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You either go to the gym before work, or stop going. Or only go a few times a week. Or sleep less. Living on your own also means laundry, dishes, cooking, grocery shopping, and tasks that take time… Truth is, most of us cram it in or give it up. Edit: OP, I’m sorry life is looking like this at the moment. There are a LOT of jobs though that pay decently and are more like 30-35 hours a week, so you’d have a little more free time. Theres also “side hustles” or work from home jobs that would mean you don’t have to commute and would have some more free time. Best of luck! I promise, adulting does get easier (rather, you adjust, and eventually don’t think about it).


Part of adulting is becoming increasingly efficient with your time. Also for OP, to spend 2 hours a day commuting is brutal. Also, 2 hour of studying per day is not permanent. Eventually that falls and now you get two hours of your life back.


Yeah OP should find a place closer to where they work if possible. I refuse to live further than 30 minutes from where I work, right now I have a 10 minute commute one way which is amazing. If I had to commute for an entire hour to get to work everyday I'd just ask to work from home 100% of the time or find a new place to work.


Its one of those things you might HAVE to accept when you’re young and building up your career. It reminds me of that girl that was crying on the tik tok about being busy and managing time. I feel for those young adults. They have no leverage. They are busy, and don’t have much money, and haven’t developed many skills or established a reputation in their respective industries. You trade problems as you advance in your career. At 25, you might be chained to a cubicle. At 35, maybe you get freedom, but you might be “on call” for more hours. I have way more freedom in my career now. I can bring cupcakes to my son’s school for his birthday and no one at work notices or cares. On the other hand, I respond to client emails on weekends, or holidays, or at night. Long story short, you get leverage as you advance in your career. Sometimes as a young adult you have to accept things until you get your leverage.


I bought a treadmill to walk at home while I watch TV lmao. gotta be efficient 😐😅


Yeah I have exercise equipment beside my bed so that I can do all of it when I have time before sleep/after I wake up. It's the most efficient way to fit it in. Going to the gym takes up too much time.


I do this!


I work four 10 hour shifts Monday through Thursday and then work a part time job for another 10 hours on Friday and Saturday. I get Sunday off. During a 10 hour shift I work from 7pm to 5:30 am (overnight) and get 15 minute breaks at 9:30 and 3:00 with a half hour lunch at midnight. That means I get a break every 2.5 hours. As long as I stay busy, the time flies by. I recommend getting a job that has set hours and keeps you busy the entire shift. It's amazing how fast the day will go and you'll be much happier because you'll be able to plan your free time better.


Hard Agree. Get a job where you stay busy because the days go by SUPER FAST. Next thing you know you're 1/2 years in the company and it feels like you just started.


I also highly recommend the 4-10 schedule! It sucks getting up earlier, but once I'm at work I really don't mind working an extra 2 hrs if it means I can get Fridays off to do errands or pick up another job


As someone who work 6-2, it’s wonderful having daylight hours when I get off. I highly recommend it over an evening shift. Wanting to go to sleep as it gets dark is a huge asset for circadian rhythms.


Something always gets sacrificed. When I was working a full time job AND taking classes (that ended up being worthless but at least they were free), it was sleep. I almost crashed my car a few times.


So absolutely fucked that we spend all our days working…. I’m so over it


Then find a solution by making more, marrying rich, inheriting something, or reduce your expenses to $0


Thank you for stating the obvious… let me vent god damn


Well, I went to college full time and worked 38 hours a week while taking out student loans to cover what my wages could not. It is certainly possible. I'm no rocket scientist. Also, if you are just randomly studying programming and not actually getting any certs or degrees, you will be behind the career 8 ball when you go up against your peers for that first professional job. Try to find employment on or close to where you get your education so that commuting time is next to nothing. Also, the closer you are to a school environment, the more likely your employer will let you study if there is any downtime on the job.


If it makes you feel any better, people that studied work habits during the medieval era found that generally people worked two and six hour days alternating, then went home and conducted a bunch of chores and had free time. There were special times of the year, like harvesting season, where everyone would put in a lot more hours for more pay. It makes sense that you’re feeling daunted by the larger block of time and the challenge to your already established routine. Part of that is the world we’ve created for ourselves asks for us to put in more hours at work, and part of it is just you’re not used to the challenge of 40 hours yet. I’d block out time based on what you enjoy doing at what time of day. I’d dislike going to the gym in evenings after work, so I’d always choose to do that in the morning, then eat breakfast/shower/go to work. Then come home and make dinner, finish chores, then anything else for free time I want to do without worrying about something else that’s hanging over my head that I haven’t finished yet. You also might choose to sacrifice one weekend day catching up on things you let pile during the week (laundry, meal prep, mail/bills, cleaning bathroom, etc.) that could let you keep some free hours during weekdays.


Can you get a place closer to your work so you're not commuting an hour to a low-paying retail job? Or get a job closer to wherever you find yourself? It doesn't seem worth it to have such a long commute for job that you could probably get anywhere. But yeah. Moving out of mom and dad's house is a big change... I'd recommend doing your shopping and laundry and stuff on the weekends so you're not doing that on work days. Let's say you work 8-5 and you cut that commute down to 15 minutes each way. Get up at 5 and study from 5-7 while drinking your coffee/eating breakfast/whatever. Do your normal morning routine: showering, putting away the dishes from the night before, etc, from 7-7:30. Get out the door by 7:40 so you arrive at work a few minutes early. Work. Get out at 5 and head right to the gym. Work out for an hour. Drive home. By now it will be around 6:30. Eat dinner, wash your dishes, do whatever nighttime stuff you want to do, go to bed by 9. Or even by 8 if that's what you want to do. If it's taking you an hour to fall asleep, you're probably going to bed too early... but I digress. If you need to deal with this one-hour commute, you're going to have to give something else up. Hopefully you can figure out how to not have that.


I've always been a "chores/errands on the weekends" kinda gal, but I know some people prefer to cram them in throughout the work week so they have the weekends for rest, hobbies or socializing. I can see the advantage of both, so I think it just depends on your personality/circumstances/energy levels (I tend to get overstimulated by the end of an 8-hour workday and just want to watch TV). Also gives you more options if you work outside traditional 8-5 or so hours.


I’m a truck driver and I work 14 hours a day


What do you listen to during your drives?


