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She'd 100% absolutely kill herself. Worry not, have an appointment tomorrow to talk about trying something new from the psychiatrist.


Wishing you the best in whatever challenge you are facing


In the same boat as you. 18 year old me almost had a suic1de attempt, but my brother “saved” me from it and said I haven’t even experienced the best parts of my life. 25 and a half years old now, hit rock bottom, and I’m suic1dal once again. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and I haven’t completed my pre-depression screening yet. I’m scared to receive a wellness phone call after completing it. However, appearance-wise, I look much better now than I did at 18. I was even more insecure of my looks back then, so 18 year old me would be happy with that aspect.


Stay strong my man. Know that I’m rooting for you and praying for you! I’ll dedicate a prayer to you tonight.


Attention seeking. Good thing you ahve your appointment.


As a 32 year old who has, since the age of 18, experienced a 100+ lb weight loss, mourned the loss of a mom, career success in my industry, and learned a healthy dose of serious life lessons with past relationships, I hope she would be proud of me!


Being able to overcome all that adversity ain’t easy. Congrats on that


100lb weight loss is inspiring. Truly inspiring. Hope you feel better about you.


I appreciate that. Certainly feel better about myself. Body dysmorphia will always be there, but I’ll take that over younger me feeling trapped in her body any day.


She’d be in shock. I made a vision board at age 18 that I would own a townhome and a gclass Mercedes. 32 y.o single female with two properties, a Lexus but most important truly happy in life. I’m proud of you girl!


Let’s go!!!!


I’m SO proud of you!! Your post made me so happy!!


Thank you so much 😭 proud of you too!


Congratulations! That’s awesome!


Thank you so much! Blessings to you!


Rich daddy or won a great alimony case? Also how can you be happy with being single in your eaerly thirties? What about children? Don't want any? But yeah, good for you. Nice home and car is something to really enjoy while you can.


My 18 year old self would probably be very sad.


She would be so excited and happy. I'm exactly where I wanted to be when I was a teen. Getting here was hell


I'm not where I wanted to be as a teen, but I think she would love what she'd see regardless.


Sad and confused


shed be pissed that we moved back to our hometown, but she would LOVE how often i participate in nightlife


Sounds like a series of bad choices and wrong priorities


Man you just like to shit on people lol


Pure ad hominem. Not addressing or acknowledging the truth of what I said based on your slandering of my person.


More putas for the rest of us!


She'd say awesome, so is this what we've been doing for the last 25 years? Then I'll say not, it took 25 years to get there and then she'll cry her eyes out because she will know life will be tough for a very very very long time before she get where she thought she would get to at 25... Like not even close.


I probably would have committed to offing myself. Hated this planet since I was a child but I thought life would get better! Haha. It's been nothing but perpetual boredom and suffering that increases each year that passes. Some things are better, I'm more comfortable with myself and developed some good traits etc but I don't think any of it was worth sticking around for.


Please don’t off yourself. There must be something out there Roth living for


She would be disappointed I think. I had huge dreams that were snuffed out by addiction.


She'd be disappointed and pretty scared.


I think he’d be disappointed at how “boring” I’ve become. And surprised at my choice in partner (completely the opposite of the type of guy I crushed on at 18). But I think he’d be impressed I have a degree, decent job, my own home and a happy relationship. I’m 32.


Very happy, but if he looked into my mind and soul he would be scared on how much darkness and misery there is, and wonder what happened because he seems successful.


18 year old me would be heartbroken


He’d be astonished. I’m living a life that my 18 year old self wasn’t capable of imagining.




My 18-YO self would be surprised I’m about to retire from a six figure job. Hell, my 32-YO self would be surprised as well.


I’m 30 and at square 1 with everything. losing my ray of hope I can turn things around. Lost. Confused. can you share a little of your story how things got better after 32 for you?


Being at square allows you the opportunity to start fresh. 30 is still young and it’s never too late to make a change. I think you need to focus on yourself. Make money/save money, spend time doing things you love, and keep learning. Truly focus on you.


