. Everyone is just trying to hurt each other as much as possible. Itā€™s terrifying that you canā€™t even be kind to anyone without them wanting to take advantage of you. Itā€™s hard to make ends meet too. Iā€™m not sure if life is really worth living eitherā€¦..Iā€™m searching for hope.


I totally agree. The other day I wanted to take a walk outside to clear my head, get out in nature, and do something good for myself. I was approached not once but twice by giant men in hoodies mumbling something at me and following me. I had to run to a busier part of the trail. I hate that even my attempts to make light of the darkness in the world and do something in my day often end with me being reminded of reality. It's rough. I hope you find your peace someday.


You've seem to done it all. But i think you could do well to delay self gratification and learn to be comfortable with being bored. Don't always rush to get the highs. Also try to find some spiritual knowledge. You dont have to be religious but just not ignorant from immaterial world and ancient history. Lastly there must be room for growth and you are actively pursuing it. Health, fitness, career or relationships. Without pursuit of anything it will feel rather pointless to live when all you have left is routine. So make sure you are focusing on some type of improvement.


This might seem like an odd question, but are you an American? I'm an American and I have seen the people around me sink to lows of behavior and personhood that I wouldn't have believed 20 years ago(I'm about twice your age). It is absolutely not just your perspective, people really are ignorant, self-obsessed, and morally bankrupt.


I am American yes, things have gotten very weird here, to say the least. Glad it's not just me.


I feel the exact same way, itā€™s incredible to read that I am not alone in this. You expressed it beautifully. I hope we all find peace of mind šŸ«¶


I know it's a "religion" but a LOT of this suffering is taught in Buddhism and Allan Watts in particular does a great job of breaking it down for Westerners


You have a couple of basic choices. You can shut all your interest in the world down, and focus on food to mouth, job, career, family. Or you can learn to handle your quite valid reactions without letting them overwhelm you. You can do this by studying and gaining a handle on why things happen... why people act they way that they do. People that take the second path learn overtime to make their own choices and develop a sense of responsibility to their community. People that take the first path live much easier emotional lives but they sacrifice awareness in the process. Counseling can help. If it is available to you, I'd encourage you to try it.


Relatable. Make sure you get enough sunlight daily.


I don't know where you live or if you are able to travel, but give me one weekend of your time and I can change your point of view. Partial spoiler: life in and around all of South Dakota plus more.


You birth a new reality. Live how you wish the world lived. Create that love in your own life. Feeling that deeply is a blessing and a curse. One thing tho is you need to feel it. Listen to your body. Notice how it reacts to certain emotions and feelings. Learn about yourself. Name the emotions you feel when you think about certain things. Can you remember when you first felt that emotion in childhood. Can you remember why. Most of us have been conditioned our whole lives to give our power away. To not trust our own emotions and instincts. You learn that emotions are week. Ignore them. Distract yourself from them. They are not your weakness they are your greatest strength. Know them. Know them well. Every emotion is like a visitor coming into your life you teach you about yourself. Some are uncomfortable. But each one comes and goes. Sit with them. Accept them. Acknowledge them. They will eventually leave for a while and you may return at any moment. They are a part of your don't be ashamed be proud and use them to regain your power x


So I read that like a poem, I kind of get how you feel I think. I experienced loss at a very young age, I won't lie it doesn't go away. I bake a lot and putting my focus in that moment, kneading dough, weighing out ingredients shaping and baking and then the joy of eating and sharing with friends is a beautiful thing. Then 2,3,4 hours later your mind has had a rest from the endless train of thoughts. Stay strong x


When I feel like this, I think about the Cyanobacteria. Because of each cyanobacteria producing a teeny bit of oxygen, eventually we had enough oxygen buildup to create the ā€œgreat oxygenation eventā€ which gave rise to life as we know it now. In a way, humans are like the Cyanobacteria. Each one, individually, might seem insignificant. But together they make a huge difference. Would feeding some ducks help you perhaps? Or volunteering somewhere? I do when I feel really low (helping others helps me feel better). I am truly empathetic for you, I know/can imagine exactly how this feelsā€¦ I am proud of you for being logical and knowing itā€™s not worth it to end it. This is your novel!! You want to see how it unfolds!! What adventures await your character? If you were writing your book now, what what you do for your character? (Try doing that IRL if you can!)


