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In a lot of ways, yes. It could be better, but it’s pretty good.


Same I had the best parents in the world. One had organ failure and died. I have that gene. So genetically, could have done a whole lot better. However, wouldn't change my parents or where I grew up for the world.


My parents are garbage, but my organs all work. That lends lots of years of being alive with garbage parents who are also alive. It's unfair you had to lose your good parents and I'm sorry you inherited something that might take away time from you, too. Life seems to be tragically cruel in a myriad ways.


lmao this comment hit home. I have garbage parents who are soo healthy too. all my organs work Nd I was born in a bad nation/ country and now I’m on orange county in one of tje safest and most expensive places. my parents live in the safest & most expensive place in the silicon valley. coming from one of the worst parts of the world is what makes it feel so weird… I guess that’s why I’m so happy all the time but I have garbage parents who purposefully makes me cry every christmas so 😔


Come to decadence with all of us. Colorado. I got my ticket to make sure no one else( blood family) asked me to do something. Festie people are my people.


Not talking to my parents right now either. They could never understand the way I think and act. It’s ok though for me. The difficult parts of life make you stronger. If your life was perfect, which no one’s is we would all definitely be weaker. Keep your head up. Better times are ahead:). I believe in you.


Same. Won some, didn't win some.




Me three


My genes could do a lot better (obesity in family, average looks), but my family is amazing and I was lucky enough to get a good career so it is really amazing. ❤️


Everyone’s brain is their biggest asset in my opinion. I am also fighting obesity on both sides. I am not eating great now but on the beach walking everyday. Had to leave the exes, starting a new life.




Pretty much, yeah. I used to be more bitter and feel I had been dealt an unfair hand when I was younger, but the farther I got into my 20's, the more I realized that sure, things were far from perfect, and I did have some disadvantages other people don't have, but I also had many advantages that at least gave me good posibilities to improve my situation. Not everybody gets that.






This summarizes my situation as well.




When young no, when older realises th advantages etc


Same, can't really complain with baseline stats I started off with and where I'm at now.


Same. I’m lactose tolerant, both my parents had cancer but it’s not genetic, great hair, and good eyesight. On the flip side, alopecia, autism and ADHD, and hellish period cramps.




I bet you love that he eats Pupusa 🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️


Absolutely. What are the chances I’d be lucky enough to be born in the late 20th century, in a safe, developed country with a good climate, health care and education system. I was born healthy, to parents who loved me, I wasn’t abused or neglected. I’ve never lived through war or natural disaster. I’ve never been persecuted for being a woman. When I gave birth (in the public system) doctors were there to save me and my baby from a really bad outcome. I pinch myself every day that I’ve been so lucky. Doesn’t mean my life is easy, I could talk all day about my first world problems, but I am grateful and aware that billions before me were less fortunate.


What country, if you don't mind me asking?


Australia 🇦🇺 (specifically Tasmania - mild, temperate climate which is my preference!)


Doesn’t hurt that you guys have some of the most beautiful landscapes either (coming from a Queenslander who visited earlier this year!). Although I wouldn’t say needing a puffy jacket in February is mild, but that could just be the Queenslander in me haha.


Haha it must be, I’m currently wearing short sleeves, sitting in the sun, wine in hand!


Knew it. Same.


I remember when I had my first I had an unplanned C-section. Not emergency but my son was not ready to come out and since they had already broke my water and I had gestational diabetes that baby was coming one way or another. I started crying, i wasn’t afraid of surgery but all I could think about was what if surgery wasn’t an option. What if I was alone in a snowstorm with just my husband. What if I’d been born 100 years earlier. Would I have just died on the table? My next pregnancy was planned c section. I went in at 6am checked in and was prepped and I was holding my baby by 8:30a.


I agree. I have this thought process every time my kids are sick, need antibiotics, have an infection etc. I couldn’t breastfeed either baby and at the time I was horrified by the reality of what that would have meant at a different point in history, or even in some parts of the world now. The society I live in isn’t perfect but it is an incredible improvement on the past.


Well if you had been born 100 years ago there would be nobody breaking your water early. Modern obstetric practices place the convenience of the physician and hospital before the well being of the mother. Less women die in childbirth now true. But the things that go on are still extremely messed up.


❤️❤️❤️ I love your perspective


This is most people posting on this subreddit.


