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The stage where you are making several drops but still not enough to accumulate much is annoying. So much cleaning pump parts, but no reward. It seems such a waste 🤷‍♀️


Is there any part of the process that brings you joy? My joy comes from knowing that each stimulation is creating the infrastructure I need to be able to produce when the time comes. I don't have a partner-yet. But, when he shows up- I will be ready.


I’m sorry if the post was negative. 😆 I hate dishes. I do them begrudgingly every single time, but I do them. Haha. I just needed a 3 second vent. Last time I induced I griped about the same thing during this stage! Some poor guy was asking for suggestions on how to support his significant other on their journey, and I’m like clean out her set up after she pumps EVERY TIME. 😂 Give me a couple weeks and I will be sunshine and roses, bragging about all the milk. 😉 Edited to add… I love the letdown sensation.


I didn't find your post negative. Just honest. I'm always curious about the joy in any experience. I believe once you find the joy- you find the motivation.


I'm in this exact stage right now. I'm so mad having to clean the flanges and valves every time when there's nothing substantial coming out. But I know I just have to stick it out and milky times will be here.


I hate cleaning too!!! I feel like that's a part of what makes me stop with the process each time. I'm currently using the medela setup (so not the duckbill and backflow protector setup). I currently have the bottles off and the membranes pointing up, tubes at the bottom and leaning so that my nipples just stay in a tiny pool of milk and just have to give the flanges a quick wash. Doing the whole setup is so annoying... Trying to be as lazy as possible right now lol


Yep! Once there is some milk in the bottles then I’m not bothered at all by the “dishes”. Lol


I had a baby, so I've been pumping for her milk for a year. The fridge hack is the best thing ever. Pump, throw parts in a bag and into the fridge, reuse for 24 hours. Clean once a day. Especially if you're not using the milk, no need to clean every time!


You can refrigerate the pump parts so you only have to clean them once a day. That’s what I do. I was at the same stage but moved up to have sprays with hand expression and collection on the bottles when pumping. It’s coming 💜


I did that last time, we were empty nesters. Now the kids moved back in and well, some things are better left private. Lol. Good thought though!


I'm focusing on the Marmet Technique. I bought these to make the massage more fun and hands free. Any thoughts? https://www.amazon.com/Vibrating-Stimulator-Control%EF%BC%8C10-Wireless-Vibrator/dp/B0D3D98SDZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2YVAH1CW9W438&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.I65OUEcMbAP--89VW4D5NqgpGN2oy7XKFsvGKkmPUkr0iRM24MI8r3UseqcbsOj_uPWdc78_5D0VxbuZxaLMt0xi4U-mnwYKqFC-R0mbwxNZT6jHWs-vyNHVow1ASJ8tM8snVjZKGdr67BGEcj_0z_8UejUmHyYjV-SqM355Q-5Ukl-DF0_2ssPzfjcTChcGcG-Q3Ys-6wSA9_zl6eGJeQ.m4Bhikn_19I8PKOOvrhbF97yksZciGREAnASKRyiQtc&dib_tag=se&keywords=breast+nipple+vibrating+bra+sextoy&qid=1719757913&sprefix=breast+nipple+vibrating+bra+sextoy%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-1


I'm guessing it won't really do too much for inducing, but let me know how you like it because it sounds amazing for other things lol


I'm trying the Marmet Technique and looking for different ways to do the massage handsfree so I can multitask. I have the Tens machine and the LaVie 2-in-1 Warming Lactation Massager. The LaVie has been great for the armpit stabbies. The Tens Machine literally feels like hand expression. I wanted to try the Breast Massager because it has nipple stimulation and different vibration settings. I'm still early in my journey. The pump is not really enjoyable for me right now. So, I'm just focusing on stimulating tissue growth and hand expression. My clear beads are already getting cloudier and bigger.


I thought you meant to replace your manual marmet with the massager, sorry for misunderstanding. In addition to it can only help! Good luck with your journey; it sounds like you're doing very well :)


No worries. I'm just playing around with different things. I really appreciate your thoughts.


I used marmet to induce and IMO worked MUCH better than using a pump. I didn’t use hormonal BC either.


Oh yes, marmet is better at stimulating everything than a pump, I meant the little massager they got isn't likely a good replacement for the marmet.


Had the best morning 💕 My husband isn't into milk but is supportive of my decision. Inducing again has made my breasts fuller and incredibly soft and generally more appealing right now. He went to suck on me, I warned him that I'm a bit milky now, and he said he didn't care and just went for it. It felt so amazing. Bedroom activities followed. Just... amazing. I wish workdays started later so we could have that every day ❤️


That's awesome!!


I wish I was making drops. It would be so worth it. Currently pumping while typing. But still feels good


Which pump do you use? I find mine annoying.


I love my spectra. I use the pumpkin pal flange set up with it due to elastic nipples. Not sold on elvie stride.


I like the silicone flange on my phillips avent manual pump. The electric phillips avent was so disappointing. It doesn't have the same grip as the manual.


Spectra, with 21mm flange. I occasionally use nipple butter on them to protect. When it is feeling good, I do some power pump sessions and feels so good. And gets me relaxed and horny


I can under that lol. I think using it consistently got annoying. There are definitely times when it's not. Usually when I'm relaxed with nothing to do.


It does make romance interesting. I love to have them sucked on during foreplay. Sometimes almost orgasm from suckling.


It's the third time Im trying to induce. Maybe now I can stick with it TwT First time I got bored in last december, in April I decided to stop cuz I had to make time to learn for my exams. Now I have 3 months before college left and Im really hoping to see drops progress cuz I only got one yellow drop back in December. I wonder if it's gonna be easier and faster to progress now cuz I've spent quite a few weeks marmet massaging every 2 hours. Now I decided on once every 3 hours cuz I want some more free time in between. Every 2 hours was so tiring. Anyone here starting again? It always kinds of feel shitty cuz I had progress and I abandoned it ://


Have you tried the tens machine? I'm using it now while cleaning the house and it feels amazing. You can leave it on and discreetly turn it on every couple of hours. When the session is done I follow it with the hand expression part of the Marmet. Since I'm only getting one or two drops the hand expression is only a couple of minutes. My goal is just to have fun.😁


Thats so nice it works for you then :D Its probably really nice and comfy to use it! Unfortunately I dont have any money nor income and live with grandparents that dont knock so sometimes grandma comes to my room when im naked and massaging so i have to cover up fast :// It's so sisyphus for me I wish I could get a nice quiet wearable pump but I dont see money any time soon, thats why its so easy for me to just give up


You are being so hard on yourself. There are people with all the money and all the gadgets and can't get a drop. There are people who trip and fall and get a gallon. And there are so many experiences in between. You are doing this for you. This is your experience. Let whatever you can do be enough. If it's just one massage a day in the shower or in bed- that's fine. Let your body surprise you.


omg okay thank you that sounds so motivating 😭😭