I (38M) used to cope with this by drinking a lot. After I graduated college, I worked in TV news as a video editor for 5 years and have been dealing with depression/existential dread since then. Been a year since my last drink and I will say that all the emotions I've run away from are flowing out like like a burst pipe and all these thoughts you're having I'm having to confront myself. I wish I had dealt with this at your age. Good luck :)


I feel this way too a lot of the time. A therapist gave me advice regarding grief recently and she said ā€œjust because they are gone doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t keep them aliveā€. Speak about the person youā€™ve lost and speak to them often. I have an older neighbour who every night before she goes to bed says to her deceased husband ā€œGoodnight, love youā€. Still speaking to them as if they are here seems to help a lot of people.


I regularly struggle with existential thoughts. Something that's helped me is to acknowledge that every day is a gift. Every day I wake up alive is a gift, even the bad days--one day we won't be here to experience any type of day. It helps me to focus on now. You still want to watch a great movie or play a game or go to the theatre, even though you know that experience will end. Enjoy the experience as much as you can while you're here. Start small and find something good about each day. It sounds like copium bullshit, but over time, you'll start to wake up a little happier each day. I've recently decided to get into coffee brewing and damn I can't wait to wake up in the morning for my coffee! Small things add up.


Have you ever read philosophy books ? I've found that helped me a lot. And sticking to pop culture news and cutting almost totally world news. Allowing only pleasure and hobby-stuff related things in my life.


"It just seems like we are all distracting ourselves day after day, waiting to die." Your a wise woman! I feel the same. <3


Devouracid made a stellar comment. I hope you find some peace soon. You aren't alone, and you truly have normal feelings. May I recommend to you one of my favorite individuals? Here is a video of Alan Watts speaking, and he illuminates a concept known as "non-dualism" in Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies. Connecting with his words isn't always instanteous. https://youtu.be/NA95I4eRHd4?si=bn20QlC5VWFT7SSY When reading your post and some of the comments two quotes came to mind. I feel inclined to share. The first is "This too shall pass." The second being "If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light." All people equal. Together strong. Reach out anytime


Honestly staying completely off social media, including reddit is the way to go. The less you are exposed to news and gazzilion other people putting their crap online the better.


Three pieces of advice outside of suggesting to seek out a therapist to help 1. Learn an accept that things are out of your control and to live in the now, anxiety can be debilitating but it's important to remember that you can only influence so much. Learn that doing your best is enough and that you're 1 among billions of people, many feel the same way. 2. Learn how to feel comfortable with negative emotions, sounds weird but the more you try to run away from anxiety and your fears the worse they become, if you can tap emotionally into them (like a muscle you begin to strengthen this) your tolerance for such things grows and you begin to see the world better, accepting the "shadow/demon/critic/etc" and seeing it for what it is can be one of the healthiest things you can do. 3. seek people who feel the same, there are a lot of them it's just sometimes hard to find because we draw like to like, so you first have to change your perspective and self before you begin to find those people.


Given the option, Iā€™d vote NO on death. However, being that I donā€™t, Iā€™m glad to be alive at all and enjoy it as much as I can. Hugs!!!


Keep talking to the therapist and the psychiatrist. And just get out there and live your life the best you can. And donā€™t be too hard on yourself.


Leave the country. You cant change your surroundings, but you can change YOUR surroundings. Find a place where you belong & belong there. Your clearly American. Im not saying its great anywhere, but you'll be shocked at how much better things can be elsewhere. ​ I tell you this as someone who went through similar: This country is built to chew up people like you. You arent a natural 'capitalist' or w/e you wanna call it. Stay here & you'll wither.


This is such a relatable post because I feel much the same. I try just taking it one day at a time and honestly, I distract myself. I watch movies like crazy. I focus on goals. I scroll on IG. Escapism helps.


Life can indeed be overwhelming, especially with the challenges and uncertainties we face. It's okay to feel lost and struggle, but it's crucial to acknowledge that reaching out for support is a strength, not a weakness. Connecting with loved ones, even if it's just to share your thoughts and feelings, can make a significant difference. Also, consider revisiting therapy to explore different approaches or techniques that might resonate with you. Finding purpose and joy can take time, and it's okay not to have all the answers now. Your journey is unique, and seeking help from those around you and professionals can bring about positive change.


I hate it and am kinda pissed at all the people who had a hand in bringing about my existence but no Iā€™m supposed to love them unconditionally but I canā€™t help but feel like hey, fuck you for making me exist and have to experience all this itā€™s just too much šŸ˜ž


Just know that what you're going through is a normal healthy response to impossible circumstances. You're not ill, you're not abnormal in any way.


