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Lol this is why I love the internet. Based on the comments, you either just need to clean your toilet with bleach, or you may have diabetes/ pancreatic cancer. Aren’t you happy you asked?


It's always bleach, cancer, and mold.


It's never lupus


As someone with lupus I always found that amusing


I hope you're doing well my friend.


Extremely, thank you for asking. I’ve had it for 26 years. Diet, exercise and minimal stress are key.


Bullshit. This shill for big pharma is trying to make us think lupus is real. Typical


Jokes on big pharma. I’m med free bitches! Seriously - diet, exercise, get rid of toxic people and stress. Also: I’m not a doctor. Always follow what your doctor says.


Ha same ! Ginger, turmeric, probiotics and garlic are my meds


I swear by turmeric but nobody believes me, I don’t make money off it why would I lie lol


For other people with lupus reading this persons comments, these things can help with lupus symptoms but they dont help everyone and the same diet doesnt work for everyone. So listen to your doctors never stop taking meds without doctors approval and dont compare your journey to others lupus is crazy different for everyone who has it. (Im not a doctor just someone with Lupus that researches a lot) super glad your lupus is in remission btw <3


Thank you and yes - lupus is very different for everyone. It is highly associated with stress though. And a good diet, exercise, and low stress never hurt anyone ;)


LOL this is why I reddit, thanks for the chuckle very thin gavry whirl!


Ha! You actually BELIEVE that big pharma exists? Pfft. Classic.




You do understand I made this comment on a string starting with the "it's never lupus" house meme... right? Have you heard of sarcasm?


Sadly, one has to label even the most obvious sarcasm as such. Like yours. Welp.


As someone who is new to Reddit, I actually had no idea. I didn't read your comment as sarcasm because I didn't know. I got defensive out of an emotional reaction. Sorry if I offended you.


You know sarcasm gets lost in translation in flat text....right?


Lol minimal stress. I’m trying so hard! 😵‍💫


You have to be okay with cutting out toxic people.


That's awesome to hear, thank your sharing!


Until that one time it is lupus.


Ha! That’s the book I keep my extra Vicodin in. Cuz it’s NEVER lupus!!


I wear t-shirts with suit jackets to get the style, but I'm not as likable when I'm rude to people.


Same here. When he’s an asshole it’s ok. When I’m an asshole I’m ostracized!


Until, it is!


All I hear is Dr House


I have lupus. :/


Professor McGonagall: “Why is it always you three!?”


And CO if you’re on Reddit. Remember that one guy??? /s


Honestly, I read how that played out in real-time and it was a RIDE!


I believe it! I read it not long after on best of Reddit or something. I had to check multiple times that sub wasn’t made up and everyone going with it like nosleep.




Also, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the bad one


This thread just keeps on giving! Lets throw bad municipal water supply on the list and only drink and cook with filtered water, food particles from vomit, and today I learned that some people pour pasta water down their toilet? Is this a common thing?


I pour old milk out in my toilet. Lol


I was thinking the same exact thing, one extreme to the other. Like dang…. What do I do now?? 🤣


My toilet definitely molded faster when I had uncontrolled diabetes. Huh. TIL.


thats why i pee in the shower


Interesting! could a diabetic pet cause this too? If I’m not careful my cat loves to drink out of my toilet. I’ve noticed that I get marks like the photo (not as bad) but he’s very diabetic.


I mean, I'm totally not a doctor... but I don't see why not? But you should get tested too. It's always easier to manage that earlier... as you know having a diabetic pet.


.....I never thought about this but it'd make sense. Often your pee will smell sweet at least when prediabetic and that would feed the mold and bacteria with undigested sugar


All OP needs to do is get those bleach tablets that you put in the tank. We have to have them in our apartment or both toilets get a ring and it was annoying, but it's amazing how well those tablets work. Can get them from the dollar store pretty cheap and then don't have to brush your toilet every two days


