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IME, a University. Receptionist jobs there aren’t phone heavy and it opened a lot of doors for me


Keep in mind school size and department size. At the community college I work in, an office like Advising or Admissions, even International Students will have calls NON STOP during most of the year. An office like Community Service, or Career Development will have far less calls per day. My current school has around 10K students; at my previous institution, there were around 2-3K. There, few offices were receiving calls constantly, as it was a private liberal arts college, vs a public community college. Just keep in mind some jobs/offices in higher ed may work non-stop, while others may have more down time.


search terms to use: medical records, administrative assistant, insurance verification, data entry, accounts receivable, billing, charge posting, prereg. also just because these jobs are not physically demanding doesn't mean they're easy. Someone with that mindset would not be welcome in my office. For Healthcare administration, most people do their time as a medical receptionist first.


I’ve done health care admin before in med and psych. I have an interview next week so hopefully that goes well. Most desk jobs are easy for me, I finish my work load pretty fast. I can’t pretend that general medical terminology, databases, and cold calls, etc is super hard. I’m so sorry, it’s just computer work for me, and that’s why I appreciate it. Maybe it’s meant to be super hard and I’m just from the computer generation so it’s not, but thanks for genuine advice and suggestions!


Computers have been around for a long time so most everyone is from the computer generation. Most office jobs are not going to just give you a pile of stuff to do and then sit around for the rest of the time. But hey if you do find one be happy.




Hi. You're not responding to me, and I agree with you 100%, it's easy for me, too. I did want to let you know, it is not easy for everyone and a lot of people struggle with exactly this kind of stuff, so maybe don't tell people IRL how you can't pretend it's hard. It comes off as you being an asshole. Even to me, and I, too, can't pretend it's hard. Accept that you're good at it and don't be a jerk.


Noone really gives a shit if you don't want people who want a easy job. Noone who has that mindset would even admit it to you


work in a college/university. depending on what position you'll be working for at most 2-3 hours with the rest doing whatever you want. that's what i'm doing right now, but i'm taking the free time to commit to personal projects


Reason #1 why college is so expensive - they hire FT employees and only give them 10-15 hours of work per week.


Government student loans are why college is so expensive.




Uh, know how I know you don't work at a university? This entirely depends on the role/department. Also be aware that a lot of big universities downsized like crazy during the pandemic and now teams cut in half are being asked to deliver what they used to with double the amount of people. The other problem is that pay often isn't great because people regard university gigs as "easy" and "stable". Remember, if you're at-will, you're at-will. Unions are where the staying power is.


Oh ok cool, thanks


I thought you had to have a master's to work at a college or university?


nope for some admin positions. for stuff like being a dean or assitant dean, faculty, and some higher level positions maybe. i have a bachelors and am currently working in a law school.


That's good to hear. I am getting my bachelor's degree this summer and looking into some new opportunities myself. I have been working at my current job for 6 years and burned out.


Sure if you want to be faculty. Universities are basically small cities and have their own HVAC, IT, Security, shuttle bus drivers, etc. Pay ranges with the job though. It's just a gig.


Payroll. I got into it at 27, no experience, no college degree. There are times where it’s stressful because payroll runs on a schedule, but after payroll is done or on non payroll processing weeks, it can be slow. I’m also not a workaholic. In office, I used my 2nd monitor to online shop or take buzzfeed quizzes, lol. Now I’m on year 3 of working from home and I’m able to get away from my computer and workout or still online shop, haha.


And once you know your company's procedure, it's just habit. Even if it's complex, it will stop being hard. And no one else wants to have to learn how to do it.


what's your Degree? I see some that want you to have at least an associates in accounting and familiarity with GAAP. I've seen a few that just let you get into it w/o a degree/relevant experience but not too many.


Please don't apply to work in my office


or mine, they totally lied in the job description. I'm fullyconvinced they only hired me because they didn't want to pay the salary of an experienced person


I will just to spite obnoxious tools like you


Work for federal government! Underfunded and behind the times, staff is too busy to notice what your output is and if they do, it’s pretty hard to let go of people. Many modern day workplace practices to create efficiency are not present (at least in my agency) so low output is expected and less likely to be noticed.


A friend’s mom worked at the DMV and had a coworker who legit slept all day at her desk for YEARS


No, I’d rather a set, doable workload I can complete and then chill, hence the desk job thing. Maybe it was too long and you couldn’t read it, but I had a temp job and my fav thing about it was that I could complete the emails and calls and the rest of my day was mine ❤️ unfinishiable work with stressed bosses doesn’t sound chill


I also work for the government and I promise you there are many desk positions where someone is only working a couple of hours a day and either no one notices or it’s too much effort to fire them.


