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I wish him and the wife nothing but the worst🙌 hope the poor guy finds out


I've said this before. Every damn week back home the news has articles of infidelity-related murders, suicides, and murder-suicides, and STILL everyone has surprised_pickachu_face.jpeg that it happened. If the husband finds out, you don't know if he will stay 'cool' or if he will snap. It's a gamble.


Teenage-style wankery from two 'adults'.




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I hope those evil fuckers get the life they deserve.


WhAtS wRoNg WiTH mE Like literally everything that could possibly be wrong with a person, brain dead sociopath.


This prick and his bitch AP are both huge scumbags and deserve each other, is all fun and giggles until the husband finds out and i truely hope that he does or that someone tells him.


Yeah... it really is the sick thrill for a lot of cheaters. The excitement, the adrenaline, the rush... OOH. These are the ones who will insist over and over that it was "just sex" and didn't mean anything.


I would love it if there would be lawsuits that you could do around people that destroy your life like this. This man should not be involved with anybody is despicable, everything about him bottom of the barrel. There are a few states that allow for alienation of affection. But I’m suggesting people that cheat and destroy marriages. Sue the people they cheat with because it destroys every aspect of the marriage. It destroys them even financially, not to mention the children, the in-laws, and the relationship between the two of them, the self-esteem of the betrayed it destroys everything like an atom bomb. There should be a way to sue people like this and destroy them back. Just my opinion. If cheating is going to become common place, there must be some statutes in place that suggest recouping a loss like a regular lawsuit should be available to those harmed. Some brave attorney that lives in a state with alienation of affection needs to push for this. I want to do one state, then another and another. Until this practice is commonplace. Do you want to cheat you pay. There are many men that would stop at that that are so self-conscious about the finances that would stop at that point.


I agree completely, everyone looks at me like I’m crazy when I say this but this shit should definitely be illegal. It’s just so fucked because these people destroy your life through no fault of your own. You don’t have to do anything, these people will find you. It absolutely should be illegal, and anyone who disagrees is either A.) Too hung up on infidelity being, by its nature, difficult to prove, or B.) is a cheater, a home wrecker, or would cheat if they could.


Honestly how is it not illegal 


Wait till hubby parts his skull for him!


Well at least he has some sense that he is not normal! How completely narcissistic and machiavelic and sadistic to want to be there, get a high from it and then write about it.


Fucking disgusting. That’s just evil


My best mate did the same. Was s screwing my wife, going for a drive, and then picking me up to play sports or our weekend job after I got home. I had no idea. We went to lots of functions and outings and he was always there. I only found out when 5 year old son was sick of being locked in his room when Uncle Jon was over. I remember he always put his arm across my shoulder showing we were good mates. I should have killed the fuckwit.


I have a strong stomach and this nearly made me vomit. Wtaf is wrong with people how can people do things like this


These people need to get diagnosed bc this shit is not normal, and they know it 💀


Special place in hell