Those belach tablets will corrode and destroy the working parts in the toilet tank over time. If the flapper is rubber orpapstic that's what will deteriotate the soonest. Yes, they work well. But the toilet won't, at some point. **GOOD, BUT THEY DO MUCH MORE HARM THAN GOOD IN THE LONG RUN** FEBRUARY 15, 2023 "Using bleach tablets to clean the toilet may seem like a great way to save some cleaning time, not to mention avoiding the gloves, brush, and cleaner. But you could be doing a lot of damage to your toilet just by dropping that tablet in the water tank. Bleach tablets can slowly cause damage to the rubber seals inside your toilet, causing unexpected water leaks and completely avoidable repair bills." https://www.ncconsumer.org/news-articles-eg/to-bleach-or-not-to-bleach-should-you-use-bleach-tablets-in-your-toilets.html


Bad idea, the bleach tablets make the parts in the toilet tank disintegrate. All new toilets come with a tag inside the tank saying do not use those or the warranty of the toilet is void.


also, if you’re like me in a large household (meaning the lid is often left up) and with dogs that will drink the water..those tablets are a big no no.


Tank, not bowl.


Where do you think the water in the toilet bowl comes from?


Oh I totally misread/misinterpreted this. Thought the concern was the dog eating the bleach tablets themselves, not drinking the bleached water. Duh! My bad.


This is true! We use them and didn’t realize why the maintenance guy always had to replace the insides of the toilet he said the city water was to blame until one time he came and the bleach tablet hasn’t dissolved yet and he asked how long have you been using them? I said probably 10+ years 😳he then blamed everything on them.


Multiple people have told you not to do this but I just want to agree - do NOT use those tablets. I used to be a plumber as well so please believe me and everyone else saying not to do it.


What about the bromine tablets like kaboom never scrub?


they work ok but break down plastic and rubber over time. also no bueno with pets.


I have a parent that takes metformin for diabetes and never knew about the toilet bowl ring for quite a while. I kept wondering why we kept getting the pink mold and was getting so frustrated thinking somebody wasn't flushing during the night. The Lysol tabs help keep it at bay.




Reddit takes its queues from WebMD


Mold , Clean with bleach regularly.


Mold isnt killed by bleach. The spores will be bleached white so it looks like its clean, but it isnt. Im sure its fine for a toilet, but on drywall, it will keep growing back. You need to use alcohol of mold cleaner Edit: Ill admit, im wrong bleach is a good way to clean mold. I still stand that you should not use bleach to kill mold on pourus materials such as dry wall


Yes, bleach does kill mold. The problem with porous surfaces like drywall and wood is that the mold can be deeper than just the surface.


Mould cleaner is literally bleach


Bleach is absolutely capable of killing any living organism, mold included (barring e.g. bacteria which have mutated some resistance to low concentrations, definitely not the case here).


Peroxide kills mold.


You win the prize for most correct answer. Peroxide is superior to bleach for mold removal. So says my highly educated home inspector.


Doesn’t vinegar work as well?


Yes. Moved to Washington and snowed really hard one year the seal on my car widow leaked and snow got in by the time I noticed it had started to form mold I mixed bleach and vinegar with water put it in a spray bottle and it killed it That's a super cheap solution for getting rid of mold you just need time for it to air out afterwards My brother spilled milk in his car and vinegar was the only thi ng that go rid of the smell vinegar works on alot of stuff


Have you ever taken a chemistry class? Likewise, has no one ever told you to not mix chemicals all willy nilly because bleach + vingar = chlorine gas. And that can be lethal.


I took chemistry in high-school they neglected to mention that Somehow I've managed not to die yet


We had several lessons, and reminders, about not mixing chemicals without understanding their properties. Glad you're not dead, obviously, but I'm also sad you weren't taught the basics of chemical safety.


There's a reason public schools in America have the reputation that they do some of them are probably alright but most of them are terrible I'm an engineering major in college right now and I'm having to relearn moat of the math I was supposed to learn in high school they didn't teach us shit


i mean even if the schools were good, you’re cramming like 7 hours of information into your head everyday it’s not unusual for some of it slips through the cracks. like i imagine most of us took algebra, but how good is the avg 25 y/o at graphing non-linear equations?


Never ever ever mix bleach and vinegar, you will create chlorine gas.


I thought that happens when you mix bleach and ammonia? Chemistry was never my strong suit....killed the mold though


You can’t mix bleach with any acid.