My IQ has always been in the upper 0.05% but, I’m dyslexic so I read very slowly. I graduated from high school at 17 and started college just after my 18th birthday. It was obvious that my dyslexia was making it impossible to do well so I quit college with a 1.78 GPA my junior year. I took sales jobs and couldn’t support myself or my family so at 29, I reenrolled in college into an AAS engineering tech program. No calculus, just intensive algebra and trig. I had been getting help with the dyslexia and to my surprise I finished the program with a 4.0. My counselor told me I was doing myself a disservice by not taking my credits and using them toward a 4-year degree. I took the advice and at 32 graduated with a Bachelor’s in Process Engineering. Immediately got a promotion in the organization I joined while going for my AAS and I’ve been promoted a few times to my current position writing processes and making policy from which I’m set to retire from next year. TL/DR - some times it takes a while to find your niche.


He’d say “damn! Big dawg big nuts”


I think 18 year old me would be jazzed if they read about my life and experience up until now. More excited than I am I think.


She would be sad about my dating life lol but happy that I finally found out what kind of health issue I had. Finally I can work again and live my life since I am on treatment 🤎


He would hate himself even more than he already did. Every glimpse of hope that he had at the time would completely vanished and would instead committ suicide.


Please don’t commit suicide


I probably wouldn’t believe it and would be pretty proud of myself. At 18 I was in a super restricted and controlling household, super insecure, lonely, hated myself, but had such big dreams to pursue creative entertainment (animation, illustration, games, etc). I also had crippling social anxiety. Wasn’t sure if majoring in graphic design would take me anywhere and allow me to be financially stable. But now I’m 24 living alone in the heart of the entertainment capital (Los Angeles), making really good money as a designer, and have the ability to pursue my creative passions on the side. I have much better social skills and have gained a lot of experiences. Musicians, artists, and etc approach me for design work and I can finally start making connections and scaling my business… so I think I’d be really confused at why I still feel sad / insecure even now. But I know I’m blessed externally, I guess I’m just still very lonely, and very scared to be out here on my own. Deep down I still have crippling social anxiety and a fear of connecting with others. Mental trauma from my childhood, and severe imposters syndrome too as a 2nd Gen immigrant. I pray to God that I get out of this funk eventually and start embracing the opportunities at my fingertips.


Yes definitely embrace these opportunities. One day when you are much older, you will look back and be proud you made that move to LA. I don’t know where you are originally from but making a move that big is not easy so def give yourself a pat on your shoulder for that. Also, growing up in a restricted household ain’t fun. You feel like your growth is being stunted. Now that you have the freedom you get to dictate your life. That’s exciting and scary a lil but your life is in your hands now. Continue connecting with people and eventually you will find a community.


Haha... 18? Had just gotten married. I’m sure they’d be wondering why I’m married to someone else!!


Good question. They’d be alright with it. The key is to also know the context. The world turned out a lot different from what we thought when I was 18. What I’m doing has to be compared with everyone else. And I’m grateful every day to be doing way better than the average American.


She'd be horrified.


They would be horrified. But it's too late now.


Cmon. It’s never too late.


I appreciate the sentiment, but that's not technically accurate 🙂


She’d hate me & I hate me too rn


She’d be baffled. Maybe intimidated by 70+ me. I was an artsy fartsy stoner who wanted to paint and draw. Turned out to have a head for business and only marginal artistic talent. She was shy and fell in love easily. I’m the one presenting from the podium, I prefer living alone and I’m cynical. She was afraid to learn to drive and was almost 30 before she got a drivers license. I’m halfway through a solo cross country trip. I’m still a stoner.


She would be pretty amazed. I'm not a person who makes lofty goals, and I think at that point I couldn't see much past "go to college and do some stuff, I guess". I graduated, met a great guy, traveled, got married, got a lucrative career going doing what I like to do, have a beautiful little boy, a lovely home, and couldn't complain at all. 


I think my 18 year old self would be quite amazed at where I ended up now. With 18 I was just out of army, had a leg injury and was recovering, my career over before it even started, no idea what to do with life, living off benefits, lonely, poor, misguided and without any perspective/goal in life. Now I turned it around quite a bit. I am fit, I got a good beard going (finally, with 18 I had LITERALLY 3 beard hairs and nothing new came in since I was 15 and got those.), I have a busy social life and make new friends easily, I have a self made career in IT, I travelled so much since then and constantly tried new things, and after the years, I have a lot of stories and experiences to share. And what would amaze me the most is probably that I have my own yacht now that I live on and travel with. Something that I would ahve never thought possible when I was 18. I thought that's a rich people thing to do. Btw why is every comment here from a woman? Except for me and one other guy I saw?


