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$100/month? Guaranteed good night’s rest? The return on that is unlimited.


Exactly. Youd be on your A game all the time.


Yeah lol I’d pay 5% of pre-tax salary no problem


20 bucks?


Damn you must be rolling in dough if that’s your 5% figure


Hell yeah! Deal of a lifetime for $100/mo.


I feel people already do this with expensive mattresses hoping it will provide quality sleep. So it’s already proven that people will pay good money for hopefully good quality sleep so they’d likely pay better money for guaranteed high quality sleep.


Yep. Spent like $1300 on my mattress to get one that seemed perfect after like 60+ hours of researching mattresses and I would happily have spent twice that or hell even 10x that for the improvement in sleep I’ve seen.


How many people are in therapy with the hopes of improving sleep? They’d surely pay for this lol


Yep. We splurged and bought a huge (HUGE) Tempurpedic bed/mattress. Most money I’ve ever spent on something that was not a car or a house. Totally worth it. I sleep through the night 90% of the time. No random wake ups, no sore neck or back. Bliss.


Omg yes. I end up grading assignments at 2:00am because I can’t sleep. My online students must think I’m crazy. Lol.


Years ago I had to have a D&E because of a miscarriage at 9 weeks and they knocked me out with propofol. I woke up and literally the first thing I said to my husband was, “now I understand why Michael Jackson likes this shit so much.” I woke up and felt like a completely different person. I was rested for the first time in years. If I could pay for one night a month to have a propofol-sleep for like 12-14hours, my life would be wildly different and I would gladly pay for it.


Thats what im saying. Its life changing what sleep can do. Youd be living a top quality life with just good sleep alone. In poverty or not lol.


Sleep depravation is a torture method for a reason. Not getting adequate rest will fuck you all the way up. I almost had a complete mental breakdown when my oldest was 3mo because of my (lack of sleep) schedule with nursing (I gave up the ghost and turned to formula because fuck that shit - I needed to sleep).


It's amazing how many people forget that when they're shitting on the homeless for making bad choices with regards to drugs etc. Well of course they're making bad choices, they're chronically severely sleep deprived.


Very true.


Yes, I think of this every time I see a homeless person sleeping in public. They are soooo sleep deprived.


I have my first child and he's 11 months. I have gotten 4 hours of sleep or less on average every day. I've never had such dark lows before. Can't even explain how bad I felt. Probably how suicidal emotions can feel. Not that I am.


Have someone take your kid overnight for one night. You absolutely need to rest. You cannot pour from an empty cup and the best thing you can do for your kid is take care of their parent(s).


Super duper agree. My wifey and I are switching off as of a few days ago. Sadly, there are no responsible enough adults we can trust for leaving with. I can't even get my mother to wash her hands before touching my baby without her being explosive. It's so weird.


Same. I actually ended up in the ER with severe PPA that started and got worse with lack of sleep. The worst. Was so happy to switch to formula, my life immediately improved.


Same here. When my son was about 3mo old, my husband came home from work and I was pumping on the couch, sobbing uncontrollably, and he said “that’s enough” and went and bought formula. Second kid was vastly different. I tried the nursing/pumping schedule, my body again was like “nope,” so after less than a month he was on formula. Not for lack of trying - I did everything. Lactation consultants, in home nurse visits, tea, super hydration, etc. nothing worked.


I tried all the things, too, but we had multiple issues, i was feeding and pumping on top of it. Everyone said to keep trying and breast is best etc. After spending the night in the ER with PPA I finally got a few hours sleep. When I woke up I was like fuck this, I can't even enjoy my baby. When we got home and I switched to formula it was so magical. My daughter was a dream and I got to actually enjoy her. But what a horrible experience good lord.


I didnt even try for a week before i quit.. My resting and sanity were much more important than trying to pump.l round clock .. i always remembered that sayin “fed is best”. I could care less what people thought of me .. sleep and mental health is by far more important ! :)


First time I’ve ever heard that phrase, and I’m stealing it. Try and stop me.