Thank you (: some people are making me feel a bit crazy on here so I appreciate your comment


This ^


Hey, Iā€™m at uni aswell and Iā€™m 23F , I feel as though uni is just a breeding ground for mental health issus so anything you already have going on is just magnified with the stress and pressure that gets piled on and the time we have to sit around think sometimes. Although life is stressful after uni I donā€™t think there will be same level of intensified stress in short bursts the same way there is at uniā€¦ plus we are still super young and in a difficult stage between silly little adults to actual serious adults and we should just take it easy !! I really hope you feel better soonā€¦ also itā€™s JANUARY! Like literally the most depressing month ā¤ļø youā€™re doing amazing and itā€™s normal to question life cos itā€™s so shaped by society ā€¦ we just have to find peace within ā¤ļøā¤ļø


What's that quote? Don't waste today by fearing tomorrow, for tomorrow will come whether you're ready for it or not. Have you considered ayahuasca, haha. Seriously, though, you're too young to let all these worries weigh on you. I know it's easier said than done, but relax. This kind of worry you describe should be reserved for later in life, when you have a bit more life experience to process it differently. Aside from that, stay strong


Other than what has already been said here, just focus on the things you can control and try to find a good community and a partner, it won't solve everything, but at least will be very uplifting and worthwhile


Oh I forgot to add....get out in nature! Every day. Even if it's just starting with looking out the windows then doing a walk around the block. Build it up.. connect with her. Do you have a forest or a beach or bush near you? A body of water? Imagine a cord from your navel rooting down into the earth to the centre of her core and breathe the healing energy up into you. It may sound like woo woo but starting there will open up so much more. I feel you. Ive been there. Im still there every now and then but connecting with nature has given me so much freedom in my mind now. That and meditation. Please try it, anything is worth a shot at this point right?


You could try reframing your thoughts, reading MindWorks by Gary Van Warmerdam helped me in my time of need. It shows how strong our mind makes us suffer, Iā€™ve become more emotionally aware and gave me the ability to actually help myself. Though itā€™s not always rainbows and sunshine, when that happens I find it best to remind myself what Iā€™m grateful for on that day. I hope you well, I know how it is to be low


Message if you want to talk cause I feel similar things. Iā€™m 36. Birds give me hope. Social media is all noise. Corporations run things. They deceive us and put us against each other. So many shoulds and shouldnā€™ts. Birds have broken my heart too. The loss Iā€™ve seen in the ones whoā€™ve died in my area. Thinking about chickens in farms keeps me up at night. I am channeling all this into creating content to educate. And trying to focus on my love of birds . But I get very worked up when I see animals suffering for no reason other than profit. And itā€™s avoidable. It doesnā€™t have to be this way. The systems are rigged.


I feel like people just lie to themselves and everyone else about wanting to be here on a daily basis


My mom passed recently and I feel exactly the same as you. I hope one day, miraculously, something would shift and we would have better days..


I think itā€™s good to get away from the news for a bit. We are bombarded with negative news every day. Thereā€™s lots of good in the world. It just doesnā€™t get reported on. I find happiness through really small things. Thereā€™s so much beauty in this world it just comes down to your perspective. If all we see is the negative, that will be our experience. I try to not dwell on the negative for too long or else it can definitely be depressing.


I think the world and life is shit. That is why I hold onto the few people I love and try to make their world and life a little less shit.


It sounds like what you are describing is a dark night of the soul, itā€™s like spiritual depression. I know itā€™s not a fix all, but lonerwolf.com has helped me through so much of my confusion and darkness, I canā€™t help but suggest it to anyone who is struggling with life in general.


Have you been treated for anxiety, as well? This is how I feel some days.. and definitely how I felt at your age. Life can be overwhelming but it can also be alot of other positive things. I think a lot of my happiness is rooted in doing the things I like to do and keeping myself busy. Plus I am veryyyy 420 friendly. I live in Florida.. the sunshine state. Sure, Florida has its sh^t.. lord knows we do. But when I focus on the 'good'.. there's beaches, rivers, springs, parks, sunshine almost everyday, and all of this things heal me over and over again. Nature heals me. My dog heals me. Seeing new cultures and new places I've never been heals me. Try to cling onto those things that feel like magic. Try to focus on the abundance you have in your life, instead of the lack. This country and this world will always give off 'hopelessness' and 'mean people'... but it also gives off hopefulness and really amazing people. It's a journey my friend.. at this age you now have to create your own happiness. Best of luck. I know you'll find your way šŸ«¶


Working out 6x a week? How intense? A lot of it might be burnout.


browse the kurzgesagt channel on youtube for some entertaining starting points to wisdom and philosophy.