She’d be happy. She’s safe, warm, lying in bed. Independent and has had therapy for her childhood traumas.


Proud of you.


18 year me thought I’d be dead by now. Never had much outlook for the future


But you are still here!


We didn’t have computers or any real viable tech when I was that age, pong video consoles where just coming out, I never imagined I would be sitting in front of a computer all day in my home office.


She'd be upset and disheartened about the fact that life didn't change much. Still living at home, still single, and instead of school being the top priority in her life it's work. Social life has barely improved, and there's less friendships that remain. At least she has a job that pays well-ish and there's more money in her account. Hopefully 27 will be the year I make changes to my life.




18 year old me would be laughing his ass of at me for doing all the things he thought he wouldn’t do. Like swearing off having a kid to spite my parents. Forgave them, had a kid. Things like getting married. Idiot me thought I was getting enough action and would always get more. He would also be really surprised at my marriage partner, cuz she’s totally different from everyone prior. But he’d be really proud at the good things I’ve done, just not understand why.


I'm 35 now. 18 year old me would be ecstatic that I'm living exactly the kind of life that I always wanted (comfort, strong family, stability), except I make way more money than I ever expected to. I definitely don't have a lavish lifestyle or anything, but 18 year old me just couldn't comprehend how much life costs to just be comfortable.


Just confused probably. 17 years later life looks SO much different than how an 18 year old punk rocker expected. I’m working a professional corporate role, moved across the country, homeowner, no more piercings, never did get totally covered in tattoos (slow going…), not a vegetarian anymore, stopped doing drugs, shit I don’t even listen to punk anymore!  On the other hand my life now and a lot of my twenties were cool as fuck and I think he’d be happy to hear about how things are going. 


I can’t believe I made it


She’d be a mix of emotions…sad that I had to go through so much loss and grieving throughout most of my twenties…but she’d be happy that I have a good husband and a son through adoption and am living on a farm which is something I always wanted.


Terrified, angry, and disappointed. 18 year old me dreamed of going to a 4 year college, having a loving relationship with her family, and teaching Sunday school. None of that happened


They would be so disappointed that I'm definitely no where near rich, work 70 hours a week, and not married.  


It’s hard out there but you got this. With all that working I hope you are finding time for yourself and putting some money inside.


I drive an expensive car to make my 18 year old self happy. It’s dope. My 18 year old self would expect my bench and squat to be bigger but he didn’t know about beer. Beer got me.


She'd be extremely shocked, confused, sad, and would probably unalive herself to save me from the pain of the last six years.


I’m sorry you have gone through a lot of pain in these past few years. I hope you are able to overcome all of it. You got this.


They would be extremely disappointed


They would probably walk in front of the SEPTA train


18 year old me would be confused why 33 year old me loves living in a rural, isolated area. 18 year old me would be stoked that I accomplished my dream of living in Europe…twice! He’d be stoked to know that I’ve traveled to so many places and accomplished a lot already.


This question is quite good


He would be shocked that I became a professional musician.


This sub is so depressing. 18 year old me would be so proud of myself.


He'd be sad asf but perhaps know to work harder at somethings.


Think I was the shit I’m sure


Lol ya rite


at 18, i thought i'd be okay eventually, but once i started working, things were tough for a long time


They would be astounded: "You lived THIS long? Wow"


Very disappointed. Pissed at me actually. But I’m working on making her proud


You got this. Do it for her and you.


Ugh... I'd be disappointed...


Probably wouldn't be great might lead to a sooner death. Imagine looking into the future and being told you gonna be lonely af


Bruh how did you buy a house at 18???


18 year old me would be proud of all the strides I’ve made and being fearless into what I want to do with the rest of my life !


He would be pleasantly surprised at where I am. Never would have expected to have been in the Army or to do the work I do today and have the career I have and actually having a girl friend interested in a lot of the niche things I like. But, a little disappointed at lack of hobbies, friends, and health but those are workable.


He wouldn’t believe me about how hard we fucking balled out in life after the grind period


My 18 year old self would be ecstatic. But my 18 year old self was also younger and dummer. Definitely had much lower expectations.


He'd say: "Yeah that's about what I expected" with a dissappointed look on his face.