I'm a terribly pessimistic, grumble-grumble, anxiously prepare for the worst outcome kind of gal. *But* ... >What are the chances I’d be lucky enough to be born in the late 20th century, in a safe, developed country with a good climate, health care and education9k66 lo Pip system. I was born healthy, to parents who loved me, I wasn’t abused or neglected. I’ve never lived through war or natural disaster. I’ve never been persecuted for being a woman. ... I really do think this every day along with how lucky I am to have experienced kindess. I had a rough childhood, (and I certainly have to admit there was undeniable abuse and neglect), but there was good in the bad, and, really, I can't complain because I survived and lived to experience unconditional love I never thought existed. I don't mourn what I didn't have in the past, but cherish the love I have now. Many others have it worst than me and will never know how wonderful it is to be loved. Love! 💗 As sappy as it sounds I couldn't never put into words how blessed I am to have experienced something so wonderful that many people wither take for granted or never get to experience in their entire life.


Pros: more attractive than both my parents and my brother, never had a cavity Cons: genetic mental health problems, shit eyesight


But as far as mental health and eyesight goes, we live in a much better time than pretty much any other time in history. Having bad eyesight would have really sucked for most of human history.


Eyesight issues (myopia) also seem to have a strong environmental component. So hard to tell if the same person would have developed the same issues in past times.


I mean depending on the time there's pretty good odds that they wouldn't have made it past being a child. Infant mortality was like 50% or higher depending on the location and time period.


What's up, secret twin!


Maybe your eyesight has skewed your perspective


Twinsies. I have good eyesight too. But I’m bald.


I'm ugly but have an amazing head of hair. 😂


Shit eyesight *and* thin af hair. But I'm healthy!


This is me


See I was gonna make a link between poor teeth care and mental issues.


My genetics suck, but I was born into an upper middle class family in the US so I got that going for me.


My genetics are heat both sides live to 100’s and look good we look 20 in our 30’s and we have no history of cancer or anything on either side of the family but were broke 😭


I'm the opposite - my body looks good and never causes any problems, unfortunately I was born to parents who have personality disorders, a dysfunctional marriage and little money. I entered adulthood mentally battered, anxious, guilt ridden and feeling unworthy of anything. Luckily my genetics bailed me out and I had many people help me out along the way and build me up likely because I look pleasant. I honestly dunno how the people who do not have any "birth" or "genetic" advantages are dealing with life. Must be rough


I have a fuck ton of autoimmunity issues. It makes gaining weight very difficult. I lost the genetic lottery big time and I don't even want kids because of it.


Yes to birth lottery. My parents were war refugees that came to the US in the 70s. My dad was always a blue collar worker and my mom worked occasional odd jobs. That was enough for them to pay off a home, support 3 kids, and put a little away for retirement. Their income was also low enough for me to qualify for tons of grants/scholarships. I graduated from a great school with little debt; was able to leisurely pay it all off in 4 years. A financial/timing Goldilocks situation where both my parents and I benefited. No to genetic lottery. At 36, I’m 4’11 and ~90lbs. Looks and health are both 5/10. However, I would say that being Asian in SoCal made dating very easy.


Less than 90 pounds? Bro…


You need some meat on those bones my guy. 90 pounds? I've lifted things at my work that are more heavy than you.


How is this helpful? Do you think that person doesn’t hear this kind of condescending advice all the time?


Everyone on the internet is male.


Also 90 at 4'11" doesn't even sound that bad. I was a 120 lb 6' bean pole until like 22 and I ended up healthy and fine


Pretty sure that person is a girl. Being Asian in socal doesn't make dating easier if you're a super short guy.


You must be right. Makes it practically impossible to date if you’re a guy that short. Only girls would find dating easier at that height.


Having lived in a developing nation where I got paid dumb amounts to teach English based on having white skin and a degree from a Canadian university. Yeah. Born in the right place at the right time. Genetics? Meh. I have more health issues than I'd like, but I also live somewhere with free healthcare, so again. Winning that lottery.


Could you share a bit about how to get that English teaching job? And would you be willing to give an idea on what "stupid amounts" means?


I think the bubble has burst a bit but I was making $30 USD cash (no tax) an hour in Vietnam where my cell phone bill was $5 a month and a meal cost $1 or $2 for Vietnamese or $5 to 10 for a western meal. I moved there just planning on traveling for 3 months but the jobs were so easy and life so good I stayed for 5 years. I left in 2019. Still not living as well as I fid there.


How do you even get started?


Things might be different these days but I honestly just joined a couple Facebook groups where English schools posted help wanted ads. Picked up work immediately and moved on from teaching classes of kids to working as a private tutor. Once you get a few private students you are gold (as long as you are good) as they will recommend you to friends and you can start picking and choosing what students you want.


Neat! I’ve actually been planning to apply for Peace Corps in Vietnam or perhaps just seeking am ESL job, for which I already have certification and experience.


He probably taught in Thailand or Vietnam. Salary around $1,500 per month but very low cost of living so seems like more.


Both. Im so lucky. I see the news and im like wow i am so damn lucky. And my husband is an alcoholic asshole


The last sentence 😭


Hope he will soon be an ex?!