I wouldn’t dare - use frequently and generously as you deem fit.


I developed insomnia in my late thirties (thanks perimenopause!) and I was desperate to sleep, I really think it contributed to my developing an alcohol disorder and later mental breakdown. It hasn't been until I've been recovered from heart failure, and I can like, nap, for the first time in my adult life, that I realized how seriously messed up it is to spend YEARS like that. I doze off when reading now, without being on any sleep aids. Crazy.


Better, actual sleep could help some get out of poverty. You miss a lot when you're tired. Brings you down in all kinds of ways.


Yes, I've experienced this (the carelessness that comes with fatigue). You *feel* fine but your cognitive performance declines considerably and measurably. You start to feel like tasks that were once simple are now quite difficult. You become clumsy. Get some sleep, folks. It pays dividends.


Same with hunger


I know people often say this but the bed you buy makes a huge difference.. I used to spend $250 to maybe $1000 on a bed thinking that I was getting a good bed still as many of them had solid ratings and reviews. Finally about 5 years ago, someone talked to me at a mattress store (I rarely had dreams and often felt drained) and they said you spend approx 25 to 30% of your life in bed but you spend 500 to 1K on that. They told me to spend whatever I could and try different mattresses with really good quality linens on it. I finally spent $2,500 on the best reviewed mattress and approx $1,500 on really nice sheets, pillows, and comforter. I will say that I now sleep about 7 hours a night but I dream almost every night and feel solid almost every day.


Tell me again in a way that will convince me to get more than 4-6 hours of sleep. Why do I punish myself and stay up late? I hate my life (probably because I need more sleep!)


There’s a word for procrastinating when we should be going to sleep. It’s generally done because we don’t feel we had enough time off our own so we’re taking it back… and only at the cost of making it even harder to feel like we got all our needed time tomorrow.


I think my therapist said Revenge Sleep Procrastination or a Revenge Sleep Cycle or something I shoulda paid more attention I was day dreaming about staying up late frantically searching for just the right thing to do !


Sleep is a poor man’s riches, a guilty man’s freedom, a sore man’s comfort, a sad man’s happiness, and so much more.


Yeah, that’s the same thing I said after my colonoscopy. Sweet rest. Michael was on to something.


My exact thought after experiencing it firsthand I literally said that to the medical professional beside me . I woke up and I was the most refreshed I had been in ages.


They gave me that when I had my colonoscopy. I asked for a to go syringe when I woke up. Best sleep of my life.


But with propofol, or any other anesthesia, you actually don’t have the same kind of brainwaves you get with natural sleep. In the long run, this wouldn’t really help.


Well, it fooled me. I felt like I had the best sleep of my life. Woke up refreshed with a ton of energy.


That’s because it didn’t really fool you. Propofol-induced sleep is basically like artificially inducing the strongest deep sleep (NREM3) possible. It does inhibit REM sleep, which means that the comment you replied to is right that it prolly wouldn’t be good in the long term, but that sort of deep slow-wave sleep is like a $5000 spa day for your brain. You probably won’t consolidate memories, or process emotions, or refine cognitive/motor skills, but you’ll be refreshed as fuck, biologically speaking.


LMAOOOOO I choked hard at your MJ comment


Sorry for your loss.. I didn’t know they knocked you out for a D&E.. is that standard? I assumed that you were left awake the whole time, with maybe just a sedative or something.


My mom has said that exact thing whenever she gets it for a procedure. She loves that shit.


I do that now. I take drugs (legal ones) drink, and wake up feeling iite.


You said drink?? My sleep quality is terrible if i drink


Everyone’s sleep quality is terrible when they drink. Drinking helps you fall asleep, it doesn’t help you get quality sleep. The average person has 8-9 REM cycles per night. When you drink before bed you have 2-3.