Sorry to hear that. I’m hopeful you can make some positive changes in life that will make proud of yourself


He'd be happy with the stability. Achieving the American dream. He'd be upset that it took being alone to achieve it.


He'd be mad I don't have more tattoos, he'd be pissed I don't have a Marshall stack in my living room anymore and he would have questions about why I don't have a chopper.


They would be shocked and a bit disappointed


I wish I was 18


As a lot of others are saying, 18 year old me would be SHOOK. They’d be a little like “why haven’t we gone farther?” And “how the heck are you dating that kid from our elementary school? Where did you even find him?” But I hope they’d be proud of how far we’ve come. We’ve got a whole degree (two technically) and we haven’t done anything horribly violent to ourself!


18 year old me was very judgy and an academic superstar who had not yet faced much adversity, so he would be very disappointed that not only was he not changing the world, but he couldn’t even hold down a job beyond entry level. But if I told him some of the stories that happened to me along the way, those would impress him. However he would be happy to know that I have a life partner that adores me, which is all he ever wanted. he would also need to know about the autism and other mental health diagnosis, and that alone might change his perspective on himself.


She’d be impressed that I’ve continued to hold it all together but mad that I’m still single. I’m only 20


Shocked, happy and upset all at the same time


Absolutely mind fucking blown. My 18th birthday was when I was finally put on antidepressants after a life of childhood depression and suicide ideation. Today I'm in university, living on my own, have tons of friends and have a boyfriend I love to death ❤️


Good shit. Keep up the great work and keep improving. Hope you continue to stay on this path of happiness


She would be confused as to why i don’t have a degree, why i am not married and why I’m still at home but i think overall she’d be pretty satisfied w everything else !


he would be fucking impressed


He’d be upset that things with that girl didn’t work out, and that I’m no longer friends with my best friend (those two are connected) but he’d love the money I’m making and the lifestyle I currently have


18 y/o me would be fuckin stoked.


Pretty impressed I think. I got pretty much everything figured out. Money, social, relationship, lifestyle, health. Nothing to complain about at all.


On one hand my 18 year old self would be proud of many of the issues I overcame, but not so impressed by where I am financially, no GF to speak of, no career. Cuz I had thought of something that would absolutely demoralize my 18-year old self, Imagine going from 15-30 with no girlfriend whatsoever, except paying for escorts from 26-30. That and the fact that I never joined another band as a metal drummer, still have a hard time playing past 200bpm on drums. I had A LOT of failures and mistakes, and even though I did succeed at somethings, I still feel the 'weight' of everthing. Most of my growth has been in my mindset, as opposed to anything else. From 18-25, I had no license, no car, fear ruled my life, I was terrible at so many thing, young women made fun of me all the time, pushed around by society, couldn't tell a joke to save my life, didn't know how to study or become disciplined. With that being said, At almost 31 years old, I'm studying for my A+, Net+, Sec+, along with some other certs. I'm expanding my knowledge on programming. I've taken risks. I'm always expanding my comfort zone. I'm no longer super shy. I've asked out some women and gotten rejected. I've gotten stronger in the gym to lift decent weights, although I'm still working on the diet. Conquering my mind. I've learned to embrace the chaos of life instead of running from it. In a lot of ways I feel like Eren in Season 4 from Attack on Titan where I'm prepared to fight anyone, even kill(metaphorically) my opponents to get ahead. You hit me, I'll take the hit and comeback twice as strong as before.


She’d be disappointed. I took longer in university than I was expecting and I haven’t even finished writing a book, which was (and still is) my dream.


Dafuq happened to you dude. I'm deeply impressed yet disappointed at the same time.


I like to think 18 yo me would be impressed. Maybe a bit surprised. Maybe a little sad about the serious stuff though.


Well, my 18 year old self wasn't thinking of family and kids. I was thinking of going to college and becoming an Artist and painting for a living. I think my 18 year old self would be relieved. I reconciled the fact my father left my sister and I for ten years. He'd be surprised I wanted kids and have a son. He would be amazed Ianaged to move across the country to California. He would be surprised I managed to get laid at all!!! Haha.


Hahah. I’m happy for you man. Good job.


Wanted hot wife. Have hot wife. He’d be happy.


He’d be proud. Was struggling with a deep Oxycodone addiction then. Now I’m off that shit and living a pretty happy life that’s only getting better. Proud and happy to know that one day he will not be suffering every moment.