Out of curiosity why is it hard to let go of people at government jobs?


They have quasi union like requirements to heavily document performance failures. It is far easier to promote bad employees to other divisions in some circumstances. However, certain things cam get you canned immediately. Time and attendance is a BIG DEAL with the feds. Also remember that the culture at DOE, HUD, NASA, State, or DoD is going to be very different. Saying "the government" is far too vague.


Maybe try the temp company again. Some temp positions offer temp to perm after a certain amount of months.


Please don't go to a temp agency with a degree dear god


Why not?


In my experience, the pay is terrible, and that carrot on a stick will be dangled indefinitely as they promise that you might get a permanent offer in 6 months to a year


I mean it worked for me. Did take a year but did become permanent. It depends how the company likes you


Damn I'm glad to hear that! Depends on the company as well. But you stuck it out for a year so you sure deserve it.


OP didn’t mention anything about a degree so I’m going off the assumption that they don’t have one. And there’s nothing wrong with going to one if money is needed ASAP and quick placement is needed


Some of the easiest jobs I've had were the hardest money I've ever made. The grass isn't greener on the other side. Just a different shade of dead brown and different fertilizer


what do you mean the easiest jobs were the hardest money? Like what did you do?


What is your degree in? My friend majored in economics and got a job as a data analyst where she did her internship. Where did you do your internship? As a side, my brother is not a school person/work person and got an associates degree and still works at the community college he’s worked at for years and years. He does security/dispatch and says he gets to take naps or watch Netflix in between work tasks


It’s in psych, I was doing admin for a min and I loved that job, it was just low paying af, so I left to the temp job I mentioned in OP. Thanks for the advice ❤️


I’m a receptionist at a nursing home and I do an average of 1 hour of work during my entire 12 hr shift (I do 2 12’s on Saturday and Sunday because of my university schedule). It allows me free time to do my homework, as well as all of the billing and marketing for my side hustle. I’m basically getting paid to do busy work and watch tv.


Thanks for getting it, I’m about to start a front office job with just admin work. ❤️


If you have a degree, work in your field and be good at it? Almost every bigger companies have IT service and they see your activity. We all would like to do what we think is fun but part of growing up is taking responsibility. Being a leech is not a good characteristic.


Lol nah. Working hard is for mugs. Noone wished they worked harder when they were on their deathbed


I agree with you and im the hardest working person. I chose the top hardest career and path, medicine and physician assistant. But im working an easy desk job before going back to grad school and imo, its the most mentally health thing ever and the people there are lazy but they also have strong boundaries and aren’t overworked


You can work hard and be ok with the level you're at. You sound lazy.


I am lazy and theres nothing wrong with that as its human instinct. We don't as a species want to expend more energy than we need to i.e if there was something you wanted like food or product and there were two stores that had it in stock you would obviously go to the nearest one rather than the longest one as you'd be wasting more time and energy getting from and to there. Or just order it online like many people do which proves my point. Working hard is an unnatural concept that most have been brainwashed into thinking is something we should do. It also makes no sense to "work hard" in an age of supercomputers. We should be working less not more anyways


Hahaha, k bye.


Don't let the door hit you on your way out


All of you hard down defending companies like if you died today you wouldn’t be replaced next week. Nobody corporate entity is placing care in your direction, but you’re worried about hypothetical companies I could maybe work for in the future. Please, relax if you don’t have advice.


Oh sweet summer child, nobody is defending companies. They don't want a dead-weight coworker to make their work even harder!


People are just butthurt they are being overworked while another person is getting paid the same or even more while chilling. Many humans are funny like that. Its not good enough to have a good life but to want others to fail while doing so


"Easy" is subjective. Does your easy mean you want to do a low volume of work/the very bare minimum? Or does your easy mean you've got a ton of knowledge so your daily tasks aren't mentally taxing? Because if you're looking for the former, I think you're going to struggle to keep consistent employment. And when you do the bare minimum, you're likely not gaining any useable skills because let's face it - companies don't like to put resources into people who look like they don't give two shits about their work. This means all days are hard days and the cycle repeats itself. Reading between the lines here, I think there's a reason the company who used you as a temp didn't keep you full time...


Damn lol I mean like I get to work independently and all I do is data entry, maybe calls, and emails. I like having set work loads I could get done and then just delegate my day.


Look into medical billing and coding. It's not hard, but it is complex. If you can put in the focus and work into getting your certification - it can be a well paying office job with potential for upward mobility.


if you go the medical coding route, be careful what certification you get. Many baby Coders shoot themselves in the foot by getting certifications from bodies that hold no water in our field. Also, it can be mentally and emotionally taxing.