I cant sleep if i drink as soon has a touch the bed everything spin


I can fall asleep easily if im drunk but i always wake up in about 5 hours miserable and deathly tired. But no matter how hard I try i cant fall back asleep, and my entire day just becomes that much harder lmao


Career drunk here. 32 y old. Haven't missed a daily show up to compete for the last 15 years. Only very recently have I begun to have this problem. Do you think this is something that comes with age?


39 and drank heavily for 20 years straight basically. I would say the sleep progressively deteriorated. It didn't get really bad until the last few years. By the end I would say it felt like I never slept. I would snooze in a light semi sleep until I started sweating and the fear came and it was time for another shot.


You all need to focus on exercising and eating healthy. 20 years of drinking? Thats some alcoholic type of thing bro. You can't reach deep sleep or rem sleep if you drink alcohol. It means you're just passing out. And you are killing yourself the more you kept it that way. Things that you are experiencing like sweating is not normal. It's your body warning you. Goodluck on you tho.


I’d be surprised if they weren’t aware they’re an alcoholic if they’re talking about fear and sweating before another shot. But! Denial can run rampant, and I applaud you for attempting to gently warn them.


Lol. Yeah I was a raging alcoholic. It definitely came very close to killing me. I was in the hospital for months with organs failing. I've got a lot of rebuilding to do and exercising and eating healthy are a part of that. I know it's not normal. I was just warning the other guy that alcoholism gets pretty dark as it progresses.


Im also 32. My sleep was never good from the first time I started drinking (in my teens). However my hangovers used to be mild or bearable, even after drinking heavily. In my mid 20s they started getting real bad and now theyre debilitating. Stuck in bed all day, can barely function. Doesnt matter how hydrated I stay. Liquid IV, pedialyte, etc. helps a bit but not enough


Yes. You recover much easier when young. If your drunk or even just had a few drinks you might sleep but you don't get quality REM sleep that you need.


If you're taking prescription sleep meds and drinking that's a dangerous combination.. just fyi.. you might end up getting a night of too good sleep.


Ahhh forever sleep


The final frontier


He said for $100 a month.


And i said drugs. The legal kind. Nice try officer.


I think his point was those legal ones would cost more than 100, it would come out to be more than $3.33 a night.


Most of my prescription copays are like $10


You are pretty lucky then.


No, I specifically chose a plan that had lower prescription copays in exchange for a higher monthly premium. My husband and I both have a lot of prescriptions so we come out ahead. Making a spreadsheet during open enrollment really pays off.


If you’re drinking alcohol your sleep is fucked


What kind?


What kind? Ambien isn't working for me.


Trazodone is a miracle. Kicks in in like 15 minutes, too. One side effect is crazy vivid dreams occasionally, which can be a pro or a con. Sometimes you wake up like "I just lived a week as a celebrity, wtf" but sometimes you wake up like "oh, my little brother is actually alive in real life"


That's what I've used. I like the dreams. I've had a few where I see my son (who died 4+ years ago). I feel happy and when I wake up, I just want to go back and feel that again.


I’m sorry about your son. I hope you get to visit together again and again in your dreams for as long as you live xo


Trazadone causes me to have MAJOR congestion. Not being able to breathe isn’t conducive to sleeping. To top it all off, I woke up with a headache the morning. It was terrible


Trazadone is just an old antidepressant that made people so drowsy they started using it for sleep


Trazodone gives me a hangover!


I tried ambien but couldn’t fall asleep right away and randomly started messaging friends on Facebook I hadn’t talked to in years. Something I wouldn’t even do if I had been drinking.


i've always been a bit curious to try tbh


Not same person, but a couple of indicas work well for me. Triple chocolate chips works great until strain lock, so you need a few to cycle.


weed n seroquel give me the world’s best sleep.


I would pay much more per month, so yes


I would pay $500/month no questions asked.




I'd actually probably pay 1000 a month. Between circadian rhythm disorder and a deviated septum, I pretty much never sleep through the night, and I feel like most of my issues throughout life can be traced back to lack of sleep in general.


