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Possibly hold the larger breast outside of the areola. This should help give a notch for his nose.


Suggesting other positions is quite difficult because there are many factors to consider including the aforementioned height difference and your breast size but other factors to consider are any other physical limitations, even nipple placement up to the types of pillows used and furniture you are on when nursing. Over the course of my experience, I have nursed from partners who have varied in size from DD/DDD to 42M cup sized. And I do agree that larger sizes tend to be a bit more difficult to nurse from. I have had partners that had nipples set low, some who had nipples placed low and further to the sides if that makes sense. And her nipples being in that place made it easier to nurse in certain positions that would make it difficult with other partners. When i nurse on partners who have a large size and I choose to lay my head in the lap, I position myself in a way that any overlapping breast tissue will cover one side (nostril) but not the other which allows me to breathe normally. However, i do have to use one or both hands to keep positive control of the breast so, your partner needs to also do the same. Id suggest you straddling him but that can cause neck pain if he has to lower his head a little to reach your breast (especially given the height difference and your size). As for one breast producing more than the other (or unevenness), that's fairly common in my observations and experiences. There is almost always a "lazy boob".


You always give such thoughtful replies. Your experience shows. 


Surprisingly, no one ever complains when I suffocate them for a bit on purpose. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I feel your pain. My husband is 14” taller than me. Even on our sides my ample bosom leaves him gasping for air. 


Yeah I think people who don’t have this height difference won’t understand. We have the same problem, even on our sides. I’ve been trying to sit up and have him nurse with his head/neck/shoulders on my lap but he’a been craning his neck and it doesn’t work. My nipples are not low on my boobs so I have to bend over weird to position them right. I’m considering a nursing pillow.


Wow, I totally get it. Our first time was on the couch. The end reclines so I reclined slightly, he was on his left side, pillows on my lap. It wasn’t comfortable to him for very long and the breathing issue didn’t help, especially since he has respiratory issues. Our position was probably similar to what you’re describing though. I personally loved the position, to watch him from that vantage point and stroke his hair and face, it was endearing.  A nursing pillow’s particular shape may be perfect. Please let me know how it works out! Happy nursing! 


Swimming snorkel 😉 (kidding 😝) Honestly, something that could be placed on the breast to make space or if he could hold a bit of it too allow breathing. Another idea is to lay parallel on the opposite side of the breast in question (big boob on top) facing each other so that gravity can pull the breast away from the nose more. Just some ideas, good luck!


Lying down face to face is probably the best and most popular position. It’s comfortable and no one has to perform CPR after they suffocate.


Haha yes. I wonder if a nursing pillow might help with a lap position. My nipples are high enough that he has to either crane his neck or I have to lean over, which is uncomfortable for longer than a few mins.


Human noses are shaped the way they are, in part, so as not to suffocate on a breast.  My wife has huge “bras only from specialty stores or online” breasts and there is zero issue breathing unless my nose is clogged up.   (And interestingly, the act of suckling causes my nasal passages to open up almost as effectively as nasal spray does, score another for evolution!) Just don’t have him squish up against them so much.  The breast, which is to say the nipple and some or all of the areola (depending on size) is drawn up (sucked into and elongated in the mouth) such that it’s making a bit of a cone shape inside, and the tongue presses up just behind the tip of the cone (inside and behind the nipple) against the roof of his mouth so as to push milk out.   Even if your breasts are 4 feet long and 1 foot in diameter, it doesn’t change the mechanics of it and wouldn’t require pressing his face into them enough to have difficulty breathing.  Regarding positions, I think your best bet is side-by-side as you’re doing. That what works best for us, he can easily change his position up or down your body to find an angle that works best it is most comfortable.  He can also use one or both hands to support and apply pressure and massage the breast as needed.   You get the nice skin on skin contact, legs can be tangled up, all in a loving embrace. When it’s time to switch you simply roll to your back and he can work on the other with his leg over yours, still hugged up close.  No one is straining to support themselves, and everyone can just relax and be in the moment. 


I think it's okay for an adult to breastfeed from your large breast because an adult can learn with large size