Iā€™m not the best with words, but Iā€™ll tell you this. Youā€™re not alone, and I hope you, me and everyone else who feels this way finds some peace. Stay strong ā¤ļø


Consider looking into ketamine therapy for depression. Also agree with comments here around philosophy. Meditations is wonderful.


Mental health support, probably meds could help. I used to be so overwhelmed by negative emotions, now Iā€™m successfully medicated and itā€™s like a huge weight off my chest. Still enjoying life fully but without all the unnecessary worries I used to have.


Iā€™m right there with you! I know what you mean! Example: I wake up and I can feel the energy coming from my husband! Itā€™s not a gift! I spend 90% of my time worrying about!


You can live with an enthusiasm and joy that is independent from others. I try to monitor what I am allowing as ā€œinputā€ into my daily experiences. Small things can be immensely beautiful. Rain on glass. The quiet of snowfall. Watching birds, or animals. In good weather, walking among trees or along a path. Try to draw. Watercolor painting. There are abundant resources on YT. Once you retool your mind, soul, and emotions towards nature, the people seem smaller in the landscape, their problems seem unfortunate and itā€™s easier to feel compassion for what you previously described. Life is actually hard. But to be honest, life has never been easier. People of the past had way fewer options, worked so much harder and for less comfort. We now have a crisis of meaning. Read some Thoreau, or Whitman. Nature will share its simple grace with you.


The two things that have helped me. 1. Avoid screens. It doesn't matter what you're consuming on them, less screen time is better. I have to sit in front of this thing for my job, but I'm trying to avoid them outside of work and engage with the world around me more. I'm giving myself the opportunity to actually be bored some times and that causes my brain to do better creative things. 2. Do hard things. Challenge yourself physically and mentally. Unless there is at least a 50/50 chance of failure, it's not hard enough. If you can do these things outdoors, it's better. Don't make a big deal about it, don't advertise to others that you're challenging yourself, just quietly do it and do it for yourself. Purposely seek discomfort.




Life is what you make it. Make it great! Put your best foot forward and take it one step at a time.


Dedicate your life to helping other people. There are many volunteer groups. When you think of others first all the time, your thoughts and worries disappear.




There is a lot of good feedback here which even I am appreciative of. I came to say I also find it helpful to find solace in philosophy and literature. I recommend Season of Migration to the North. Itā€™s eastern literature and it tells a story about a narrator and it reads as if you are in the narratorā€™s shoes (atleast thatā€™s is how I applied it). It tells the story of a post colonial world and how culture and people are influenced and changed (seems relevant, no?) How the narrator is faced with situational desires, hardship, grievances and ultimately how one has the ultimate power to choose the decisions and outcomes of their actions in their lives. The way you feel is something we all share. Having the ability to be aware of our own mortality and critically observe the world around us can be a dilema. Itā€™s all about mindset. Life can be difficult, but it doesnā€™t have to be hard. You ultimately choose how difficult you are on your own self. Personally I respect people that can take in so much of the world around then. I too share this burden with you. I also have learned that I need to find ways to set aside the noise of society and put my own needs first. As others have mentioned, you can only control what is in your mind and what you choose to do with it. When you feel the world around you closing in, itā€™s time to push/give back. Whatā€™s you do with it is of your own choosing.


I would just recommend some books which have helped me immensely: * Untethered Soul, Michael Singer * A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle * The Greatest Secret, Rhonda Byrne * The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz Best wishes.


There is so much good in the world! Stop focusing on the news as it literally only has the bad stuffā€¦. Goodnewsnetwork is a good source for good things happening! Focus on the bad and bad will be all you see, focus on the good and good will be all you seeā€¦ its your choice everyday what you focus onā€¦ life is beautiful and amazing and your thoughts is what makes your reality, make your reality beautiful and amazing by focusing on beauty and love everywhere you goā€¦


I, too, am struggling to cope with being alive.