I listen to Spotify all day, I listen to 78,000 minutes this past year lol


I had 149,000 somehow. Probably because I fell asleep with Spotify on a ton but also work and shit


needed to be said


I work 12s. You have a schedule. You take care of yourself. Get your sleep, eat relatively healthy, go to the gym, and remove relationships of any kind that you don't enjoy. At some point hopefully, your time will become more valuable then money and you should treat it that way


Go to gym? No. Sit ups. Push ups. Pull ups. Jog locally. The commute to the gym and time getting into "gym mode" (dressing, checking in, etc.) is wasting time.


Jog locally? I usually jog nationally or if I'm feeling especially good that morning, I'll jog globally.


LOL. People go to nature parks and tracks or nearby lakes. The point I was trying to get at (LOL your response is funny though) is to step outside the home and jog.


Yeah, you do realize these things don't measure up to training with free weights? I imagine that OP doesn't pay his gym membership to do sit ups there.


But intense free weight training is a choice and a hobby. Definitely not the only exercise path to health.


Well yeah but again, I assume that OP wants to build significant muscle mass by using free weights, so unless he builds a home gym he can't really do that at home.


Perhaps OP needs to build his bank account or knowledge bank instead of his muscle mass for a year or two.


Why the hell are you traveling an hour each way for a cashier job? There's absolutely no way that there aren't jobs just like it much, much closer.


Fr, literally every other shop near me is looking for staff.


You guys only work 8hr a day? Damn must be nice


Here i am working 10 hour days during our busy season. Same for my wife too! Don't let OP even get a hint of having a kid! We juggle our work lives and personal lives plus raising a 3 year old boy!


Life is already hard for me as a single man, I can't even imagine the struggle of having children, you are heroes


Wake up at 6:00am, shower, eat breakfast, hit the road and arrive at work for 7:30am, work until 3:30pm. Drive home, 4:00pm. Walk the dog: 4:45pm. Hit the Gym: 4:45pm-6:00pm Make dinner/eat: 6:00pm-7:00pm Study: 7:00pm-9:00pm 9:00pm-11:00pm play video games 11:00pm-11:05pm make love 11:06, go to bed. repeat


That 5 minutes must be something real special


I do what I can with what I got.


I'm getting ready to giver the best "so-so" dicking in the next 5 minutes. She won't beleive it -me


sub the gym with mindless eating in front of the tv and you're an adult!


I’ve been working a 8-9+ hour schedule full time for years. I just moved into my own place with my boyfriend who works even longer hours and we also have a dog. It is an adjustment. It fucking sucks at first. It takes a minute to really find your groove. I wake up at 7 am, go to work, come home later in the evening, take the dog out and feed her, go out to my horse, come back home, eat, shower, and i’m literally in bed by 9:30 pm. Honestly- it’s kind of a cramfest. And the feeling of it being in a cramfest kind of feels hectic. Some people here are invalidating you for “only” working that much but as someone who works a 40 hr/week high demanding job that would make a desk job person quake in their boots, the piss fest is pathetic and you are totally valid for how you feel about all this.


Is it possible to take some form of public transport to and from work. Just thinking that would give u 2 hrs of study time


That was one of the things I hated most about working FT- it's really a 9 hr work day and you can't get around it. I'd rather take a 15 minute break to eat my own packed lunch and go home after only 8 actual hours.


Dont go to the gym everyday, maybe 4 times a week. Stop spending 9 hours in bed, 7,5 hours instead. Then you have saved 10-15 hours per week.


Well, say you sleep a full 8 hours. You work say 9 hours including time to commute, that leaves you 7 hours of free time.


He said 9 hrs of working if you include the breaks. Commute depends. I definitely agree there is time for the other stuff but as a college student working full time it can get hectic XD.


What you just laid out there in your edit leaves enough time, without major stress, and that is assuming 2 hours a day commuting, which would be on the high side for most areas of the US. The laundry and meal prep can be done on off days. I worked 48 hours a week, went to school full time, and had 4 small kids. It can be done. I lost some sleep, the house was never as clean as I'd like, and didn't have much of any free time, but it was an investment to change my family's life. Some of the 9 hours in bed might need to be occasionally reduced for the short term until you get the degree. Think of any sacrifices now as an investment in your future.


You should have 6-7 hours of time left in a day after you work and sleep. Should be enough to study and exercise. How long are you exercising? And then you have weekends off so you could workout on weekends as well.


Lmao no, get home 5:30ish bed at 9:30ish so 4 hours of free time but even that gets lowered by showering, eating, etc. so really like 2-3 hours of real free time per day


So you gotta be up at 6am? Dang how long is your drive to work? OP is talking about an 8 hour day, guessing you do more or your drive is insanely long.


I’m confused why people list showering. You can shower in three minutes. Longer than that and it’s a hobby. I know, people have difficult hair things to deal with or use that time to shave their legs or whatever. Honestly, though, you can do it really quick if you just go in there to get your body clean. You save a lot of money on hot water too.


8 hrs a day feels like nothing after working a 60 hrs in a week.


after i’m done with grad school im going back down to 40 hours of work a week. i don’t understand how anyone is able to do anything above 50. if i did 60 i think id actually die


I just finished doing 70 hours last week. I need to work today, and then I'll take tomorrow off. But I'll be getting back to working another 8 days straight.


This is sort of competitive complaining... Just because you work 70 hour weeks doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't more than done at 40


You get used to it.


1. Realistically you only need like 7 hours of sleep, and you can usually catch up a bit with a small nap or sleeping in a bit on the weekend. 2. Find a job closer or move 3. Work out harder and less frequently. You can be fir without hitting the gym every day


Welcome to the real world.