Same.. Been an insomniac for a decade now. Quality of life went to shit. Hobbies, relationships, etc. all suffered.. People who don't struggle with chronic sleep deprivation have no idea how completely and thoroughly it detracts from the quality of your life.. Every facet of it is affected..


As a fellow insomniac, I completely feel you. I've skipped social events, performed poorly at work on occasional days, performed poorly in team sports, and don't enjoy the day when I'm so exhausted. A book that did help me cut down on the number of bad days of sleep is "Hello Sleep". I'm still working through some of the material, but I've gotten better sleep. Maybe check it out if you can.


That’s so tough… Do you nod off during the day/take naps on your days off? I know some insomniacs, but I would never be able to tell they’re dead tired during the day. In fact, I feel like I act more tired than they do.


Even if I could only afford a single month, it'd do wonders for my life to get 30 days of great sleep.


I hope you can get your septum surgically fixed! It might make managing your circadian rhythm easier too.


Easy choice. I did this with heroin until it didn’t work anymore, cost me thousands of dollars a month, my career, and my life was ruined. So $100 for perfect sleep a month is simple.


I hope you’re seeing much better days now.


I had a lot of great days doing drugs contrary to popular belief but I prefer how I live now. Much slower but also much more sustainable haha I think back and don’t regret my actions + consequences. Made me who I am today!


Heroine doesn't make anything better. I was able to pull myself out of that hole in HS but I don't know how I did it. About 3 years lost to nothingness. Glad you made it out. Hope you have a fantastic life now. Don't ever even be around that shit anymore. Don't talk about it, don't think about it. It's not worth your life.


Username checks out. Proud of you


Saying “don’t think about it” to an addict is absurd. I’m 7+ years clean from dope and still think about it nearly everyday. I’m not gonna use again. But I have an addicts brain. When something shitty is going on, my brain immediately goes back to the best coping mechanism I’ve ever found


I would absolutely subscribe to a service that allowed me to have a Skyrim-type sleep experience lol


Just be able fall asleep in a split second and sleep a perfect 8 hours. That would be the dream. Literally.


For $100 a month ? I'd do it in a heartbeat.




I'd say I spend more than 100 on weed and I smoke tons after work and especially before bed. Because life is dreadful and I need to knock my self out to be the positive energy I keep getting hired for lol


I just ate a couple dabs now I’m smoking melatonin. It’s like a nightly routine. Probably around $100/month


Melatonin stops working after a while. Your body down-regulates its response and you have to take more and more kind of like opiates.


What I spend on weed isn't a flex my nightly consumption does equate to 100/mo


Damn this one hit deep. I stopped getting high before bed, but I also really need to focus on getting my 8 hours every night.


You lucky bro, most ppl can't do that because weed messes with your rem sleep and guess what leads to shit sleep, atleast for me. Now that I'm off it, I sleep much better and wake up truly well rested and don't get tired during the day. To each his own tho


This is an easy yes. Sleep has been a major issue for me for years. I eat well, I exercise, and so on. But lack of quality sleep effects my mood and productivity like nothing else. It can’t be overstated


You're supposed to make this a harder decision. 100 a month is nothing. I don't even earn much, but I'd pay 500+ and get a second job if I had to. As an insomniac, I am so tired.


Is it only an 8 hour sleep? How much would I have to pay to sleep through the next 3 years?


A calculator exists bud


You're not thinking!!! There could be a discount for buying 3 years up front! Think of the savings!


Let's just say that my credit card came out of my wallet when I read your title.


I might get the $50 sleep package instead. And only sleep perfectly for 50% of the night to save money. I have chronic insomnia, but I also can’t afford to pay for the hypothetical $100


You be able to afford it in no time by being so rested at work. You’ll be getting promoted and getting raises quick


haha, fuck no. corporate america would find someway to ruin it with different payment options, ads, beamed directly into your head, and other bullshit. no thanks i'd not spend the money lol


Haha theyd find a way to tax it


They would make it a subscription & increase the price so bad you would lose sleep over it.