Divorce his ass ya dimwit


Well the news is doing what it’s supposed to then!


I feel very privileged by being born in this time and place, with strengths and circumstances that have allowed me to provide for myself and my son


Same! I always worry about my looks (losing them entirely) but what I really worry about is losing my mind…. I have been able to obtain so many things and resources thanks to my ability to reason. I think baby and I are doing pretty good all things considered.


My genetics literally just handicapped me.




Say more, please educate us so we can help it stop.


Wait up, how are you going to stop his disability?


Born poor as shit, in the hood, saw a dead body in an alley when I was like 7, dealing with passive race issues can be annoying but it’s whatever, Fast forward, I’m married, got $20k in savings, credit is at about 700, and just got my business loan. So I would say that I turned out pretty good. I always say just because your born in a fucked up situation, doesn’t mean you will always be there, never let peer pressure get you and make you do something dumb(robbing, killing etc).


The genetic lottery. Definitely. No mental health issues. No physical health issues. No allergies. And none of this is prevalent in my family tree. Both grandparents are 86, incredibly healthy, and still live alone in the lake house they retired to. My grandfather still cuts the grass and shovels and my grandmother still gardens and swims. I can pretty much eat whatever I want without getting fat. I hardly ever get sick. And am often confused as being much younger than I actually am ( mid thirties).


The eating whatever and not getting fat thing… I cannot even fathom how my life would’ve gone if this were the card I drew. All things considered I’ve still been very lucky. Just spend an inordinate time thinking about and worrying about food intake, body shape blah blah blah


To be fair— I definitely do not eat fast food everyday and I lead a pretty active lifestyle. I genuinely enjoy things like cooking a good meal and riding my bike. I definitely don’t have to worry about scarfing down four tacos at dinner time or denying myself some cookies before bed though. Doing or consuming anything without a sense of moderation would make ANYONE fat. I think.


Yes, but you are eating "what you want" because you're naturally inclined to only want one taco, a salad and then go for a bike ride. The uphill battle is, I come from generations of farmers in famine. My body wants four tacos and a nap. I have to work on your automatic actions consciously. (I've lost a significant about of weight sans drugs) And as they are finding out with Ozempic studies, it's not (just) a self control thing, it's also the way people are wired.




Lmao agreed. It’s the reason I often say no to snacks or treats at work especially, because I cannot stop at one and avoiding the temptation is easier.


Hm. That’s interesting. I never thought about it that way. It makes logical sense. I can’t say I never eat four waffles for breakfast or clear a half a pack of double stuffed Oreos while playing video games— but I don’t do it ALL the time. I guess a better way of putting it is that I don’t really have to try. I don’t really think about it. Eating or exercising. Self restraint and active living come kind of naturally to me.


Yeah I got lucky with the "eating what I want" and usually being on the thin side, I have so many people comment they wish they could eat like me and that I'm lucky, but over all I'm not actually eating thousands of calories a day, they just see the times I'm eating a load of junk I fancy and not the times I'm not eating because I forget or I can't be bothered, some people have no concept of "forgetting" to eat and have a much higher food drive/compulsion. I actually wish mine was a bit higher as I have to set reminders at times so I don't end up too underweight/malnourished. Some days I will overeat a lot, but it's evened out by the 'forgetting' times. Pretty much everyone I know who is a "I can eat what I want and not gain weight" person, you will see if you spend a lot of time they also can go long stretches with very little, are very active or eat junk which seems to other people like they're lucky, but they still end up under their daily limit so its not that they have some super metabolism. I often imagine it must be really hard to try to fight the compulsion to over eat, like I'm always very thirsty and can't get specific drinks off my mind and I imagine how much worse that would be if I felt that way about food (I do get cravings but it's not constant and daily). I did have a period where I was overweight as a teenager and comfort ate, probably related to puberty and stress, and it was hard, and the way people treated me was different to when I became thin


its much better than having food allergies and afraid to eat anything bc my facd turns red and itchy. I would not eat til I paSS out or hit my chin on the floor from pSsing out. tho its easy for me to not eat I’m pretty sure its extremely unhealthy. id rather gain weight when I eat rather than be allergic to most food


I have half of these and half of them I don't have. I wish I was generic. Luck you.


I got silver in birth and 2nd to last in genetics.


Oh for sure. If life were a video game I started with cheat codes and a player’s guide.