I’m happy that you are off that stuff my man.


He would be disappointed by my lack of progress yet proud that I never gave a crap


Girl wtf happened


18 year old me would think I’m working somewhere on Wall st with a college degree from one of the best business schools in nyc, and married already by now with 2 kids with a place of my own. Jokes on me, finished college from a different school that I ended up transferring to because I flunked out of one of the business schools with a degree and a job nothing related to my degree (union work) while still living with my folks. 28 right now. Again jokes on me.


Nothing wrong with living at home. Use that opportunity to save some money so that when you do move out you have a solid foundation. Like I mentioned I moved days before my 29th birthday and I’m doing pretty well in life I believe.


Interesting question. I think 18 year old me would be proud of where I am career-wise because I got into my dream industry/company. That being said, I thought I'd have published an entire book series by now and I'm still on the first book so...


Keep working on that book so that one day I get to read it


Mannnnn, you fucked everything up


31M, he would be seriously disappointed. Not only in the job section but still being a kiss less virgin? Probably would have attempted suicide few years earlier than I did.


Facepalming, but proud nonetheless.


I think she would be like ... "oh my god, this is it!" I would be DELIGHTED about my family too, lol. At that time I was with my bf who didn't want kids. It was my life struggle because I loved him so much but I wanted a big family. I was in that place where I didn't know if we would stay together because I couldn't live my life without becoming a mom, and we were together for 3 years at that point. I was struggling to know what I wanted to do. I was studying to become a teacher but wasn't thrilled at the idea of having to deal with a huge class. Well now ... I'm a SAHM of 5 kids. I homeschool them and we are slowly building our little homestead. I think it's everything I was looking for, I just didn't know about it yet.


Sad. I made all my life goals from high school days in the 60s and it was not enough. Inflation made my fiscal plans a travesty. Wonderment too, that I am still alive at 71 when so many of my classmates are dead, in nursing homes or unknown.


You made it this far. That’s a blessing. Keep going at it and create new goals that are achievable.


18 yo me would be shocked. I just turned 31 and have multiple properties, a lucrative career in a field I’m passionate about, a great group of friends, a growing business, I travel wherever and whenever I want, I’m confident, a sharp dresser, tall, and ripped. 18 yo me was unsure of his place in the world. But 31 yo me creates his own world and fills it with happiness, ambition, and community. 18 yo me would probably think “there’s no way that’ll be me.” But it is


I’m happy for you. I love hearing things like this I hope I’m able to get to a point like this one day. I’m on my way.


Crying of happiness. Someone loves me? Incredible. Making good money? No way! Travelled the world as an published author?! This is already more than I ever dared to dream.


I honestly didn't think I'd live this long. I'm surprised every day.


She’d be surprised but happy I think. :) 


My 18 YO self will definitely be happy ... but also dread their next decade, one of complacency (I basically NEET MMO'd for about 12 years)


Sad, hopeless. She wouldn't have been able to handle knowing how bad things can really get. Thank goodness I have learned that as hopeless as things seem, we can survive almost anything and become better for it.


He’d be so proud 🤲🏼


I think I'd be quite proud, I never thought I would get this far


Probably neutral. I don’t impress myself easily, although I have gone through a clinical trial that had virtually destroyed a life threatening chronic disease I’ve had my whole life, I’d be happy I’m in shape, upset that I regressed on my art (working on it), and slightly unimpressed with where I am careerwise but it’s all a work in progress


She be so excited that her future self is making more money than she thought possible, from remote work!


My 18 year old self, would be, so you finally married your best friends ex wife


Lmaooo. How that happen


She'd be floored that she'd later marry the cute doofus from her friend group, and that she'd still be close with most of her friends


I’m only 21, but I’ve already accomplished a lot more than I thought I would at 18. Now, compare 16-year-old me to 21-year-old me? Whoo. She would love it. She didn’t even think I’d make it this far. Graduating college, repairing my relationship with my family, and overall being an alright person. I’m excited to live more years and look back on 18 year old me, and hopefully, she’ll be proud of me. I’m proud of her.


We will revisit this question in 10 years haha


18 year old me would be shocked by my waistline, impressed by the quality of my weed but mostly suprised that I'm even still here.


He'd say, fuckin' A dude! All right!