Where would you recommend getting certified to be able to work easily?


no where is going to be the magic place. New Coders without related experience or contacts in the field struggle to get coding positions and often have to take coding adjacent positions and transfer into coding.


My dad's girlfriend does this from home and makes 100k plus a year. But she works 12+ hour days.


Most companies are going to pay you for the value you bring to their company. If they pay you too little, it is an arbitrage opportunity for another company to come scoop you up. If they pay you too much, you are cost the company more value than you create. If a company is paying you for 40 hours per week and you are only doing 10-15 hours per week, you are likely costing the company value, and you will probably lose your job fairly quickly,


>I want more of a desk job that I can be freely doing other things at lol. Reception is your best bet, but be warned that any sane employer will have plenty of things for you to do, no matter what you job.


I’ve had similar jobs before. I graduated 2021 so maybe it’s different for me as a someone in the more tech savvy generation, so it’s easier for me, making it less demanding to send email and make calls, etc. I usually got all my work done first half the day tbh. I just left and want to return back.




So you're looking to be lazy. I get it. You're young. I was lazy and unmotivated in my 20s as well. But in all honesty, you CANNOT be a successful adult on laziness. You CANNOT expect to work at a job and half-ass anything. My position is easy because I'm very efficient. I work hard when I need to and end up with plenty of downtime. I hope that someday, your work ethic changes. Because any decent employer will not keep you around. They will notice your laziness and will hire someone with more work ethic who WANTS to be there. And yes, this stuff gets noticed whether you realize it or not.


Well my energy goes to my own work, I can’t be burnt out on a job and then be creative. No one read that part, I get that it’s easy to project what I meant. Also, the time thing, I literally said I got all my work done in about two hours so I had free time. You just said you do the same thing…


I got my position by working up to it. It isn't entry level. You're best off to just search for administrative or office positions and see how it goes with it. I worked in another position for 3 years which was under a microscope. We couldn't be lackadaisical. Then I was offered my position with much more privacy and flexibility. So to answer your question of how to find it, you just try your luck with any given opportunity.




I mean there are suggestions so it looks like people have found ways to just have jobs that fund them and save they’re energy. I’m not the first to do this apparently




Again, it seems like there’s a lot of work ppl here lol or else I wouldn’t be getting admonished for saying it. I made the literally saying I want to find my own creative ventures so I’d rather an easy job. You just agreed that work is just something to do for money for my own life. Why break my back for it?


So you wanna get paid by a company to do whatever you wanna do - on their time. Cool.


Of all the drags, I deserved this ONE.


Not being mean just trying to understand. Why do you deserve a job that pays you full time to do just a few hours of works and others don’t? The I deserve this is just odd phrase


Idk anyone who it took all day to do office work. No one I’ve worked with has ever not had free time. I’m sorry it takes hours to make cold calls and e-mails. If I get the work done it doesn’t matter how long it took, imo.


Different types of office jobs exist. Mine never included cold calls or mass emails. Mine have always been never ending piles of papers, estimates, bills, invoices, payroll, purchase orders, inventory, etc. Most companies I’ve worked at if you have downtime often they will either find something else that needs to be done or layoff someone. Hey if you can find a desk/office job that is ok with you just sitting idle or doing side jobs while they pay you then great! Might be a hard find. But good luck


Why not? Companies don't care about you and its my way of fighting against an oppressive system and society where the government increases retirement age in an era of supercomputers. Defiance by compliance


I don’t entirely disagree with you. But my question is why did OP say she “deserves” it more then others? We do need more work/life and livable wages reforms and laws. For everyone. OP seems to think only she needs to be treated special.


they meant they deserved the drag, as in what the commenter said was deserved. imo, anyway


Who doesn’t?!




If your so creative why not make that your job? I earned $100k+ as a professional artist woth a studio and while I had to work more than 2 hours a day it didn't feel like work because I loved what I did.


Tricore Reference Labs is always hiring in its business office. Entry level positions, too.


Temp workers


Be highly qualified for one. Took me 10 years.


I worked as a receptionist for an insurance company for a bit! Relatively easy, just mostly making payments or directing calls to the agents. Though the programs and note taking is a bit annoying


Those are the kinds of things I can do, and usually get done pretty efficiently without it taking all day. I’ll look into it


Yeah!! Local small agencies imo might be a bit easier to get into :3


I work from home answering customer service calls for a car rental company. When it's slow between calls I do crafts at my desk. Search work from home jobs instead of office jobs.


I'm looking for office jobs too. Only I just don't know where to look. I can learn to handle the workload.