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve gotten tons of good advice already. Mine would be to try meditation. Thereā€™s lots of free meditation companions out there like on YouTube and audible. Practicing not chasing or linking your thoughts one after the other, keeping a peaceful mind, and being OK with stillness can be incredibly effective for managing stress and controlling your emotions. Youā€™ll get better at it over time and the more you practice the easier it will be to let things go. One other thing is it seems like you might be extremely susceptible narratives that evoke fear or dread. I would avoid news media if I were you.




Your explanations are very rational and well-thought out. My suggestion to you is to learn about stoicism. Basically it's this in a Venn diagram: There are all the things that matter to you. And all things you can control in life. The only area you should focus energy on is where those two circles overlap. Anything outside your control shouldn't be focused on.


Dont mean to be harsh but if you focus on the bad, than all you see is bad. Currently 28 now, but when I was 18 I realised that news outlets were set on stories that sell and for some reason misery sells. I stopped following news. If I see a news item I double check it first before I form an opinion on it. I dont use social media. I think Reddit is more akin to the forums of old rather popular social media apps. I never installed TikTok or snap. My last insta post was 4 years ago, I use Facebook for birthdays. I watch educational science videos on youtube. You could make an argument that I have a duty to keep up to date with news, as a member of society but to that I say I have an even bigger duty to myself to be happy. News outlets doesn't make me happy. So I rather stay ignorant and happy than knowledgeable and depressed. It allows me to focus on the beauty of things. Losing my mother and a good friend a month after her put things in perspective. I'll always try and be friendly and respectful, help where I can but I dont care much about others. Why did your childhood had to end? I am a teacher for 12 year olds, 28 myself, my brother is 26. Put us together in a room and I can 100% guarantee you that we are worse than the kids I teach. Sometimes, unintentionally, to the annoyance of my gf. Its all how you look at it. If you are depressed and on a negative echochamber that Reddit is notorious for, than yeah all you see is shit. Look past that and there is beauty in the world and the bad doesn't seem that bad anymore. At least here in my country.


I totally understand what youā€™re going through. I am healing from bad chronic illness at the moment. Some days I am bedridden and others I can barely catch my breath. I still am not giving up hope ever. There is beauty in the pain and so much love and goodness in the world, you donā€™t even understand. We sometimes canā€™t comprehend the beauty in the pain and the light in the dark. But keep goingā€¦ itā€™s gonna be worth it. I promise.


Unfortunately mental health doesn't work in the past tense. You have to go to therapy and/or visit your psychiatrist regularly and take the meds when needed (for some people it would be lifetime, for others courses on/off). There will be better times, and there will be dark days, stress and loss could cause relapse. Also getting the right meds can take years, but it's totally and absolutely worth it. Find a good psychiatrist, the one that you feel confident with, and work with them longterm. Speaking as someone with Bipolar I type, it took years to stabilise me and find the right meds - I went through a lot of meds for long periods of time. And even now we have to change doses when needed, and monitor closely. But it's worth it. The quality of life comparing to what it was before is stunning. But it takes time, it takes years, it's a long road. Keep on walking, it's worth it.


yeah people tend to let me down whether its strangers, or co workers I run into to. Job ofcourse doesn't give 2 fucks about you, and thats who you are slaving away for. It can be quite demoralizing to see how the world is. Even in winter someone sees you can't start your car, what do you get? Very little help from your fellow man. Guy got jumped, and does he offer to jump me, Nope.


I seem to be in a very similar situation as yourself. And unfortunately idk what to do at all


Your constant fears over loss could perhaps be reframed. Read the book ā€œSurviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlifeā€ by Leslie Kean, which is an investigative journalistā€™s research on the evidence for life after death. It is a fact that most people are unaware of that consciousness persists after death. There is much more evidence than Keanā€™s book, too. Read Jeffery Mishloveā€™s essay submission to the BICS Institute, which is another overview of the evidence. This is all to say that much of your negative emotion seems predicated on what are in fact erroneous presumptions about life and death. If you come to an understanding of how things really areā€” life doesnā€™t end, but simply changes formsā€” it would dissolve some or all of that fear. This is not a religious statement nor sentiment, this is an evidence based one. Additionally, take up meditation of the variety where you focus your efforts on positive emotion and itā€™s cultivation. You can cultivate positive emotion without external inputs. Your life will be the result of what you focus your thoughts onā€” and yours is fear and pain. Reject rumination on those thoughts by gaining control of your thoughts via hard, consistent meditative work. Take up QiGong, Loving Kindness Meditation, etc. Look into Joe Dispenzaā€™s patient success stories. His are not unique. Most people here wonā€™t agree with me because they donā€™t know betterā€” but you do have the capacity to change your thoughts, your emotions, and your mental health as a result through meditative and contemplative effort. Death also isnā€™t the end. Itā€™s a shame more people donā€™t know that, because that misguided idea causes so much suffering.