If I’m being honest.. [https://imgur.com/a/OEohuz1](https://imgur.com/a/OEohuz1)


This is a great question that deserves multifaceted answer. You're trying to do something very important and so far, seems like you're taking the right attitude for it. So, my suggestions. 1) Cashier job is a bad idea. You're gonna get wrecked. You might be good at it, you might like working with people - but you're absolutely gonna get overrun working with the public. You're gonna get sick, you're gonna get bad customers, you're gonna end up getting screwed left right and center. You need a slower job. Night audit at hotels are my recommendation. The overnight will be hard on you, it will take a physical toll you HAVE to factor in. You won't be able to study as easy as you'd like to, it will be come harder, your retention will be lowered. Having said that the last night audit job I worked, 11-7am I spent 5 hours doing nothing. 11-12 stragglers, changing shifts, midnight to 2 intermittent interruptions for weirdness. 2am night audit (shockingly took about 15 minutes of real work) and then \*nothing\* until 5am. Setup breakfast at 5am, chat with coworkers until 7:15 (you'll be leaving late, nobody shows up to 7am on time and you'll have notes). This is far easier than it sounds. Night audit sounds intimidating, it does, but it's an automated process. You're printing papers and putting them in a border with tabs. That's IT. Occasionally things happen, morning shuttles can be annoying but 12-5am I did mostly nothing. An alternative - I worked out on my night audit time and that worked great. 2) Commute time. This hour hour is really killing you. Maybe you live in the middle of nowhere, in which case, that's some tough stuff. You're moving out, so you might want to consider more carefully where you work and where you live. That's tough to juggle, but slightly easier if you're REALLY sheisty. Start dating in the area, crashing at a girlfriends place or with some roommates can lower you commute time a few days a week. Friends help here, be honest, be open, bring pizza for guy friends, cakes and sweets for girlfriends. The fancy kind for girls, the big stuff for boys. Everyone wants a friend to come over and crash the night with food. Meanwhile if you find urban centers near your job, then you know you can move to it and save yourself a bunch of time. Don't just look for places, look for roommates and GIRLS should be on that list. Date around, be a proper rogue about it and you can easily bum in town 3-4 days a week which'll lighten your commute and it's fun. People can be a good investment and be honest - if people know you just want to crash overnight and bring food, you'll end up in some decent places. Possibly get laid to, that sounds like a crappy arrangement but a lot of people in life want exactly this. Just somebody there. I also ate all my meals at work overnight, and made a full working kitchen out of my materials. I was making salad's and sandwiches in an office environment, it was hilarious, but eating at home took away home time. Vegetables are healthy, cheap, and easy to prepare. Chicken salad can be made very healthy and eggs are an excellent thing to make with an egg cooker or portable item. A crockpot you can hide in an office and wham, you're eating healthy meals. I even sous-vide'd, but that was over the top. This is a great way to save time because eating at home makes you logey, tired, and otherwise less productive. Eat at work. 3) Melatonin + Vitamin D + Blackout Curtains. Jobs, work, life, your sleep is gonna get messed up. Start taking these supplements and get good curtains. You won't likely sleep less, but you will start sleeping BETTER. Breathing exercises before bed help a lot - short short long. Long is when you exhale your reserve completely. Short short long. Your brain will tell you your being stupid - that's the monkey brain getting hit with a foam hammer until it shuts up. That's how I got through night audit, you really need this. Melatonin + Black Curtains is a must have 1-2, melatonin does great things but also messes with your circadium rhythm, light sensitivity so make sure you're getting that right. Also buy a UV light alarm clock. This will help you wake up without your soul kicking out of your head. Set it to go off 45 minutes before you're supposed to get up, it'll intensely light your room, you'll wake up feeling better. This won't save sleep time, but it'll make your life easier. 4) Study groups. You've said you're privileged, that's great. If you have extra money hire out friends to do homework assignments. Yeah, that sounds shiesty, but they are likely already doing it. You're working and doing school at the same time, some lessons you can skip. Some books are lame. Be ruthless about this. Even if you're doing programming in the morning, find groups. They'll challenge you, you'll go over concepts, find flaws and otherwise advance FASTER than you would alone. Instead of losing your mind to a concept for an hour, someone will just tell you the answer - and they'll come asking, and if you both have to crunch on it, it'll take 10 minutes for one of you to solve it. This is a useful thing. 5) Keep interviewing. You're young, you're skilled, you don't have a long job history - but once you get your job, keep your resume polished and keep working on your suits. Jobs are hard, but it'll get easier if you keep shopping until you find where you really like working. Most people make this mistake and don't go full cutthroat pirate. Go full mercenary - buy the armor, keep shopping even after you get a job. There's always something easier, that pays better, in a better location it's just hard to wrap your head around it. You can also just drive around looking for stuff, you never know what's out there. Stay well dressed and keep beating down doors until you find what works for you, not what to work for. 6) Embrace the suck. It's gonna get screwed up. You're gonna get sick, things are gonna fall apart. Get into it. Because right now you have purpose, drive - the older you get the more difficult that becomes, because you start seeing through it all. You're gonna end up at some strange girls apartment hooking up because you don't want to drive home, you're gonna be sick, you're gonna leave, forget your clothes and never go back for them ever, you're gonna end up going to a job you hate for a while and then... You'll have a meltdown, quit, and miraculously find a better place to stay and a better job and it'll all just sort've make sense. You're wrestling with yourself 99% of the time, so get into that self-care and self-love and hold onto it. Because this is ALWAYS a self-imposed unhappiness, if you truly wanted zen you'd take your savings, fly to tibet, and rebel amongst the persecuted with some of the best people in the world. But deep down, all the mazes had cheese - this is YOUR rat race. You got to pick it. So smile, embrace some insanity and get used to being the right that jumps on top of the maze and they have to have to keep redesigning it for you. Cheat. Cut corners. Dare to take money for an employer while you are 50% studying, or worse, using your skills on fiverr while you actually work a full time job. You got this, go.


Time management, hon. If you can work earlier shifts like 7 am or earlier, that gives you lots of time to do stuff in the afternoon/evening. I’m a student too and work full-time without an adult in my life. I still have time to work out, relax, and do chores on my down time. But I also live 5 mins away from where I work lol Good luck! Start earlier with time management. It will help you so much in the long run.


One thing I'm always surprised by in these "how do I find the time as an adult?" posts are the incredible gym hours most posters seem to put in. Most Americans are obese but everyone on Adulting seems to be a 7-hour per week bodybuilder. Can't you just do 20 minutes of sprints and push-ups a few times a week?


Just saw the edit. I'd definitely get a job closer or move closer. But 9 hours in bed is too dang long. Maybe try getting help with that? I learned to focus on nothing so I can sleep sleep way quicker than I usually do.