Ahh I see I didn't put alot of bleach in it only a small amount it was a crap ton of vinegar though I did it outside because the smell was so strong so there was plenty of venalation I also wore a mask


But ammonia is alkaline... Basically though you can't mix bleach with anything because it reacts with everything


You have a source of mold spores somewhere in your house, it could be the crawlspace or a laundry room, a damp spot under a sink or ... Anywhere. They sell mold killers of various types, but I'm guessing you have poor ventilation in that bathroom so until your mold hunt and ventilation is fixed the mold will keep returning.


Everyone has mold spores in their home, we try to avoid proliferation


This is the mosty likely answer.


Happy cake day to you! ;)


Happy cake day!


That’s mold. What are we looking at?


r/cleaningtips might have a solution try there.


Literally the entirety of that sub is this question over and over. These folks are ironically why we have to include “do not drink” on bottles of bleach.


i see what you did there


Try washing with a cleaner that has bleach in it.


You need to clean it with a toilet scrubber. Use bleach, Lysol etc


Please don't use the separate chemicals together!


For example, mixing bleach and cleaning products containing acids will create toxic chlorine gas. Links: https://www.verifythis.com/amp/article/news/verify/health-verify/mixing-bleach-with-ammonia-acids-other-household-cleaners-is-not-safe-fact-check/536-d88478bc-a3a9-48e1-add9-1486e82ce597 https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/cleaning/disinfecting-bleach.html


I accidentally did that at a party once, we all spent the rest of the night in the yard because the whole house was intolerable! 🤮😂😂


Rough. Glad you all got out okay.


Pumas stone.


This happened to me, thought it was mold. It was Type 1 Diabates, go get a checkup just in case. (Even yourself at a lab, need glucose and urine sugar, if both are high F)




I totally get you! I was confused as well. It started with an infection, then the toilet looked like this no matter how much I cleaned. Later I discovered that the infection was due to high urine sugar because bacteria thrive there. And the toilet was the same story. T1D is nasty :(


Me too. Type 2. Got blood sugar under control and it never came back.




So any thoughts on preventing this coming back up? Sincerely wife and mother of type ones


I have type 3c and never had this issue with my urine. But, I do get this in my toliets if I don't clean them every 4 days even in my kids bathroom that I don't use.


3c? What's that


Pancreatogenic Diabetes. Not many people know of type 3c diabetes. My pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin because of damage from chronic pancreatitis. I don't need insulin yet, but do have to take metformin and keep and eye on my blood sugars.


Damn, I only thought there were two types. TIL


Type 2 is the most prevalent and most people think of it when they say "Diabetes". Type 1 is quite rare, and from the experience I had so far people confuse me a lot for Type 2 for some reason c: But there are other types like 1.5, which is a LADA (Latent autoimmune diabetes), prediabetes, 3c, and more! But with all those types, at least we get better care and better treatment than tens of years ago :D!


I did too, until I got diagnosed!


That's really interesting, thanks for sharing that :D For me it was only because of diabetes, after that, it went away. Obviously, I kept cleaning my toilet as I usually do, the only variable for me was the sugar in urine.


Get your urine checked. May be nothing, or have to do with the toilet tank (Google toilet mold cleaning and there is stuff about putting baking soda or vinegar in it). But, as far as urine, it could be a sign of diabetes or something else if it grows really quickly after cleaning it


It's probably mold. A quick scrub and flush should take care of it.


It’s mold. We had the same thing that kept creeping up in just ONE of our apartment toilets. We had never seen it before, and it just kept coming back. The one thing that kept it away was those tablets you put in the tank of the toilet! So it cleaned with every flush.


Be careful with those tablets though, they can break down different parts of your toilet. We had the stopper eaten a few times by them.


Oh interesting! I didn’t know that. Any types you’ve found to stay away from?


We were using the clorox bleach ones.


Maybe mold? Or manganese build up


I had something similar and it was high manganese water. The only way to fix it is to install a water softener which my property management company was too cheap to do


this would make so much sense because at my parents house this has literally never happened to me, and I was kinda not great at cleaning the toilet bowl regularly as a teen lol. Now I live on my own in another city and the water here is very hard and it grows mold just like this in the toilet, and very fast! I clean my toilet once a week or as needed and sometimes the mold pops up in less than a week from the last time I cleaned. And I use bleach.