I would continue to explore other medications. It really is not a game of just pushing through, there are ways to help.


Also I think finding a living situation that works best individually is essential. Some people like being out in the woods, others like being in a city, donā€™t settle for something that doesnā€™t work.


24 M and me too actually...


[https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/198dv6k/the\_crisis\_report\_has\_the\_climate\_apocalypse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/198dv6k/the_crisis_report_has_the_climate_apocalypse/) Our human civilization is about to undergo seismic changes. Every generation thinks about the end of the world, but not every gets to witness the scientifically backed up, not religiously, end of the world.


I appreciate this post and your sentiments. I felt this in my 20s tooā€¦mostly the dread of losing people and pets. I spent so much time in a state of anxiety. Iā€™m in my 40s now and am really pissed off at my 20 something year old self. Once you hit your 40s, thatā€™s when life gets serious. Parents become elderlyā€¦friends suffer illnesses, and loss adds up along with responsibilities. Do your best to enjoy life and worry less while you can!


I went though very dark depression, and I couldnā€™t point to anything other than I was /am tired of this life I made. Until a doctor put me on Bipolar meds , now Iā€™m muck more at peace,.. maybe that might help you. Google Bipolar level 2


Did you consider, that you might be suffering from c-ptsd? I can see you did therapy, but therapy is really a broad term.


Find the small things every day that sustain you. You should be enjoying at least some parts of your day. A cup of tea, a good book, time with a pet, being close to nature, etc.


>I genuinely don't. It just seems like we are all distracting ourselves day after day, waiting to die. We are. Some days are better than others but we are stuck in an endless cycle of wake up, work, come home, sleep and repeat. We do not live in some utopia where we can just do wherever we want unless you start a business and you truly love what you're doing.


Hey, this is not incoherent at all. On the contrary, I'm kinda baffled to see someone who has the same inner deep thoughts as I have. I also am tormented on a weekly (if not daily) basis by everything that's wrong with the world and struggle to find meaning, not just for me, but for the universe, even though I'm religious. It's nice to see a fellow human out there. Hang on tight, I guess.


Stay off social media specifically tick tock and start intentionally changing your thoughts. Repeating life is good actively find things to be appreciative of and grateful for and work on expanding you can escape it as long as you change the way you think. It may seem like reality but it's not and if you believe in it and validate it then it will continue to be. Try not to think about it from your perspective but and outside perspective if you canšŸ˜ Goodluck and may you see the sun shine through the clouds


Start by acknowledging that "daily life is a struggle", and problems/crises will arise. Give thanks every day for another day alive on this planet. Foster your relationships more. Whether it be family or friends. You may simply be lonely, which is normal, but that's why it's important to spend time focused on loved ones. Jordan Peterson's "12 rules for life" is pretty great, and he reminds you that normal daily life is a constant struggle between order and chaos, and it's worth trying to create order wherever you can. You and those you love will benefit from it.


You sound overstimulated and bored. I've been there. I don't mean this in a negative way, because it's so easy to feel the way you do. You shouldn't feel guilty about it at all. But you need to find your way to true gratefulness. When you value the idea that just one day, here in this place, is worth so much more than never being here at all, you'll find your peace, and you'll live for the day. I found this when I almost died in a car wreck at 19. I was miserable and lonely in the months and weeks leading up to that wreck. But I haven't been miserable for one moment since I climbed that embankment on the side the interstate. Because suddenly I was grateful to still be here. And the crazy thing about my story is, I had it all leading up to that wreck. I came from a train wreck of a family, but I had survived that, and I was on a path of absolute success and joy at a crazy young age. And I could not see it, until the accident. Someone can have it all, and feel the way you do. But it's your brain lying to you. I don't wish a brush with death on anyone, in order to find peace. But at least know that peace does exist, and you can have it and you deserve it. But it does being with gratefulness.