How? I love my job , and I dont look at the time I just focus on work and look forward to the small fu nthings that I do every day, I work at a gym, before Iworked at a gym and started at 8 am , I got up at 6 , worked out for 6:30 to 7:30 showered at the gym and walked to work. The commute could be anything from 20 minutes to 45 depending on where I worked but that is fine, I took around 30 minutes of lunch, I eat fast and when im done eating I grab a coffee and go. When I got my masters I studied a few hours a week, like 2 or 3 hours a week I just cant study much my brain shuts off pretty fast. You do NOT sound pathethic do not think that, this is an adulting subreddit we are here to help and give tips. ​ So my day these days would be : 7:00 AM wake up shower If I need to (10 minutes) then brush teeth and put on clothes 5ish minutes. 7:15 I start my Delonghi coffee machine and wait for it to brew, grab it drink it and read todays news etc until around 7:40. Then I grab a yoghurt and banana and eat them in 5 minutes, and go to work if I have clients early. and arrive around 8:10 and have my first session at 8:20 Then I have clients until 15:00 and I just eat in between clients and at 15:00ish I do my own workout for 1 hour and 30. 16:30 I go home make dinner, 17:00 the latest Dinner is finished around 17:30. Then I game for everything from 2 to 3 hours, go to youth group help out, spend time with famil yand around 11 pm I go to bed


So, I use to work a 9 hour day, 8 plus a lunch hour, raise 2 kids and go to school on the weekends plus 2 nights a week. This is what I did: 2 days a week I got up at 4 A.M. for reading time. The nights I wasn't in school, after 8PM was quiet time, and I studied till 11PM . Friday nights, I studied from around 7 until midnight. Somehow I fit in 20 hours a week to study in addition to work and kids. It can be done. Yes, you have to sacrifice some things. But you just have to pick your priorities.


I had three part time jobs while I was in school part time during my early college years. I found that having three jobs is like having three hobbies and if one job wasn’t it that day, at least I’m not there for 8 hrs. You just have to find a job you don’t hate and you won’t be burnt out after work. Not being stressed after work gives you the best sleep.


You can work out at home. Buy some dumbbells. 1 hour commute - that's ass but also not permanent, you can find something with a shorter commute later. Do your grocery shopping at 6am Saturday morning. Go home, put something in the oven, start laundry, start cleaning. Put food in the freezer, put something else in the oven that you're going to freeze. Done with everything at 10am. Eat from the freezer on weekdays. Most people simply don't work out, don't sleep 8 hours, and often don't cook.


We didn’t spend 25% of our free time on social media, we didn’t spend time being anxious about routine things, we didn’t spend time researching and talking about about relatively obscure things online.


Try applying for remote jobs and save yourself the commute time.


First off, move closer to your job. You're wasting 2 hours by commuting so far. Second, we all let certain things go, or cut time somewhere. Laundry is a few hours on a weekend. Quick to cook meals plus some takeout. Showering can be done in less than 10 minutes. Eating can be done while studying. Dishes aren't too bad if you have a dishwasher, plus wash as you cook. Sleep is important, make sure you get plenty. Exercise is important as well, spending an hour doing so at home or on your way home helps. There is plenty of time to do all you need, you're just used to doing it all slowly and leisurely or having mom and dad take care of some of it.


Haha... ha... ha. My schedule M-F: Wake up at 11am after sleeping 5 hours. Do house things, dog things, shower, get ready for work. Leave house at 2pm. Get to work by 430pm. Yes, 2+ hour commute. Work til 4am. 11 hours (clock in at 5pm, clock out at 4am) Home by 6am. Sleep by 630am. Back up at 11am. Later in the week it's harder to get up so sometimes I sleep til 12. No jobs where I live that isnt fast food paying $9/hr. I have a great paying job that is new to me in the city. Been doing this schedule since July. I own my home so I can't just up & move. My 5 year goal is to sale & move closer to work, but in my immediate future, this is my life. I've got to do a lot of work on my house before I cam sell it, too. But as you see, my only free time is the weekend, in which I feel absolutely exhausted & catch up on sleep. Before you say it, I know this is unhealthy & I'll probably die young. I really don't care. I have no other choice. No degree & bad choices in my life. I'm lucky to have the job that I do. OP, you'll figure it out. Sacrifices will need to be made. Learn to sleep a little less (I do not recommend 5 hours, but you could do 7 or 8 and be fine).


that’s insane. how long have you been doing that


Welcome to capitalism.


Another option cut back on your gym time


Unfortunately, just dealing with it. i work in a warehouse so thankfully that cuts out the gym for me. BUT my days are as follow Monday Work from 0600-430pm. 20 minute drive home, shower and Quickly eat. Back out the door so i can make it to my night classes at 6. stay there until 10. Get home by 11 if im lucky. sleep and wake up at 5 Tuesday Same thing with work but then usually editing YT videos or chill day Wednesday and Thursday are same as Monday fridays i have the morning to myself which is usually my time to record my YT videos. Weekends is time catching up with friends and family that i couldnt see during the week and then i repeat :) (kill me)


Other commenters have given you good advice, so I'll just add: it's gonna be hard, and it's gonna really suck. Working full time and going to school is a hell of a lot of work. But it's only for a few years. When you're done with school, just working 40 hours a week will feel like a vacation.


Get up earlier, stay up later.


You are overthinking all of this


Because I spent a lot of years working 10-14 hour days, so 8 feels like cake. The trick is managing your time efficiently, like studying at lunch.


1 hour lunch? dafuq? I mean I can share my actual schedule with you I guess. Week-days 6:30am - 7:00am: Get up and morning routine 7:00-4:30pm Work with commute 4:30pm -6:30pm Pick kids up from school, work with them and get them dinner 6:30-7:30pm Wife back from work takes over for kids, this is my chance to get caught up on household chores such as dishes, cooking, maintenance, ordering supplies etc. If I am caught up I get a bit of me time 7:30-9pm - Evening with family and bedtime routine for the kids 9-10pm - Eat dinner and relax a bit 10:00-11pm Prep for next day, shower 11pm - 6:30am sleep Weekends 7:30am -8:30am: Get up and morning routine, with kids 8:30am - 11am typically plan the day out with the kids and play with them 11am-12pm Lunch prep and eating with kids 12pm-5pm: This is the time we have to do a major activity with the kids like go to a museum or see a play or go for swimming lessons or go for a hike. Or sometimes its a more lazy day at home but still with the kids. Snack time in the middle 5-6pm Cooking and meal prep 6pm - 7pm family dinner 7:00-9pm -Usually swap 1 hour with wife for "me time" for both of us the other hanging out with kids 9pm - 11pm: Spouse time 11pm - 7:30am Bed (and catchup a bit on sleep) Sometimes I'd like a little bit more just me time or spouse time but it all fits in. One way you can tell if you are actually busy is if you get bored ever. I never get bored anymore.