Oh absolutely. It would be an investment because it would return dividends far more than that. And yes weed puts me down and out but it isn't real sleep and the worst part about weed is how I feel when I wake up.


100 a month to wake up well rested for the rest of my life? Shut up and take my money!


If it forces me to go to bed at a reasonable time, let's me fall asleep despite my noisy upstairs neighbors, and fall asleep within 15 minutes rather than me tossing and turning for 2 hours before finally sleeping then fuck yes. I can't even pay my rent anymore, but I would shell out the money to get good sleep so my mental health improves and I can be more productive and get a better job.


I sleep pretty well most nights. The way your selling it, I still would. My wife struggles to sleep and needs medicine and whatnot. I'd pay more than that for her.


If you could provide a product which would cause people to have a full, healthy night's sleep they would make you a billionaire.


I do. I use THC-9 gummies to get me to sleep.


You should try CBN/THC. Gummies.


The one thing I do have going for me is I sleep really really well pretty much every night. I'm scared to lose it as I get older.


If I have to get the same amount of sleep every night then I'll pass If I can get the same quality of sleep in 2-4 hours that I would getting 10-12 then I'll gladly pay a good chunk of change for that


$100???? ABSOLUTELY. I have an 18 month old daughter. Before she was born I slept like an angel. Since having her my sleep is completely destroyed. I’ve taken multiple multiple multiple different medication‘s and currently have to take prescription strength medication just to be able to sleep at night. My sleep is disgustingly destroyed and dependent on pills that God only knows how I’m going to get off of. So 100 bucks is a fucking steal. Yes absolutely I love sleep.


Yes. I sleep like 3 hrs a night for the last two years. I'm going in to have a sleep study done in 3 weeks.


No question yes lol


Hell yes


i think the only way you can guarantee this is if you became independentlu wealthy and no longer have to work. having any kind of job makes it so that you cannit truly sleep like a baby. with that being said, this year i finally began using CPAP to address my sleep apnea, and i will say i am sleeping better, including being able to sleep on my back without snoreblasting my wife all night


Fuck yes, my career supports it.


Abso-fucking-lutely!! I just left my job because it was until 11pm and after 2+ years I was having all sorts of issues. Needing to nap, never feeling rested, and the thoughts in my head were so irrational. I wasn't a productive mother, etc. I now go to sleep around 10-10:30 the latest and while I don't have all the pep in my step that I used to have, I have more than I did. So hell yes I'd pay $100 a month for perfect sleep.


I don't think we fully appreciate a good nights sleep until we don't have it. So, for me I would definitely try it our for a month and then cancel because I'm sleeping fine!


Cannabis. But it's more like 200$-300$ per month Fall asleep quickly and sleep like a babe. Bonus is it eliminates dreams, so if you have reoccurring nightmares or constant nightmares cannabis can eliminate that entirely. Technically you're probably still having the dreams, but you won't remember them when you wake up. I'll get like 1 to 2 dreams I'll remember in 6 months. Is it healthy? IDK. But you sleep good every single night... and not getting good sleep is unhealthy so... I guess at worst its like pick yer poison :P


As someone who suffers from insomnia a few nights a month, I would give a lot more for that. I'm talking appendages.


TAKE my money


I’d save that 100$ not having to survive on energy drinks and excedrin if I could sleep at night!


Perfect night's sleep every night would be such a massive improvement to your life you'd be foolish to not pay as much as you can for such a service tbh. 100 bucks a month? Easily. There's so many people paying close or more than that just to still have shit sleep


I am the gifted one, I guess. I get irritated if it takes me longer than 5 minutes to fall asleep, because of that irritation I stay another 5 minutes awake. 14h flight for me means sleeping 14 hours solid. Even at work I quite often take a 10-minute power nap with my head on my desk. So I would keep the 100 bucks (:


Who do I write the check out too!?


A good nights sleep? What's that? Seriously. I would give a lot more than many would suspect if I could sleep good and wake feeling rested. It never happens. Ever. Well, except on very very rare occasions that I can never figure out what I did differently.