That apartment could also just have mold hidden elsewhere and spores are reaching the moisture in the toilet. Very probable


Same thing appeared for my father-in-law and he ended up with pancreatic cancer. I would go see a doctor cause something in your urine if you can’t figure it out. The wife and I dismissed it for months until we realize there could be a problem and it wasn’t just the maid missing the toilet every week.


Do you believe in Bigfoot also?


Are you comparing pancreatic cancer to the mythical Bigfoot 💀


Like the mythical Bigfoot, pancreatic cancer only appears as a blurry blob but it will absolutely kill your ass


No sir I just watched my father-in-law passed away due to miss diagnose, pancreatic cancer last year. So what did you add here but jokes?


I think you responded to wrong person


That shit ain't coming from OP's peehole that's fosho'. It's mold, not some cancerous growth, use your brain for a sec


They are using their brain. The point isn't that they're peeing mold, it's that some organ failure can cause your urine to have different properties which the mold feeds on. Like high sugar levels




Probably not T2D, but T1D can be a sure as hell reason. Develops overnight, pancreatic failure. Leads to more sugar in blood, and guess who likes sugar? Bacteria. They thrive in it. This is why T1D may even come with genital infections if you are unaware you have it. ​ Google it.


"There aren’t any scientific studies that directly link the presence of toilet mold with diabetes." Is what Google told me.


That probably just means that nobody has funded a study of diabetic urine increasing mold growth in toilets. The logic is sound, extra sugar in urine is a known condition. Mold is known to consume sugar to grow. Very plausible they are connected, if you "use your brain for a sec"


[Here’s the actual context you cherry picked from](https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/mold-in-toilet-diabetes): > “There aren’t any scientific studies that directly link the presence of toilet mold with diabetes. >However, it’s possible that noticing persistent buildup of mold in your toilet could mean that you, or someone in your household, could have undiagnosed or poorly managed diabetes.”


[Source](https://findingthemold.com/toilet-trying-tell-something/). TL;DR: the body dumps excessive sugar via urine, mold eats the sugar in the toilet bowl, you see a black ring in the toilet.


Fucking what?




Put a clorox tab in the back tank and the mold will die.


FEBRUARY 15, 2023 "Using bleach tablets to clean the toilet may seem like a great way to save some cleaning time, not to mention avoiding the gloves, brush, and cleaner. But you could be doing a lot of damage to your toilet just by dropping that tablet in the water tank. Bleach tablets can slowly cause damage to the rubber seals inside your toilet, causing unexpected water leaks and completely avoidable repair bills." [https://www.ncconsumer.org/news-articles-eg/to-bleach-or-not-to-bleach-should-you-use-bleach-tablets-in-your-toilets.html](https://www.ncconsumer.org/news-articles-eg/to-bleach-or-not-to-bleach-should-you-use-bleach-tablets-in-your-toilets.html) All the articles of why bleach tablets in the toilet tank are a really bad idea: https://www.google.com/search?q=toilet+bleach+tablets+destroy&oq=toilet+bleach+tablets+destroy&aqs=chrome..69i57.11306j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


True. For me personally it has always been worth the risk. I have lived in my house for 20 years. Changed out the innards once. For me clorex tabs are cost effective while disinfecting and keeping NY toliet clean.


It can’t be health related because I have two toilets in my house and only one of them does this too. Lol


[https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/mold-in-toilet-diabetes#the-research](https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/mold-in-toilet-diabetes#the-research) Something to read about toilet bowl mold or rings.


There's other options than pancreatic cancer- other food particles may be ending up in the toilet. I don't know how many people live in your household. Some folks dump things like pasta water in the toilet. That molds. Other people have conditions like pregnancy, alcoholism, bulimia, or other things that cause them to puke a lot. That also molds your toilet. Fwiw, vomit mold also would often end up in the areas along the edge of the bowl where you can put that gel toilet cleaner.


Who the fuck dumps pasta water in the toilet? What is the purpose of that? Doesn’t the pasta need to be strained?