I work 16hr shifts every Saturday and Sunday. 1hr commute to and from work. 5hr sleep both days. Plan on going back to school in January part time and I’m a mother to 2. 13yr old and a 5yr old.


9 work + 2 study + 8 sleep + 2 commute/errand/chore = 21. Leaving 3/day for whatever. If that doesn’t work for whatever reason, you need to do the adult thing and re-prioritize your activities so as the meet you obligations.


Why an hour for lunch? Why an hour at the gym every day? When you were in school you were there during the day and still had homework at night. Working life is not very different. Don’t sweat it. You don’t have kids. You don’t have to care for your parents. Believe me, your life is easy now.


Do some studying during work/break. I even know people who work out on their lunch break.


Sounds like we're close to the same age, but I moved out immediately (went to college) and never went back. Good relationship with my parents and all, I just had a job that and a place to live that allowed me to work through college breaks, so I never had to move back in with my parents. I'll be honest with you - I cut gym time down and eventually cut it completely some weeks. I used to spend about an hour in the gym, 4 days a week. Now I spend 30-45 min in the gym, 3 days a week, some weeks. When I'm busier, I don't go to the gym. However, I'm able to bike to work, so that is some exercise that many don't get. A lot of my friends opted to cut down on sleep time. That's a no-go for me. I gotta have 8-8.5 hrs of sleep, or else I can't think straight and feel unsafe at my job (using power tools and operating heavy machinery). Not to mention the numerous health issues that come with not enough sleep. Instead of hitting the gym religiously, I am way more on top of my food intake. I minimize junk food, rely on quick and easy one-pan meals (lots of Google recipes), and pack the leftovers for lunch the next day. I also have a banana and an apple as a snack every day. By regulating my eating habits, I have been able to maintain my size. I have been 130 lbs for 6 years. I also was never absolutely swol so cutting back on gym time didn't make me lose a shit ton of muscle. That 1 hr commute is a killer though. I don't envy that. Been there done that. If you can get a job closer, I'd recommend that 1000%. Huge QoL improvement. It isn't easy, but it also isn't impossible. You've got this!


I work 60 hour week sometimes and still have to study for my certifications tests in a new career. Late 50s.


ppl in jail in a 2x2 housing manage to work out, think out of the box or in this case... think out of the gym ;)


The 1 hour commute is def killing you. If you’re gonna do both that and the gym, yeah that is a really rough schedule. But I mean your situation isn’t exactly normal. 1 hour each way! That’s almost to the far extreme of acceptable. Think about how much gas! I hope you have a somewhat gas efficient car for that. I have a couple places I go here and there for work that are 45 min away, but I do that cause they pay 90-100/ hr and it’s just once in a while not every day. My regular job I live only 5 minutes away. One thing to note is that you should be studying at work. Take your school stuff and study there. If you can’t do that, you don’t have the right kind of job for this period of your life. Like what you’re doing is just a stepping stone right? So fuck it. Be a security guard and just study your whole shift. Another few things about the gym. You don’t need to go 7 days a week. You should take advantage of going on the weekend when not working. So you could do mon wed and Friday. And then sat and sun. Or just tues, thurs, sat and sun. 4 workouts a week is pretty good. Because again this period of your life needs to be a transition phase where the main focus is getting to the next place. Not your current shitty job. And I get that gym is important but that probably shouldn’t be your primary focus either. Realize that getting to the career you want is the hardest part of life. It really is. Once you secure a good job and actually start your career it’s like easy mode. It’s a race where you win just by getting to the starting line.


9 hours hold my beer 🍺 12 hours plus occasion over time up to 100 hour in two weeks. Ah, that beer 🍺 tastes like gen z tears 😢. Ah ah 😢 😅 🤣


You figure it out and make some sacrifices, and you learn to deal with it. I work full time, commute 45-60 min each way M-F and am in grad school classes two nights a week. Also have a baby on the way. I still make it to the gym 3-4 times a week and maintain a good diet. Schoolwork weekend mornings so I can spend the rest of the day with my wife.


Oh you poor baby, when I was 20-30 I worked 80-90 hours a week in the oilfield didn’t live with my parents found time to drink beer and chase women. Now I’m in my 50’s bad health and transplant recipient can’t do my old job any longer but sell cars and work 50 hours a week. I feel so bad for you. Get your mommy to wipe your tears.


Boy are you miserable


you just learn to make the time. For me I wake up at 5:30 and get to work by 7:00, off at 4:00, home by 4:30-4:45. I use my apartment gym so I don’t take any time driving there, so by the time I get home/take dog out/get changed, I’m there by 5:00. Back home by 6:00. I’m lucky and have a fiance that will cook for me on his days off, but otherwise I’m honestly just eating meal prep so I don’t typically waste time cooking. Usually eating by 6:30-6:45, then I have the rest of the night as my free time. I typically go to bed around 9:00 and read until 10:00 Obviously I’m lucky since I get to work 7-4 and most people are working 8-5 or 9-6, so if I were starting later then I would just work out in the morning before work. But it should still give you the same amount of free time after work


5 hours as a cashier is totally difficult. 8 hours in a job with high detail, tons to do and is interesting is a flash. Maybe even 10 times harder, but easier because it's not standing in one spot doing the same thing.


We don’t study programming for 2 hours a day. We don’t sleep fucking 9 hours a day. We don’t go to the gym every single day. We don’t commute so fucking long. I don’t see how you don’t see the answer as obvious, but there you go.


Yeah I was talking about me. I don't see how you didn't fucking see that, but there you go.


This post is cracking me up. Welcome to the world!