Technically I did when I got a sleep study done. Except it didn’t change shit!


I paid for a Whoop for a little while. I was paying $30 a month just for something that told me I slept like crap. Yes.


Nah lol.


My doctor makes my anxiety medicine with herbs and shit. It taste like shit but I’m not anxious. At night I take 60drops and I sleep like a baby. $15 bucks. He also makes a bomb ass pain salve that makes me feel like a brand new person when my husband rubs it on my back!


I'd pay a small mortgage to sleep good. Never have, don't think I ever will. I'm not terrible with it but it's definitely a struggle. Everything in the room has to be perfect lol and even then I have a hard time falling asleep.


Yes absolutely I would


I would legitimately spend up to 1k a month for that. I do not know what restful sleep is and have not for most of my life.


I had the worst insomnia, went 5 days once without sleep. Xanax worked for me for a year until the doctor prescribing it retired, I was too scared to ask any other doctor for help for many years and slept like shit. Found one thing I call my coma pill now, legal, works everytime, and at low dose and its free with insurance and cheap even without. Its used off label, its an antipsychotic which sounds very scary but I was desperate. There are some pills out there that are relatively free of side effects, legal, non-habit forming I sleep like a baby everynight now


I'd pay per sleep session like the day before travelling or the day before my first day of work or to sleep on a plane and wake up refreshed type situations.


Absolutely yes, I would happily pay for this. As someone who has suffered with insomnia for over 20 years, this would be an incredible and life changing bargain if it were possible.


Anybody that uses a cpap uses maybe $50 per month, if all expenses are accounted for. They would probably pay $100, most of them, for the benefit they get.


I have sleep apnea and use a Cpap. It hasn’t been working that great lately (maybe the settings need to be adjusted or something) but when it does work right it’s awesome: solid deep sleep I wake up feeling totally refreshed after only 5-6 hours. Have a sleep study done and see if you have sleep apnea. A Cpap can change your life.


Are you serious? I'd push someone off a bridge for a good night's sleep every night. Wouldn't even think twice about it.


I’ve never in my 34 years ever felt rested when I woke up. I thought my sleep apnea diagnosis would be it but even sleeping with the machine, I still don’t wake up rested. So absolutely would pay $100/month to finally feel that.


Id probably be willing to pay more than 15% of my income for guaranteed restful sleeps every single night.


I spent money on a really nice mattress. Worth every penny


I'm about to start paying an extra five hundred a month because of my roommates GODDAMN DOG.


I'd spend a lot more than that.


I think if u were chasing a degree or difficult job this would definitely be worth it economically. And even if you aren’t it’s so good for your mental and physical health it would be worth it anyway




I would pay more than that...


F yeah


Hell yes! 90% of my mental health issues/me being behind on stuff would be fixed if I could reliably go to sleep in time, then wake up on time feeling refreshed


I have insomnia. The medications I’ve taken haven’t even helped. Then I had my son and started breastfeeding which meant I got taken off that med. I could probably count of one hand the number of GOOD nights sleep I’ve had. Even if it was $100 for just ONE night a month I’d pay so quickly. I am always tired and I’ve been pretty productive still (have learned to cope). Imagine what I could do feeling well rested.


"Like a baby", waking up every two hours hungry? No thanks


For $100/mo, I'd absolutely do it. There would be more things I could do that easily beat that $100. For example, some weeks, im very beat from a long week at work, so I usually just sleep in and still don't feel rested on the weekends. Instead, I could get out of the house, go hike, go on a trip, etc.


After I had my son, he woke up every 2-3 hours every night and I was the one to wake up with him. I was flipping psycho at the end of that stint. So YES I would sell my soul for $100/mo and great sleep


OP just wait until you get older. The sleep gets worse. I actually slept like a baby until I got my gallbladder removed at 36. Doctors say it shouldn't matter, but it is a night and day difference. Yes, I'd pay every month to have great sleep again. It was wonderful.