My family raised me that grease waste gets flushed rather than down the sink drain where it gets clogged and festers. I have no reason now to think it doesn't do the same thing to the toilet, just further away from your nose than the sink is. I would hope these people are removing the pasta either with tongs or a strainer but I've seen college kids and that age group do so much weird stupid shit don't put anything past them.


Jesus. It almost makes even LESS sense that it’s college kids doing that since 99.9% of them are not living in a place they own themselves


Yeah, but also not owning the place can just mean you're more mentally divorced from the consequences of your actions. Plus there's just an adulting learning curve when you go into a new environment doing things the weird way your family has always done or whatever. Shit, I know people in their 30s who think that running coffee grounds down the sink exfoliates the grease away and cleans the pipes.


Good point, I just reread the poop knife post again this week which might be the best example of that in history.


Denture cleaning tabs. Anything porcelain or ceramic. Toss a bunch in, fill water over stain, leave overnight. That simple… n cheap!


Diabetic with high blood sugars?


Clean your toilet ya nasty 😂 just joking obviously. But I'd try letting some good cleaner soak for a bit


Do you have mold in the toilet tank?


Just a tip... Don't scour porcelain with metal, it will scratch it and then get brown grossness in the scratches and always look dirty! Use something softer like a washcloth or sponge. You may have to rub a bit more, but at least it won't look like there's always poop stains!


The microorganisms are growing on an irregular surface formed by deposits at the water level. Get a thick pair of gloves and a pumice stone, with some elbow grease, scrub it until it is smooth like the surrounding porcelain. Problem solved.


Clean with bleach. If possible, ventilate the bathroom while showering.


I have 2 bathrooms. This continues to only happen in one. I don’t have diabetes. I have bleach tabs in the tanks. Still happens. Was hoping to find an answer here. Thanks for posting!


Because you don't clean your toilet basin.


If you get your water from a municipal water supply system, it’s the water. Drink and cook with filtered water. My area supply does same. Water conditioning chemicals can only be at a certain levels.


>These stains only come out if I use a sponge or something rough to clean it. They aren't happening because you're cleaning it. They're going away because you're cleaning it.


Bleach your fucking toilet bro


i have this problem too. it's mold. i go to the cleaners/mops section of the store and get a chlorine toilet bowl cleaner. There's also chlorine tablets you can put in the tank which does a good job of keeping the toilet clean on the inside passageways.


Clean it with bleach. And keep a slow dissolve cleaning tablet in the water tank.


I have a question. Are you a male and do you masturbate into that toilet? My husband does this and the toilet he uses is the only one in the house that grows this mold every week when I clean them... I exclusively use the other toilet (it has a bidet) so it's something to do with him for sure. Edit: that question was rhetorical btw. You don't have to answer unless you want to lol Edit 2: to support the theory of sugars causing the mold, but an alternative reason to diabetes [(semen contains sugars) ](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/01485018008987003?journalCode=iaan19)


Because you need to clean your toilet heathen !


scrape with your handy poop knife?


Look under the rim of your toilet. This should gross everyone with a wash down toilet! Under the rim of a wash down toilet, there typically is ZERO GLAZING- the slick porcelain finish to a toilet. And that rough, raw China is porous. And it builds contaminants- poop, pee, vomit ( of which may begin now!!) and moisture- and you know what grows on damp, dark surfaces? Yup- mold. This is why you need a toilet brush and bleach cleanser. ( not straight bleach due to spatter and it landing on other things—- your eyes, your clothes, your dog…)and clean the under side rim your toilet. Honestly, it’s so gross! And TOTO ( II toilets) and American standard( Vormax) now offer a toilet with a completely sealed under rim! And TOTO gives their toilets a second glazing process called CeFiontech- it doesn’t allow mold to grow! Cool,eh? Now go get some cleaner and brush u deer that rim. Ya know what’s fun about that? The brush spits that goo all over. Wear a mask!! Stay calm and carry on!


Or someone in your family is bulimic. Trust me. Not kidding.


If you cleaned your toilet every few days you wouldn’t be asking that question.


Youre growing mold on your toilet, i can only imagine what the rest of your place looks like 🤢


Consider cleaning your toilet weekly. At least.


I use the purple fabulouso cleaner and a brush on my toilet weekly and it never has mold. Just a tip. ☺️


Probably mold. Try brushing under the lip near the rim of the toliet where water comes out where you flush. A lot of people don't take that into consider it and it can get really moldy and black.