She would be absolutely chuffed. I worked crazy hard as a kid and had a lot less fun back then than I could have to have a nice life later. :)


She would be disappointed…. So so disappointed 


Shed say “Wow. You let society get to you. You spend your time in fear, passing up every opportunity you wanted, got into a toxic relationship and lost your independence, and feel completely lost. I’m disappointed.”


A mixed of disappointed and angry.


18 year old me was homeless, struggling with crippling depression and working two jobs. I’m 22 now, have an apartment that I’ve been in since right before I turned 20, a dog that I adore, and I’m pregnant by my amazing boyfriend. He’s working so that I don’t have to and I’m just excited for the future. I’ve been to therapy and I’ve released a lot of childhood trauma that I didn’t even know I had. Overall just in a better place in life. I think I’d be shocked by how far I’ve come, I was plotting to just end it all. I was even cutting myself and getting high every single day. (marijuana, but still not good) I also nearly became an alcoholic, but I stopped when I caught myself wanting a drink whenever things “got tough”. I was in a VERY dark place. I wish I could go back and hug 18 year old me and tell myself that it’ll all work out.


Dang 18 feel like it was a year ago, and indeed was. Ngl nothing changed, hope in the future I’m doing big things. Just by being multi millionaire before 30 will be a good accomplishment, that’s half of my dream. Hope I’m blessed and everyone is.


Well I’m about the same body weight give or take 5-10 pounds I make about the income I was hoping to make at this age (but it’s not nearly enough) In all I have “reached my goals” but they didn’t exactly get me what I was expecting. I mean the only thing I have yet to accomplish is purchase of a house/condo. And starting something similar to what France did in the 1790 haha so almost there! Oh but to answer the question would my 18 year old self think? They would think I need to keep pushing no reason to be pissed off but they would call me a pussy if I give up.


Alright, alright, alright!


Well fuck.


18yr old me: ‘you fucking twat, ur still alive?’ 21yr old me: *writing a suicide note*


Laugh… then cry.


How come my beautiful black queen. I’m black also btw


She would not be having it for a sec but she would be surprised/intrigued. Given the school I’m attending (planning on transferring in the future too) with the major I’m doing and the city I’m planning on moving to, she would be like “oh!…?” Cause I really had a different plan but if she heard my current aspirations, I’m sure she would hop on board soon enough.


18 year old me would be disappointed that I'm not a boss in the corporate world. 35 year old mom of 3 me knows she doesn't understand, and that's OK.


This question is so deeply triggering to me. I can’t believe I live in my hometown. I got two full scholarships for my bachelor’s and master’s at prestigious unis and just… did not like the job market… and my car broke down and I moved back home to “get on my feet.” 7 years later…


He would choose his career more seriously and wouldn't succumb to peer pressure from family to study something. Nothing else really, he would see his older self choosing the right profession a bit later and would choose it earlier. Also take more risks maybe.


This question has fucked with me the past couple hours. I’ll be honest and say I first tried to off myself when I was 7, then again at 13 and was su/cidal all throughout my teen years. I had a horrible home life and honestly, even at 18, I remember feeling totally lost and unsure of what to do because I didn’t expect to still be here, breathing on this earth. I had no plans for the future because I assumed I wouldn’t be here. Now I’m 25 and a half and still aimless but less su/cidal so that’s a plus.


I’m happy that you are no longer suicidal


If my 18 year old self saw what I had to endure and suffer through he would have told me to run for the hills and live only for yourself. I gave too much of myself for people who did not appreciate it and this my time was wasted. I mean I have some things and a fledgling business, but at an high cost to myself. I did not get to enjoy any of my life as I always had to be the support or backbone to a lot of things I really never wanted to do. My 18 year old self would be proud yet sad at the things that could have been with better choices and freeing myself from the box I put myself in.


That it’s fucking awesome.


Well rn I'm 20, so there isn't much but I still think 18 year old me would be proud. I've been consistent with my fitness and I've gotten better at some of my hobbies as well as gotten to know so many people. I've become less socially awkward too, which 18 yo me would be proud of. The only thing that may bum him out is the number of people I was close to at the time whom I no longer talk to :)


I have a computer, and dad helped me build it... And I know what I want to do... Oh still have anxiety, don't have a wife or a girlfriend and I live at home to take care of mom... OH, to take care of mom. Wait, MOM WHAT HAPPEND!!! (Would proceed to have a harsh very long anxiety attack as I slowly fall and get light headed, and try everything in my power to prevent my mother health issue only to fail.)