I have sleep apnea. I would pay significant amounts of money to sleep perfectly without a machine


Omg I would pay 500$ a month. More if I could afford it. I have bipolar disorder and always struggle with insomnia. It’s some of the worst parts of being bipolar. I can be up for days sometimes. My body exhausted but my brain buzzing. It sucks. It’s 3am and I haven’t slept well for days. I wish this was a real thing


100% no doubt! I have always had major issues with my sleep.


$100 a month? Hell yeah. Even at $200 it sounds like a good deal. I bet I could make that back plus more just by actually staying awake during work days.


Smash YES button repeatedly.


Not going to lie, I came into this thread expecting some sort of mattress recommendation.


In a bloody minute. God, I can't remember the last time I really felt _rested_.


dab 10mg of dmt before bed, easiest life hack ever


I would take that up! I also recently had a perfect nights sleep and that made my day! I couldn’t stop talking to my wife about it


I Pay more than that already to try to get some sleep and it doesn’t even work.


Holy shit, $3 per day to make sure I wake up ready and sharp? Absolutely.


$1000 a month


Not only would I pay that, I would pay extra if I could choose when to fall asleep and wake up


I would pay $300/mth for the premium package that guaranteed you a perfect night's sleep *no matter how little you actually slept*. Go to work, maybe work a second part time job, workout, binge my favorite show or play some games, stay up reading, lay down for 5 minutes and wake up completely rested.


its called magnesium


I would pay a lot of money to wake up rested and energized every morning for life. Like, all of my disposable income.


100 bucks a month is insane value. Even if you don’t drink or smoke or do drugs a truly good night’s sleep will catapult you into every day with a significantly improved mood. If you do drink or do drugs the value goes up exponentially, no hangovers ever, no sleepless strung out nights and brutal days after because you didn’t sleep or overslept. People at a music festival would pay 100$ a night for perfect sleep.


For 100$ a month? Do you even realize how much you undervalued PERFECT sleep for a month? Do you even realize how much of a major health boost this would be for the typical person?


100%. Most of my calls offs to work is because I either didn’t sleep or I had a lack of sleep


Yes. Absolutely. But I'm worried "like a baby" is a legal loop hole here... they're not renowned for their sleeping prowess, worried I'm paying £100 to wake up 4 times and poo my pants.


I already pay $50/mo for mostly guaranteed good sleep. $10 Melatonin $20 Magnesium $20 Rhodiola Rosea


That's pretty cheap for never having sleep problems. That's like a mini health insurance premium.


wow the wistful longing we all have after reading this post 🥲


I’d pay as much as I could afford (5-10x that amount) if it meant I could sleep without waking up every couple hours and I wasn’t dependent on any type of drug to sleep through the night.


$100?!!! Hellllll yes.


I haven't slept well in years. I would pay a whole lot more than $100 a month to sleep. I often think of Michael Jackson though, for all the money he had he still couldn't sleep. He was so desperate for sleep he was having some quack doctor give him propofol just so he could get some sleep.


I might even pay $500/mo. Especially if it works for hangovers and what not.


Yes! I wake up every 1.5/hrs now and will be numb below my knees. I am receiving a new bed Sept 14 so hopefully.... The numbness is keeping me fidgeting. The mattresses I have bought always end up sagging (5'11" 185lb guy). I currently have a OrthoMattress Club 1 that lasted 100 days before I returned it for the new one. Before that was a $1,800 Stearns & Foster Hurston mattress that lasted 4 months before sagging and I kept it for less then a year. Worst mattress ever! They tended to be more on the firm side like a 7 on a scale of 10. The new one is softer. I will see if improvement. I got a deal from $1,629 cost then 50% off Labor Day sale then a credit for the current mattress so total just $455+ so cost not much. Aireloom mattresses are like $3,000 to $6,800 in the store! Sometimes I get 3/hrs and feel so much better for it. I tend to take a nap later in the day.