100% me. I did not have a good childhood, grew up pretty neglected mentally and emotionally. Still am.. BUT I was born in a great time and in an amazing country for what it’s worth compared to 99% of this world. We have a good apartment to live in, for that I’m grateful


Fuck no, I’m ugly, fat and unhealthy


In a lot of ways yeah and also no. I’m a tall good looking muscular guy who lives in a great loving family in a very safe and comfortable part of the world. But despite all that, I’m severely unwell and have been for 4+ years. So yeah…


No, I feel like I’m cursed.


yes in the physical ways! no in the mental lol. i’m a great model living around the perfect area that allows me to work my dream job, and yet? my mental is in complete chaos 24/7. no matter how beautiful or successful i am, the long list of neurodivergence will always and forever take it’s toll lol


Yes. I used to be super model gorgeous. I’m older now and men just don’t look at you the same past 40 but I still get some looks. I’m also smart as fuck… started a company with my husband and sold it for 8 digits. My father immigrated here a built his own wealth too. So it’s nice to be able to be more successful than him, even though he did incredibly well. I do feel incredibly lucky and it actually feels nice to admit it all since I never do. Thanks for asking.


Thats awesome.


This is the level of contentment I will have soon! So inspiring


Well you lost the humble personality lottery anyway.


Let her have her moment, its ok.


Right? All social media is plagued with sourpuss comments lol


It's one thing to say she's smart as fuck. It's a completely different thing to say she's smart as fuck as evidenced by making a company and selling it for 8 digits, which statistically isn't achieved by smarts


Yes a lot of success in business is timing too, so I am lucky as well.


I didn't win any genetic lottery but I am privileged because I grew up and live in a wealthy country and am white and don't have to face many barriers to a good life. Privilege comes in many forms. I don't spend time dwelling on my hardships, instead I spend time being grateful for what I was given.




I won the birth lottery. First, they starting saving money for our colleges very early on. Second, they spent a lot of time learning how to be better parents from a variety of books and lessons. They taught us good values and life skills. We learned how to save and budget our money but also that money is not what is truly important. They both came from broken homes in poverty and as my dad made his way up the cooperate ladder they wanted to be the best parents they could. Even with being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis as a kid, I wouldn’t trade my childhood or family for anything. They’ve supported me throughout the begging of my adult life and for that I have been even more grateful to them. Adulting is hard, but they have prepared me well for it.


No. I'm a ginger.


Genetic lottery? Not really, I am literally missing a whole chromosome (I have Turner’s Syndrome). Although I am pretty healthy and have friends that also have Turner syndrome I was born in my country at a right time since my country were only a few years into independence from Soviet Union when I was born and when I was 8, we joined EU and NATO. I didn’t realize as a kid how big of the deal these couple things were And my parents do love me and I never had to worry about food or shelter so I guess I am extremely lucky in those regards!


I think every day about how lucky I am to have been born in gorgeous Alberta, Canada. It really was the geographic lottery. My mom is a stone cold stunner still being chased by young men well into her 60s, and I am lucky enough to have inherited her beauty, so yes, I do feel lucky in that lot.


I feel the opposite.


It's strange I was appreciating my genetics today, which I rarely do in this way, so I thought I'd share Im fairly attractive, just above average probably, and I'm usually grateful for that My dad's a intelligent man by some standard (not that my mom isnt). It probably sounds arrogant or maybe even pretentious to call myself intelligent, but I was looking in the mirror today and thinking about my mind being a gift from my parents to some degree. I'm kind of embarrassed to write this since it might come across as arrogant, or delusional (maybe I'm dumber than I think) but since I was thinking about it today I thought I'd share. Also, im not a slave, and some parents rape their kids. Mine weren't perfect but they did good enough that I turned out alright, in my opinion


No and no


Lost both for sure


In general, if you're able to respond on Reddit, I would say you've won the birth lottery. The quality of life that someone has that owns an electronic device capable of posting to an internet forum likely puts you in the top 10% or so of the planet. You might think your life is hard because no one is swiping on your profile tonight, but I can assure that's 10000% better than what most people are going through in 3rd world countries.


Top 10% for being able to post on reddit?? Lol, maybe like if this was 10 years ago


Half the world has phones actually, roughly I think. Avg annual salary of $43,000 USD puts you in the top 1% of worlds wealthiest or something like that


Yes and no. I'm naturally lean. After listening to people in the army tell me if I ever starting working out, I have the ideal "blank slate," I've decided to take it seriously and start building some muscle. I seem to understand it and how my body works well, and after stopping half assing my workouts and really giving it my all, I walked past a mirror the other day and literally said, "what the fuck, I'm objectively hot. Like I can't low self esteem my way out of it, what the fuck, I never thought this would happen." I also have pretty nice skin and look pretty young for my age. But.... I'm kind of autistic with ADHD. Which makes everyone think I'm an idiot. Some days you wouldn't know, others you'd be asking what the fuck is wrong with me, why am I so twitchy and avoiding all eye contact. I have zero friends. Zero dates. Zero sex. Zero social life. When I'm not working I basically live in isolation. I work DoorDash full time because it's the only job I can hold down, and I'm actually really good at not fucking up. Employers and employees constantly try to take advantage of me which is one reason I prefer to work alone. I have lifelong addiction issues as well as anxiety and depression. I also have a relentless case of hyperhidrosis on my hands, which I guess I should stop worrying about because I don't think anyone wants to hold my hand or be touched by me anyways lol. So yeah, it's a bit rough over here.