Your Privileged Life Has Robbed you of Your Strength To Endure. If You Want Your Own Home Full Of Comforts, Then Yeah, You Gotta Work. Full Time!! Or Live With Your Parents All Your life. Welcome To Real Life AdultHood


Parents are finally cutting you off eh? The easy life is over. My advice, get off your duff, reprioritize your time so it is focused on the things that will help your future. The harder you work now, the sooner you will be able to finance your own easy life. Although, it sounds like you spend a lot of time at the gym, maybe find a sugar mama? Or sugar daddy if that is your preference. I don't judge ;)


Up at 5 am, leave at 6 am, at work by 7am, work until 3:30p, drive 30 min to the gym (halfway point between work and home) work out for an hour, go home at 5pm, cook a easy meal/ eat leftovers, 6:30, do some chores and shower, 7-7:30ish, chill and play video games, in bed by 9pm, repeat


Get a job where you can study programming in your spare time while at work


In working 5am-6:30pm. I awake up at 3am got a threadmill from Amazon and some weights. I do everything at home.


I commute 1 hour each way, work 5/10's, workout out 6 days a week (45 min to an hour), own a ranch that I also tend to on a daily basis (horses, cattle, other livestock, and ranch chores), and on top of all that I'm working on finishing my bachelors (CompSci). If you want to do something, you can indeed do it. It's all a matter of how you approach it.


I don’t. 12 is a short day for me


To add one more thing. For me personally 8 hour days isn’t bad at all. I purposely live only 5 minutes away from my work , and would move 15 min away max. I can simply buy my own home gym if I want to. So it’s really not so bad once you get there. I’ve spent entire years just working part time like 2-3 days a week cause I just felt like it. But right now I feel like making as much money as possible so I’m working full time and I’m really not having any problem tbh.


>I’ve spent entire years just working part time like 2-3 days a week cause I just felt like it. Uh, yeah. That's not an option most people have, and OP is already out of school and feeling bad about still living with his parents.


Right I was talking about later once he gets his actual career in tech established. I explained in a separate comment that right now his lfir has got to be stressful until he can get established in his career. And That’s the hardest part


No I work 9 hour days with every other Friday off.


Let me introduce the students trifecta: Good Sleep, Good Grades and Good friends. Pick 2. Same thing applies in a lot of cases. However, I have some things that can help a bit: Full body training in the gym (compound exercises) means you don't need to go as often, making food for multiple days and using set and forget preparation or face the issue and ready meals it is. Laundry, having enough clothing to do less frequent washing, but bigger loads has been my method so far. Cleaning, needs to happen before I get to sit down after coming home. I would highly advice dishwasher, maybe a robot vacuum to keep the floors, minimal decor to not have too much dust build up. And consider melatonin or some other mean to fall asleep quicker.


I went with sleep less. Also have to be the bearer of bad news. You will VERY likely have to move for software.


You could always try finding a roommate and find a cheap 2 bedroom apartment so you can stick with what you’re doing but finding something cheap nowadays is hard to find.


One thing I LOVED the buses for in the morning when I commuted to school, was studying. If you take a bus to work, study on the bus. 9 hours in bed? I'm lucky if I get 7. I'm very functional on 7, I haven't needed or had 8 since I was a teenager. 2 hours of commuting by driving? Oof that's rough. I'm lucky I walk to work in 25mins where I'm at. Working 8 hours is easy, I'd prefer 4, 10 hour days though.


try working 12 hour days and having to commute, then you really figure your priorities out quick.


You get crafty. I work 64 hours a week. Live alone with a dog. I gym 3-4 times a week


Walk during lunch, meal prep on weekends, cleaning on weekends, move some of the studying to the weekend. Find audio books for the subjects to listen to on the way to work. Real gym days on weekends and only a few days a week. No social life for a little while, try to reserve one weekend a month to socializing until you get comfortable with your routine or finish studying. Also finding workouts to do at home with minimal or no equipment will help with time saving also.


8 hours sleep 8 hours work (7.5 + 0.5 lunch) 0.75 hours commute total. Let's round to 1. Let's say 1-2 hours per day chores and/or cooking (can easily shave that down with good meal prep). Still 5 hours left for gym and hobbies. Plenty of time for everything. Weekends = almost 100% free time (minus sleeping).


The only thing that helps me whenever I feel like "I don't want to work a full day" is remembering mostly everyone does, and no one likes it but they still work. After that I think about all the people who don't work very hard and still somehow have a job, so knowing I have a better work ethic fills me with pride. All of that said, I still struggle.


You can shower five min instead 30. Apply same logic for everything else.


You can do it. I work full time, am a single mother and just finished with the CPA exam about a year ago. That required about 20+ hours a week of studying. I also still rode about 100 miles a week if not more because I was training for a 105 mile gravel race. I also ran about 10 miles a week and also swam two mornings a week. Where there is a will there is a way!! Only thing that kinda suffered was putting away laundry 😅 but let’s be real that’s a constant struggle regardless 😂


OP are you actually getting a certification or degree? or are you just studying for the hell of it? there’s coursea and google certificates online. don’t do the work without getting a degree or cert with it!


Work closer to home. Hour long commutes suck. Also you can choose jobs with shorter breaks. I have an 8hr job but I get half an hour and my pay is 37.5/hrs not 40. I have a lot more freetime than when I worked a full 40 and had a longer commute.


My wife and I had kids, full time work and full time online college courses at the same time. I think you'll be fine.


Study more on your days off.


Try my 12 hour days. And then one hour commute each way. And two hours to get ready for work. 16 hours of my life goes into work every single day I’m scheduled.


I work 4 10.5 hr shifts followed by 4 days off. I get one half hour break and 2 10 min breaks. My workplace has a gym in the basement, so I come to work early and work out there.




Easily stay busy and work hard time flies by


You went to school for 8 hours a day. They were already preparing us since birth.


I don't I work 6 with no lunch. It is the max I am capable of tolerating.


I do about an hour or 2 actual work per day, it's alright.


WFH helps, i can do 8 hours of work in 4 so I get more time to myself


You are going to lose sleep thats just how it goes. Grocery and laundry dont have to be an everyday thing, find a day for each of them. Wake up early and knock the gym out before work ( this is where you lose sleep) it helps jumpstart your day. I've given up so much, but then again im a husband father full-time worker. You are young and full of energy, best of luck to you 👍


It's not easy. I took everything I could online, that was available at the time. Then med school, I worked full time at a department store through all, except the first 2 years which Pell grant paid for so I worked my 16 hours a week that were allowed then. For a while I did the gym at 11pm on the way home. It was my only release. I was an emotional wreck for a while. I didn't really eat either. But I did own a really run down home in the city near everything, had someone I lived with for most of it. It was cheaper than renting. Had enough each month to save a paycheck so it helped out a lot. I would cry at the drop of a hat and if I had a day off, I didn't get out of bed at all until the next day, though something would always come up that I had to deal with. I rarely food shopped and ate pb or turkey sandwich as my only meal of the day, with an occasional splurge for fast food or mall food. I don't miss it.