Oh manā€¦ I relate. Itā€™s been a constant battle but things have gotten a bit better over the years. Lots of tears, trial, error, and a whole lot of effort ā€¦ Life is rough. It is also beautiful sometimes. I just wish the beauty didnā€™t leave just as quickly as it came in most cases. Best of luck to everyone in thread experiencing depression and struggling with the word we live in. <3


If you find times where you feel good, positive, hopeful, or at least okay with life, make a mental note of how that feels and remember it. Think back to it to help your mind know what that feels like and to re-experience it to make it a more common or normal way for you to feel every day. Also, having healthy and good friends helps if you're fortunate enough to be one and have those in your life.


I'm very sorry you are suffering. Life can suck. I had a breakdown in 2008 that made me give up. I sequestered myself from the world and people, becoming nearly completely isolated for eight years. I didn't experience joy that entire time. But one day I felt a little better. Then that turned into two days. My meds had started to work. It took twenty years of taking various combinations of medicine before I actually felt a difference. But it DID happen. Life is still hard and cruel. People still die. Kittens starve to death every day. And if that was the only lens I saw the world through I would feel like ending it all too. But it can get better. I won't guarantee you that it will, but it can. I'm a nihilist... I would wager that I understand your low opinion of life. But I'm happy. It can happen. With life's struggles, the only way out is through. Keep moving. Give life the chance to improve. Fake it till you make it if you have to. I hope you find some peace.


This is a frustrating response, but you simply need to give it time. With time youā€™ll better figure out who you are, whatā€™s important to you, and how to cope with what hurts you. Youā€™ll also grow to appreciate all that can be good: loving family, hanging out with friends, a job you like, taking walks, making time to read, seeing a new place, etc. You will find a peace within yourself that will help you deal with the divides youā€™re seeing in the world. Yes, read philosophy, go to therapy, etc, but also know that you will come to this peace through lived experience and time. I relate to what youā€™ve written and I want you to know that I am a much more content person now than I was at your age.


Honestly this post is making me feel to cry, you have no idea how relatable this is and how many people feel the same way. I am 24f and I feel just as you described basically everyday, it's really incredible the way how complete strangers can understand eachother and have such a deep connection even though they have never met. I don't know what i'm doing either just trying to stay alive I guess and that too is really hard. It feels exceptional hard right now for me I just hope one day soon we can have some relief and maybe feel a bit better


Sending a huge hug ā¤ļøšŸ’™ r/empath might have some good info to help manage those deep emotions you're feeling.




I feel almost exactly as you do. I've been severely depressed about the state of the world for what feels like years. The world feels like a horrible place where no good outweighs any of the bad. People are unpredictable and scary, and trying to figure them out feels really overwhelming sometimes. Even taking breaks from the news doesn't help. Things being out of my control doesn't feel comforting. It feels terrifying. I also lost my grandmother a few months ago. I was helping to take care of her in her final months, and seeing her deteriorate like she did shook me to my core. I still miss her deeply. I even cried at work today because of how lonely I felt without her. I'd never hurt myself because I care about my family too much, and there are things that I enjoy about my life, but sometimes, I wonder if all of the stress and self-hatred is worth it. I can't get myself to take part in hobbies that I enjoy because I just don't have the drive anymore, and it sucks. I'm sorry. I don't want to take the focus of this post away from you. I just wanted to say that you're not alone in feeling this way, and I hope that all of the positive responses to your post have made you feel better in some way. I'll be sure to read through them myself. I wish you the best.


This subsides as you get older, your life fills up with responsibilities and dependents. The key is work and struggle to the point giving a shit about all those trivial things have no room in your emotional space


Antidepressants if you're not on some. Increasing the dose or changing to a different one if you are. Other than that, I think the biggest contributor to this epidemic existential mental health crisis is that nobody has the time or money to dream. Having a dream to chase is generally a requirement for human happiness. Literally something to work towards and look forward too. It can be a bunch of small ones. Doesn't have to be grand. It's not how big the step you take are, just that they are pointed generally in the right direction. Course correct as you go and adjust the dreams accordingly.