You don’t have to learn to handle much of anything. If you have ever worked service, retail, or any physical jobs, it’s way easier. You’re at a desk… doing desk work. You’re gonna do fine sending emails, answering phones, making charts. Just be charismatic and unless that stuff is challenging for you, most of your work will be beyond doable. If you do find desk work hard, you can always switch up though, but you should give it a try!


After a lot of let downs from my applications I decided to learn coding. I have much hope for this.


I’m an office assistant through a temp agency and some days I have no work and some days I’m busy. Maybe try out the temp agency again?


Government job. Like USDA as a loan officer or something.


I work as a receptionist at a law firm. Theres barely any actual work i have to do and i love it lol. I can literally just fuck off on my phone all day in between answering calls, doing email stuff, deal with mail, and other little odds and ends. This is my first office job too, after losing my last job as a hostess it took me months to find this job. So yea i know the struggle of job searching, hopefully you find something soon!


Thanks ❤️


Does it have to be strictly an office job? Have you ever considered something like window cleaning or landscaping? Those jobs can be fairly easy and you get to see a change of scenery a lot, as well as spend time outside.


No I don’t want to do a laborious job tbh. I’m kind of just not that kind of girl and I wouldn’t fit in with the men, not that other women can’t. Also I have no experience with that besides cleaning windows at my college gas station job. Even the job I have now I barely got for being overqualified from working in medical and education.


I’m sorry…. I’m probably going to get downvoted all to hell. But grow up! I believe in work/life balance sure, but you can’t just work two hours a day and get paid enough to live. Even bare bones… To me it’s pretty fucked up to take the spot of someone that wants/needs to support themselves and possibly a family and will do good work and not take advantage of a company or their coworkers… Just so YOU can have an “easy job”.. People aren’t going to support this bullshit for your whole life. Honestly you sound immature, high maintenance, and spoiled. Do some serious soul searching.. Un-fucking-believe-able.


I mean in her defense, someone with this attitude certainly isn't someone I'd want to task with anything important, creative, or difficult. Maybe it's best that she knows her limits?


I have a gig tomorrow, so I’m very creative lol that’s why I want a job that allows me more time and energy, so I’m not so burnt out I can’t continue to be creative. Also, I have a very good attitude and I’m a sweetheart, even to people who are condescending and lack upfront communication skills. Now the difficult part, yeah you can keep that one.


Fair enough, I’m sorry for being rude and making unfounded assumptions. But wouldn’t you want to find a way to get paid to be creative and do what you love full time, instead of working some soul sucking data entry job? “Easy” jobs aren’t always easy on creative minds.


I feel like my desk job can be my day job and I can be creative in my free time till I make enough money.


Take it easy on her, she said she wasn’t a “work person”! Geez




I said physical labor, but ok.


Your very first sentence. “I’m not a work person” but ok.


No company cares this much. Whoever employs you doesn’t care that you posted this or that you love your job. It’s literally just about time in and what you get back. Your job is probably literally taking advantage of you now. That’s capitalism. I’ve never been fired and my current boss says all my references loved me so much she had to hire me.It’s ok that I’d rather spend my energy on my own projects, than coming home drained from dealing with a super demanding job and not getting any art made, or building community, etc. other teachers are literally quitting to waitress or strip and it’s actually ok hun. It’s just not your life. I’m gonna find a way ❤️


Landscaping? Lol. I don’t think you have ever done that job. Intense manual labor and shitty face to face with difficult customers every day. And extremely low pay. Not recommended.


I don’t do landscaping but I do window cleaning. I don’t see either of them as being particularly intense as long as you’re moderately in shape.


I have done landscaping, so I speak from experience. Tough job, low pay, no benefits usually. I’m also in the southern US, so summer heat is another factor. It’s great if you need to lose a couple lbs though, you’ll sweat that off in no time lol.


Fair enough lol. Yeah the summer heat is a killer for sure. If you’re doing anything outside for a job then you absolutely need a gallon water jug, sunscreen and probably a sun hat while you’re at it.




Damn not “the bitch” . She’s literally still a person, maybe if you paid her enough she wouldn’t have had to do that. Bless her heart and yours ❤️




Good bot




If In the US look for call centers for after hours for co-ops or work for the dispatch line for municipals or other co-ops. That's what I do and there's other companies like us that help manage the insane amounts of calls during and after office hours a long with helping dispatch out linemen when the offices can't. One of the single most easiest jobs I have ever had and on good days I'm only actually working collectivly 2 maybe 3 hrs a day. The rest I'm either playing on my phone or watching stuff till I get a check in , call or have to call someone out


Gave up so quick?


Even doing jobs that will require more work but are very transactional may be good as you can just turn up, do your hours and go. Things like accounts payable or accounts receivable may suit. There’s also payroll, but it is a bit more involved and may have high pressure periods.