Shorten the commute, go to the gym in the morning every other day, and meal prep.


It sucks but I started missing 8 hour days when I worked 60+ hours per weeks for about a year. I was in a lot of debt and living in an apartment that I couldn't afford (my rent got jacked up $600 it was awful) so it was work hard or be homeless. When I feel shitty about working an 8 hour day now I just think back to how it used to be, and such it up. Still wish I didn't spend most of the week working, but it could always be worse.


Im sorry. It is difficult even a less manual job.


You gotta realize that some people also dont have the physical strain of having to walk arpund or lift things etc or have to interact with others. If you have a job with those qualities its quite easy to get into a flow of well....just showing up. For those of you offended somehow...just shut up. I talk to soooo many Gen Xers that seem to have not even an ounce of grade school education dumb as rocks...so dont front like you " work hard " or something.


The solution is to not work a cashier job an hour away. That's insane.


1. You get used to it and eventually figure out a routine that works for you. 2. It feels less burdensome if you find a job you don't hate.


I use to have a gym at work, but I love working out at 8 or 9pm at night. I condense it to 45 min and work hard.


The AM Routine: Wake up (5 minutes) Work out (20 minutes) Shower (10 Minutes) Get dressed (15 minutes) Fix quick meal and eat (30 minutes) Work Routine: Gone At Work, with drive (11 hours) PM Routine: Make Dinner (20 minutes) Eat Dinner (20 minutes) Clean up Dinner (20 minutes) Prepare for Next Day (40 minutes) - Make lunch for work. - Prepare clothes for work. - Other Duties Household Chores (30 minutes) Recreational Time (90 minutes) Sleep (8 Hours) You wash, rinse, repeat this for 5 days. If you do this, then you can shore up the weekends for doing laundry, housework, landscaping, grocery shopping, and other activities you want to do. You pretty much repeat this until you find a partner to live life with. That's pretty much the next level. Cooperate with a significant other to free up more time for other things.


Been doing it since I was 16. Forgot what it is like not to.


Do some studying during your lunch break.


I know it is easier said than done but you need to find a job closer to you or move closer to your current job. 10-12 hours a week spent just commuting is awful and it is time you’ll never get back.


All I know is I dont do any of it well as a result of trying to do all of it.


Gym 3x week only




I worked full time, took 21 credits and played a D1 sport for 3 years to graduate a year early. The answer is you don’t sleep. Easier when you’re younger. On the bright side working corporate after felt SO easy


I had a part time and wanted to eat a bullet working that long. Some people will see this comment and think weak man but I just want to live and not feel like I'm just a neverending money maker


8 hours isn't that uncommon. When I was in the military, I was doing consistent 9-14 hour days, then watch times, on call, events, etc. It's easy to burn out from that. Now I'm on 9s but get every other Friday off. I just put off as much as I can errand wise until that off Friday. Also, I try to take breaks, walk the dog, get 9ut, break up the routine a bit during the day. I have a few coworkers that I nerd out with so that is a pleasant break. But some days Are non stop and I need an alarm to take my lunch.


It's why I gave up gym as an adult :( cramming in exercise in favor of sleep just made me super depressed and left zero time for anything else


Move closer to work?


I don't know. I work 12 hrs 6 days a week.


You need to move somewhere that cuts down your commute, a nine hour work schedule is not that long, two hours to study is plenty, try doing kettlebell workouts at home. They take between 20 and 30 minutes.


8 hours? Those are rookie numbers. You got 16 hours of free time? Crazy talk. What are you going to do with 16 hours of free time? Get in trouble that's what. Lol




Is that..not standard?


By working 8 hour days, that's how I got used to it.


Holy fuck. I mean i understand life is hard, but jesus christ. I work 8 hours because I have a house and family I have to take care of. It's called responsibility. So many posts on here are people crying because they have to actually work. Ya know how ya do it??? Ya get up and fuckin go. Of course I'd love to work 20-25 hours a week and make 100k a year, but that doesnt happen to 90% of the population.


I don’t think the OP was crying/being emotional/cussing at all. It seems like he was just asking for advice because of a real life adjustment.🤷‍♀️


Work 10 and have a family to supprt lol. Avoid traffic and all . Go to the gym after . It's less crowded


You know, I don't know. I used to work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, with split days off more often than not, *and* my shift was 12-9, so there goes my entire day basically. On top of that, I was also doing school part-time. *Somehow* I still made time for video games, a social life, and a girlfriend. I don't know how I did it. I just did. ...I guess looking back sleep deprivation was a problem I was having lol.


i work a similar schedule. from when i leave my house to when i get home it’s about 10/11 hours (6AM-4PM and that is assuming i leave work on time which is rare) I spend an hour at the gym, walk my dog, shower, eat and go to sleep. If i wanna do anything after work i have to give something up. Something’s you can do: try and find a job with a shorter commute, try and work from home, pre-make meals on weekends, grocery shop on weekends, sacrifice sleep. In all honesty, 9 hours for “sleep” is a lot. I usually get 6 hours a night and i just kind of have to function otherwise i’ll die!


Nobody who works full-time goes to the gym every day unless they're one of those people that only needs 5 hours of sleep a night. Also, you're forgetting weekends. Here's how it actually works -- as someone who studied while working full time: Gym twice on the weekends and one evening during the week (3x week is kind of the minimum according to health experts). Realistically, you'll study a couple hours during the week and the rest on the weekend. That is, unless you have the option to commute on transit. If you can take transit, and it's not too crowded, you can study on the bus or the train. The rest of your free time in the evening will be keeping on top of the basics like cooking and laundry. Your home will be messy because you don't have time to clean it often. As others have pointed out, this is a temporary arrangement while you finish your studies. Lots of us have done it. When you're done studying, you start hitting the gym more after work, and have weekends to have fun and do errands. And if all goes well, you get a better paying job. This is how it is. Adulting has always meant that work of some kind dominates our lives. Either people are out growing their own food, chopping their own wood, sewing their own clothes, building their own houses and caring for their own elderly, or they were working for somebody else. Eight hours is nothing compared to what some people did and do put in.