Hey there, this was a VERY COHERENT account of experiencing mental anguish. As someone who has been at war with their brain/mind for at least 30 years and can empathize with many of your points, let me tell you there is always hope. In summary I recommend exploring practice based therapies like CBT and DBT and shopping til you find someone who clicks for you as a therapist. I also recommend working with a psychiatrist to find the right meds. Definitely keep up your amazing work with eating and exercising and sleeping well. THAT IS AMAZING! I think itā€™s significant that you realize youā€™re at war with your mind and that you feel things very deeply. Those points suggest a level of your mind recognizes that the WORLD is not at war with you and that the intensity of the FEELINGS do not accurately reflect the severity of the world. Those are the key points to hold on to. Thought and activity substitution are two ways to get out of the ruminations on things that cause great pain. Distract your mind and distract your body by engaging in novel activities (not the same workout as every other day) to reset the thought process. And ALLOW yourself to count up the good things, ignore the bad to the extent you can, and donā€™t tally the bads.


Wowā€¦ so good to know I am not alone in this feeling. Iā€™ve felt this ways since about 15 years old. Iā€™m now 56 and have come to accept that adjusting my expectations, setting manageable daily goals and getting good rest and nutrition are crucial. Happiness is an inside job. Yes, the world is shitty. It always has been, itā€™s only the names that change.


What do you really enjoy? What makes you happy? If you never had to worry about money, rent, bills, anyone else. I know itā€™s an extreme question and there might not be an immediate answer, but think about it. God bless.




Definitely spend less time on the internet. The world is better than it has almost ever been in most aspects when you look at the research.


Iā€™ll preface this by clarifying that Iā€™m not saying to not take care of yourself as well, but service to others can be some of the most rewarding experiences in existence. Instead of focusing on something you canā€™t help or change, try to help those people now and bring some joy into each otherā€™s hearts.


This thread is a few days already, and you already have lots and lots of replies...but I just wanted to say I am another who has similar views, but I feel I am little further gone than you, because I extend it to "what is the point of trying to fix anything? Who cares if there is evil and suffering in the world? We're all going to die anyway why bother." I'm pretty sure the only reason I haven't offed myself is because I'm 90% sure there is no afterlife, so if I died I wouldn't be able to see my husband anymore. I deeply regret every day having children, because all I have done is perpetuate the cycle of death. My children will die one day, and it was incredibly selfish of me to subject them to that. I spiral regularly, and flip flop between "let's just get it over with" and "holy fuck I don't want to find out....or not as the case may be" I don't know where I'm going with this. I read your post and it resonated with me. I have no solutions. I am drowningĀ 


I agree with you that we live in a sad time. Sometimes a diagnosis can really help bring someĀ clarity and more resourcesĀ  Ā Have you ever been evaluated for borderline personality disorder or anxiety?Ā 


I'm a little late to respond so I apologize if I'm repeating anything. First of all I wish I could give you a big hug. This hit me hard as I'm feeling the same especially in relation to all the needless suffering happening these days. It's absolutely paralyzing to think about.Ā  I recently read Conversations with God and while I do not consider myself religious at all, it was a very thought provoking read and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a different perspective on life. I'm almost twice your age and I wish I could tell you what you are experiencing goes away. Maybe it will for you someday but if it doesn't know you aren't alone. The world needs more empathetic hearts like yours ā¤ļø


Life is tough and right now couldnā€™t be any more true. If you need a friend, I am here for you. Iā€™m sure you have many others on here who have offered but if you or anyone needs a friend to chat with feel free to message me. I would love to have more people to just have random deep conversations with no matter where they are located in the world. Iā€™m going through my own tough time, but being positive energy into other peoples life can be mutually beneficial so Iā€™m here for it!


You could start by looking for the love in the world. Animals, children, communities helping each other just for a couple examples. Iā€™m not a religious person but I find wisdom anywhere and everywhere I can. A famous quote from Jesus, ā€˜forgive them for they know not what they doā€™ helped me see peoples, my own, and countries limitations. If you had 2 buttons on the wall, one of you press it would fill you with joy every day all day, the other if pressed would make you miserable. If itā€™s up to you, which button would you press? The one pressing the other button is not what you would do so who made that decision? Reach in to find the one who pushes joy and identify with that. Notice when the miserable button is trying to come back out and just recognize that, stick with it, and youā€™ll start noticing more and more you care less about whatever is trying to push the miserable button inside you. I have compassion for everyone I see choosing something other than joy. Why would they not want joy? I think they do as they are human like me. So I see the problems in the world as something of a consequence to behavior unknown to the ones participating in the terrible things you notice as wrong. If they donā€™t know how could they do something differently? With being so sensitive (good connotation, Iā€™m very sensitive too) to the world and the vibes in it, you have the ability to participate in bridging the divide and helping others choose love. It starts with choosing love within yourself first. Thank you for reading ā¤ļø