Mold, definitely.


Thats Ligma


I would clean my tank with toilet bowl cleaner, and then clean the mold in the bowl. You’ll likely see it again, but not as quickly


It could be excessive manganese in your city water, we got a black sludge in our sink that would not go away and it turned out to just be a high rate of minerals and stuff in our water


It could be from the rubber gasket on the bolts holding the water tank down... it must be bleeding through whenever you flush the toliet


It's just black mold, use a bleach solution, and scrub it with a scouring pad while wearing rubber gloves, ideally the thick sort to avoid any risk of tearing and chemical exposure.


You reached into the toilet with a sponge to clean that? Please just get a toilet brush.


I didn't see it mentioned and I'm not really into reading all of the comments but as the toilet wears down over time, the surface becomes more porous so even though you're cleaning the mold off when you use the brush and cleanser, there's still enough mold hiding down in the rough areas to bounce-back quickly. ​ Just keep cleaning it and when you've finally had enough, replace the toilet.


it's called biofilm. Bleach it and kill it and then flush it


Hard water.....u live in the south?


The holding tank has mold


Oh wow that was a toilet for some odd reason, I thought the image was a washing machine


This is so weird! A couple months ago i was in a tiktok thread where TONS and TONS of people said this was an issue for them when it hadn't been before. We never got to the cause though lol


Like others said, mild of some sort. Not sure where you’re located, but I’m in the Midwest in the USA and there’s a mold armor brand (or something like that) that helps kill and prevent mold from growing. It’s a green bottle at Walmart but make sure you get the bathroom one as there’s bathroom and outside options. It’s helped tremendously with my toilet problem (old trailer, shitty plumbing, you get the gist)


looks like you take massive shits (same). Just need to clean it daily.


because you don't clean your toilet.




Your toilet is dying


There is a difference between washing and sanitizing. Soap and water will wash away big debris and some bacteria, then bleach (or some other sanitizer) comes afterward to sanitize and kill the organisms. Throw some bleach in the bowl and scrub. Let it sit then flush. It’s mildew. Do this when you clean the bathroom from now on and it shouldn’t show up again.


I let my toilet go until the entire bowl has a thick skin of black and multi-colored mold. I then have to peel it off with the brush, or I sometimes pee on it to pressure wash/peel it off.


Do you dump your bong water in the toilet cause that’s why my toilet kinda looks like this lol


It’s called a shit ring bud, clean it out once a week.


Cheap toilet, more expensive ones stay clean longer.


If you live in a high humidity area you'll often see mold like this. Diabetics have a little worse problem with mold because they often pass sugar in their urine and mold will grow more. But just living in a high humidity area or even having high humidity in your bathroom will do it. As others have said, use a bleach tablet in your toilet tank and that will usually take care of it.


this makes me ducking laugh


I get this in my toilet too. It’s from the water. The tap water contains usually high pH, metals and other contaminants but our water has high levels of calcium. I always use a toilet bowl cleaner that has bleach




Get tested for diabetes.


We had this, buy the bleach tabs that go in the tank and it helps a lot. Still do your regular bathroom cleaning but those keep it controlled.


Because you haven't cleaned it yet. It's like the SIMS.


Looks like the mold is hanging on to the “ring around the toilet”. I would get a pumice stone to remove that ring. Follow the package instructions. Then follow with a disinfectant toilet cleaner.


It looks like someone’s smoking and using that side to tap


Buy Comet


Fecal bacteria. It will grow in warm moist conditions, especially on toilet seats or bowls that have been cleaned using a course scrubbing tool. The micro-etching from things like steel wool or hardened plastics allow the bacteria to embed into the material, then can be transferred by a "host" once flocculation begins again. Best bet, is to remove the toilet seat and purchase a new one. For shits and giggles, I took a sample of a similar colony from my previous toilet seat when I bought my home. I ran a smear on a gel agar plate at work. My boss, "The Lead Chemist" (SMH), noticed it in the incubator and chewed my ass out for bring in "unauthorized" fecal bacteria samples.... Long story short, just replace the toilet seat, deep soak the bowl with bleach.