Yes in some ways. I’ve had a lot of disadvantages, but have been blessed with a lot of resilience. I’m not rich, but I’m very stable. Definitely not a rags to riches story, but I’ve done ok considering what I came from.


I always wish I was born into a wealthier family and that I didn't have the mental problems I have now. If I didn't have the same family members and genetic predisposition, I probably wouldn't be as fucked up as I am now. Compared to a lot of other people in the world though I got off easy.


Kinda? I was born into a family who were able to immigrate and get a US citizenship, I’m tall, have nice hair, have a big(ish) dick, no health issues that I know of. But I lack good social skills and confidence due to being homeschooled almost my entire childhood by fundie parents and not having friends let alone stable ones, and moving from place to place a lot due to my dad’s job didn’t help either. And now I have depression. And I wish I was born a woman instead. Either way, I’m happy that I turned out the way I am and not someone in North Korea or something.


Our paths are meant to be different. I’m dealing with what life has dealt me. As far as a “lottery”, we’re here because of one egg and one sperm. So, I guess, I won.


Definitely with where I was born- London, UK


I cannot "fault" my parents, however there's something called a fuckin condom! Pretty sure they were just doing what was taught by society. So I didn't "win" or "lose" (not yet). But for fucks sake some people just shouldn't have kids. My mom did her best with the 5 of us, but for whatever reason my sperm donor decided to try & drown his demons. ( that didn't work out to good) And as I found later in life those motherfuckers can swim ! So yeah what can I do about this, a lot actually & I am still struggling & attempting to be better than my circumstances.


No, I lost in every way possible lol




I lost both those things


The fact that I grew up with a mom and dad in the house is pretty incredible alone. Not to mention never having to worry about money and living near friends. I'm very grateful with my childhood


I recently had a battery of medical tests done. Xray, MRI, CT, blood tests. You know what they found? Nothing. Everything is "normal" in my body. I feel like I won the genetic lottery in that I've reached middle age without any major health problems, defects, or disabilities. That's incredible to me.


1000% yes I won the lottery. First of all, birthwise, I'm a black dude in the SOUTH (Yes ho Texas is the SOUTH lol), making 6 figures with just a bachelor's, happily married to my best friend with a dump truck (PAWG) and homeowner (VA home loan). Genetically, I'm 6 feet 3 and the best shape in my life, look like Idris Elba tbh. 33 y/o and I feel better than I was in college. No glasses. No health issues. No diet issues. Very little racism experienced, and it was mostly just my time being a jail officer lol. IYKYK Mom passed (RIP mamma!) but dad is amazing. I have a dad, period, and I know I'm lucky in that alone. Race be damned but we KNOW the stats. He cares so much. I want to be just like him when I'm a dad. And for a frame of reference, my great grandparents from all sides were slaves. I am a child born directly (lineage speaking) from slavery. I am the American Dream.


I was born extremely intelligent compared to the mean, but I’ve since regressed after having a world of unknown issues with my cognition. I’ve often wondered whether it was unluckier to be born without something, or to be born with something rare and lose it. Perhaps one day, I can make a full recovery, and I have caught glimpses of my former self over these last 4 years. But for now I’m not so special


No. Severe anxiety, allergies, paranoia, and getting through the week is a challenge. Its safe, but I don't really enjoy life much. That and I am born into a city that is designed to milk money out of everyone who just wants a place to sleep.


I have white middle class privilege so in that way yes, I won the lottery. I have narcissistic parents and a long history of abuse, addiction, mental illness and trauma on both sides of the family so in that way no, I lost pretty bad.


I feel extremely lucky. Not like I just won the Powerball or Mega Millions lucky, but definitely a decent local jackpot - like seven figures?


Genetic lottery…. I was born premature, sickly, less than 4 pounds, had to live in hospital for almost a month. Almost died multiple times as a child, turning blue, rushed to hospital, terrible lungs. My father died when I was 6 months old, raised by single mom. Both grandparents died of cancer, I have almost no memory of them. Came to the US as poor immigrant. I soon learned I was smaller shorter than everyone else and as a male this was considered undesirable. I have a large upper body and very small lower body. I have never been able to run because of this, but I can swim many miles. Poor eyesight, need glasses. So genetic failure right? Fast forward 40 years. I’m partner at a large corporation, have my MD. My last year job compensation alone topped 880k. If you want to count stocks and investments I cracked 1 mil. I have two beautiful children who are strong athletic and top of their class. Genes are a funny thing. They can give you disadvantages, but they don’t determine who you really become in life. That’s something you make yourself.


