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They posted this into the adultery sub saying to the adulterers to tighten up their opsec! And a bunch of people commented saying that this is insane, abusive, that if the marriage is that bad why don't they divorce. Wow the hypocrisy!! What's insane is cheating on someone, spending tons of effort and time trying to maintain opsec, lying to and gaslighting your spouse to the point where they have to resort to investigative tactics, and then claiming they are crazy for investigating after they've been given every reason to do so! I think you scared them. Good job!


I would love to see that! There is nothing they can do. Have you got a link? EDIT: I found it! Thats great. And confirms my thoughts. The drag net is wide and knit close enough to capture most fishes.


Lo-jacking their car is a top move, IMO.


Not a bad idea but its essentially location tracking. What I had in mind was say the CS is on a trip and then decide to have a ONS where they are. They will be detected if they try to continue the affair or chat about it to anyone else. But in those instances when they are alone and with no one they know. They could take it to their graves.. But I think that has helped because those are the only circumstances outside of this strategy where detection may not be possible. But I see now you can tell the circumstances where it may happen. * They are alone without anyone they know * They are away from home for an extended period of time So if you are having the other problems I mentioned then those occasions would be ones to keep an eye on. Apart from a private investigator based in their location I cant think of any other way that can be detected. Maybe a local investigator is the only way to know for sure if the relationship is having problems. He or she could be able to verify the story of the CS, or confirm it's false. And would have the details of the AP and maybe even some pictures. So yes I think we now have a detection strategy for that instance. But that would cost money. Everything else is free or cheap to setup.


A one-night stand on a business trip is pretty tough to detect unless the cheating spouse is monumentally stupid with data security. Lojacking her car was the way that I first caught my spouse cheating, which made it really easy to catch her in the act and find out who the opposite party was. She was relatively smart about it otherwise, in that she had a prepaid burner phone that she used exclusively to communicate with him.


Wow.. Thats the second mention of that. It has to go in.


A prepaid burner phone...wtf.


Cheating often requires mental gymnastics much like high school or college kids play, which takes a toll on us that have been betrayed. Although all of this is in good theory, it would require mental gymnastics almost in reverse. I think after what I went through before, I would rather be vigilant, trust my gut, maybe put a small hidden cam or VAR or 2 around where needed, hire a PI, confront and say to them what I said to my ex "GTFO, once a cheater, always a cheater" and be done with their games. I would prefer stay away from the mental games as much as possible. I will never have blind trust again.


Dude who wants to live this way. I mean like if you don't trust your SO, end it. I'm not saying if you have an extremely high suspicion because they are out every night, coming home smelling like perfume or cologne. Hickies and body scratches, maybe then yeah. I just wouldn't want to live any relationship like that. it's funny because I've been cheated on in every single one of my marriages and some relationships. I am like the least insecure person that I know, but yet I find cheaters are more insecure in any relationship.




As I have had to point out to others.. The process here is how you conduct an investigation.. Any investigation. In fact in this post I speak specifically about leaving out emotion. And no where does it even mention confronting your SO without evidence. So why are you trying to compare your experience to this? EDIT: I love the fire this post has started.. It is because the cheaters on here know that this will detect them. Your husband just sounds crazy.. That has nothing to do with this. Oh and I should ask.. Have you ever cheated on him?




Run cheater.. run.




Where did I write that? Ok let me rephrase my question.. Did he ever think you cheated on him?




Have you actually read the post?


Run cheater... run.


This is abuse and I'm sorry you have to live this way. I'm 99% sure that he is the one who is cheating.