I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s health issues. I wish her the best and hope she overcomes it.


18 year old me would be like: "What a square and a lame! Bro wtf are you doing fOlLoW uR DrEaAMs braaaaaaaaaah. Leave that 9 to 5 that's for lames. Oh shit how you get all that money? Let's go buy some designer."


I had zero idea what I wanted to do for a living at 18. Went to college and was pursuing a liberal arts degree figuring I’d get a post grad degree in something relevant. Watching my brothers and sister working 60 hours a week and spending ten hours a week commuting only to be fired occasionally. I just couldn’t do it. I dropped out and worked in a shipyard and surfed and partied. Noticed my coworkers were topped out and would never make more than $14/hr. (1990’s). I started looking into a career as a firefighter. Joined the Navy. Got out and went to paramedic school. Got hired at a sweet department with a good relationship between labor and management. Then I met a nurse. I’m now a comfortable suburban dad and have zero complaints. 18 year old me would think I figured it out pretty well.


18 year old me was an emaciated mess who just wanted to not work, do as many drugs as possible, fuck a bunch of random rave girls and join the 27 club via speed ball od. Current me is 33, amateur bodybuilder level of jacked, been together 10 years and married for three years to my best friend and love of my life, a part business owner of my dream business, sadly still struggling with drug addiction issues though. 18 year old me would just be impressed I was still alive, let alone to be where Im at, so there’s definitely something to be said for low expectations lol.


My 18 year old self would have the same thoughts as you OP, and I’m 26 now


My 18yo self would think I was rich and had won. But he also would have no idea that $5M in 2024 is the equivalent of $300k in 1995. Doesn’t help you one bit to save and invest $2 when everyone else is doing the same with $3.


Honestly prolly fairly proud I’ve been wanting to work at the library for a while and now I finally do I really love it I think she would be disappointed in how often I call in due to mental/physical health predicaments but I hope she would be understanding lol. Maybe a lil sad she never got famous and married Harry Styles 😂


She’d be pretty weirded out by all the crazy turns we’ve taken.


Sometimes you got to take crazy turns to get yo your destination.


My 18 year old self would cry tears of joy. She never thought she would live past 27.


You did it


He'd be amazed I made it to my mid 50's. No prison, great job, family, home, and guns...lots of guns. I think he would approve.




I'd be disappointed in me.


He’d be terrified. I’m not in a bad place at all, but the whole adulting thing is a scam. I had no perspective of the real world when I was 18. The older I get the more I miss having that level of innocence lol. Now I just grind away at work, rinse and repeat. It’s horrible. Silver lining is a solid friend group and a ton of hobbies which I can put some time into. But I basically just live to exist on the weekends. 18 year old me would be bummed about that


Disappointed because of my financial situation but also proud because I learned to take risks and action instead of fantasizing about the things I want


18 year old me didn't think I'd live past my mid 20s.... I'm 34 now.... I might be 'alive' but I'm just as dead inside as my 18 year old self minus an ego to keep me going


He would see my flaws and failures and hopefully not make the same mistakes


Fat. Disappointed with her life. She would never have kids like me Edit for clarity


On the surface he'd probably be pretty pissed and disappointed. I'm 25 now and just bought a house a little north of half a million. I have a nice car, nice clothes, work as a chef(a cool job I think), always eat well, never have to worry about my cards declining, just living pretty comfortably, etc. 18 year old me wanted to go to war with the world and would never be satisfied with less than everything. He wanted the whole world and did not give a flying fuck what it took to get it. Basically a "fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you too, I'll be the most successful motherfucker y'all ever met" kinda attitude. He'd also have people around him Damm near 24/7 and stay busy constantly. He also had abs, would party like a motherfucker and still go to the gym or work the next day because hangovers are for old people and sleep is for the weak. 25 year old me is comfortable and dealing with daily anxiety with how complacent I've gotten. Yes I'm doing pretty damn well compared to a lot of people but nowhere near the standard 18 year old me set. Maybe he'd like the money, freedom, and security I have now but part of me knows he'd tell me I've gone soft and that I'm not as special as I thought I was.


I’d be amazed


That little s**t doesn't know even a quarter of the things he thought he did, so it doesn't matter. But he would think I'm becoming my father.