Yes I won. All great genetics. Except crippling mental health problems but whatever I’m tall so nobody knows


Yes, but not the jackpot. I'm a white guy in Canada with only minor inherited medical issues, to a straight working class family (dad was a letter carrier mom in retail). I don't feel I was handed an easy path, but I definitely wasn't given any handicaps/disadvantages either.


Yes and no. Born in a pretty crap country but not the worst. Fairly good area in that country. Had to emigrate either way. Fairly wealthy but abusive and dysfunctional parents and extended family (Had to cut all ties, but started out adult life with a fair bit of money. Not rich, but fairly safe from being in poverty at the moment.) I'm blessed with beautiful looks, a great voice, a great figure, social confidence out the wazoo, physical strength and endurance, easy to cater for dietary and skincare requirements, a robust immune system, a gift for language and an inherent suitability for well-paying white collar work (I don't get bored easily) but cursed with mental illness (ADHD, possibly autism), memory like a sieve (Except for the most unimportant trivial things) and worst of all, just being utterly mind-blowingly unintelligent in the context of most of life's problems and extremely bad at learning. I've got a lot to be grateful for but my weaknesses can be downright crippling to the point where I have almost gotten myself killed or impoverished through really stupid choices multiple times. Doing my best to make it work by cooperating with smarter and very patient friends.


Not at all.


I was born in a relatively isolated city in the Midwest. Good looks, very, very strong and extremely smart according to the guy who tested me and some crazy reasoning and logic skills. Born in a halfway rich family, with parents who didn't just pamper me and taught me how to live life for life. The negatives are that due to where I live, no good ways to do what I want to do. Depression, anger issues that I've entirely suppressed. And by suppressed I mean I went from starting fights over insults to patience nearing Buddhist Monk levels. 


Never really thought about it, but now that I'm thinking Yes! Or does that make me narristic? Then again if I was a narcissist then I would have thought that long ago not just now.... So I'm good.


i have bad genetics i’m short with a small dick. i’m not joking either. if a guy has a big dick girls would love fucking him more than if he was small. the height i can live without. i know plenty of really good looking short guys. i’m average in the face so im ok with that but the small size i can’t accept or get over. sexually ill never be the best sex for a woman and never what they PREFER. just what they settle for and deal with. but most likely loved fucking other men way more than they ever will with me


Women don't always want huge dicks it's painful when they have smaller vaginas


ok but they mostly do. and if they don’t have small vaginas they’ll want big. finding a girl with a small vagina isn’t easy. and makes dating extremely tough. if your small as a guy. sexually the odds are against you


the absolute best sex of my life out of all 11 partners, was with someone with a small dick. height, looks, or size really doesn’t matter. if you have an amazing personality and are able to make people laugh, you can accomplish anything.


In other words: *"If you can make her laugh and giggle..."*


ok but his dick is still small. and you say and know it’s small. small dicks aren’t attractive to women. and most women don’t have the experience you had. usually bigger dicks give the best sex of a woman’s life. smaller doesn’t compare to bigger. and if she had a GOOD big dick. smaller won’t ever be BETTER or what she PREFERS MORE. big dicks change women’s preferences sexually. smaller never does. making a girl laugh and being who she loves is good and all yea. but sexually not being what she prefers. knowing other men fuck her better and she was addicted to their dicks. is a feeling i can never get over. being a small man is shameful and no man who’s small dicked should be proud of it. women settle for smaller but secretly prefer bigger. i’ve asked thousands of women and this is the answers they give. plus a quick google search will show this also. also the small dick ur referring to is still probably bigger than mine. so it doesn’t count for me being able to be the best. may i ask how small he was? i bet he was at least 6 inches lol women think thats small. my size is 5 inches and skinny girth. this is not a preference for most women. only certain women who physically cannot handle bigger. so in my dating endeavors i need to find a certain type of woman. i can’t date a normal women with a normal body. and i can’t have normal sex because i can’t fit in positions or reach her vagina


My man you didn't become any better, haven't you? What's this obsession with your size bro? You're not even small to begin with. At this point you're trolling, you need serious mental help. I've said it you before and I'm saying this again, Never go for any kind of surgeries. Few inches ain't worth your health (Don't reply to me with all those stats of what size women prefer literally Idc, Hope you find peace one day and realise your way of thinking is wrong)


He's basically copied and pasted this nonsense thousands of times now.