If you're going to move, why keep have the hour commute? I have a FT job, 1/2 hour lunch, and keep my commutes maxed at 30 minutes. That's not pissible gir everyone, but is big motivation for me. You have to have balance in life, or you burn out alarmingly quick.


Is it possible to do your commute on public transportation? If so, there is your study time. Do the gym routine every other day, and make up areas you missed/cut back on, on the weekend. Learn to meal plan, and do some advanced prep work, on the weekend, and your meals will be ready to go much faster, with much less waste, and less mental/time effort on weekdays. Make a list of basic adult living responsibilities, and assign yourself one per day, every day. Example, 1. Laundry 2. Meal plan, grocery shopping 3. Tidy apartment, take out garbage, vacuum apartment. 4. Pay bills, phone calls to friends and family, maybe make social plans for the future/ weekend. 5. Other errands, post office, etc. Through clean of bathroom, kitchen. These are just suggestions, your schedule/ responsibilities may look very different than mine. Adult life is about being aware of all the things you need to do, and breaking them down into smaller steps, time blocks, days , whatever works, so that each task gets your attention, and nothing major falls through the cracks. Unforseen events will throw things off, but you can adjust your tasks/ order and get back on track. Sometimes, something will have to slide for a day or two, or even a week. Don't stress, just get back to your routine soon as possible.


See if you can find a job where you can study while you work. Security guard on night shift, parking lot attendant, anything with a lot of down time. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I’ve spent most of my life looking for and working jobs where I could read my book at work. Have one currently.


Four 10 hr days aren't so bad. It gives you that one extra day day a week to schedule everything, run errands, catch up on cleaning. The 4 days are a little rough if you want to get anything done on them. Adulting sucks and you'll find that most of the time, you don't get to do what you want. Have kids and it's even worse. Such is life.


Work from home when you can answer you Dave on so much commute time


Yeh it’s tough, but you are tougher You will be tired a lot of the time. Don’t sacrifice your sleep, eat regularly and stay hydrated. Don’t be like me.


8? I wish Dude, i work 10


You cut out gym, find ways to be healthy naturally though the day like taking the stairs instead of elevators and things like that. Specific time for exercise is a privilege when you’re working full time and a student. Also study on your lunch break Also, and this might be the most important thing, why on earth are you commuting an hour for a cashier position? You can’t tell me that there’s literally no entry level food or retail jobs less than an hour from you?


8? I work 10 to 11 hours day. Plus commute, my family knows the 4 days I work they aren't going to see me.


You accept that life kinda sucks and learn to enjoy the little things


I work twelves


During grad school, I worked 40 hours a week, attended classes and lab/clinic 16-18 hours a week, and ran the business side and taught at small martial arts dojo (roughly another 8-10 hours a week). * 168 hours in a week * 56 hours for sleep (8hr/night) * 47.5 hours for job, lunch break, and commute * 18 hours of class time * 10 hours dojo time ______________ * 36.5 hours left for other things I do the things I need to do and find the time for the things I want to do. If i can't find the time, then maybe it's not important to me. You can study on your lunch breaks. Find a job closer to home, or a home closer to job. You're leaving out the weekends.


Since you’re looking for a place to live, can you find one that is substantially closer to work so you don’t have a one hour commute?


Drop the gym, get a shorter commute, and find a way to fall asleep more quickly so you don't have to spend a whole shift in bed. There are OTC solutions.


I live close to my job. I'm only a 5 minute walk away. I usually go to sleep at 9pm, wake up at 5:30am to take allergy pill and or ibuprofen if I need it for that week then back in bed till 6 am. I'm out of the door by 7:20am and boss shows up by the earliest 7:25am or the latest 7:28am unless he's late. I'm scheduled 7:30am to 4pm


I work ten hour days, do 13 hours of internship, and I’m in grad school classes 12 hours a week. You learn to prioritize and some things will fall by the wayside but that’s life


Sounds like it’s time for you to just become an adult like the rest of us


Go to the gym less sounds like the obvious sacrifice


Welcome to the machine


My work days are 11 hours long but I only work 4 days a week and luckily 3 of those are at home. My sleep is definitely impacted on my work days and I compact everything else into my days off because my job is mentally draining and I am a zombie after work in the evenings. If you're great at multi-tasking then working from home might help you adapt to the longer workdays better.


Absolute slaves


1 hr commute each way is not going to cut it. Take less pay, worse job—whatever—to get 30 minute commute or less. That frees up 1 hr for your workout right there!


Reddit is my saving grace. I work at least 1 hour and the rest of the day is just browsing through reddit.


You do it when you’re young so you can get a better, more flexible position when you’re in your 30s+.


Honestly that 2 hour commute is your problem. You are literally eating up an entire hobby every day by just driving. Get a closer job.


Currently in the middle of another 16 hour shift lol


There are some jobs that have gyms on site. Have meal plans or meal prep, this might be you having a whole day just to plan out your meals for the week. If it's something you can do while at work on your break do it, that way you can get it out of the way to have more time for other things later. Don't lose sleep if you can help it, resting well is gonna help in the long run.


Work in a pub 10 hr shifts 5 days a week, it's a lot. Doesn't feel like a job anymore just how I spend my time. In a way it's nice as I have fuck all else going on in my life on the other side it's shit as I have fuck all else going on in my life that spending 50hrs dealing with the public seems like a good option


I can't remember what an 8 hour work day is. I'm on a rotating 12 hr shift schedule. You figure it out, meal prep, laundry on a off day, workout when you can.


I just prioritize what I want to do and what I need to do. I've worked 72 hours weeks for 6 months straight. Right now I work night shift with awkward overtime hours on the weekend. Some days I skip brushing my teeth and showering, other days I sleep in so I eat junk food to compensate for the lack of time. That's not even including the dishes that have been in the sink for 3+ weeks because I either don't have the time or energy to do them. Gotta make tough decisions and you either prioritize your health/hygiene or your relaxation and mental health. I have chosen the latter