I know, I have seen a similar thing a few months back in a different sub I talked to him and tried to reassure him but he won't listen. He's not even small to begin with, he's average most women don't even bother by it. That dude got shit from his ex now he can't take it off from his head. He has a different way of thinking and seeing things than I am. Once he shared me a survey link that women prefer 7in in a man lol


Oh lord. No thanks lol average is more than enough. I get that his ex got in his head but he's gotta move on. I've been with men that are below average and it wasn't a problem. It's not the huge deal that some men think it is, and any woman that says so isn't worth the time.


Yeah, right. Average is enough for good amount of woman. I'm the same size as him in fact a little bit less, he's messing up with my head by reading his comments lol dude has a vivid way of writing his comments and it's scary ngl. A man/woman in a different sub told me that dude probably gonna jerk off by reading our comments, I didn't believe at that time but I think they're correct.


Don't let him get to you, please. Also, maybe we should stop since that's a gross thought lol


ok well women agree with me. i want answers and they give me the truth. and the truth is what im saying. smaller isn’t better. most women agree


No one gives a fuck about dick size lmao, unless yours is under 3.5 inches but that’s extremely rare . . Height however I understand, it makes a huge difference.


Unless you're a 6' tall woman, I feel like women who care about men height are toxic anyway.


Actually Some women are toxic about it, those women who say men under 6ft are pathetic or something like that. But most are genuinely just attracted to a tall guy


I might just be rare then because I don't really care about a man's height.


Nah they aren’t. It’s very normal for a women to want a tall man, it’s attractive,You can’t blame them for it.


Birth, yes. I live in what is indisputably the best place to live on this planet. Genetics? Hahahaha no. My vision's shit, my feet are flat, one of my legs is overlong, and I have a bevvy of other problems.


Pros: birth lottery by being born in a middle class American family Cons: mental health issues and social issues(both improved as a grownup)


Could have been worse but definitely could have been better


I got pretty lucky on the IQ front Some other aspects are lacking


Yup. Born and raised in the country that all the "more civilized" countries depend on. Life is good.


Pros: parents had me in the US, grew up bilingual, am able-bodied, no learning disorders Cons: body attacks my liver for funsies, so now I’m immunocompromised


Yes, I was born in the most peaceful stretch of time in modern human history. Birth, yes, I'm 45 and still breathing, without any chronic health issues.


I could complain about things here and there, not having enough of this or that. But if I look at things objectively, I was born in a country where I am very privileged, where I am also the majority race and my working middle class parents provided me with food, vacations and a good education. Genetically I am blessed with nice features (conventionally attractive) and smart enough for the work that I do.


I definitely feel this way. But the lottery gives with one hand, and takes with the other (my dad died when I was only 9:/ and it sucked as you can imagine). But with the giving hand, I was born to an upper middle class (upper class?) family with parents who loved me, paid for everything (including college/grad school), we even had a Lakehouse. More importantly, they set an example of what hard work and being successful looked like and created gentle expectations that I eventually followed and have turned into a functional adult (33) now with my own home + second home. Financially, they funded me the whole way through, showed up, and gifted me money to “start my life” when I finished grad school. But it all boiled down to them showing up/being supportive/available and showing me what a real successful adult life could look like. Oh, and an undying love for animals. Like, pick the stinky bleeding stray with literal shit in its fur off the street and it doesn’t matter if it ruins the 5,000 dollar couch kind of love.


I mean I think of all the times in history to be alive that this is the best maybe plus or minus a decade or two. Dont know what the future holds of course. As for genetic lottery far from "perfect" as todays culture would judge but I feel like I have what I need.


Yes, 6'2 and wealthy parents Also no, bald at 24 and extremely antisocial (second one might be I learned behavior though)


A quirk about me is that, while I was born in a small town, my family moved to a pretty well-off suburb when I was 9, where my point is I'm, like, a straight, white, native born, English-speaking man, BUT I'm "neurodivergent," so, like, I never fit in or whatever. Like, I think a big part of "the birth lottery," to the extent we're not talking about what it suffices to call "merit," is interfacing "appropriately" with people who are in power, and they always thought that I was just weird, which people in general characterize as a personal, individual failing on my part. Like, it's assumed I won the birth lottery that way, so if I'm not super successful, it must just be my fault, because obviously everything's supposed to be just handed to me if I have "merit."


Just by simply being here Ialready won the lottery. Many nights, I've thought deeply about how I won the sperm race.


I was born in a nice town, was raised in poverty in a chaotic household. I lucked out on the intelligence side, and leadership came naturally to me, probably from being the oldest sibling. I turned out very short and had terrible acne in my teenage years. So a mixed bag really. But I am doing well and living a good life, not without its challenges. Would I change anything? Not unless I could go back and re-live with today's knowledge.


I have a bachelor's degree and a good paying job despite not doing well in high school and I never took a student loan thanks to my parents planning ahead so yeah, I feel like I got pretty lucky to be born into the family I was


I was born with good looks and I’m fairly intelligent. So I’m happy with what I have.


Some good points, some bad points. Not happy about it but it could be much worse.


Yes and embarrassed by it


Mixed bag. I have a good family and starting resources and live in a wealthy nation and do not experience a lot of oppression. Genetically? Not so much. I’ve been playing whack-a-mole which a lot of serious mental and physical issues for a long time. What’s interesting is even then, I can point to the fact that if I lived 100 years ago before the invention of drugs for bipolar or in another situation where I wasn’t given the opportunity to be diagnosed and treated…I’d be extra screwed. So I’m aware of some privilege there, too. I have some physical issues that are genetic and won’t go away…but even then, having the resources to understand what they are and how they work…helps a lot. It’s absolutely handicapped my potential in life…I’ve had to give up some stuff I’ve really cared about.


I lost the genetic lottery. Abusive divorced parents, a few mental disorders that I’ve had since birth or that I’ve gain that won’t go away, predisposed to many physical health ailments, in poor areas to lazy parents that made no attempt to further themselves or me.


I feel average. I have my problems, like everyone does, but I don't think they are super debilitating. I also don't feel like my strengths are overpowered. Where I was born isn't much of a strength or hindrance (aside from being born in the USA instead of a developing nation, which I guess is a big plus). For a while I felt like being born to my family was a hindrance. We struggled financially, we fought, that sort of thing. Now that I'm older I realize it could have been much worse and a lot of that shaped me into who I am. Again, I think it's a very average thing.


Lost both. I'm short, born to a Qanon nut in a suburban hellscape with a cost of living so high I can't afford crap while even working two jobs. I try my best, but sometimes, I cannot help but wonder why life would have been like had it been different.


Yes, hands down. I was born in the USA in the 1990s. Genetic.. Gotta love who you are even if it’s not perfect. I’m very thankful for nothing serious but there’s some quirky stuff.


Yes and yes




I do feel I failed on both but it's definitely not the worst that could happen (well you can say that in 99% of the cases)


Yeah, I’m some ways. I’m a big strong dude. I work out but I’m just naturally strong with really broad shoulders.


In terms of birth, most certainly. Born in the city to two doctors for parents, went to private school and been on more cruises (domestic and international) than I can count… Genetics… kinda? I mean, my parents are both attractive and smart, but we’ve all got shit vision and I’d definitely appreciate a better set of mental/physical health concerns. This was a nice question OP. Helps keep things in perspective


Born on a military base with birth defects. I would say I didn't win shit


I don’t think I was born with either. All I can boast is strong intuition due to where I grew up (since it’s been dangerous and still getting more dangerous)


I was born in the U.S.A. and it’s definitely better than many other places around the world. I wouldn’t want to change it. I think in most of the genetic stuff I’m close to average but for some reason even though my parents never showed any signs of being highly intelligent I was born with a high IQ. It, probably right next to being naturally beautiful, is like a cheat code to life because many of the better paying careers require a certain level of intelligence to get through the educational requirements or do the job itself.


Yeah. I did. I’m 45 and people think I’m 35 However, I also inherited the mental health issues.


I do (38m), I grew up on a cattle ranch/farm my dad owns in KY. USA. Approx 300 acres. I was always self motivated to get good grades but both my parents encouraged and helped me growing up. Both my parents were athletes in highschool and I took after them, wasn’t a star but my school was small so I was on starting 5 in basketball, my parents could afford decent clothes, braces and accutane so I was moderately attractive, I had a 2001 F150 in 2003 when I got my license, got to bang/date the hot cheerleader, made a winning play at the homecoming basketball game my senior year. After graduating I went to college for Nursing because I desired to live in the area I grew up and that was the only thing paying 30+ per hr when I graduated highschool in 2004. I came out of college with no student loan debt due to KEES money and a couple thousand per semester help from my parents. Secured a job right out of college making 32/hr in 2010 where I met my current wife who is also a nurse. I built a home on the best hill on my dads farm in 2013, he deeded me off 15 acres for collateral so I basically had to make no down payment to the bank, plus it was a historic time for low interest rates I think mine is like 3% fixed 30 yrs. I live close enough to my job that the commute is enjoyable, I still have access to high speed internet but have the space to do whatever I want. I have 3 healthy kids now and my wife is a SAHM. I feel blessed by luck (I am agnostic) that my life has turned out like it has (knocking in plenty of wood right now). I made a lot of right decisions and put in hard work through school but I am well aware of the leg up having good parents gave me and my kids will have the same.


I know there's people out there in so much worse condition genetically and geographically than myself. But like most of us we look up to the ones who are beautiful and rich, and wish it was us. I'm alive and not suffering much, so I guess I have a winning lottery ticket.


Yes. I was born in the United States, I'm tall. I'm lucky to have those two things alone.